#why is this my first post
villainbun · 4 months
Stu: You won’t ever break up with me, will you?
Y/n *barely listening to him: Hmm? No of course not
Stu: Good cuz or else I might have to carve out your insides
Y/n: …
Stu *whiny : Babeee please give me some attention
Y/n *sighs: The only thing you‘ll ever be carving my insides with is that dick of yours
Stu: *Surprised pikachu face*
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yes-kill-rule · 2 months
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Chat Bubbles:
Interviewer - "So, Joker, why do you hate the vigilante of Blüdhaven, Nightwing?"
Joker - "He wasn't traumatized by ME"
Joker - "AND he called me UNFUNNY."
My friend showed me a post abt how the Joker hates Nightwing since he's the only Robin he hasn't traumatized and I thought it was funny
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fergythefrog · 1 year
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wronglywrong · 6 months
Rich girl Dazai fr
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I would like to talk to Joseph Brogan
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scorpionstar2021 · 2 years
Had a vision of a huge TMNT crossover...
So all the Donatellos are together, and something is broken (just bear with me)...Rise Donnie and 2012 Donnie would offer two different solutions to fix it, then start arguing about whose suggestion to use and about who’s actually more intelligent.
Then Bayverse Donnie just picks up by their shells (or battle shell) and holds them up in the air. Rise Donnie and 2012 Donnie are still hissing and spitting at each other, even held off the ground, and Bayverse Donnie just ignores them, completely unbothered. Holding the two rowdy Donnies, he offers another solution.
Now, holding two Donnies trying (and failing) to kick one another while suspended in the air, Bayverse Donnie can’t actually accomplish what he suggested, but 2003 Donny is more than willing to use his suggestion to fix the problem.
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starryseaz · 2 months
hi everyone, its me, the cool squad. and by squad i mean its me. there's just me fronting. i dont even have a name. im literally just The#2UltimateShadowLover i might need a name. also if you know me then uhh uh uhhmm HI
never actually met system tumblr i hope this is gonna be cool -☕️
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pastel-spider-webs · 8 months
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Have this
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florencenotthecity · 4 months
People keep on telling me to vote blue no matter who. Unsure why I should cast my ballot for the conservatives tbh
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This will be me if I ever go to France… 💀
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kiwibirb1 · 11 months
I fucking love apple juice. It just makes me so happy.
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yxmmis · 2 years
so my classmates were talking about their crushes and making poems and writings and idk what to call it honestly but i decided to join in on the fun cus i was bored and i made these because i literally do not know what is falling in love
i cannot fall in love so instead, i dream
i dream of being in the park with someone,
slowly walking alongside them as we enjoy the afternoon breeze
i dream of walking so close to them that our fingers would occasionally brush against each other and we would move away slightly from each other,
our face reddening as i smile slightly at the scene
i dream of realizing ive been in love with them since i had been young
i dream of avoiding them and yet they worry and continue to stay by my side
i dream of finally telling them my feelings,
under the moonlight where rain bounces off of our skin
as the rain continues, my tears falls down my cheek
and i run, in fear of them thinking of me as being weak
i dream of shutting myself in my bedroom, scared of what others will think
of what they'll think
and then a vibration comes from my phone
they called,
worried and confused
i dream of reassuring them while i sob
unable to keep my feelings from them
i dream of feeling pathetic as they listen in earnest,
as their voice holds me
and tells me
that they like me too
and i dream of feeling butterflies within my stomach
and love them even more than anything
but that's what's keeping me from falling in love,
my expectations and daydreams, my stardards and my ideal romance
but i believe in miracles.
so until i fall in love
i will continue to dream
falling in love
i do not get the idea of what people perceive as 'falling in love'
i do not get it but is it just-
walking down the streets and hearing a random tune
a tune that stays within your mind and continues to do so, like an itch that cannot be itched
and when you finally find the song, it's like that itch has finally been satisfied
it's a satisfying feeling to fall in love
as though, a missing piece in the puzzle had finally been found
or perhaps it's more like,..
finally leaving that place you've been stuck in for the longest time and you went to a place you never would've gone to
and then you stay in that place for so long that you didn't realize that the moon had been ready to rise
you ride your bike and suddenly, for the first time
you witness the sun as it sets, the beauty that comes with it, one that you've never realized until you looked closely
perhaps it feels as though you've noticed a beauty that you've never seen before
and then, you continue to chase that same feeling you felt the day you fell in love with that beauty
or maybe, it's like,..
a plant you've been taking care of, one you've been with its whole journey and one you've seen through its worst
but despite that, you continue to take care of it
you don't expect anything from the plant,
you feel that it doesn't have to thank you, nor give anything to you in return
because you chose to love that plant
and yet, it blooms
it blooms a flower
for you...
is falling in love being with that person throughout everything they've been through and still caring for them without wanting anything in exchange?
im not quite sure...
but if so, falling in love sure sounds beautiful
fiction has ruined romance
(note : i lost my sanity making this)
fiction has ruined romance for me
for now i cannot fall in love ever again
i can't fall in love unless that person had been an enemy my entire life but when the time comes when i am all alone,
he stays there by my side, continuing to hate me for types of stupid reasons and i keep him by my side, not realizing we had already become friends and i realize that i loved all the things i thought i had hated about him
and neither can i fall in love unless she had been the sunlight of my days as she continues to smile and please everyone and i just fall for her completely,
but i know deep down that she's not just a beam of sunshine, that she is a human and i make sure to remind her of that
and one day will i hope that she will feel comfortable enough to share her feelings with me, not having to feel pressured to please me and i wanna see her cry and let her show the side she rarely or would never share to others
and i would never fall in love unless that person stays with me, not because they feel they can change me, but rather because they want to help me through the changes and help keep me on the right track
they hold my hand as i make the biggest decisions in life and will support me through all i want to go through
and i dont think i will fall in love unless you've been my childhood best friend who's always been there for me and we felt as though it was us against the world but something happened that stopped us from being in touch
and when we see each other again, i wonder how ive ever lived without you this entire time as i fall in love with you all over again and we became close once more or even closer than before...
fiction has ruined romance for me
for now i cannot fall in love ever again
idk, im just bored dude (this is so cringy huhu i hate this)
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anoncharli3 · 1 year
ok yes i know this is my first post but i need to show any apple users about the new notability format
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what is this??????? where is my FORMAT that i have grown to know and love for the last few years?????? this is a disgrace
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and why are there only eight colours / three sizes that you can favourite???? why can i not just manually change it each time it’s so much easier???
overall i am Not a fan of this
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lyngendofzelda · 1 year
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the officially licensed spider society hq exclusive spiderman 2099 burger
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The feeling you get when you remember what it felt like when you were younger to not have to worry about the future - and the far future. It makes me not exactly sad, but like there’s this gravity in my chest.
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0dank0isnothere0 · 1 year
Me looking at cool insert yourself art: oh boy I hope the y/n isn't super feminized-
The y/n:
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Love Story but make it ✨Shakespeare✨
Romeo, saveth me, i've been humour so high-lone i keepeth waiting f'r thee, but thee nev'r cometh is this in mine own headeth? i knoweth not what to bethink that gent did kneel to the did grind and did pull out a ringeth and hath said, "marry me, juliet thee'll nev'r has't to beest high-lone i loveth thee and yond's all i very much knoweth i did talk to thy father, wend picketh out a white dresseth t's a loveth st'ry, baby, just sayeth, "yes"
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