dick-meister · 4 days
The so-called "great" Adam—how far you have fallen from the pedestal you once occupied. It wasn't just the loss of your friends that marked your descent; it was their betrayal, the very ones you trusted, who turned their backs on you when you needed them most. They whispered lies behind closed doors, plotting your undoing while you remained blissfully unaware, believing in their loyalty. How utterly naive you were, thinking your charm could shield you from the treachery that lurked in the shadows of your life.
Each moment of betrayal cut deeper than a knife, revealing the truth of your loneliness. They laughed at your expense, relishing the thrill of your downfall, while you stood there, oblivious to the storm brewing within your circle. You had once thought yourself invincible, a shining beacon among mere mortals, but now you were reduced to a mere echo of who you used to be. The laughter that once surrounded you now turned to silence, leaving only the hollow sound of your own regrets ringing in your ears.
And in your darkest hours, you looked up, hoping for a sign, a flicker of divine intervention. But even God, it seemed, had turned His gaze away from you, leaving you stranded in the desolation of your own making. The heavens, once so promising, now felt like a mocking void. Your prayers were swallowed by the emptiness, a stark reminder that even the mightiest can fall. The very fabric of your being unraveled as you realized that your worth was now but a distant memory, a shadow of the greatness you once embodied.
In this moment of reckoning, as you grappled with the weight of your failures, it became clear: you were no longer worthy of the name you bore. The legacy of Adam had become a tragic tale of loss and betrayal, a cautionary story of hubris. You were left with nothing but the haunting whispers of your past, a reminder that greatness is fleeting, and sometimes, it takes the deepest wounds to expose the truth of who you truly are.
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The First Man, the Little Gardener, God’s Son. There is indeed a pedestal that one is forced to stand upon with such titles. How is it that with such a destined life of greatness that the Gardener will only come to know shame, humiliation and rage? Eden, the perfect garden, all for him and his wife. Perfect grass, weather and happiness.
But that wasn’t enough was it? No, she needed more and Adam? He feared his father to disobey and soon, his first loss. His second comes in the form of his rib, remade into a woman. Perfection, beautiful, made for him… Yet he would be blamed for her existence time and time again, wouldn’t he? It didn’t matter the love they had, the trials they faced, what he had done for her up until the apple was bit.
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His third loss, Eden itself. Banished to Earth, cast out much like his ex-wife and the Angel he once called his best friend. But he still had Eve, he always had Eve… His fourth loss, Abel. To the hands of his own first born, Cain. To which he had to fix, the responsibility resided on his shoulders, it always did. Time and time again he fails.
A Gardner, a Husband, a Father.
Domino’s continue to fall, becoming a leader of humanity for a short time. The loss of Eve weighs heavily on him and he does what he can to remain hopeful until the day he dies, alone in a home he had built with his first borns.
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Heaven. A home promised to him, but this was not his home, this was not his paradise. He begs for them to send him back to Eden, that was his happiness. No, he is destined for duty here.
That pedestal cracks once more, breaking under failures and pressure that has become atlas levels of heavy. But he is forced to move on. Alone. His sons hate him, Eve is no where to be seen. The family he had come to know and love, that he leaned on after his home was ripped from him, was destroyed below that pedestal he stood upon.
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Exterminations, so early on in his afterlife. Overpopulation was a concern and he proposed the worst. This was his responsibility. Failing to keep sin out of the Garden. Bringing in the first murderer to Earth. He grows cold, Uncaring and surrounds himself with yes men. How else was he to cope with so many who told him facts he already knew? Reminded each day of his failures over and over.
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The mask is made, something for the sinners to be scared of, something for him to hide behind. No one could hurt him if he didn’t show himself. The mask makes the afterlife bearable, even if he has become something he isn’t. Adam allowed those failures to consume him, to control who he was until he was his worst self. He was drowning and everyone laughed as he sank to the bottom.
And the bottom is where he lives, for so long, if this was the destiny he was given then he would flip off the one who gave it to him. If he was damned to be alone then so be it, so what if he was a little selfish? Short tempered? He treated everyone how he himself had been treated. Except, they would all be spared the pain of not being him. Being granted new titles in ways to hurt him.
First divorced, First to fail god, First to watch his loved ones to leave him.
As much as he tried to play it off, he could never shake the failures nor the blame that soon became twisted in the favor of those who left him. It only served to allow him to drown that much more, being ever so secure behind that mask of his to the point where taking it off felt like a sin upon itself.
His face, not even to himself, would be seen by anyone for eons. That was till…
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Pain. Brutal, unforgiving pain by the very creations that he had allowed to be made. It’s true, in his final moments, even god himself had turned a blind eye to his son. His little Gardener. The pedestal shatters and what lies in the debris is nothing but a man who would leave behind a name belonging to a villain. Someone who wasn’t willing to listen, someone who had learned humility too late, someone who had refused to learn, forgive, let go.
In the final moments of the First Man, there isn’t much that comes to his mind. What he hears isn’t the sound of his second in command screaming his name, but how the wind in this moment, brushed past his ears in a way that reminded him of that place once again. His one gift that he is given, is to be let go with the thoughts of his Paradise being the last thing he gets to think of and maybe… Wherever he is headed next, he would find himself among the brushes and ferns of perfection, working once again in peace and solitude.
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Just as he was created to be.
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kharrneth · 3 months
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A more Physical graph of khornate aspects and associations. Primarily intended to be used for Character Creation, since Khornate Characters can be pretty one-note despite having a pretty broad (and even contradictory) range of aspects that produce interesting combinations of characters. Hopefully, with this graph, some variety can be made.
The first ring of course of are common Khornate themes that almost all followers share.
The second are not as readily associated with Khorne as the first, but there is a case to be made for their inclusion.
And the third ring is for more tertiary traits, not seen readily and more case by case than the broad rules.
Might use this to create characters! + This.
Ring 1 ( d15) x 4
Ring 2 (d22) x 3
Ring 3 (d15) x 1 + Free Pick
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indie private peter parker/spiderman from various sources (comics, shows, mcu, etc.)
written by robin
rules / about / blog
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skxrbrand · 5 months
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silentchamp · 1 year
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His full name is Red Suzuki.
He was born Feburary 27th, 1993. An intense blizzard happened to hit Kanto that very same day.
Red's background is Japanese/Chinese. His Chinese background comes from his father. (Using real world equivalents here for the sake of clarity.)
He took care of Team Rocket during his journey alongside assistance from Blue and Leaf. Some petty rocket grunts are responsible for him losing his first ever trainer hat.
Red officially held the champion title for at least five years before retiring it. It's speculated he disliked the attention. He would later spend multiple summers attending and taking care of the Battle Tree. After leaving Mt. Silver at the age of 17, he would attend the PWT twice--the first, just a week after coming down from the mountain, and the second a year later.
Red is an expert in navigation and hiking. He spends a majority of his time outdoors. He has charted Mt. Silver more than several times.
Red is on the autism spectrum. It was only ever mentioned once during an interview.
The champion occasionally has a gardevoir on his team. It belonged to his mother.
He has completed the Hoenn and Unova dexes.
Red has admitted to media on multiple occasions that his first ever role model was Lance; he still looks up to him, even today.
His mother is currently in a relationship with Lt. Surge. (X)
Although his parents never married, he was given his father's last name to honor him.
Red's Kanto dex is missing one entry: Articuno.
His favorite flavor is sweet; Red takes particularly favoritism toward pecha berries and their very similar cousins.
He is bisexual. Red has been in a few relationships before under wraps, between both men and women.
Red likes superhero comics. He grew up with ones like Lucario Man and Riolu Kid. He has at least one limited-edition comic of Gavantula Man.
Pika kind of acts as a psuedo-comfort animal, for Red. He and the electric mouse are best buddies, and she has been there when his mental health has taken a turn for the worst. He'd be lost without his favorite companion.
Red has a knack for games like Tetris and other puzzle games. He also likes RPGs. He doesn't play any modern games, and has a Gameboy stashed away in his bag.
(TW // ALCOHOL) His alcoholic beverage of choice is a piña colada.
Battling, for Red, is like chasing a high. For a long time he was very obsessive with clinging to whatever adrenaline he felt during a pokemon battle. It would begin to impact his physical and mental health, Red focusing on honing his skill and bond with his pokemon rather than taking care of himself. He has gotten better since then, and is still quite the formidable foe, though he doesn't battle very often anymore because of this previously intense infatuation. Don't worry, he still gets that look in his eye when he does get to battle, promise.
Red's favorite amusement park activity would either be the teacups or any of those water-blaster mini-games. On the teacups, he likes to spin the cup around as fast as possible. Hope you don't get dizzy.
He has a cottage in Alola. His primary housing is an apartment in the quieter part of Viridian. It still gets noisy sometimes, he doesn't like it. His pokemon often roam either residence. (X)
Red responds best to physical and verbal love languages.
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gibraltarborn · 11 months
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OUT OF PLACE AND TIME - independent non-selective neanderthal oc, flint! brought to you by robin (22, he/they, EST). follow for an oc crafted by love, a six-year long hyper-fixation, and lots and lots of 3 am wikipedia surfing!
blog / rules / about / main blog
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valiantroyalty · 8 months
Anonymous asked:
How do you picture your fav ship first SSR or card if they were cannon in twst?
Oh interesting question! I’ve never thought of dual cards before. This could be either or after being groovified.
Since I have way too many (fave) ships, here are a few I can see:
Ariel brushing Azuls hair with a dinglehopper. Snow and Vil dancing alone together. Kida and Sam doing that one princess mononoke scene where the guy is about to be attacked and he’s just “you’re beautiful” Cater modeling for Rapunzel as she paints him. Jane sketching a sleeping Leona who wasn’t fully asleep and calls her out. Riddle finding and fixing Alice’s lost bow. Ella showcasing her equestrian skills and Sebek being impressed in the background. Pocahontas and Jack playing tag and seeing who’s faster overall.
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ofgain · 2 months
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$ OFGAIN is a private, selective, and friends-only (meaning I follow you first) single-muse RP + Ask blog with various other characters fitting to the main character's background, lore, and world-building. This blog is entirely fandomless with no ties to any fandom, with original world-building of my own with various inspirations from demonology + other inspirations. You will mostly encounter Mammon, the embodiment of Greed, plus his daughter, Jacinth, and his various robotic jesters that work for him at his circus/ring of hell.
$ There will be DARK subject matters here as well as NSFW material so no minors allowed (please be 18+ if you want to follow)! If there’s anything you need me to tag lemme know ASAP because I have no issues when it comes to tagging stuff. I just ask you don’t get upset with me if I forget now and then as it’s not my intention to forget but I’m usually pretty good at tagging things.
$ I’m NIHILES! You can call me just Nihil, N or X for short. I’m 34 years young, FtM (He/They) and it’s nice to meet you.
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lesbiandice · 8 months
Lesbian hotline, thank you for calling. Please use your keypad to report the nature of your emergency and we will connect you with our representatives.
If you need an unflattering haircut that will disappoint your mother; press one
If you don’t know if your crush is trying to be your friend or trying to date you; press two
If you need advice on how much to should unbutton your second-hand, men’s button down; press three
If a male coworker is trying to flirt with you, even though you have a pride pin and have expressed zero interest in men; kick his balls
Press five if you have a different emergency, to speak with a representative that will assist you in reaching the resources you need.
Thank you and have a wonderful day!
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fodlansbestmom · 7 months
since I’ve gotten a new app I’ve been a lil ham in Sothis edits. Which I think I’ll use this for a new promo or some sort of graphic at some point.
so in the meantime enjoy this freckled beauty.
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And here’s the original
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slaanxsh · 25 days
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dick-meister · 3 months
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have the worst thing ive made. @screentimeoverlord Congrats you made the bitch list <3
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thefouraboveall · 1 month
𝐓𝐙𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐂𝐇. - 04d6ff
𝐊𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐄. - 910813
𝐍𝐔𝐑𝐆𝐋𝐄. - 9b7b2e
𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐀𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇. - 8a70cc
𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐃. - e05d25
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richardxoliverxmayhew · 6 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY GRASSY ASS SISTER!!!!!! You're soooooo old now 😆 💚💚💚💚💚
II @dontcxckitup-m // @dontcxckitup
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//HGKSJGHDKJSG THE GRASSY ASS SAGA CONTINUES! MAY IT NEVER DIE!!! 😩 BUT AHHHHH!!!! THANK UUUU SM FOR THIS CURSED BUT BEAUTIFUL BIRTHDAY MESSAGE CAZ! IM SENDING U A TON OF GREMLIN HUGS AND PUNCHES (affectionately) RN 😌 And it's truuuuuue! I may be an old gremlin now, but I'm still the same cursed, 0 braincelled, chaotic lil' gremlin and always will be, just as u will always be my unofficial official older internet sister/partner in burning a dock/bestie 5ever *tackle hugsss* 🥺💕💗//
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skxrbrand · 27 days
Finally put together the first draft outline of a thing I may or may not finish but will be working on on and off over the years or whatever idk. It's kinda cringe so I'm putting it under a cut orz Everyone keeps saying khorne is stupid and simple and my brain is going "i beg your pardon??"
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Brutal Beginnings ( Khorne Origins )
The Hound of War ( Characteristics [physical + personality ] )
Embrace of the Murder Lord ( Favored of Khorne)
The Eightfold Brood ( Khorne vs. His Siblings)
The Tusk of Death (Khorne loses a Tusk / Skarbrand Origins )
Blood Wolves of Woe ( Garmr and Gormr )
The Edict ( Rule Against Magic / Civil War )
Blade of the Beast ( Khorne's invasion of Tzeentch / Getting the Sword )
Skull of Yyörgandr ( Barbadax + Blood Hunt )
Rings of Wroth (Blood God's Rings + Missing Finger + gifted Valkia's Ring)
The Houndsleep (Odinsleep + The Origin of Khorne's Warhorn)
Unsung Stories ( Lesser Tales of Khorne [ Chalice of War / Notable Defeats / Being Locked Out of Own Castle / ect. ] )
RUINOUS RIVALS (Relations w/ Other Powers)
Fraternity of Ruin ( Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh***)
Lesser Relations ( The Horned Rat, Hashut***)
FACETS OF FURY (Aspects of Khorne)
Brass Belladona ( Brass Sisters / Femme Lens Khorne)
Khorgar The Virile ( Khornate Beastmen )
Arkhar The Usurper ( Khorne's Birthname + Earliest Daemons of Khorne )
The Brass Mouth ( Khornate Ogres )
Khrear The Gnasher ( Skaven + Ruinous Vermin mini treatise)
Khrork The Brutal 'n Cunnin' ( Greenskins )
Flesh Hounds
Chaos Furies of Khorne (Murderflocks)
Bloodthirsters of Khorne
Blood beasts of Khorne (Fauna of the Brass Realm)
The Blessed ( Daemon Princes + Mortals of Khorne )
The Brass Citadal ( Skull Throne, Den of Khorne, Kennels, Dungeons, ect. )
Mount Ashenfel ( Gorehall )
Gates of the Vanquished
The Blood Sea
The Under-Caverns
The Bloodvine Jungle-Woods
The Fields and Meadows of Khorne
The Bastion Stair
The Hunting Fields
The Skull of the First
Traditions and Beliefs
Arts and Artefacts
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nihilxs · 2 months
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HI! I'm NIHILES! You can call me just Nihil, N, or X for short. I'm 34 years young, FtM (He/They) and it's nice to meet you. This is my Hub Blog with the following blogs attached:
✘ CURIOSICCUS ➡ Transformers Prime Skyfire + other verses as well ✘ IFTHEARMORFITS ➡ Transformers More Than Meets the Eye + Lost Light Minimus Ambus/Ultra Magnus
✖ ━━ All follows will be from my main blog, here! It's not mandatory but please follow my main blog so that I know we're mutuals!
✖ ━━ The mun is very paranoid and selective with whom he interacts with (I have a schizoaffective disorder + plus other things). If I follow you and you follow back, then that means I trust/feel comfortable enough around you to talk to you! Don't be saddened if it takes me a while to follow back! I'm a shy and nervous mun but I'm open to RPing with anyone!
✖ ━━ If we're mutuals then you're more then welcome to send me memes, random asks, tag me in random starters, ask for my discord- Whatever really! If you're not sure then just ask! I usually reply to things pretty promptly.
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