#Sega Naomi GD-ROM
koppashiren · 9 months
So I was playing this Sega Naomi GD-Rom game called Melty Blood: Act Cadenza Version B (メルティブラッド アクト カデンツァ Ver.B) which is a fighting game developed by TYPE-MOON and Ecole Software and was published by Sega, it was released on Arcades in December 26, 2006 and version B2 was released on March 20, 2007. So I had this idea were Sparks from SuperKitties and Koppa from Shiren the Wanderer meeting Len and Kohaku from Melty Blood, mostly because I think it would be really cute seeing Sparks and Koppa meeting Len and Kohaku.
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Sega NAOMI update: DIMM board and IDE adapter arrived!
One of the major differences between NAOMI and consumer Dreamcast hardware is that loading your game is a more open-ended affair.
While the Dreamcast worked exclusively off a internal GD-ROM drive, NAOMI initially took ROM cartridges. This was more expensive, but cut down sharply on load times and crucially eliminated a major potential failure point: A very important decision for an arcade-centric design, which would be subject to much longer runtime and much more abuse than a mass market game console.
However, Game developers would occasionally want to make a game that was too big to feasibly fit on a expensive ROM board, and operators would occasionally want something more economical. This mandated an addition to make NAOMI accept the same GD-ROM media.
Enter the DIMM board and NAOMI GD-ROM system.
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As I alluded to earlier, optical media tends to be a major failure point. The more a disc drive gets worked, the more a motor, a sensor, the laser, or one of the other sensitive mechanical components is likely to fail. The less it does, the better in a environment where long runtime and minimal service are to be expected.
When SEGA’s engineers designed the DIMM board, the cartridge that interfaces NAOMI to a GD-ROM drive, they did something pretty clever. As the name implies, the DIMM board integrated standard DIMM RAM modules for use as a cache! Instead of directly accessing the disc whenever it needs data like a Dreamcast would, the NAOMI GD-ROM system copies all the data off the disc onto the RAM disk on startup. This sharply minimizes the amount of use the drive receives, as the system can just retrieve the data it requires off the DIMM board’s RAM disk.
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For reasons of further simplifying things, I’m doing something sneaky: Since the GD-ROM drive connects to the DIMM board over a relatively standard IDE connection, it’s possible to replace the GD-ROM drive with a CompactFlash memory card using a custom adapter board. This requires certain firmware version requirements to be met on both the DIMM board and the base console.
Another popular option is to use the later NetDIMM board, which has a network interface, to boot games off a network server. I wanted something lower maintenance, however.
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neesutton · 2 years
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$45.0 Only! ~ INITIAL D 2 SOFTWARE GD ROM SYSTEM NAOMI SEGA arcade game board PCB PART C88, Arcade Spare Parts, A001, Arcade Gaming Parts Check This Out!
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posthumanwanderings · 6 years
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aaronkraten · 3 years
Tonight gonna try my luck at Ikaruga for the Sega Naomi GD Rom system
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blazehedgehog · 5 years
You see Matt McMuscles "What Happen" video on Sonic 2006?
Funnily enough, there was an episode of Wha Happun where he had clips of Sonic 06 at the end of the video, during the segment where he was soliciting suggestions on future episodes of the series.
So I shot him an email. I figured he was already planning on doing a video, because the Sonic movie buzz was ramping up and it would be good SEO.
I told him something along the lines of “Hey, I was writing a book on that game, I’ve done charity marathons centered around that game, my Youtube video for Sonic 06 used to be the top search result for the game, I’ve written for a Sega news site for a decade, and I’m a walking encyclopedia for the Sonic franchise. If you need any help with making your video or fact checking your information, I’d be willing to lend a hand.”
He never responded to me. Fair enough, I guess. I doubt that guy would need to slum it with another channel that doesn’t even have 20k subscribers, and we’d never spoken formally otherwise. I was a nobody to him.
Maybe he should have, though. Not even 90 seconds in to the video and there’s already things that I’m not quite sure he’s right on. By his account, Sonic 2006 was intended to be a Playstation 3 launch title, and PS3 itself was intended to be lead platform.
As far as I’m aware, this isn’t true.
Sonic 06 was originally revealed in a press-only behind-closed-doors demonstration at E3 in 2005, running on the newly announced Xbox 360. Here is part of that presentation, leaked via ancient flip phone video, showing numerous other Sega tech demos running on early 360 hardware, including Chrome Hounds, Afterburner Climax, Virtua Fighter 5, House of the Dead 4, and, of course, Sonic 06. You can hear the presenter talking about how some of these Sega games are Xbox 360 exclusives.
As far as I’ve ever heard, Sonic 06 was lead on the Xbox 360, as Sonic Team was struggling with the PS3. This was the case for a lot of developers back then – it was often easier to port from PS3 to 360, but not the other way around, thanks in part to the overly-complicated hardware architecture of Sony’s console and its limited RAM. However, because the 360 was so much easier to work with than the PS3, most developers tried to do it the hard way, especially early on. That’s because it often took way less effort to get an Xbox 360 build up and running well.
Hence, Sonic 06 came out on the PS3 more than two months after the Xbox 360, and with even worse loading times. That doesn’t sound like a lead platform to me.
Microsoft may have been the laughing stock of Japan, but they were very tightly knit with Sega. The original Xbox was even originally intended to play Dreamcast GD-ROMs, and received the bulk of Sega’s exclusives for that generation (Jet Set Radio Future, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Crazy Taxi 3, Sega GT, Gun Valkyrie, etc.). Sega’s Chihiro arcade hardware was also partly based on the Xbox, similar to how Naomi was based on the Dreamcast.
Microsoft also fought hard spent a lot of money to get other Japanese developers on board. Namco with Breakdown, Artoon with Blinx the Time Sweeper, Tecmo with Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive, From Software with Otogi, etc. This even extended to the 360, with games like Dead Rising, Blue Dragon, Rumble Roses, Beautiful Katamari, Ace Combat 6 and more originally being Xbox 360 exclusives. Japanese people may not have been buying the console, but it wasn’t for a lack of trying on Microsoft’s part.
And most of this was YEARS before Matt’s claim that Microsoft “suddenly” wanted to push Sonic 06 as a flagship Xbox 360 game in the late-stages of its development.
His claim that Sonic 06′s Xbox demo was “better” than the final product also reeks of a person who is only going by romanticized second-hand accounts and never actually touched the demo then, or now. That demo is actually buggier than the full game, and with considerably more sluggish camera controls.
All of this is in service of Matt dancing dangerously close to the old, worn out lie that “Microsoft pressured Sega for Sonic 06 and contributed to its demise.” That’s something I have personally debunked by tracking it down to a Sonic 06 apologist named “pkstarstorm1up” who was going around adding it to Sonic wikis as a way of deflecting the blame off of Sega. There is absolutely no actual factual evidence that this ever happened, but his wiki edits weren’t removed until well after the damage had been done and the myth took hold.
Matt also brings up the PC version of “Sonic Free Riders”… a Kinect game… that never came to PC?
All you had to do was let me help you, @realestmatt…
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gear-project · 7 years
What do you mean by "Guilty Gear X 1.5 was the only other game to have unique movelists for the Arcade Game"? I don't know enough about 1.5 and what moves it had compared to X, X+ and XX. Is there any site that lists the games moves? Also, has there ever been a site/text that talks about changes made in the older games? I've been working on some "move compendiums" and both 1.5 and Slash are particularly difficult to find movelists for, with none I could find for 1.5. Thank you for answering!
Okay, to give you a rough idea, the Guilty Gear X Series started out on NAOMI-1 Arcade Boards and transitioned to NAOMI-2 GD Rom format, eventually jumping to Sega RingEdge 2 for Accent Core Plus R.
As Arcade games go, these were mostly barebones as far as extras go.
Sure there were IME Card features, Guild Clubs, and the like, but as far as EX Mode and Gold Bosses is concerned, they were Console Exclusive features.
The history of EX Mode, Darkside Mode, and Gold Mode can be traced back to Guilty Gear X's Survival Mode.
Guilty Gear X 1.5 was actually a 'late port' of GGX that came out not long before GGXX arrived, so it's considered a 'transition port' of the game like Guilty Gear X Advance Edition and Guilty Gear Petit games that came before it.
If we're talking "playable features", however, the first games to feature Gold playable bosses started with the PS2 port of Guilty Gear X Plus, which also had untested prototypes of Kliff and Justice in it.
Once Guilty Gear XX was released on PS2 (prior to the #Reload version), EX Mode, Darkside Mode (Infinite Tension), and Gold Modes became staple extras of the series on every Console version of the game, with Exception to Isuka, Judgement, and Dust Strikers, which had other extras.
It wasn't until the PS2 version of Accent Core Plus that the features "Extra Menu", "GG Generations Modes", and Gold EX Arcade/M.O.M., Gold Survival ("Classic Survival"), and EX Mission Modes were added.  These are also features in the Steam version of Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R.
EX Mode and GG Generations Modes (GG Mode and GGX Mode), are 'museum piece tributes' to all previous older ideas for characters in GGX that got scrapped with each Loketest Rebalance revision.
Say you wanted to play as Ky how he was in GGX 1.5, you can pick Ky's EX Mode and GGX Mode variant, of course that isn't 100% accurate, just a close approximation to how he played back then.
That all being said, there are features that were completely scrapped and never seen again in later versions, but in most cases these are due to glitch problems and balance reasons, including censorship issues.
Arguably, most of "Accent Core Plus R" was scrapped and replaced with Guilty Gear Xrd, which was based on #Reload, so, keep that in mind.
I would suggest checking various books for older frame data, as well as Dustloop's Wiki.
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#GUIDA #SEGA #NAOMI #DEMUL #GUIDA #SEGA #NAOMI #DEMUL Salve ragazzi e benvenuti in questo nuovo video!!! in questo video spiego come configurare il sega naomi spero che questa guida sia utile e buon retrogaming a tutti. --------------------------------Come configurare il sega naomi ?------------------------------------- È molto semplice per prima cosa dovrete configurare prima il demul quindi vi consiglio di guardare il video precedente che ho fatto vi lascio il link del video. VIDEO COME CONFIGURARE EMULATORE DREAMCAST 2019 DEMUL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBtshz_wb-I&t=389s Dopo aver effettuate questo passaggio per prima cosa dobbiamo aggiungere vari file all'interno delle cartelle che sono: Bios e firmware vanno aggiunti in un unica cartella di nome bios. •Link archivio bios https://ift.tt/2AV0dRq nvram •Link archivio nvram https://ift.tt/3f2xubW plugins •Link archivio plugins https://ift.tt/3f2xw3y scache •Link archivio scache https://ift.tt/30n9Q5V Dopo aver inserito i file in queste cartelle possiamo proseguire alla vera e propria configurazione del nostro emulatore. quindi apriamo l'emulatore è andiamo su cofing, plugings and paths e configuriamo le varie impostazioni video soun e il gd-romè consigliabile mettere la voce in gdrchd per avviare le rom del sega naomi poi andiamo sulla voce plugins path e scegliamo il percorso dove abbiamo inserito i plugin, poi andiamo sulla voce Roms and biosses Paths e scegliamo il perorso delle rom che abbiamo scaricato più il percorso dei bios semple in questa voce. È per finire andiamo su Nvram Path e scegliamo il percorso della cartella nvram. "È molto importante seguire questi passaggi correttamente per avviare il demul in modalità sega naomi." Prima di avviare il gioco dobbiamo andare sempre nella voce config e scegliere naomi mode e attivare il DIMM enabled. ---------------------------------------Configurare audio e video ?-------------------------------------- Dobbiamo andare sempre nella voce config, video e configurare il video con i vari settaggi disponibili. Invece con i sound lasciatelo standart. ---------------------------------------Come configurare i controlli ?----------------------------------- È molto semplice basta andare su config controls, ci saranno vari settaggi, il dreamcast che sarebbero per la modalità console. Invece a noi ci interessa quella "Arcade", perchè l'emulatore deve essere avviato in modalità naomi. Quindi andiamo sulla voce arcade clicchiamo joy1 e configuriamo i tasti. -----------------------------------Come avviamo un gioco ?------------------------------------------- È molto semplice! basta andare su file, run naomi e scegliere il gioco che abbiamo scaricato, dobbiamo inserire file chd mancante che chiede l'emulatore per avviare il gioco. Quindi quando avviamo la rom che abbiamo scelto, l'emulatore ci chiederà di aggiungere i file mancati, basta cercarli e inserirli all'interno della cartella dove abbiamo inserito il gioco. La rom può rimanere all'interno dell'archivio, invece il file chd deve essere estratto sempre all'interno della cartella rom dove abbiamo il gioco. Praticamente dobbiamo avere tutti e due i file se no il gioco non si avvia. Spero di essere stato chiaro con la spiegazione, grazie ancora del supporto che mi date. LINK DEMUL CONTIENE FULL ROM SET EMULATORE E FULL CHDS https://ift.tt/2MEm81G NUOVO EMULATORE DREAMCAST 2019 REDREAM https://youtu.be/GP7ym8v7jKs SEGA MODEL 2 COME CONFIGURARLO https://youtu.be/zLdBVRSqY8s SEGA MODEL 3 + ROM SET COME CONFIGURARLO https://youtu.be/wR157z0hqn4 COME CONFIGURARE EMULATORE DREAMCAST 2019 NULL DC https://youtu.be/BDkZZt26Lq0 Facebook Gametime90 https://ift.tt/2XFuy0M Instagram Gametime90 https://ift.tt/38i0eKs... Telegram Gametime90 https://ift.tt/2XDhg50 Twitter https://twitter.com/gametime90live Twitch https://ift.tt/30vZVb3
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aaronkraten · 5 years
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Triggerheart Exelica - Sega Naomi Gd Rom 
Shooter released by Warashi 2006 and later ported to the Sega Dreamcast
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aaronkraten · 7 years
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Under Defeat - Sega Naomi GD rom system - one of GRev's finest
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