mmh-dk · 8 months
„Farbenreich“ - Orgelmusik für Nachtschwärmer
16. Sendlinger-Orgelnacht
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fritz-letsch · 1 year
Vier Rebellinnen aus drei Jahrhunderten Do 30.3. Kulturschmiede: Selber sein!
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Selber sein! Vier Rebellinnen aus drei Jahrhunderten
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Lesung von und mit Cornelia Naumann, Wörter, und Michaela Dietl, Töne Zwei Prinzessinnen, eine Künstlerin, eine Revolutionärin: Selber sein! Cornelia Naumann stellt vier Frauen vor, die sich selbst treu blieben. Unbeirrt gingen sie ihren Weg gegen die Widrigkeiten ihrer Zeit, trotzten der Häme ihrer männlichen Zeitgenossen. Sie liest aus ihren Romanen DIE PORTRAITMALERIN über Anna Dorothea Therbusch, die sich als Malerin des 18.Jahrhunderts etabliert, stellt die bayerische Prinzessin Elisabeth vor, die mit 15 Jahren Königin von Frankreich wird (KÖNIGLICHER VERRAT), und die Komponistin Wilhelmine von Bayreuth (SCHERBEN DES GLÜCKS). Nicht zuletzt erinnert Naumann an Münchens Revolutionärin Sonja Lerch (DER ABEND KOMMT SO SCHNELL). Diesen zu Unrecht vergessenen Frauen hat Michaela Dietl Lieder und Musik gewidmet, Zeitgenössisches und Eigenkompositionen: „Selber sein!“ fordert die Musikerin kraftvoll am Akkordeon. Am Donnerstag, den 30.3.2023 um 19.00 Uhr in der Sendlinger Kulturschmiede, Daiserstr.22 #München Einlass ab 18.45 Uhr und am Freitag, den 31.3. um 20.00 Uhr im „La Cantina“ Elisabethstr. 53 #München Reservierung: 089 12737135 oder mail brmarkus @ yahoo.com Read the full article
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mymunich · 1 year
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Tipp für die nächste Mittagspause in #Sendling: Hausgemachte Gerichte im #Vatan Bistro (Thalkirchner Straße 126, 81371 #München) (hier: Vatan Imbiss) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqDcuumoVFR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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coffeenewstom · 2 years
Toms Kaffee-Erinnerung: Ćevabdžinica 10
Toms Kaffee-Erinnerung: Ćevabdžinica 10
Die Ćevabdžinica 10 ist ein gutes Beispiel für den Wandel in Untersendling. Noch von den Investoren kaum beachtet, hat sich hier ein lebendiges Viertel mit abwechslungsreicher aber Bodenständiger Gastrokultur entwickelt. Dazu gehören authentische asiatische Imbisse, Falafel wie in Beirut, bayerische Boatzn, Pide wie am Bosporus und eben Cevapi wie in jeder guten Ćevabdžinica in Sarajevo. Cevapi,…
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strassenfunk · 2 years
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1allblog-de · 2 years
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dyke-arachne · 2 years
Hmmmm I ordered some yarn a few weeks back and the person posted it out on august second and it has. Been at the drop off hub since. There was an update on the thirteenth just to say it had been delayed and they're still working on it. I poked around on the site and there were directions to send them a message if it's late and theyd get back in two business days (with the catch they're working through a backlog). Sent something on the tenth and obvs no reply yet so I'm debating contacting the seller? Def not her fault but the site's geared to the sender not the receiver so she likely has more info than I do. But then again it's not her fault lol
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blueiskewl · 1 year
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2300-Year-Old Scissors Discovered in a Celtic Grave
During a construction project in Munich’s Sendling district, Celtic cremation tombs were discovered. The quality of preservation of the grave goods is impressive: 2,300 years old, and yet it looks almost new: archaeologists have discovered a pair of scissors in a Celtic grave that even has a slight sheen.
Archaeologists from the Bavarian State Office for the Preservation of Monuments  (BLfD) also found a folded sword, the remains of a shield and a lance tip, a razor, and a fibula.
Other high-quality grave goods, according to the Bavarian State Office for the Preservation of Monuments (BLfD), demonstrate that the deceased had a high social status.
The current find history began with the search for possible Second World War explosive devices in the Munich district of Sendling. The explosive ordnance disposal team discovered underground structures that could be of archaeological interest and informed the BLfD.
From the 3rd century BC to the 2nd century B.C. the Celts burned their dead and buried the remains in pits together with the grave goods. Other burials in Sendling show that this is a previously unknown burial ground.
In the middle of a square building that was once highlighted by four individual posts, stood the tomb. As it turned out, a number of items had been positioned near the deceased man’s remains. The archaeologists were particularly amazed by one discovery: a pair of scissors that had almost no corrosion and appeared brand new.
“A pair of scissors that are more than 2,300 years old and in a condition as if they could still be used today – that’s a very special find,” says Prof. Mathias Pfeil from the BLfD. “The fortunate fact that this tool was so excellently preserved is just as impressive as the craftsmanship of this object,” says Pfeil.
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isablooo · 1 year
I’ve been reading through Stoker’s working notes for Dracula for a project and I haven’t 100% finished yet (I’ve only gotten through his handwritten plot notes) but here are a few interesting things I’ve read so far:
- Dracula’s castle was originally in Styria rather than Transylvania, which makes me think Stoker was inspired by Carmilla.
-In Stoker’s original vampire rules, he states that “painters cannot paint him—their likenesses always like some one else” and that “could not photograph—come out like corpse or black”- rules which never show up in the book! He had considered adding a painter character called Francis Aytown so perhaps these rules would have been included through the Count’s interactions with this character???
-Mina and Lucy originally had an old schoolfellow called Kate Reed! I kind of wish she was still included because I would’ve loved for Mina and Lucy to have a girl squad. I’m tempted to do my own design for her (I’d probably make her a painter or photographer then??)
- Quincey was originally called BRUTUS M MARIX????
- Originally, Dr Seward was Lucy’s fiancé. Arthur was a much later addition to the novel.
-The train times in the novel are actually accurate- Stoker made extensive notes on train schedules which is so Mina Harker “train fiend” core of him.
-The original title for the novel was “The Un-dead”
-In the excised second chapter of the novel, Jonathan Harker encounters a female vampire in Munich called Countess Dolingen (who is suspiciously similar to Carmilla- she’s a Countess from Styria, whose body is interned in an abandoned village). He’s saved from her by a wolf who is presumably either Dracula or a wolf sent by Dracula to keep Jonathan safe (for now). The chapter was later published posthumously as a short story in 1914 under the title ‘Dracula’s Guest’ by Stoker’s widow, Florence Anne Lemon Balcombe (yes I’m including her full name because Lemon is such an adorable middle name). The story is actually great, I’d seriously recommend checking it out. Though, despite the notes making it clear the narrator is supposed to be Jonathan Harker, he feels like a different character.
-A few days after this event, Jonathan goes to see the Flying Dutchman at the opera ??? Idk Jonathan’s adventures in Munich could be a book unto themself lol
-Another excised event from Munich is Jonathan visiting the “Munich Dead House” and seeing a dead man whose face he later sees on the Count ??? In the facsimile I’m reading, Eighteen-Bisang and Miller explain this with an excerpt from The Atlantic Monthly from 1877: “There is a curious burial custom at Munich. The law requires that every man, woman, and child who dies within city limits shall lie in state for three days in the Leichenhaus (dead house) of the Gottesacker, the southern cemetery, outside the Sendling Gate. This is to prevent any chance of premature burial, an instance of which many years ago gave rise to the present provision.“ If a person had in fact been sent there who was still alive, there was a bell attached to a string they could pull.
-The three female vamps in Dracula’s castle were originally killed by being OBLITERATED BY LIGHTNING 
-The last chapter was potentially going to include a werewolf-  “a Tourist’s Tale—one killed by wolf (wehr?)”
Source: Bram Stoker’s Notes for Dracula: A Facsimile Edition, Annotated and Transcribed by Robert Eighteen-Bisang and Elizabeth Miller
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mmh-dk · 1 year
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Münchner Orgelstiftung - Festkonzertreihe Münchner Orgelstiftung Festkonzertreihe https://www.orgel-information.de/News/2023/1/20230124_1.html #orgel #pfeifenorgel #pipeorgan #orgelinformaton #dasportalderkönigin #münchen #himmelfahrtskirche #sendling #konzert #orgelstiftung #festkonzert #veranstaltung #orgelmusik (hier: Munich, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnyxBP6gxf5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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unicyclehippo · 2 years
also i got my first ever set of metal dice & theyre. so beautiful. also the company i buy my dice from always include a handwritten thank you note & this time they gave me a STICKER & a FRIDGE MAGNET too! for free! n im so happy. australian folk you should check them out! Roll With Advantage!! they’re a female owned, female operated, family business in australia & they stock heaps of dice but they have their own line of Pride Dice which are rly lovely & they have heaps of sales all the time plus beautiful alt copies of sourcebooks etc & they also use Sendle, which is a carbon neutral company & they package stuff with  compostible materials wherever possible so. yeah idk they’re a great company & i’ve always received beautiful dice from them
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coffeenewstom · 2 years
Toms Kaffee-Moment: cà phê sữa ðá
Toms Kaffee-Moment: cà phê sữa ðá
Für einen echten Vietnam-Kaffee – den Kaffee aus dem Phin – muss man nicht bis nach Asien reisen! Man bekommt ihn auch in München, zum Beispiel im Café Hanoi am Sendlinger Partnachplatz. Für Freunde von cremigem, süßem Kaffee ein Genuss! Der bittere Kaffee mit leichten Schokoladennoten mischt sich perfekt mit der gesüßten Kondensmilch. Wunderbar!
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hipstafootprint · 2 years
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Summer in the City · Sendling, Munich · Germany
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1allblog-de · 2 years
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Song I used:
Ella walked through the halls of the palace, Alistar and Mia trailing close behind as they made their way to Deena's bedroom door.
Ella knocked twice before the door opened and Deena peeked out.
"Yes?" She asked expectantly.
"We have an idea for a suprise for the rest of our friends, " Mia stated.
Deena sighed before smirking and letting the three others into her room.
Elias, Eve, Loreley, and Alruna were waiting in the castle library for some sort if suprise, hosted my Alistar, Ella, Mia, and Deena.
Alruna jiggled her leg impatiently as she looked at the clock on the wall.
"Do you have to do that?" Eve asked with an eyebrow raised.
"They're taking too long," Alruna replied before Ella came walking up to all of them.
"Okay okay sorry for the wait. As they get all the instruments set up, I'm gonna be giving you some background as to what this is," Ella began.
Elias smiled at his wife, giving her all of his attention.
"Okay. So when me, Mia, and Alistar were kids, we would put on these small concerts for my father. Mia played piano, I played the violin, and alistar would dance. You see, now that we have Deena, we have a singer. So we thought we'd put on a small concert for you! Deena will sing to the music Mia and I play, as she dances with alistar!" Ella explained.
That's when Mia began playing the piano that was in the library, ella picked up her violin and began playing that as well.
Deena began singing.
Alas my love you do me wrong To cast me off discourteously; And I have loved you oh so long Delighting in your company.
As Deena and alistar danced with one another, it was like Deena wasn't even moving, due to how clear her voice was. Greensleeves was my delight, Greensleeves my heart of gold Greensleeves was my heart of joy And who but my Lady Greensleeves
The high notes were always deenas favorite parts, and ella sang the lower octave, granting a beautiful harmony. I have been ready at your hand To grant whatever thou would’st crave; I have waged both life and land Your love and goodwill for to have. Greensleeves was my delight, Greensleeves my heart of gold Greensleeves was my heart of joy And who but my Lady Greensleeves Thy petticoat of sendle white With gold embroidered gorgeously; Thy petticoat of silk and white And these I bought gladly. Greensleeves was my delight, Greensleeves my heart of gold Greensleeves was my heart of joy And who but my Lady Greensleeves
As Deena and alistar finished dancing, and the music cut off, the friend group began clapping.
"That was wonderful my love," Elias stated as he and ella walked out of the room.
Mia and loreley shared a kiss as they walked back to their shared room.
Deena and Alruna talked happily with one another as they walked back to their rooms as well.
Leaving alistar behind to tidy up.
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soylentchiba · 1 year
Black Cloud Cassettes!
After a bit of a saga with Sendle, I finally thankfully have the cassettes for Black Cloud in my sweaty ham hands. With Art by The Less Dead, drumming contribution by The Drumslayer Keith McCoy, and some lyrical/vocal/6-stringed yums from Ayx The Robot, Black Cloud is ready to be received into your loving arms. This album was absolutely a creative step in the direction that I've always felt that I needed to go towards, but never had the balls or maybe even capability to do so. If you are familiar with my old music, then yes its very different. I've never liked sticking to one specific genre (which makes it very hard to sell my music) but I guess this album could be best described as: Dark synth music with a progressive flair leaning towards spacerock. If only distrokid et al had that sentence down as a genre selection instead of forcing me to pick Big House as a secondary Electronic Subcategory even though I don't know what that is, I'm just trying to will a Big House into my future. https://soylentchiba.bandcamp.com/album/black-cloud
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