arcdiris · 3 months
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Summer commission for selenecrown! It's been a while since I did the twst style but I'm quite proud of the result 💖
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magatsunohana · 2 years
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I thank @selenecrown for showing me this. dhfksdhf
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twisted-legacies · 1 year
Quentin Birthday Change!
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Hello Everyone! It's been a while since we last spoke, well, since I made a post like this-I'm just here to make a simple announcement I'm changing Quentin birthday from July 20th to November 18th for ~plot~ reasons.
Other than that, I'll be back on replies as soon as possible so hold on sorry for the delay on replies-shit hit the fan on my end and life REALLY got the better and me, and school has started again!
But, on the bright side, I got to go to Disneyland for the first time! and because of that, I have SO much better ideas for lore, roleplay help and other things.
Thank you for being patient and sticking with me through these past few months!
Oh, and if you all want, if you want my Discord, I'm selenecrown on Discord, and we can chat more there as well!
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azulsartdump · 4 years
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Second Twisted Wonderland OC request! This little darling is @selenecrown ‘s beautiful OC. Thank you so much for the request!
There are still 2 slots open if anyone would like me to doodle their Twisted Wonderland MC / OC’s. Just shoot me a dm if you’re interested!
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ne-jeido · 4 years
Hey Floyd. Can I ask a question about your knowledge of Mostro Lounge, if I want to work as a cook, what would I have to cook? Sorry I don't know the menu, I don't go to Mostro Lounge often. If you don't know, it's fine.
Sorry, but your ask didn’t give me room to draw anything other than like... Floyd’s face... So I’ll just answer in writing.
Floyd lazily gives you a glance and then resumes his previous activity, answering without giving it much of a thought.
“Eeehh, you just need to cook what people want to eat.”
“Jade and Azul are the ones who make the menu, so I dunno what’s in it either. I just cook whatever I feel like〜”
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I have a confession. Overblot Jamil kinda. . . Makes me feel a certain way, like I both want to comfort Jamil when he's in that form and stay by him always platonicly and, yet, I also want to be intimate him. Like, I really just want to be his queen and be by his side to let him know he's number one to someone. Is that bad? Would I be a gold digger for that?
No! You're not a good digger!
Tbh I'd love to actually TALK with someone who's overblotted and just see how much their minds change due to it. Platonically, romantically, sexually, anything really- that's all valid.
He may lay his head down in your lap and speak with you about his troubles, or he's not letting you leave his until you're crying or have passed out from his movements. Either way-
You won't be leaving an Overblot Jamil.
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just-patchy · 3 years
For the What Colors Am I? - cursed fruit g(r)ay
oh i’m a bad girl i make bad decisions on the daily SHJSHDJSJ and my room is very messy wwww
i have never drank an energy drink in my life btw, i’m scared of the taste lol, i did dye my hair once like 2 years ago but my school doesn’t let ppl dye hair so i just gave up bc i’d only get to keep the pretty hair for under 2 months during summer hols :((
again thanks for the concern for my health but uhhhh never, this thing’s a whole roulette/lucky draw sooooo
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"Kalim, can I ask you a question? Um . . . How are you so good at talking with people at parties? Most of the time, I just stick by where the food is and not talk too much unless a person directly starts a conversation but you seem pretty social at parties. Can I have some advice? I have a bunch of parties coming up and I'm not sure if I can handle it with advice from a social butterfly. . ."
𝓚𝓪𝓵𝓲𝓶 𝓐𝓵 𝓐𝓼𝓲𝓶:
His aura and expression were radiating calmness and a sense of understanding for your troubled heart.
Being the firstborn made it hard to get out of certain duties and pushed him into the center of attention more times than he will ever be able to remember.
It was good enough that he could remember the names of all of his siblings.
"Maybe the reason I can do this most of the time is that I'm pretty much used to it. I've been talking to everyone and anyone since I was a little kid so my boundaries are probably differently positioned than yours."
Kalim was used to socialising and huge parties and he had to learn from an early age how to entertain people, keep up the mood and cater to everyone.
He grinned at you.
"It's not a bad thing to stick to the food. If it's delicious then eat up, you know? No need to force yourself into talking with people. But if you want to you can try talking to a person you know and are close to. Do what makes you comfortable even if the situation doesn't really make you."
He then patted your head.
"And if you cannot handle it, take a break, step aside, take a breather. Make yourself look busy or just keep eating the food."
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twstheadcanons · 4 years
Hello. I saw your first post and was interested in how you think the magic system works and how it relates to personalities of the characters. If you don't mind that, may I request some headcannons on how you think the Magic system works?
This is actually a sorta ‘project’ of mine I have in the making!  
It’s still a rough draft, but I’ll be making it its own set of posts (since it’s a lot of thoughts)! 
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1000fandoms · 4 years
💙💜💙 If you receive this you make somebody happy. Go and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get it back even better 💜💙💜💙💜 (Hello! Just want to say I appreciate you for being in my notifications a lot! Thank you!!)
You’re really out here trying to make me cry, aren’t you 😭😭😭
This is so sweet and wonderful, thank you ♥️♥️
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arcdiris · 3 years
Hey, sorry to bother you about this, but I've been looking for the Scarabia version of the the cool banner set you did from the Dorms of NRC over in the blog @/piraticusdorm, and I haven't had any luck find it. Do you know where I could find it, by chance? I'm using your cool banners for a side RP blog (with credit, of course!) I'm setting up currently, and one of my OCs is in Scarabia but I couldn't find the banner for it. If you can't find it, it's alright. I just wanted to see if you knew.
No worries, it's no bother! I posted them as I did them so they're a bit all over.
They're all now in a masterpost so it's easier to find them! ^^
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muzzleroars · 5 years
Hey, hey, hey. I love your Bad End AU and your art style and saw your most recent comic and thank you for the good angst. And may I ask, how do you see the Phantom Thieves of Hearts while under Yabboath's control? Is it basically the same for each Phantom Thief as Akira is in? Or is it different for the different tasks Yabboath gives them? And, if I maybe so selfish, would their outfits be similar to Akira's as well? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just really curious about your Bad End AU.
You never have to apologize for asking about my bad end au, I could talk about it for days!!! In fact...this answer got a little out of hand, so it’s under a cut to save people from scrolling fgbggg
 I actually have a few different “paths” for a bad end - in the full corruption path, the thieves would be pretty similar to Akira, where they’re brought back but fully under Yaldabaoth’s control, with Akira leading them more directly. Essentially, they would be extremely shallow versions of their real selves - they have the same personalities, but none of their morals or driving forces. They keep Akira happy and he believes he still has his friends with him and agreeing with his actions, which creates an Akira that has much less of his true self surviving. The thieves here, and in the bad end au in general, are really just “supplements” so Yaldabaoth can keep the power of the Trickster under his control. They support, assist, and comfort Akira, as well as just generally keep him company. He’s very sensitive to feeling as though he’s alone or his friends have abandoned him, even when he’s corrupted, so keeping them around is advantageous to Yaldabaoth so Akira doesn’t regain his rebellion.
In the gradual corruption path, the thieves return as their normal selves and it’s only Akira’s rebellion that’s been robbed from him. Things begin relatively normally, the thieves continue doing their work, but Akira begins to change and spends more and more time on his own in Mementos. He corrupts further and further, which leads to the group fracturing as Akira becomes more of a dictator. He doesn’t sound anything like he used to and he’s no longer egalitarian, but because the threats they’re fighting keep becoming increasingly horrifying and their loyalty to Akira, the thieves continue working in a growing state of unease. Desperate to help him but not understanding what’s caused the change, the thieves begin to corrupt one by one along with him, with Ryuji and Futaba most likely being among the first to fall because of how close they are to Akira. 
And just as Akira represents the Fool in reverse (taking a “sure” bet even if it sounds too good to be true to protect against the consequences of the unknown), all of the thieves degrade into their reversed positions which causes the group to crumble entirely. Ryuji no longer pushes the group forward with his passion, instead backtracking to only support all of Akira’s decisions. Futaba seals herself off and no longer offers to investigate Akira’s apparent issues - basically, she gets to the point where she only talks to him. Haru gives everything to assist Akira and make him comfortable, which adds to the support he receives from Ryuji already. Yusuke, likewise, is sapped of his own power when his objections fall on more and more deaf ears - he’s also one of the thieves that trusts in Akira the most, so he begins to give his power over to him as Akira becomes increasingly authoritarian. Makoto is swayed at this point and stops listening to her instincts telling her something is very wrong, instead keeping it to herself to keep harmony in a group that largely supports Akira without hesitation by now. And finally, Ann, disconnected from everyone else, only falls when she’s left all alone despite her misgivings. I don’t really think Morgana would be with them anymore and, if he is, it’s a fake created by Yaldabaoth to, again, keep Akira happy and in line. Goro, already on the outside of the thieves, isn’t influenced by Akira’s corruption, and so my comic can apply to this path of the AU. These two paths offer little hope of a good end, as in the first, the thieves are entirely puppets and in the second, only Goro would remain to oppose them, and he simply wouldn’t have the power to defeat them + Yaldabaoth on his own...though I think he would try, since his life is borrowed at that point anyway. 
And then there’s the “good” end path, which I sort of went with for the comic! The thieves all recognize something is wrong with Akira, discussing it among themselves and trying to seek a solution with no place to start. They try to reign him in gently, but Akira begins to move on his own, eventually disappearing for days at a time and when he returns, it’s like another piece of him is missing. He spends more time in the Metaverse than he does in reality and, one day, he never comes back (He takes up residence in Mementos, where I imagine Yaldabaoth keeps him company with his cognitive version of the thieves. Akira, in this state, is so far gone that he believes them to be real). The thieves are scared he’s dead or possibly worse, so they go into Mementos to search for him, but they find it far more hostile without him now. They have to take several passes at it, and on one of these missions, they run into Goro fighting through Mementos on his own. They’re shocked to find him alive, but he tells them it’s all Akira’s doing (he’s more clued in since he was literally resurrected, rather just being saved through altering cognition), and he’s furious with the decision. He refuses to work with the thieves, who are looking for Akira to attempt to reason with him after they hear his explanation of what he did. Goro believes he’s beyond redemption with what he’s done, considering it a betrayal toward himself, the Phantom Thieves, and the entire public at large, so he’s therefor abandoned his justice. The scene in the comic comes after Goro manages to travel through the whole of Mementos to find Akira, who explains his choices and his deal with Yaldabaoth, furthering Goro’s hatred of him in this state. He definitely tries to kill him but it’d be near impossible to succeed on his own given he’d be fighting Akira and Yaldabaoth (yea I’m a sucker for “everybody lives” but if Goro did succeed, I can see it either 1. Slowly degrading Yaldabaoth’s control but never really enough to make a real change - there would just be some people that manage to escape his prison but are lost in a world without free will or 2. Reality destabilizing to a dangerous point). This allows the thieves to make it to him in an attempt at a rescue mission where they would try to get him back to reality in order to break some of Yaldabaoth’s control over him. However...in this state, Akira isn’t exactly suited to existing in reality, which leads to a lot of unforeseen consequences as the thieves try to find their leader in the puppet Yaldabaoth’s turned him into. Goro doesn’t believe he exists any more in any meaningful way and even if he did, he figures it’s pointless to try to draw him out - Goro no longer believes Akira would be strong enough to bear the weight of his guilt.
Wow ok that was long but!!! I’m just very passionate about the bad end and I’m so glad you like my ideas for it ;o; Thank you for letting me ramble and for your sweet words!!! It means a lot to me esp since I was really excited about making the comic!!
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residenthobojesus · 5 years
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Well....I see I have a fan~
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gentle-serpent · 6 years
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I hope you all like the ride on the sad train cause it makes no stops CHOO CHOO
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magatsunohana · 2 years
@selenecrown said: Quentin vc: WHAT ABOUT ME!
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"I don't remember accepting you as my baby-making wench, Quen. Why'd you want to be a two-faced, stuck up, gas-lighting, manipulative, pasty-ass bitch anyway?" She was referring to her mother.
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diabolikdrabbles · 7 years
Admin Yuuzuki, May I please have a scenario where Ayato's (S/O) is trying to make Ayato Takoyaki after a basketball game or something, but Ayato's siblings keep interrupting/annoying her? And then Ayato comes back from practice? Can you do that?
“Be sure to keep the kitchen clean. Otherwise you’ll be punished thoroughly by me later.”
“Would you keep it down? You’re being loud and annoying again.”
“[Name]-san, I want a cake. Make me one this instance.”
“Bitch-chan, macaroons are more delicious. You should make some for me, nfu.”
“Tch…quit hogging the kitchen to yourself! Get out already!”
If [Name] wasn’t a human, she would have slugged each of these vampires already for their consistent and annoying nagging. All [Name] wanted to do today was make some takoyaki since Ayato kept on asking her to make some, but she couldn’t even do it peacefully without at least one brother popping in and bothering her.
“How does anyone stay sane in this mansion anyway? Doesn’t anyone know about personal space?” [Name] mumbled as she decorated the takoyaki neatly on a plate.
“Oh? Ayato-kun would enjoy this. Too bad he’s not here to eat it.” Laito teased.
“It can’t be helped. He enjoys playing basketball every day after school.” [Name] responded dully.
“I told you to bake me a cake. WHERE IS IT?!” Kanato screeched when he entered the kitchen.
“I’m sorry, Kanato-kun. I’ll make it soon.”
“Hurry up and stop fooling around! Ayato isn’t even here!” Kanato argued.
“Be quiet already. Stop making a ruckus, you lewd woman.” Shu muttered as he walked past the counter.
“I thought I told you to keep the kitchen clean. Are you purposely disobeying me?” Reiji inquired with a glare as he pushed past the kitchen door.
“The kitchen wreaks! You burned something, didn’t you?!” accused Subaru as he stomped inside the kitchen with his jacket pulled up to cover his nose.
Overwhelmed by the Sakamaki brothers, [Name] closed her eyes and murmured for Ayato to come home already. She had the energy to deal with only one brother, not five. As soon as his name escaped her pink lips, [Name] felt someone wrap an arm around her shoulders tightly and pull her backwards. She paused and was shocked when she heard a familiar voice behind her.
“Oi! Who said any of you could order Chichinashi around? Only Ore-sama can do that! Get out!”
“Oh? It looks like you were saved by your knight in shining armor, Bitch-chan. Consider yourself lucky.” Laito taunted with a smirk.
“Shut up! Didn’t you bastards hear me? I said ‘get out’!” Ayato reiterated angrily.
Before [Name] could say anything to calm him down, the other Sakamaki brothers disappeared from sight and left the two of them alone in the kitchen. Sighing out of relief, [Name] was glad that Ayato had shown up right on time. She didn’t know what else she could have done to make them leave her alone.
“Welcome home, Ayato. I made some takoyaki since you asked me awhile ago for some.” [Name] informed him as she stared up at the redhead.
Ignoring her words, Ayato wrapped his arm around her waist and held her tightly to him. He lightly traced his fingers along her neck before pulling down her shirt to give him more access to her skin.
“Be quiet and stay still. I’m thirsty.”
“But the takoyaki-”
“It can wait. Just shut up and obey me.” Ayato murmured as he buried his face into [Name]’s exposed neck.
[Name] winced when she felt Ayato’s fangs sharply pierce her skin, but she knew she could do nothing to make him stop now. All she could do was submit herself to her lover. After all, he only desired for her blood.
“Of course…anything for you, Ayato.”
-Admin Yuuzuki
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