#Sensor Malfunctions
noohyah · 10 months
[SOLVED] Why Does Lane Departure Warning Light Stays On?
Welcome to the world of cars and questions, where that lane departure warning light is causing a bit of a head-scratcher.  You’ve likely noticed it sticking around on your dashboard longer than you’d prefer, and you’re not alone in wondering why.  In this article, we’re going to cut through the confusion and get straight to the point without any unnecessary jargon. So, why does that lane…
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cadere-art · 3 months
I've had such a shit week so far it's kind of hilarious. Deserves an attempt at greentext
> Go to Ikea sunday to buy a new mattress. > Open mattress. Plastic packaging has been sealed fused with the (synthetic) mattress cover > Call Ikea. They say i can return the cover alone. > Monday morning > Unzip cover. Take only top half bc that's easier to remove than the whole thing > Drive 35min to ikea. > Wait 40 min at customer service. > Exchange top half of cover. > Drive home. > Put cover on. Zippers of new top and old bottom are not aligned and the halves don't fit together. > Drive back to Ikea. > Exchange bottom half of cover for the one that matches the new top half (they hadn't gotten rid of the mattress yet. > Drive home. > Put cover on. Lift mattress by handles on the cover. > Cover rips. > Dejectedly walk into kitchen to get myself some yogurt. > (I was supposed to spend the morning cooking and now i have neither cooked nor eaten) > Open brand new yogurt jar. > It's got mold in it. > Husband calls ikea and arranges a pickup exchange so I don't have to drive there again. > Later that night. > Enter my car to go back home from a friend's. > Car makes a weird noise. > "oh, i need to refill the power steering liquid, I've driven a lot today and that makes the power steering leak leak faster" > Refill power steering > Drive home > Start parallel parking > Weirder noise, liquid starts gushing from under the car with smoke and shit > Well shit. I bet the leak's not just a leak now uh > Be today > Husband moving my car again while I'm at work (no choice, living the city life) > Car juices spilling everywhere > Manage to park > Handbrake gives up > FML > Get home from work > Grab myself milk to make chocolate milk for comfort > Milk's gone bad > *suspicious* > Check fridge temp > Fridge temp is 17C
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siofra-river · 9 months
Mmmm car troubles…=_=
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winter-hoof · 14 days
I really do just feel like I'm losing my mind reading about an automatic litter box that if you don't keep its firmware up to date, it'll malfunction & kill your cat. Like what are we even doing
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mikegaragedoorrepairs · 2 months
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2c75ff · 6 months
tag dump;
— ic ▸ what's so foolish about wanting to have a little fun? — ooc ▸ we're gonna hit you with the aftermath — inbox ▸ and what do you want now? — memes ▸ nobody is as strong as i am — headcanons ▸ a part of the game — drabbles ▸ you're hitting your limit while i'm just getting in it — countenance ▸ am i giving you a hot flash? — my art ▸ you ain't seen the best of me yet — crack ▸ your sensors must be malfunctioning — saved ▸ too much is not enough
— musings ▸ my whole life all i wanted was a change of pace — aesthetics ▸ break out the gate with a rock in your walk — fashion ▸ talking the talk; put up or shut up — interests ▸ you know it ain't easy running out of thrills — audio ▸ we make it loud
— main; post cell ▸ i still don't fuck with the in crowd
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sapienthouse · 9 months
bagh why cant my shit ever malfunction when i have extras
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orteil42 · 1 month
i hate the subtle gaslighting of malfunctioning tech like did i press that key twice? (your keyboard is dying) is my vision getting worse? (your color profiles were set up incorrectly) why have i been misclicking so much? (your mouse sensor is dirty. you imbecile)
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arkon-z · 2 years
How my December is going so far:
I caught COVID and dealt with that for two weeks. Couldn't leave the apartment.
Then i got better, just in time for a massive snowstorm that shut down the city. Couldn't leave the apartment.
Snowstorm lets up, but snowplows have plowed snow up around my truck, blocking me in. Couldn't leave the apartment, unless it was on foot.
Did that, speedran my Christmas shopping, got back in time for Snowstorm 2: Freezing Rain Boogaloo. Gov't transit authority releases travel advisory: "Don't." Can't leave the apartment.
Fine. Buses aren't running today because weather, roommates off work, also due to weather, too cold to go outside. We deal with it.
Then the building fire alarm goes off. Now we HAVE to leave the apartment. ARGH.
No more please. Please.
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fyodoro · 4 months
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-> in which you overhear your calm and secretive boyfriend gushing over you like there’s no tomorrow (1.1k wc)
Cw) gn!reader, manga characters (no spoilers), sakura still malfunctions when it comes to romance topics
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Calling Hayato Suo an enigma would be an understatement.
Not a soul knows what lies under that eye patch. He’s calm, collected, and composed at almost all times, but it was a task of its own to grasp why. It’s impossible to catch him eating anything other than teacakes, and he often replaces his meals with a hot cup of tea. He claims to be on a diet, but every diet needs some protein incorporated into it.
Everything there is to know about Suo can be followed up with the same question: “Why?” and “What?”
However, there was an exception to his mysterious nature: You.
Of course, you didn’t know that. Hell, even Suo failed to notice his quite obvious soft spot for you until now. But as Nirei’s eye glittered with joy as he scribbled new notes onto Suo’s page in his notebook, and Sakura’s pupils shrunk with his cheeks flaunting a new shade of red, everyone knew.
Hayato Suo’s in love.
“(Name’s) a beauty, really. They may be rough around the edges at times, but I’ve never met anyone with a soul like theirs,” he babbled uncharacteristically.
He brought his teacup to his lips with closed eyes, missing the baffled expressions on everyone’s faces. But the moment he opened them, he couldn’t help but quirk a brow. “What’s with the shocked faces?”
Umemiya coughed into his hand graciously. “We’re just a little surprised, that’s all,” he began, too immersed in the conversation to notice you entering Kotoha’s cafe. “It’s not often you ramble like this.”
“I didn’t know Suo could be so open about his feelings,” Nirei exclaimed with a smile. “You must reallyyyy like (Name), huh?” he questioned, holding his pen in one hand and notebook in another as if this were an interview.
Suo’s head tilted. “Of course I do, that’s why I’m dating them.”
“You’ve been rambling on and on about (Name) for almost 10 minutes, it’s gross,” Sakura grumbled with flushed cheeks.
“But we wanna hear more! Keep going,” Nirei added.
Everyone looked at Suo attentively, including you. Somehow, the group failed to hear the bell chime when you entered the cafe. You’re clueless as to what’s going on, but it didn’t take a genius to realize it had something to do with you considering the amount of times your name was thrown around.
“My, if you insist,” Suo chuckled. “But I fear I’ve already said it all, unless I forgot to mention how cute it is when their cheeks puff up when they’re annoyed?”
Sakura held his head in his hands in fear that it’d melt off with how hot his face felt. “No, you didn’t. But we get it! You love (Name)!” he shouted.
“They’re impossible not to love,” Suo commented with his usual calm smile.
“That’s just Sakura’s romance sensor going haywire,” Kiryu teased. “Don’t mind him.”
The split-haired boy sulked in his seat, trying to dismiss the heat he felt on his face. “You’re all so…”
His voice trailed off, catching a glimpse of your frame standing behind Suo.
“Trust me, if you were in my shoes you’d be doing the same thing. (Name’s) one of a kind, not to mention beautiful. I can’t imagine a life without them, honestly.” The brunette went on, unbeknownst of your looming presence behind him. “Anyone can fall in love if their heart is stolen.”
“Someone like Suo being so head over heels in love… it must feel like a fairytale for (Name),” Umemiya chimed.
“Oh trust me, it does.”
Everyone’s heads turned to face you, except Sakura, who had noticed you seconds prior.
“I didn’t know I could be such a fun subject of conversation, Hayato.” you teased, hands resting on your boyfriend’s shoulders as you leaned down to his ear.
He gulped, hiding his flustered heart through his relaxed exterior.
“We were just talking about you!” Nirei said happily. “Is it true? That Suo never lets you hold doors open, and holds them open for you? Or that he gave you his umbrella when it was pouring rain because he’d rather get soaked than risk you getting sick?” Oh! What about-“
The boy in question sat in silence, allowing Nirei to ask his heart away to confirm that this wasn’t one of his absurd lies.
You nodded at the blonde. “Yes, yes, yes, and yes. Except he technically kept the umbrella- he just held it over me so my hands wouldn’t get cold,” you corrected, recalling the awful weather of that day.
“What a romantic~” Tsubaki swooned.
“I try my best,” Suo smiled shyly.
“Suo never talks about his life! This is the most he’s ever told us, (Name)! Does he talk to you about his personal life?” Nirei inquired politely, trying not to make you feel pressured into answering.
You thought for a moment. For one, you felt honored that Suo didn’t wanna keep your relationship a secret like the rest of his life. But the blonde’s question made you realize something yourself- you really didn’t know much about your boyfriend’s personal life.
“Well… what can I say? He’s a mystery to everyone, including me.” you replied unsurely, glancing at Suo from the corner of your eye.
Nirei wrote something down in his notebook, and you didn’t bother looking. Instead, you held eye contact with Suo. He didn’t have to speak for you to know what he was thinking.
He wasn’t hiding anything from you. He just didn’t like talking about his past, and you understood.
“My love, you know more about me than anyone else in this room,” he stood after finishing the contents of his teacup. “After all, you were the one who told me to take baby steps, correct?”
You vaguely recalled those words. It was weeks ago, but he felt guilty for not telling you or anyone else about his history. In response, you told him to take as long as he needed, and baby steps were always the first steps.
“I did,” you affirmed. Your voice was soft, but it didn’t hide your intentions of making his heart pound a little harder. “But I didn’t think I'd catch you gushing over me like you’ve lost your composure~”
Suo almost broke, and you laughed.
“Woah, is Suo blushing?”
“Who could blame the guy? It’s the most open he’s been with us,” Hiragi commented with truth.
Kotoha giggled from behind the counter. “Not to mention how close (Name) is to him right now, it might be too much for the poor boy to handle.”
The red in Suo’s cheeks slowly faded, and he let out a small sigh. “I’ll see you all later, we’re gonna get going now,” he waved.
The two of you walked out hand in hand, and everyone else was left either baffled, confused, or unphased. Unless it was Sakura, who was somehow all three.
Little did you know, Nirei left a small comment on the corner of Suo’s page in his notebook.
‘Quite the loverboy.’
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© enassbraid 2024. i do not permit plagiarism, translations, or reposts of my work on any platform.
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ruershrimo · 4 months
down bad fr | f.megumi x reader
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@takumifujiwarastan remember how a while back you said here that it sucked how there weren't enough introverted girls, reserved girls etc. SO I did try writing this please enjoy their (gn reader woooo) emotional constipation even though the reticence of their personality isn't really highlighted eurgh
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having a crush on megumi is so fucking stupid. it’s driving you insane. 
you can’t even talk to him. everything he does, everything he says— your heart leaps like a rabbit he casts, and your emotions soar into a terrifyingly messy mishmash of confusion and yearning and infatuation, and then everything in between. 
you feel helpless, vulnerable like this— rendered out of control of your feelings after years of emotional constipation and a harsh strictness on yourself to rein them in like a rowdy horse being whipped during derby matches. you’re a climber, you’re hanging precariously from a cliff with every interaction, a child standing before a blueprint with nothing but toy blocks and a kiddie hammer, a roomba with its sensors malfunctioning— you get the point. those were enough metaphors to delineate your predicament.  
well, he doesn’t even like you anyway, right?
but you want him so badly. 
you just want to hammer it into his thick skull. to just go, ‘hey, I like you even if you may not like me! just go out with me anyway!’ 
yet with each interaction you struggle even more. because how the hell do you confess to fushiguro megumi, much less go out with him and become his partner?
for years romance had remained nothing but a velleity, a nice fantasy you could slip into when your mind demanded respite in the form of escapism and jejune daydreams. but now that your adoration for him has made it all somewhat possible, you don’t know what to do— your control is being tended away from you, and the worst part is that you don’t even mind it that much. 
spiky black hair and eyelashes of silk pass you by, his scent as clean as freshly laundered sheets in hotels. at the start you had thought little about him beyond him being your classmate and eventually just your confidante. yet gradually, you surprised yourself. and everything about him is attractive nowadays: his hair, his pearlescent teeth, the viridian hue of his eyes— hell, he made even the way he drank coffee look like a model of a man in an antediluvian monochrome film of the sixties. and it was so normal, so average, that you were about to slap yourself for the fact that an everyday trait  of his had become something so lovely to look at just because it was him. megumi would hold the cup securely by his lithe fingers, the same one he spouted cursed energy from when summoning his shikigami, before lifting the cup up and bringing the brim to his mouth, his lips that never chapped. 
nobara asks whether he’s drinking black coffee to look cool around and attract people. needless to say, at least you were attracted. 
you hoped he didn’t see the way your face must have blanked out, gaze transfixed on his eyes as he took swigs from his mug. 
why’d he have to be like that?!
megumi continued looking at ozawa, the girl who had a crush on itadori— she was just like you for real, but with double the courage and half the emotional constipation. 
you hoped it would work out for her. that way, perhaps you could muster the strength and bravery to do the same, too. 
you take another look at him. he’s really pretty. had you kicking your feet in the air and all and then screaming in horror because of it, had you wrapped around his finger without even knowing. 
with the help of kugisaki and megumi, ozawa and itadori, the two of them are cajoled to go around tokyo together. it’s the best ‘date’ that the two of them can help the other two have, especially since itadori is dense as rocks (megumi’s probably worse based on your experiences, then) and ozawa is as shy as a touch-me-not flower. 
“oh, and [name],” megumi starts while nobara strolls ahead, all set to begin a new shopping spree. 
“ah— uh, yeah?” you stammer. 
“do you like me? romantically, I mean…” he scratches the back of his neck. 
what the fuck. is this seriously happening? right now? 
“huh? what? I—” 
“no, it’s just that— seeing ozawa made me think. I guess I never considered it an option, but I suppose I have had… feelings for you for a pretty long time…” 
“woah. ah, sorry, I meant— sorry, I’m just very surprised…” you scramble, your hands gesticulating all kinds of things in an exaggerated way of taking it back because yes you like him, you like him a lot— “I mean, I do like you! it’s just, fuck— uh, what do I say— I’m really scared. I thought you didn’t reciprocate at all.” 
“I could tell. but I…” he hesitates, “I overthought everything,” then with a frown, he goes, “gojo would have teased me if he was here.” 
“well, I– uh. we’re lucky he isn’t, I guess?” you pause, “...so what do we do now? are we a thing? are we dating? wait, am I going too fast? I, oh my goodness, I—” 
“would you like to?” he asks. your knees are about to buckle with every second he keeps his eyes on yours. 
“I…— well, I would.” 
“then it’s settled. can I— can I hold your hand, please?” 
with trepidation in your hands and your heart pounding in your chest, you inch your hands closer, saline sweat on them as if you’d dipped it into the sea. he keeps his gaze on yours— they’re as unsure as you are, his cheeks a slight scarlet, his eyes swirling with nervousness but a sliver of anticipation, of joy and relief. so he feels exactly the same as you do, then. 
his fingers find yours after a while, tracing along the lines of your palm like a blind man touching something for the first time. you want to learn to love and to memorise each nook and cranny of him starting with his palm, and for once emotional vulnerability is not that bad. 
kugisaki’s in for a shock as soon as she turns around. first it was itadori potentially having a partner before she does, and now megumi? 
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imagine writing this because of being delulu abt an irl crush (i should be studying for my exams.) haha couldn't be me right (i'm so cooked)
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libraford · 1 year
Sometimes, I forget how good of a photographer I am.
I'm doing sports candids at a high school. School is in the middle of nowhere. There is no cell reception. Its homecoming. Theres a million cameras.
Its middle of the second period and I see a professional looking photographer struggling with her camera. There are two dudes nearby also struggling, same uniform. But I know that look of desperation because I've been there. Guy 1 is fussing with video camera. Guy 2 is on the phone, but like I said- theres no cell service here.
"Are you having trouble?"
"Oh my god, do you know cameras?"
"Take a picture, show me what it looks like."
She takes a picture, shows it to me. Its blown out and blurry.
"It has to be on the sports setting because I'm shooting sports. But I cant get it to work right. This thing is old and busted."
"Shutter speed too low, looks like 1/60."
"Can I fiddle with it?"
Mind you, theres a whole football game happening in front of us. The videographer and the guy on the phone are watching me very closely.
It's a different camera than mine, but it's the same brand.
"I'm putting you on manual, but you have to trust me."
"I... dont have a choice. Everything is malfunctioning."
I put it on manual, fast shutter speed, high ISO. Take a shot, dont like it, fiddle with it again. Take a shot, hand it back.
"Try it."
She takes a shot. "Its a little blurry."
"Bump up the shutter speed to 1/300. It will be darker, so the ISO goes up, too."
She does this. "Holy shit, I've never taken photos like this before! These are better than anything I've ever done! Thank you! You just saved all our asses."
"Congrats, you're now shooting in manual- you have full control of how light enters the sensor in your camera. And that makes you a pro."
She starts catching back up with photos. Her dudes come over to me and say "seriously, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you so so much. Our video equipment went down and we can't get ahold if anyone."
"No problem. But out of curiosity, who are yall with?"
They give the name of the news section that covers local sports.
I just taught a photojournalist manual mode in less than a minute.
...I'm pretty sure they just give a camera to whoever is on staff and dont tell them how to work it.
That's frustrating to me.
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zaczenemiji · 3 months
Could I request a Kenji x Reader where the reader is an Ailen who is very much stranded on Earth and on The run from the KDF who wants access to their tech
Among the Stars I
Kenji Sato x Alien!Reader
Word Count: 1,766
Genre/Warning: Falling in Love, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn
Author’s Note: To me, reader is an alien in the sense that she is a foreigner to this planet; how she looks is up to you. Takes place after Emi. AND I THINK AOSHIMA DESERVES RECOGNITION LIKE 🫢 AIN’T HE HOT TOO?????
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The stars twinkled in the dark expanse of space as you navigated through the cosmos. This wasn’t the first time you traversed through the void. In fact, you were a professional at this.
Being one of the respected astrophysicists of your planet, you have always been one sent on space voyages. Your mission was simple, something you were good at, so what could possibly go wrong?
At least that’s what you thought a few moments ago.
"Engine malfunction detected. Immediate landing required.”
As if the flashing red lights and blaring alarms weren’t enough, the onboard AI wouldn’t shut up either, all of them adding up to the panic in your already pounding heart.
“Engine failure. Emergency landing procedure initiated.”
Your struggle to regain control was hopeless. Assessing your options, Earth was the nearest habitable planet. With no time to spare, you steered the spacecraft towards the blue planet.
The descent was turbulent, flames licking at the hull as the spacecraft entered Earth's atmosphere. You gritted your teeth, fighting to maintain the little control you had left.
Scanning the residential area that stretched beneath, you spotted a forested area and made a split-second decision. With expert precision, your maneuver slowed down the descent just enough to avoid a catastrophic impact.
The spacecraft touched down with a jolt, skidding through the underbrush before coming to a stop. Smoke billowed from the damaged engines and you knew you needed to secure the craft first.
Despite the damage, the emergency propulsion system still had enough power for short-distance travel. With steady hands, you activated the system again, guiding the spacecraft toward a nearby body of water.
The craft hovered momentarily above with a soft hum. Carefully pushing the controls, you maneuvered it into a controlled descent where it submerged beneath the water, disappearing from view.
In the control room of the Kaiju Defense Force, monitors flickered with data streams from satellite scans displaying Japan’s airspace and terrestrial activity.
"Report," Aoshima commanded.
"Sir, we've detected a significant impact in sector 7G. Satellite images indicate a disturbance in the forested area, consistent with an object of considerable mass landing."
Aoshima scrutinized the images, noting the telltale signs of a recent crash landing, “Any signs of the object itself?"
"Negative visual confirmation, sir. The object appears to have made impact and then moved into concealment."
"Prepare a recon team," Aoshima ordered crisply. "I want a full scan of the area. Notify all units in the vicinity to be on alert."
Aoshima contemplated the implications. For years, KDF had struggled against the relentless onslaught of kaiju attacks under Dr. Onda. His last will was for the survival of KDF.
Aoshima shared Dr. Onda’s vision and if this alien technology held the key to turning the tide in humanity's favor, they couldn't afford to hesitate.
Meanwhile, having just emerged from the submerged spacecraft, you cautiously explored the area. Your advanced sensors warned you of Earth's surveillance systems, but you had hoped to remain undetected.
Your hope, however, was short-lived as the sound of whirring and a shadow passing overhead alerted you to the arrival of drones. Quickly, you dashed into the forest, heart pounding as you navigated the unfamiliar terrain.
Above you, the drones buzzed in pursuit, their sensors tracking your every move. Their operators relayed your position to ground units, who quickly mobilized to intercept.
You emerged onto the outskirts of a bustling city. Buildings towered overhead and streets were crowded with unsuspecting pedestrians. You had to blend in to evade capture.
Tokyo has always been bustling with a sea of people moving with purpose. Among them was Kenji and today, his life would take a turn he could never have predicted.
He was jogging through a quieter part of the city when suddenly, a force collided with him, nearly knocking him off balance. Looking down, he saw a woman his age, face partially obscured by a hooded cloak.
You looked up at him, eyes wide with fear. "I'm sorry," you gasped, glancing over your shoulder. "I... I need to go."
Before Kenji could respond, you tried to bolt, but he gently grabbed your arm. "Hey, what's going on?” He asked, genuinely concerned. “You look terrified."
You hesitated, clearly torn between fear and the need for help. Before you could decide, KDF agents appeared at the end of the street.
“Surrender peacefully, and we won't harm you," one of them demanded sternly.
"No," you replied, a slight determination in your trembling voice.
Kenji’s instincts flared. To him, KDF has been nothing but trouble. So without a word, he pulled you behind him, putting himself between you and the agents.
They slowed, eyes narrowing at Kenji. "This is official business," the leader said, his voice cold. "Step aside."
Kenji ignored the command, gripping your hand tighter. "Run," he whispered urgently, before leading you in a sprint away from KDF.
The two of you took off with Kenji guiding you through a series of narrow alleyways and bustling streets.
"Over here," he whispered, pulling you into a side street. You dodged through a market, running between stalls and startled shoppers. The KDF was temporarily delayed by the crowd, buying you precious seconds.
Kenji's heart pounded, both from the exertion and the adrenaline. "Keep your hood up," he urged you. "We can't let them see your face."
You continued running, the sound of pursuit growing fainter. Kenji led you through a maze of side streets, finally emerging onto a quieter residential road.
"Almost there," he panted, squeezing your hand reassuringly.
Finally, you reached a house guarded by a big gate on the outskirts of the city. Kenji quickly unlocked the gate and ushered you towards the house.
Inside, Kenji guided you to the living room, where you sank onto the couch, hood falling back and revealing your face.
“Mina, emergency analysis,” he said as a spherical robot hovered towards you, red light scanning your body.
"Scan complete," Mina announced. "Subject is experiencing elevated stress levels and minor physical exhaustion. No immediate threats and no tracking devices detected.”
"Thank you," you said, voice filled with gratitude and lingering fear.
Kenji nodded, breathing heavily. "Are you okay?"
You nodded, her gaze lingering on him with a mix of surprise and curiosity, “I didn't expect anyone to help."
"I'm Kenji," he introduced himself, extending a hand.
You hesitated briefly before shaking his hand, "I'm (y/n)."
"You can catch your breath here,” Kenji said, standing up. “I'll get us some water." He returned with two glasses of water; you accepted one gratefully.
"Why were those guys after you?" Kenji asked, his curiosity piqued.
"I'm not from Earth. I'm…” you hesitated but you owed him an explanation and also to save you from the trouble of pretending. “…an alien."
"An alien?” He blinked in surprise. “But you look human."
"Alien in the sense that I'm from a distant planet," you explained softly. "I crash-landed here not long ago.”
You told him everything—your mission, how you ended up being chased by what he referred to as the Kaiju Defense Force, and your spacecraft.
“I would like to ask another favor if it’s not too much,” you said with hesitation; Kenji helping you escape and sheltering you was already more than enough. “I need you to help me find Ultraman.”
You knew about Ultraman and his origin. You’ve been sent to Nebula M78 a couple of times already. If there’s someone who could help you get back to your planet, it’s him.
“Ultraman?” Kenji's eyes widened. “Why?"
“I know of him,” you said. "He might be the only one who can help me.”
Kenji took a deep breath, realizing he couldn't keep his secret any longer. "Well, there’s something you should know,” he said.
“What is it?” You asked, confused.
He looked straight into your eyes, his face set with resolve, “I'm Ultraman."
The room fell silent. "You're...” your eyes widened. “Ultraman?"
Kenji nodded, “Yes, and I’m not supposed to tell anyone but if helping you means revealing it, then so be it."
Your eyes teared up with joy. Just when you thought that this day was full of bad luck, here came your silver lining—a stunning man one at that.
Kenji asked you about the whereabouts of your spacecraft so he, in his Ultraman form, can bring it here in no time. His house had a basement submerged underwater which provided an easy way to bring it over.
His dad, the previous Ultra, happened to live with him. Kenji explained the situation and his dad, an expert in this field, generously offered to help.
Hayao circled the craft, examining it closely. "Impressive design," he muttered, running his hands over the hull. "But clearly, it's been through a lot."
"I think it’s the power core," you explained. "It was heavily depleted during the crash, and I can't get the ship operational again."
"I see. A power core like this...” Hayao nodded thoughtfully. “…it's incredibly advanced. Recharging it with Earth's technology would be almost impossible."
"So, there's no way to fix it?" You looked at him, worried and on the brink of tears.
"Not exactly,” he smiled reassuringly. “While we can't recharge it with conventional means, there might be another way. We need an alternative energy source—something with immense power."
"What about the energy that powers Ultraman?” Kenji stepped forward. “Could it work?"
Hayao considered this, nodding slowly. "It's possible,” he said. “Ultraman's energy is vast and unique. We might be able to transfer some of it to the power core."
Your eyes lit up with hope, “Do you think it could really work?" Hayao placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder, "It's worth a try.”
He explained that he would first need to create an energy transfer device. But with the resources here on Earth, it’s a trial and error to see which would be compatible with your spacecraft. Needless to say, it would take a lot longer before you could go back home.
Kenji led you down a hallway to a cozy guest room. He opened the door, revealing a spacious room with a bed, a dresser, and a big window overlooking the bay.
“You can stay here until we figure everything out,” Kenji said. “It's safer than being out there with the KDF looking for you."
"Are you sure?” You looked up at him. “I don't want to be a burden."
"You're not a burden,” he smiled reassuringly. “I’ll leave you to get some rest. We've got a lot to do tomorrow."
With that, you settled into the room with a sense of peace for the first time since crashing on Earth.
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griefabyss69 · 2 months
Component Malfunction
Written for @steddiemicrofic!
[ AO3 ]
'PLUG' wc: 437 | rated: G | cw: N/A Steve finds that he is very happy when Eddie engages with his sensors. It elicits various human emotions in him.
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"Steve," Eddie says, holding onto the cord that connects Steve to the source of his initializing program. "Can you understand me?"
Steve opens his eyes and uses the mechanism in his face to smile, as he was programmed to when he is Pleased. Eddie is beautiful and he takes care of him. Eddie gave him human emotions so they can bond in the same language.
"Yes Eddie, I understand you," he replies.
"Good, how do you feel? B.O.D.Y. Protocol please," Eddie says, carefully putting the cord down. "Then H.E.A.R.T. Protocol."
Steve stops admiring him and runs the requested scans.
"Body is rested at 98% energy: Leg appendages due for inspection in 37 hours, newly installed software is operational, no known errors." he says.
Eddie's hand touches his face. It is soft compared to his own metal skin but Eddie has told that him he likes it that way.
"Heart malfunction: There are three errors; there is one update." Steve reports.
Eddie looks sad whenever he gives him the H.E.A.R.T. report, but Steve does not know why.
"I promise I'll fix it," he says, leaning in to press his lips against Steve's other cheek.
One of the errors disappears, but Eddie hasn't asked for another report or for updates on them, so Steve is unable to tell him at this moment. Instead he smiles because he is Pleased.
"Thank you Eddie," he says.
"You're so welcome," Eddie replies, brushing their noses together.
Steve's Pleased mood changes to Happy.
"I am happy," he says, because Eddie wants updates on the status of that. It would be logical for Eddie to pair that with the status of his H.E.A.R.T., but at this time he is unable to offer him ideas on his operation.
Steve is a work in progress.
Eddie smiles and expresses affection at his statement; he kisses Steve's mouth and the second error is fixed. His mood status changes again.
"I am elated," he reports.
"Yeah? Does it feel good when I kiss you?" Eddie asks, pulling away which does not feel good.
He looks at Steve and he has eyes that remind Steve of when Eddie added Category: Nature to his internal visual memory. They are as beautiful as the soil that hides the layers of Earth that many of Steve's components come from. Eddie's eyes hide Steve as well, and he feels safe.
"It feels good when you kiss me," he answers.
"I'm glad your sensors are working," Eddie says, expressing relief by lowering his shoulders and sighing. "I'll get your H.E.A.R.T. working too."
He leans in and kisses Steve again, and the last error resolves.
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doggirl-cyberdyke · 1 year
Disassembling your robot sub and breaking the sensor that allows it to orgasm to put it in permanent denial. Not telling it what you did, ordering it to cum for you and watching it collapse into whirring and whimpering and panic when it doesn't work, calling it disobedient and malfunctioning, forcing it to apologise over and over as it edges and edges and edges~
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radicalrobot · 2 months
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hello. this is my rendition of the Absolute Solver meeting Closet from Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse.
Solver: Oh! Pardon me! I am the merely The Solver! Of the Absolute! Fabric! The void! The exponential end!
Solver: Scoffs! Rolls eye! My ocular sensors are! Malfunctioning! Just from looking! At that hideous pink! I would assimilate your matter! Instantly! If it wouldn'nt ruin! My aesthetic!
and then they kiss. The end
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