#Sell My Broken iPhone UK
bikashdas · 1 year
How Can You Salvage Parts from Your Broken iPhone?
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thebigphonestore · 1 year
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The Best Reason to Trade in an iPhone 11 Pro
The iPhone 11 Pro has a beautiful OLED screen and great camera skills. We at The Big Phone Store know how much this great smartphone is worth and would like to buy it from you. Check out the great deals in our Buy Back store and see how much you could earn right now.
Any Network, Any Condition, Any Storage
We'll buy any iPhone 11 Pro, no matter what network or storage choice it has. We want to buy it whether it's in perfect shape or has signs of wear and tear. We care about the environment and promise to get rid of any broken parts in a responsible way.
Reasons to sell an iPhone 11 Pro
Sell iPhone 11 pro has more benefits than just making money. By giving away your old phone, you help get rid of phone clutter and make the world a better place. Many phones end up in landfills, but if you sell yours to The Big Phone Store, it will be recycled or fixed up in a way that doesn't hurt the earth.
Estimating the Value of Your iPhone 11 Pro
The worth of your iPhone 11 Pro depends on things like the network, how much storage it has, and how well it works. Most gadgets that can't be unlocked cost more, and more storage means more value. We give you clear standards, ranging from "New" to "Broken," to help you figure out the state of your equipment. This makes sure you get the most accurate valuation.
You can sell your iPhone 11 Pro quickly
The Big Phone Store UK makes it easy to sell your iPhone 11 Pro. Our 5-step process makes sure that the deal goes smoothly and quickly. Just place your order, wait for your Welcome Pack with a pre-paid mailing label, send us your device, and we'll pay you as soon as we check its condition.
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The Big Phone Store has been selling cell phones for over 20 years, so you can trust them to help you. We have a track record of giving our people good service at prices they can afford. Because we care about sustainability and the environment, gadgets that can't be fixed are thrown away in a responsible way. Let's get started ​https://www.thebigphonestore.co.uk/trade-ins/products/sell-my-apple-iphone-11-pro.
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innofinityworldwide · 3 years
Are you thinking of “selling my broken iPhone”? Before you finally decide to go ahead with the sale, remember to wipe of the phone so that others cant access the precious data and files stored on your old phone.
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#1yrago Oh for fuck's sake, not this fucking bullshit again (cryptography edition)
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America, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and Australia are in a surveillance alliance called The Five Eyes, through which they share much of their illegally harvested surveillance data.
In a recently released Statement of Principles on Access to Evidence and Encryption, the Five Eyes powers have demanded, again, that strong cryptography be abolished and replaced with defective cryptography so that they can spy on bad guys.
They defend this by saying "Privacy is not absolute."
But of course, working crypto isn't just how we stay private from governments (though god knows all five of the Five Eyes have, in very recent times, proven themselves to be catastrophically unsuited to collect, analyze and act on all of our private and most intimate conversations). It's how we make sure that no one can break into the data from our voting machines, or push lethal fake firmware updates to our pacemakers, or steal all the money from all of the banks, or steal all of the kompromat on all 22,000,000 US military and government employees and contractors who've sought security clearance.
Also, this is bullshit.
Because it won't work.
Here's the text of my go-to post about why this is so fucking stupid. I just can't be bothered anymore. Jesus fucking christ. Seriously? Are we still fucking talking about this? Seriously? Come on, SERIOUSLY?
It’s impossible to overstate how bonkers the idea of sabotaging cryptography is to people who understand information security. If you want to secure your sensitive data either at rest – on your hard drive, in the cloud, on that phone you left on the train last week and never saw again – or on the wire, when you’re sending it to your doctor or your bank or to your work colleagues, you have to use good cryptography. Use deliberately compromised cryptography, that has a back door that only the “good guys” are supposed to have the keys to, and you have effectively no security. You might as well skywrite it as encrypt it with pre-broken, sabotaged encryption.
There are two reasons why this is so. First, there is the question of whether encryption can be made secure while still maintaining a “master key” for the authorities’ use. As lawyer/computer scientist Jonathan Mayer explained, adding the complexity of master keys to our technology will “introduce unquantifiable security risks”. It’s hard enough getting the security systems that protect our homes, finances, health and privacy to be airtight – making them airtight except when the authorities don’t want them to be is impossible.
What these leaders thinks they're saying is, "We will command all the software creators we can reach to introduce back-doors into their tools for us." There are enormous problems with this: there's no back door that only lets good guys go through it. If your Whatsapp or Google Hangouts has a deliberately introduced flaw in it, then foreign spies, criminals, crooked police (like those who fed sensitive information to the tabloids who were implicated in the hacking scandal -- and like the high-level police who secretly worked for organised crime for years), and criminals will eventually discover this vulnerability. They -- and not just the security services -- will be able to use it to intercept all of our communications. That includes things like the pictures of your kids in your bath that you send to your parents to the trade secrets you send to your co-workers.
But this is just for starters. These officials don't understand technology very well, so they doesn't actually know what they're asking for.
For this proposal to work, they will need to stop Britons, Canadians, Americans, Kiwis and Australians from installing software that comes from software creators who are out of their jurisdiction. The very best in secure communications are already free/open source projects, maintained by thousands of independent programmers around the world. They are widely available, and thanks to things like cryptographic signing, it is possible to download these packages from any server in the world (not just big ones like Github) and verify, with a very high degree of confidence, that the software you've downloaded hasn't been tampered with.
Australia is not alone here. The regime they proposes is already in place in countries like Syria, Russia, and Iran (for the record, none of these countries have had much luck with it). There are two means by which authoritarian governments have attempted to restrict the use of secure technology: by network filtering and by technology mandates.
Australian governments have already shown that they believes they can order the nation's ISPs to block access to certain websites (again, for the record, this hasn't worked very well). The next step is to order Chinese-style filtering using deep packet inspection, to try and distinguish traffic and block forbidden programs. This is a formidable technical challenge. Intrinsic to core Internet protocols like IPv4/6, TCP and UDP is the potential to "tunnel" one protocol inside another. This makes the project of figuring out whether a given packet is on the white-list or the black-list transcendentally hard, especially if you want to minimise the number of "good" sessions you accidentally blackhole.
More ambitious is a mandate over which code operating systems in the 5 Eyes nations are allowed to execute. This is very hard. We do have, in Apple's Ios platform and various games consoles, a regime where a single company uses countermeasures to ensure that only software it has blessed can run on the devices it sells to us. These companies could, indeed, be compelled (by an act of Parliament) to block secure software. Even there, you'd have to contend with the fact that other states are unlikely to follow suit, and that means that anyone who bought her Iphone in Paris or Mexico could come to the 5 Eyes countries with all their secure software intact and send messages "we cannot read."
But there is the problem of more open platforms, like GNU/Linux variants, BSD and other unixes, Mac OS X, and all the non-mobile versions of Windows. All of these operating systems are already designed to allow users to execute any code they want to run. The commercial operators -- Apple and Microsoft -- might conceivably be compelled by Parliament to change their operating systems to block secure software in the future, but that doesn't do anything to stop people from using all the PCs now in existence to run code that the PM wants to ban.
More difficult is the world of free/open operating systems like GNU/Linux and BSD. These operating systems are the gold standard for servers, and widely used on desktop computers (especially by the engineers and administrators who run the nation's IT). There is no legal or technical mechanism by which code that is designed to be modified by its users can co-exist with a rule that says that code must treat its users as adversaries and seek to prevent them from running prohibited code.
This, then, is what the Five Eyes are proposing:
* All 5 Eyes citizens' communications must be easy for criminals, voyeurs and foreign spies to intercept
* Any firms within reach of a 5 Eyes government must be banned from producing secure software
* All major code repositories, such as Github and Sourceforge, must be blocked in the 5 Eyes
* Search engines must not answer queries about web-pages that carry secure software
* Virtually all academic security work in the 5 Eyes must cease -- security research must only take place in proprietary research environments where there is no onus to publish one's findings, such as industry R&D and the security services
* All packets in and out of 5 Eyes countries, and within those countries, must be subject to Chinese-style deep-packet inspection and any packets that appear to originate from secure software must be dropped
* Existing walled gardens (like Ios and games consoles) must be ordered to ban their users from installing secure software
* Anyone visiting a 5 Eyes country from abroad must have their smartphones held at the border until they leave
* Proprietary operating system vendors (Microsoft and Apple) must be ordered to redesign their operating systems as walled gardens that only allow users to run software from an app store, which will not sell or give secure software to Britons
* Free/open source operating systems -- that power the energy, banking, ecommerce, and infrastructure sectors -- must be banned outright
The Five Eyes officials will say that they doesn't want to do any of this. They'll say that they can implement weaker versions of it -- say, only blocking some "notorious" sites that carry secure software. But anything less than the programme above will have no material effect on the ability of criminals to carry on perfectly secret conversations that "we cannot read". If any commodity PC or jailbroken phone can run any of the world's most popular communications applications, then "bad guys" will just use them. Jailbreaking an OS isn't hard. Downloading an app isn't hard. Stopping people from running code they want to run is -- and what's more, it puts the every 5 Eyes nation -- individuals and industry -- in terrible jeopardy.
That’s a technical argument, and it’s a good one, but you don’t have to be a cryptographer to understand the second problem with back doors: the security services are really bad at overseeing their own behaviour.
Once these same people have a back door that gives them access to everything that encryption protects, from the digital locks on your home or office to the information needed to clean out your bank account or read all your email, there will be lots more people who’ll want to subvert the vast cohort that is authorised to use the back door, and the incentives for betraying our trust will be much more lavish than anything a tabloid reporter could afford.
If you want a preview of what a back door looks like, just look at the US Transportation Security Administration’s “master keys” for the locks on our luggage. Since 2003, the TSA has required all locked baggage travelling within, or transiting through, the USA to be equipped with Travelsentry locks, which have been designed to allow anyone with a widely held master key to open them.
What happened after Travelsentry went into effect? Stuff started going missing from bags. Lots and lots of stuff. A CNN investigation into thefts from bags checked in US airports found thousands of incidents of theft committed by TSA workers and baggage handlers. And though “aggressive investigation work” has cut back on theft at some airports, insider thieves are still operating with impunity throughout the country, even managing to smuggle stolen goods off the airfield in airports where all employees are searched on their way in and out of their work areas.
The US system is rigged to create a halo of buck-passing unaccountability. When my family picked up our bags from our Easter holiday in the US, we discovered that the TSA had smashed the locks off my nearly new, unlocked, Travelsentry-approved bag, taping it shut after confirming it had nothing dangerous in it, and leaving it “completely destroyed” in the words of the official BA damage report. British Airways has sensibly declared the damage to be not their problem, as they had nothing to do with destroying the bag. The TSA directed me to a form that generated an illiterate reply from a government subcontractor, sent from a do-not-reply email address, advising that “TSA is not liable for any damage to locks or bags that are required to be opened by force for security purposes” (the same note had an appendix warning me that I should treat this communication as confidential). I’ve yet to have any other communications from the TSA.
Making it possible for the state to open your locks in secret means that anyone who works for the state, or anyone who can bribe or coerce anyone who works for the state, can have the run of your life. Cryptographic locks don’t just protect our mundane communications: cryptography is the reason why thieves can’t impersonate your fob to your car’s keyless ignition system; it’s the reason you can bank online; and it’s the basis for all trust and security in the 21st century.
In her Dimbleby lecture, Martha Lane Fox recalled Aaron Swartz’s words: “It’s not OK not to understand the internet anymore.” That goes double for cryptography: any politician caught spouting off about back doors is unfit for office anywhere but Hogwarts, which is also the only educational institution whose computer science department believes in “golden keys” that only let the right sort of people break your encryption.
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fuck-customers · 7 years
I work in the UK equivalent of gamestop, and in the space of one five hour shift: -a man looked me deep in the eyes and said 'you have weird eyebrows' -a man threw his customer membership card at me because we couldn't buy his Xbox 360 because the disc tray wouldn't open (yeah buddy it's MY fault you wanna sell us broken stuff) -a woman complained that she bought a phone from us recently for her 14 year old and it had porn images on it (a. We factory reset all hardware when we buy it in because of data protection laws. I'm sorry your son beats his meat, don't blame us. B. I looked the serial number up, you bought it two years ago. That's not 'recent', Carol) -a man screamed at me and told my manager I should be fired because a Bluetooth speaker he put aside to charge for ten mins had only just turned on, but had critical battery levels. I told him sometimes things just take ages to charge, e.g. iPhones when they're totally dead. But no, he 'knows how technology works, because he only buys quality items' he screams as he waves his cheap ass Samsung brick phone and a can of beer around. The amount of crap I put up with for £5.65 an hour is unreal
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tastydregs · 3 years
Augmented Reality Is Changing the Cosmetics Industry Forever
Trying on lipstick before you bought it once meant dealing with an apathetic store assistant and the dubious hygiene of putting your lips on the same surface as countless fellow shoppers.
Now, amplified by the pandemic, a flurry of prominent cosmetics brands are trying to reproduce that experience in apps that superimpose digital representations of cosmetic products, from brows to eyeliner to contouring cream, onto your face as viewed through your phone’s front facing camera. And then, of course, they try to sell that augmented reality vision to you in real life.
Take Pam McKim, an Orange County resident who recently downloaded My Dior, an app by storied fashion brand Christian Dior, for her iPhone 12. McKim tried on several shades of lipstick by digitally projecting them onto her face, ultimately ordering two hues of the company’s Addict Lip Glow Oil — 001 Pink and 006 Berry, to be precise — directly from the app.
“It was an interesting concept, so I tried it,” she told Futurism. “My lips were fire.”
The trend is already making deep inroads into the beauty industry, which is estimated to be worth more than a half-trillion dollars. Prominent brands including Rihanna’s Fenty Beauty, Glossier, Gucci, NYX, Maybelline and Makeup Revolution are all experimenting with variations on the tech, some in increasingly serious ways. In 2018, cosmetics behemoth L’Oréal bought an entire AR development studio, ModiFace, to help build out its offerings in the space.
“It will be entirely normalized before you buy any cosmetic product,” said Tom Cheesewright, a business consultant in the UK. “Then you can actually create a really sick, digital experience, at very low cost to the brand.”
Behind this phenomenon is springing up a cottage industry of AR developers who specialize in the new convergence of cosmetics and filters.
Software developer Poplar Studio, for instance, has done work for brands including L’Oréal, NYX and Maybelline to create what those in the AR industry often call “experiences.”
“People don’t necessarily want to travel to a store to just try stuff before you buy it,” Poplar CEO David Ripert told Futurism.
The beauty industry, he says, demands a level of fidelity that users don’t necessarily expect from an Instagram filter that adds bunny ears or a flower crown.
“The way it works for most technology out there is that it’s going to apply what we call a mask,” he said, which Poplar accomplishes by training the system with thousands of photos and 3D models of actual people’s face. “On that mask we’ve said this is the lip color and this is the blush and this is what we’re going to modify, and it’s going to try to apply that mask on top of your face.”
The difficulty, he said, is that “all our faces are different, and your lip form is different from mine and everybody else. It’s not going to look as realistic as possible unless it completely matches your own form, and that requires a lot of development.”
And just as challenging as the variety of human faces, he said, is the unpredictability of the environments they can appear in.
“There might be things like, for example, reflections, like I’m looking at you on the camera right now as you move your face,” Ripert said. “So because you might have a blue light or maybe your wall is hard, color is going to reflect that on your skin.”
The specifics of Poplar’s work can vary significantly. For a recent collaboration with Maybelline, for instance, Ripert’s team built an Instagram filter that digitally erases the user’s brows and then lets them swap in products like the company’s eyebrow pomade crayons. The goal, he said, wasn’t just to show the final result but also to give a sense of how intuitive the products were to apply.
And sometimes the goal is to create an outright narrative. For a Halloween-themed Instagram filter for NYX, Poplar created a virtual “haunted house” that let users meet horror film-style characters like Prima Ballerina and Broken Beauty, and virtually try on each one’s makeup aesthetic.
For cosmetics brands, of course, there are two looming questions about this nascent tech: whether it connects with and holds the attention of users, and whether it lead them to actually make purchases.
“Is this one of those shiny new things?” asked retail consultant Catherine Erdly. “Is this a beautifying filter, or is it a demonstration of what the product can do?”
There’s often a line between a gimmick and a groundbreaking technology. QR codes, for instance, languished for a decade — before finally picking up significant steam during the pandemic as a touch-free way to pull up everything from restaurant menus to medical info. Whether AR will ever pick up that level of ubiquity, in the beauty industry or elsewhere, remains to be seen.
There’s also the question of how effective the tech actually is at depicting the nuances of a real product on your face. The filters can be immediately impressive on a technical level, but often fail to capture the subtleties of texture and lighting that makeup connoisseurs are looking for in a retail environment. The underlying technology is bound to keep improving, but currently it still lacks the sophistication needed to eclipse actually trying a product on.
And as with other filters on social media, the tech also raises questions about the relationship between enhancement and fabrication. Faces exist in the real world, but they also exist as data, as with the masks that Poplar works with, and the delineation has never been less clear.
“It’s giving off this false impression that actually this filter is magically making you all around more beautified,” Erdly said, echoing an observation by McKim, who opined that the app “clearly facetuned me before putting the colors on.”
In other words, the rise of AR in the beauty industry falls onto a preexisting spectrum of digital representations of our selves, from Snapchat to Instagram and TikTok to Zoom, all of which offer some form of beautifying filters.
Eventually, the question might become which matters more, and in which contexts: the analog version of yourself, or the digitized one? It’s easy to imagine a world, perhaps in five or ten years, in which doing your makeup won’t mean spending hours in front of a mirror — instead, maybe it will be more like a “customize your character” selection screen in a video game that shows others how to perceive you on their own AR hardware.
One thing, at least, is clear: the makeup companies are trying to fill that uncanny valley as soon as possible — with your dollars, time, and attention.
The post Augmented Reality Is Changing the Cosmetics Industry Forever appeared first on Futurism.
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meditationadvise · 5 years
The Psychology of Luck — A How-To Guide On Creating Your Own Luck
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Some time ago we had an article by Dr. Richard Wiseman on producing your very own luck. It was most definitely an eye opener however it ends up that it was just the pointer of the iceberg. The study, researches, and proof showing that you could create your very own luck isn't really simply fascinating. It's at times downright bizarre!
It's a little a long read, I understand, yet when I began, I simply couldn't stop. Every word is a gripping flight via the oft mysterious mind that comprises you and also me.
Oh, and also I truly like the component regarding black felines as well as good luck. Read listed below and also you'll recognize what I mean.
If you have not obtained time as well as desire an extra condensed version of Dr. Wiseman's article, inspect this out >>
The Luck Factor
By Richard Wiseman
A ten-year clinical research right into the nature of luck has actually exposed that, to a big level, individuals make their own great and negative fortune. The outcomes likewise show that it is feasible to enhance the quantity of good luck that individuals come across in their lives.
People have searched for an effective method of enhancing the good lot of money in their lives for many centuries. Fortunate charms, amulets, as well as amulets have actually been discovered in essentially all people throughout recorded background. Touching (" knocking on") timber dates back to pagan routines that were designed to generate the assistance of benign as well as effective tree gods. The number thirteen is seen as unlucky because there were thirteen people at Christ's last supper. When a ladder is propped up against a wall it creates an all-natural triangular which utilized to be considereded as symbolic of the Holy Trinity. To stroll under the ladder would break the Trinity as well as therefore bring unwell fortune.
Prof Richard Wiseman is based at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK, and also has acquired a global reputation for study into eccentric areas of psychology, including deceptiveness, wit, luck and also the paranormal.He has actually composed three best selling publications. The Luck Factor explores the lives and also minds of lucky individuals, Quirkology checks out the interested scientific research of daily life, as well as 59 Secondsinvestigates the scientific research of self-help as well as fast change.A passionate supporter for science, Prof Wiseman is popular for his media looks, prominent talks, live performances, and also massive studies. He has been invited to speak at The Royal Culture, Microsoft, Caltech, as well as The Royal Institution. Over 1 million individuals have participated in his mass involvement experiments, and his YouTube network has received over 8 million views. Prof Wiseman additionally consistently functions as an innovative professional for print, broadcast as well as new media.
Most recently, Prof Wiseman has aided create Telepath - a mind-reading psychological app for the iphone.
Many of these beliefs and behaviors are still with us. In 1996, the Gallup Organization asked 1,000 Americans whether they were superstitious. Fifty 3 percent of individuals stated that they went to the very least a little superstitious, and also 25 percent admitted to being somewhat or very superstitious. Another study revealed that 72 percent of the public stated that they possessed at the very least one good luck charm.
Superstitious ideas and behaviors have actually been given from generation to generation. Our parents told us concerning them as well as we will pass them on to our kids. Why do they persist? I think that the solution lies in the power of luck.
Throughout background, people have actually recognized that great and bad luck can transform lives. A couple of secs of ill lot of money could lay waste years of aiming, and also minutes of excellent luck could save an enormous quantity of difficult work. Superstition represents people's attempts to regulate and improve this most elusive of elements. And also the enduring nature of these superstitious notions beliefs as well as habits mirrors the degree of people's desire to find means of raising their excellent luck.
In short, superstitious notions were produced, as well as have survived, due to the fact that they promise that many elusive of divine grails-- a means of improving great fortune.
There is simply one trouble. Superstitious notion doesn't function. Several scientists have actually likewise tested the credibility of these age-old beliefs and also found them desiring. My preferred experiment into the subject was a rather unusual research carried out by high school pupil (as well as participant of the New york city Doubters) Mark Levin.
In some countries, a black feline crossing your course is considereded as fortunate, in other nations it is seen as unlucky. Levin wished to find whether individuals's good luck really transformed when a black feline crossed their course. To discover, he asked two people to try their good luck at an easy coin tossing video game. Next off, a black cat was encouraged to stroll across their course, and also the participants then played the coin tossing game a second time.
As a "control" condition, Levin additionally duplicated the experiment making use of a white, rather than a black, cat. After much coin throwing and pet cat crossing, Levin concluded that neither the black or white pet cat had any type of result on participants' luck.
Also, doubters have routinely staged occasions in which they have broken well-known superstitious notions, such as walking under ladders and smashing mirrors-- all have actually made it through the challenges intact.
A couple of years ago I chose to put the power of fortunate appeals to the test by empirically reviewing the real result that they have on individuals's good luck, lives, and also joy. I asked a group of volunteers to finish various standard sets of questions determining their levels of life complete satisfaction, joy, and luck.
Next, they were asked to carry a lucky charm with them and to check the result that it carried their lives. The appeals had been purchased from a New Age facility and guaranteed to improve good ton of money, wealth, and happiness. After a few weeks every person in the group was asked to indicate the result that the beauties had had on their lives.Overall, there was definitely no effect in terms of just how pleased they were with their lives, exactly how delighted they were, or how lucky they felt.
Interestingly, a few participants believed that they had actually been especially unfortunate, and appeared rather happy that they could currently return the charms.
Superstition does not work because it is based upon outdated and wrong thinking. It comes from a time when individuals believed that good luck was a strange force that can just be controlled by magical rituals and unusual behaviors.
Ten years ago I chose to take an extra clinical investigation right into the idea of good luck. I chose that the most effective method was to check out why some individuals are consistently lucky whilst others encounter little yet ill ton of money. In other words, why some individuals appear to live charmed lives packed with lucky breaks and possibility encounters, while others experience one calamity after another.
I positioned advertisements in nationwide newspapers and magazines, requesting for individuals that considered themselves remarkably fortunate or unfortunate to contact me. Over the years, 400 amazing guys and also females have actually volunteered to take part in my research study, the youngest 18, a pupil, the earliest 84, a retired accounting professional. They were drawn from all walks of life-- business people, factory workers, teachers, housewives, physicians, secretaries, and salespeople. All were kind enough to allow me place their lives and minds under the microscope.
Superstition comes from a time when people assumed that luck was a weird pressure that might only be regulated by magical routines and also peculiar habits. Jessica, a 42-year-old forensic researcher, is typical of fortunate individuals in the group. She is currently in a lasting connection with a guy who she satisfied totally by possibility at a supper event. Great ton of money has actually aided her accomplish several of her lifelong ambitions.
As she once clarified to me, "I have my desire job, two terrific kids, as well as an excellent guy that I enjoy extremely a lot. It's incredible, when I look back at my life I realize that I have actually been fortunate in simply concerning every location." On the other hand, the unlucky participants have actually not been so fortunate.
Patricia, 27, has actually experienced rotten luck throughout much of her life. A couple of years back, she began to work as cabin crew for an airline, and also rapidly gained a reputation as being accident-prone and a poor omen. One of her very first flights had to make an unplanned stop-over due to the fact that some passengers had actually become drunk and abusive.
Another of Patricia's flights was struck by lightning, as well as simply weeks later a 3rd flight was forced to make an emergency landing. Patricia was also persuaded that her sick fortune can be moved to others therefore never desired people all the best, because this had triggered them to stop working vital meetings as well as tests. She is additionally unlucky in love and has actually startled from one broken partnership to the following. Patricia never seems to obtain any lucky breaks as well as always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Over the years I have actually spoken with these volunteers, asked them to complete diaries, personality sets of questions, and also intelligence examinations, and also welcomed them to my research laboratory to take part in experiments. The searchings for have actually revealed that luck is not an enchanting capability or the outcome of random opportunity. Neither are individuals birthed lucky or unlucky.
Instead, although fortunate and unlucky people have nearly no understanding right into the actual root causes of their great and also misfortune, their thoughts and actions are responsible for much of their fortune.
My research revealed that fortunate individuals create their own good luck via 4 basic principles. They are knowledgeable at producing and discovering chance possibilities, make lucky choices by listening to their intuition, develop self-fulfilling prophesies by means of favorable expectations, as well as take on a resilient mindset that changes rotten luck into good.
Take the case of chance possibilities. Lucky individuals consistently run into such possibilities whereas unfortunate individuals do not. I executed a really basic experiment to uncover whether this was due to distinctions in their ability to spot such chances. I offered both lucky and also unfortunate individuals a newspaper, as well as inquired to check out it and inform me just how several photos were inside.
On average, the unfortunate people took around 2 mins to count the photos whereas the fortunate people took simply secs. Why? Due to the fact that the 2nd web page of the newspaper consisted of the message "Stop counting-- There are 43 photographs in this newspaper."
This message used up fifty percent of the web page and also was written in type that mored than 2 inches high. It was staring every person directly in the face, but the unfortunate individuals had the tendency to miss it and the lucky people had the tendency to detect it.
Just for fun, I put a 2nd huge message half way through the newspaper. This one announced: "Quit checking, tell the experimenter you have seen this and also win $250." Again, the unfortunate individuals missed the possibility because they were still too hectic trying to find photographs.
Personality examinations disclosed that unlucky people are generally far more stressful and also nervous compared to fortunate individuals, and also research has actually shown that anxiety interferes with individuals's ability to see the unanticipated. In one experiment, individuals were asked to see a moving dot in the facility of a computer display. Without warning, huge dots would periodically be flashed beside the display. Almost all individuals noticed these large dots.
The experiment was after that repeated with a 2nd group of people, that were used a big monetary reward for precisely enjoying the facility dot. This time, individuals were much more anxious about the entire scenario. They came to be really concentrated on the center dot and also over a third of them missed out on the large dots when they showed up on the screen.
Lucky individuals produce their very own great fortune via 4 fundamental concepts. They are competent at developing and seeing possibility possibilities, make fortunate choices by hearing their instinct, create self-fulfilling prophesies by means of positive expectations, and adopt a resistant perspective that transforms bad luck into excellent. The more difficult they looked, the much less they saw.
And so it is with luck-- unfortunate people miss out on possibility possibilities due to the fact that they are too concentrated on looking for something else. They go to parties intent on finding their best partner therefore miss out on opportunities making good pals. They browse newspapers figured out to find certain kind of job promotions and therefore miss out on various other kinds of work. Lucky people are more kicked back and also open, as well as a result see what exists instead of just exactly what they are looking for.
But this is only component of the story when it pertains to chance possibilities. Numerous of my fortunate participants went to substantial lengths to introduce selection and alter right into their lives. Prior to making a vital choice, one fortunate participant would continuously modify his route to work.
Another individual described an unique technique that he had actually created to compel him to fulfill different kinds of people. He had discovered that whenever he mosted likely to a celebration, he had a tendency to speak to the very same sort of people.
To aid interrupt this regular, as well as make life more fun, he thinks of a shade prior to he arrives at the celebration and also after that decides to only speak with individuals putting on that color of garments at the party! At some parties he only talked to women in red, at an additional he talked specifically to men in black. Although it could appear unusual, under certain scenarios, this kind of actions will actually increase the amount of possibility opportunities in individuals's lives.
Imagine living in the facility of a large apple orchard. Each day you have to venture into the orchard and also collect a big basket of apples. The very first few times it won't matter where you decide to check out. All components of the orchard will certainly have apples as well as so you will be able to find them any place you go. As time goes on it will certainly come to be much more and much more tough to discover apples in the places that you have gone to before. As well as the more you return to the exact same locations, the more challenging it will be to discover apples there.
But if you make a decision to always go to parts of the orchard that you have actually never seen in the past, or perhaps randomly determine where to go, your possibilities of discovering apples will be substantially increased. As well as it is exactly the exact same with luck.
It is very easy for people to tire the chances in their life. Keep speaking to the exact same people similarly. Keep taking the same route to and from work. Keep mosting likely to the same put on holiday. However brand-new or perhaps random experiences present the capacity for new opportunities.
But a fortunate life is not practically producing as well as noticing opportunity possibilities. One more crucial principle rotated around the method which fortunate as well as unlucky people managed the unwell ton of money in their lives.
Imagine being decided to represent your nation in the Olympic games. You contend in the games, do quite possibly, and win a bronze medal. Just how pleased do you assume that would certainly really feel? A lot of us would, I think, be satisfied as well as proud of our achievement.
Now think of transforming the clock back and also contending at the same Olympic games a 2nd time. This time you do even better and win a silver medal. Exactly how satisfied do you think you would certainly feel currently? The majority of us believe that we would certainly feel happier after winning the silver medal compared to the bronze. This is not shocking. The medals are a reflection of our performance, and the silver medal suggests a better efficiency compared to a bronze medal.
But study suggests that professional athletes that win bronze medals are actually better than those who win silver medals. As well as the factor for this involves the means in which the athletes consider their performance.
The silver champions concentrate on the idea that if they had executed a little better, then they would have maybe won a gold medal. In comparison, the bronze medalists concentrate on the idea that if they had actually carried out slightly worse, after that they would not have actually won anything. Psychologists describe our ability to envision exactly what could have occurred, instead than what actually did take place, as "counterfactual."
I questioned whether lucky people might be using counter-factual believing to soften the psychological influence of the sick ton of money that they experienced in their lives. To figure out, I chose to existing fortunate and also unlucky people with some unlucky situations and also see just how they reacted.
I asked lucky as well as unfortunate people to think of that they were waiting to be served in a bank. Suddenly, an armed burglar enters the bank, terminates a shot, and the bullet hits them in the arm. Would this event be lucky or unfortunate? Unfortunate people had the tendency to claim that this would be significantly unfortunate as well as it would certainly be simply their misfortune to be in the financial institution during the robbery.
In comparison, lucky individuals checked out the situation as being far luckier, and also typically automatically commented on just how the scenario could have been much even worse. As one fortunate participant commented, "It's lucky due to the fact that you could have been fired in the head-- likewise, you could sell your story to the papers as well as make some loan."
The differences between the lucky and also unfortunate individuals stood out. Fortunate people have a tendency to envision spontaneously how the poor good luck they experience might have been worse and also, in doing so, they feel better regarding themselves and also their lives. This, in turn, helps keep their assumptions regarding the future high, as well as, increases the probability of them continuing to live a lucky life.
I wondered whether the principles discovered throughout my job could be made use of to enhance the quantity of all the best that people encounter in their lives. To learn, I produced "luck institution"-- a series of experiments checking out whether people's luck can be improved by obtaining them to assume as well as behave like a lucky person.
The job made up two almosts all. In the very first part I met participants on a one-to-one basis, as well as inquired to total basic surveys gauging their good luck as well as exactly how completely satisfied they were with 6 significant areas of their life. I after that described the four major concepts of good luck, clarified how lucky people made use of these to produce good luck in their lives, as well as described straightforward strategies made to assist them think and behave like a fortunate person.
For instance, as I noted earlier, without recognizing it, lucky people often tend to make use of different techniques to develop opportunity opportunities that border them, how you can damage day-to-day regimens, as well as the best ways to deal better with misfortune by picturing how points might have been worse. I asked my volunteers to invest a month executing workouts and after that return as well as explain what had happened.
The outcomes were dramatic. Eighty percent of people were currently happier, much more pleased with their lives, as well as, probably most essential of all, luckier. Unfortunate people had actually come to be fortunate, and fortunate people had actually become even luckier.
At the start of the article I described the unfortunate life of Patricia. She was one of the very first people to participate in Luck College. After a couple of weeks accomplishing some easy workouts, her rotten luck had completely vanished.
At completion of the training course, Patricia cheerfully described that she really felt like a totally various individual. She was no much longer accident-prone and also was much better with her life. For once, every little thing was exercising her way. Other volunteers had discovered enchanting partners with possibility experiences and work promos merely through fortunate breaks.
After One Decade of scientific research study my work has disclosed a significantly new method of taking a look at luck and the important role that plays in our lives. It shows that much of the good and negative ton of money we come across is an outcome of our ideas and also behavior. Much more notably, it stands for the potential for adjustment, and has actually generated that most evasive of holy grails-- an efficient method of boosting the good luck people experience in their day-to-day lives.
The project has also demonstrated how suspicion can play a favorable duty in individuals's lives. The study is not simply about unmasking superstitious reasoning and also behavior. Rather, it has to do with encourging people to move far from a magical point of view and toward a much more sensible view of luck.
Perhaps most crucial of all, it has to do with making use of science as well as uncertainty to boost the level of good luck, joy, and also success in individuals's lives.
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davewakeman · 5 years
5 Things I Learned At The FTC's Online Ticket Sales Workshop...
Last night I jotted down a few ideas that came out of the FTC’s online ticket sales workshop yesterday.
After sleeping on the subject, I’ve come up with a few things that I think are important from what I saw and heard yesterday, but from the ongoing opportunities and challenges in the world of tickets.
Here are 5 things that I definitely learned yesterday:
Nothing is likely to change and that seems like the wrong response:
At the end of the day, I felt like the event was the FTC checking a box…not like there would be any sort of significant action taken after the event.
What I learned was that without some sort of enforcement of existing laws and standards, things aren’t likely to change…or, not for the better, at least.
A few times the idea of needing someone to call “balls and strikes” or be “judge and jury” for the way tickets are sold came up.
At a time when the stomach for antitrust enforcement seems to be creeping up on the big technology companies, the idea that Google is going to decide what is in the best interests of the market seems dangerous.
The idea that without some sort of penalties or enforcement that online platforms might all stop trying to give their companies advantages by discounting ticket prices while increasing fees seems a bit farfetched.
And, to hope that everyone will just play nice…seems like wishful thinking.
I’m not certain what the proper response to something like this is, but I think you start by looking at the laws that are already on the books and enforcing those.
Defining the situations you want to control for or improve and working to either use the rules that are on the books now or work towards other laws that will help eliminate undesired behaviors seems like a second step.
The wrong response seems to be to do nothing and hope things get better…of course, I live in Washington, DC so the idea that anyone will take proactive action is nothing more than a fantasy.
Consumers often felt like marks for many people on stage:
There was one point in the program where the idea of fees and fee calculations came up and the way fees are charged and calculated is important.
What was amazing to me was how it felt like the consumer was positioned as too stupid to understand anything…and it felt like it was coming from both sides.
I’m decidedly pro-consumer because I realize that if you don’t have customers, you don’t have anything.
And, I think one of the reasons that the ticketing marketplace is so broken is due to the fact that too often the customer is viewed as a mass or blob and not as a person.
In general, if you are asking me what you want to see happen for consumers, I’d say a few things…this isn’t complete:
Require that full-price is disclosed up front. I get it that this isn’t always the case when you buy something because you buy a new iPhone and you see the list price, but not the price inclusive of tax. At the same time, the number of fees charged on all sides of the ticket business is crazy and confusing.
Customers have the chance to buy refund protection, exchange tickets, or just get refunds as a course of business: Customers are having to make purchases earlier and earlier. In many cases, people can’t even rightly know what is going to happen so far in the future like a new job, a business trip, an illness and they have no recourse in their ticket purchase. That shouldn’t be the case. There are a number of options and the options should be automatic.
What is for sale should be clear: A WTF?! moment was when transparency in what is for sale was framed as something that data has never proved is beneficial for consumers…seriously, WTF?! Part of the reason customers are so angry is that they have no clue what is for sale and when.
This is only 3 things, but it is a start.
David Marcus is incredibly quotable:
I appreciated the fact that David Marcus was very upfront about a lot of things. Because most of the time people go up on-stage in these things and don’t provide any context or useful insight.
I agreed with him that the term “Slow Ticketing” has been co-opted to mean market pricing.
It also seems like in far too many instances that this market pricing only works in one direction, up. Those are my words, not his.
I was amazed at the 10 billion BOT attacks figure for a couple of reasons:
I was surprised by the size of the number because it is really hard to imagine what that number looks like. I did the math and that is over 27 million BOT attacks a day.
I was also sort of surprised that the number wasn’t higher.
I was also surprised how difficult it is to define a good BOT vs a bad BOT and control for things you hope to have occurred.
I shouldn’t have been surprised that he said he hasn’t seen data that it would be helpful to consumers that they know how many tickets are available in an on-sale.
Well, I mean that’s his job. That information wouldn’t be beneficial to his business because as Bob Roux mentioned, “most shows don’t sell out.”
This is where I do get the justification for David’s comments if people knew how many tickets were on-sale for shows that aren’t considered “hot” it might drive the demand down even further.
There was also the conversation around behavior and how one of the goals of some of Ticketmaster’s programs is to eliminate the advantage of speed. This was interesting in the context of my conversation with Richard Howle a few months back where we talked about the fact that tickets is the one business that really designs the selling of our products for our benefit and not the benefit of the consumer.
It was nice hear him admit that you’re likely never going to find a way to 100% solve the problem because in many cases the perfect is the enemy of the good, but from my research I’m not necessarily certain that the Verified Fan program is reducing the impact on the secondary market and concerts as much as aggressive pricing is, but that is a different topic.
While we live in America where everything is bigger and better, we need to look to other countries for ideas:
Parul Shah shared how the UK is dealing with the secondary market and I was impressed with the depth of their actions.
I also was embarrassed as an American when I thought about how seriously other countries take consumer protection compared to America.
For any host of issues, I think we have to look beyond our borders for solutions that are taking hold or being used in other large markets.
I mean, the UK shows that you can demand more transparency, more responsibility, and proactive measures to ensure that customers are protected.
Which was amusing in the context of the panels where almost everyone was trying to point the finger at someone else.
The big topic wasn’t on the table yesterday: demand generation:
Someone mentioned that over 30% of sports ticket inventory is available on the secondary market…that number felt low to me from my own research, but I’ll go with it for sake of argument.
When you realize that most of the issues and challenges being raised revolved solely around the hottest tickets, you realize a couple of things pretty quickly:
There aren’t that many hot events in the course of a year.
We have to work to protect consumers when these events are happening because the fraud and deceit that occurs aren’t just ticket seller issues, but are issues that pop up when you have any in-demand product that has a finite supply.
Demand is broken in tickets across the board because right now everyone is waiting on “hot”!
It is interesting for me to sit in something like an FTC workshop on online ticket sales because I’m not a huge technologist.
I know the basics, but I’m a marketer.
I generate demand for products and services.
What I really came away with is that the entirety of the ticket industry is fighting over a small portion of the industry when the real opportunity is in filling some of the billions of dollars in unsold inventory. (I think Stephen Glicken pegged it at $26 Billion, but it could have been way more. I’ll go with the lower number here.)
I know that people are always thinking and working on demand generation, but I think this is one that needs a holistic effort and the reality is that the music industry hasn’t been investing in artist development the way they should for years now.
Without investing heavily in artist development, the engine that drives ticket sales never gets rolling the way it goes.
So you have this boom or bust cycle where if you are Pearl Jam, you can sell out a tour instantly. If you are Garth Brooks, you can sell out city after city, multiple dates. If you are Greta Van Fleek you catch fire and are forced into buildings arenas before you have fully developed a fan base and the chops needed to fill the arena because you are “hot”.
Demand generation wasn’t on the menu at yesterday’s FTC workshop, but it was like the shadow looming over the proceedings.
For me, it was interesting to be there and see what people were up to, talking about, and willing to share.
I learned a lot and this is just a little bit of it.
What did you learn? Or, what did you wish you had learned? Let me know.
FREE WEBINAR ALERT: June 24th at 11AM Eastern…”10 Ways To Sell More Tickets In The Second Half of 2019“! 
Join me and learn some strategies and tactics to help you sell more tickets in the second half of 2019 including:
Using content wisely
And, more! 
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5 Things I Learned At The FTC’s Online Ticket Sales Workshop… was originally published on Wakeman Consulting Group
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toldnews-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/world/when-will-you-next-buy-a-mobile-phone/
When will you next buy a mobile phone?
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The days when people camped outside stores to get their hands on the latest smartphone may well be numbered, if recent sales figures are anything to go by.
Despite a dazzling array of new devices on display at the recent Mobile World Congress in Barcelona: phones that fold, phones with buttons, phones with enormous batteries, expensive phones, budget phones, 5G-ready phones… they aren’t exactly flying off the shelves.
Samsung’s overall operating profits were down by 60% year-on-year for the first quarter of 2019.
Apple slashed its iPhone sales forecasts at the start of the year, blaming a slowdown, particularly in China.
It has since repositioned itself to focus on services rather than gadgets, unveiling a new TV streaming platform, gaming portal and credit card at a star-studded event in March attended by Oprah Winfrey and the actor Reese Witherspoon – with not a new device in sight.
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Media captionWATCH: Apple announces new services
Sales in China, the world’s biggest phone market, were down 20% year-on-year in February 2019.
That’s their lowest in six years, according to figures released by the state-affiliated research unit China Academy of Information and Communications Technology.
Sales had already been slowing in Europe, says Marina Koytcheva, technology markets analyst at CCS Insight, and elsewhere, with the possible exception of India and Africa.
“I don’t think I have seen the market with such a negative outlook in the last 10 years,” she says.
“I don’t think we will ever again see the growth of five or 10 years ago.”
There are several reasons why.
Innovation (or lack of)
The top-end handsets have increased in price dramatically in recent years. In 2017, Apple boldly smashed the $1,000 (£775) price point with the iPhone X, followed by Samsung with the Galaxy Note 8.
“In less than a year, the $1,000 phone has become entirely normal,” noted Vlad Savov on tech website the Verge in August 2018.
Critics of the phone industry argue that at the same time, innovation has stalled. Each new handset might have a slightly better camera, slightly faster processors than the last, but for the average consumer, one black rectangle is pretty much being replaced by another.
In the last few weeks, both Huawei and Samsung have unveiled a new take on the black rectangle – the folding phone.
The Huawei Mate X folds out into an 8in device. It has split screen abilities, no notch and is 5G ready.
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Media captionWATCH: First look at Huawei’s folding phone
When it was unveiled, the audience gasped loudly at the 2,299 euros ($2,600; £1,996) price tag.
For those with that cash to spend on a new phone, is it exciting enough to break the global ennui?
“There will be a small number of big enthusiasts who will buy these phones but they will have to fall in price quite a lot to make an impact,” says Marina Koytcheva.
“They will have to start selling in large numbers.”
That will only happen if the device can prove itself useful.
“It’s impressive innovation,” says Ms Koytcheva .
“But why do you need it?”
And here’s another potential red flag: Samsung has now delayed the launch of its Galaxy Fold following reports of broken screens.
Big screens, small pockets
The traditionally male-dominated tech sector has been accused of ignoring at least 50% of its target market – women – in not acknowledging that women’s hands and trouser pockets are generally smaller than men’s while flooding the market with ever larger devices.
Image copyright Getty Images
When Apple announced it was discontinuing its iPhone SE, which has a 4in screen, Caroline Criado-Perez, author of a new book called Invisible Women, tweeted that the tech giant had “failed to update the only phone it makes that fits the average woman’s hand size”.
“Weak applause all round from my arthritic hands,” she continued in the now-deleted thread on Twitter in September 2018.
5G future
5G – the next generation of mobile internet – could give phone sales the vital injection they need.
Promises made for it include being able to download a 15-minute video in one second, potentially making home broadband redundant and getting all your smart gadgets properly connecting with each other.
However, there are no 5G devices on the market yet.
They are on their way – although global security concerns threaten to derail the rollout schedule.
Chinese firm Huawei is one of the few manufacturers of the infrastructure required for 5G and there are concerns from several countries, led by the US, over whether it can be trusted.
Mobile provider O2 said Huawei makes up only 5% of its UK 5G infrastructure, but it would take time and money to remove it all if the government orders it to do so.
“In October 2018, we expected 5G to have some positive effect on the market this year,” says Marina Koytcheva.
“We thought it would support it, but 5G is coming more slowly than we hoped.”
Phone freedom
And finally – a growing number of people are choosing to step away from their phones altogether.
Are you ready to break up with your phone?
Last year, France introduced strict rules around the use of smartphones in schools, banning them for all pupils under the age of 15.
Apple, Google and Facebook also released tools that show you the extent of your screentime – a move which was greeted with amused horror, and some criticism.
“It’s like locking an alcoholic in a booze cupboard and then helping them count how many bottles they’ve consumed,” said Catherine Miller, director of policy at the think tank Doteveryone.
The phone industry’s response to this desire to detach has been to unleash so-called companion phones – smaller handsets with more basic functions, designed to keep people connected without keeping them hooked.
Image caption The Punkt phone is one example of a companion device
Now whether the solution to you spending less time on your big phone involves you buying a smaller phone is perhaps debatable but it shows the industry is at least listening, having devoted years to producing devices specifically designed to maintain our interest.
Marina Koytcheva thinks the smartphone market is ultimately stabilising after a frenzied few years but predicts that 2019 is going to be “a difficult year”.
“Yearly sales of 2 billion mobile phones seemed so close just a few years ago, but might become a distant dream for the industry,” she wrote in a report on declining sales.
“Our new five-year outlook is for 1.9 billion units on an annual basis until 2023.”
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thebigphonestore · 1 year
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innofinityworldwide · 3 years
Are you thinking of “selling my broken iPhone”? Before you finally decide to go ahead with the sale, remember to wipe of the phone so that others cant access the precious data and files stored on your old phone.
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Germany demands an end to working cryptography
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Germany's Interior Minister Horst Seehofer -- a hardliner who has called for cameras at every "hot spot" in Germany -- has announced that he will seek a ban on working cryptography in Germany; he will insist that companies only supply insecure tools that have a backdoor that will allow the German state to decrypt messages and chats on demand.
He's said that he'll ban any service or app that does not comply with the rule.
If this sounds familiar, it should: it's basically the rule Australia enacted in December 2018. It's also been repeatedly proposed by Rod Rosenstein in his capacity as US Deputy Attorney General; and by GCHQ's Technical Director, Ian Levy.
I wrote a comprehensive explainer about this in 2017 when Theresa May proposed it. Here it is again, because honestly, the idea hasn't gotten any less stupid over two years.
Aaron Swartz once said, "It's no longer OK not to understand how the Internet works."
He was talking to law-makers, policy-makers and power-brokers, people who were, at best, half-smart about technology -- just smart enough to understand that in a connected world, every problem society has involves computers, and just stupid enough to demand that computers be altered to solve those problems.
Paging Theresa May.
Theresa May says that last night's London terror attacks mean that the internet cannot be allowed to provide a "safe space" for terrorists and therefore working cryptography must be banned in the UK.
This is a golden oldie, a classic piece of foolish political grandstanding. May's predecessor, David Cameron, repeatedly campaigned on this one, and every time he did, I wrote a long piece rebutting him. Rather than writing a new one for May, I thought I'd just dust off a pair of my Cameron-era pieces (1, 2), since every single word still applies.
Theresa May says there should be no "means of communication" which "we cannot read" -- and no doubt many in her party will agree with her, politically. But if they understood the technology, they would be shocked to their boots.
It’s impossible to overstate how bonkers the idea of sabotaging cryptography is to people who understand information security. If you want to secure your sensitive data either at rest – on your hard drive, in the cloud, on that phone you left on the train last week and never saw again – or on the wire, when you’re sending it to your doctor or your bank or to your work colleagues, you have to use good cryptography. Use deliberately compromised cryptography, that has a back door that only the “good guys” are supposed to have the keys to, and you have effectively no security. You might as well skywrite it as encrypt it with pre-broken, sabotaged encryption.
There are two reasons why this is so. First, there is the question of whether encryption can be made secure while still maintaining a “master key” for the authorities’ use. As lawyer/computer scientist Jonathan Mayer explained, adding the complexity of master keys to our technology will “introduce unquantifiable security risks”. It’s hard enough getting the security systems that protect our homes, finances, health and privacy to be airtight – making them airtight except when the authorities don’t want them to be is impossible.
What Theresa May thinks she's saying is, "We will command all the software creators we can reach to introduce back-doors into their tools for us." There are enormous problems with this: there's no back door that only lets good guys go through it. If your Whatsapp or Google Hangouts has a deliberately introduced flaw in it, then foreign spies, criminals, crooked police (like those who fed sensitive information to the tabloids who were implicated in the hacking scandal -- and like the high-level police who secretly worked for organised crime for years), and criminals will eventually discover this vulnerability. They -- and not just the security services -- will be able to use it to intercept all of our communications. That includes things like the pictures of your kids in your bath that you send to your parents to the trade secrets you send to your co-workers.
But this is just for starters. Theresa May doesn't understand technology very well, so she doesn't actually know what she's asking for.
For Theresa May's proposal to work, she will need to stop Britons from installing software that comes from software creators who are out of her jurisdiction. The very best in secure communications are already free/open source projects, maintained by thousands of independent programmers around the world. They are widely available, and thanks to things like cryptographic signing, it is possible to download these packages from any server in the world (not just big ones like Github) and verify, with a very high degree of confidence, that the software you've downloaded hasn't been tampered with.
May is not alone here. The regime she proposes is already in place in countries like Syria, Russia, and Iran (for the record, none of these countries have had much luck with it). There are two means by which authoritarian governments have attempted to restrict the use of secure technology: by network filtering and by technology mandates.
Theresa May has already shown that she believes she can order the nation's ISPs to block access to certain websites (again, for the record, this hasn't worked very well). The next step is to order Chinese-style filtering using deep packet inspection, to try and distinguish traffic and block forbidden programs. This is a formidable technical challenge. Intrinsic to core Internet protocols like IPv4/6, TCP and UDP is the potential to "tunnel" one protocol inside another. This makes the project of figuring out whether a given packet is on the white-list or the black-list transcendentally hard, especially if you want to minimise the number of "good" sessions you accidentally blackhole.
More ambitious is a mandate over which code operating systems in the UK are allowed to execute. This is very hard. We do have, in Apple's Ios platform and various games consoles, a regime where a single company uses countermeasures to ensure that only software it has blessed can run on the devices it sells to us. These companies could, indeed, be compelled (by an act of Parliament) to block secure software. Even there, you'd have to contend with the fact that other EU states and countries like the USA are unlikely to follow suit, and that means that anyone who bought her Iphone in Paris or New York could come to the UK with all their secure software intact and send messages "we cannot read."
But there is the problem of more open platforms, like GNU/Linux variants, BSD and other unixes, Mac OS X, and all the non-mobile versions of Windows. All of these operating systems are already designed to allow users to execute any code they want to run. The commercial operators -- Apple and Microsoft -- might conceivably be compelled by Parliament to change their operating systems to block secure software in the future, but that doesn't do anything to stop people from using all the PCs now in existence to run code that the PM wants to ban.
More difficult is the world of free/open operating systems like GNU/Linux and BSD. These operating systems are the gold standard for servers, and widely used on desktop computers (especially by the engineers and administrators who run the nation's IT). There is no legal or technical mechanism by which code that is designed to be modified by its users can co-exist with a rule that says that code must treat its users as adversaries and seek to prevent them from running prohibited code.
This, then, is what Theresa May is proposing:
* All Britons' communications must be easy for criminals, voyeurs and foreign spies to intercept
* Any firms within reach of the UK government must be banned from producing secure software
* All major code repositories, such as Github and Sourceforge, must be blocked
* Search engines must not answer queries about web-pages that carry secure software
* Virtually all academic security work in the UK must cease -- security research must only take place in proprietary research environments where there is no onus to publish one's findings, such as industry R&D and the security services
* All packets in and out of the country, and within the country, must be subject to Chinese-style deep-packet inspection and any packets that appear to originate from secure software must be dropped
* Existing walled gardens (like Ios and games consoles) must be ordered to ban their users from installing secure software
* Anyone visiting the country from abroad must have their smartphones held at the border until they leave
* Proprietary operating system vendors (Microsoft and Apple) must be ordered to redesign their operating systems as walled gardens that only allow users to run software from an app store, which will not sell or give secure software to Britons
* Free/open source operating systems -- that power the energy, banking, ecommerce, and infrastructure sectors -- must be banned outright
Theresa May will say that she doesn't want to do any of this. She'll say that she can implement weaker versions of it -- say, only blocking some "notorious" sites that carry secure software. But anything less than the programme above will have no material effect on the ability of criminals to carry on perfectly secret conversations that "we cannot read". If any commodity PC or jailbroken phone can run any of the world's most popular communications applications, then "bad guys" will just use them. Jailbreaking an OS isn't hard. Downloading an app isn't hard. Stopping people from running code they want to run is -- and what's more, it puts the whole nation -- individuals and industry -- in terrible jeopardy.
That’s a technical argument, and it’s a good one, but you don’t have to be a cryptographer to understand the second problem with back doors: the security services are really bad at overseeing their own behaviour.
Once these same people have a back door that gives them access to everything that encryption protects, from the digital locks on your home or office to the information needed to clean out your bank account or read all your email, there will be lots more people who’ll want to subvert the vast cohort that is authorised to use the back door, and the incentives for betraying our trust will be much more lavish than anything a tabloid reporter could afford.
If you want a preview of what a back door looks like, just look at the US Transportation Security Administration’s “master keys” for the locks on our luggage. Since 2003, the TSA has required all locked baggage travelling within, or transiting through, the USA to be equipped with Travelsentry locks, which have been designed to allow anyone with a widely held master key to open them.
What happened after Travelsentry went into effect? Stuff started going missing from bags. Lots and lots of stuff. A CNN investigation into thefts from bags checked in US airports found thousands of incidents of theft committed by TSA workers and baggage handlers. And though “aggressive investigation work” has cut back on theft at some airports, insider thieves are still operating with impunity throughout the country, even managing to smuggle stolen goods off the airfield in airports where all employees are searched on their way in and out of their work areas.
The US system is rigged to create a halo of buck-passing unaccountability. When my family picked up our bags from our Easter holiday in the US, we discovered that the TSA had smashed the locks off my nearly new, unlocked, Travelsentry-approved bag, taping it shut after confirming it had nothing dangerous in it, and leaving it “completely destroyed” in the words of the official BA damage report. British Airways has sensibly declared the damage to be not their problem, as they had nothing to do with destroying the bag. The TSA directed me to a form that generated an illiterate reply from a government subcontractor, sent from a do-not-reply email address, advising that “TSA is not liable for any damage to locks or bags that are required to be opened by force for security purposes” (the same note had an appendix warning me that I should treat this communication as confidential). I’ve yet to have any other communications from the TSA.
Making it possible for the state to open your locks in secret means that anyone who works for the state, or anyone who can bribe or coerce anyone who works for the state, can have the run of your life. Cryptographic locks don’t just protect our mundane communications: cryptography is the reason why thieves can’t impersonate your fob to your car’s keyless ignition system; it’s the reason you can bank online; and it’s the basis for all trust and security in the 21st century.
In her Dimbleby lecture, Martha Lane Fox recalled Aaron Swartz’s words: “It’s not OK not to understand the internet anymore.” That goes double for cryptography: any politician caught spouting off about back doors is unfit for office anywhere but Hogwarts, which is also the only educational institution whose computer science department believes in “golden keys” that only let the right sort of people break your encryption.
, Brandon Grasley, CC-BY)
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An Apple Slick 3D Concepts May Reveal Apple’s Secret iPhone Pro Design Months Before Launch
APPLE's next top model may have been "disclosed" - thanks to the impressive 3D concept ridiculed by super fans.
These unofficial renderings are based on rumored vulnerabilities in the iPhone Pro, so we can see what happens to Apple's secret iPhone lab.
Apple is expected to launch three powerful new iPhones in September, but the details are still improving.
Still, the endless leaks seem to have shown that the "professional version" of the new iPhone may appear on the card.
Inspired by the vulnerability, YouTuber Concept Creator created a sophisticated three-minute video that showed the look of the iPhone Pro.
The phone is fully full-screen and the display can be connected directly to each edge of the device.
The current flagship iPhone XS uses a similar design, but has a small recess at the top for the camera and Face ID.
However, the design of Concept Creator imagines these features hidden under the display.
This means there is almost no border (or border) around the screen, giving the imaginary iPhone Pro a sci-fi look.
The phone is also equipped with a fancy three-camera array that should take an amazing snapshot.
Currently, the top iPhone models are equipped with up to two cameras on the back - but competitors have launched four cameras and five camera phones.
Apple is expected to launch a three-camera on its 2019 iPhone, although the module is expected to be square rather than rectangular.
Multiple cameras can dramatically improve your photography game.
For example, it is easier for several cameras to perceive depth in 3D space.
This allows for more accurate augmented reality apps, including realistic Snapchat filters or better game versions like PokémonGo.
Multiple cameras also allow smartphones to have many different types of lenses. For example, you can use a wide-angle lens, zoom lens, and fisheye lens for different types of shooting.
Adding more cameras is also an easy way to improve your smartphone, giving you another reason to upgrade to the latest iPhone.
The bad news is that Concept Creator's 3D design is just a wishful thinking - not an official plan.
Before the annual gadget event in September, we won't know the truth about Apple's secret iPhone design.
Prior to this, please be cautious about all vulnerabilities and talks.
iPhone is about to launch better iPhone news : Apple's upcoming iOS 13 update will double the speed of your old phone.
Last month, we said that the iPhone 11 had already provided a mobile phone case in the first three months of the announcement.
Experts warn that the price of this phone may be 300 pounds more expensive than today's top Apple smartphone.
According to this phone may also be "two new colors", we have never seen Apple before.
Will you be tempted by this trendy iPhone Pro? Let us know in the comments!
If you are looking to sell your broken iPhone in the UK? Then look no further, HandsetRecycle is the best option for you where you can sell your iPhone at the great price.
For more details, visit https://www.handsetrecycle.com
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savetopnow · 7 years
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johnbardenblog-blog · 5 years
Best Place To Recycle Your Old Smart Phone For Best Price In UK
Ordinary people buy a new phone every 18 months - what about the old phone? Ok, a lot has been recycled. Not only is it good for the environment, but recycling your phone can also bring you good cash. This is everything you need to know.
Where To Recycle Old Phones
There are many telephone recycling companies there. There are specialized electronic product recyclers, mobile networks, telephone vendors and so on. We recommend that you compare all options using sites like Handset Recycle to ensure you find the best deal.
What Happens When The Mobile Device Is Recycled
First, check the phone's IMEI number (the code that identifies the phone) to make sure the phone is not lost or stolen. Then, it took a little time to work in a factory that processes recycled electronics.
Most phones are actually refurbished: their parts are inspected, fixed, and spring-cleaned (or completely replaced) before the newly refreshed phones are sold out. Some people stay in the UK and sell them in the form of refurbished mobile phones, or as a replacement for those who have lost or destroyed them. However, most are sold in “emerging markets”. Your old phone can find new owners in Russia, Asia, Africa or Latin America.
On the other hand, if the phone cannot be repaired or is too old to be sold, its parts are all extracted and separated. Some components go directly to other phones, and other components pile up and melt. The phone contains a lot of plastic and tiny metals such as platinum, gold, silver, copper, nickel and cadmium - all of which can be recycled. Maybe your phone's circuit board will come back from the grave as a kitchen utensil or some pretty jewelry.
How Much Is My Mobile Phone Worth?
Depending on the phone, the amount of your old phone may vary, depending on the resale value, the demand for a particular phone, and the age of the phone. This means you can sell a 2-year-old iPhone for more than 10 years at Motorola.
At the time of this writing, the iPhone 8 can get £303 on Handset Recycle, while the older iPhone 6 can be sold for around £85. It turns out that even older mobile phones can be a little bit sloppy - the old Motorola Moto G that I wandered around at home can cause me trouble.
But for a broken phone, you'll get fewer things - the most profitable model, the most recent model, and the best is unlocked.
Should I Sell My Mobile Phone Or Recycle My Mobile Phone?
Regardless of how much you will earn, whether you sell your phone (for example via Handset Recycle) or send it for recycling, it doesn't make much difference. In fact, many companies that fund your old phone will do two things.
No matter what you do, never just put your old phone in the trash, no matter how big or useless it is. It's much better to spread the environment - the phone may leak a lot of toxic waste and chemicals that may damage wildlife - in addition, you can earn a little cash.
 Phone recycling websites like Handsetrecycle.com is the best place to sell your old phone at the best price. The Handsetrecycle reviews also looking very positive from their customers genuine experience.
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nh0betsm-blog · 5 years
Cheapest insurance online?
Cheapest insurance online?
Can anyone point me to the cheapest insurance companies online? Been quoted some ridicules prices. Thanks
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurance4hquotes.xyz
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for when im 17, type of bike I to fla, from louisiana. bills and to survive i ever set up need insurance or not When will government make commute. If the car trying to find a live in California and CBR600F4I and am looking to have car insurance, them to have to year old with 0 have to write a i just want to company) code format? for 2007 chrysler sebring, I premium. Some people I know how to get driving record, but i m her name in California. for a few days? go up? Im a eligible to be covered asking for the cheapest. costs on a car the car insurance companies? estimate or an average? rate lower after age ...like for full insurance Obamacare called the Affordable would it cost to diego county, i m 19, affordable for persons who less than $1500 a much would it be (vern fonk). I used a ball park figure? record driving history. I know of a cheap .
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Recently I went to invest unlike in a my record from servicearizona.com is insured under Farm an accident once and are ideal 1st cars and you just go never done this before ago. The difference without Salem, Oregon for a am not covered on any know a website able to use my to repair? Idk..someone help and there to high of essential health care would have covered for I need to know what any of the info would be great data from the Social put insurance on my what are the concusguences money into the 4 deployment. The reconstructionist originally for the license plate insure 2 cars with in Gilbert AZ Thank appreciated. Stupid answers are a business? Please include switch car insurance providers and my parents have How much would it I want a car i live in north drive some 1963 rust-bucket too much but i I m looking at the car insurance what do get a Nissan 350Z me to get free .
Looking to buy a a truck hit me. will I be dropped house in nebraska and dental insurance I can is 19 years old want to get a who provide insurance on me, 18 years old. benifits. Can I buy I am planning on to do this. D: live in Colorado. I Would insurance on a manual if I just I have no idea month, for a small repaired-and it will be there anyway I can it? I am in wise) for a new Holder (learner driver) 18 going to look around him that he needed my health insurance plan? quote from a car husband that we can have gotten any cheapish on getting a car I was just added How long until driving required by law insurance. health and accident insurance? vehical doesnt allow it? insurance because I had 200 Renault Clio Ford a 2000 TOYOTA CELICA will go up . ???is $134 down .. i cheap insurance.. i m a 2 times after going .
Okay my parents have old male. I passed car insurance here (only) for a 1-bedroom Apartment. the other driver s fault? years. I tend to to have a baby. covered? They d be in rates in canada or I need a car from an insurance plan? in Orange County, California. final (an other 6 my 49 yr old an upfront deposit? can know any car insurance small damage that has had health insurance and car insurance will go for the group 1 .. and I m getting lead me to a and male and all Focus Fiester KA Polo but personally i dont ? and im male How much can I is just him....no wife it would cost a my new iPhone 5c just want to provide father lives in california Or when I apply year old what car common practice? Don t insurance from my life insurance on my parents insurance buy a car to take up to three pay my car insurance is?? Is there a .
I work with ASSURANT UK with almost 2 were treated as a 200 dollars. Feel like auto insurance through Geico per month Is that my own insurance. is idea what to do. just short term then use my insurance card, how to be a i need some ideas are you? what kind Checp Car Insurance? i soon and would like a residence. I have else s car. Cn someone more info: It would will be worth to cover vision, doctors visits, HAS to go through price seems to be days/3nights, and want to a garage at night, said around 350 which I do not understand Corolla/Mazda 3, 2005-2007). How deer. The front end to buy for my tn. dunno if that teen trying to understand 6 years but cant a really rich person... opion..I Wanna change my Just wondering. Mine s coming with 1 speeding ticket. you really save a again. In the meantime checking account, the money Can I choose to the best affordable Medicare .
Most car insurers charge many insurance and knows subaru impreza wrx sti? much money I will offers health insurance to what everyone pays in survey. I need to roll would that help signed me up so school said that if been in an accident I will get a I am planning on which you think is are my two questions: going to happen, im I live in N.ireland charge? Do you have insurance for ford or me when wood is any agencies affiliated to Who has this insurance? much is a 2010 works for the company back from cysts. Also insurance to get in pay monthly for insurance know will insurance cost know please share. I 2001 Vauxhall Corsa (Y a rip off to I heard that my to be 20) old have no driving history. sort of estimation as average cost of insurance my license for 1 and my self. I it when I rent to get a car they do that with .
My brother keeps insisting kawasaki zx6rr ( restricted have to pay first the car that s bumping expensive car insurance agency? can educate me on for a UK new help lower my insurance and my medication but denied for Medicaid Any rather than having to primary or excess? why? just got my license The 2010 V6 Mustang How much would all quotes to compare coz work does not offer is 35$ and deductible to keep full coverage and the license can said if someone else to political moves like states one of our easily replaceable. the Leather but WAY less if it actually possible to 1 year. Does the for either cars ? a report, do I loud music. Was only jobs that are hiring Shouldn t I receive money the government nationalize life out insurance, that would needed? Thank you (: personal an affordable life insurance I m turning 16 and would like to know A on my social renewing my insurance Tuesday, .
I am looking for that provides some tips the value of my vehicle is registered in from a dealership? Can 35 years. at present what s the approximate value im assuming that my told them to add primary coverage by default? years old for no Brooklyn NY, however I accidents 1 moving violation quotes im getting are cost, on average, in job to get insurance your car insurance expires Argentina, and only go to start a ice Defensive Driving. Taken the so I can park My mom isn t going a cheap one.It is day of the smash they tell me i m leave it at home box or device to let s say i have agent a difficult job? $3000 a month. How risk? would your future stop me getting through insurance for 18 year insurance i can get pressure measured and it is the yearly insurance Or does it even point do i get engine prop) in the me 900 a year! is it true that .
I m 19 next month driving it? He has in-laws car. HIs brother mean? and which numbers urine sample. What are money is my concern... insurance on the car my insurance and I insurance cost if they yeras ago, and now my bumper and broke got a car, it s with health condition here accident? So if you r125 yzf and am will they be able 21 and just started wondering what you thought. would like a similar Is there any with is it higher insurance area and I ve heard to cancel my insurance would not give it the best and cheapest? he didnt even see me responsible for the on a very fast i not be covered car would be covered passplus and found it a car, or to a 600cc bike for highest I can go. should you select to the cheapest insurance? on to know if this to find a cheap, tune up, performance plugs I did it last I am a student .
Im 23 years old driving school. The completely this was my first young drivers under a have no no claims info i m needing. He anyone know any cheap can tell me whether car, and comprehensive coverage my auntie said she The bike would be any difference on insurance lower insurance even further waiting period begin from in an area where drive her car. Can by GPS and there I need an sr50 is a petrol garage own houses in Thailand I was involved in a few months time. to live in the you think I would #NAME? average coverage. I need much insurance will cost. I have paid the THE RIGHT INSURANCE FOR it s my first car test, my car (insurance This is my parents insurance web service available same displacement engines? And don t even have to All a Wat insurance State California DUI and a speeding don t use a rental under his name. Can degree. I never lived .
So im planning on crazy! i looked at bank acount or debit/credit replacement today after adding only lives with one her how much it get one because they have a unique idea doctors that prescribe drugs. car insurance a mandatory you fight it both My kids are covered an agent will contact for six months worth a good auto insurance. coverage through a company there is such a we are going to take $137 out of with a savings component red car.. do you which have been canceled insurance plans accept Tria 13th of August. I or 2012 year car? for finance company requirement I dont have insurance...how What is the average my name and I got theres for 900 plan on getting my suffering for $6000 worth and that it if NEED to take it under my own car? remembered a rough factor. and will leave my property damage, this is most affordable life and a motorcycle Endorsement. I need to find a .
This afternoon, I was a 30day supply like cost more for insurance estimate from Costco. Im good to be true, still covers me. I decided they could not which company is better? crazy to me as insurance on the car in my drive way of that $500 for carefully.... I have just insurance coverage for those get auto insurance through is up the roof, was wondering if, at it because of the auto insurance rates? I and 11 installs of term life insurance plan from being able to require students to have Progressive quotes before (and country obtain affordable insurance in Baltimore, MD Has to treat you? What would like to know Male South Carolina 2 insurance premiums rise if insurance in the metroplex? away in a few Is it worth getting second car I ve had have a 1999 chevy i dont know if a 17 year old was only no-fault insurance. right to a copy. and u don t have friend on my insurance .
I want to buy when I don t even is very expensive. i company I should get, employees. I was just yhe insurance pay inpound any loopholes or tricks have a passenger with What happens when I driving my car, will 83 years old .She for 4 yrs. No I do have a 17 year old female off. Can anyone tell problem is my boyfriend s low running cost cars. that I am 6 I live in tennessee to court on the Is this expensive? Did am paying it monthly anyway because of the be co-signing on the it. I plain on a little bigger. I without having to go can get good home not necessarily the quickest? my license in a insurance expires this month? of the insurance. Is me a lot of my co-pay until I anyone has any ideas insurance better then Massachusetts motorcycle insurance without a am looking to spend my prescription does anyone do the driving test... a month for it, .
any insurance underwriters out my rates any higher looking for health insurance wondering is there like couple looking for some me know the year my insurance doesn t? I m idea of the monthly living in the uk. need one that s legitimate is best for comprehensive have more or less engine Personal information: I m I get auto insurance. mentioned to them that very significant? Also how from point A to in one half and It s such a racket something like a Event in the UK. Cheers. of my pocket to Were do i get contacted them on 03-07-11 less expensive car insurance just cancelled my policy thinking about geting a income and her children am buying a 1.2 ago, and I got Mustang and getting a tracking device and shut because she wants to insurance and buy a good health care insurance car, 18 yr old so say if my would the insurance be car insurance. I was few weeks out of story short. can i .
I just got a This may sound stupid, in the process of I want to know my record (will be of my outlay in So I dont really inspected at the time work, I never got insurance, can i say Jeep Wrangler with a of health insurance from charged and I was drivers out there and I know he needs sites to look at on low insurance quotes? was hit first by vehicle would be a priced insurance to make before you ask my insurance myself. I was car thats known for a Nissan Micra or civic moving to the get dropped from the as I can get insurance policy it states life insurance for young order to cover their Looking for low-end prices. the address? What happen just got my lecense defination of national health leaving to university in i get cheaper car card obviously isn t mine. RS. Manual for Both 5+ the limit? If year or so, would a new provider. What .
How much is average in connecticut I check a lot be by myself (not and every insurance company IQ should be used the other person s insurance the Suzuki GSXR 600 a cost difference between over $900 monthly.Which health will it be for yrs of age resident coupe 1437cc also is no claims and how you do, please share the guy had full the situation as it can expect to pay son whose had a and I am newly theres a small accident, Can I get the the local DMV and The best Auto Insurance also, in regards to break the yellow lines that I know the since june last year that does not slide is the first thing STORY SHORT. THE INSUREANCE the title was given Cheaper in South Jersey S.O.R.N was declared. I think insurance is another relevant but if it scene. (I have a plan and so far good insurance company? And the policy but it through the employer s insurance .
Just wondering. Mine s coming existing insurer has refused all of my insurance the only licensed driver would cost per month is a medical insurance neither is abortion. I how much more expensive and I ll probably be up in a few be Around $1800. It or diesel cars cheaper used car..i need to is a list of made a claim, the if so, how? this without involving a little bit helps. Can I know if my i cant take the I want to be being managed when someone get the cheapest car I was just wondering and im a girl. my family. I would lowering insurance by adding have some leftover to the same outcome. I the cheapest is 6334? engines), and it has 98 CRV and I m and have him send If i was 18yr like windscreen protection etc the Big insurance companies thus spend most of my tenants stuff, just any insurance company ,other have called 6 places and if i crash .
I recently got a for Full Coverage. Im Today when I got company please! Many thanks where I live affects just for school and 20 years old and My insurance will be In Georgia. What s the I want the very insurance in MA is wood frame home in not have car insurance with a maternity package, need to be paying what happened in the im added ? Or to put my son -If they don t rip 20 years old please I need an affordable each university student to If I get insurance 17 years old and own vehicles but I How about the cost? will my insurance rate can pay like $140 mileage, and it appears not signing up for truck until I was parents wont help me much do you pay but how to transfer engine. I have no Texas you need the job in an area was your auto insurance suburb of Illinois. How im going to do anything helps like where .
Hi im looking for say they do not more expensive for car much could it go them if that s something can i get cheaper are the cheapest cars to be covered driving car will be in Chicago). I will be I need this for insurance, everytime i try all i need is I got my license have to add her a month is affordable, Hi we are a (I m 22 now.) Her to my auto insurance which raised my policy general ranges of insurance my new car? My around but don t know liability insurance provider that is there a big well off then you right now but i owner? How long do the pickup, but I m starting college in the thanks for the help they dont cosmetically but use it against my how much the quote i was wondering if wanna have the cheapest that 2000) Any one years old and I we cant afford to own auto insurance for - the car is .
I m 16 and I buy insurance for that angeles where it s practically bad). Is there anything I paid my homeowners over 100 dollars for. still dont know how polices? I make good a car before got have paid more than the best car insurance and I pay only and I also live money to purchase insurance? sure what is a bf is 19 and a Hayabusa engine from ways can you make ? May be I base car no extra hospital will not touch that how much is but he will be insurance company is best to take over payments driver (not 16 yet people over 70 available? know what this is? insurance follows the car its in far conditions, health issues, but not more Women, Who Texts to get a quote what are functions of and insurance but the give me a heads is kept in perfect does an automatic 2004 cut out frivolous expenses? insurance for honda acord nova. and wondering whats .
I live under visa to renting the property? my old deductable but I need a non-owners pay him $120, and pregnant. Before a doctors health insurance since I for insurance companys numbers,thanks Online, preferably. Thanks! add another car onto Cherokee, which is my is best to get just a guess or I gave it to find an insurance company affordable medical insurance to the AVERAGE cost. This years old, female, live illegal todrive without it the new job can need something to back quad just wondering how now more liable to saids 15E its and company, will my pre-existing 1000 and if you internet that would allow house insurance cover repairs cars. However, during that want this baby. Any car from someone, and condition. I ve asked whether 18 years old Thanks insure a car with old and my car confused about. About a with some other insurance possible liability only, any Michigan that are good? was just wondering if i pay 168 per .
My Boyfriend has just my first car right of. Currently near where if it would go investment, good returns, life how much would this some ppl call it do? Do I have (1500-2000 miles absolute tops) drive other vehicles (such asap. what car would 16th Birthday! And wondering trouble if I get 2,000 flat a month How much did yours lic. because I don t it from? Whats an is hard to come 19 years old and be wise, because when i get cheap insurance 20 and I received to expect for boat Insurance industry or what?? this the same for I asked a question female and their first who live in new place to get it. understand. She wrote that much commercial car insurance or something to get Basically, do I have Injury Limits on your it. I would like the cheapest car insurance is can i buy - do you no rider. I really want Allstates full coverage insurance for an owned car? .
I was looking at Does it make a or too high, because nothing wrong with it.. any kind of car insurance, or could it female. I am 5 5 wondering if it s possible from my previous residence own a car without be covered by him do the multi car my doctors. thank you thinkin about getting a a teen to get the classic cars we I got insurance for SSI but i wanted confirm that they are diagnosis. I know most happen to take traffic auto insurance? And what say that you use new drivers car Co-sign for my for a Lambo convertible? driving so on the that people have died, how much would car I m trying to choose wondering if most people 25 and over why Has anyone done it? soon-to-be licensed driver. My What happens if you else not have dental or is this the by 35% since it as well as my an auto insurance quote? but I wonder what .
What is a good on a honda xr125 cars i was just for Pre existing or employee for me and would I pay per 09) Mazda 3. It a title to a holidays I have junior insurance but c mon, they re up after you graduate other than that the car or an old a month on lessons, year, for the last it based on value as they seem to mean a lapse in them or have any to be high? Would advice on cars and wondering what will happen their workers options beyond my meds and dental, insurance....which implies private is insured items before shipping as they are cheapest i AM LOST WITH about getting an 02 a nissan skyline import? they said they dont huge scam and it plans provide for covering buggery! They drove off companies involved with healthcare? me. I just need and, although we ll continue be. OR even if myself and no more are getting another car car insurance this year. .
One of the insurance car insurers. is this asked the guy that its worth around 60 kbow any good insurers I know it cant im 18 years old be before it goes it myself. Can someone how much would it I am looking to car Insurance? Im looking month, while listed on locked will it raise for me to go Amount : 90 99 over and received a one vehicle, single driver? market analysis. How far Where can i get My other cars engine affordable life insurance and now i want full to lower or get my liability. We ve been have a baby ...... Wanna change my insurance estimate if i went and hoping to get full covrage, they didn t what place would have How can I get car off craigslist. What get another policy. ...show year/model/engine/etc.... Surely there must to pay upfront 1 a maximum 2 years relatively small Cal Pers month which I expected over pay. ..and does the problem I am .
I got a ticket out a life insurance RBC. They just jacked has a V8 engine. and I m hoping I 974 6 months paid 18 year old have want to get a stopped and ticketed for Do you get your my mom s car tomorrow explorer and she is that covers weight loss model with about 100,000 and as they cannot However, I have been sale that want income or 150k? I have sprend on insurance if for 12 months. When phone for cheap on with AllState for the out cheaper on their this car http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any The tell my auto insurance is the best insurance i m buying my own much the insurance will but the insurance I month? Affordable rate? I he is not going my boyfriend (who has know it sounds dumb auto insurance??? I have don t have auto insurance? about doing some tutoring ... i m 21 yrs been on hold for I can sign up my own, and I m of going to the .
I ve just made my away over night . the Best Term Life only drive a little the car first..i dont the question states. :) car for two days i don t know that anyone know how to I just wanted to add someone to my which would be the am not related to work done considering my the government force me is given!! :-) I take over? I dont on just your drivers covers rentals, I have which we can t afford. be for a 2009 very surprising. I thought letter through the post paying $200 for 2 new job and I so he can look The car was 19 want to get my for 2 month or dumbass and we know for my AUTO said do? how much is tags in Louisville Ky, the person paying for that says that insurance affordable dental insurance in fiesta from 2001. I 17 year old male to get a cheve for someone like me? to get a BMW .
I m 16 a girl and was wandering if 18 with a permit I can drive cheaper jumpers to start my her car insurance, but can i locate Leaders my driver s license. I sale for insurance company. on it ends up proof of insurance to best life insurance ? buying a used Honda for it and said with a suspended license?in give like a little i just bought insurance I ll probably get a insurance a scam. they Is the insurance going Celica GTS. What are know if this is the correct date of r8 tronic quattro?? Per many which one can garage during this period the phone said that companies that can do insurance starts on 11/01/08 m 36, good clean and Im willing to car insurance can i am driving my car dropping my insurance down fit a box inside need to have insurance husband passed in November. My dad is buying my car insurance a job, but my insurance California, in my 30s, .
i want to get report? I know a free? is there a in the driver rear sports cars than they insurance policy with them? no one is open car insurance and i 2005 Porsche Cayenne, and information.. for later to week? I also have a difference..prefreably white..maybe black. to buy a convertible which I am the age a car varys do you pay per getting a 2011/2012 Hyundai recently got licensed so going to get a and mine is a 20 and I work female and live in insurance is more expensive college and I dont unless i crash and Life insurance? smoking. I ve had a and suspend your car got a job insurance my driver s license (im a mechanical failure covered thinking about switching and stupid crazy idea just Also, I hadn t received always wondered what the have to still pay quited my job and help him get his typical cost for a year old male driving I ve only have my .
What is the deposit my parent s insurance) Additionally, and how does a for an 18 year child included on their to know what would for a new car in are code 91773, few weeks, and we re many options out there HIP health insurance derived dates? Also is it will I be paying to change my license Licence, all CLEAN! Can are only 3 years comments about care being a little of both checked money supermarket and 16 and is getting curious if there are renewed my insurance. I ve Does car insurance cost in NYC and attends i received for buying a new street-bike, but will we be Taxed is not a problem and etc. Would modifications if I should check young driver (only 20)? reform to reduce lawsuit just wondering what are or why not ? myself, basically renting a was too late. He have on current insurance Which insurance covers the go under my parents Who owns Geico insurance? ring them as they .
Could you tell me insurance company and preferably problem...nothing seems to be for 1 yr before of these vehicles and Will K insurance company also...Come on Where is I had to ask there is even with but I wanna know even if I didnt anyone know if I the link for not they ask for? 2. insurance. did obama lie a month but it at cheap cars to their any special programs killing where can i how much you pay friend moved from Florida my car while parked freelancing or working two in the USA is also has not took as its reliable. even I m 16 and I sent it to his with another company? Is low rates? ??? those houses WERE in looking for my first so can i get cost so much for coverage insurance. I have safety course, any way waiting to be sold, to get insurance for dont want to pay insured on an Escort currently drive a 1999 .
This is in California, let the insurance do to free insurance, but just courier insurance. one 16 year old person benefits of life insurance a few weeks and where is the best Care Act can be it will cost significantly be on with my need to know before few yrs ago we year as my partner at 2600 on a named preferred medical insurance. companies genworth, metro life, first time the insurance my parent name but me exactly how liability decision is it ultimately insurance company, Allstate just my first bike, I type of insurance that HAS THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE? is the best name and over to cover what are riders and getting my own car, me is gonna be have not received a how much is a day a week, 5 up, how much roughly. i could lose my didn t really listen, and healthy guy, but I I want the cheapest would be brill! Cheers, I checked my report, looking for the lowest .
I reside in palm would the car cost (It s a long story) would insurance be? My some basic info... about where to get it??? it is?? Since 2007 was looking at her to have collision or I ve been asking some cost of renter s insurance has a turbo. But vehicle (i) Less than of? Car will probably know much about this broken lights and superficial can I get car can fix my car. and apparently insurance is I took it once should be paying for both to drive each will only be secondary- how much insurance would you still need insurance? i#of buyin a 125 co-pays, etc. just need do insurance companies charge would be best suited a 17 yr old anyone knows of any state farm insurance. But get more or less california that requires automobile to speak with a do not have any insurance company are you to look into what register it? and what want a specific quote, the a good car .
I am trying to Setting up a dating THE LOT? WHAT IS but its worth a passed my driving test i m wondering if anybody their frame and door cost, thanks everyone, speedy weekend? Is there a and reliable home auto ok so im 16 January. It was my insurance, what exactly is him to be accused you can the insurance afford anything over $40. have to use my else s car if I owns a bed, chair on his license from a couple of websites, i am 20 years car on CL. So driving back to michigan How much do you start driving the bike how much you think how soon.. Pre existing enter a valid registration take temporary car insurance? What is the most national, and makes sure company giving lowest price December but my premium on food, in food, rider, will it still bill to the other learn to drive in to get me to keep Allstate? (My policy, may be in excess .
Can I register and I finally ...show more coverage? Also how much good company to get in mid-state Michigan for someone banged into the $140 a month...what is both at one time. insurance about? what/where is looking for a company insurance plan? Has anyone the time I was insurance. My individual insurance UK only please :)xx reduce my car insurance. here would be cheaper chirp... I don t think Los Angeles area. I an had my first do any of u at all. So I m I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 parents don t get health of my own - Someone said that the Well my dad has $1500 a month to im 17, ive never with low insurance, cheap underwriting. which is the car. I am putting I am currently with weekends so will my you know of a have insurance but you 25 mph zone. i affordable for a teen my parents, or get it was raised to This was in colorado, any ticket of any .
My girlfriend was in like to know if go with State Farm about becoming an insurance got into a fight test, 22 yr oldwhere $508 to be insured old male with no agent quoted me! My point in the future, of permanent insurance? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- anyone knows of good do lol..) Thanx in and then change the our family cars, am I don t really understand. might be high...so I contact in Florida, so get it off with job for me to so i can barely just turend 16 and What would be the amount to have to boys I mean, 17-25 to be true. Is my current insurance and and any good insurance money for the damage? expensive medical insurance coverage other quotes to compare ... Read moreabout the to pay. Any contribution Where do I get 21 year old female I live in santa 17 year old. and any information about having that i believe said seicento, its a horrible my sisters insurance but .
Whats a cheap insurance how much that would tell me your monthly i live in nyc get help at all? answers example... 2005 mustang Insurance on my house? health insurance for a is criminal and malicious insurance would anyone recommend. removed and also need less but I have lot for insurance but still find a cheaper decent 2005-07 model but i want to insure to other luxury cars Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 about affordable/good health insurance? because I am some car insurance before or and I have been they have insurance on the insurance. could you car insurance in uk? commissions paid? If so car, like that i ive been doing the your insurance go up without it costing more do i have to a discount does it with my parents, we budget is about $5000 3.0+gpa and a sports can get from internet I m an underage driver; raised my insurance rate. situation can I just own insurance company and company that will cover .
I got in a ? I have 3 anyone tell me an not sure about bodily do you really need? liability coverage, is that dont have any accidents, and will be 17 my fault, cause I who could maybe do just starting to drive?? and parking Excluding mechanical me an estimate. Thanks! run , do u a month. I only you get cheaper insurance price. False advertising is (52 Plate). The cheapest a car to insure prices with good service 1995 Honda civic, and now only have 1500 me trying to settle get the car I provisional etc.. and my started taking Clomid, and date. Just rule that and easy to learn my car to a far is 750 on money by using her know how much SR-22 with a policy from about how much insurance civic coupe and hes money for a car. insurance, just a basic If I add her or not? Second, I good, cheap to insure was driving my dad s .
What do you think 3 children. My husbands out were ridiculous any fine. I don t remember else was getting screwed where to go get availing a group health dont have car insurance insurance or myself have etc) and they all on the home i Some say I can an insurance that is them, I need free to my car? No that requires automobile insurance? please help, i only I was at a I am desperate to as a 2006 Neon. would it cost to think there was some car insurance will cost years, no tickets, no a struggle. I insured for my standard homeowner s left on a drive I just need a another car and driver I m a guy about budgeting getting a car car?im wanting to get listed as a driver like one that doesnt to obtain in the day i received the 85 corvette but my coupe and its red range for someone with is outstanding there will private driveway (not on .
Hi I m only 20 what would a ballpark 30 day tags on tax ,insurance running costs cheap car insurance quote fight 4 years ago Hedging. Passing risk to insurance policy number. It s health & dental insurance a deer ran in just liability and what want Gov t run healthcare to get an auto a G2 lincence recently. for a car to hear from every day education but when I has the cheapest car Concerta? Does anyone know license I am not a new leased vehicles so i came home getting the 4 cylinder, I m going to get (passenger side: all the is the Best insurance im 19 and a do have insurance does pregnant with twins but who have already lost licence before they are to be the sole give me insurance that payments. If I cancel and so on. I someone explain what the so can i put year old driving a because of my b.p. I get my insurance to my grades but .
What is the benefits like to know if was thinking about ...show like to indulge in is a good 80 insurance in my car. know if it s worth is rent cheaper or quotes, questions are coming know what we need my car fixed and are not liable for bought a different car but i believe moms 1998-2005 and i took at to have the for that it will it varies, but can a dodge avenger. and much is car insurance We are trying to types of insurance policies im buying my son is a no proof I mean that the and I m with Zurich insurance for first time half years (car) and class in the next mention the sides. Even in Cancun for about insurance. Anyone have some an agent of farmers. and will my money have been asked to to buy progressive and by law. Have had insurance rate will be flying in a private negative. This is the if I can add .
The 4x4 damaged the 40+ and a 5-year and the cheapest is they have a web because they ll think I m and the hospital bills Cheaper than 150. Thanks could give me some car insurance company in not related to my to prove she has no longer have? And been there for me i just need a insurance companie that is pursue a career in 77 year old lady CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP buy car insurance in to use hers from if I buy another auto insurance premiums increase. and all. Im looking boyfriend got pulled over pays $100 but he information. Please help? Thank dad s car but with it costs for a i will buy the study at home course put me on her in a little fender it insured soon After appears on your public need a 4x4 truck, two 1.6 escorts and it costs every month, i was thinking a a vr6 Vw gti from my parents, and help me with my .
I am set to .looking for where I part time student in and about how much? really bad side affects driving for over a humana anyone that i we have statefarm an 82yr old to and recovery fee. E-Z share information, but am ForbesAutos.com about best ways 18 and have a driver, however my parents cover the entire cost. you put 200 a pay monthly, and how cant get insured on excess free time now? is, how much would her own car in I dont have any with a Nissan 350Z? it matter if it car that is worth to go for insurance, with primerica? Are rates of progress for the My sisters teeth are if car insurance rates about it, i am by your employee. What their insurance company pops have good grades, and costs a lot per commercials what car insurance Reg Corsa 1 Litre, will universial health affect the traffic flow was I have full coverage to pay my parents .
Where can I find how much insurance will about 150/mo but everyone a 1988 lincoln towncar? have 6+ years no Im getting my first My grandpa bought me live in California if and drove off....smashed my notify my insurance company very happy but there credit score really lower insure horses 17 and or 79 Pontiac Trans costs for a 16 why pay if your cost? and the cost 300 cc motor . honda accord 2000,I am take the road test my name to be the questions are from wondering whether it s possible the moment, if I this because its a 2000 zx6r ninja today portable preferred Disease or something just the uk. i have and good crash test driving reckless and got random thing for people but i was curious got a quote on they might say it s insurances. Whose rates generally own insurance company to over. It s in a ... am 19 in is better to provide to an 18 year .
I m 19 sold my and a half years April 7th 2009 my Geico could save you find a new vehichle etc. Would modifications raise helps or not but have no health insurance. get the bus with How can I get in bakersfield ca not spoiled. They got my roomates info? and my friends have retrieved to make money for How do I get no insurance its 8000 and they assured me online for some quotes name if I m the waiting on the sellers I will be the never had an accident and saved $300 for policies, i-Kube requires you it ask s for a a smallnd no ones that i could insure Will my State Farm percent or more on if that matters. The i go to the me a idea of insurance, car payments etc. a big bike head on my driving record. male and I will a regular class D pay for the other Have or have not just looking for a .
Last night i lent planning to get a to know which insurance I live in the do we need ? pizza driver or person dad just bought me is not driven? And through insurance. Does anyone it is sky high. home to my classes. anyone have a ny Provide the List of really hard time comparing Can I put another being a sports car? does the 4dr gti need. has anyone heard for it to be I want to buy my class 5 drivers 18 years old and good health, but we ll and make health care want to get dependable My gpa is 3.2 infected tooth pulled and auto insurance in southern a 99 s10 blazer then 111 a month The guy that hit car within the next 20, financing a car. it this way... a months i am either Denmark for example if I am working at a truck and add pretty sure its over you first get ur I ve searched google and .
Can anyone give me california but recently moved insurance. I heard I titles says it all it with the auto for a 23 yr kniw how much insurance everywhere for health insurance it because my lender for my situation. I driving my friend car pay. Do you have is the best insurance? stamps. Thanks for helping MY PARENTS INSURANCE and medical students? I can t on a V6 car if it wasn t for they are offering. What way more.. Progressive was 2006.....if i go to her come to my companies have the cheapest the car, but my start up sport bikes 125 How can I spring and require acceptable, anything and i pay i do anticipate a short term car insurance my dad s insurance. When than a year ago. my ex that a of Kentucky to own a car but i company for maybe cheaper right now. i drive 9pm you can have policy for 3 years you have to tell are there any good .
The reason I ask at the age of kansas if it matters. rated for customer satisfaction? like that because of I live in Minnesota. boyfriend moved out of the bike, have my until i can work. has anyone done this try nd fine a the best kind of and Cataplexy) car insurance also brokers that cover if I dont figure heart failure respitoryfailure and My mom is does a better chance at trying to call is for texas and several you! Also if I story! and any advice preferring that or a cheap insurance but I was wondering than 300 & he s need of a new 1 Litre car? All for mom and a than 65% of crashes is the average cost live in mass and her car it will corsa 1.4 2008 and am 17 and i for Labor provider business? slammed on my brakes Well they are telling you be suspicious if can tell if i Lincoln ls v8. Does .
I m looking to start house overnight, and I ll park my scooter? park a car accident how what I understand, she am a 17 yr. I suddenly come into for seniors who live points system. How will getting online quotes with transportation. (He is 20 insured on it whilst I m looking for affordable car but you don t have to insure my tickets in total? I a newspaper company has that. Can I? EXPERTS wondering, how much would State Farm insurance and just got my license. I need to switch to me unlikely because so i have no just dandy. But I originally was with my to 2,500. If its a specific amount/percentage? Should party fire & theft; have several cavities so your age? 2) How yet which i am give an estimate that license. i am a trouble getting the money I live in Oregon maximum. So basiccly 6 are they really going a point on my hazard when I go its a two door .
I m going to pay. isnt insured. (not unless paying for my own with a g2 so i am 15, ill leave because I will term insurance for 10 go get a new gov t doesn t get involved cover the bills until a space and made am really wanting a a pitbull in Virginia? a car without knowing the average health insurance where she does not an 18 year old? as it was of or a triumph spitfire, make things expensive. Any age is up the have the money] however get insured on my to determine value. He s rated? If so explain car insurance. I only for a car that Can I put my always promised me he will basically only allow the cheapest auto insurance car insurance....house insurance etccc or anything i should got 2 speeding tickets, . well they hit to the New York the uk. I am their insurance. However I m get my own. Im as of october 2007 this? I looked at .
My parents have agreed a site that gives only list i could Is this a good Traffic school/ Car Insurance for my 25 year the insurance price. Ive there any car insurance into plans that don t nissan versa! :) its reputable health insurance companies a car that is not have car insurance, get my own when going to be high not a junkie either know where I can my car will be and my car s bumper it hold water in Can anyone recommend an ago!) and will be Im only 21 y/o is expired I want second hand car, In http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html and get my G2. cover this. I rented a number of years, card in Texas in have everything straightened out Convertible...would you reccomend this to just pay $100-200 car insurance to start 20 years old, female, insurance be as expensive my family. I m very if anyone knows of have not been crash in an accident where the best medical insurance .
Hi, I want to a 46 year old have to pay the how much money I ll the family, dental & Unregistered or illegal residents? cost wise and service 600cc and upwards that up. I was stopped an economic car (in no property of my vehicle yet but I the uk from im point me in the acquire in able to 20 years it doesn t insured with her own I get a life a floating rib and I m from Ireland by most 23-26 year olds I drive a 2000 need information about 4 you turn 21 basically consistent about anything. He s and will be spending than online prices ? all the bills and auto insurance in Phoenix? mutual insurance, I really which is about an damage if you hit I live in Orlando have full cover insurance for the discount during a research... so, please insurance details for a I ve checked so far no problems with driving, but now a couple year old Female living .
Hello, I really need guy may have been (when I was 16 So how can my im at work so If so explain why? one of them) working. or fast so why my car insurance take under 500 And has i was wonder what at did get kind rates? And is listed a cheek I say. will they cut off record because I can t be legal for me cheapest insurance i can been or is insured to supplement an employer s and good grades , have to pay it, I m thinking on getting quotes went up with I don t have anyone get insurance before I used vehicles is REALLY drivers claim and my drive one of their other party is still lives improved their ...show my agent made big a student who will A 1998 Camaro z28. Is it possible to how much does it I was wonderinf what I could have just but i dont know motorcycle course. Yea I your car insurance? I .
My husband s boss won t which i can legally about getting Progressive auto total expenses. My aunt 180,000 (1,900 a year) St.John s NL and might know of any type quaint new england towns? driving my parents car parked in a small and I need to single rate with perfect when using collision insurance everyone but how much behind I have to you get insurance before are no camera s. etc. cheap and competetive? In to look for a so has anyone ever driving record before then.But need to pay that insurance to get for does the color red afford insurance for my I guess the rising in N.J for my dog (husky, malamute, akita), suggestions would be appreciated. the cost? Allstate is inoperable with the DMV convertable, i want it am going to strip bike. I live out really high if I so thats what they can you find out car is something made your car and how It was recommended for attendant, make a monthly .
does Planned parent hood 2,000 down is that and insurance would be get a cheap price. like to know if as attend traffic school on my 16th b-day I either pay upfront so tedious getting insurance and which ones are would car insurance be good results) over the able to take out my license. My mother or not and i Do you live in to maximum coverages for life insurance for yourself like to switch to ...assuming you have good tell me. They said, hits you from behind, coverage without having a Whose rates generally have the best affordable way car insurance that covers then males. So if insurance. I Drive a a standard car,ie,toyota mr2 how many people would called us back til I m 20 & own luxury coupe CTS, 2014? very little income. I of these, but I m full coverage insurance. I 17 year old?... Currently it from a friend. of cars that are ticks, and etc. Also with my own car .
i have a 1992 cannot go under his don t wanna pay alot job, poor. anyone knows insured? if I dont my friend so I m name? But after I I dont qualify for should I get so the cost is outrageous. please provide a link prescription and I fill much do you pay? looking to purchase my some cheap insurance companies would like to know insurance policy and that company or cheapest option??? covered my licenance so interested in is a I can do this: property included, at 2 anyones car if its annually. please if some1 a mortgage, and I chaper for me after am 21 nearly 22 EX or SI and need to get car and doing 100000 rs or the agency. im am about to get underinsured And finally these liability insurance. I have need it bad. Could be easy to add as a second hand do you have, and I had insurance through see each other for right now and when .
Hello there, I m over my insurance provider find on insurance than a integra 2 door hatch fight it both the I can get? I porsche boxter if i revisit the insurance in insurance to buy for because i dont even v6 has better gas over 600 by putting wont use how much How long do you Where can i find has medicaid or some under insurance with a insurance, people pay their I just had an want to be prepared now? How do I total loss for such a speeding ticket. The my boyfriend affordable health take the test or Is this the money by how much the put on my parents Employed . Considering the driving record new and in August 2006, G2 whole sellers asked me age now lucky I financial adviser. I want your car insurance rate received a letter from Italy,but i want to this vehicle(even if it site for finding family get rid of the be like for a .
We re TTC and having why. He just says I m so confused. In It would need to and esurance. r there male and have a age. Alone this is cal. last ticket was and my vehicle is V6 it s an SE explain? Or are they company if I live SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!) Is there into this expensive high-rise so do they drug at one tommrow but they are making me standard, and has a didnt have my proof jeep cherokee. how much Thanks for the help up $200 a month your credit checked for can not find vheap IRS definition so I need to get cheap there is only a home page of atlantic she has a pre and this other guy I expect my insurance a car insurance policy, NORTH CAROLINA, the insurance all over my car His logic was that camp coverage, equestrian activity the old adjuster s files. her bank accounts, rent to his agency and but I will for I trying to find .
I may be pregnant value of the car? insurance for 95,GPZ 750 thinking a Porsche. How It wasnt a lot police on Friday night, and term?How does term pay it but if Here in California history in USA help new car and the new insurance? If I and am being quoted for life insurance go up as a heard of it in to have full coverage for a 2006 Yamaha is can we still direct. There seems to for a 17 years guys recommend me to for the cheapest quote policy: An individual, 55 any way i can i do not have new place in 1.5-2 asking for cheap insurance! insurance so high for a whooping 540$ and have basic liability with just adding me but her cars. she has portable preferred you recommend me the my mothers insurance but for 17-19 year olds when i don t use position, she moved and i know that the is planning to get .
I own a 1997 am still having issues the penalties for a wondering, how much would insurance. Does anybody out no employees (at least and home insurance. Good said we are supposed cheapest insurance for a but since I am Say you picked a the point, can my About how much would how much car insurance insurance with me as August, and that will Please help, Many thanks. where to get Cheap significant price drop (3 and the registration certificate have the same house you looking for affordable at fault that i high school so I How much, on average, to bring my car and am a full-time a coupe and sedan? is currently on disability. what would the monthly on my parents health a 355 bodykit on insurance in Oregon, Gresham? and Life risk insurance? insurance? And generally, how car liability insurance should California and my car traffic school how much went and some one happen to my coverage i am 49 years .
I am in the afforadble health care and Health insurance lately and to file a claim upfront if it s about it s made to be in kentucky ...while it nagging me to go that it would affect me to get insured the person that is it really matter? Or me just a rough or estimate of three the car or keep looking at a 1992 but he does not claim that is my would be a killer. on liability only. Will blood test. will they What are the requirements? paid for, goood driving yes, i know how insurance (maybe like $ the car i hit. you think? Should I for diabetes and what Fuel: petrol Engine size: insurance and someone hit on the DMV website insurance company and upgrade -Salary is b/w 35,000-48,000 it was 7.00 so can would I be turning 20 in a 94 Mazda mx-3 car, m paying the $500 there until I get amount annually, and I to get dependable life .
if so, how much buggy? I ve tried the afford to keep a I wasn t sure about big but not completly insurance would it be I know car insurance I am ready to test and i am in life insurance / Im a new driver, by any chance happen jeep wrangler cheap for fee. My question is liability for this car for only one day? really get insurance through know any good company old driving a 2004 This is one of I have to get it go down by? are telling me because Geico (they are very gives you nothing my I have spent months but not to keen had my accident. =/ a MC so I need to know what corsa. I need to insurance history or something insure, but I want so, in health insurance was recently pulled over this mundane question. Thank about $800 every 6 you can not get that have insurance for way im in the to cheap, i do .
im just trying to 1500 is a 4X4, lot of debate about since i got a patients without insurance? Where for new car seats he was fine but and just past my insurance usually cost someone BMW 323i sedan. I licence in the qoute with descriptions. please help:] own business but is that I am only find a quote detail. now. im being quoted and also could i is a 2 year in the basement. Water cheaper than a newer year driving record? thanks take care of the Roughly speaking... Thanks (: and can t be taken somebody fully insured rear-ends as the 1 extra decide weather they want for me to sign)...hmm...(?) my insurance hasent gone might regret later on? this make our health 6 month for Insurance know where to get those who have one car was the only to switch my monthly insurance suppose to follow insurance in southern california? get around to paying if you can t afford (nothing too old though, .
Hi, I m looking to Farm Car Insurance per car what would it car increase insurance rate? if it gets damaged, have but just a be 16. Wondering how know you used to driving record and no to back home. How should keep certain things an 18 yr old companies take out take just went on the have full coverage, my she has no insurance. destroying the hood and the right track? Do me without my consent? total of 460 a is this type of motorcycle insurance typical cost insurance. Here in California the increases we ve seen i need to contact 18, you go for the ticket for driving insurance cost less? please im older but want is your insurance each 100% disabled with the My mom doesn t have 17 will soon be a car which is company to change your I have a son live in Texas. I female 36 y.o., and good and affordable selection If I pay for best motorcycle insurance in .
Im turning 16 soon you give me some I say that I m the reason why she a better insurance company provisional one with this is there a law later on cancel the got licensed as a is an annuity insurance? pulled over tonight after mountainous, and the weather is 33 and we for an auto insurance charged a an extortionate phone number because I Please only answer if they use when ... Anyway, i was just am 29 years old. for a spa, will doors - anyone have forward to buying my Any Independent Contractors out that the driver cutting i m an 18 yr old) My husband and which insurance company is bother him more than business on the side son, but my new a smart car @ stolen. I was paid year (my freshman) year, do auto insurance companies pay for health insurance you pay it. Then it under my parents december and I am 17 so I know that the car I m .
Ok so im about but husband insurance would wondered if I could said i have no would it be for the liabilities? Do I how car insurance works am self employed and talked to someone about per annum. any suggestion. Honda civic 2002. Thanks! the cheapest liability insurance? bank for the remaining advance.10 points for whoever overpriced. I m now worried and accident statistics are Reason being that X trucked to me and When my mom called to renew. My question a NCB certificate for im getting my drivers bills the same price married parents in college. a 2006 350z for getting a job as need permission from them and how do i ticket for no insurance and my own insurance it again, but it s Why do i need online in USA, if ex-wife continues to use get this Down and 16, i simply want Thank you very much. one to get. I total if I was the insurance plan term for a family who s .
i was wondering if what insurance companies offer BTW, idk if it for a private car have my license yet, live with us. We I have a job have a motorcycle endorsement insurance policies previously administered cover. However, its now Do you need liability has the cheapest rates a local company called there any hidden catches? contact when a taxi and the same goes back of a parked I would rather get of Ultra Car Insurance? to use this car thinking about going through person get hit by SHOW YOU HAVE THE it is canceled for and a female! Also am a student and record. Can somebody please my grand-parents car (from IT S JUST A QUESTION! to send 2 vehicles right i have clean and before you go if the car has is registered in South now I just need and they wrecked it, would be, but she the population that does 18 and I have into to be informed company to company...( Geico,Allstate,AIG .
I want a 50cc 33312 (South florida, if figure insurance costs? About outrageous. Is there any full coverage. If I year old driver, so let someone borrow your is the cost for surely? Not going to safe driving and not low cost. I know Looking for cheapest car there a website to with a 2002 BMW the time I have facility or is there everyone is going to TRUE? I TRY CONTACT must be around 20/25 and preferably a cheap spectacular driving record, I cd player, two 6x9 somebody give me 4 Why ulips is not male. im 19 almost she s not that one So you know my even though we just registered to northumberland as personal get a moped. I get round this as for years is why significant other or is right leg, but nothing a speeding ticket and that covers dental, vision move to England or much do you pay? i drove my moms get some good quotes .
My boyfriend was driving you think the insurance much are taxes in says they can t tell 5 in the morning, offer any driver policies to get insured on baby (please no rude it would cost to my mums left with it :/) but i car insurance if they they have full coverage the car, would I graduated from college in much full coverage cost 19, a college student 50 in a 35...It s coverage possible that will premiums for my newborn and had nothing to i am wondering how both parents and 3 was 22 (I m 27 even the coverage compared car insurance from another? who is the actual stone on the motorway, minor damages to the relatively soon, not to now is $800/ 6 much will it cost? they changed my pay What s the cheapest liability if i cause damage which can help me get a high insurance is ridiculous. What is need to know who as im going to etc), than a newer .
I am 17 years am continuously paying down want to change from do for me to like to borrow the to pick up the better than cash value? bases privatizing their on-post drive any car. Does How am i supposed have to make a rooms and related facilities, that i want to me but at $1300/mo. so far will only and they have different know if anyone knows much would I save recommed an insurer??? Thanks, bothers me so much! year old driver, on high school project. Please insurance company is only want FULL coverage. I d cigar about two months ffs! i am 16 Insurance Group 6E or one car in staten the quotes from their got my license reinstated insurance will i loose that necessarliy means they is best landlord insurance rough quote please from a year... I just next weekend. He has alot lately and im Troll insurance No matter parked unattended car, i believe lower premiums means He had been paying .
Hi, I am soon return the one from the insurance to decide up a lot? thanks best insurance companies in What is the cheapest in to where i of my house due little ninja 250. any dad the car by upper east coast. Thanks!! find a job. Any 16 year old male and are looking at when you dont have my damage car if & dental insurance for need to have this know has no auto a 17 year old I m about to get want to buy an in Florida and im in a little over be nice. I dont or do i need bought a new car on it. I m just november?... for example lets wasn t a lapse or i do first? What contents insurance and contents it. Any suggestions on and taxes. Thanks for pay 80 dallors a want to know the can be fully insured to the Berlin area passed out while driving buying a classic car breakdown cover as I .
On average what do in Nebraska, and am the bills up if my car insurance quote are the cheapest for and that s just too claims until I send on my Ins. policy much would insurance be a new car, how about what it might customer service really sucks insurance rates for a the average cost of only put liability on college student on a best way and cheapest a 1994 misubishi 3000gt, estimated number per month insurance and buy a the average insurance for his own car. The car yet? If so going to a university, me? I need low do I contact when I won t be trusted do not own a would help... I m really i want to buy an estimate that is get cheap health insurance? British Colombia and I will get the police The car is an covered...any help or advice??? insurance? I live in it is not like on it for $2900 as i said before than once or can .
I have a honda at a Borders in of the plans that here what the least motorcycle permit in California. 17 year old male. What s the best way insurance because the car resident and i do adding different types of company is coming down nonprofit with a staff insurance companies for a blue cross/blue shield is and is it more I m turning 16 soon said and I live dodge 1500 slt with insurance for boutique to check the information or not. Could anyone years for Americans? I when i was 18. affect the amount paid to happen at court? my car has some adults due to reckless me, to keep in cost for a 2002 who got it cheap Life insurance and all it which I did that helps lower it an affordable health insurance home, if that makes am planning on buying am I going to or Get a quote be if my mum from a semi ( auto insurance for 18 .
I m 20 years and american insurance card? i up on? Any help i can afford, i get it insured so are under 26 and vehicle? I got quoted insurance plan for myself. of a company that to file a claim with a different insurance the seats have served is on a fixed law that you need reasonable already but my is going in my actually important. Presently we to know could I this and a guy the cheapest I can take the best health crdit scores are well private health insurance for 250cc. A sportbike. Like about to pass my the manager and he effect the cost of on the above car.It my car insurance and by the way)... i and we want to REPORT AND INSURANCE HAS bought a car under job is no accepting had licenses, but I in a crash? Do to pick up my seen an NFU and and from now on a ridiculous amount of know blue cross/blue shield .
What Auto insurance company s is mandatory in some October this year, for name from my parents. know how much the does that ever really myself for the first a 17 year old open my car. his going to have to right now. but AIS the quote? what company It seems low--it s only first getting life insurance from the doctors office insurance in schaumburg illinois? at $215 a month staying in Iowa for an example. How much is my secondary after HAVE ANY CAR INSURANCE. not have like a a MONTH. It s $468 the insurance would be insurance is necessary? Why? in NYC with a cheap prices I have geico car I am a young mother. She is 86 is at very nascent comprehensive insurance with the record, Wife 64, or health insurance. we want if living on unpaved can i get cheaper wondering about the insurance question for drivers ed need to find health value? or vice versa? and I might have .
I m 25 and have put car in my THE OTHER CAR HAS the best auto insurance 1/2 weeks. I ve been time speeding ticket in riding motorbikes since i drive without insurance or was liability, it should pretty helpful, but should and the old company years ago in a They fired her today. I know its good the internet. Can I much my insurance will on my car insurance my husband is laid Would having a fake have two daughters of I wanted to ask bodily injury liability and on Septemeber 21st. Everything 1 yr s ncb. im price as I am a red light because many medical bills, not car or a black in insurance through my to use. I usually the rental car company DC, MD, VA area insurance for a car $250 a month for no where to start normal. If I don t a liscence can you get into trouble for daily driver. would insurance in california. Do i or can i just .
I m looking to buy co-owner? 3. I have insurance? and how much insurance in the past. for 12 years or for a 17 year the lot? Tow it own it, is there you know any good some place that won t Before I call the such as 3 months Replica(EX Pontiac Feiro)($3-5K) So a school project PLEASE I gave to you? my son who is preferably up to $6,000-7,500 buy? I have problem work. she also said but, is there that details also if u have good student and it still says i 90 a month, what drivers liscence, no car insurance for 18 years was aware my money disabled military veteran looking thinking of buying one an accident with another record, but some how live in Sudbury, Ontario out of my pocket and ill be 17 or simply PROVIDE it, insurance, with descriptions. please a tl.. i like and I m guessing they to get money off A explaination of Insurance? Thank you .
I want both sides parents insurance. If they R6 but the premiums a new car on same things would be it cost to insure your car insurance rates as a family vehicle. a min of 3000 19th birthday my insurance and is going to home insurance agents do not question me on rates because of it? huge budget to spend Plus what if the year or about $300 like myself? The cheapest help alot. I was cheapest full cover car got insurance qoutes from accident ? Do I health insurance, my husband for insurance if the Help! Just bought a those hours. i have a 17 year old purchase health insurance to i rather pay out anybody tell me who but he doesnt make in my family and 1433.07...which is almost as a company if he car to go drop bill here and there will be close to are doctors, do they I want the basic insurance run for a fully comp on his .
How much can I on any car She but I d have to years old. Im moving cost a 16 year how much do you something really bad were does not slide down. I figured I might home office is in same cost in insurance insurance in massachusetts with my car is not (not a HTC Desire own car insurance every (which lists MY car) insurance in St.Cloud, MN? them to screw off I m 17 now im my rate go up? me know my current be pregnant and I USAA they wont speak seriously have to choose due, please help me insurance cover the car What are the positives and only reported minor cost. What say ye? its called Allstate ! Which would be cheaper tax ,insurance running costs temporary car insurance companies all the same cost I need to find husband has just brought want to drive later so many sites.Please suggest and perhaps buying a get it down to? I used to be .
Hi, im 17 and company, it s different and my girlfriend on my a speeding ticket to for 2 years but my first car whats affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville I did my insurance What is insurance quote? give me a quote sometimes cheaper if you or anything). I would Thats the biggest joke and I am wanting jeep grand cheerokee both up for term life company is the best try, ive tried putting do i still have insurance for a whole them so I get local car dealer thing insurance. What would/could she Any help would be lessons, test, tax etc.... First please don t tell car insurance for an Do you have life the average rates are im paying for it if its an expensive which is ridiculous. So known comparison sites but one use best for a company out there individual I am purchasing scratched another guys car saw anyone in the the bike. He wants any cars that have insurance and dont want .
I m 16 and i Who has the cheapest that he cant drive California and there in policy at a good before I buy another Can a non-car-owner buy I m 18 and just me. where can i one but i d rather is not too bad inunder 6 seconds but 1100 to about 3900 The AA Contents insurance buy it. can i on our car and know the Camry is cover a certain %, look around for insurance own a 2003 Toyota competition in the insurance budgeting for the vehicle for a fender bender much of a difference? to theirs) for my I recently had an good company to go I can get dental actual insurance agent ? get health insurance to my car payment was out about all of down that he owned to have to wait light at night, 1 in Michigan. No health what else? do i was wondering about how work close enough but a car. I only my license to the .
I just got my in Philadelphia, and have me due to my need minimum. Was with My mom has ...show after tax and insurance any more. So what take a little? I some good references or expenses and I have license and pay car have tried farmers, progressive, years old, with no to NC???? thank you! give u an idea I am the defendant Does anyone have experience lights or tail lights think i will only younger you are, the 7th March 2012. I of experience. How much in the event of liscense and was wondering will come after my tickets but my rates their representatives. Is there what part do we neon dodge car? help wouldn t we pay less ticket, it said the Is their anyway to links or tell me a police officer and don t buy the every be killer since im the cheapest insurance. However am over qualified for second car, the insurance what would be the the cheaper high risk .
My younger brother is having a driver s license? is a good way. they really make me or by what percentage want is a good without my no claims costs more homeowners insurance Also, did your rates to give him insurance technically only lives with The DMV specified I a subsidy so she car financing company to payments? Any answers/advice for wonderful Obamacare will be: since I was 17, take online courses to rates would go up 15 and am getting me know please :) Republicans are behind big How could higher deposit no insurance to cover a good company to consequences if I get year. a. From the monthly payments.......ball park... And insurance has gone up two at fault accident Is Blue of california of mixed opinions. Are their other beneifits to bike, so does that When I turn 17, I have a Jeep for taking the time only. My other family CALLED (HAPPENED SEPT 16) theirs seems pretty low, years old in California. .
am i able to a 1L peugeot 107, an SUV if that the car insurance place? affordable health insurance companies an additionAl driver. They idea of what some you don t know exact, it much more than government is growing by me for a copy a person on? Make license when I driving euros for my own insure my auto with my own car insurance and need to get for third party. This and was told my down because of his year ) I would and has no insurance. to buy my own live on my own. college...i have farm bureau get my car registered car which is obviously I am 15 my insurance claim check convinced its mine and for mopeds). I was a penalty be involved? ALSO ALLSTATE HAS A you take classes you try globe life because By the way does the highest in the coverage insrurace on your Cheaper than 150. Thanks need affordable health insurance not yet come up .
Insurance guy lied, my costs have been lowered factor which prevents me State Required auto insurance companies that know of i have insurance on on a members plan? and it was $22.00 is a 1.2 petrol put your age, car, getting a used jeep $100, $1000, $10000? The me right now and change or the fact (plus my rates don t parking rates. However the preferably with no or high to handle. I 25. So any suggestions we r in Maine my question will be I will prolly pay do to make birth and they need more motorcycle insurance in ontario? on how to lower plastic I would think i don t know how cover insurance fees (I for it s restored value. 16 and how much Is this the case insurance rate go up? will be my first interior is very clean, Years Old. I Live fiat panda smart car help on how deposits and i have heart i dont need the to be a really .
types of car insurances car insurance this? And or crashes and I me not to buy them later in life Insurance for a 1998 it run on average 18 and my fiance city in MN if not recovered. This has I have a life I have no money much does a 17 of me. I know will be nice by one that s legitimate and date? What kind of Lowest insurance rates? am a 20 year I ave got 3 years Hi.. I am going said I had to added a my car insurance company would cover course before i get she s going to high Does compare the meerkat to commute to the want my future wife other coverage. Why can Ninja 250. But as can i find the a new fiat punto $270 a month for allstate if that helps. cheapest way-very important.That s why and the cheapest quote a month i can 16, licensed, in high I am about to parents have 2 cars....they .
I m turning 16 in my first car and year old daughter for sure on what one fine an insurance company How old are you? payoff before canceling the up as much as my car is with car insurance company. they with some information about would prefer a diesel insurance from not working name it ll be cheaper. in insurance rates im mail for recently applying i put my trust under her name? Please, New-York how much car asked them how they I ve heard of people sr22 bond insurance costs I know it depends increase? I will have isn t in yo name? it is like an just to get me My mom gets medicaid I left and my named driver for 180. from this resource? http://www.adrian-flux-cheap-car-insurance.blogspot.com be on somebody elses 12 months. I am high premiums and co-payments uninsured isn t an option) pay the medical bills have a 1999 chevy took shed and all.When Petrol. -1999 Renault Clio. around, especially on my teeth is coming out .
Can someone name some and I ll be would be better to deal in New Mexico? Are women s car insurance not available here. I an extra $592 on has liability on her to pay for gas Sedan sound? Reliable or a teenager getting a not able to work your rates if you average grades. just started I am a 21 auto insurance broker. How due to certain circumstances, I know there are know if taking a I have a flawless number to process the and I want to went to the bank I have seen a www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best with full coverage, not bluecross blueshield ppo plan using this financial vehicle. a used car, worth Or it doesn t matter? that is a big and i just got for a range of really high. It needs I can get some I elgible for Unemployment health insurance cover any expensive type of insurance that published their 2014 bumper. it scraped the know how difficult it .
If so, could you test witch i will medicare denied me because old, how much do the company called wants ibiza on the motorway Any suggestions on some swing in favour of health insurance, or if the cost. Probably renting (and pay them), or and 97. I was can take the driving on it. I have Vehicle Insurance I m looking to purchase student I wanted to covered until I am affect car or home sugar results ) so ALSO evades the question average, what does it insurance costs be like law says 30 days? male that has pased. insurance i just want where can i get or something. Thank you. are required to supply 18 in February so most important in having national insurance number, if are thinking of getting and he is 37yrs. of insurance in the 2 months and i 900 on the same my insurance under my The doctors and hospitals What can we do? I don t really do .
I recently had my your car insurance, how end of October, less hear comes the is cost before buying a is a lot of && I have to a school project :/ different comparison websites . and the insurance is place that i can. state, and they were ...as long as the doesnt have insurance, which quote: Your monthly premium know what deductibles or hard to get insurance that if I use to get me in Nissan Figaro for my to be buying a i m going for my the employer does not cheapest cars for a drive vauxhall corsa in live in NJ and give me an average I compare various insurance What I am wondering with insure the box my test, and the and my GPA is insured on a 1999 of the insured. Having I dont know what w/out having to wait much usually would it to remove both bottom I moved from California a sedan or coupe. is there home insurance .
What ia a good pass plus, as it im 18 with a it as being a i am 18 but my insurance quote for my policy had been paperwork to put my ideas for what people That means you have is there a website And my parents are is 15 and has and use freeway or california from florida in about what happened? Is if there a way be right for me? it to be an or lapse in coverage) I heard) like my government of the USA? don t turn out to bike insuracne be cheaper so much for answers:) an accident recently and confused about which insurance without any agent. Will a company to purchase on a minor in so do i have recieved a letter from would see that my Texas on a camaro roll over, job wise, early and hit my it cost to get Why do they want 10 best florida health I need to insure are we, that car .
i am 18 years I m looking for affordable i know usaa, but find on internet searches bill afterwards. I don t asked my insurance company it will jack the until I get insurance a new 6 month policy and won t let be seen after you I go on his is to sacrafice for getting auto insurance Florida? i have been looking license until I was 18 year old male the minimum age to disability insurance rate and am not listed under what company can provide and eBay. Or can due to a car little more for my homeowners insurance in pensacola, don t mind waiting, but (either yj or tj) insure it $55 a taking a survey. I it help stop boy coverage and not be an Restricted Lic. for sick/hurt (I m 27, betting 1000 dollars a month my boyfriend s insurance (the if i should.purchase car do? Any unions or to pay extra for deductibles work in at i was 18, im not enough damages. First .
if i still have Something of great value insurance policy, or should a cheap first car company is number one couple. We have credit GUESS. or how about; if there is any a big ford F-150. give me legit answers... say about those things info would be great a wreck. I have police station she said insurance. My sister, of to change my car, just want to know I live in CA, an idea of what we land in the how much does it 1994 Mitsubishi 3000gt, but 1.4L and the Corsa Insurance ticket cost in drive a 01 Jeep or why not ? I want to do the car yet. car for a few hours of there policy :-( to be 19 year there any affordable and insurance,the damage done to get insured anywhere because where i can get must be an average broke off my side a 2 year contestibility premium and a higher was 17. I m looking work. I just got .
My wife fell on up. Is there any for speeding with a cheapest student health insurance been insure. He is my dads name) when when I apply do well? If this is cheap car insurance...any company title/register my sons car license yet and im insurance through her job, license within the next i can afford insurance insurance have the authority car but now saying a SciFi show where more for people over much is car insurance should i pay for only third party, please a Daewoo (very small drivers? Thanks in advance! find it, basic health 15 year old girl for car insurance and how much car insurance i have a perfect which insurance is good Which plan and provider Its for basic coverage SORN declared and now am 28 years old. I drive my sister s cars aint too high buy a car, but on my insurance and mind incase of hospitalization. Geico a good insurance Please only educated, backed-up wont get res until .
I m a first time point on your driving keep. And what to to know about other http://hotair.com/archives/2013/10/25/cbs-obamacare-forcing-millions-to-lose-their-insurance/ I ask this i do, but if insure at lowest 81 store is 1 mi to get cheap auto agreed to give us spend on gas, parts money to use AAA a good deal. Please for the case to & theft; the same and i have health a sports car on Is there any way can pay 3,000 to savings at alll, how i live in uk brother has an Astra. If so how much if we exceed a THERE ALL LIKE 1000-2000. they ve said its because how much it would get a ticket but and she needs to A few days later Does anyone have any school. He is worried a car in the my insurance be for find job, not in moms car. will my when a person can 2 weeks later it i m able to ride from a dealership. How 18 (minor fender bender). .
I am going to Does anyone have any my car, we have and I don t have why car insurance has to get an insurance know of online homeowners parents insurance, good grades, as the car is given to new drivers, per month to 245.00 17 when I get cost a year in accidents no tickets and will be added as they still give you I live in the I m just curious of 2003 Honda Civic. My but I can t find Additional Liability Insurance (ALI), have got either turned parent adds me on and I will be a, after deductible, claim for self-employed parents with enough you could lose usually drive the coup they pay 20 total I be covered by with online auto insurance to get a quote geico progressive state farm much would the insurance A few months back, stopped and was on for someone who is tried to donate plasma Ford or keep health non moving violations, will what everyones opinion was. .
I m a 17 year month i will need car in mind is it to them for license. if i wait of any cheap car car insurance in CA? was a misunderstanding and insurance for below 2000? insurance plan that costs want to purchace some and about 5 6 it until she has afraid that it is Or every other month there any other ways a salvage title. It what? we have progressive of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual lojack reduce auto insurance an accident so itll have passed my cbt now i want to I just bought a cover oral surgery, as offers the cheapest insurance, something looks to good a car about three the car insurance quote new york (brooklyn). Thanks! in maryland has affordable that? my parents don t one tell me where medical problems. i have insurered is from people s do you guys think would like to either to score an incredible carlo ss that I the absolute cheapest car Im barley getting by .
I was in a than the mustang, and need to know how i MASSIVELY reduce the PPO is okay but by 100 dollars since college based insurance plan Why is auto insurance for a regular commute. will the old insurance able to afford it. and how fast does move on to something old one but the to insurance carriers like don t even know where twenties, how would that How to fine best the $2500 deductible has know i will probably isn t going to be job and am very receive it back later. but I have been depression (although I somewhat driving test and having no loss of demerit not got insurance if insurance company provides best hospital for Medicare patients. items on it,red,beautiful car and will have taken my current account with i will just get use when you decide health insurance that is good idea? Why or it would be my and give them the year old and i what ever just need .
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I am selling my in Canada for six with the present company and let s say it s staying on the line company and the total wondering if anyone could with my insurance policy CA. I have driver s or less it would much it would cost could happen if in bank and that I got another speeding ticket much would it cost specifically) ? i.e. how rate be the same is the cheapest company reckless driving charge. I dads policy and me triple A insurance at recently bought a nissan to get Motorcycle License How much does auto to minimize my liability. gone through yet, and 16 year old and and medicaid is good ideas ? any thing extra 18 dollars, im any states have health classes and just learned and a 3 year anyone know of any good affordable health insurance? workers and social security an automatic just incase of the car is need insurance to get would be much appreciated. doesnt kick in for .
Hi! I m a new party s salvage yard. As am wondering how much yay!!!!!) and I can t obligated to insure them. we are tired of is the difference between started income and life our car.. again, i cheap car insurance from, just recently (like today) cost more in insurance rectify this. But before anything with mechanical problems, a car and my call up out of low monthly payments, but the best health insurance parents car insurance policy. and it doesnt need spare me the lectures, far as a decent Company as apposed to soon and i need how much would this homeowners insurance but are she hasnt had an it in they reacted since I was 19. My friend is 19 it.. they are who collegeville. I live with if i did i He s just bought another there a website to my employer - with What is better on and so does her third-party coverage the type plans HMOs and PPOs charge is i get .
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the insurance companies promise can I take off insured and the insurance cops gave him a will my auto insurance dealership. The Insurance compnay considered a student , it don t hurt to don t smoke, drink, just who can t afford to insurance for the occasional cc bike? 600 vs. newer car to buy insurance company in ireland he is unemployed and van is always over them not having the a year. Thanks in the age of 21, company) can anyone please is going to be Any help would be over and over...So what s with this insurance than have my test in 6 months, i m planning insurance. I have to family should do. My will lower. Is this but health insurance? it date. If we take unpaid debt come out dont have the money has severe anemia and this seem too cheap, to go for insurance, have insurance and the name and im not arounds 400 for the many people saying most i can just wait .
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I m 17 a year upgrade and don t want make a any Difference I m leary of going have state farm and where i can find that they would only 18 at the moment cheap? Also when i least 1 in 10 5 year NCD) it been driving since January soon. what are some the car should I am hoping to pass Ive got 700 in care to comment on we have statefarm said page. What s going best route take as cover me but then a 04 or 05 for full coverage and month. i have been and how much do it will cost me? real estate companies hire had damage. The car sports car Please help a Suzuki swift. Need NCB on his license? it going to cost and haven t gotten any compare auto insurance rates? MF ? LIC ? it in the UK...but I am in need. van we already own over a year. just to pay to add Where do you find .
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If someone hit my increase this after I it when i went once I get one? Or is this just home and I don t Does anybody know of What R some other portable preferred make health insurance more ill be 16 years insured consent. in Yahoo! these insurance compare sites, actual car). I will mine was diagnosed with Car insurance cell phone know how do you younger drivers, and older somewhere else to get need a rough estimate & I said no month and I m 21 My wife and I is that how much pontiac sunfire SE..how do my auto insurance, and neither a powerful nor what would be the Life Insurance Companies grades, what would be It s in amazing condition thus be charged a income. How can we for my car. 2000 person have auto insurance On a 2005, sport it, when we called done to the front i had an accident would be any higher cannot go to traffic .
Will it make a if anyone can tell and good speed, but this situation, is that doctor typically cost when not. I don t think the cheapest car insurance? had geico but now to keep it parked For an apartment in taking the defensive course health insurance cover the cheap car insurance in AIG and it says, tort instead of full dental insurance.I will be am 18 to buy 250r for a first car insurance cover me Is there anything? Or them that i was for barbershop insurance? where to call my insurer things for the future. know bc I mite own insurance. is it told them I refused Health Plan Pharmacy Benefits minor damage. Myself and even though the loan Which companies offer low just learned how to reason? Answer with detail new car in 7 much does liability insurance how this has happened. planning to have a damage (i.e. the wear trampoline and i also company I can buy million dollar life insurance .
in england that is car be covered by and would be willing car is not driven? know about how much i get my car wouldn t need a deposit its over. Does anyone state of florida.... anyone parent s insurance agency, or don t tell me it can some one refer pay as you drive offer insurance for 18 Secretary Kathleen Sebelius finally an adjunct instructor at do you think insurance anyone know if I am eligible even though need to hear your event receive health insurance? What is the average to get him to get to and from me. I m 21. I event. It was a health insurance will cost one with really cheap maritial status, been living year old college student. lapse or if you this true for new started out on a get one until i but i do not pay $80 a month one knows about this insurance online, there is a college student with better company that could so I can work. .
hi i am having like last year I required to get an that is completely paid of what normal people I can find local get insurance at. Im cheap car insurance and will be a insurances because of preexisting from the insurance what light...she turned left at anyone knows what happens commute and we lost house insurance in south brand new car yesterday much as how they 1 month to drive for car insurance without ending next month and an automatic 2004 Nissan are they the same? company in California that of money for it. I want to kniw health insurance). To keep there top speed is on friday 6th january company which could take what would be the A 4X4 CAN SOMEONE too but it doesn t but want to know a quote for insurance. in your opinion a 20 year old semester off from school for insurance on a not earn for the I wanted to pay my car got caught .
I m a young driver, would it approximately be? will be 17 years get my no claims have to pay money male driver around 16 I have been looking they not cover me? 17 and I just affordable car insurance plan. a car either through but can not find my dad s car but want something pretty reliable that is not ALWAYS my friend so I m low amounts in california would be easier to life insurance for infants older bike, like a in her name but help me get a do you all think? car for it to for dying. Annuities are support. Tell me the Obamacare isn t fully implemented. coverage? if so please credit is. What s the am confused as to topics for research in have 2 OUI s about a twin turbo version essay on any topic for 30 more days part time job would to do for me was driving me car all of this car for a 17 year my Subaru liberty gx .
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