#Sendai ended up further down than I initially expected
cursedvibes · 2 years
My Culling Game 1st Phase Ranking
(This is based on my personal taste and very subjective. I have enjoyed all the colonies, so just because one is last place, doesn't mean I hate it. I split up Yuuji and Megumi's parts because they are tonally so different.)
Tokyo 1 (Yuuji edition): A big part of why it's in first place is because Yuuji is my 2nd favourite character but that's not all. The dynamic with Higuruma is just perfect. They are such a good match in theme & personality, we don't really find that in the other colonies (Hakari & Kashimo to an extend but it doesn't run as deep). Yuuji confronting his guilt and getting to open up about it at least a little bit, was very touching to read and Higuruma's development over the fight and how he is changed by Yuuji is so well portrayed as well. Plus, we got a glimpse at Yuuji's childhood which is always interesting.
Sakurajima: Reading it in one bunch makes it flow much better. I don't think that the appearance of Daido & Miyo breaks the flow of the story. The colony's greatest feat is making me deeply care about Noritoshi when before he was barely on my radar outside Kamo lore. Maki and him parallel each other nicely and the little talk about their mothers at the end was the icing on the cake. Maki's ascention and mastering of her new body was beautiful to see. My only problem is Naoya. I understand why he's capable of coming back and how he's supposed to symbolize the full destruction of the Zenin Clan, but his impact was just lacking. Maki didn't seem particularly bothered by him outside of general annoyance. An amalgamation of Zenin Clan spirits could've served the same purpose and potentially been more interesting.
Tokyo 2: I didn't care much for Charles but Hakari makes up for it. Kashimo is bringing some sweet gore, which is always appreciated. It still bugs me that Panda's sister died so easily. I guess Akutami changed whatever they had initially planned for Panda. That death scene in Panda's internal world was still touching. The fight between Hakari & Kashimo is super entertaining and feels much less dragged than when reading it weekly. Actually, I was basically flying through the pages. Love the dynamic of the two and a great introduction to both of them. The Edo flashback got me excited for what they have in store for the Heian era.
Sendai: This one made me love Takako but it also made my opinion on Yuuta go from indifferent to annoyed. He needs a mini-Megumi on his shoulder to remind him of what's important. The colony introduced a lot of interesting new themes and gave us some Heian lore to look forward to, that's why I still liked a lot. However, as much as I love Takako and the cockroaches, Hakari vs Kashimo was more entertaining and versatile than Yuuta & Ryuu's energy blasts.
Tokyo 1 (Megumi edition): Even if it ended up in last place, I still enjoyed this part a lot. I love Reggie, and Takaba & Hazenoki (especially his technique) are fun. Megumi got to improve his domain and kill for the first time. The information Reggie provided was essential and I hope it means the others won't be as trusting of Tengen in the future either. All the lore we got was probably my favourite part of this. Still, there wasn't that much character development on Megumi's part or introspection as in the other colonies, so that's why it ended up here. I just liked the others more.
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crescentsteel · 4 years
Keeping a Secret - Part 5
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pairing: Tsukishima x f!manager of Sendai Frogs genre: sexual tension/crack/fluff/slow burn wc: 6.8k
Let me know if you want to be part of the taglist uwu
Part 4 || Part 6 || masterlist
“Your lips aren’t disgusting,” Tsukishima says quietly, but loud enough to reach your ears. You did hear him the first time though. You just didn’t understand what he meant so you brushed it off as garbled words induced by your sleep-deprived brain. 
You didn’t expect him to contradict the subtle insult you unconsciously threw at yourself. From his reaction to your suggestion a while ago, you’d think he’d be glad that you instantly discarded it instead of pushing it further. 
You pull back just enough to see his somber expression meeting your baffled one.
“I thought you didn’t want to do it again,” you mutter softly even though the kiss snapped you out of your drowsiness.
“I changed my mind,” he simply says.  
“Uhhh. Care to elaborate?” you ask, still confused as to what his change of mind entails. Does he now agree to your earlier proposal? Or is he just saying that he doesn’t mind kissing you again? 
...Wait, isn’t that the same?
Okay, so apparently your mind is still fuzzy and not digesting the situation clearly. His closeness isn’t helping either. 
Maybe you’re actually still asleep and you’re having sleep paralysis on their sofa. In just a matter of seconds, Tsukishima’s face will turn demon-like and scream at how moronic you are for dreaming about this.
“You’re allowed to kiss me when it’s just the two of us,” the boy sitting in front of you announces.
Tsukishima tries not to look away so you wouldn’t think he feels awkward agreeing to your suggestion the same way you offered it. You look way better and more alert after he kissed you so he’s expecting you to say something sassy to get back at his brutal words. 
Instead, you wrap a hand around your throat. Before he can even process what you’re doing, your hand is already joined by the other. 
“What are you doing?” he asks both confused and worried as your hands tighten on your neck, but you don’t answer. He only confirms that you’re indeed choking yourself when you start gasping for air. 
“What the fuck!” He hurriedly yanks your hands away from your throat, gripping each wrist and pulling them away from one another. 
You inhale sharply from the absence of your hands blocking your windpipe.
It didn’t work. You’re still in sleep paralysis and with absolutely no idea how to get out.
You close your eyes and dejectedly lean on his chest. “I’m too tired to tell if this is real or a poorly conjured dream. Demon, begone,” you mumble while feebly knocking your head against him.
“Tsukishima will think I’m an idiot,” you add.
He usually doesn’t care about the aftermath of his words. The more they get under a person’s skin, the more it amuses him. But you seem to have really taken his words to heart this time, and he hates the fact that he’s bothered by it. He’d rather be annoyed by you than plagued with guilt.
He admits he was being a complete dick earlier, but he didn’t expect it would get to you like this, to the point that you’d even think you’re dreaming.
He sighs, accepting that he needs to deal with the consequences of his sharp tongue. “You’re not an idiot, y/n,” he softly says. You lift your gaze and look at him like he’s grown two heads. “So stop acting like one already,” he spurs on, unable to help himself as his true nature immediately returns.
You detach yourself from him as life returns back to your eyes. “Okay, I’m not dreaming. You’re definitely Tsukishima.” You shake your hands, probably to shake off the lethargy from your nap, then slap both your cheeks with your palms. 
You steady yourself as you face him again. You verify the vague exchanges you two had with one question. “I take it we have a deal then?” 
He holds your resolute stare, trying to come up with some set of rules but weariness is already hitting his cognitive capabilities. However, there is one that’s extremely necessary for the both of you to follow. 
“No one should know about this.”
You scoff at his answer. “No one  will  know about this,” you repeat his words with a more convincing variation. So despite the insane premise of the arrangement and its lack of detail, he agrees.
Tsukishima heads straight to the kitchen as soon as he gets home. In spite of the audacious agreement you now have, neither of you felt awkward when he walked you to the main road to see you off. Once again, you were right. Accepting that he is also attracted to you somehow cleared his head. He still doesn’t like it, but it’s better than constantly being irritated at the strange pull you have on him. 
Since you’ve proven yourself to always be right, he’ll give this a go. It’ll only be until the end of the project anyways, which won’t be long from now considering the timetable you laid out. 
As he gets a pitcher of water, he sees Akiteru approaching the kitchen as well. He moves away from the fridge to make way in case his brother is going to get something from it. But Akiteru passes him by and leans on the counter next to him instead. 
He pours himself a glass while growing prickly of Akiteru’s not-so-subtle staring.
“If you’re going to say something, just say it,” he snaps. 
Akiteru laughs lightly at his displeasure. “She’s very lovely,” his older brother comments randomly, and yet he already knows Akiteru is without a doubt talking about you. 
His mind instantly goes back to when you were: (a) dancing like a crippled fledgling; (b) squawking like a dying seagull to imitate a crocodile; and (c) choking yourself because you thought you were dreaming. 
“If an alien in a human suit is lovely, then sure,” he answers dryly as he returns the pitcher back to the fridge.
“She’s really just a classmate?” his older brother probes. 
Akiteru has been insinuating for a while now that he should get a girlfriend, as if not having one will cause him to miss out on this ‘great’ experience of life. So now that he’s finally brought someone home, Akiteru had decided in his head that you’re a potential romantic partner. 
“How many times do I need to answer that?” he responds sourly. 
His brother smiles apologetically, but his face shows a regaled glimmer. “Sorry, Kei. I must have misunderstood since I don’t kiss my classmates on the lips.”
He stills right as he was about to bring the glass to his lips. 
He did not hear Akiteru’s steps back then. If he did, he’d quickly give himself adequate distance from you. He’d blame you for the distraction, but you weren’t really doing anything outrageous at that moment. You were actually unobtrusive and reasonable for the first time. It was him and his guilt that preoccupied him well enough to not notice Akiteru.
He finishes his water and leaves the glass on the counter. “Goodnight,” he says without looking at Akiteru as he hurriedly goes back to his room. 
It hasn’t been an hour since you two made the deal but someone -- worse, his own brother, has already found out. His only consolation is that Akiteru doesn’t really talk with his social circle so there’s no need to be worried. Also, Akiteru is not really the type to babble about stuff like that. 
The disadvantage is also the same as its advantage, it’s Akiteru. He might get all excited and continue assuming that there’s more to the two of you than this limited agreement, when the truth is you’re just two individuals who agreed to make out in secret.
But that’s something he wouldn’t dare reveal to anyone, most especially to Akiteru.
When he reaches his room, he immediately texts you. 
‘We meet in your place next time.’
Hopefully, Akiteru will forget whatever he saw tonight if you don’t come back. 
Surprisingly but not really, you and Tsukishima are getting along swimmingly since you made the deal. ‘Swimmingly,’ meaning he still ignores you and regards you as a pest during practice. During your private meetings, however, he is agreeable. 
It still seems unbelievable to you when you actually think about it. You and Tsukishima exchanging kisses when no one’s around? You’d have a good laugh if someone even suggested that idea to you before you shared that first, completely unintended kiss.
It is indeed comical, how you two would sit across each other, and with only a certain glance, both of you already know what’s up. Eventually, it became a bother to stand and go over to one another just for a kiss so you two sit side by side now.
Tsukishima is funny though. Sometimes, he wouldn’t act upon it because he expects you to take the initiative. You don’t mind doing it, but it’s fun to see him all bothered while trying to study. 
“Tsukishima, you look weird. Are you okay?” You feigned concern even though you clearly know why. 
He didn’t spare you a glance at all and just mumbled, “I’m fine,” while typing.
“Hmmm, alright! I’m done so we can wrap up now,” you let him know as you started fixing your stuff up. You thought that he’d hold on to his dumb ego and follow suit since you’ve finished cleaning up, but he still hadn’t done anything. 
You held back a smile when you felt him grab your arm. You swiftly composed yourself before turning to his direction. 
“What?” you ask like you don’t have a clue.
He glowers at you. “You know what.”
You pursed your lips to the side as you gently shake your head. “I am very confused right now,” you acted persuasively.
He puffed tempestuously before he grabbed your nape and roughly descended down on your lips, utterly disregarding his unnecessary pride. You willingly reciprocate it. You latched your fingers in his wrist beside your cheek as you responded to each suck and nip of his lips.
When it ended, you smiled into his mouth which effectively gave you away. 
He harshly pulled himself away from you. “You fucking knew,” he muttered furiously.
You scrunched up your nose and grinned mischievously as you gently tapped his cheek. “Of course, I knew. See you tomorrow at the match, Tsukishima,” you said, gesturing to his scattered belongings.
Needless to say, he was extra salty with you during the match with the Lions. But hey, at least they won the game. 
However, despite the Lions now out of the picture, your workload isn’t any better because winning only means needing to prepare the next opponent’s profile. You’re just a bit thankful now that unwarranted and unexpected kisses are no longer bothering you since the two of  you acknowledged the stupid attraction you have for each other.
Still, that doesn’t mean that your body has magically recovered and you’re no longer stressed all of a sudden. Because you are. You are stressed as fuck. With your academic load also on the line, you can’t rest yet.
You’re starting to feel overwhelmed and whenever that happens, you succumb to your one coping mechanism: stress eating. 
You’re about to meet Tsukishima but you have a few minutes to spare, so you head to the nearest cake shop. You buy a mini cake for yourself and one slice for Tsukishima. You don’t feel like sharing yours so you just get him his own. 
With a paper bag in hand, you see Tsukishima waiting for you by your dormitory’s entrance. You waste no time and ask him to follow you even though he probably already knows where exactly your room is. 
One would think that when the door closes, you two would jump on each other’s arms and just get on with your deal, but nah.
You two get to your usual seats with your mind solely on the cake you bought as both of you take out your notes and laptop. 
After you pull up the journal you need to look at for the day, you eagerly bring out the cake.
‘Hnnnngg,’  you groan internally. The cake’s design is so pretty that you almost don’t wanna eat it. But of course you will. You’ve never had strawberry shortcake from that shop before, so you’re curious to taste if it’s as good as it looks. 
Just as you’ve been ogling at your cake, you catch Tsukishima staring at it as well. “Do you want some, Tsukki?” you ask before you give the slice you got for him. 
“Why would I want something childish?” he asks back with a scowl. 
“I don’t see how a cake is childish but okay.” You would’ve felt bad, but you’ll have the extra slice for yourself anyways so it’s not really that bad.
Normally, you would like to savor the pastry while doing something fun, but you don’t have the time for it right now. You’ll just eat it while doing your assigned stuff for the day. 
For someone who thinks cake is childish, he keeps glancing at you with tiny hints of envy every time you take a bite. When he sees you catch him peering at the cake, he instantly flicks his eyes back to his laptop.
To verify your hunch, you moan exaggeratedly the next time you take a spoonful of the cake, instantly earning you a menacing glare from the blonde across you. 
“I’m sorry. It’s just so good, you know. The bread is so fluffy. The cream is not too sweet. The strawberry filling has actual bits of strawberry.” You enact a chef’s kiss after your detailed remarks. 
“Amazing. Best I’ve ever had. 10/10 would recommend and buy again,” you give a positive review before getting another slice.
When you get another spoonful, you groan again and roll your eyes for added effect. You look at Tsukishima and you can tell that it’s getting to him. Yet, he’s still not saying anything. He only keeps staring as if silently imploring you that you should let him have a taste as well. 
As if you’ll bend to his will just like that. 
“If you want some, just say so,” you taunt him with a smirk as you scoop the last spoonful in the plate, giving him not much time to swallow his pride and ask. 
Before you can put it in your mouth, he stops you. “Fine,” he says as he grits his teeth. “I want some.” 
Tsukishima really is funny. It’s only cake but he sounds so angry and embarrassed just because he asked for a tiny piece. How can you not tease him just a bit more?
You take the remaining piece and move beside him. You get the spoonful of cake, extending your arm and offering it to him that way. 
He looks at the cake and then you. “I know how to eat,” he enunciates coldly at your attempt to spoon feed him. 
You shrug it off with an ‘okay,’ then proceed to withdraw your hand so you can have it for yourself. 
You comply and let your retreating arm stay in place. A faint pink tint surfaces on his cheeks as he leans down and takes the cake from the spoon with his mouth. When he starts munching on it, he looks away and slump a little while savoring the small remains you gave him.
You press your lips together to repress a smile cause you know he’ll be even more embarrassed. But holy crap, Tsukishima is so cute like this! You want to take a picture of him right now and just ogle at how adorable he is when he’s this flustered. 
The Sendai Frog’s nastiest middle blocker, standing at 6’3, likes strawberry shortcake. You’re reeling internally at your astounding discovery. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” he snarls with the tiny blush still on his face.
You can’t help it anymore and give him a tight-lipped smile. “Nothing,” you squeak out from how hard you’re trying not to gush at his cuteness.
He suddenly regains his composure as he narrows his eyes while studying your face. 
It’s your turn to be conscious from how he seems to have discovered something about you as well. 
“What?” you ask warily.
You’re completely caught off guard when he puts a hand on your shoulder and lunges down. His lips capture the skin just beside the corner of your mouth, delicately sucking on the skin before brushing his warm tongue against it. 
You go rigid on your seat at the totally unexpected action from him. It’s not even a kiss but you feel goosebumps prickling your skin while the air you’re breathing gets stuck in your throat. 
That’s all he does then hoists himself back up, his features devoid of any emotion as if he didn’t just do something bold. His hand on your shoulder goes up to spot he just licked and strokes it with his thumb. 
“You eat like a ten-year old,” he says blankly. 
Just like that, the situation is reversed. He now has the upperhand while you’re completely frozen as your mind helplessly tries to come up with something, anything, to hide the fact that you’re a complete muddled mess on the inside.
But nothing. Your mind does not work and all its attention is still on the little stunt Tsukishima pulled just now. 
Being the manager of the Frogs, you’ve always seen them as cute little puppies you need to take care of. You’re the one in charge of them so you always feel like you’re the one in control. The sense of control is even more reinforced with other male athletes getting swept away with your antics during matches. 
Even with the several kisses you shared with Tsukishima, it’s only now that you’re rendered utterly disconcerted. Your lips start to tremble while your brows contort with horror from the foreign feeling that’s creeping on your whole body.
Fuuuucck, you curse silently at your mind’s incapability to come up with a solution to handle the situation. 
To make it worse, the corner of his lips start to tug up, forming a smug grin that suits him ludicrously well. 
“You okay, y/n?” His pompous demeanor lets you know that the question is not out of concern. He is very much aware of the effect he has on you. He’s just milking it.
And it’s fucking working.
He drags his thumb to your chin and tilts it up to get a better view of your features growing even more at loss by the second. “What’s wrong, hmm?”
You press your quivering lips together as you harshly avert your gaze from his. “Nothing,” you say too softly, losing the playfulness you had not long ago.
“What’s that?” He pretends to not hear it. 
Seems like you’ve had enough because you swat his hand away from your chin and cover your whole face with both hands. 
His grin spreads wide from your surrender as a chuckle escapes his throat. To entertain himself even more, he pries your hands away from your face. It’s easier than he expected since your wrists are like twigs with no strength in them.
Your face is a furious shade of rose as you glare at him with both shame and anger. You try to retrieve your arms but he’s obviously way stronger than you. “Tsukishima, you smooth li’l shit, let go of me!”
With that, he releases you as he cackles from your remark. He can now see the merits of acknowledging the inexplicable magnetism between him and you. Now that he doesn’t have to feel conflicted about it, he can relish breaking your previously impervious defenses by teasing you this way. 
There wasn’t even any cake on your face. He just made it up to get back at you for toying with him like one of your dumb admirers. 
You give off one enraged puff then you go back to face your laptop.  You try to look fine but you’re trying too hard. He can tell that you’re still bothered by it even when you’re focused on your screen now. 
He gets back to his own as well, the same grin he had earlier still there. He thought you’re going to keep ignoring him for the rest of your meeting, but before he can even focus on his own task, you awkwardly slide him the paper bag you had. 
“I actually got you a slice in case you wanted one,” you huff timidly while meeting his surprised gaze. You don’t say anything else and get back to working. 
That was… thoughtful of you. You got him one even if he didn’t ask for it. And despite teasing you like that, you still gave it to him. If it was him, he wouldn’t have bothered.
He gets the cake and saves it for later at home. He’d like to enjoy it alone away from your cheekiness, ridding you the chance to make fun of him the second time.
When he looks at you again, you give him a brief glance before settling in to do your assignment. He does the same since you two have frolicked enough for the day. 
He had learned something about you from your former meetings:  you have unbreakable focus when you start concentrating on something. You don’t talk. You don’t fiddle with your phone. You don’t even peel your eyes away from the screen unless you’re checking something on your notes.  
The remarkable thing is how efficient you are. You work fast and come up with decent output. He’s seen it both in your write up for the project and in the reports you give to the team.
It’s almost impressive, if not for its inevitable downside: you run out of steam just as fast, which is what seems to be happening right now. He’s ignored the first two yawns he’s heard from you, but he can’t dismiss the third consecutive yawn. 
He looks at your direction and confirms that you’re indeed starting to drop your attentiveness. Your eyes are becoming lazy and you’re just pressing your keyboard too hard one key at a time. 
“Oy, it’s still early for you to be sleepy,” he scolds you.
You tap your face, a futile attempt to wake yourself up because your eyes are still dazed when you look at him. “It’s the cake. I overfed myself and now I want to sleep like one.” You groan as you realize your mistake. “No worries though. I just need coffee,” you mutter. 
He slams his palm on the wooden surface of your table. “Do not get coffee,” he warns almost threateningly. He does not want a repeat of what happened the last time where you’re one wheeze away from death because of your damn coffee.
“But I need it,” you protest.
“No, you don’t. What you need is rest.”
“Don’t wanna. It felt weird last time. I don’t like slacking off when someone else is being productive,” you insist further.
He sighs irritably at your obstinacy. There’s no need to rush because you two managed to get back on the schedule you set, but then again he understands why. You’re trying to get as much shit done before your responsibilities become too much for you. 
That’s probably how you’ve been getting by for the past three years, being a university scholar while managing the team. If being a student while being an athlete is already difficult for him, how much more  for you who has grades to maintain while working as well?
If it were anyone else, they’d have exploded from the humongous amount of work that entails. Yet, you come to the gym with that carefree attitude of yours like you’re not burdened in any way. In all the times you’ve met with him outside the gym, not once has he heard you complain about it. 
You don’t whine. You just do what needs to be done.
It’s something worth respecting, to say the least. But you should really rest when your body tells you to. 
“I’ll stop doing the report and watch volleyball clips from last year’s Olympics. Take your nap,” he says. 
Your face brightens up at his suggestion. “Can I watch with you?”
“No.” The point of him watching is so that you can rest easy, not for you to join him. However, the look on your face tells him you won’t budge unless he lets you watch with him. 
“I swear, it’ll do me better than a nap,” you press on. 
He rubs his temple with irritation as you leave him with no choice but to agree. “Fine.” You squeal at his approval and scamper to his side. 
He opens his folders of volleyball clips he’s yet to watch while you tuck your knees together the same way you did last time you watched documentaries for your project. 
Halfway through the first clip, he feels your head bump his shoulder. He peers at you from his peripheral and sees your hazy eyes fighting off sleep. He doesn’t say anything and just waits for your drowsiness to successfully take over. 
By the end of the first video, he feels your head bobbing forward which he can no longer ignore. “Can’t you just go to your bed and sleep?” he asks almost desperately. 
You fix your posture and open your eyes again. “I’m fine.”
He rolls his eyes and gives a resigned huff as he skids his laptop to your front. You shoot him a puzzled look while he positions himself behind you. 
“Continue watching then.” He scoots closer until your back is pressed to him, effectively caging you as he extends his legs on your both sides. There’s no use trying to convince you to sleep when you’re this stubborn. So, he’ll just provide you the means to do so. 
You frown at him which he answers with a raised eyebrow. In the end, you just shrug it off and go back to watching. 
Just as he anticipated, you’re already unconscious in a matter of minutes. Your head falls back to his chest. He lets you settle deeper in your sleep, watching you unconsciously find a position you’re most comfortable in. By the time the second video ends, you’re no longer wiggling around and have found refuge on the front of his shoulder with your arm loosely wrapped around his bicep. 
Although he did say that he’ll slack off with you, he sees no reason to uphold it now that he’s finally got you to rest. Unlike you, he works at a normal pace. He needs to continue doing his own tasks so when you wake up, he’s already done as well. 
He carefully reaches for his laptop and closes the video currently playing. He gets back to working on the current draft of the project, feeling the strain on his back with nothing to support him while you lean against him. 
He shouldn't be doing this. There is no reason for him to be inconvenienced this way by you. This isn’t part of the deal.
But seeing how you’re working so hard yet still face everyone else with that vexatious cheerful smile of yours, he deems you deserving of that serene look on your face while you’re peacefully snuggled within his grasp. 
Just as he allowed you to kiss him, he also allows you to hold on to him like this. 
“Hey, number 17!”
Tsukishima hears someone yell. He’s sure that it was him who’s being called because he recognizes the voice. It’s someone from the Jaguars, the team they’re up against after winning against the Lions the previous game.
Still, he’d like to pretend that he doesn’t know it’s him the other athlete is shouting for. The gym is filled with other number 17s from different teams anyways. He can easily dismiss it. 
However, he hears his last name not long after, automatically singling him out from the other players who also wore his jersey number. 
Even though he despises small talk, it would be rude to ignore other players when they specifically call for him in public. Not that he bothers about what other people think of him, but more about how he represents his team. 
In high school, he didn’t care at all. But things are different now in the professional level. He’s forced to engage in insignificant nonsense with other players. 
He just hopes that this time it won’t be one of those times and that whatever this is is actually important
He turns around lazily and sees not one, but two Jaguars approaching him. It’s their starting setter and their pinch server. “I thought you couldn’t hear us, dude,” the setter says. He doesn’t reply and just stands his ground while waiting for what they’re going to say. 
“Anyways, mind if we ask the number of your manager?” 
It’s worse than nonsense. They approached him because of you.
They turn towards each other and simper at how they seem to think that it’s a genius idea to ask him instead of you. 
“You can ask her yourself. She’s just over there with the rest of the team,” he passively suggests. He’d be glad to lead these two poor hopeful souls if they want to. He’s sure you’d be more than happy to entertain them, in your own kind of way. 
“Nah. We know how she disses everyone. That’s why we’re asking you, Tsukishima-kun,” the pinch server counters. 
He’s the least protective of you compared to the rest of the team. He doesn’t care if you flirt all day long with these people or if you give your number to every single person here at the stadium. 
But whatever these hoodlums the idea that  he’ll  be the one to give your number to them? It’s not his to give. It’s yours. “It’s not really my decision to make,” he responds. 
“Is she really that good of a manager that you won’t share her?” 
He would’ve not perceived anything out of it if not for the malicious grin that surfaced on the setter’s poor excuse of a face. The two athletes step closer and speak in a volume only for him to hear. 
“Come on now. Don’t tell us you guys are not touching that hot piece dangling itself in front of you.”
That’s the most fitting word he can describe these two uneducated imbeciles who talk like you’re a slice of meat. No one deserves to be treated like that, especially you who madly dedicate yourself out of actual interest and affection for the team and the sport. 
Yet, these two fucking dimwits are insinuating that you’re available for him and his teammates to sleep around with. It’s more than just disrespect. It’s an absolute mockery of the effort and commitment you have for the job. 
It’s not his place to be angry. He’s not the one being slighted. But the image of your exhausted features fighting off sleep to do the report of these scumbags in front of him makes him want to do something about their blatant lack of intelligence. 
“Don’t look so scary now. We’re not going to steal your manager. We just want to know what it’s like to have a hot one managing us,” the setter once again proves his brainlessness to Tsukishima, successfully provoking him to do what he’s been itching to do. 
He offers them a too-pleasant smile that he gives to people who are about to get a taste of his snide irony. “Sorry, but it’s not really my problem that no one wants to manage a bunch of unsightly goons.”
A vein on the setter’s temple looks like it’s about to pop out as his hand yanks Tsukishima’s collar. 
“The fuck did you say?!” The setter of the Jaguars lashes out, quickly losing his temper amidst the public gymnasium.
The feigned smile on Tsukishima’s face is replaced by a genuine smirk as the two dimwits react exactly the way he wants them too. Although he can rile them up even more than he did, something tells him that these peabrains will actually resort to violence if he does so.
They’ll definitely be held out from playing the game if they do get violent, but so will he if he gets involved. 
Even though he looks unmotivated and lazy, he actually likes being on the court. And if he’s going to be honest, he looks forward to blocking the tosses of the setter who’s clutching his shirt at present.
“You shitty blocker,” the pinch server backs up his teammate. 
The shift of attention from you to Tsukishima doesn’t surprise him at all. From slandering you, they quickly move to verbally attacking him. His eyebrow twitches up from the remark but doesn’t bother responding to it. 
Why would he when he’ll just prove them wrong later? Instead of engaging with these two, he should be getting back to the rest of the team to get ready for their match. 
He’s about to grab the setter’s wrist to yank it off him when a set of feminine fingers beat him to it.
“My, my. Thank you for wanting to be friends with one of our players, but he really needs to warm up now,” you say with congenial sympathy to the upcoming competition. 
They seem to have forgotten that you’re the reason why they approached him. The setter releases Tsukishima’s shirt with a glare before the two Jaguars walk away.
“Bye, bye! Let’s get along well, yeah??” you shout and wave at them way too enthusiastically. You probably didn’t catch them talking about you, which is a good thing because you didn’t need to hear that kind of horse shit.
You put a light hand on his shoulder, making him anticipate a lecture from you for dawdling around. But you only tell him that you two should go back already. 
As you both turn around, the smile on your face drops while your grip on his shoulder tightens. 
“Did it bother you that much?” he asks as you both walk back to the court. 
“You bet it did. The gall of them to call you a shitty blocker, those fuckfaces. I swear to God, I would’ve,” you take a sharp breath then slowly let it out as you take your hands off him. “I’m fine. Everything’s fine. It’s just the usual gibberish talk among athletes,” you say to yourself, more than to him.
“What about what they said before that?”
Your brows scrunch up as you try to figure out what he’s talking about. “You mean when they assumed I’m sexing everyone from the team? Nah. I know some people think I’m a slut because I’m too sexy for their lame asses. I’m used to it so I don’t really care about crap like that,” you explain way too casually. 
He thought that at this time and age, people would be a little more progressive with how they think. Apparently, he was wrong. He’s always observed how you put yourself out there, entertaining any flattery that’s thrown at you. It’s also very obvious how open you are to showing affection for the team.
But he didn’t think people would have such indecent assumptions about you. What surprises him even more is you’ve been aware of it for some time now. Still, you continue being yourself.
“But Goooood. Their childish shit talking really pissed me off.” Your previous attempt to calm yourself down fails as anger graces your features once again.
“Promise me something, Tsukishima,” you tell him a few steps away from the court.
“Up your blocking game and win. I want to see those fucktard’s faces pulverized with defeat,” you announce as you seethe with fiery determination.
“There’s no need to promise,” he says calmly before the curve of his lips form a subtle yet definite grin. You immediately get his message as you mirror the arrogant pride on his face with a smirk of your own.
You’re not particularly competitive. Even as the captain of your own team before, you did not play to win. You played with your very best because you want to experience all the sport has to offer.
Maybe that’s why you stopped playing and decided to be a manager. You love the sport, but not as an athlete. You just love pushing people to their potential and being their support so they can give their all during matches.
Although you do like winning, you’re not hellbent on it. As long as the team gives their everything and you see them at their best, you’re happy with that.
This match is an exception.
At 23-24 with the Sendai Frogs on their match point, you’re clutching your notebook way too hard that the pages become crumpled and the edges dig in your palms.
When you saw Tsukishima earlier approached by the two Jaguars, you didn’t intervene immediately. You were near the area, watching and listening as to how things will unfold. You didn’t hear much of their mumbled conversation, but you caught enough words to put together that it was you they’re talking about. 
You do gain a lot of attention, but some of them are not exactly wholesome. Apparently, being outspoken and open equates to being easy to bed.
You just wish they said something more interesting because you almost yawned at how unoriginal their speculation is. You fucking around with the Sendai Frogs? Groundbreaking. 
What amused you though is Tsukishima’s response. Right at that moment, you wanted to kiss his snarky mouth. Not because he defended your honor, but from the clever snide comeback he quickly spat at their faces. 
Your amusement was quickly ruined when one of them laid a hand on him. You didn’t care that the fuckfaced setter did it in public. Even if he did it with no one around, your blood still would’ve boiled. But when he said that Tsukishima was a shitty blocker? The palm of your hand itched to get roughly acquainted with the opposing setter’s face. 
If this isn’t a tournament, you would’ve had a hard time deciding whether or not you’d have done it. But since this  is  a tournament, you can’t do that. You need to be civil and maintain good relations with every team, even if some of their members lack basic decency and  proper manners. 
Luckily, there is a way to get back at them: that is to win this match which has got you to the edge of your seat as soon as it reached the 20s of the second set. 
With Tsukishima, Eiji, and Kogane in front, there’s nothing to be scared about. It’s just that you really want them to score that last point already. 
The ball gets to your court and is received by Kogane, effectively cutting out your most optimal set-up to attack. 
“Tsukki!” Kogane calls out. Tsukishima runs to the center of the court, right in front of the net. The opposing blockers observe him to predict who he’s tossing the ball to, only to leave him completely open as he dunks the ball to the Jaguars’ side of the net.
You were sure it happened fast, but the pounding of your heart made it seem like the ball hitting the ground was in slow motion. You wait for the referee’s signal, hoping that there were no misplays on the Frog’s end that would prolong the game. 
The referee whistles and extends his arm to the Frog’s court, letting everyone know that it’s your team’s win. Cheers from team members themselves roar inside the gymnasium, soon joined by the applause from the audience. 
You’re supposed to check the losing facade of the Jaguars, but the joy and relief of winning floods you that you completely forget about how they insulted your clever middle blocker. You leave your tally notebook on the bench and rush to the court along with other members. 
You’ve always been impressed with Tsukishima’s blocking skills, but to win from his offensive mindfuckery with the other team just sent you to a whole different level of being proud. So it’s him you first go to. 
Without putting any thought to it, you wrap your arms around his waist. You don’t mind that he’s sweating and that his body heat is emanating from his skin. You’re too thrilled that he scored the winning point to even care. 
“Good job, Tsukishima!”
Right after saying it out loud, you feel him tense beneath your touch. You lift your gaze up to him and meet his eyes which are wide from shock and panic. Immediately after, your eyes do the same when you realize what you’ve done.
The loud cheers from the team have stopped.  You slowly turn your head to see why, even though you already know the reason.
It’s like a paused scene from a movie where everyone completely halts whatever they’re doing. The only difference is they stopped with their attention completely on you, specifically on how your limbs are enclosed around Tsukishima’s waist and your cheek flat on his chest. 
You’re hugging Tsukishima in public, in front of the whole team.
Part 4 || Part 6 || masterlist
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kareofbears · 3 years
plainly in truth, chapter 2/5
“Without you around, it’s sorta like stuff is just kinda…bleh.“
Or: hiding, confiding, and misguiding.
read on ao3 or below the cut :)
Yusuke wasn’t too sure if what he was doing was of the right mind, but his heart is definitely in the right place.
There’s a lapse in time between Jails and hitting the road. Everyone is out soaking in the last of Sendai; Ryuji and Akira (and by extension, Sophia) are on a quest to buy any last minute supplies that they might need while the girls and Morgana are taking in the sights that they didn’t quite manage to explore as much as they’d like.
Well, the girls who like crowds and sightseeing are on a quest, at least.
Futaba and Yusuke are in the trailer by their own volition—he didn’t need to see anything else that wasn’t a timeless statue, and he learned early in his life that if you pace your spendings, you can then use that money to spend in the future. Quite the contrary, Futaba has had a little too much excitement these past few days and is more than happy to hide away in her top bunk with only her laptop charger peeking out from the bottom of her fleece blanket.
(A cartoon rendition of the Sendai temple is printed onto the fleece. Apparently Haru had yet to see Futaba purchase anything ‘tourist-y’ and action figures of various anime characters don’t seem to count.)
He tugs on her laptop cord. “Hello.”
“...What?” she grunts, voice slightly muffled. Through the thin fabric, he can see the illumination from her screen.
“I need help reacting to something.”
“And you decided to ask me?” she deadpans. “The literal shut-in?”
“The previous shut-in,” he corrects. “You haven’t been a shut-in in nearly a year. A marvelous feat, if I do say so myself.”
“Yeah, and this is my way of celebrating.” The lump on the bed seems to curl further in on itself. “Begone. Do a painting or something. This is my me time. The equivalent of guzzling down a boat load of Arginade. There’s barely any time to be by myself considering the whole group is treating this RV like a pimped out party bus, so shoo.”
J-pop starts playing from inside the blanket fort, and even Yusuke knows a dismissal when he hears one. That won’t stop him, though.
He tugs again, harder. “That is the reason I’m asking you now. I can’t have this be heard by prying ears.”
Had there been a cat on the bunk bed, its ears would have twitched. “Is this…?”
“Yes,” he nods sagely. “It’s a secret.”
Futaba’s head pops out, eyes wide and nearly glowing in excitement. If there was one thing that she liked more than recovering her energy, it's uncovering every nook and cranny of people’s lives, whether they want it or not.
“Inari, you should’ve said something!” She throws the blanket off herself, snatches her laptop in her arms and jumps down. Slamming it down on the booth, she throws herself on top of the smooth faux leather. “Tell me everything. The deets, the specs, all down to the last dirty drop of tea.”
He slides in to join her, albeit much slower. “Before you tell me that I misled you, I want to make it clear: I don’t know what the secret is.”
“What!” she slaps her forehead, groaning. “Yusuke, why would you do me like that? That’s false advertising to the max, and I do not appreciate you tricking me.”
“There wasn’t a trace of trickery. What I’m about to say really does have to do with a secret, but I need your help with how to deal with it.”
“I’m gonna level with you here pal,” she puts a hand on his wrist. “I’m not the right person for this, but I’d be darned if I let you walk away without telling me anything. So let’s hear it! I’m ready for some juicy goss. Oh! Can I guess? Is it about Haru?”
He frowns. “No. Is there something about Haru?”
“I don’t know, that’s why I was asking you!” she says, patting her hands rapidly on the table. “Come on, just spill the beans already.”
“There are no ‘beans’ to spill yet, and besides, that sounds like a waste of perfectly good food.” He leans back against the plush cushion. Only a pinch of guilt arises in him as he says it. “It’s about Ryuji.”
“Ooo, Skull himself. Gotta admit, I wasn’t expecting him.”
“It relieves me that you said that. I share the same sentiment—it wasn’t until I had run into him the night before when I had started to truly suspect something. And what I found was…” he trails off.
Her lips pull downwards. “That bad?”
“It was worrying, to say the least.”
She sighs. Most of the energy in her seemed to have filed out in the presence of a more serious topic. “Dang. I knew it was fishy when he left, but he’s always been able to just hash things out on his own.” Her expression changes as an idea pops into her head, and it morphs into one he recognizes. “Does—?”
“No. Akira doesn’t know, apparently.”
Futaba splutters, and he has to resist the urge to nod his head at her reaction. “He—Akira—wait, what? He doesn’t know? Oh, it must be bad bad.”
“My thoughts exactly. Initially, I had thought that whatever this was, it was manageable. Like that time he had spent his month’s allowance on a claw machine to win Makoto that light-up buchimaru.” Idly, he touches her keyboard lightly, appreciating the kaleidoscope of colors that emanate from it. “You know how I feel. We’re the Phantom Thieves; we can’t allow anyone to suffer alone, even if the one we’re helping is a Phantom Thief himself.”
Futaba raises an eyebrow. “And how do you want to help him?” she asks. “By talking to him? Let’s be real, you and I have the lowest social stat in this group. Combined, we can maybe reach the nerd student council president, and the guy who can and should handle this doesn’t even know about it!” Biting down on her lip, “Should we tell Akira?”
“Absolutely not. That was the one thing he had requested, and we cannot go against it. By extension, I don’t think we should tell anyone else.” A thought comes to him. “Wait, he mentioned that Ann knows of his situation.”
“Great! Someone who knows how to deal with people’s problems and isn’t us. What are we waiting for?” She reaches for her phone, and Yusuke proceeds to smack her hand out of the way. “Ow?”
“Don’t call her!” he hisses. “Ryuji said that she’s, and I quote, ‘part of the problem’. We can’t have her knowing that we know something.”
“Ann is?” Futaba exclaims, shoving her glasses up her nose. “This is getting too deep. We don’t even know anything yet, and it’s really starting to feel like we’re part of some conspiracy.”
“That’s right, we don’t know anything, and it is our largest road block.” Yusuke crosses his arms. “We don’t know what happened between Ryuji and Ann, or if something even occurred between Ryuji and Ann. What if they had an argument? What if they’re fighting, and it becomes irreparable between them? What if it begins affecting our Jail runs?”
“You really gave this some thought, huh?”
“But of course. I must nurture the few friends that I have managed to treasure.” He glances outside and sees the crowds clambering to see their tourist spot. “We may be different from most teenagers, but I don’t believe we’re immune to the nature of cliques or dramas or even insecurities.”
“God, what a good friend you are, it’s bugging me,” Futaba accuses. “So what the heck, Mr. Philanthropist? We’re stuck between a rock and our friend group here. This mission was doomed before you even dragged me out from my hideout,” she says, eyes drifting away to stare longingly back at her bunk bed.
“Stop making that expression. There’s a reason why I talked to you about this.” He leans forward. “What I’m asking is, to be frank, unfavorable, but I really do believe that it’s worth it to do this.”
She looks at him, and it only takes her a few seconds for realization to set in. Her jaw drops. “Oh Inari, that’s vile.”
“If you’re uncomfortable with it—”
“I didn’t say I was uncomfortable with it,” she cuts in. The grin on her face is wide; a woman in her element. “I just thought you’re the one who’d be all against this kind of thing.”
Futaba pulls her laptop towards her. “Sit back and observe the master at work.”
He watches as her fingers breeze through the keyboard, eyes inscrutable as light reflects off of her glasses. “So you can do it?”
“I’ve hacked into the Diet Building’s security cameras on a dare back when I was twelve,” she snorts. “This is Mario Kart Baby Park with the railings up.”
“I don’t know what that is.”
“It means—” With a flourish, she hits a key before glancing up at him, smug. “That this will be very easy. I’m thinking we can start with their text messages and work our way up to the big stuff.”
“Oh, right. You can go through our phones,” he grimaces. “You’ve stopped doing that, yes?”
“Of course I have! By the way, did you figure out what courses you wanted next term? I saw your advisor was bugging you about it, you should really email her back.”
“Yes, I’ve finally decided on sculpting as opposed to visual photography since it lets me focus on the anatomy of...” he pauses. “Wait—”
“Okay, looks like I got his text messages with Ann, so let’s all focus on this now!” she says loudly. “Scooch over, let’s go through ‘em.”
He does, and she moves to sit next to him. Yusuke peers at her screen. “Nothing out of the ordinary. There is a significant drop in the frequency of his replies, but that’s been the case for me as well.”
“Same here.” She continues scrolling up rapidly, so fast he wonders how she can keep up with herself. “Memes, memes, lots of ‘where you at’ texts, more memes…”
Something catches his eye. “Hold. Go down slightly, I think that link might be interesting.”
“‘How to treat knee pain: 11 steps with pictures’?” she reads aloud. “His knee is acting up again?”
“What’s peculiar is that I haven’t seen any sign of it.” He squints at Ryuji’s response to it—generic gratitude. “Even in Jails, he runs around without a care in the world.”
“What’s even weirder is that Ann is actually sending Ryuji wikihow links on how to treat his knee,” she snorts. “Let’s put a pin in this one and move on, Ann’s chat is chalking up to be a dead end.”
Rubbing her hands together, she straightens up like a professor in front of a lecture hall on the first day of classes. “Now Yusuke, when you’re looking to crack someone open like a tasty, moist omelette, there are two things that you must look into: their email and their bank account.”
After some clicking, Ryuji’s email pops up. “Email is obvious, since this pretty much tracks anything big. Delivery shipments, subscriptions to websites, acceptance letters. It’s all here in a neat little bow, ready for us to read.”
“‘Manga’s are 20% off for this weekend only,” he reads. “‘Anime convention next weekend’, ‘Pizza coupons’.”
“Ugh, he’s so boring! Next!” Clicking sounds through the RV, emphasizing how much they were snooping through their friend’s private life. “Bank account, show us your wisdom.”
“My word,” Yusuke gasps when the tab opens up. “That’s quite a lot of funds.”
“Inari, four thousand yen is definitely not a lot of money. How much do you have in yours?”
“I don’t have an account,” he admits. “I was on my way to the bank to open one, but I ran out of train fare. By the time I had gotten there, it was already closed. Quite rude, considering that it was only two o’clock.”
She levels him with a look. “Was it a Sunday when you did all this?”
“Why does that matter?”
“Never mind,” she shakes her head. “Okay, so nothing conclusive or even embarrassing. That means that whatever this is, he really doesn’t want anyone knowing about it.”
Futaba hops out of the booth and starts rummaging through everyone’s luggage. “That means we unlock the secret, classic, never goes out of style method of snooping—” with an expression of triumph, she showcases Ryuji’s backpack to him. “Going through their stuff IRL.”
Yusuke winces. “Don’t you think we might be going too far?”
“Hey, what’s with the cold feet? Where was your ‘justice’ from before?”
“I’m all for justice,” he watches her unzip the backpack, recoiling. “But even this seems a little excessive.”
“Look, we already went through his email, his bank account, his text messages. At this point, it’s kind of weird if we don’t find anything. Like—” she throws a pair of shorts behind her as she rummages. “What kind of teenage boy doesn’t have anything to hide? And also, it’d be kinda messed up to go through his stuff and come up empty-handed. If we didn’t find anything—” she pulls out several t-shirts and a crowbar and places them on the ground next to her. “Then we’d just be a bunch of snoops.”
“I suppose you’re right,” he reluctantly agrees. “Above all else, we need to find out what’s happened in his life to make him so upset.”
“Exactly. Oh man, wouldn’t it be crazy if we just found some porn mags or something? Retro to the max, but I can totally see him as the kind of guy to lug something like that along. Unless it’s of Akira.” She makes a face. “Ew. Funny thought is no longer funny.”
“Karma, if you will.”
“Shut it. Oh ho ho, what do we have here?”
“You found something?”
“It’s some fancy looking letter.” Futaba flops herself on the ground. She clears her throat. “'Sakamoto Ryuji. This letter is to inform you that…'” she stops all of a sudden.
“Futaba?” he probes.
“Um,” she blinks, and laughs nervously. “Um?”
He reaches over, and she doesn’t resist when it slips out of her hands. Skimming through the letter, only his eyes dare to move. When he finishes, he lets out a breath. “Oh no.”
“We shouldn't've read that,” she whispers, a perfect summation of what he was feeling. “We really should not have read that.”
There’s something to be said about the quayside in Sendai, in the way that it’s almost exactly like Tokyo.
Sure, the buildings here are definitely shorter—gone are the towering structures back home, and instead they’re replaced with shorter structures with cute local designs and colorful patio restaurants. The people here are different, too. Maybe it’s something to do with the water here, in how it’s cleaner and how you can actually see some fish down in the canals if you know where to look. Don’t even get him started in the air; jeez, do they infuse the oxygen here with something? He hasn’t stopped taking deep breaths ever since they got here.
But despite all of those discrepancies, the feeling of Akira’s hand in his is just like being home.
“And it’s actually really interesting,” he hears vaguely. “Because back in Leblanc, there used to be a couple issues about the temperature and stuff, but in my hometown there’s…Ryuji? Are you even listening to me?“
Akira’s telling him something. A story about Morgana? And Ryuji’s sure it’s very interesting, but he’s too focused on the way that sunlight hits his cheekbones.
“I’m listening,” he lies. “Keep going. This is just my listening face, I promise.”
“Sure, sure,” Akira agrees easily. “That’s just your listening face, rather than me and my wicked good looks, right? I totally believe you.” He wiggles his fingers. “Give.”
Ryuji offers him the caramel ice cream cone in his other hand, letting him bite into it like some kind of psychopath. “Done?” he asks, shifting the tote bag tucked into the crook of his elbow, careful not to rattle the eggs inside. Akira bravely offered to carry the groceries, but he had obviously refused.
“Mmm. That’s good stuff.”
“Right? I read about the ice cream here when I was younger, and they were really hyping it up on the ad.” He takes a lick, grinning when the taste hits his tongue. “And on a summer day like this? Unbeatable. It’s really reminding me of last summer when we hung out everyday in your room eating crap, taking naps, and playing games.” It also helped that hanging out with his crush was a daily thing, he thought.
“And I got to hangout with my crush a lot too, so that’s always a plus,” Akira adds.
Ryuji stops, and Akira turns around to give him a weird look. “What?”
“You get me,” he says in awe.
“I sure hope so,” he tugs him forward, and they continue their walk, their shoes rhythmically landing on the wood in unison. A comfortable silence takes over, but that’s no good. Ryuji wants to hear him talk.
“So imagine you get ten million yen,” he starts. “What do you do with it?”
It’s not the first time he’s asked this. They discuss it often, eagerly like the dreaming boys they both are. Akira considers it and Ryuji loves that about him. It doesn’t matter how stupid his questions are—he will always answer them with as if it were a serious question.
“For starters, Yusuke’s getting a place as soon as possible.”
“Duh,” he snorts. “Apparently, his roommate brought someone back to hook up with them. Poor guy got so traumatized he slept over at Haru’s.”
“We should be glad that he didn’t ask them for poses,” Akira laughs. “Next, I’m making sure that Sojiro has enough for retirement.”
“Obviously. Rest in peace Leblanc—you make fire coffee, but no one’s there to drink it.”
“And then I’m making sure your mom has the funds for retirement for sure.”
“I love you,” he sighs.
“I know.” Akira starts swinging their hands back and forth. “Then with the rest, I’ll buy us some new shoes for when we start training again together, and whatever’s left we can split it up with the rest of the Thieves and they can do what they want with it.”
“I bet Ann would go on a shopping spree in France,” he says.
“Haru would probably donate hers.”
“Makoto’s is going straight into university. I can see her going in to get a Masters with that kind of money.”
Ryuji refuses to let his expression fall. “That’s her. Big bookworm with a capital B.” Stop talking about this, stop talking about this. “How about you, Sophia? Any clue what you’ll do with a boatful of moolah?”
A harmonic beep rings through the air and Akira passes her over to him. “I would invest in cryptocurrency and turn ten million into one hundred million,” she says cheerfully. “Then I would take that hundred million and turn it into one billion yen.”
Ryuji coughs, sliding her into his back pocket. “You know what? That’s my bad. I should’ve expected that, honestly.”
Akira plucks the remainder of their ice cream cone from his hand and throws it in his mouth, munching. Wordlessly, he takes out a pack of wet-wipes from his pockets and hands it to Ryuji.
“Thanks.” Reluctantly dropping his hand, he thoroughly cleans through his sticky fingers. “You didn’t ask me what I was gonna do with my money.”
He nods in a go ahead way.
“After I give most of it to my mom, I was just gonna give the rest to you.” Ryuji kicks a stray pebble. It skirts off the edge of the boardwalk. There’s a tug on his arm. “Yeah?”
Akira covers his mouth with a hand, before making an incomprehensible garble of noise.
“Huh? My bad, I didn’t catch that.”
A few seconds of vigorous chewing, he swallows. “I said,” Akira says, eyes glimmering the way it does when he gets really excited. “I was going to do the exact same thing.”
“Dude!” Ryuji throws his arm around his shoulders, tugging him in close. “You understand me like no one else does. What the eff!”
“I’m glad,” he says softly. Wrapping his arm around him, Ryuji blinks at the unexpected hug. “It’s nice that we're on the same wavelength.”
Suspicion tingles across Ryuji’s skin. “Hold up.” Pulling away, he squints his eyes at him. “No.”
Akira immediately looks to the side. “What?” he says, defensive. “It’s nothing.”
“No freaking way.”
“I think I saw a cool arcade back there, it has cool prizes that I think you’d like, and—“
“Kurusu Akira,” he says sternly, grabbing his face between his hands. “Don’t tell me that you’re jealous.”
“I’m not!” he insists, pushing his glasses higher on his nose. “I’m not, you know I’m not that type of guy.”
“But?” Ryuji prompts.
“But…” he hesitates. “I’d be happy for you, if you find that it’s easier to talk to other people that aren’t me.” Akira straightens up, pulling out of Ryuji’s grasp but inspects his hand like it were something to be studied. How strange it was to see his long, elegant fingers grasp his brutish, blistered ones. “I’m relieved that I didn’t leave you alone. I just...miss being your go-to, I think.”
“Akira.” He says slowly. “My man. The love of my fucking life. You are never not gonna be my go-to. You’re my go-one.” Rapping his knuckles against Akira’s temple carefully, “Your hometown is messing with you up here, making you say weird shit like that.”
“I know, I know.” Running his index finger down his wrist, Ryuji can feel how cold he is. “You knew what you were getting into when you started dating an overthinker.”
“As a chronic underthinker, no, I did not.” He kisses Akira’s palm. “But it works out, so it’s all good.”
Turning them both around, Ryuji starts walking. “I know this is super duper impossible for a guy like you, but I’m gonna have to ask you for a favor.”
“You have got, to the best of your ability,” he bumps into Akira’s shoulder. “Stop stressing out.”
He frowns. “It’s my job to stress out.”
“It’s our job to stress out,” he corrects. “You and me. Founding Thieves. We share the burden, bro. We got into this together, we’re getting out of it together. That includes you worrying about our relationship outside the ‘Verse, and extend it all the way to what dingy hometown you took the bullet train from.”
“I’ll try,” he says doubtfully. “You’re kind of enjoying this, aren’t you?”
“What do you mean? No way I can enjoy the most perfect person on the planet be a little jealous over his boyfriend getting attention, what kind of asshole would I be?” And before Akira can say anything, “I know, not jealous, but I’ll take what I can get.”
“I love you.”
“I know,” he flashes a peace sign.
“I know you know.” A group of middle schoolers pass them, chattering about nothing and pointing out random things on the quay, all enjoying their summer vacation. “You know that you can tell me anything, right?” he asks suddenly.
Unable to help himself, he ruffles Akira’s hair, pitch black and hot to the touch. “You don’t have to tell me twice.”
“I don’t?”
Gray eyes look into his brown ones, earnest and trusting. Just like that, the light feeling in Ryuji’s chest vanishes. “No,” he responds slowly. “You don’t.”
“Good,” Akira nods, and sees where they were heading towards. “Oh, you took that seriously?”
“You bet your crisp ass I did,” he says, pushing the glass door open. The arcade is bright, neon, and littered with claw machines. Add that to the list of similarities from Tokyo. “I don’t fuck around with arcades. I’m in the top hundred players in the Gun Gale in Shinjuku.”
“Was that with Shinya or without?”
“Not important.” He surveys the area. “There it is. Can you grab us some change? I’ll pay you back.”
Akira waves his hand, walking towards the coin machine. “Don’t. What kind of a boyfriend would I be if I let you pay for our dates?”
“A hot one!” he yells. When he turns the corner, Ryuji collapses into a bright red racing chair. “Fuck,” he hisses, heart beating too damn fast for it to be normal. “Chill out, Sakamoto, jesus.”
It only gets worse when a familiar beep rings out. “Ryuji, your heart rate is at 160. Is everything alright?”
“Sophia!” he wheezes out, relieved. “Can you—will—” he stops, scrunching his eyes closed. “I’m having a panic attack, I think.”
“Searching for how to treat panic attacks,” she says immediately, and he sags into the cool plastic gratefully. “Deep breaths will help, slowly to the count of ten.”
His heart is beating so hard that he can barely hear the jingles and the whirrs of the machines around him. “Count out loud. Hurry, before he gets back.”
She does, and he grips the side of the chair as he focuses on breathing. The attack passes by faster than he hoped it would. “Thank god,” he breathes. “Thank you.”
“No prob,” she says, before hesitating. “Akira—”
“Will not know about this,” he cuts her off, rubbing his hand over his face. “I’ll tell him eventually, don’t worry, et cetera. I know all this. Ann’s been hounding me non-freakin’-stop. Just don’t tell him, Soph. Please.”
Before she can say anything, Akira comes back, pockets full of change and that signature small smile resting on his lips.
The bright side about missing out on Sapporo’s snow festival is having its tourism as its lowest point when you visit it in the summer.
Even the shopping district just outside Susikino isn’t very crowded; there’s the usual street vendors and shops with bright pastries and cute clothes. But even having it right beside the Sapporo Tower, it’s still nothing uncomfortable. At least, it’s not uncomfortable when you get to observe the environment through a phone lens.
“This is nice, isn’t it? I don’t think I’ve had much of an opportunity to talk to you yet, which is quite rude of me.”
“No prob,” Sophia replies easily. She was swaying from Haru’s neck, hanging by a silicone phone holder that she had bought from a convenience store. Futaba had guffawed when she saw it, but Sophia’s happy about the purchase. It’s fun, and it lets her people watch from the perspective of one of her friends. “I have been meaning to talk to everyone one by one as to better understand each of you.”
“Oh, good! What better use of a nice chat while doing some shopping along the way?” Haru chirps, thumbing through a rack of out-of-season clearance sweaters as they pass. “I have to admit, I’m not the best when it comes to fashion and whatnot. Most of the time, I ask Ann-chan to accompany me.”
“I can try my best! Online websites are constantly updating in order to provide their readers with the newest trends.” Idly, she takes a peek. “Wide-legged pants are back in style.”
“That’s a relief,” she sighs. “I never pulled off skinny jeans too well. Long, flowy skirts have always been my thing. It just gives off such a nice aesthetic, doesn’t it?”
Sophia smiles. “I think you’d look good in anything. Have you considered going punk? You’d look very dope and intimidating with a black streak in your hair and a leather jacket.”
“Now that I can agree with, but that’s more Mako-chan’s style, I’m afraid.” She pauses. “Actually, I bet Mako-chan would actually like that. Sometimes I feel as though she isn’t willing to branch out of her circle of clothes past a pair of Oxfords and a deep-coloured sweater. A push might be what she needs.”
She considers this. “Is it possible to buy clothes for her? That can be a possible ‘push’, quote unquote.”
“Hmm, I don’t think so. She would never let us do such a thing.”
“One moment.” Pulling out a few files from inside her memory storage, she clears her throat. “According to my data analysis, Niijima Makoto has high difficulty straying away from well-mannered behaviours. Do you think that includes saying no to gifts given to her? That can be advantageous.”
Haru stops walking and pulls the phone up so that they’re at eye-level. “Sophia-chan,” she beams. “I have a feeling we’re going to be very good friends.”
They continue walking down the street when Haru gasps suddenly. “You literally can’t shop, can you?”
“Of course I can. I can get anything in the world for you,” she says proudly. “Anything.”
“Alright, we’ll have to test that later, but I mean you can’t use what you buy,” she frowns, eyes troubled. “Your sweater is adorable, but you’re forced to wear it everyday, right? Can you even do your hair differently? Is it possible for you to pin it, or even let it down?”
Sophia finds it endearing that she would let such a thing bother her. She doesn’t even have a social insurance number, but Haru’s worried about hair clips. “No, but I quite like it the way it is. It doesn’t get in the way when I do my work, and in the Metaverse, it gets completely hidden as to let me do my fighting,” she explains, karate chopping in her screen. “But I can understand the human desire for change.”
“Would you like that?” Haru asks gently. “To change? Um, change out of your clothes, and change mentally. Either one.”
“Change mentally, of course! I’d love to understand my friends better and understand how to help them. It’s a vast mountain of knowledge, but I’d want nothing more than to decode the mystery of the human heart,” she says eagerly. “But for clothes...I’m not sure. I haven’t tried it. I’m pretty sure I can’t try it.”
“That settles it,” Haru looks both ways before crossing the street, jogging slightly.
Sophia perks up. “If you’re heading somewhere specific, I can give you directions.”
“No need.” She has an intense, hungry look on her face, not unlike the one she had when the new axe Akira bought had finally arrived at their RV. “We’re just about here.”
They stop in front of a store, and she can barely read the sign from the phone’s angle. “‘Case in Point’?”
Haru pushes the glass door open, greeting the cashier. “It’s a phone modifier shop.”
There’s no effort to explain anything else, but Sophia can confidently add ‘anticipation’ onto her growing list of experienced feelings.
“Out of curiosity—” Haru begins as they exit the modifier store, the cashier still bug-eyed from the tip she had left at his counter. “Can you see everything inside Akira-kun’s phone?”
“Yes,” she replies. The environment that she lives in, and more specifically, Akira’s phone, is now a bright, perfectly polished shade of rose gold with a mint outline. A far cry from the matte black that it was before. “Why do you ask?”
“No reason.” Her voice is sweet as sugar. “Out of curiosity once again, is there anything interesting? Anything worth noting?”
She jumps as Sophia’s voice suddenly morphs into Akira’s without warning. “Nice try,” the phone plays. “But no.”
And just as quick, Sophia comes back to the phone. “Sorry about leaving,” she says. “Akira had asked me to play that clip if someone ever, and I quote, ‘tried me.’”
Haru giggles. “Just like Akira-kun to be so thorough. Impressive as always, leader.” She peers down at her watch. “I suppose it’s about time to head back, isn’t it?”
“We still have eight minutes to spare.”
“We do. Perhaps we should take a stroll around the park?”
“Cool,” she says. “Wanna ask Futaba and Yusuke if they want to come with?”
“Sure?” Haru blinks. “That’s very specific.”
“On your two o’clock,” she points out. “In front of the book store.”
They watch as Futaba and Yusuke stand across the street from them. Futaba is aggressively pointing her finger at the books on display, then slapping her fist against her palm like she was devising a war strategy. Yusuke shakes his head wildly, comically putting his hands in his pockets and revealing that there was nothing inside. She sighs and walks away, tugging along a dejected boy behind her.
“Aren’t you going to ask them?”
“In a moment.” Haru takes them to the front of the store. “This isn’t a bookstore, I don’t think. What’s it called Sophia?”
After a quick search: “‘Sapporo’s School Supply Store’,” she says. “The alliteration makes it fun to say.”
“Indeed it does.” Peering into the store, Haru makes an introspective noise. “Now isn’t this interesting?” she hums. “Do you mind if I make one more purchase?”
“Not at all,” Sophia says, thrilled to add another point she had learned: If Haru wants something, there’s nothing that will get in her way.
“So,” Makoto starts, and Ryuji has to hold back a groan. He knows that tone. He’s memorized that tone. All the second years can feel her tone from a mile away. Hell, Ann probably took an instinctive step back just now. “Have you started to think about university?”
“Nope,” he says, wiping the sweat off his brow as they jog around the corner of Odori park. Back before he had left for his hometown, Akira and Ryuji would be up at dawn to train. Lately though, he’s been using any free time he has that isn’t planning for, prepping for, or actively doing a Jail run to sleep in the RV. And hey, he has no beef with Makoto, and it’s not like she can’t keep up with his training (she can most definitely kick his ass in hand-to hand), but she has a tendency to push when it comes to this sort of stuff. “Not a single thought towards it. It’s been pretty good, actually.”
“I can tell,” she agrees. “It’s almost like you blocked my number.”
“I did not!”
“So you actively choose not to answer any of my texts?”
“Ugh, don’t set me up like that,” he winces. “You know I’m stupid enough to fall for shit like that everytime.”
“Hold on.”
Ryuji grunts as he feels a hold on his shirt, forcing him to stop. “Ew, don’t touch my back, it’s Nigeria there.”
“First of all, it’s Niagara.” She spins him around. He’s only a little taller than her, but something about her always seems to tower over him. “Second, do you know why I keep pushing all of you to go to university?”
“Because you hate us?” he mumbles.
Makoto glares at him. “Try again.”
“...Because you don’t hate us?”
“Because I don’t hate you,” she repeats. “You’re all rowdy and wild and sometimes I don’t understand the jokes you make—”
“You’re just mad ‘cause you fell for a deez nuts joke.”
“But I do, inexplicably, love all of you,” she pushes on, and that shuts him up. “I know what you’re all capable of. Amazing things! I understand you all believe that I’m the be-all end-all, and I appreciate your compliments, but there are some things that only Ann can do, or Akira, or Yusuke.”
Makoto continues running, and he reluctantly follows suit. “And you. You can achieve things that I can’t even dream of, Ryuji.”
He resists the urge to yawn. “Thanks for the pep talk, Niijima.” Looking left, the gelato is looking real good. “Wanna get something to eat? I’m starving.”
“You aren’t very good at hiding secrets, Ryuji.”
Now that grabbed his attention. “Whoa, whoa, whoa there, prez!” Speeding past her, he holds out a hand to make her stop. “What do you mean by that?”
She raises a brow. “Nothing in particular, but your reaction is showing me that I should have meant something by it.”
He gnaws on the inside of his cheek roughly. “Okay, but why did that come into your brain? Why do you think I have some kinda secret?”
“I live with a prosecutor everyday of my life, of course I know when something’s afoot.” Pushing her hair back, she squints up at him. “You’ve been more...jumpy lately, yet somehow more laid-back than usual. I wanted to talk to Akira about this—”
Blood pours into his mouth when he accidentally bites too hard. “You talked to Akira?!” he half yells, red dribbling from the corner of his lips.
“Oh my god!”
“Fuck,” he clamps a hand over his mouth. “Sorry. Bit too hard.”
“N-no! Don’t apologize!” she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a napkin, pulling him to a stone ledge. “Sit and take this so you don’t bleed all over yourself. I’ll be back.”
He doesn’t bother speaking, only nods as she turns around. When she comes back, she’s holding a water bottle. “Here.”
Taking it gratefully, he takes deep gulps before spitting it out. “Why the hell does this taste like the beach?” he splutters.
“I didn’t say to drink it! It’s salt water to get rid of infections!”
“Why would you do that to me?!”
“Because I thought you knew to do that from the second-year health class!” she shoots back. “Gargle it and spit. Near the gutter, mind you, it’s rude to spit in front of kids. They might get the wrong idea.”
As if kids are gonna see him and think that there’s something worth remembering. He sips, sloshing it around his mouth before gently letting it dribble into the grated sewer. “Blegh.”
“You’re welcome. Keep at it. And while you’re doing that,” she sits next to him, shoulder to shoulder. “Do you want to tell me what’s been making you anxious?”
He pauses. “Anxious?”
Makoto gives him a stern look. “‘Experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.’ It was covered in your midterm.”
“Ah, right,” he mutters. Gripping the fabric of his shirt, his heart is beating too quick for it to be normal. Then again, when was the last time it wasn't? “You think I’m anxious?”
“I’m not sure. Keep gurgling,” Makoto chides.
He does, the salt water still red whenever he spat, and she continues. “All I know is when my anxiety gets really bad, I chew on my lip. Sae used to chide me when we were younger, but you know, she got busy,” she shrugs, as if he didn’t know how much it pained her to lose her only family member to a career of protecting the wrong people. “When I mentioned it to Akira, he took it upon himself to check up on me regularly during exam weeks.”
To prove her point, she takes her lower lip and flips it out for him to see—white teeth marks, but old scars instead of anything fresh. Letting go, her expression is smug. “He hasn’t felt the need to check in for a while now.”
Spitting, water finally running clear, he grins. “Good for you. I’m glad to hear that, dude.”
“Thank you, but that wasn’t the point. My point was that I was only able to get better because I told someone about it. Someone I trusted.” Makoto turns to him, her gaze serious. “I know that’s what Akira is to you. Habits like these are harmless at first, but they can turn into something else more dangerous. I won’t stand for that. My own justice won’t stand for that.”
Ryuji opens his mouth, before closing it. I’ll tell Akira, he wants to say. How many times does he have to repeat that line before he starts believing it himself? “Okay,” he says, because it’s the only thing he can say without hating himself even more.
“Okay.” She pats his knee before standing. “I can get us some gelato.” She stretches, wincing as her joints crack into place. “If you’re feeling up to it, start your cool down. Unless you wanna keep training?”
“I’m good. Felt enough blood rush for the day.”
She goes to the ice cream stand, and he stares up at the blue sky.
Makoto’s right, because of fucking course she is. She’s right, he knows she’s right. But she doesn’t get it. To her, Akira’s a friend. A guy who helped her out and changed her life, yeah. If he hadn’t met her when she did, maybe she would’ve become a scummy adult who didn’t look up from market pricing and hedge funds.
But Ryuji? Ryuji would be dead without Akira. That’s a fact and a half.
To Makoto, Akira’s a friend. To Ryuji, he’s Akira, and you can’t be on a higher pedestal in his mind than that.
It was Yusuke who took the first step.
“Ann,” he greets cordially. “How do you do?”
She gives him a weird look. “Kinda trying to focus here,” she says, gesturing at the scene in front of them. They, Morgana, and Sophia were in the B team as they watched the rest of them try and get rid of the remaining Shadows in Mariko’s Jail, tersely attentive and waiting on Joker’s word in case they needed a last minute switch. The Jail was environmentally brutal; the ice underneath the soles of their shoes makes them skid more often than they’d like. It almost makes the fights seem quicker, one notch faster than usual.
Yusuke pays her dismissal no mind. “I, myself, am learning many new things lately. Can the same be said about you?”
In the corner of his eye, Futaba pauses typing on her laptop to face palm.
“Are you...” Ann says after a brief pause. “Is this a threat? Are you threatening me?”
“Panther!” Akira’s clear voice rings out.
Ann dashes forward without question, high-fiving Morgana as they trade spots.
Futaba marches forward, glaring at Yusuke like he was crazy. “You dolt!” she hisses. “What was that supposed to be? I said be slick and cool, not act like a fool!”
“While I admire the rhyme scheme, I don’t understand what you want from me. That was as ‘slick and cool’ as I’m capable of,” he furrows his brow. “I even opened with a question that seemed as though the conversation would be a normal one, but then used that to transition into what I actually wanted to discuss.”
“Stop looking so proud of yourself and—”
“Back in a moment,” he says before he’s gone, Makoto taking his place, leather uniform still smoldering from when she took a fire move head-on.
“What was that about?” Haru asks, swinging her axe like a picnic basket.
“Nothing, Noir,” Futaba sighs, plopping back into place where Ann had stood. Carmen had kindly left a warm patch of concrete in her wake. “Just Inari became a big ole’ dumb-dumb.”
“I see,” she hums. “So this has nothing to do with what you two have been conspiring about lately?”
Her eyes shot wide open. “Con...conspiring?” she stutters out. “What do you mean by—”
A particularly loud scream rips into the air, and everyone turns their heads to see Captain Kidd slam his hook into the ground, purple arms erupting from the snow and wiping out a huge chunk of Shadows all in one go.
“Hot damn,” Futaba says, directing her focus back to her laptop and making sure Ryuji has enough health to keep going.
“He’s strong,” Haru observes, all playfulness gone.
“Too strong.” After Futaba gives everyone on the main team a good amount of health, something on her screen makes her pause. “Huh…?”
Haru turns around to see Makoto waiting for her. “I need to discuss something with you.”
“Of course,” she steps closer to her and drops her voice. “Is everything alright?”
“I’d bring this up with Joker, but I don’t want to bother him if I’m not sure if there’s anything wrong yet,” Makoto pushes her mask up. “But have you noticed Skull's been acting strange lately?”
He swaps with Ann, her pigtails covered in snow. “Ugh,” she grimaces as she shakes it out. “I could try and melt it, but it’ll just drip down my back and freeze later on, and I do not want that.”
“Panther, I’d like your input as well, if you don’t mind,” Makoto says.
“Sure. What’s up?”
“I was just talking to Noir about this, but did you notice anything strange about the way Skull’s acting lately?”
Ann takes a step back. “Well, what—No—I mean, that’s your opinion, I think!” she exclaims. “To me, Skull's acting is completely normal. He’s normal—actually, scratch that, he’s better than usual. Nothing about him is wrong, I think, and that’s pretty outstanding and impressive once you consider that he’s the one with the life-long injury. Not that that has to do with anything!” Ann yells. “I just wanted to point out how far he’s come, and how much he’s kicking ass right now. Actually,” her voice shifts to a stage whisper. “Don’t mention this because I don’t wanna cause drama, but Fox has been a little weird.”
“Weird how?” Makoto whispers back, looking extremely lost.
“Just earlier, he asked me how I was.”
“...I’m not following.”
“No, Panther-chan has a point,” Haru breaks in. “I can’t say for certain, but I have a strong feeling that Fox and—” she points at Futaba conspicuously. “Are up to something.”
“Sophie and Fox?” Ann breathes.
“Damn, again? That’s what we get for going into an ice Jail,” she grumbles, swapping with Yusuke.
Haru sighs. “Panther-chan isn’t the best with context clues, is she?”
“Hello ladies,” Yusuke greets. “What were we discussing?”
Makoto gives him a suspicious look. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
His jaw drops, bewildered, but before he can say anything, Futaba waves him over. “Get your fox butt over here!”
“I...Alright,” he says, resigned.
“Look at them,” Makoto nods at the pair. “I think you’re onto something.”
“I think so too, but I don’t want to be too hasty. After all, the two of them are such good friends now; it would be unfair to assume negative outcomes without evidence, or at least confront them first,” Haru says nonchalantly.
She understands immediately. “You have evidence?”
“Something of the sort.”
“Duty calls,” she gives her a thumbs up, before Ann comes back once again.
“I can’t wait for us to go to a really hot place again,” she kicks the snow with her heels. “Then I’ll be comfortably in the B team because all the Shadows have fire resistance to the max.”
“Oh good, she’s back,” Yusuke’s expression is one of relief.
“Fox—” Futaba warns without looking up from her laptop.
“Come here. There is something we would like to discuss with you.” Whether or not it was intentional, he rests his hand on the handle of his katana.
“Okay but before we start, I just wanna ask—what are you doing with Sophie?” Ann accuses. “It’s fine to be friends with her, but you have to be careful. She’s really susceptible to what we say right now, and if you try anything funny—”
“What are you even saying?” he says, offended. “I barely even talk to her!”
They all glance at Sophia, who had been standing perfectly still and silent. She gives them a wave. They all awkwardly wave back.
Makoto places a hand on Ann’s shoulder. “Panther, Noir meant Fox and Oracle.” Ann flushes red as she continues. “And while we’re all here, I wanted to bring this up with you as well. Have you all noticed something strange with Skull?” Futaba stops typing. “I’m not sure how to explain it, but I think he’s extremely anxious about something. You all know that I’m an overthinker, so I might have the wrong idea but…” she trails off.
Futaba glances at Yusuke. Yusuke glances at Ann. Ann helplessly glances at Ryuji, still fighting alongside Akira and the others.
“I know nobody asked me,” they all jump a foot in the air when Sophia speaks beside them. “But I can at least confirm for suresies that there is something strange with Skull.”
“Which is…?” Makoto prods.
“I don’t know the specifics.” Ann, Yusuke, and Futaba let out a breath. “But he did have a panic attack recently.”
“I knew it!” Makoto snaps her fingers. “He’s had signs of being anxious, but I wasn’t too sure about it.”
She runs out, and Ryuji comes in, looking exhausted but pleased. “Hey y’all, what were we talking about?”
It was dead silent before Sophia steps forward. “Look what I can do!” she exclaims, changing the expression on her screen to be an emoji with a flower.
“Whoa!” His eyes bug out, and they all sigh in relief. “That’s awesome! Can you do more?”
“That’s super cool Sophie, but,” Futaba looks at Ryuji, skeptical. “Don’t you feel weak right now? Your health is way down.”
“Oh, I didn’t even notice,” he rubs the back of his neck. “Sophie, you mind?”
“Not at all.” She calls for Pithos and green sparkles fall on him. “Better?”
“Thanks, I owe you one.”
“When the king calls, his knight answers,” he salutes, sprinting out as Makoto comes back in.
“So,” she glares at the rest of them. “What do the rest of you know?”
Ann groans. “Even if I did know something, I probably wouldn’t be able to tell you.”
“Wait,” Futaba points an accusing finger at her. “What do you know?”
“What do I know? What do you know? And for that matter, what does he,” Ann points at Yusuke. “Know? Noir said you guys are doing secret stuff together!”
“That’s preposterous,” he scoffs. “If it was secret, she wouldn’t have known.”
“That’s the dumbest argument I’ve ever heard.”
“How is it dumb?” he asks. “You can’t possibly think that just because Futaba and I are doing ‘secret stuff’ that it has anything to do with Skull’s situation!”
There was a pause. “Are those two connected?” Sophia asks. Futaba buries her face in her hands.
“That was...not the question I expected,” Yusuke answers weakly.
“God, I wish Joker would call for Inari instead,” Futaba groans.
Rushing out, Sophia high-fives Ryuji on the way. “Guess who’s back, motherfuckers?”
In an effort to bury their conversation, they all begin cheering overenthusiastically, Yusuke clapping politely. Bewildered, Ryuji instinctively gives them a thumbs up. “Thanks guys. Usually, my jokes don’t really land, but that made me real happy.”
“Uh, Skull,” Futaba raises an eyebrow. “How do you keep losing health? I didn’t even notice you taking a hit.”
“I’m low again? Damn, I didn’t even notice,” he groans loudly. “Queen, can you—”
“I’m on it.”
Just as Johanna heals him, Akira calls out once again: “Skull!”
“Joker really does rely on you, doesn’t he?” Yusuke observes.
Ryuji laughs. If they didn’t know any better, they would think it sounded a little nervous. “Well, gotta jet!”
High-fiving Makoto, he runs out. She stares at the remaining members of the B team. “You all know something,” she accuses. “And I understand if you’re all being loyal to him by keeping what you know close to your hearts. But remember this:” she takes a step forward, and they all take an unconscious step back, Futaba scooting from where she sat on the ground. “There comes a point where it’s actually more important to keep a person safe and healthy than to uphold a potentially dangerous secret.”
They all digest her words for a second, and flinch when a flash of blue flame appears, taking Akira’s Persona away.
“Finally.” He stretches his shoulders, satisfied. “That took awhile. Good work everyone, let’s keep going.”
Making their trek deeper into the Jail, Futaba half-jogs, half-speed walks to Ryuji. “Your health again,” she chides. “Seriously. I know I like to play around, but I always have my eye on you guys when you’re fighting. I literally have not seen you take a hit, but you’re getting drained like milk in a sink.”
He shrugs, unperturbed. “Whatever. You see my hits today, though? They were tough.”
“Yeah,” she agrees reluctantly. “But your health is still low. I’ll call Joker about that.”
Before she can turn, he grabs her wrist. “Nope,” he says. “I’ll ask Panther. Thanks though!”
Ryuji goes to Ann, and he can feel everyone’s eyes on him, watching him, surveying his every move.
All eyes except for the one that really matters.
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dudeandduchess · 5 years
Your Kyojuro imagines are absolutely amazing! You have a great writing style, and put so much detail into everything. Pure gold! I hope you don't mind me asking, but could I request a Kyojuro x reader too? Maybe him falling for a time travel reader form the future? (whether its accidental travel or not idc) Please and thank you. Gonna go back to binging your work now, hope your day has been good 💕
Hello, bby! Thank you so, so much! I’m so flattered that you think of my writing like that. Ahhhh! Ooh, I don’t mind at all. I hope you like it! I may or may not have cried while writing this.
Kyōjurō with a Time Traveling Reader (SFW Scenario):
Warning: Angst. Bittersweet (???) Ending
Out of all the places that she could have been on a weekend, the last place she expected to have been dragged to was the Shinto graveyard where her family’s plot resided.
It had been years since she last visited the grim burial site, and for good reason: she didn’t like being surrounded by so much negative energy. Souls tended to cling tightly to her, especially when they knew that she could see them.
And that was the last thing she wanted to happen. Not again; not after the last incident where a spirit followed her home.
However, no matter how much she wanted to tell her mother that she wasn’t interested in cleaning up her ancestors’ graves, she couldn’t. Because she wanted to keep her head, thank you very much.
So, when (Y/n) finally arrived at her family’s burial plot, the first thing she noticed was the ornate box that rested at the foot of the obelisk. “What’s with the box?”
“Oh that. Another family gave it to us years ago. Apparently, their great-great-great uncle wanted someone from our clan to have it,” Her mother answered flippantly, before beginning to unload all of the cleaning supplies she’d brought in her bag.
All throughout the day, the young woman listened to her mother hem and haw at the most trivial topics. They cleaned every inch of the grave, but all the while she kept looking back at the box and consistently thought about what it could have held inside.
“What’s inside? Did you check?” She asked once more, when she couldn’t take the curiosity burning inside her.
It was as if the contents of the box kept calling out to her. So she had to know what was in it. Something was compelling her to open it, but she wasn’t going to defile a family heirloom if the contents would have been something not worthy of her time.
“Oh, just a very eccentric, flame-like haori... and a letter to an unnamed woman,” The older (L/n) answered with a smile. “Whomever that woman was in our family, she was one lucky girl. To have someone love you that much... not even your father was as sweet.”
A flame-like haori? She had never seen one before, but something deep in her mind told her that she had. In some other place, and a completely different time, she had seen someone who wore that haori with pride.
But why did she feel like that? She was just twenty-one; on the cusp of becoming twenty-two. Surely the earliest signs of aging didn’t come in until thirty five.
“Can I have a look at it?” She ended up asking her mother.
And when her mother nodded her assent, (Y/n) immediately took the box into her lap and lifted the lid.
Lo and behold, the sight of a neatly folded haori greeted her eyes. She carefully lifted it out of the box, as the cloth looked to be worn down— even in its pristine condition; as pristine as it could get, anyway.
But the moment she had completely unfurled it, everything went black.
And when she came to, she was not in a graveyard anymore.
Instead, high wooden beams greeted her when she opened her eyes. She was also tucked beneath a thick comforter— and in place of the jeans and shirt that she wore was a yukata.
“Oh good, you’re finally awake. Please stay where you are. I’ll call aniki,” A little boy with the craziest eyebrows that she’d ever seen— who couldn’t have been more than ten— greeted her happily.
Even though his eyebrows were the initial things that garnered her attention, her mind lingered on his term: ‘Aniki’.
Was she somehow kidnapped by a gang? Her family wasn’t rich, nor did she have a highly sought-after job, so it was highly unlikely for a gang to take interest in her.
But before she could sit upright and call out to the kid, he was already gone. And when he came back, he had with him a man who looked so handsome that he made (Y/n)’s mouth go dry.
The enigmatic man looked too handsome for words, and the smile that played at his lips only served to add more to his charm.
It didn’t take a genius to know that he’d immediately caught her attention: hook, line, and sinker.
“Who are you? What am I doing here? Did you kidnap me? What do you want from me? And what in the world are you wearing? Are you a soldier?” Her questions flew at rapid pace from her lips, which the man received with ease. His smile never even faltered, while his brother slowly hid behind him.
“One question at a time, beautiful flower.” In any other setting, the words would have made her swoon, but it just further threw (Y/n) through a loop.
“One minute I was cleaning a grave with my mother, and the next I’m here. But where exactly is here?”
“Here? You’re in Matsusaka.”
The young woman’s eyes almost bugged out of her head at that. “How did I get here? I was in Sendai earlier! What did you do?”
That seemed to bring pause to her host’s thoughts, and his eyebrows furrowed slightly as he mulled her words over in his mind. “I found you unconscious in the middle of a rice field. A cow was eating your hair.”
Immediately, (Y/n) ran a hand through her hair, only to notice that it was noticeably choppier than before. “W-what about my clothes. What did you do to my clothes?”
“You were already wearing that yukata when I found you.”
A sigh of relief crossed the woman’s lips, because she could rest assured that no one had changed her in her sleep. Unless her apparent savior was lying.
But after careful explanation, (Y/n) finally found out that she wasn’t only transported miles away from her home, but to an entirely different era. From the Reiwa Era, she had been thrown back to the Taishō Era.
Her concerns were immediately made more evident to her, like how to get home, and how to tell her mother that she was fine, and where to begin with the search for getting back home.
But her greatest dilemma was something that she didn’t want to admit outright: she was falling in love with the man who’d saved her— Rengoku Kyōjurō.
He was everything she’d ever wanted in a man, and so much more. On top of that, he was kind enough to let her stay at his home— even though his father was very leery of her.
Despite all of that though, he still treated her like she was something to truly behold. He always reminded her to get some rest whenever she got tired, and he would constantly send her letters when he was away.
It was his handsome façade that drew her to him at first, but it was ultimately his caring nature that made her feelings stay.
And more often than not, she always found them acting like lovers. She knew that it was unwise to have kept acting that way, but she couldn’t resist.
It had started with simple lingering touches, until it escalated into hand holding, then kissing... and then so much further than that. She’d given him all that there was to her, yet they had never confirmed their feelings.
There was just a mutual understanding between them. Because both of them knew that (Y/n) would eventually have to leave.
(Y/n) knew that it was wrong of her to do so, but she found herself wishing to never return to her old life— if it meant growing old and building a family with Kyōjurō.
But one night, (Y/n) was awoken to an ill feeling in her gut. She immediately sat upright, which woke Kyōjurō from his own slumber.
Her throat was tight, and her heart felt like it was being held in a vise-like grip. The edges of her vision were turning blurry with the lack of oxygen in her lungs, but she tried to push through the feeling— and failed.
Something inside her told her that that was it; it was time for her to leave.
It wasn’t even the physical pain that had her breaking down in tears, all while Kyōjurō held her in his arms. He picked her up gently, and was about to run out of the house to take her somewhere... anywhere that could help her, but he was brought to a halt when the bitter realization dawned on him:
No one would know how to help (Y/n).
It was the first time in Kyōjurō’s life that he’d felt helpless; and it wasn’t a good feeling at all. Especially when the woman in his arms started to slowly fade away; as if she was never meant to exist in his world.
Because that was the truth. She didn’t belong in his time. She never did.
He couldn’t even tell her that he loved her.
He didn’t even realize that he was crying, until he opened his mouth to speak and all that came out was a strangled sob.
But it was too late for him to say the words, because (Y/n) was no longer in his arms.
When (Y/n) came to, she had found herself clutching the flame-like haori to her chest, as tears streamed down her cheeks.
And with one shaky hand, she let go of the aged cloth to pick up the neatly folded letter that had fallen to the floor.
Part of her didn’t want to open it knowing that it had always been meant for her, but another part of her wanted to read her beloved Kyōjurō’s words. She wanted to know what he had to say.
So she opened the frayed piece of paper, and what she read brought more tears to her eyes.
Hello My Beautiful Flower,
Wipe those tears away, my love. Please. I’ve always loved seeing your smile; so please, smile for me. After all, it’s what has gotten me through my days ever since that night.
I’m a man with very few regrets, but the one thing I’ve regretted the most was not telling you how much I loved you. From the very first moment I saw you in that field, I knew I was in trouble of falling so deeply for you.
Please, always remember that wherever you might be... and wherever we both may end up, I will always be with you. I promise you that I will always look after you, wherever my next life takes me.
Whether it takes me my next life, or my next hundred lives, I will always come back to you. Because my heart is eternally yours. You keep the flame inside me burning so strongly.
Our time together may have been short, but my love for you transcends time and space; and it will always remain that way.
Forever Yours,
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