#Sebastian swallo
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Sebastian x Sigrid gifset
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theroyalcoldwells · 3 years
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George: You decided to help him after all, didn’t you, Vic?
Victoria: Yes. He might be an awful person and I do hate his guts...But I think it’s the right thing.
George: It is. You’re a good person, pumpkin.
Victoria: I try to be. Even if it means swalloing my pride and helping one of the people I hate the most in the universe.
George: I assume something changed your mind? And I highly doubt it was your mother.
Victoria: A...good friend. Sebastian. You remember him, right?
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George: Oh! Yes! I like that boy! I didn’t expect him to be so intelligent, it was truly a shock!
Victoria: Dad!
George: I mean it in the best way! We were able to have a nice conversation about Cadmerian and Miraledosi politics! He said we would continue it next time we saw each other, but I had to leave the ball early. Oh, well. It’s a shame he’s just your-
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Victoria: Dad. Calm down. I do not intend to get in another relationship for a loooooong time.
George: Smart decision. We wouldn’t want another...I was trying to find a nice word to describe your former fiancée, unfortunately, there are none. But that boy...
Victoria: Let’s just keep walking, dad.
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seb-ass-tian-stan · 5 years
Oops! | Sebastian Stan fic | One
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x ofc (for now)
Summary: Eve (22) and Lisa (20) are best friends, living in New York. Lisa is 40 year old actor Sebastian Stan’s daughter. One night, when Eve’s date blew her off and Sebastian came back to town, they sat to catch up in a bar. What happens next is... Oops. 
Warnings: Language, Age Gap. (for now)
Word Count: 534 (obviously for now lmao)
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"So I was studying biochem in MIT, that you already know. And, I just- it's pretty hard to explain."
"Try then."
"That's what I'm doing, let me talk." She responded cheekily. He was watching her speak, watching her lips move.
She didn't finish the sentence, though. Instead she looked at him and went, "Were you just waiting for me to be done?"
"Absolutely not."
"You dirty fuck, you totally were."
She allowed herself to speak to him in that manner only thanks to the liquor she swalloed a couple of minutes before.
"Why would I do that?"
"I don't know. Hell, you tell me."
"Can you stop being a petty little idiot and finish your sentence?" He teased.
"Fucking hell!" She replied and he let out a laugh. "Let me do it for you. You got sick of biochemistry, sick of routine, chasing after your own schedule, 'choosing life'. So you had a 'Road Not Taken' kinda moment, and you fleeted. And where does one fleet at 21? Europe. And so, long story short- you're a photographer. Boom."
"Couldn't have said it better."
"Then how come you didn't?"
"I don't know, maybe..." She give him a look. "Maybe our waiter distracted my. Some lovely lads out here today." She leant back, looked away to the restaurant crowd. "Oh shut up."
"What, you were expecting me to say your blue eyes touched my soul and your lips hypnotised me and your large hands are so distracting so much that I couldn't keep my track of thought?"
"You smug liar."
"You sexy minx."
There was silence for a moment. She looked a little shocked.
“Shit, Eve, I’m sorry. Forgive me for that... blurb.” She came to say something, but her phone rang. “It’s Lisa.” His expression dropped and he sat back, “The walls have ears.” He said and let out air, throwing his arms a bit as to show he has know idea what they should do.
“Hey girl, whatchu doin’?” She said, and felt overcompensating with casualness. “How’s your date?” He, trying to catch the conversation solely from Eve's responses, remained baffled.
“Never happened. He stood me off.”
“How come you’re still out? I can barely hear you over the music.”
“Just getting ready to leave.” She stood up and grabbed her bag. Sebastian left some cash on the booth table and followed her out, and in all honesty, he had no idea why. A dozen seconds later, when he was finally out, she said to her phone, “Oh, really? And he just arrived out of nowhere?”
“Yes. That fucking jerk.” Eve gave a confusing look to Sebastian and said, “Lisa, don’t say that, he’s your Dad, after all.” The moment that sentence was internalised, Sebastian started laughing. Eve put her back to him as if that will prevent Lisa from hearing her father laugh.
Luckily, she was too deep into her own narrative, “Sure, sure. but after a year of not calling, how is it okay to show up out of the bleeping blue? And I gotta, y’know, fuckin’-- accomodate him! This is hell, Eve. This is it.”
“Oh, Christ. Listen love, not to be a prick or anything, I want to continue this chat soon. Can I call you later?”
“Fine, I guess. I’ll be tidying around. Apartment’s a mess.”
“Okay, love you. Say hi to your dad.”
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