#ScarletMay fanfic
lilolilyr · 11 months
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Lullaby - A ScarletMay ficlet for @flufftober day 16
1k words, rated G, no warnings
canon compliant except Madeleine lives!
Summary: Her first night back in the library, Scarlet has trouble falling asleep. Anna May doesn’t yet welcome her back in her bed but she still cares for Scarlet enough to want to help her get some rest…
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floreleine · 3 years
kissing a scar/injury + scarlet & anna may w a supportive floreleine
Hi, thanks for the prompt, and sorry it took me so long! This is now part 4 of my GM prequel fic - if you want to skip 1-3, I also put a summary below the cut.
Part 1 - Floreleine, 1k, G
Part 2 - ScarletMay, 1k, G
Part 3 - Floreleine & ScarletMay
If you are reading this as a standalone, just know that Scarlet just returned to the library with baby Samantha after leaving Anna May for Samantha's father a year ago.
Part 4: (T, no warnings, POV Scarlet)
Scarlet wakes to hear Samantha giggling next to her on the bed. Scarlet opens her eyes to look at her and smiles. Somehow, Samantha has pulled the corner of the bedsheets from the bed and is now happily munching on it.
"Oh, kiddo..." she leans over to tickle her daughter, glad that Samantha's squeals of laughter can distract her while the reality of their situation slowly sinks in as she comes fully awake.
Samuel dead, whoever killed him certainly still out there and possibly after her and her baby... Scarlet herself a single mother now, staying with her ex-girlfriend because she has nowhere else to go... Oh, how low she has sunk.
Stroking over Samantha's short hair and giving her a watery smile, Scarlet then picks her daughter up and grabs the towel Madeleine had placed on the nightstand for her before going to search the bathroom.
Madeleine had explained it all yesterday, but she had also focused more on the baby as well as the different parts of the library than where the facilities were. She didn't mind too much - it's nice to see someone be so enthusiastic around her and Samantha - but now she does wish that she had shown her the living quarters in more detail. She's pretty certain the door opposite hers leads to another bedroom, so she doesn't want to try that one...
As she stands in the doorway too long without moving, Samantha is starting to cry, and Scarlet gently rocks her in her arms to soothe her, but not quickly enough - the door opens, and Florence tiredly squints into the hallway. When she spots Scarlet, she quickly glances behind her before stepping outside and closing the door - Madeleine must still be asleep, then. And they are sleeping in the same room together, probably in the same bed... Scarlet feels a pang in her heart at their casual domesticity, something she only rarely had with Samuel even when they were both at home for any period of time, and next to never with Anna May.
"Everything alright?" Florence asks, and Scarlet hates that she has to swallow before she is able to reply, pressing Samantha a little closer to her chest.
"...I was just wondering where the bathroom is."
"End of the hall, last door on the right," Florence replies, then tilting her head before nodding at Samantha. "Do you need anything..."
She doesn't look like she would really know what to do if Scarlet really did need help, and Scarlet just smiles. "I'm good - thank you."
After taking care of Samantha and washing herself as well, Scarlet sighs when she realises that she forgot to bring any fresh clothes, and the shirt she had been wearing all of yesterday and then also to sleep in really reeks too much for her to voluntarily put it back on.
Wrapping herself in her towel instead, Scarlet picks up Samantha from where she had been attempting to sit up in the towel-padded bathtub-turned-playpen and wants to go back to her room.
She hasn't taken two steps, however, before she runs into Anna May.
"Scarlet," Anna May stares at her like a deer caught in the headlights. "...I didn't realise you were already up."
Scarlet feels her heart plummet. "Sorry, just needed the bathroom - I'll be right out of your hair."
Anna May Shakes her head. "That's not what I meant- I don't want you to leave."
At that, Scarlet feels an entire rollercoaster of emotions, because Anna May doesn't sound like she is just talking about the hallway, about this moment.
"You... don't?"
"No," Anna May starts, but then she is is interrupted by Samantha burbling, demanding Scarlet's attention.
She can't quite interpret Anna May's look as she watches her with her daughter, but then her gaze drifts to the side, to Scarlet's shoulderblades, and she frowns.
"What happened there?"
“Wha- oh,” Scarlet self-consciously touches the scar just under her left shoulder-blade. She had completely forgotten that she is wearing nothing but a towel... Of course, Anna May has seen her in less, but the fact that she has new scars, scars Anna May doesn’t recognise yet, is enough of a reminder of how that sort of intimacy lays in the past for them.
“It’s nothing. It healed well.”
“Like hell is that nothing!” Anna May hisses, sounding almost angry and reaching out to touch the dark scar with a fingertip. “That looks worse than the one on your hip, and –”
Anna May had probably just wanted to imply that she knows how that injury happened, and why it scarred that badly, as a comparison to the equally bad (or yes, maybe worse) scar on her chest, Scarlet thinks – but as her finger touches the new scar on Scarlet’s skin, Anna May freezes, staring at her own hand, and Scarlet suddenly finds it hard to breathe.
She remembers Anna May touching the other scar, touching all old scars on Scarlet’s body, and not just with her hands, but when exploring her body with her mouth, kissing and licking every inch of her when they used to share a bed –
Now, she is touching a new scar for the first time.
At Scarlet's sharp intake of breath, Anna May’s eyes flicker up to meet her gaze. Scarlet isn’t sure what she sees in her eyes, isn’t even sure herself what she is feeling in this moment, but after whatever it is she sees, Anna May leans in and press a chaste kiss to the marred skin.
Scarlet can't suppress a whimper.
The touch of Anna May's lips disappears as quickly as it came, but instead of fully pulling away, she leans her forehead against Scarlet's shoulder, and Scarlet pulls her close with her free arm.
She wants to say something - tell her how glad she is that Anna isn't sending her away, that they are touching again - but she can't think of the words.
"Samantha! No!" the toddler has reached out and buried her hands in Anna May's hair, and Scarlet winces as she tries to extract her little fists as gently as possible from the curls. Anna May snickers a little as she pulls back, and Scarlet looks at her with an apologetic grimace.
"Thanks," Anna May says, and Scarlet shifts her weight from one foot to the other.
"For not letting my daughter scalp you?"
Anna May actually laughs. Scarlet feels something warm settle in her chest at the sound. "That, too. But - for coming here, for still trusting me."
"Of course," Scarlet doesn't know what else to reply.
Anna May smiles, then, careful of Samantha's little hands, she leans in and presses another lingering kiss to Scarlet's scar before she pulls back. "You should get dressed."
Scarlet nods. "We'll talk later?"
Anna May nods, taking a step back to let Scarlet past her, then touching her shoulder before she can go. "I - I don't want you to leave. Here, I mean."
Scarlet smiles. Part of her wants to joke that she figured as much or that Anna May already said so earlier, but she knows they haven't quite reached that level of - of being comfortable with each other yet, not this time around. "I don't want to leave you, either."
Anna May gives a jerky nod, then she gently squeezes Scarlet's arm and lets go. "I - see you around, then."
"Yes - see you."
As Scarlet disappears back in her guest room with her daughter, she feels a lot less alone or like she has hit rock bottom than when she first woke up that day.
Taking prompts!
@phoenixhalliwell @thesevenwondersofawitch another update :)
@katesgaypain I hope you enjoyed your prompt fill as part of this series :D
I'll probably change this story a bit and add to it as well so the parts all fit together properly before posting to Ao3, but it should be up in the next few days :)
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Floreleine, minor Scarletmay, 40+k, rated M by @thefallenmutineer
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floreleine · 3 years
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An Eternity Ago
The librarians have two unexpected visitors.
Ships: Floreleine & ScarletMay, hints to possible future ot4 (up to interpretation)
Summary: A year ago, Scarlet left Anna May for a man - but when her partner is murdered, she goes back to the library, bringing her infant daughter with her.
Wordcount: 5k in 4 chapters
Rated T, no warnings
Reblog fic links to support fanfic writers!
Poster manips by @my-gaydar-is-on-point, used with permission! Baby pic from unsplash.
My GM tag list - lmk if you want on/off it: @verbumproxen @my-gaydar-is-on-point @geek-goth-gay @forestcircle @scissoringsappho @badwolfkaily @queencalanthes @nightwhite13 @sapphic-stress @change-the-rules @sarah-fiers @songbookff @phoenixhalliwell @noelevangilinecarson
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floreleine · 3 years
Hi 👋
Could I request the prompt - Madeline pushing florence behind her to protect her please?
Thank you 😊
Hi! I'm not sure this is quite what you were looking for, I did aim for it to be more exactly Madeleine pushing Florence out of danger, but then this kind of... happened xD hope you'll still like it, and feel free to send another prompt regardless, though as always no guarantees as to when I'll manage to write something!
<1k, rated G, no warnings
Madeleine stares outside the window, watching the woman on the other side of the street.
She is pacing back and forth, but her gaze is always returning to the library, and Madeleine is sure that whatever she is after, it has something to do with her place of business.
The woman is carrying something in her arms that might be a hastily thrown together bundle of... books, if she is looking to make an exchange here. She is no-one Madeleine recognizes though, probably doesn't have a library card, and they haven't gotten a call from any client referencing someone new lately.
Perhaps that is what the woman is waiting for, why she is pacing so anxiously - it might be impatience, waiting for a call telling her that she can go inside now, that she has been recommended to them. It happens, last minute calls or visits by a messenger of one of the local organizations, telling them that an assassin or other visitor is coming to town and they can vouch for them, asking the librarians to make sure to give the mercenary whatever they might need, reassuring them that payment will be swift and secure.
After going down the street all the way to the corner, the woman stands there for a moment - not moving her hands, she still hasn't gotten a call - before she seems to make a decision, turning on her heel and practically storming in the direction of the library door.
Madeleine stands completely frozen for a moment before she jumps into action, running down the stairs to the library foyer where it is Florence's shift right now - Florence, who has no idea that someone without a reference is about to barge in, someone who looked so determined, she might try to take what she comes looking for with brute force if she isn't allowed to make a deal –
Running down the stairs two at a time, Madeleine arrives at the foyer right as the door swings open.
She sees Florence's head snap upwards from where she had been going through the inventory list at the front desk, but Madeleine knows she might not be quick enough to arm herself or jump for cover, so she keeps running, drawing the small handgun from its holster at her waist and jumping in front of the desk when the stranger steps into the room, her hands on the small bundle in front of her –
She isn’t pulling a weapon, but maybe just because she is already looking at the business end of Madeleine’s gun.
"What is -" Florence asks in confusion, also pulling a weapon out of its hiding place and looking around Madeleine's shoulder at the intruder.
Madeleine keeps her hold on the gun steady and points it at the woman who is looking at her with a wary gaze. "Put down your weapons. We don't make deals with people who plan to rob us, and we do not deal with people who don't come recommended in the first place," she hisses.
The stranger pulls out a knife and two guns from her clothes and places it on the floor, but she keeps holding onto the bundle in her arms.
"And that?" Madeleine asks, pointing at it with her gun.
The woman flinches. "I can't-"
“Now!” Florence barks, also jumping into action, and the woman slowly turns the cloth to the side –
Suddenly, the quiet is interrupted by the wail of a small child.
Madeleine freezes.
Now this is not at all what she had expected.
Behind her and Florence, the door to the basement snaps open and Anna May steps into the room.
This has a ScarletMay part 2 now! 1k, G, no warnings
Part 3 & Part 4 - each 1k, T, no warnings
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floreleine · 3 years
Idea for a prompt: ScarletMay's first kiss after Scarlet returns? Like after they've slowly reconciled a bit
Hey, thanks so much for the ask! I actually thought I had written this before, but apparently I got lazy and ended the last fic before the kiss - still, as I already had that reconciliation fic, I decided to add the kiss scene to that one now, so maybe read this first (1k G ScarletMay) if you haven't yet :) and then here's the new one, also directly posted to Ao3:
Not What She Expected (1k T)
They don't exactly talk about things a lot. But they make it work.
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floreleine · 3 years
I would love to hear more about the ScarletMay part of the story where Madeleine jumps between Florence and Scarlet! Doesn't have to be a full story, i know you're not doing longfics at the moment, but maybe just a few headcanons?
Ohh, I thought about doing the same thing and just writing down some backstory ideas as headcanons, but - once I started writing, this just happened! So, thanks very much for the prompt, anon, thx to you this turned into an entire Thing xD I'll probably post at least two more Floreleine and ScarletMay parts, possibly a Killercule epilogue, we'll see!
Prequel Fic Part 1
Part two starts exactly where part 1 left off, just with a POV change from Madeleine to Anna May!
1k, G, no warnings
"Scarlet?" Anna May asks in shock when she sees the woman in the library foyer.
She had heard loud voices and expected needing to break up a skirmish or help Madeleine and Florence shoot some people - and indeed, Madeleine has a gun aimed at the visitor, but instead of some rogue robber, this woman is no-one Anna May would ever want to kill.
Not even after she left her for a man who didn't even let her be together with Anna May at the same time, after she had already said that she wouldn't mind sharing.
And look where that had gotten her. All alone back in the library, probably having been left by the guy who hadn't wanted to share her...
As Anna May steps into the room and slowly walks up to the others, waving for Madeleine to put her weapon down (she does lower it, but not by much), Anna May is half of a mind to tell Scarlet 'I told you so'. But she looks like enough of a mess, and - bloody hell, she's carrying an infant in her arms.
"Anna," Scarlet says weakly when Anna May is standing next to Madeleine at the side of the desk. "I - sorry -" she sways the child in her arms a little when it starts to cry again. "I'm sorry for just showing up, but I've nowhere else to go - I'm not asking for you to take me back! I'd never expect, after what I've done..."
Next to her, Anna May rather feels than sees Florence and Madeleine share a look at that new bit of information. Anna May had never told them about Scarlet, at least not in so many words - they had noticed that she had been seeing someone, but only when the relationship had already been breaking apart again, and Anna May had called it 'nothing but a fling gone wrong', saying that this was only renewed proof that she wasn't a person made for the dating world, no matter that Florence and Madeleine had made it work, ruining her 'cant date in our line of work' excuse.
"But - can you let me stay? Just for a while, just until I've found my footing again - until I'm sure they aren't also after me and Samantha..."
Anna May freezes. She had expected that Scarlet's relationship had just turned sour, but -
"He's dead? The guy you've been seeing?"
Scarlet shivers a little. "Yes. Killed."
Anna May doesn't know whether to feel sorry for her or to be frustrated in the knowledge that if he'd still be alive, Scarlet would have probably never come to see her again, would have stayed together with her happy little family. She doesn't know what to say.
"This is Samamtha, then?" Madeleine asks in her stead, finally putting her gun back into its holster and stepping forward to get a look at the baby. "Oh, she's cute! It's been a while since I've been around any children, but aren't they usually... wrinklier when they're this little? This one looks like a fully formed human!"
"...that's only when they've just been born," Scarlet explains. "Samantha's over three months old."
Anna May can't even stop herself from doing the mental math, her mind too systematic, too used to analysing everything around her.
Four months - nine months over a year total -
"You were already..."
Scarlet winces, clearly following Anna May's train of thought. "Yes... You knew I was seeing him, it was supposed to just be casual sex... But Samantha happened, and... I wanted her to know her father. And he -"
Anna May is a little frightened when she sees tears in Scarlet's eyes. But right, her boyfriend - husband? - the father of her child has just died.
"he was a good man," Scarlet sniffs. "I really do love him. I would have stayed with the both of you if I had been able to, but he wasn't someone used to sharing, and - and with Samantha - that just made my decision for me, I'm so sorry -"
"No," Anna May interrupts her, surprised about herself, surprised how much she means her next words. "That actually makes it better. To know why you... Fuck. And yes, sure you can stay."
"You will have to get used to cursing less, if you are going to be around a child a lot now," Madeleine says, staring at said baby like it is a particularly interesting, rare and precious artefact. For her, who always liked children and never had the chance to be around them much, it probably is just that. At least they won't have to worry about looking for another babysitter...
Anna May flinches a little when she notices how far she has been planning ahead. Scarlet might not even stay that long - just to get her affairs in order - and would she even want her to stay?
All three of them flinch a little, but it is just Florence who is closing the latches and locks on the library doors. "Figured if she's staying, we'll take today off to get her settled."
Madeleine nods and smiles brightly first at Florence, then at Scarlet and the baby.
Scarlet gives Florence an awkward half-smile as well before turning back to look at Anna May, waiting for her decision.
"Yes, sure," Anna May says, having to force herself to meet her eyes. "Like I said. You can stay."
Scarlet's answering smile is so soft, Anna May instantly knows that now that she has her back in her life, there is no way she will want her to leave again.
Part 3
Still taking prompts!
Might not be so quick in answering all of them anymore now as I've got other things going on as well, but I'd still enjoy you guys giving me some inspo!
Also lmk if anyone wants to be tagged when this updates! I won't tag my entire usual GM taglist for each little ficlet, espesh not follow up parts, so you'd have to let me know individually
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floreleine · 3 years
Literally anything killercule Please I think there isn't any ot4 content out there at all yet?
Ohhh thanks so much for this ask and giving me an excuse! Yeah I don't think I remember seeing anything for them yet? Which is honestly a crime??? I love poly ships and this one just works so well
Personally I hc them as Floreleine and Scarletmay being couples and the couples getting together in a polycule while still having their main partners, but I wrote the fic vague enough to fit to any ot4 dynamic.
<1k, T, no warnings, POV Madeleine
Madeleine is slowly coming awake as she feels open-mouthed kisses being pressed to her naked back.
She knows right away that it is Anna May, her gun-calloused hands stroking over her sides as her lips move up her spine.
"Anna?" Madeleine murmurs questioningly, mind still hazy with sleep, and the next kiss feels a little different, like Anna May might be smiling.
There's a chuckle on her left and the bed dips again - Florence, sitting down beside her and stroking over her cheek, pushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear. Madeleine blinks her eyes open and gives her a sleepy smile.
"Hey there," Florence smirks. "Alright?"
Madeleine nods, closing her eyes again as Florence leans in and presses feather light kisses all over her face and neck. She is still floating on sleep and the early hour of day, but she loves this - waking up to the others taking care of her this way.
When Florence has covered every inch of her face, neck and shoulders in kisses and gentle caresses, she moves on to her arms, stroking over them lightly before she reaches her hands and starts to massage them.
Just as Madeleine relaxes into it, she feels new hands stroking down her legs, a nose nuzzling against the back of her knee, then strong hands massaging her feet - Scarlet.
Anna May moves back a little to straddle her hips, then starts to work on her shoulders and back, and soon every inch of Madeleine relaxes into the massage.
It feels divine.
Scarlet skillfully erases any trace of her having ever worn heels or having stood for longer than a few hours while Anna May works on the ache in Madeleine's back and Florence works out tension she hadn't even realised had lingered in her hands.
Neither of them is speaking - Madeleine knows that they are probably communicating silently in glances and smiles, but she is grateful that they are leaving her out of it, letting her stay half-asleep and fuzzy a little while longer.
With all of her girlfriends taking care of her, Madeleine couldn't feel happier if she tried.
Pretty short so far but I'll definitely expand on it for ao3, probably adding some smut!
Send an ask if you have any specific prompts I should work into it :) also lmk if you want to be tagged in possible continuations!
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floreleine · 3 years
That GM prequel fic - part 3: Florence's POV
Part 1 (Madeleine, <1k, G)
Part 2 (Scarlet, 1k, G)
Ships: Floreleine & ScarletMay
Hiding the entire fic under the readmore this time for Part 1+2 spoiler reasons! This one's also rated G (or T if we're going for swear words and alcohol consumption I guess), a little over 1k words.
There will be at least 1 more part of this, and then I might post a revised and possibly longer version to ao3.
Bc idk where to put this in the fic itself yet, quick setting overview: they're not sitting around a table but instead Florence and Madeleine are sitting on a small couch, Scarlet is next to Madeleine on a wobbly kitchen chair and Anna May is sitting opposite them on a barstool at the kitchen aisle.
That night, the librarians plus Scarlet (and minus Baby, who is sleeping in the next room under a security camera that both Madeleine and Scarlet insist on checking every other minute) are sitting in the kitchen together for dinner and a drink.
Or five drinks in Anna May's case, as she downs the first one in one go and hasn't let go of the Whiskey bottle since. Florence can't blame her, really - if Madeleine had run off with some guy, no matter how early in their relationship, only to return a year later with tears and a baby... She has no idea what she'd be doing right now.
Madeleine and Scarlet are talking about the child right now, sharing child-caring advice - Florence is fairly certain that Madeleine has her knowledge from books and only from books, but she seems to have picked out sound advice from all that she has read at least - and Florence has to smile fondly at how Madeleine is glowing at the prospect of having a child in the library.
Scarlet is careful in her replies, not wanting to commit to anything, her eyes shifting back to Anna May whenever she doesn't think that the others are looking.
'She's afraid she'll kick her out after all,' Florence thinks with a quiet sigh. 'Can't blame her, Anna knows how to hold a grudge, and with how she is drinking right now... It isn't her friendliest appearance'.
Still, she thinks that they will work it out. They better. It's been a while since she has seen Anna May have an emotional reaction to just about anything, and it can't be healthy to keep it all locked inside, pushing all chances of happiness away.
Madeleine must have heard her sigh, and she leans back against Florence's side. Florence squeezes her arm, content to have her by her side, glad that they, at least, don't have to worry about their relationship status. Being with Madeleine always relaxes her, makes her feel like everything is alright in the world.
Madeleine presses a kiss to her chin and, after checking that both Scarlet and Anna May are looking down at their glasses, nods in the direction of the door. 'Should we give those two some privacy?'
Florence tilts her head for a moment to consider, then shakes her head, nodding at Anna May, and Madeleine winces a little. Yes, Anna is barely keeping it together now, who knows what she may say or rather shout if they left them alone... Anna May should get a chance to cool down, before she ends up saying something she doesn't mean and would regret.
As if on cue, Anna May throws back the rest of the Whiskey in her glass in one gulp and loudly brings it down on the kitchen counter as if to dispel the silence that has fallen.
Madeleine looks like she wants to remind her about cursing with children in the house again, but Florence squeezes her arm to stop her. They don't need to irritate Anna May even more right now.
"I'm sorry," Scarlet says immediately. Florence doesn't think that she is apologizing for anything in particular, just for the situation in general, for present and past.
Anna May gets up and turns around, putting her glass in the sink and turning on the water, but then just leaning against it with her hands holding onto the metal edge and her knuckles turning white.
Florence is trying to decide whether to step in or not when Scarlet speaks up again in a shaky voice. "I can - I can leave, I don't have to -" she gets up, clearly ready to bolt, and Anna May flinches, but she doesn't turn back around.
"No-one's" leaving, Florence says at the same time as Madeleine says "No, don't be silly!" They share a smile, and then Madeleine squeezes her hand before getting up and walking over to Madeleine. "Come on, let me show you everything. You can sleep in the room with Samantha, me and Florence aren't really using it much anyway."
Florence watches them go with a soft smile. Madeleine always knows what to do, what to say. She's so grateful to have her.
Once the other two have left, Florence goes up to Anna May and slams the still-running tap down, making her jump.
"Stop wasting water and get a hold of yourself, Anna!"
Anna May whirls around, clearly ready to fight, but Florence just throws her a deadpan look and she deflates.
"Fuck, I don't know what to do." She slurs her words a little, but not as much as Florence would have expected after that much alcohol.
"Right now? You are going to drink some water so you will not be terribly hungover tomorrow. And tomorrow, you have got to think about whether you want that woman and her kid to stick around or not."
Anna May flinches a little, but when Florence sighs and pours her a glass of water, she takes it without protest and gulps most of it down in one go.
"I dun' want her to leave," she then murmurs, staring down at the glass in her hands. "She left me once, I don't want her to leave me again."
Florence sighs and pulls her into a hug. "Bloody hell, Anna, why did you never say anything? You must have been fucking heartbroken, and all you told us was that you gave dating one last chance."
Anna May half-laughs, half-sobs and clings to Florence like a lifeline. "Don't know. Didn't want to be weak. Didn't want it to be real."
"Oh, Anna," Florence sighs and squeezes her tightly. Then she takes a step back and fixes her with a hard look. "You've got to tell her that, you know that, Anna May? She is going to run away just to give you space while you are not talking to her because you're afraid she might run anyway."
Anna May sighs and grimaces a little, but nods. "I - tomorrow. I'll tell her tomorrow, before I can chicken out." she sighs. "I mean, it's not like I know whether she'd want to - whether she still-" she sighs. "She only left me because he didn't want to share, but maybe by now she's just over me."
Florence shrugs. "I can't look in her head, Anna, but from the way she looks at you... I think you guys will figure it out."
Anna May nods uncertainty, then frowns again. "And you'd be fine with it, if she's staying here... Indefinitely? I mean, she has a - kid -" she adds with a somewhat perplexed expression on her face, making Florence laugh. She's half of a mind to say 'congrats, you're a step-mom!' but stops herself at the last second. There will be time for that kind of joke when the peace between Anna May and that Scarlet isn't quite so fragile anymore. "Exactly," she instead replies. "So you know Madeleine will be mad at you forever if you let them get away."
Anna May snorts. "She did seem quite... taken by the kid."
Florence nods, frowning a little herself now. "She's always wanted kids, she just accepted that it isn't sensible in our line of work, and that I am not interested in them anyway. Seeing her with Samantha, now I'm wondering..."
"You did nothing wrong," Anna May reassures her. "And fuck, can you imagine having two kids around? It will be bad enough, trying to protect the one from everybody."
Florence sighs and nods. "I suppose. But I'm sure we'll manage. ...are you going to be alright now, or do I have to hide the Whiskey?"
"I'm not a drunk," Anna May replies a little offended, and Florence grins.
"I know you're not, but you sure made a great impression of one earlier!"
Anna May groans, and then she turns back to the counter to refill her waterglass. "Fuck, I'll be so dead tomorrow."
"Sleep in, then. Me 'n Madeleine will make sure Scarlet won't take off before you're awake and had your talk with her."
Anna May nods sharply. Florence smiles and squeezes her arm. "Well, get some sleep. I'll check on Scarlet and Madeleine."
Anna May nods again, and Florence sees her lean back against the counter with a deep sigh while she is leaving the kitchen. She really hopes that Anna May will take her advice to heart. Some heartbreak can't be avoided- but the one between her and Scarlet doesn't seem quite so inevitable.
Part 4
@phoenixhalliwell @thesevenwondersofawitch another update, hope you liked it!
If anyone else wants to be tagged for this series, lmk! Not tagging my usual GM tag list in every fic update as that would just be spammy.
Taking prompts!
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floreleine · 3 years
27 or 33 if you felt like it?
(Screenshot bc tumblr kept deleting my drafts and I forgot to copy paste the text but I did screenshot it)
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1k, G except for alcohol mentions, no warnings
Part of the GM Prequel Fic series but you don't need to read the others to understand this one as long as you know canon
OK tumblr keeps glitching, I'm giving up trying to post on here, let's hope it'll load the link:
Hug prompts | X-mas prompts
Gunpowder Milfshake gift exchange
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An updated Fandom Primer
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As the fandom is still small but growing, we on the @gunpowder-milfshake-discord thought that we would create a primer with information for new fans, so we can all use the same tags to easily share our creations and find all the fic, art and other content as well as like-minded fans we are looking for!
Tumblr Tagging
Because tumblr doesn't have default shipname suggestions like on ao3 to group all works of one pairing together, it can be annoying, having to search different versions of name/name, name x name, etc. of a ship to find all content for it, especially with poly ships with several characters.
To circumvent that, there are shipnames that can be used by everyone to group the content together in a single tag - we encourage everyone to tag your content with these shipnames, so it will really work and of course so your works will be seen! You can still tag other shipnames in addition to these, but this way all posts will be in one search tag.
Florence x Madeleine
Scarlet x Anna May
Florence x Madeleine x Anna May
Florence x Madeleine x Anna May x Scarlet
Please take note that none of the shipnames have empty spaces! If you spell a tag differently, the post won't show up in the shipname tag.
Also let us know if any shipnames are missing! This is a femslash-centric blog and we might not have heard about any M/M or F/M ones, but we will add all information to this post.
Please use readmores on fanfiction or other long posts on tumblr so as not to spam!
Character Tags
As the characters don't have last names, the abbreviation 'GM' for Gunpowder Milkshake can be put in front of each name tag, for example GM Sam.
The capital letters aren't important for the tags, but please take note of the empty spaces! Without them, posts would end up in separate tags.
Ao3 Tagging
'Madeleine (Gunpowder Milkshake) lives' for all canon-divergence works where Madeleine survives and post-canon works with her
'Child Sam (Gunpowder Milkshake)' for early pre-canon fics with Samantha
'Vampire Madeleine (Gunpowder Milkshake)' for both fics where Madeleine survives getting shot due to vampirism and other fanfics with her as a Vampire, whether the setting is otherwise canon or fantasy
'[Name] Gunpowder Milkshake' for the characters and '[Name]/[Name] (Gunpowder Milkshake)' for the relationships - use the tags Ao3 suggests to you once you start typing!
Please only use ship- and character-tags if they are a significant part of the story, not if they are only a side-pairing/very minor character! People search for the characters and ships they want to read about after all, and would be disappointed if a tag is spammed by stories in which they barely feature.
If you want to warn your readers that a minor ship or character is featured in the story, you can use the 'minor character(s)' additional tag / the 'minor or background relationship(s)' ship tag and explain in the author's note which minor characters/ships are meant, that way you will not screw with anyone's search results.
People, Groups and Fan Events
The Discord had a headcanon event with textchat games and voicechats from the 9th to the 17th of October, a gift exchange from the 1st of December and ending in January, and at the moment several events for the 1 year GM anniversary, including a fanwork award and movie watchalongs - you can still join the server and sign up!
If you want to follow more people in the fandom or find fanfiction to read, there is a list of creators below the cut so it can stay updated!
Art: @halcyon1796 @hereforamediocretimenotalongtime
Gifs: @girlgoneangsty @kat-bishop @maygrant @mazikeev @michaun @poisons-ivy @rosalie-starfall @whatsasophie @larlies
Manips: @floreleine @girlgoneangsty @my-gaydar-is-on-point @rosalie-starfall
Icons/headers/stills: @p-orfia @thesevenwondersofawitch
Writers on tumblr:
Meta: @whatsasophie @lonely-night
Fanfic: @floreleine @guardian-of-the-earth
Fic writers on ao3:
Floreleine: Marzi, lilolilyrae, thefallenmutineer, songbook, swenfoxx, nomisunrider, ilovefandom, deathbyzelda, sapphicish, piximera, theonlydan
ScarletMay: swenfoxx, ALC_punk
More F/F: Marzi, death_by_cake, theblindtorpedo, Cloud_Lightning, reinadefuego, lilolilyrae, QueenOfTheAmazons, kataangfanficer
M/M: theblindtorpedo
Gen: ba_lailah
@thelibrarianwithanaxe rps as Madeleine
@justamixofmemes2 started a muse dictionary post of the fandom
Apart from our femslash discord server, there is also the general Diner Discord!
More blogger in the fandom:
@audreyimpossible @change-the-rules @coramills @cosmoremix @fishcustardandclintbarton @geek-goth-gay @gunpowder-milkshake @gunpowdermilfshake @gunpowdermilkshakes @i-lovefandom @infiniteplaylist @itsavonell @jellybean-o-o @lanalikesnobanana @lebrockbear @pegscavalry @sarahsupastar @skiesfullofsong @songbookff @thundergrace @transdeanwinchesterr @ussjellyfish @youre-where-i-wanna-go
And of course all discord news will be on @gunpowder-milfshake-discord with your mods @floreleine @verbumproxen @sarah-fiers!
Let us know if you don't want to be tagged in this anymore, or if someone is missing from the list/you want to be added with your tumblr handle and/or ao3 url! This primer will be updated regularly to make it easy for new fans to enter the fandom.
Request to join the discord here!
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