#Seer Psyker
bronze-stag-of-rocyria · 11 months
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wh40kartwork · 9 months
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Shoulder To Shoulder
by Sam Manley
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kantraels · 2 months
fseer funniest behaviors
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#kind of embarrassed to admit how many times ive screenshot fseer lines so i can get the cadence down#fseer is so funny. ill say it.#they double down on repetition when they're unsure or concerned. they get very defensive very easily but only rarely get legitimately#angry and when they DO (see: shriek#friendly fire) it never lasts very long#for the MOST part people say mean shit to them and they're just like haha yeah!!#the one I wanted to include but apparently don't have is the one from commsplex in throneside where seer is like#i dreamed an entrance for us and here it is! aren't I nice. say it SAY IT#(sometimes teammates will use the 'thanks' bark. very funny)#but maybe bc i read too much into things it doesn't read as seer threatening their team but more of them fishing for reassurance#which tracks because fseer is so damn scared all the damn time.... as opposed to mseer who seems just the slightest bit more sanguine#and a lot more confident/MEANER?? to his teammates. specifically loose cannon veteran. their dynamic makes me chew glass they're so funny#fseer on the other hand does tease their teammates but it's a lot gentler#sometimes they appear to get stuck on words they're hearing and repeat them a couple of times#ex quibble quibble quibble but then uhhh the one mission with the servitor colony with buzz buzz/chitter chitter#augh.#text post#kenna#<- bc they donated the lines this is more meta about fseer as a whole.#darktide#psyker#fseers writer please ten minutes to talk i need to know everything#also please approximately 500 more lines with the zealots and ogryns#voice lines
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theterrornaut · 11 months
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DARKTIDE PSYKER! (no caption)
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leftsharkhypocrite · 10 months
Meet the most toxic squad on Mourningstar
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Alright from the left
Dumbass loner (me)
Sauri ( @sin-arts-0 )
Trigorgan ( @pamaizai )
And Baldass ( @theterrornaut )
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manyeyedsphynx · 2 years
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Nice to know that the Emperor himself seems to approve of Zola’s work for the Inquisiton. :D (I want to believe the Seer’s “Beloved” is at least not a malevolent entity... if he is a ‘real’ entity at all and not just some split off part of the Seer’s unconsciousness...^^°)
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Author's note: More of Draco in Husbandry.
Summary: Draco seeks some more answers.
Warning: Let me know if I need to add anything.
Past =-= Next
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged: @sleepyfan-blog, @ms--lobotomy , @thevoidscreams, @i-am-a-dragon34, @gra93fruit-blog
Draco had been forced to retreat from the battle of the mixed group of supposed loyalists and chaos scum traitors. It had been quite annoying to deal with all of them, especially since more than one of them was a Psyker, no where near his power level.
But with the way the Warp was being non-responsive, it had given them enough of an edge that he'd needed to have a strategic retreat, he will need to find a different way to snag those two damned Primaris Psykers.
They need training proper training at that. He could tell from the way that the two Primaris Marines moved and acted, they both were gifted with a version of Seer-sight of the future.
Which could be extremely tactically useful, if their sight is honed, they are properly taught and report their visions to their superiors promptly
He knows that one Ancient Librarian of the Ultramarines who has managed to successfully guide his chapter for many years from what would have been ruinous defeat, to success and victory.
If either of those boys had even the fraction of that skill or power, it could be important for the good of the Imperium to have them Properly trained.
Still, he needs to know more about this planet that he's landed on. Also, how in the name of the God Emperor that he got here. After all, the last he remembers is being on his ship flying through the Warp.
After healing up he manages to hunt down an Alpha legionary- a younger one, who he'd learned his name was Keed and used persuasion to get the younger space marine to tell him what he knew was going on.
Learning that he was on Ancient Terra- and about the alliance between the various factions of Astartes, as well as the other things that are going on.
It's terribly fascinating, and the other space marine genuinely believes this information to be true. He pulls out of the other space marine's mind after ensuring that Keed won't remember their conversation.
Draco will need to go to one of the Loyalist Bases- but not the one that the Salamander Captain Ash'val was based at. Salamanders have a well-earned reputation, among mortals and Astartes alike, and he doesn't want the Dragon to try and breath fire at him.
Ash'val would lose that fight of course, but it would be a terribly messy battle- and would only make trying to retrieve Jophiel and Claude that much more difficult.
Ugh. He might have to fake apologizing for what he had done due to a lack of information. Which might be accepted, might not be accepted by the fellow First Born Space Marines.
The Primaris Marines know better than to try and deny him, a Gray Knight what he wants. Or at least they should, Jophiel had been trained by him, for a short while, at least.
That one knows the weight of his displeasure and how that is not a good thing. So, for him to not be obedient means that he's learning bad habits on Ancient Terra.
He clicks his tongue and shakes his head, that can happen to impressionable youngsters, but he will remind Jophiel of how he should behave.
His little Raven friend will help keep Jophiel obedient, and he can use the mutated Blood Angel against the little Raven as well. While two on one might be a bit of a challenge, it's not for him. He's a gray knight, has the gene-seed of the god emperor, rare is an individual able to overpower him.
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voidscreamintheories · 6 months
Boy and Door: You are NOT the Faeder
As always, spoilers for Hunter: The Parenting
Alright friends, this one I'm kinda shaky on and there's not much here at present, but I want to get my thoughts down.
TL;DR Door is not Boy's biological dad, and this might be a very important plot point.
As is my pattern, let's examine their TTS origins: Door was Rogal Dorn, primarch of the imperial fists, praetorian of terra, and Lord Adorable. Boy was a vox hailer serf with notoriously strong legs, and eventually the respect of some members of the adeptus custodes. Dorn became a father figure for Boy over the course of his appearance, mostly keeping him from being bullied by the custodes or Magnus. Also boy might have had latent psyker powers, we will return to this. As a side note: SuperAnchors and Nostalgia, the voices of Door/Dorn and Boy/Boy respectively are perhaps my favourite performances on TTS and H:TP. They are always a joy when they're on screen and I really appreciate their characters in both series. SuperAnchors gets a special mention for practically reshaping the perception of Rogal Dorn in the fanbase, and Nostalgia should be appreciated for turning a character litterally named "Boy" into one of the best characters in either series. Tts rant time done.
So. Boy. And Door. Look at these silly fellas, are you really going to tell me that Boy shares genetic heritage with Door? And where is his mother? I believe Door is not Boy's biological dad, and instead adopted him and has been raising him as his own. I think this is so easily accepted and never mentioned because I am honestly not convinced that Door and Markus are Big D's biological children either. I think their family is just super open to adopting anyone and everyone who comes along, and so Boy being adopted just means he's the youngest family member, no questions or qualms.
Now, this is where my REAL theory starts, and where my research into WoD kinda halted me a little bit. You see, in folklore a changeling is a child swapped with member of the fae in EARLY life. In the original WoD, changelings are... weirder... than that. I'm not sure. So I'm not a hundred percent on this one. But I think Boy is a folkloric changeling, a fae being in place of a child. I don't think Boy knows this fact, and frankly I don't think he would be able to access anything supernatural until recently. Recently being when he started experiencing "puberty disease" as listed in one cutaway card. That same cutaway card mentions it being "cured with meat". Now the fae have ofttimes been portrayed as dainty and nature loving and very "surface level fantasy" elf like. Reading about WoD fae made my head hurt so I don't know if that applies here, but MAYBE boy was starting to manifest his fae side, and eating a stable meat only (read: anti elf) diet staved it off for a time. I think those powers are now bubbling back up, despite the continued meat consumption.
I think H:TP is building up the awakening of many powers, when I get around to explaining the things we all know about Markus this will be relevant. But for Boy I think he is awakening some future telling fae abilities. I think Boy is keeping some of his hinted at seer powers from TTS, just in a different context. In the first arc we see a couple of hints to this: first episode Boy spots Pyotr while he's invisible (and you can too if you look very closely for his eyes), Boy doesn't know he has cool powers so he doesn't recognize fully his feat. But spotting an obscured vamp who can disappear even on camera is pretty above human. Next there is the final confrontation against Pyotr, some day I may type a long diatribe on why that scene in particular is great but not today. Boy manages to hit a shot on a target moving parallel to his position going LUDICROUS speed. I think he may have done this thanks to a lil bit of precognition. And finally there is the meeting with Horse.
Horse and what he IS will get another post one day, but for now let's talk a little about the vision. I think it's not coincidence that Horse calls Boy "oracle" and speaks of prophecy to him. I also don't think it coincidence that Boy sees shapes in the blood. I think Boy is a seer, and certain forms of divination uses blood and gore to make predictions (see Haruspex). Again, I will cover Horse's prophecy another time, but let's talk about the "Faeder" line. I don't think that word was chosen just cause it sounds olde. I think it's a hint and misdirection. Again, I suspect boy was not born into this family, but instead is a product of the faeries. This would mean he has a faerie father, or a fae father, or a faeder. I think Horse was telling Boy that his TRUE father will die. Buuuuuut WoD changelings are weird and Alfabusa has written important foreshadowing WAY too early before (Hello TTS Ghazkhull!), so I'm not sure. I will say to bolster this idea that it was weird for Horse to mention "milklings", another name for changelings, on the same level as other WoD big players. I think this was also a tip off to us the audience about our beloved family, aside from kindred I believe each group mentioned is represented in that role call.
Door. Door is simple, strong, and the only actual normal human hunter in the family (see my kitten theory, Markus and Big D theories pending). Based on the episode titles, and the show title itself, I think the "hunter" in question is Door, and "the parenting", refers to his relationship with Boy. Boy seems to be the writer of the episode titles (on the actual title cards) in arc 1. I hope we see Boy grow under Door's guidance, because I love these characters. And I really hope I'm right that Boy has a fae dad who will take the bullet of prophecy so we don't have to see Door desiccated on the rocks.
Let me know what you think, til next time
Good evening
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ocherednoe-dno · 6 days
which ocs have you been thinking about the most recently? and what about them do you like?
I've been seeing necron stuff recently, so Zero! she is what I want or have seriously thought of in a necron character, and she is a Stellaris crossover character to boot. she is a former commoner, the champion of the Animator of Clay [a Shroud deity from Stellaris, whose domain is the granting of free will unto machines], who was returned her free will and mind when it was impressed by her futile attempt to resist an unjust order. as a necrontyr, Zero had a different name, one she has forgotten as unimportant. she lived with strong and highly unpleasant mood swings, and was generally isolated because the idea that people might betray her trust and abandon her was intolerable. she worked on a civilian starship, presumably a cargo freighter or transport [Zero is no longer clear on the details], and thus knows how to fly necron starships at least in theory. she is also intersex, because all evidence points to necrontyr reproducing in a similar manner to humans, which would mean intersex necrontyr existing. Zero is an incredibly principled person, but she considers her old life a painful, unreal nightmare that she was extremely fortunate to wake from - biotransference dulled her emotions, and she no longer feels pain. to her, the dysphorakh is incomparable to the experience of being alive. her mission - a holy one, even, one she undertakes as chosen of the Animator - is to free other necron, and to create new necron: true machine minds, who would complete the evolution of their species so misled by the c'tan. Zero is, in fact, also a high priestess, but she does not tend to linger on spiritual matters. has an avid interest in preserving history, and a compulsion to remain clothed despite her necrodermis body no longer being "nude".
in addition, I've been intending to post about Rosemarie for many months, and have been figuring out the character arc of her and her shadow Roseanne. they are dual characters; never one without the other, though Rosemarie is unquestionably the leader and protagonist among them. the two of them are psykers, both seers/precognitives, but their master has chosen Rosemarie as his student and discarded Roseanne's potential, relegating her as a mere guard of the former. Rosemarie has the air of a frazzled librarian about her, and is very ambitious, despite how stressful it is for her to be an Inquisitor's student. Rosemarie's family has a tradition of naming the eldest child after the Saint of their world, known most commonly as Roswell or Rose, and thus it is easy to see that she is the eldest child of her parents. they are alive and well, by the way, but letting the Inquisition take their daughter and her later life as a sanctioned psyker has cast a certain pall over their relationship with her. Rosemarie believes strongly in not making others do what she would be unwilling to do herself, and demonstrates something of a tendency to do the most unpleasant or immoral parts of missions herself, to spare her underlings the responsibility. she also believes that as leader, she is responsible for her subordinates, and that their actions reflect on her. a noble sentiment, and one that has created a lot more work for her. perhaps she has a tendency to micromanage.
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cleverwitch-wolfskin · 11 months
So I absolutely love Darktide and the way the PCs talk to each other in matches. The personalities are fantastic and add so much diversity! My psyker felt so out of place in the first strike team I joined, but the Ogryn on that always called our ammo specifically for me and the player had my back throughout.
In the second match, there was another psyker, a Seer I believe, and he set out a health canister and the dialogue for it was "Sibling, a health canister here. See?" with this sort of innocent tone that just about made me cry 😭
I freaking love this game
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farsight-the-char · 10 months
We got another Eldar mention, a notable back-and-forth between Seer Psyker and Fantatic Zealot. Seer mentioning how "Eldar are akin to what we will become" and Fantatic disproving.
Been getting an increasing number of conversations with about Eldar.
Ship-mistress Brahm does have dealings with Xenos, apparently....
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wh40kartwork · 9 months
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by David Gallagher
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kantraels · 21 days
fseer and the voices
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lulzyrobot · 9 months
does kass think the seer psyker really is talking to the emperor or they're just insane like mot psyker's sadly
Kassidy is more than happy to humour the seer and their beloved if that means they do better in the field. I wouldn't say most are insane, they're all just having a very bad time lmao
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Just gonna answer your other ask here to keep it to one post. Her and Hadron have an interesting relationship. Kassidy gets to keep her weird bones and prosthetic touched up with no questions if she performs smaller missions/chores for Hadron.
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seer psyker from darktide IS one of my favourite warhammer characters of ALL TIME and im NOT KIDDING
(he is my elver, i imagine beloved is the spirit of konrad curze.)
(also shout out to agitator zealot, he is close second.)
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leftsharkhypocrite · 1 year
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My turn so
PSYKER CUEBALL (for @theterrornaut )
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