#Scream Stu macher
lilskeeter · 3 months
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further 4K tests
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Seven Minutes In Heaven | Stu Macher
Pairing: Stu Macher x female!reader 
Word count: 4.1K
Warnings/contents: Light smut, sexual innuendos, mild language, mentions of future sex, light clit stimulation, slight name calling. 
Notes: Well… I was gonna do Billy… But… here we are, and this is not Billy. Stu has been living in my brain rent free the past couple of days and I’m not sure how to get rid of him. Do I want to? I hope that you all enjoy this chapter, it was fun to write! 
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The party was crowded all around you. It was nearly midnight, but there was no sign of the lively crowd leaving or dropping any time soon. You leaned against the wall in the room beside the kitchen, watching everybody laughing, singing and dancing. You’d been going hard all night— drinking, dancing, singing, and bouncing around the rooms with Sidney and Tatum. So you were taking a break with a fresh drink. 
Your stomach had started to hurt less than an hour ago, but you ignored it and took another swig of your drink. Everything tonight was sort of a blur. You weren’t sure if it was because you’d drank too much, or because everything was going fast; people were everywhere, and yet, you hadn’t seen Stu, Billy or Randy in the past few hours. You had seen Tatum and Sidney constantly throughout the night before you departed to get a new drink and they went to the bathroom. 
An arm wrapped around your shoulder, nearly making you jump before you looked and saw Sidney. 
“You scared me,” you feigned annoyance at the woman who sent you a grin. “I thought that you were some creep.” She laughed and took a quick sip of her drink. 
“It’s only Tatum and I,” she said as Tatum rounded the corner and sent you a smile. 
“Guys— have you seen Randy tonight?” 
“Uh, I think he was in the kitchen last I saw,” you said innocently, earning a cackle from Sidney. 
“She means that she thinks he looks hot.” You gave a quick laugh and tossed your head back on her shoulder. 
“No! Not Randy Meeks!” 
“What— it isn’t my fault. He looks hot tonight.” You and Sidney shared a laugh that made Tatum roll her eyes. “Come on guys— let me get over Stu how I please.” Her words felt like something that should have made you stop laughing and teasing, but you knew for a fact that she was over the man she’d previously been with; shockingly, he had been the one that broke up with her, despite Sidney’s constant bothering Tatum to break up with him. 
“Any way you want— just not with Randy.” You heckled the woman who sighed dreamily and leaned against the wall on your other side with a cup in her hand. You took a quick glance inside of it and chuckled. “Maybe you’re losing your mind because you’ve been drinking too much.” 
“It has to take a lot of shots to get with Randy,” Sidney sent Tatum a grin that she ignored. 
“I haven’t drank that much.” She told you, but you were quick to raise an eyebrow. You’d been with the two a majority of the night, and you knew for a fact that Tatum had drank nearly as much as you— possibly more in the short time that you had been separated. 
“Sure, Tate,” you shrugged the conversation off, knowing not to argue with her about this right now. She was far too drunk to accurately retort right now and it felt crude of you to continue teasing her. “If Randy is what you want…” You gave a soft blow from your mouth. “Fuck it. Then go for it.” Tatum hesitated, a slow smile spreading across her face as she pushed herself off of the wall with her shoulder. “Whoah— I do not like the face you just made,” you watched the woman start to head off across the room and shared a worried look with Sidney. 
“Should we… follow her?” 
“Probably.” The two of you made your way through the crowd, trying to follow the back of her head as quickly as you could to not lose her, but you were worried you’d accidentally end up following the wrong person if you got bumped into or blinded for a moment. By time the two of you made it off of the crowded makeshift dance floor, you saw Tatum across the room whispering something to Stu. 
You shared a quick, shocked look with the woman beside you before you looked back and saw him laughing and nodding. Tatum met your gaze across the room and waved in the air, beckoning the two of you over. 
“What are you talking to Stu for?” Sidney asked with a raised eyebrow. “I thought that the two of you were… well, not on speaking terms.” 
“I have a plan,” Tatum said with a cheerful grin. “We’re going to play seven minutes in heaven! It’s the perfect excuse to get Randy into the closet with me.” After a moment of silence, you spoke. 
“Why don’t you just get him into a bedroom upstairs with you?” She seemed to think for a moment before she shrugged. 
“I didn’t think of it.” You went to speak again, but she cut you off. “Well, it’s too late now. We both have something to gain from this anyways.” She sent you a wink that made your stomach tighten. 
What the hell did she mean by that? 
A whistle came over the room as the music abruptly stopped. People groaned and looked around in confusion. Stu stood on a table, waving a hat around the room. 
“It’s time for seven minutes in heaven!” Drunk people in the room started to cheer at his excitement. “We’re splitting into 3 different groups since there’s so many of us. Those of you who don’t want to play can stay here. Everyone else, split into groups and follow me.” Tatum grabbed your hand, so you grabbed Sidney’s hand, and quickly ran towards the direction Stu was going. You nearly stumbled over your feet on the way to the living room. “Alright— so we have 3 hats, I’m gonna do a headcount and put a slip of paper into the hat for every person in the room.” 
“How do we know who’s who?” Someone called. 
“I know. Billy knows.” 
“What if we don’t trust you?” Sidney asked with a raised eyebrow at the man who chuckled. 
“Okay— I’ll let one more person know the numbers for each group. (y/n)— you can have the numbers for our group,” your attention drifted off as you watched the man continue to speak, anxious about the game. You didn’t want to play— you did not want to get trapped in a room with any of these drunk people. But at the moment, it didn’t seem like you had a choice as Tatum squeezed your hand. 
“Thank you,” Tatum whispered to you quickly. You sent her a small, tight smile and watched the room start to disperse. Stu walked towards you and gestured for you to follow him. You let go of the girls hands, your own feeling clammy and numb. You hadn’t realized that you were anxiously squeezing their hands so tightly. 
“Whatever number Randy or Tatum picks doesn’t matter. We’re gonna say it’s theirs so they get locked in a closet together.” He spoke simply. “As for everyone else, we’re gonna go clockwise so that it’s easy to remember. I’m not sober enough to remember everybody in this room.” Feeling queasy, you sent the man a quick nod. 
“Sounds good to me.” You were quick to walk away from the man when he turned to Billy and went to sit between Tatum and Sidney. Sidney sent you a pat on the back while Stu jutted out the hat at the first victim of the circle— someone that you didn’t know the name of. He pulled a slip of paper out of the hat and called out the number. 
“Six.” You quickly looked around the group, counting clockwise to the sixth person and seeing another girl. She had long red hair, but you weren’t sure what her name was. For the most part, you knew about a total of five people at Stu’s parties— him included. 
The two got up, following Stu to the coat closet across the room. There were several spread throughout the house, giving plenty of room for every group to have one party go at once. 
He blocked the door with a chair and walked back to the group with his phone in hand, starting a timer for seven minutes and sitting down with the group while it counted down. The thought of spending seven minutes locked in a tight space with anybody in this room made your stomach churn. 
“Randy, I dare you to take 3 shots of (y/n)’s drink.” You looked at Stu, shocked: nobody said anything about playing another game while people were in the closet. 
“What— you didn’t let me choose between truth or dare!” He complained. Stu shrugged, clearly not caring and not going to change his mind. Randy looked at you and sighed, scooting closer and reaching for your drink that you outstretched tentatively. 
“Don’t give that back.” Randy almost looked offended. 
“I’m not sick!” 
“I don’t want your germs in my mouth.” Randy rolled his eyes, moving back to sit where he was previously since you didn’t want the drink back, and took 3 large shots into his mouth and winced. 
“God, (y/n)— this is strong,” he complained. You laughed at the man and watched him set the drink down with a grimace. Randy took a moment to get the taste from his mouth with his own drink before he looked around the circle for his next victim. “Hmm… Sidney… truth or dare.” 
“Truth,” she said, not trusting the look on Randy’s face. 
“Did you or did you not fuck Billy last weekend?” Her face warmed and you snickered; she should have known a truth would be just as bad from Randy as a dare. 
“Uh… I did.” She avoided eye contact with Billy who stole a quick glance at her. “God, you’re a pervert,” she mumbled, glancing at Tatum and wondering why she wanted to be locked in a closet with him. Just before Sidney spoke to pick her next person, the timer on Stu’s phone went off. He held a finger up to pause the game and got up, walking towards the closet. He moved the chair and abruptly slammed open the door, clearly wanting to catch the two in the act of doing something, and yet he only found them kissing sloppily. 
“Time’s up, love birds.” He shoved the two out of the closet, snickering when the girl was flushing and went back to the circle with her head down. Stu shook the hat and walked towards you, stopping with the hat right in front of your face. You reached up and into the hat, digging around until you felt like you found the right piece of paper. 
You pulled it out and looked at it. A 4 was scribbled on the paper. You looked to your left and met Sidney’s eyes. 
“Thank god,” you mumbled quietly, watching her laugh. 
“Well, then.” Stu smirked. “Come on, ladies.” Sidney rolled her eyes at the man and stood up. 
“Don’t be a pervert.” She grumbled, walking towards the closet with you. A quick look was shared between you and Stu. He sent you a wink as you walked into the cramped closet with Sidney. Stu shut the door and almost immediately you heard the chair scrape across the floor. 
“Seven minutes!” He called before he walked away. You gave a sigh and leaned back against the wall, brushing your hair back from your face. 
“I’m so glad it’s you I’m in here with.” The room was so dark you could barely see her, but you could see the woman enough to watch her smile. 
“Yeah— I agree. I did not want to be in here with one of those drunk guys. They look like they could barely stand.” You laughed and shook your head. 
“I wish Tatum had wanted to play this game when everyone was more sober.” 
“Or not at all,” Sidney grimaced. 
“Well, maybe you’ll get locked in here with Billy.” You teased the woman who gave your shoulder a slap. “Alright— alright!” You shoved her hand away with a grin. “I’ll leave you alone.” 
“Speaking of being locked in here with people…” She hesitated, confusing you. 
“What do you want to do, make out?” You teased the woman. 
“Absolutely not. I was wondering— have you seen Stu tonight?” 
“Uh— yeah? I was talking to him not that long ago about the game.” 
“Yeah, but that isn’t what I meant.” 
“I’m confused.” 
“He’s eyeing you like he wants to fuck you right there.” You choked on your own spit and nearly had a coughing fit. “I’m serious! He’s so eye fucking you.” You couldn’t tell if she was annoyed or not by her tone. She sounded half-disgusted and half-teasing. “The wink?” She added. “Stu doesn’t just wink.” 
“Stu flirts with everyone,” you said when you finally caught your breath. “He’s not eye fucking me, he’s just being… ugh.” You didn’t know what to say. You weren’t oblivious. You had seen him out of the corner of your eye a few times, but that didn’t mean that you thought that he was staring at you specifically. Wasn’t he just kind of a whore? 
“All I’m saying is that you better wish upon a star you don’t get locked in here with him or you’re gonna be caught naked.” You gasped and made her laugh. 
“I don’t want to fuck him. Even if he wants to fuck me— nobody said that I wanted to fuck him.” 
“Tatum fell for him.” You gave a soft scoff and looked down. 
“Whatever.” She reached over and gave you a gentle pat on the shoulder; the two of you stood in silence for a few minutes before the door opened and Stu looked in. He raised an eyebrow and stepped aside. 
“Boring.” Was all he said. “Randy, Tate— you’re next.” You raised an eyebrow and looked towards Tatum who stood a little too quickly. 
“We let Tatum choose while the two of you were still in here.” Stu sent you a knowing look and let Randy and Tatum inside the closet. She sent you an excited look and you swore that you saw Randy blushing before Stu shut the door and put the chair in front of the door. He took his time starting the timer on the way back to the circle. You went to go sit beside Sidney, but a cold hand caught your wrist and pulled you down. You gave a soft sound in shock and looked at Stu as he turned on the timer and leaned towards you. 
“What’s up with Tatum wanting to fuck Randy?” He asked, his breath hitting your ear. You felt ashamed as your face heated up as he spoke. 
“Uh, I don’t know.” You chewed on the inside of your cheek and gazed across the circle at Sidney who looked like she was going to burst. You sent her a sharp look. “She just mentioned it tonight. Maybe she’s just drunk. Why? Jealous?” You finally looked at the man again. He had a single raised eyebrow. 
“Me? Jealous?” He laughed. “No way. I have options.” You quickly looked away as the man eyed you too intensely. “Sidney,” he spoke, eyes still trained on you for a moment before he looked at her. “Truth or dare?” She hesitated for a minute, thinking about her last choice and the truth she had to answer. 
“Dare.” He smirked at the girl and looked at Billy that sat a few feet away from him. 
“Sit on Billy’s lap until I pick out of the hat.” 
“What’s the matter? You were just on his dick last weekend.” He said, as innocently as he could. She shot him a look and almost pleaded with her eyes at you. 
“I can always, uh… take the dare instead.” You said in an attempt to save your friend from the embarrassment. 
“No,” Stu spoke quickly, shaking his head. “This is for Sidney. Sid, sit on Billy’s lap for the next few minutes.” You shrugged gently and sent her an apologetic look. 
‘I tried’ you mouthed at the woman as she stood and walked over to Billy. You didn’t bother looking over and watching her, knowing that she certainly didn’t want to be seen in a moment like this. With a content hum, Stu looked around the circle then at the timer on his lap. There were still four minutes left for the two in the room and nearly half of the people had left while you and Sidney were in the closet. 
“Well… unless you wanna kiss me, there’s not much else we can do.” Stu spoke. It took a moment for you to realize that he was talking to you. 
“I’m not going to kiss you. I wasn’t going to choose dare anyways! It’s not even your turn again!” You blurted out shakily. He snickered and rested back on his hands. 
“Alright. Guess we get to wait.” The room was awkwardly silent. The music was quieter than it had been all night, but it still made your teeth feel like they were buzzing even after all of this time away from the loud room. 
Being able to hear your breath made you feel self-conscious, so you glanced at Sidney and saw her stiff against Billy who had a hand on her leg. She caught your gaze and gently shook her head as you bit back a smile. 
The timer going off nearly made you jump. Stu got up slowly, stopping the timer and grabbed the hat instead of heading for the closet. You looked up at the man as he shoved his hand into the hat. All of the papers were still in there, even for the people that had left, but he smiled when he picked up his piece. He handed it down to Billy as Sidney scrambled off of his lap and stood up. 
“Gotta run to the bathroom,” she mumbled to you as she passed by you. You were too distracted watching the two share a quick, quiet conversation. Billy sent Stu and quick smirk as Stu laughed and stood up straight again. He headed over to the closet as Billy pocketed the paper and looked at you. 
“Let me guess, you?” You asked hopefully. Billy stood and stretched his legs with a shake of his head. 
“I hope your breath smells good.” He teased, moving to sit on the sofa as your face fell. You watched as Tatum straightened her shirt and sent you a grin. Randy’s face was bright red as he aimlessly followed Tatum towards the other room. Nobody was left but you, Billy and Stu. Fingers grabbed your own, the same cold, slender fingers that grabbed you before. You dug your nail into the side of your free thumb and looked at the man. 
“Just you and me now,” he winked at you and tugged you towards the closet. Billy followed the two of you to the closet, giving Stu a slap on the back as he got into the small, cramped space with you, and shut the door. The chair scraped across the floor and hooked underneath the handle. 
“Seven minutes.” Billy spoke through the door and walked away. You were dead silent, fearing to even breathe. Stu shockingly didn’t smell purely like alcohol. Instead, he smelled minty, like he’d recently had gum. The lingering scent of his cologne was in your nose as he stood so close that you swore you felt his body heat. 
“I’m guessing you and Sidney didn’t do what we’re about to,” he spoke in a tone you had never heard from him before; enticing, flirty— dare you say it— sexy. You clenched your jaw and tried becoming one with the wall. Stu got closer, his breath along your warm cheekbones. 
“We don’t have to do anything.” You spoke quickly. 
“This is seven minutes in heaven. That’s the golden rule of this game.” He grasped your waist and pulled you flush against his chest. You gave a soft gasp and pressed your palm flat to his chest. “You’re gonna tell me that you don’t want to kiss me like I wanna kiss you?” He teased. “You’re not struggling. You’re not yelling or hitting me.” Stu nudged your chin up and leaned in, his lips brushing gently across yours with the slightest kiss that you didn’t return. 
Your breath hitched and earned another laugh from the man in front of you. 
“Yeah. You don’t want to kiss me.” He mumbled beneath his breath, ignoring your silent protests as he pressed his lips to yours. Your fingers grasped at his chest, legs shaky as the man held you close. You struggled for a moment in his arms, but Stu was persistent. His tongue brushed along your bottom lip and made you flush. Involuntarily, your mouth opened for the man that pushed his tongue into your mouth and grasped tighter at your hips. 
The fight in you seemed to have abandoned you as you finally leaned into the man. Stu reached his hand down, groping at your ass and earning a soft gasp from you as he pressed your hips to his. His fingers grasped your thigh, edging it up to wrap around his waist in an attempt to feel your body completely pressed against his own. Your face was hot as you felt the obvious hardness in his pants. 
“You feel how hard I am for you?” He teased between feverish kisses that you leaned in to even when he pulled back. “It’s sure as hell not for Tatum fucking Randy in the bathroom upstairs.” He snickered, sliding his hand up your side and groping at your breast over the bra that you wore. 
Stu left your lips with a soft ‘smack,’ but before you could even react, he leaned down to press a few scattered kisses to your neck. Stu’s fingers were long and strong, groping at your breast and making you give a soft moan in return to his lips sucking on your skin. Stu gave a devious chuckle and pulled away from your neck, shoving his lips back to your mouth as his opposite hand slid along your thigh. You shifted against the man, leaning closer to him and making it easier for his fingers to press to your clit over your clothing. 
“Better stay quiet. You wouldn’t want anyone thinking that you cave so easily, would you?” He laughed at you as you gave another small moan at his fingers rubbing small circles on your clit. Your body tingled at his touch, at the kisses that he pressed to your lips. Stu knew he had you when his fingers pushed into your pants and you didn’t even falter. His fingers pressed to your entrance over your underwear and he gave a chuckle. “You’re wet,” he mumbled against your lips. “Are you a little slut? Getting horny for me in the closet? Are you into the thought of Billy hearing you moan for me in here?” 
“Mmm, Stu—“ you grumbled in complaint as he chuckled. He pressed another kiss to your lips and shoved his fingers into your panties. You squirmed against the mans hands as his fingers rubbed bare at your clit. You were getting desperate, the alcohol in your system wasn’t making it easy on you to make the right choices. 
And as Stu pushed one of his long fingers inside of you, it was too hard for you to stop. 
Stu easily sensed how desperate you were as you clenched slightly around his fingers. He chuckled, pulling his hand back and sucking off his fingers before he reached over and pounded on the door. 
“As sexy as this is, I’d rather go to my room and keep your moans and screams to myself,” he pressed a kiss to your neck as footsteps started heading to the closet. His warm breath hit your ear as he whispered to you. “I’m gonna strip all of this off of you and fuck you until you’re soaking the bed.” You gave a soft sound beneath your breath in embarrassment to his vulgar words, something that earned a devious chuckle from the man that stood over you. 
The light coming from outside nearly blinded you as you squinted and tried to adjust to the drastic light change. 
“That wasn’t seven minutes.” Billy’s familiar voice spoke as slender fingers grabbed your own quickly and started to lead you from the closet. You glanced over, seeing Sidney sitting on the ground with flushed cheeks. She sent you a confused look, something you shrugged at. 
“I decided I need more than seven minutes.” Stu sent his best friend and wink before he tugged you after him. “Come on. Let’s go to my room. You won’t regret it.” 
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unknownkona · 1 year
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scene redraws for the og ghost boys
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adamsc0rpse · 3 months
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No bc why are they all twinning hello..
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softgothexe · 2 months
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i saw the OG picture for this art prompt on IG, and it made my brain instantly think of THEM
anyway this is partially inspired by the Debaser fanfic by @sharpth1ng (if you haven't read it, PLEASE do yourself a favor and go read it)
272 notes · View notes
villainbun · 4 months
Stu: You won’t ever break up with me, will you?
Y/n *barely listening to him: Hmm? No of course not
Stu: Good cuz or else I might have to carve out your insides
Y/n: …
Stu *whiny : Babeee please give me some attention
Y/n *sighs: The only thing you‘ll ever be carving my insides with is that dick of yours
Stu: *Surprised pikachu face*
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nightmaretherabbit · 5 months
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yan-iku · 3 months
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Scream (1996) my stylized version :3
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blackypanther9 · 5 months
Masterlist to all the Masterlists of mine
I do not write:
Incest, Stepcest, etc.
fucked up shit like that.
What I might not write:
Some kinks. (I don't know all of them but there might be some I feel not comfy with)
What I write (Sexual orientation wise):
HETERO (Man x Woman)
GAY (Man x Man) OR (Woman x Woman)
INTERSEXUAL (People with BOTH genders)
GENDERFLUID (Might be horribly explained, I ain't Genderfluid, but practically that is when you feel like a man one day and in five weeks you feel like a woman and dress and behave as such how you feel)
TRANSGENDER (Man in a Woman's body or the other way around, Don't hate me I try to keep this short and simple here !!)
ASEXUAL (Repulsed by the bare mention of the S word OR isn't repulsed by it, but isn't really interested in it (I think it is called Gray Ace...?)
GENDERNEUTRAL/NON - BINARY (Which mostly means no Gender so They/Them I CAN'T USE THAT IN SMUT THOUGH IF YOU DON'T GIVE ME A SEX ON THE BODY !!! So tell me which they have !)
What I usually write:
Dom!Reader x Sub!Character (But you CAN also ask the other way around)
Character ships I will write for:
Any Character x Reader (Name a Gender though !)
Also write Character x Character ( Like...Alastor x Rosie where they just gossip or Charlie and Vaggie with romance or smut)
(I also don't mind to Genderswap. So instead of Charlie being a Female, she is a Male or a different gender. You give me your thoughts and I will try to turn it into a Oneshot !)
Characters I will NOT write for:
The Vees (Hazbin Hotel) Adam (Hazbin Hotel) Lute (Hazbin Hotel) Sera (Hazbin Hotel) They can be mentioned or play a role but I don't do ANY ships with them and the Reader. They can be shipped with each other though, I suppose. And Vox can be friends with Reader, but no romantic shtick. (Still needs to be added)
What I allow to write as Relationship stuff:
PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS (Friends, friends turning to Family, like Siblings and stuff...Surrogate Brother/Sister if I am not mistaken we call such, right ?)
FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS (Nothing perverted ! Just you know Father - Son relationship, Brother x Brother Relationship and all that stuff, Family relationships are NOT allowed to be SMUT !!!)
What I will write:
I am usually open minded about a lot, but still I am setting some ground rules. This is all in case I open requests, so keep the page in your line of sight at all times !!
DISCLAIMER !: I do NOT support rape, abuse and other bad behavior ! This is pure fanfiction and fantasy ONLY ! People who can get easily triggered by it, DON'T FUCKING READ IT ! Warnings are at the very top of the beginning smut shot, so READ THEM BEFORE you read the fic !
Reblogging is ALLOWED, but REPOSTING is NOT allowed !!!
Let me tell you a story…Loki x Reader ? (MASTERLIST)
Loki x Reader Smut Masterlist 2 !
Masterlist of Loki x Reader Oneshots x little stories
Friends (Loki x Fem!Reader) Masterlist (COMPLETED !!)
The mischievous one (Loki x Fem!Reader) Masterlist
Loki x Reader -> Killer Love MASTERLIST ! (Discontinued)
Loki Laufeyson/Odinson x Reader with another Fandom Crossover
  "The Spook - Loki x Reader (Marvel x Fnaf Crossover)"  MASTERLIST
Halloween Masterlist (2020,2021,2022...)
Lokius (Mobius x Loki) Masterlist
Christmas Masterlist (Loki x Reader)
Marvel x Reader smut masterlist
Lego Ninjago x Reader
Secrets... Morro x Reader (Ninjago) MASTERLIST COMPLETED !!!
Ninjago Masterlist Uncle x Father!MaleReader
Sleepy Hollow 1999 x Reader
Headless Horseman (Sleepy Hollow 1999) x Reader MASTERLIST
Mr. Hopp’s Playhouse x Reader
Mr. Hopp x Reader MASTERLIST
Bendy and the Ink Machine x Reader
Bendy (and the Ink Machine) x Reader
William Afton x Reader
William Afton x Reader Oneshots
(Movie) William Afton x Reader Oneshots
How to turn a Killer into a Bunny – (FNaF Movie)William Afton x Male!Reader
Hazbin Hotel x Reader
Father!Alastor x Son!Reader MASTERLIST
Alastor x Reader Oneshots Masterlist
Scream Movie 1996 MASTERLIST
Other Characters without Reader input
Marvel Ships (No Reader input)
Other characters x Reader (With another Fandom crossover)
Masterlist Bruno Madrigal x Male!Reader with another Fandom Crossover
Funny doodles
Sites where you can also find me
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wonderhoiiiii · 7 months
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Vampire au doodles + Zombie stu
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lilskeeter · 3 months
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4K tests
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Slashers Send you a Dirty Text
Pairing: Slasher Men x f!reader
Notes: Today has been relatively boring, so I spent some time writing a few of these chapters and it’s been a lot of fun. So here’s another part for you all to read. I hope you enjoy it!
Characters in this chapter include: Art, Billy, Stu, Brahms, Corey, Dennis, Mark, Michael, and Pinhead.
You can find the other chapters I’ve written and will continue writing for the texting series here!
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3K notes · View notes
aglitchysylveon · 30 days
Guess who turned Billy and Stu into monster boys? I DID!
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Guess who also regrets their life decisions? ME! 🤪🤪🤪
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tomboy24-7 · 17 days
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softgothexe · 2 months
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"Cuz my insides are reds, and yours are too..and the blood on my face is matching you.."
i forgot to post this one here but they're just soo silly
also imma plug my Stuilly playlist here
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gojoidyll · 3 months
Imagine being Stu's childhood friend. Oh boy, the two of you always got into the worst of trouble. Well, it was mainly Stu getting into the most mischief, but you were always their to bail him out. Even as you both grew older and apart. Even as you two entered highschool and he got a new friend group leaving you behind, you still got his back through thick and thin. So imagine your surprise when Billy (someone that effectively replaced you) and Stu came for you for an alibi. You didn't ask nor did they tell, but you pieced the info together when the killings started.
And even though you had an inkling that it was them. You decided to stick by your friend. Even when he invited you to that house party...
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