meteor752 · 2 years
Based on these posts, specifically this one, where the kids all survive but are left on the server
Tw: Death, Abandonment, Description of corpses, killing of dogs, depression, grief, starvation, dying of thirst, suicide (But like a mild way), insomnia, hallucinations, probably something else that I forgot but like this is not a happy story at all
Logbook day 1: Mom and Dad died a week ago now. We buried them by the ravine where dad’s bleeding heart used to be. There wasn’t much to bury though, the dogs had gotten to the majority of what was left of them. For any normal person it would be freaky, but it just felt fitting to have dad look like a maimed corpse just like mom and I always look.
I’ve started writing these just to have something to pass the time. We’re stuck here, so it’s not like I have anything else to do
I’ll keep you updated
Logbook day 3: Wes has finally finished the shelter he’s been working on. Since the majority of our homes were either blown up or burnt down, we decided to just make new ones. Novo and Gertrude are staying together, as are Jassy and Liana. Johnny still hasn’t left the ranch. I see him there sometimes, by his parents graves, either sleeping sobbing or staring into the abyss. I think I’m gonna go check on him
Logbook day 8: The last one of Pearl’s dogs has been killed now. Jassy and Novo have been doing that for a few days. It was Novo’s idea.
Wes talks in his sleep. He’s always done that, but before it was just incoherent mumbling. Now it’s pleas and cries for his fathers. I usually wake him up when it happens, but sometimes I just let him sleep. People like him need their sleep
Logbook day 24: Liana has spent the last few hours trying to fly. I don’t know why she’s doing it, she’s known since she was a kid that she can’t fly, but she’s not stopping. I think she’s just trying to find something to do
Logbook day 88: Jassy and I spent the day raiding the pillager tower. We got some good exorcise out of it, but little progress was done as they just kept on respawning. I only died five times, and Jassy three.
Logbook day 147: I saw a goat today. Hasn’t seen one of those in a while. I went to show Johnny, but he still hasn’t left their grave. There’s vines and moss growing on him now. I left him be
Logbook day 233: My cloak got torn to pieces by a spider earlier. I didn’t care enough to stop it. It’s weird not covering my hair, but I don’t mind it as much anymore
Logbook day 454: Novo and Gertrude had an argument, so Gertrude is staying with us for a few days. She snores, but I don’t mind it. It makes the nights less lonely
Logbook day 896: Saw a frog today. I petted it and it hopped away
Logbook day 1233: Novo has decided to stop sleeping. I don’t know what his reasoning for it is, though to be honest I never know what’s going on with him. Jassy and Gertrude are both joining him, and technically so am I. It would’ve impossible for me not to join
Let’s see how long they last
Logbook day 1246: The sleep strike is over. Novo’s visions got worse and he eventually killed himself. Gertrude said that when he respawned, he fell right to sleep and hasn’t woken up yet. I knew it was a stupid idea
Logbook day 2456: Something strange happened yesterday after I finished the log. The sun stopped in the middle of the sky. It’s been up there for longer than it should’ve, and I would know considering our house is decked with clocks. Gertrude also informed us that the animals don’t breed like they used to, and that the crops don’t seem to grow. I don’t know what’s going on but I don’t like it
Logbook day 2463: It’s official, the world has stopped moving. None of us know why
Logbook day 2657: We ran out of food today. Starving is a painful way to die
Logbook day 3121: I was tasked with getting Johnny away from his dads grave again. He looks more like a zombie than I do nowadays
Logbook day 4555: It’s getting harder to keep track of the days. I’m just guessing at this point
Logbook day 5367: Liana and Jassy married each other today. None of us can legally officiate, but as the child of the winners Novo took it upon himself to do so. We managed to get Johnny to show up, though he didn’t look present at all
Logbook day 8965: Novo has been repeatedly slamming himself into the border, hoping to somehow escape it. It’s tempting to see all the cows and pigs move about outside, when we can’t reach it
Logbook day ????: I don’t know what day it is anymore. I don’t know a lot actually.
Final logbook: We were exploring the undercity for the hundredth time earlier, when we found a rift. It looks like a Nether portal, but bigger, and grander, and just…different. There’s nothing left for us here, hasn’t been for a while, so we’re gathering our few essentials and leaving. I’m not gonna bring this book with me, so this will be the last you hear of me.
Jekiv out
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