For many cooks, waiters and bartenders, it is an annoying entrance fee to the food-service business: Before starting a new job, they pay around $15 to a company called ServSafe for an online class in food safety.
That course is basic, with lessons like “bathe daily” and “strawberries aren’t supposed to be white and fuzzy, that’s mold.” In four of the largest states, this kind of training is required by law, and it is taken by workers nationwide.
But in taking the class, the workers — largely unbeknown to them — are also helping to fund a nationwide lobbying campaign to keep their own wages from increasing.
The company they are paying, ServSafe, doubles as a fund-raising arm of the National Restaurant Association — the largest lobbying group for the food-service industry, claiming to represent more than 500,000 restaurant businesses. The association has spent decades fighting increases to the minimum wage at the federal and state levels, as well as the subminimum wage paid to tipped workers like waiters.
The federal minimum wage has risen just once since 1996, to $7.25 from $5.15, while the minimum hourly wage for tipped workers has been $2.13 since 1991. Minimums are higher in many states, but still below what labor groups consider a living wage.
For years, the restaurant association and its affiliates have used ServSafe to create an arrangement with few parallels in Washington, where labor unwittingly helps to pay for management’s lobbying. First, in 2007, the restaurant owners took control of a training business. Then they helped lobby states to mandate the kind of training they already provided — producing a flood of paying customers.
More than 3.6 million workers have taken this training, providing about $25 million in revenue to the restaurant industry’s lobbying arm since 2010. That was more than the National Restaurant Association spent on lobbying in the same period, according to filings with the Internal Revenue Service.
That $25 million represented about 2% of the National Restaurant Association’s total revenues over that same period, but more than half of the amount its members paid in dues. Most industry groups are much more reliant on big-dollar donors or membership support to meet their expenses. Most of the association’s revenues come from trade shows and other classes.
Tax-law experts say this arrangement, which has helped fuel a resurgence in the political influence of restaurants, appears legal.
But activists for raising minimum wages — and even some restaurant owners — say the arrangement is hidden from the workers it relies on.
“I’m sitting up here working hard, paying this money so that I can work this job, so I can provide for my family,” said Mysheka Ronquillo, 40, a line cook who works at a Carl’s Jr. hamburger restaurant and at a private school cafeteria in Westchester, Calif. “And I’m giving y’all money so y’all can go against me?”
Ms. Ronquillo is also a labor organizer in California. She said that she had taken the class every three years, as required, and that she never knew ServSafe funded the other side of that fight.
As workers have become more aware of how their payments to ServSafe are used, something of a backlash is developing. Looking ahead to coming battles over minimum wages in as many as nine states run by Democrats, including New York, Saru Jayaraman of the labor-advocacy group One Fair Wage said she was encouraging workers to avoid ServSafe.
“We’ll be telling them to use any possible alternatives,” Ms. Jayaraman said.
The kind of class that these workers pay for, called “food handler” training, is offered by ServSafe or its affiliates in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. But an online database maintained by the National Restaurant Association show the vast majority of its classes are taken in four large states where food-handler classes are mandatory for most workers: Texas, California, Illinois and Florida.
Other companies also offer this training. But restaurant industry veterans say that ServSafe is the dominant force in the market — to the point that some restaurant owners said they did not realize there were alternatives.
“ServSafe is very much the Kleenex” of the industry — a brand that defines the business, said Nick Eastwood, who runs a competitor called Always Food Safe. “We believe they’ve got at least 70%+ of the market. Maybe higher.”
The president of the National Restaurant Association, Michelle Korsmo, declined to be interviewed. In a written statement, she said the group had sought to protect both public health and the financial health of the industry.
“The association’s advocacy work keeps restaurants open; it keeps workers employed, it finds pathways for worker opportunity, and it keeps our communities healthy,” Ms. Korsmo wrote. Her group declined to say how much of the training market it captures.
As money flowed in from the National Restaurant Association’s training programs, its overall spending on politics and lobbying more than doubled from 2007 to 2021, tax filings show. The national association donated to Democrats, Republicans and conservative-leaning think tanks, and sent hundreds of thousands of dollars to state restaurant associations to beef up their lobbying.
During the Clinton and Obama administrations, the association was a major force in limiting employer-provided health care benefits. And though pressure from liberal groups has grown and workers’ wages have fallen for decades when adjusted for inflation, the group helped assemble enough bipartisan opposition to scuttle a bill in 2021 to raise the federal minimum wage for all workers to $15 per hour over five years.
The association had also won a series of battles over state-level wage minimums, though its fortunes reversed last year. Both the District of Columbia and Michigan moved to eliminate the “tip credit” system — where restaurants are allowed to pay waiters a salary below the minimum wage, on the expectation that tips from customers will make up the rest. That was the first time any state had eliminated the tip-credit system in more than 10 years.
Legally, the National Restaurant Association and its state-level affiliates are a species of nonprofit called a “business league,” with more freedom to lobby than a traditional charity.
Since the 1960s, their lobbying has focused heavily on the minimum wage — arguing that labor-intensive operations like restaurants, which employ more workers at or near the minimum wage than any other industry, could be put out of business by any significant increase in employee costs.
Fifteen years ago, they had just lost a battle in that fight.
Over the association’s objections, Congress had raised the minimum wage to $7.25 an hour. Former board members said they were searching for a new source of revenue — without asking members to pay more in dues.
“That’s when the decision was contemplated, of buying the ServSafe program,” said Burton “Skip” Sack, a former chairman of the association’s board. “Because it was profitable.”
At the time, the ServSafe program was run by a charity affiliated with the restaurant association. The association bought the operation, transforming it into an indirect fund-raising vehicle.
After that, state restaurant associations in California, Texas and Illinois lobbied for changes in state law.
Previously, those states had required food-safety training for restaurant managers, which typically was paid for by restaurants themselves. After the association’s takeover of ServSafe, lobbying records show, the state affiliates pushed for a broader and less-common type of mandate, covering all food “handlers” like cooks, waiters, bartenders and those who bus tables.
The three state legislatures agreed, in lopsided votes.
In written statements, the state restaurant associations said they were not trying to raise money. Instead, they said they worked with other groups seeking to reduce food-borne disease.
“This law was happening with or without our participation in the process,” said the president of the California Restaurant Association, Jot Condie. California legislative records show his association was the sponsor of the bill that imposed the mandate.
ServSafe soon had waves of new customers, which in turn generated more money for the association and its lobbying efforts. Today, Florida, California, Texas, Illinois and Utah all have similar requirements. John Bluemke, a senior vice president for sales at ServSafe from 2002 to 2010, said there was little need to pursue mandates in smaller states: “Once you did the big states, who cares about Nebraska?”
“If you’ve got a million people going through that thing, do the math,” Mr. Bluemke said. The National Restaurant Association does not release figures about the cost of offering food-handler classes, but Mr. Bluemke said that — because they are generally offered online — the costs are low and the profits high.
“We always said the first course costs you a million dollars,” Mr. Bluemke said, for making the video. “And the rest are free.”
When managers take mandatory training, restaurant veterans say, the employer usually pays. But state websites say that restaurant employees should expect to pay for these classes themselves, and restaurant workers interviewed by The New York Times said that was their experience.
The restaurant association notes that some employers have covered the costs of getting certified and that employees are given lower rates in certain circumstances. So not all 3.6 million workers paid $15 each.
“The N.R.A. is different from most traditional trade associations in our business model,” Dawn Sweeney, the National Restaurant Association’s chief executive at the time, wrote to members in 2014 — reminding them of what a good deal they had.
Business leagues, which are tax-exempt, are generally allowed to run a for-profit business, as long as it advances the common interest of their broader trade. The National Restaurant Association contends that its business cleanly fits this standard.
“The rules the I.R.S. has passed are not always clear as to what is and is not allowed,” said Anna Massoglia, an investigations manager at OpenSecrets, a nonpartisan group that tracks the flow of money in politics. “This makes it easier for groups to exploit that lack of clarity. I’m not familiar with another group that has done it to this scale.”
The Internal Revenue Service declined to comment, citing taxpayer-privacy rules.
For restaurant workers, there is little clue that money paid to ServSafe supports lobbying — much less lobbying that tries to keep workers’ pay low. The only hint is a line on ServSafe’s website, saying it “reinvests proceeds from programs back into the industry.”
Even some members of the restaurant association — the beneficiaries of this arrangement — said they did not know how it worked.
Johnny Martinez, a Georgia restaurateur, said he supports a $15 minimum wage and pays at least that much in a state where it is still $7.25 per hour. And he describes his association membership as “the price of entry” for navigating the industry, “even though I disagree with them on a lot of things.”
But he expressed frustration upon discovering the connections between ServSafe and lobbying efforts, saying “it feels very wrong” to him.
“This is a certification that’s also wrapped up inside of a lobbyist,” Mr. Martinez said. “It is weird that the tests that they require the workers to pay for are being run by the same company that’s fighting to make sure those people don’t make more money.”
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theculturedmarxist · 2 years
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Gotta take this Servsafe™ course for work. Can't help but note how terrorists and activists are lumped in together.
Or how this is like an 8 hour long fucking course that covers all the same information that's in their 28 page manual.
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moonshadowslament · 2 years
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jamesvince9898 · 10 days
Ensuring Food Safety with Roar FS Consulting: Comprehensive Services for Compliance and Protection
In the food industry, safety and compliance are of paramount importance. With stringent regulations, evolving health standards, and the potential for severe consequences from foodborne illnesses, businesses must prioritize food safety to protect their customers and operations. At Roar FS Consulting, we are committed to providing a comprehensive range of food safety solutions designed to meet the unique needs of food service businesses.
From offering specialized courses such as the NYC Food Protection Course and ServSafe certification to creating tailored Food Safety Plans and conducting thorough Food Safety Inspections, Roar FS Consulting is dedicated to ensuring that your business adheres to all regulatory requirements. Our team of experts brings extensive experience in HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points), providing the necessary tools and guidance to safeguard food quality at every stage of the supply chain.
Whether you’re a restaurant, catering service, or food production facility, we work closely with you to implement best practices and maintain a safe environment for food handling. Let Roar FS Consulting help you navigate the complexities of food safety and ensure that your business is compliant with local, state, and federal regulations.
NYC Food Protection Course: Essential Training for Food Handlers
In New York City, food service establishments are required by law to have at least one certified food protection manager on staff. The NYC Food Protection Course is designed to equip food handlers with the knowledge and skills necessary to prevent foodborne illness and ensure safe food practices. As part of our services, Roar FS Consulting offers expert training to help businesses comply with these regulations and protect their customers.
Comprehensive Training: Our NYC Food Protection Course covers all essential topics, including proper food storage, cross-contamination prevention, personal hygiene, and pest control. The course provides detailed information on the risks associated with food handling and offers practical solutions to mitigate those risks.
Online and In-Person Options: At Roar FS Consulting, we understand that businesses have different needs and schedules. That's why we offer flexible course delivery options, including both online and in-person training. This ensures that your team can access the training they need in a format that works best for them.
Certification and Compliance: Upon completion of the course, participants will receive the official NYC Food Protection Certificate, which is valid for five years. This certification demonstrates compliance with city regulations and reassures your customers that your establishment prioritizes food safety.
Our NYC Food Protection Course is an essential step in protecting your business from food safety violations and ensuring the well-being of your patrons. With Roar FS Consulting, you can rest assured that your team is trained to the highest standards.
ServSafe Certification: Nationwide Food Safety Expertise
In addition to the NYC-specific course, Roar FS Consulting also offers ServSafe certification, a nationally recognized food safety program that provides food handlers and managers with the knowledge necessary to maintain a safe environment. ServSafe certification is essential for businesses looking to comply with national food safety standards and maintain a strong reputation for quality and safety.
Comprehensive Curriculum: The ServSafe program covers a wide range of topics, from foodborne pathogens and food handling practices to the safe use of equipment and the importance of personal hygiene. It is designed to equip food service employees with the skills needed to prevent contamination and ensure safe food practices.
Manager Certification: For food service managers, the ServSafe Manager Certification is a critical tool in overseeing safe food handling across the entire establishment. This certification demonstrates that managers understand food safety regulations and can enforce best practices among their teams.
Reputable Certification: With a ServSafe certification, your business can showcase its commitment to maintaining the highest standards of food safety. This credential not only helps prevent potential legal and regulatory issues but also enhances your reputation among customers and stakeholders.
Whether your business is based in NYC or operates nationally, Roar FS Consulting can provide ServSafe training that empowers your staff to maintain a clean and safe working environment.
Food Safety Plan: Custom Solutions for Your Business
A comprehensive Food Safety Plan is essential for any food service operation. At Roar FS Consulting, we specialize in creating customized Food Safety Plans that address the unique needs and risks of your business. Our approach ensures that you are fully prepared to handle potential hazards and comply with all regulatory requirements.
Risk Assessment and Hazard Identification: Every food service establishment faces different risks, depending on the type of food served, the methods of preparation, and the supply chain. Roar FS Consulting conducts a thorough risk assessment to identify potential hazards at every stage of the process. From purchasing ingredients to serving customers, we identify critical control points that require monitoring to ensure food safety.
HACCP Implementation: Our HACCP expertise is at the heart of our food safety planning services. HACCP is a proactive approach to food safety that identifies and controls risks before they cause harm. We work with your team to implement HACCP principles into your operations, ensuring that you are continuously monitoring and managing food safety hazards.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): Once hazards are identified, we develop clear and concise Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for your staff to follow. These procedures outline the necessary steps to control risks and ensure compliance with food safety standards.
Ongoing Monitoring and Updates: Food safety is not a one-time effort. As your business grows and evolves, so too must your Food Safety Plan. Roar FS Consulting provides ongoing support to ensure that your plan is up to date with the latest regulations and best practices. We also offer regular audits and inspections to verify that your procedures are being followed correctly.
A well-developed Food Safety Plan is crucial for preventing foodborne illnesses and ensuring compliance with food safety regulations. Let Roar FS Consulting help you create a plan that safeguards your business and customers.
Food Safety Inspection: Ensuring Compliance and Quality
Maintaining compliance with local, state, and federal food safety regulations requires regular inspections. At Roar FS Consulting, we offer Food Safety Inspection services that help your business meet all necessary standards and prevent costly violations.
Pre-Inspection Assessments: Before any official inspection, it’s important to know where your business stands. Our pre-inspection assessments provide a detailed review of your current operations, identifying areas of improvement and potential risks. By addressing these issues in advance, you can avoid fines, penalties, or closure due to non-compliance.
Regulatory Compliance: Our team is well-versed in food safety regulations and will ensure that your business complies with all local, state, and federal guidelines. Whether it's FDA regulations, NYC health codes, or other standards, we help you navigate the complexities of food safety laws and pass inspections with confidence.
Post-Inspection Follow-Up: After an inspection, it's essential to address any violations or areas of concern. Roar FS Consulting provides follow-up services to ensure that corrective actions are taken promptly, and that your business remains compliant moving forward.
With our Food Safety Inspection services, you can feel confident that your establishment is meeting all necessary requirements and protecting both your reputation and your customers' health.
HACCP: Proactive Food Safety Management
HACCP is a globally recognized food safety management system that focuses on preventing hazards before they occur. At Roar FS Consulting, we offer comprehensive HACCP services designed to help businesses implement and maintain this critical food safety system.
Hazard Analysis: The first step in HACCP implementation is identifying potential hazards in your food production and handling processes. Our experts conduct a thorough hazard analysis, identifying physical, chemical, and biological risks that could compromise food safety.
Critical Control Points (CCPs): Once hazards are identified, we help you establish Critical Control Points (CCPs)—specific steps in your operation where hazards can be controlled or eliminated. We provide guidance on monitoring these CCPs to ensure they remain effective.
Record Keeping and Verification: Proper documentation is a crucial component of HACCP. Roar FS Consulting helps you establish effective record-keeping systems that track your food safety practices. We also provide verification services to ensure that your HACCP plan
is being followed correctly and continues to protect your business from food safety risks.
At Roar FS Consulting, we understand the complexities and challenges of maintaining food safety in today’s fast-paced food industry. Our comprehensive services, from the NYC Food Protection Course and ServSafe certification to custom Food Safety Plans, Food Safety Inspections, and HACCP implementation, are designed to protect your business and customers. By partnering with us, you ensure that your food service operations meet the highest standards of safety and compliance, helping you avoid costly violations, protect your reputation, and maintain a safe environment for your customers.
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skaddy111 · 2 months
Excellence in Food Safety with Roar FS Consulting
At Roar FS Consulting, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive food safety solutions designed to ensure the highest standards of food protection for businesses in the food industry. Our expertise encompasses a range of services, from offering the NYC Food Protection Course to developing robust Food Safety Plans and conducting thorough Food Safety Inspections. We are committed to helping you achieve and maintain compliance with the latest food safety standards, including HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) and Servsafe certification.
Expertise in NYC Food Protection Course
Understanding and adhering to local food safety regulations is crucial for any food business operating in New York City. At Roar FS Consulting, we provide the NYC Food Protection Course, a comprehensive program designed to equip food service professionals with the knowledge and skills required to maintain high standards of food safety. This course covers essential topics such as proper food handling, sanitation practices, and the prevention of foodborne illnesses. By enrolling in our NYC Food Protection Course, you ensure that your team is well-prepared to comply with New York City’s stringent food safety requirements, safeguarding both your customers and your business.
Achieving Servsafe Certification
Servsafe is a widely recognized certification that demonstrates a commitment to food safety and professionalism. Roar FS Consulting offers detailed training and resources to help individuals and businesses achieve Servsafe certification. Our training programs are designed to cover all aspects of food safety, including hygiene, food storage, and safe cooking practices. Achieving Servsafe certification not only helps ensure compliance with food safety regulations but also enhances your credibility in the food industry. Our experts provide practical knowledge and support to help you pass the certification exam and implement effective food safety practices in your establishment.
Developing Effective Food Safety Plans
A well-structured Food Safety Plan is essential for managing risks and ensuring the safe preparation and handling of food. At Roar FS Consulting, we specialize in developing customized Food Safety Plans tailored to the specific needs of your business. Our team works closely with you to identify potential hazards, assess risks, and establish control measures that align with industry standards and regulatory requirements. By creating a comprehensive Food Safety Plan, you can proactively address potential issues, enhance operational efficiency, and demonstrate your commitment to food safety to regulators and customers alike.
Comprehensive Food Safety Inspections
Regular Food Safety Inspections are crucial for identifying and addressing potential issues before they become major problems. Roar FS Consulting offers thorough Food Safety Inspections to evaluate your establishment’s compliance with food safety regulations and industry best practices. Our inspections cover all critical aspects of food safety, including cleanliness, proper food storage, and adherence to hygiene standards. We provide detailed reports and actionable recommendations to help you make necessary improvements and maintain a safe and sanitary environment for food preparation and service.
Implementing HACCP Principles
HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) is a systematic approach to food safety that focuses on identifying and controlling potential hazards in the food production process. At Roar FS Consulting, we offer expert guidance on implementing HACCP principles to ensure that your food safety practices are both effective and compliant with industry standards. Our team assists with developing and maintaining a HACCP plan that addresses critical control points, monitors potential hazards, and ensures that corrective actions are taken as needed. By integrating HACCP principles into your operations, you can enhance food safety, reduce risks, and meet regulatory requirements with confidence.
Serving Your Food Safety Needs
Roar FS Consulting is committed to delivering top-quality food safety consulting services to businesses across the food industry. Our expertise in the NYC Food Protection Course, Servsafe certification, Food Safety Plans, Food Safety Inspections, and HACCP implementation ensures that you receive comprehensive support for all your food safety needs. We are dedicated to helping you achieve and maintain the highest standards of food safety, protecting your customers and your business from potential risks.
Get in Touch with Roar FS Consulting
If you’re looking for expert guidance on food safety, Roar FS Consulting is here to help. Whether you need to enroll in the NYC Food Protection Course, achieve Servsafe certification, develop a Food Safety Plan, schedule a Food Safety Inspection, or implement HACCP principles, our team of professionals is ready to assist you. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to schedule a consultation. We look forward to helping you enhance your food safety practices and achieve excellence in your operations.
At Roar FS Consulting, we are dedicated to providing outstanding food safety solutions tailored to your specific needs. From delivering the NYC Food Protection Course and facilitating Servsafe certification to developing effective Food Safety Plans, conducting comprehensive Food Safety Inspections, and implementing HACCP principles, we are your trusted partner in achieving food safety excellence. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction ensures that you receive the support and expertise needed to maintain high food safety standards and operate with confidence. Reach out to Roar FS Consulting today and experience the difference of working with a leader in food safety consulting.
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k12academics · 9 months
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Use Video Training For Your Culinary Arts Classes
Always Food Safe can offer you a modern alternative to the ServSafe textbook. Our video training is the perfect way to keep your students engaged and excited to learn more about food safety.
Below is information on all of the certifications we offer.
Food Manager Certifications
Always Food Safe offers an ANSI accredited Food Manager certification that is accepted throughout the US. Below are a few benefits of the program:
ANSI Approved Certification (The same as ServSafe) - https://www.ansi.org/Accreditation/credentialing/personnel-certification/food-protection-manager/AllDirectoryDetails?&prgID=8&OrgId=2208&statusID=4
2 Exam Attempts - If examinees were to fail their first exam attempt, they receive 1 free retake.
Available in English & Spanish -The training and exam are available in English & Spanish.
Complimentary Management System - All student results and certificates will automatically be stored in your complimentary management account. https://alwaysfoodsafe.com/complimentary-management-account-faqs
Video Training - We are the only company in the industry to offer video-based learning. - https://vimeo.com/223880250
Find Out More
Food Handler Certifications
We also offer our ANSI Accredited Food Handler Certifications.
Here are the benefits of using Always Food Safe's Food Handler training:
ANSI Approved Certification--Same as ServSafe
2 Exam Attempts--All examinees will have 2 attempts to pass the exam before they have to pay again
Chapter Quizzes--All training comes with chapter-end quizzes to make sure you are ready for the final exam
Video Training--We are the only company in the industry to offer video-based learning
Available in English & Spanish--The training & exam is available in English & Spanish
Find Out More
Allergen Awareness Certifications
We also offer our ANSI Accredited Allergen Awareness Certifications.
Here are the benefits of using Always Food Safe's Food Handler training:
ANSI Approved Certification--Same as ServSafe
2 Exam Attempts--All examinees will have 2 attempts to pass the exam before they have to pay again
Chapter Quizzes--All training comes with chapter-end quizzes to make sure you are ready for the final exam
Video Training--We are the only company in the industry to offer video-based learning
Available in English & Spanish--The training & exam is available in English & Spanish
Find Out More
If you are interested, please get in touch today.
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nobsvibe · 11 months
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scholarshipja · 2 years
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The Jamaica Centre of Tourism Innovation (#JCTI), a division of the #Tourism Enhancement Fund (#TEF), has launched the Job Readiness Programme in partnership with the HEART NSTA Trust. Job training and certification are provided at no cost to the candidates. Courses include Guest Service Gold Tourism and #ServSafe Food Handler. Successful candidates will also receive an #NCTVET certificate. The programme will also introduce participants to the fundamental topics of Professionalism, Culture, Health and Safety and Industry Knowledge. Courses will be delivered at HEART NSTA Trust institutions, at facilities in Port Maria, Beechamville, HCHS, Falmouth, Culloden, Kenilworth, Petersfield, Granville, and Seaford Town. Applications are now open. To register, head to https://tef.gov.jm/job-readiness/ or click the link in @tefjamaica bio. (at ScholarshipJamaica.com) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClJlbobOKIr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pawbeanies · 28 days
just realized i could come on here and tell falsehoods for fun. like i can just say im forklift certified and you guys would never know if im lying or not
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carfuckerlynch · 10 months
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everyone wants me for my butch food service swag
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kusuokisser · 1 year
terusai take a cooking class together except they have to take the servsafe lessons and kusuo wants for nothing more than to drop the class
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so glad black mold poisoning isn't real. my job as a baker just became so much easier
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aroace-poly-show · 24 days
me when my fucking graphs do not line up with my answers. hahah. uh oh
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carcarrot · 3 months
boooo my sneaky plan to find out my potential new managers last name failed
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whifferdills · 6 months
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isis is going to put uranium in the broccoli i just know it
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skaddy111 · 3 months
Roar FS Consulting: Comprehensive Food Safety Solutions
Roar FS Consulting is your premier partner in ensuring food safety and compliance in the bustling environment of New York City. We specialize in providing expert guidance and training in critical areas such as the NYC Food Protection Course, ServSafe certification, Food Safety Plan development, Food Safety Inspection preparation, and HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) implementation. Our mission is to equip food service businesses with the knowledge and tools necessary to maintain the highest standards of food safety and hygiene.
NYC Food Protection Course
One of the cornerstone services offered by Roar FS Consulting is the NYC Food Protection Course. This mandatory training is essential for all food handlers in New York City. Our comprehensive course is designed to cover all aspects of food safety, from basic hygiene practices to advanced procedures for preventing foodborne illnesses. We provide detailed instruction on critical topics such as temperature control, cross-contamination prevention, and proper food storage techniques. By completing the NYC Food Protection Course with Roar FS Consulting, food handlers can ensure they meet all regulatory requirements and contribute to a safer dining environment for all patrons.
ServSafe Certification
In addition to the NYC Food Protection Course, Roar FS Consulting offers ServSafe certification programs. ServSafe is a nationally recognized food safety training and certification program that is highly respected in the food service industry. Our ServSafe courses are designed to provide in-depth knowledge on food safety principles, including personal hygiene, foodborne pathogens, and safe food preparation techniques. Achieving ServSafe certification through Roar FS Consulting not only enhances the credentials of food service professionals but also demonstrates a commitment to maintaining the highest standards of food safety within your establishment.
Developing a Food Safety Plan
Creating a comprehensive Food Safety Plan is crucial for any food service business. At Roar FS Consulting, we assist businesses in developing customized Food Safety Plans that address specific operational needs and comply with regulatory standards. Our experts work closely with clients to identify potential hazards, establish critical control points, and implement effective monitoring procedures. A well-constructed Food Safety Plan not only helps in preventing foodborne illnesses but also prepares businesses for successful Food Safety Inspections. With our guidance, you can ensure that your Food Safety Plan is robust, actionable, and in full compliance with all relevant regulations.
Preparing for Food Safety Inspections
Food Safety Inspections are a critical aspect of maintaining compliance with health and safety regulations. Roar FS Consulting provides comprehensive support to help businesses prepare for these inspections. Our team conducts thorough pre-inspection assessments, identifying potential issues and providing actionable recommendations for improvement. We focus on key areas such as sanitation practices, food handling procedures, and record-keeping requirements. By partnering with Roar FS Consulting, you can approach Food Safety Inspections with confidence, knowing that your establishment is fully prepared to meet and exceed regulatory standards.
Implementing HACCP
HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) is a systematic approach to identifying and controlling food safety hazards. Roar FS Consulting offers specialized services in HACCP implementation, helping businesses establish and maintain effective HACCP systems. Our experts guide clients through each step of the HACCP process, from conducting hazard analyses to determining critical control points and establishing corrective actions. Implementing HACCP with Roar FS Consulting not only enhances food safety but also ensures compliance with industry standards and regulations. Our tailored HACCP solutions are designed to meet the unique needs of each client, providing a framework for ongoing food safety management.
Benefits of Partnering with Roar FS Consulting
Partnering with Roar FS Consulting provides numerous benefits for food service businesses. Our comprehensive training and consulting services are designed to enhance food safety practices, ensure regulatory compliance, and improve overall operational efficiency. By completing the NYC Food Protection Course and obtaining ServSafe certification through our programs, food handlers and managers gain valuable knowledge and skills that are essential for maintaining high standards of food safety. Our expert guidance in developing Food Safety Plans and preparing for Food Safety Inspections helps businesses avoid costly violations and improve their reputation for safety and hygiene.
Customized Solutions for Every Business
At Roar FS Consulting, we understand that every food service business is unique. That’s why we offer customized solutions tailored to meet the specific needs and challenges of each client. Whether you operate a small café, a large restaurant, or a food manufacturing facility, our services are designed to address your unique requirements. We take a personalized approach to consulting, working closely with clients to develop and implement effective food safety strategies. Our goal is to help you achieve and maintain the highest standards of food safety, ensuring the well-being of your customers and the success of your business.
Ongoing Support and Training
Food safety is an ongoing commitment, and Roar FS Consulting is here to provide continuous support and training. We offer regular refresher courses for the NYC Food Protection Course and ServSafe certification to ensure that your staff stays up-to-date with the latest food safety practices and regulations. Additionally, our consulting services include periodic reviews of your Food Safety Plan and HACCP systems to ensure they remain effective and compliant. With Roar FS Consulting, you can be confident that your food safety practices are always current and aligned with industry standards.
Industry Expertise and Experience
Roar FS Consulting brings a wealth of industry expertise and experience to every client engagement. Our team of food safety professionals has extensive knowledge of local, state, and federal regulations, as well as best practices in food safety management. We stay abreast of the latest developments in food safety science and technology, ensuring that our clients receive the most accurate and relevant advice. By leveraging our expertise, you can navigate the complexities of food safety compliance with ease and confidence.
Commitment to Excellence
Excellence is at the core of everything we do at Roar FS Consulting. From the quality of our training programs to the thoroughness of our consulting services, we are committed to providing the highest level of service to our clients. Our dedication to excellence ensures that your food service business is equipped with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to maintain exceptional food safety standards. By choosing Roar FS Consulting, you are choosing a partner who is invested in your success and committed to helping you achieve your food safety goals.
Roar FS Consulting is your trusted partner in food safety and compliance. Our comprehensive services, including the NYC Food Protection Course, ServSafe certification, Food Safety Plan development, Food Safety Inspection preparation, and HACCP implementation, are designed to meet the needs of food service businesses in New York City and beyond. With our expert guidance and support, you can ensure that your establishment maintains the highest standards of food safety, protecting your customers and enhancing your reputation. Contact Roar FS Consulting today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your food safety objectives and ensure the success of your business.
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