#Sea Monster Geoff AU
wheredidalltheusersgo · 5 months
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Happy mermay!
Here's Geoff and Brody from the Sea Monster Geoff AU in their deception forms!
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perpetualexistence · 8 months
Sea Monster AU: Spring Break Snacktime
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Might have been a bit later than I anticipated, but here's the next part! Part of the reason it took longer was because I ended up changing the order of a specific arc that was originally going to start here. This part was intended to be lighter as a result of that inciting event.
This part still does have a moment of lightness for Noah! It's just also followed by a semi-scene that's not so light for Noah.
Without further ado, just click on the Read More!
Content Warnings: Mentions of eating people, Alejandro being a manipulative bastard, and toxic yaoi except it's actually toxic
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Despite all of the hunting, Noah does have a life outside of Alejandro. He still has to take his college classes unless he wants to look suspicious. Lucky for him he still does well enough in his classes because he's smart. He just doesn't have much time for any extracurriculars or socializing. Especially socializing since he considers it would be too mentally taxing to hide what he's doing from anyone else.
Still, he does find himself eavesdropping since he's curious even if he can't bring himself to enter any social situations. He also wants to check to see if anyone is saying anything about the disappearances. It's how he realizes that a certain time is coming up that is about to make hunting both particularly easy and particularly challenging. Spring Break.
Spring Break is a time when the lake is the most active. Both townies and tourists are out and about being absolute drunk menaces in the lake. They make for easy pickings. But it's also harder to isolate ships given that there's so many on the docks. Since these are recreational booze cruises, there's no way to really track their routes since they don't need to chart them. And with so many, it's hard to just scour through social media for any in particular since a lot of these yachts/boats look the same. At least to Noah who never used to care for boats up until he started selecting for slaughter.
Noah's solution is to get on a smaller boat and simply sail until he sees one that's isolated enough from others. He'll fake running out of gas after going on a spring break joy ride by himself, and then he'll be allowed on the ship and do his regular recon. The plan does work, but it presents a problem.
The boat that he happens to find himself on is Geoff's party boat. He barely knows Geoff, since Geoff actually lives in the big city. Geoff still goes to the community college in his home town because his grades wouldn't really allow him anywhere else. Geoff's one of the few people from the big city who doesn't constantly shit on Noah's little home town. Noah even recognizes a couple of other townies on the boat. Inter-town parties are a bit of a rarity given town rivalries, but it seems that Geoff is the guy who believes that parties are for everyone, including the weird loner nerd that nobody seems to know what his deal is, aka Noah.
There's no way Noah can get away with the normal 'fake death' plan because he's actually going to be in an environment where he'd see the people he'd ask Alejandro to spare. Especially not since Geoff, in being a good party host, pretty much announced Noah's arrival so people would know where this guy came from. And now townies who are curious because they never expected Noah to come to one of Geoff's parties are trying to engage in conversation with him. Meaning it's going to be harder for him to sneak off to get in touch with Alejandro who's currently waiting for the signal to go. Great.
Noah finds himself talking with Owen first. Because Owen's made it a personal mission to get to know everyone at his college. Noah's been the most elusive due to his 'extracurriculars'. So Owen's got to know about Noah even more. Noah's very careful about what he says since he's trying to find a way out of this conversation. But he does accidentally let slip that a) he doesn't know most of the people here personally and b) he's never actually been to a party before. Owen makes his new personal mission introducing Noah to everyone at the party, or at least all the people that he knows. So Noah gets dragged around to meet Izzy, Eva, Geoff, and Duncan.
Noah's getting increasingly paranoid about what Alejandro's doing since Noah's never been this radio silent during a hunt. And yet he's...not completely hating his time here. It's nice to interact with people he's not constantly terrified of. Or people who are actually the worst human being on the planet. He'd almost forgotten that humans can be decent. For the most part, he's just present while they're pulling wacky shenanigans around him. Usually he hates large crowds of people. But Owen's doing a pretty good job of checking in on him. There's even a room on the boat for people who need a chill break during the party. That's where he meets Gwen, Trent, Courtney, and Bridgette.
It's while in this more chill room that Noah's finally able to break away from Owen and everyone else to get in touch with Alejandro. He explains what happened so Alejandro won't be too mad, and...tells him not to come after this ship. Noah can get two for him to make up for it afterwards, but this one is far too risky. And Alejandro will have to wait a couple of hours more because that's when the party boat is going to dock for those who don't plan to spend the night.
So far, Noah's never actually tried to completely deny Alejandro a ship. He's gotten survivors excused because Alejandro could still occupy himself with other prey. But to completely deny him a meal? It's unprecedented. The worst part is that their communication is only one way, so Noah has no idea what Alejandro's thinking. Alejandro could decide Noah asked for too much and just end everything right here, right now. He can only wait and pray Alejandro will listen and spare this ship with decent people in it for once.
Fortunately for him, nothing happens to the ship. Owen insists on exchanging numbers, and Noah eventually just lets it happen to get Owen off of his back. The ship pulls to port, and Noah immediately books it for his cove. It's late at night, but Alejandro's above the water and waiting for Noah. The darkness doesn't help Noah's unease as it makes it harder to read Alejandro's expressions. The only light comes from the moon and the occasional crackle of electricity coming from Alejandro's tail.
Noah tries to crack a light joke to try to ease some tension. He's not good at those at the best of times, but especially not now. Alejandro bends down to extend a flat palm to Noah. He doesn't say anything. It's just an invitation. A false one. Because Noah is very sure if he doesn't step onto that hand, he's going up one way or another. So he steps on, and Alejandro lifts him so that he's at face height.
Alejandro lets Noah know that he heard the radio. It was a bit choppy though. He had to make some interpretations of the message. Rather similar to how Noah thinks he can just make his own interpretations of the deal without talking to Alejandro about it. He spared the ship, and in fact went all the way to the other side of the lake where there was no chance of encountering anyone from Noah's home town. Because he wanted to be kind.
He also heard that he was allowed to have two ships as recompense. It was so generous to let Alejandro hunt on his own! So he took it upon himself to hunt down two ships on his own. Don't worry, he still made sure to be as safe as they've always been. Isolate them, disrupt communications, and leave no survivors. They were still small yachts, so they were probably tourists.
Despite the darkness, Noah knows this is bullshit. He knows Alejandro heard him ask to wait for Noah to get back to him before hunting. Noah also knows that he's currently about 100 feet off the ground, and Alejandro's hand is currently over the hard hard ground, not the water. But still. He's Noah.
He calls Alejandro out for claiming to only hear the hunting two ships part. If he didn't hear about the fact that Noah would be a couple of hours, then why would he be here waiting for Noah in the middle of the night instead of waiting to try to get in touch with him in the morning? This earns Noah a rapid shift in position from being in flat palm to suddenly being held in a closed fist that keeps only his head free to move and stare at Alejandro.
Because Noah and his observational skills are cute. But they're not that cute when he's annoyed. And trust Alejandro, this is only annoyed. Noah does not want to push him any farther than that. If Noah is leave him hanging for that long again, he better be in serious danger or provide an immediate alternative. Or Alejandro's going to keep interpreting things how he wants to. And Noah. Will deal with it. Gracefully. Do they have an understanding?
Noah doesn't even trust himself to speak and just rapidly nods his head. Alejandro chuckles. Noah looks cute when he's frightened. He should take care to make sure Alejandro doesn't like seeing it more. He'd plant a kiss on Noah's cheek, though for Noah it's pretty much the entire left side of his head. Alejandro gently used a finger to fix Noah's hair before setting him down on the beach completely unscathed. Then he'd leave, expecting to see Noah tomorrow. To plan their next meal. It's spring break, so Alejandro might as well stock up while the food is fresh.
Once Noah is done processing everything that's just happened, he knows one thing for sure. He's got to stop thinking of this as some kind of Bonnie and Clyde vengeance quest. He was getting so caught up in that, he forgot the reason he started it in the first place.
Noah needs to go on the offensive.
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zozo-333 · 1 year
Maybe I should just write some fic of this(mostly will be WT prompt with no context)
But right now it just more scenarios, everyone is chaotic neutral here
Alien AU, please read my previous posts for context. This contains Heatherra, Alecody and Gwortney
(Some have problems, some don't, and some created them)
Chris: So, how's you guys doing these years?
Owen: Pretty good
Geoff: Not too bad, I guess
Gwen: meh
Courtney: I hate everything
Harold: This place's microbe system almost killed me, but I survived and learned lots of things
Tyler: I still don't know how to properly operate this body
Lindsay: My life's nice, but I always say the wrong things
Noah: I hope no one else here is in the family of ten. If you do, I'm sorry
Heather: I'm high and mighty but have identity issues and don't know how to explain my problem to therapist
Izzy: I'm a wanted criminal!
Izzy: Oh don't worry, that have nothing to do with our identity, all I did just blew up a building
(Not literally)
Chris: What's up, Ezekiel!
Ezekiel: uh *look up* cloud, bird, sun, moon, and our hom——
Chris: Ok I need you to shut up, now
Tyler: What's the big deal of jumping into the sea? Not like it'll hurt us
DJ: My escape pod crashed on sea, that's a horrible experience and I would rather not be reminded that
Courtney: Don't want to get eaten by shark
Beth: Too much injured will bust my disguise
Noah: Speaking of injured. Chris, all the challenge are safe in human standards right?
Chris: …theoretically?
Cody: …Have you test these challenges with humans?
Chris: Yes
Cody: Did they survived?
Chris: …You know, maybe I should check on that
Noah: Yeah we're so going to be bust
(Girl wasn't even trying to hide)
Heather: Izzy, you can't transform in front of other people! Our 'gun' will run out of power!
Leshawna: And how did you change back so fast? It always took me like hour to do that!
Izzy: Oh, because I didn't make internal organs, well, not all of them were missing, but most of them are
Izzy: Just watch! *Detach her arm and revealed it's shallow inside*
Camera man appear in the wrong time: MONSTER! *get knocked down*
Trent: So why did you turn into a bear and scared us?
Izzy: Cause it's fun! Also I can eat people faster
All gophers: IZZY!
Izzy: What, I'm hungry, and you know what happened when we get hungry
(energy is energy 4, also they all win the boat trip)
Chef: You boys just fine eating this?
Duncan: What's the matter? *Eating the 'meatballs'*
Brigette: This is my first time eating animal corpse…
Heather: *stamp Brigette's feet*
Brigette: I mean meat! This is my first time eat meat!
Chef: Okay…here's the pizza with grass hopper, spicy jellyfish and——
Geoff: Just give that to us, we're hungry
Owen: *come out from kitchen* Hey look! Worms with human body part(he mean hair)…maybe I shouldn't exciting about the last part
Gwen: Did normal people eat this? Whatever *eat pizza*
Chef: Are you guys good?
(Travel to unknown place is dangerous)
Intern: Ok, due to *insert very complicated lawsuits*, we're going to check all your belongings before we landed in Egypt
Duncan: *knifes and lighters*
Gwen: *baseball bat*
Intern: Sorry you can't bring that
Izzy: *explosive*
Intern: Not surprised
Heather: *croquet mallet x3*
Cody: *a mace*
Courtney: *a very large gavel cause why not*
Intern: Why?
Harold: *three nunchaku, bunch of throwing stars, a very realistic fake katana, nerf gun, water gun and some other stuff*
Harold: Always prepare when invaded the unknown land
(Apple game gone…right? from the exclusive clip but Heatherra)
Sierra: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H *stem broken* Ok that's a tough one, but I'll eventually get a C
Heather: *sitting next to a pile of cores* Are you going to eat that?
Sierra: Wow Heather, I don't know you like apple so much
Heather: I'm just low on energy, and Cody ate all the candy *attempted to break the stem but struggling*
Heather: Ugh! *stem snapped* I can't believe it took me 19 time to break this
Sierra: Wait——
(interrogation gone wrong, Alecody)
Alejandro: I knew there's something wrong and you'll not fool me
Cody: Umm…
Alejandro: Silent treatment is no use, I'll find a way to make you talk
Cody: Hey we don't have to do this, buddy. Or did you prefer pal? bestie? brother?
Cody: *panicking* …babe?
Cody: Oh Whatever *mind control ready*
(Gwortney telepathy 2)
Gwen: Oh Courtney, you always there when I needed, I want to stay with you
Courtney: You know, I feel just the same…
Gwen: But we can't shown that now, so maybe after the show
Sierra: They've been holding hands and staring silently at each other for fifteen minutes now, is everything okay?
Noah: He's like a eel dipping in grease…
Owen: Sounds delicious!
Noah: And slippery, so don't let your guard down, one wrong step and he'll found out
Owen: Okie dokie! Little buddy
Tyler: Uh guys? I think you stretching me too much
Owen: Wow you look like mozzarella cheese!
Noah: *facepalm*
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sorcererinthestars · 5 years
Okay but listen: How to Train Your Dragon AU.
The Fakes are the elite Dragon Riders of their village. This is years after dragons and humans have achieved peace (lets pretend the events of the 3rd movie don’t happen for the sake of this au). The village - Achieve Cove - is safe and flourishing under the protection of their diligent (and some say rabid) Dragon Riders.
You have young Michael Jones, who obviously rides a Monsterous Nightmare. The dragon that explodes into flame is the perfect match for the red hot rage of their hotheaded rider.
Then there’s the Golden Boy, Gavin Free. He has the Changewing, a dragon that can blend into any surrounding, elusive and flighty like the man who rides him. Although it’s a dragon who could run and hide, its fire is acid. Whoever dares to get too close will be melted in its tracks.
Jeremy has the Gronkle. Some may tease him - it’s a small dragon, but it’s power is unmistakable. Able to chew through stone and slam around dragons far bigger than it, the dragon resembles the rider: rough, tough, and ready for a brawl.
Ryan has a Flightmare. Translucent, this mysterious ghost-style dragon can spit a mist that paralyzes it’s victims. The paralyzation can last over an hour, giving his dragon plenty of time to go back for a feast. Not that he needs it. Ryan and his dragon are super fast fliers, darting around the others with ease.
Jack has the Deadly Nadder. With its sharp spines on its tail and deadly claws, he can eviserate his victims. Powerful and strong, there’s not many who can stand up to the might of Jack and his Nadder.
And finally, Geoff - the unofficial head of the Riders (although they’re all a collective), riding himself a Triple Stryke. Powerful dragons with three spines on its tail, it strikes its victims like a Scorpian. Particularly difficult to train, it’s a mark of respect that Geoff flies in on the front of his crew with one of these devils.
They defend Achieve Cove from rogue dragons, raiders, pirates, and invading clans. They are their own mysterious group. Many whisper they are all in one big relationship, living away from the main city, but one thing is certain: they are the most formidable fighting force from here to the edges of the farthest seas.
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Who did this? A Sole Ender AU fic
Summary: Ryan Haywood is happy in the crew. They know his quirks, well, most of them and they dont care. They have embraced his weird situation and have been the best family Ryan could ever want. He never wanted to lose them, so when one of the Lads goes missing for 2 weeks, only to return half alive? Well, Ryan isnt seeing red persay... He is seeing Black.
I would like to warn you: there are some parts where reality and imagination blurs a bit. There is also lots of blood. It will be the but be careful please.
Ryan stared at the door to the penthouse, gently holding Finnieas to his chest. The night sky glittered with the light of the city around them. The three legged kitten had grown quickly in the last 3 months. It wasnt uncommon to see the bundle hopping along besides Ryan or Jeremy. Occasionally the little guy would find an injured crew member and simply curl on them and purr. Geoff couldn't deny how adorable the cat was though he refused to admit it. Which didnt matter, Ryan had an entire album of the crew playing with Finnieas on his phone now.
But those happy times were on hold, and Finnieas wasnt purring to heal a physical wound. Michael had been missing for several weeks now, no one knew what happened, just that he went out for a supply run and never returned.
Ryan had taken to standing guard by the door at night. His years in the Lab had taught him how to operate on no sleep so he was able to do this. It didnt make the situation any better, and he was still exhausted beyond belief.
As Jack and Jeremy liked to remind him, he was still human, no matter what. He had limits.
Despite that Ryan sat up. His Vagabond Mask in arms reach just in case and surrounded by Diet Coke cans. His mind wandered about phasing between focused intent and roaming memories.
God exhaustion didnt helo memories one bit, it had been a week and a half since Ryan slept more than an hour every 3 days and things were blurring.
Then the door silently opened and the scent of old blood and gunpowder filled Ryan's mind. The walls turned white.
Ryan rose and teleported in an instant to catch Michael, leaving Finnieas to tumble onto the couch with a Mrrp. God Michael was shit. Ryan couldnt tell where all the blood was from but if the distinct lack of fingernails was anything to go by, he would guess Michael had been in some deep shit.
"Michael, stay with me ok?" Ryan muttered as the curly haired man moaned in pain. Ryan began to bridal style carry Michael into the back. He stopped outside Michael's own room but decided against it. He didnt trust it at the moment, plus Gavin and Jack were asleep there. Something about the smell.
Ryan instead made his way to his own room, and gently set Michael down on his bed. Ryan then slowly began to peel away the lady's tattered clothes, and tucked a blanket over him.
All the while Ryan was taking shaky shallow breaths. Blood was easy. He saw blood on himself all the time. Ryan had removed his eye patch, a plain black silk one Geoff had gotten him, to look over Michael. It played to have an eye that could show exactly what kind of injuries or weaknesses someone had. Especially if you needed to report the injuries.
Internal bleeding, the blood pooled dangerously in Michael's lungs. The eye revealed if Michael wasnt propped up he would drown quicker. So Ryan propped him up, the ghost of an electric shock shooting through his veins as he did so.
No time for that. What else was there?
Concussion, and cracked skull. Ryan couldnt do much there but cushion the head. He grabbed extra pillows to pack around the lad just in case. The ghostly shock grew in strength and Ryan felt his vision fade a little.
Not Now! Michael needed him.
Broken ribs, arm and legs. Those needed to be set. Ryan couldnt do that himself, he needed Larry.
"Rye?" Michael groaned, his voice cracking. Ryan turned up to stare at Michael's face, not his eyes, never his eyes.
"Yeah." Ryan assured quietly. "Its me. Hang on ok? I'm getting Larry."
Ryan then Vwooped away leaving a small poof of sparkles.
Larry was a few floors down, in the crew's private infirmary, he was asleep at his desk, again. He rarely left the office unless he needed to.
He lay over various charts and reports of the crews health and healing injuries. It took a lot to keep up with the mad crew, especially since one of them didnt have all natural anatomy. But Larry didnt mind.
"Upstairs. Now. Michael needs healing." What Larry did mind was suddenly being shoved out of his sleep by Ryan literally shoving him out of his chair and teleporting away.
Hissing but rushing Larry gathered up his supplies and beelined for the elevator.
Ryan vwooped back to his room. His mind swirled and mixed up times, but it never stopped him before. For weeks a burning, and boiling rage had been hiding in the depths of his sleep deprived mind. And the sight of the lad on his bed, barely awake and alive only made that worse.
Ryan knelt down by Michael who was carefully watching Ryan. Ryan met his eyes briefly, his muscles tensed and screamed at him to run for doing so. But he kept it as best he could.
"Who did this?" Ryan whispered. The response was hesitant, but the growl that escaped Ryan's throat and the vwoop that followed wasnt.
Larry raced up through main floor, poking in every room to find where Ryan had fucking dumped Michael. On the way, he ended up waking half the crew until he found the lad half awake in Ryan's room, propped up by a mountain of pillows.
As Larry got to work a sleepy and nervous Jack went to the front room, following the desperate Mews of Finnieas. Out in the main room he found the 3 legged cat pawing at a pile of sparkles on the coffee table. For the last week or so, the Vagabond mask had been sitting on the coffee table, in case an immediate rescue mission occured.
But it was gone, and Jack was instantly awake. Jack quickly crossed the room to the back hall, following it over to a secluded mini armory. Jack cursed as they counted the weapons. Only one was missing, and no one ever saw Ryan use it.
The Vagabond was on the hunt.
Ryan was lost in a swirling sea of thoughts. Fury was the first and foremost thought. It was feral and wild, a feeling that Ryan hadn't felt for years. Not since he broke free for good and he hunted down the traitors who sold him back to the Lab.
Behind the rage was bloodlust. Ryan usually enjoyed his job, but he didnt crave the blood of his enemies. Now all he wanted was to be bathed in their blood and guts.
The combo of rage and bloodlust turned into a mechanical motion. Ryan, what little piece of his mind was still aware of its surrounding and actions, felt distant. That tiny piece that remained knew, the moment he teleported his mind would swirl back into a deep pit. The robotic movements and thoughts of an agent without agency. He didnt have the control to weigh the options at this moment as he stalked the dark streets, mask slipped on over tired eyes, the left glowing bright and ominously.
His mind and consciousness had weighed the possibilities when Michael had hobbled back into the penthouse. Ryan had made the desicion when he went to the tiny armory and grabbed That knife. The one pulsing and singing in his hand now.
Ryan teleported. A monster appeared at the destination.
The bar was empty. It had been all day. The bar keep knew that their crew in the back was celebrating. They could join once they were done cleaning. The place would have to be burnt by sunrise. It needed to be clear of booze.
The barkeep didnt hear anything but a soft vwoop before the splitting pain filled his senses and with it the world went dark.
A black and purple eye watched the human bleed from their neck on the floor. And questions rang in their head.
Why was it so easy? The tests never were this easy. Why the mask? Who said it needed the mask? Was this the doctor's playing with it again?
Who cared, one was dead. Five more remain on the building, two more on the roof. Get it done. There was someone waiting for him.
In the back room of the bar the celebrations were dieing down. The victorious party celebrated their successful efforts to through the biggest crew in Los Santos off their game. They were laugh at a joke when the faint thud of runner and kevlar hit the table.
Half present the five stared at the item before them. Then they screamed. The iconic skull mask of the Vagabond lay before them, discarded but untouched. Before they could fully process what thus meant, the dripping of blood filled the room as one member fell dead. Their skull ripped open with a knife.
There was panic as another dropped down dead. They couldnt see the attacker but it was clear who it was.
As each member fell, one by one they all had the chance to catch a glimpse of a furious purple eye and a black knife and it drew their lives away and left them to rot on the floor.
The room was clear of life, and the Vagabond moved on to the last two targets on the roof, leaving nothing but bodies and sparkles behind.
Jack and Jeremy drove down the dark streets nervously. They had left the moment Jack noticed the black knife Ryan refused to touch was missing.
"Pull over! There!" Jeremy shouted as Jack threw the car into park and jumped out of the car.
The stiff figure of Ryan had emerged from an alleyway. His sweats and tshirt were soaked with blood and sweat. A small dribble of blood dripped onto the pavement from the knife pulsing and clutched in a white knuckle grip in his hand. His eyes were blank as they turned and met Jack's own.
Jack grabbed Ryan's wrists.
"Come on big guy come back to us. Larry said Michael's ok. He'll be fine. Come on, back to earth with you." Jack soothed as Jeremy helped moved the blank Ryan back to the car.
Jack piled Ryan and Jeremy into the back seat as Ryan sat still and unresponsive, like he was processing it all. Jeremy stayed pressed to his side all the way back to the penthouse as the coaxed the statue inside.
Geoff met the two at the door and gestured to the very back room.
"Use my room. Shifty said not to move Michael." There was a twitch from Ryan at the mention of Michael but nothing more, so the three moved back.
Geoff's room was the biggest. He may be one of the biggest criminals in the world, but Geoff was a goddamned Softie. He wanted to make sure he had space for his crew, his family, in his space at all times. If that meant needing a giant custom bed that fit nearly 15 people then fuckit! He got it.
Once in the giant room Geoff took the Knife from Ryan's hand and led him over to the bed with Jack and Jeremy.
The moment Ryan hit the mattress his eyes closed and he began to snore lightly. Geoff shook his head and sighed.
"Right. He's not allowed out of bed until Michael's up. Bastard needs his sleep."
Ryan was twisting in his mind. He was griping desperately to a single vision, the crew after a recent heist. His mind chanting different truths at him.
This is the present. The crew is real, and so are you.
This is a dream. These people are fake, you are nothing but a tool.
His hands ached, and his head felt like it was splitting open. He didnt know if he wanted to find out which chant was true or not. He kept his eyes closed. And begged for it to stop.
"Move the fuck over asshole Gavin's going to fucking flip when he wakes up and I'm not in your room." The voice was hushed and raspy, but Ryan knew it. Oh God he knew it!
Ryan cracked his eyes open to find Michael, bandaged and wiggling down next to him. Part of Ryan was terrified this was fake. The other terrified Michael would break of he moved more.
Ryan reached out gently and Michael sighed and he curled into Ryan's arms. A gentle purr soon joined Michael's weight as Finnieas curled up on his right.
"Real..." Ryan rasped.
"Yeah. It's real. I ain't leaving. Heard Jack say you were like a Zombie a couple days ago. You went and got the bastards who got me." Suddenly the memories of a few days ago cleared of fog. Michael's arrival, the bar, the pulsing knife he swore he would never take up again. Suddenly everything felt real and present.
"Are you ok?" Ryan asked as Michael moved his bandaged head onto Ryan's chest.
"Yeah. I'm fine. I'll heal. Look I fucking suck at emotions and shit ok? But you kicked ass for me and I appreciate that. But next time dont fucking I dont know. Robotisise yourself like Jack said you did ok? Oh and save some of the fun for me!" Michael insisted. And Ryan couldnt help but laugh as he curled into Michael himself, more odd bubbling formed in his mind, but he didnt touch it. He wanted to revel in the realness of this.
Because it was real. He was real. And so was his new home. He loved it there, like hell he was going to lose any of it.
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rimmothy-timmothy · 6 years
Dragon!AU Stuff
idk, a little plot stuff for the Dragon!AU -i've been thinking about a dragon!gavin au and im not sure if everyone else is human, or the others are also monsters. I think it'd be cool if it was only Gavin, perhaps Ryan as a lych or something -but like, dragon gavin -He really is, like, this huge dragon, but dragons have magic. The times have changed, the dragons hunted almost to extinction, so the ones who lived had to adapt to survive, transforming into humans.He looks almost completely human, except for his unnaturally green eyes (which glow in the dark)but because he's either locked away in his room hacking or has his golden shades, no one really noticed -The crew think his gold-hoarding habits are a little strange, but Ryan collected some creepy shit so Gavin collecting gold was leagues above thatA joke had started up about him being part dragon because of his habits (just like ryan was probably a grim reaper), and Gavin just smiled and played along, thinking about how right they were -It was when a job went wrong and their plane exploded that he revealed himself. Instead of letting the others fall to their deaths, he transformed and caught them in his claws, carrying them down to the shore unharmed -they all started screaming about it, being like "what the fuck gavin?" while gavin's backing away, afraid of their reactions. -Geoff quiets them and steps forward, oddly calm. That couldn't be a good sign. "Gavin," Geoff starts, and Gavin panics, so instead of waiting for Geoff to continue, he takes off and leaves, them screaming his name after him -Everyone is flipping the fuck out, all talking over each other, yelling at Geoff, and just confused -Geoff hushes them again and tells them about the dragons, and how they had been real. Humans had hunted them to extinction and had thought they were all gone, that's why it wasn't common knowledge. He only knew because his ancestors had been Dragon Hunters, and had kept records of everything. -Geoff continues to explain that Gavin was probably one of the few dragons left, if not the last, and that's why he left, because the crews' reactions weren't very reassuring that they wouldn't kill him. They all murmur and glance at each other, realization and horror setting in.Jeremy asks "will Gavin be okay?" and Geoff shrugs, not knowing. -Gavin, meanwhile, is hiding on an island off of the coast of Los Santos, back in his human form. He wants to go back, but he's afraid that they others would kill him themselves or tell people. News travels fast in this city. -When he transforms, he doesn't lose anything he's wearing or carrying (magic), so he still has his phone and guns. His phone has been constantly buzzing with texts and missed calls, but he's to much of a coward to check it. At one point he thinks about throwing it in the sea, but thinks better of it. -Instead he sits in the branches of a tree, burning small twigs and leaves, leg swinging below him. -He hears a boat approaching the island and goes to check it out, to make sure he didn't have to leave, and when he gets to the shore he freezes. A purple and orange speedboat was quickly approaching the island, and Gavin backs into the trees and hurries back to his camp. -Gavin hadn't seen any weapons, but he didn't want to take a chance. He's about to take off when Jeremy crashes through the trees, yelling. Gavin flaps his wings, but Jeremy jumps and grabs his legs -They're both in the air now, and Jeremy, who's afraid of heights, is screaming -Gavin's first thought is to kick him off and escape, but they're too high, and Jeremy would die, so he stops to hover, growling, "why did you do that" -"I didn't want you to leave again," he says, trying not to look at the ground dozens of feet below them. -Gavin snorts, smoke coming out of his nose, and he brings them back to the ground, laying Jeremy down gently. He goes to take off again, but Jeremy takes his hand and keeps him there, a pleading look on his face -"Please don't go" -"Why, so you can kill me? A dragon heart would fetch a hefty price" -"What-no!" Jeremy shakes his head and starts to talk, a little too quickly, stumbling over his words. He tells gavin that they weren't going to hurt him, of course they wouldn't -he was a part of the crew, a part of the family -why would they try and kill him for being a dragon? Hell, it's cool as fuck -Gavin doesn't believe him, but Jeremy tugs his hand back to the boat, and Gavin follows -When they get back to the mainland everyone rushes over and starts to talk (they have a problem with this), asking how could he leave them, and why he didn't tell them, or how could he think they would hurt him -Gavin gets defensive and says "its hard being a fucking dragon, you realize that. Anyone is just waiting for me to slip up, so they can kill me or do bloody experiments or whatever. I watched my family, my friends get slaughtered, one after another, just for being a dragon. You think I enjoyed that, enjoy not being able to trust anyone?" -He hunches his shoulders and wraps his arms around himself. The others were silent, and when Gavin spoke again, smoke poured out of his mouth. "It fucking sucks because I want to trust all of you, so badly, but I can't." -"Well, why not?" Michael asks, throwing his hands out. "We've proven ourselves over and over again, right?" -Gavin shakes his head, crying, "it doesn't work like that, Michael. Hundreds and hundreds of learned behavior can't be swept under the rug in five." -Geoff steps forward and places a gentle hand on Gavin's arm, quietly saying, "how can we change that?"(edited) -Gavin runs his hands through his hair, pulling at the bleach-blonde strands in frustration. "It's not you guys," he shouts, the ground under his feet bursting into flames. "It's me. Don't you get it, I can't trust you. It's nothing you've done, it's all on me." -"It's not your fault," Jack says, stepping forward too. "We don't expect you to get over that trauma, Gavin." -"Trauma?" Gavin parrots back, letting his arms drop at his sides. The others are standing back, and while they looked at Gavin earnestly they kept away from the fire. -"Yes, Gavin. Watching everyone you know die, and then being alone and in hiding for hundreds of years is trauma." -Gavin looks away and chews his lip, repressed memories swimming to the surface. He hunches his further on himself, tears stinging his eyes, and when -----Jack opens up her arms, Gavin springs forward and hugs her, gripping her shirt as sobs wracks his body -The others instantly move in and begin to comfort him, all saying that he's safe and they would never let anyone hurt him. -When Gavin calms down enough to step away, rubbing his eyes, he gives them a watery smile. "I'd like to try to trust all of you," he says, voice still wavering -As they head back to the penthouse, the others start to berate him with questions. Nothing personal, just what it was like to be a dragon. -"Dude, you can breathe fire? And what was that back on the beach, you didn't even need to breathe fire, the ground just burst into flame." -"Well, yes, I can breathe fire, and as you saw, I don't need to be a dragon to do so. In my human form, the fire is channeled through my limbs instead of my throat. But I can breathe fire in this form, too." -"What's it like to fly?" Jeremy asks. -"Well, it's... it's hard to describe. When I'm not worried about dropping you, it's freeing. The wind in my wings, being able to go anywhere I want. It's exhilarating, especially after not being able to for a while." -"So, the gold thing is your hoard?" Jack asks from the driver's seat. -"Yeah. That's my hoard..." Gavin trailed off and furrowed his brows, a realization coming to him. Everyone looked at him worriedly, but he smiled. "And you guys, I guess. I have the same amount of protection, if not more, with you guys as I would a hoard."
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cursedtdposts · 6 years
Total Drama Monster AU
I showed this to my td discord group but Im sharing it because i put effort into it. Here's a monster au with EVERYONE IMPORTANT in the Total Drama Franchise(as of Now) There’s a lot of characters so I’ll put it under a readmore. You guys can use this au but please credit me at least in passing because I put a lot of effort into it!
Total Drama Originals
Izzy: Poltergeist
Noah: Werewolf
Owen: Dragon
Eva: Orc
Heather: Gorgon
Dj: Forest Guardian/Stag Cervitaur
Leshawna: Tarantula Drider
Sadie: Tanuki Girl
Katie: Raccoon Girl
Tyler: Minotaur
Harold: Electric Poltergeist, affects electricity without automatically shorting it out
Geoff: Selkie
Bridgette: Dryad but born to a family of Undines. Never stepped foot in a forest her entire life. 
Duncan: Human Wizard, Tries to act cool but gets picked on for not having cool monster powers
Ezekiel: Household Fay, Mutation is to the fantasy interpretation of a Troll
Justin: Phoenix
Cody: Half-Imp, Half-Elf
Lindsay: Deep Abyss Sea Siren
Beth: Sheep Girl, Dream Sheep
Courtney: Ice Spirit, Canadian version of a Yuki-onna
Trent: Shadow Manipulator, Shade?
Gwen: Despair Personification, Ghostly Being that cries black tears
Chris: Demon, disguised as an Angel but it’s stuck in its faultiness.
Chef: Manticore
World Tour Newbies
Sierra: Penanggalan
Alejandro: Naga
Blaineley: Sea witch, similar to a mermaid but with octopus tentacles instead of a fish tail
Dawn: Nature Spirit
Sam: Koopa. Kappa/Turtle hybrid.
Dakota: Paradise Bird Harpy, Dakotazoid is a more Dinosaur like mutation of it.
Zoey: Bubblegum Pink Slime Girl, like a Vegan version of The Blob
Scott: Pumpkin-Headed Scarecrow
Mike: Oil-like Slime/Shapeshifter
Anne Maria: Futakuchi-Onna
Staci: Tsuchinoko
Cameron: Gill Person
Brick: Gargoyle
B: Thunder Elemental
Lightning: Gryphon
Jo: Hawk Hybrid/Valkyrie
Pahkitew Peeps
Dave: Black Cat/Cat Sith(Sic)
Topher: Impcubus (like a twunk he is part imp and part incubus)
Scarlett: Mad Scientist, Insect Chimera
Sugar: Dragoness
Amy: Jackalope
Sammy: Jackalope with one broken antler
Max: Low level Dungeon Crawler slime
Sky: Dullahan
Beardo: Half-Human, Half-Demon, has one of those nifty Stomach mouths
Rodney: Satyr/Succubus-like Demon
Ella: Fairy, specifically the Banshee type. Singing is dangerous in numerous ways.
Leonard: Fire breathing Salamander, really wants to be a dragon
Jasmine: Treant, Tree Specific Dryad
Shawn: Grimm Dog
Ridonculous Racers
Don: Shapeshifter
Tammy: Goblin
Brody: Merman, but with a Dolphin’s tail
Kitty and Emma: Chimeras
Josee: Ice/Snow Elemental, “Snow Angel”
Jacques: Yeti
MacArthur: Centaur, Clydesdale
Sanders: Cervitaur, Forest Deer
Dwayne: Sasquatch
Junior: Half-Giant
Mickey and Jay: Gnomes
Kelly and Taylor: Vampires, the Sparkly kind
Stephanie: Fire Elemental
Ryan: Frankenstoid(Reanimated Monster)
Chet: Werewolf
Lorenzo: Vampire
Laurie: Zombie
Miles: Venus Flytrap Dryad
Ennui: Human, Warlock
Crimson: Human, Witch
Spud: Baku
Rock: Siren 
Pete: Classic Devil
Gerry: Skeleton
Devin: Peryton
Carrie: Sunflower Dryad
Ellody: Kitsune
Mary: Sphinx
Tom: Peacock-Harpy
Jen: Neko(Cat Girl Monster)
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ao3feed-mavin · 5 years
Achievement Unlocked; Pokemon AU
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2rEpURP
by Role_Playing_Demon
The region of Hunto, a vast land filled with rocky mountains, grassy plains, thick forests, frozen tundras, and clear seas. This is the ninth pokemon region. This is region is different from others because they don’t have new Pokemon or new powers, instead, they use all of the old powers and upgrade them. Mega-Evolution, dynamaxing, they. have. it. all.
Geoff and his small group of friends missed their chance to be trainers due to an illness that swept over Hunto. But with the illness finally gone, the Pokemon professors deem it safe to open the region again.
Teens of all ages get a second chance at being trainers, there’s only one catch, in this region, you must be part of a team. Everyone has a team, there is no individual champion, there is a champion team.
Geoff, Michael, Gavin, Ryan, Jeremy, Jack, and Ray pick their starters and form the Badge Hunters. The small group of friends must learn how to stick together through thick and thin. The journey they take will be unforgettable; friendships will be tested, new relationships will blossom and danger looms over the horizon.
Words: 1955, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Rooster Teeth/Achievement Hunter RPF, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, DC Extended Universe RPF, Bendy and the Ink Machine, X-Ray & Vav (Cartoon)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Michael Jones, Ryan Haywood, Geoff Ramsey, Jack Pattillo, Jeremy Dooley, Ray Narvaez Jr., Matt Bragg, Matt Hullum, Gus Sorola, Miles Luna, Adam Kovic, James Willems, Lawrence Sonntag, Elyse Willems, Alanah Pearce, Matt Peake, Kerry Shawcross, Joel Heyman, Barbara Dunkelman, Adam Ellis, Chad James, Jon Risinger
Relationships: Ryan Haywood/Michael Jones, Gavin Free/Ray Narvaez Jr.
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2rEpURP
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