#Service is mandatory
gyunikum · 1 year
If I had a nickel for every country where military service is compulsory for men and my favourite musicians are from there, I would have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened two times.
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pissmoon · 5 months
Literally no other incel/mra take as braindamaged and painfullyyyyy american as 'women are safe from wars'. You believe its only ~soldiers~ that are involved in wars and civilians in the occupied territory are 100% safe and untouched by the war? There was no single war since ww1 without civilian victims. Mass rape is a weapon of war. Terrorozing civilian population is one of the main strategies. Tell me you are an american who knows fuckall about how living under occupation works without telling me you are an american who knows fuckall about how living under occupation works
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humming-fly · 3 months
This 4th of July I’m stealing the patriotism euphoria that’s usually associated with assholes idolizing the worst attributes of this country because fuck ‘em I live here too and remembering the things this country actually got Right is an important exercise when trying to rally anyone to want to defend it in November SO putting my money where my mouth is I’ll start easy and say I really like National Parks!! It’s rad how many of them there are and how they’re actual set up to preserve some of the most beautiful wild areas in our country while still letting people visit to enjoy and experience nature!! (Less important but I love how they put national parks on the quarters I think that’s real fun)
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Feel free to add on if something speaks to ya!
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westywallowing · 2 months
it has always baffled me that ASL isn't taught as a second language in American schooling. or as a requirement for certain jobs that work with, well, people. the HLAA says that around 48 million Americans have hearing loss!! 1 in 5 teenagers!! 1 in 3 people over the age of 60!!! it's crazy to me that sign isn't more widely taught and used considering that you probably DO or WILL know someone who has hearing loss at some point in their life
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myobsessionsspace · 15 days
I know no one asked this but I just wanna say...
I came across some posts on Reddit with bunch of Korean males saying they're seeking ways to get citizenship overseas (and give up their Korean's) just to avoid conscription.
I feel like I have much more respect to BTS now.
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Many countries, not just SK have it and many have had their loved ones have to complete theirs.
Some respect it, some don’t. Some think it’s admirable, some don’t.
They shouldn’t have to. They didn’t WANT to.
When they did want to, they kept getting pulled from pillar to post. One thing after another kept happening, different people needed and wanted them to stay active and wait with bated breath for decisions in THEIR lives to be made.
They took the little control they had back. They’re doing what must be done but not what they wanted to do.
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Yet to Come in Busan. Where Jin announced his upcoming enlistment, starting off the seven. Rap line performing Cypher pt. 3 ‘Killer’. Their last concert as 7.
They’re singers, dancers, writers, rappers CREATIVES. This isn’t what they were built for, what they worked for, what they dreamed of.
But my lovely guess what…
I’ve always respected them, I’m glad after this period is done others will catch up. The rest, oh well.
Bring on 2025!!
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The best is yet to come!
Thank you lovely for sharing your thoughts, I love the little nuggets of thoughts people feel like sharing 😊
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thetimelordbatgirl · 4 months
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So uh, next to trying to incite the 18 year olds to join the military via making it the mandatory national service option that actually pays them, Rishi Sunak is also just gonna fuck up job chances EVEN MORE then he already has in the past via making bosses prioritize people who did military work over people who didn't do military work. Seriously, that's just fucking up not only any 18 year old's chances at work if they don't already have a job by that point and went for the community service option, but also potentially people above 18 who look apply for jobs, only to be ignored because they didn't do military work.
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southernreaches · 1 month
i can’t stop thinking about that would you date irl bg3 origins poll and uh overthinking it
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nebulaedaniel · 6 hours
the phannie dilemma of if i should go home for Christmas or to Amsterdam for tit
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hyperfocusthusly · 4 months
Rishi Sunak when I show up to my first day of conscription with hate in my heart and no marketable skills;
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really looking forward to switching back to pay as you go mobile data this plan things giving me a headache
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pikslasrce · 5 days
i would kill vučić with hammers ill tell you that much
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petraforgedyke · 1 month
so at worldcon all the future bids also had tables and ngl but i wonder how worldcon justifies being “for the future” when one of the bids for 2027 is actively committing a genocide at this moment in time
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Kaixo! During the Franco years, I think there was mandatory military service for men, right? If so given Franco's policies regarding Basques and other minorities, was there speficic clothing Basques had to wear to show they were not Spaniards? Or were there no such restrictions?
Kaixo anon!
The mandatory military service for men was established - just like many terrible things we still suffer today - with the Bourbon dynasty (late 18th century).
Basque men were forced to the service from 1876, when our old laws were repealed.
There was no specific clothing for Basques - there are few things as homogenizing as the army - but things usually were a bit harder for them. Many of them were Basque monolingual, which resulted in mockery and hazing by their comrades, and punishments and beatings by their superiors. They had to learn Spanish the hard way, and as fast as they could.
Besides, the military service in Spain favored the rich, meaning that if the soldier was at uni, he would spend less time at the army. Only wealthy families could afford college during Franco's regime.
This three factors - the fact that Basques had had historically no obligation of serving the Spanish army since forever until the late 19th century, the abuse they endured for not knowing Spanish, and the military service being just for young men from the working class - led to a huge Objector movement in Hegoalde.
Before Franco died, some young men started refusing the military service as something against their conscience, risking themselves and their families to prison. They would hide in a neighbor's house when the army came to forcefully take them, even. It was a non-submissive movement, a way to fight against the dictatorship, that was huge in Hegoalde, as I mentioned. You can read a post about it here.
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thekingsofironfist · 3 months
How about some Military!Hwoarang from Tekken 4? Cause I'm a fan :)
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myobsessionsspace · 10 months
✨We Gon’ Be Alright✨
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