#Sge Sophie
The way that the sge movie seems to paint Sophie as a victim pisses me off to the nth degree
She is supposed to be evil and vain and looking down on everyone from the beginning. She looks down on Belle for feeding the homeless woman in the square because the woman was fat, she refuses to eat the food Honora makes for her despite her making Sophie’s favourite because she hates the woman. She makes friends with Agatha initially only as a good deed, treating Agatha as a means to her own ends and not as her own person. She feels no guilt over upsetting Radley who just wants to be her friend simply annoyance that she may not be taken to the school for good because of it. She does deeds she thinks are good such as placing a mirror in the church bathroom so people can go back to the pews looking good and she donates soap to an orphanage. Everything she does is based on the delusion that she is too beautiful and by extension good for her village. Her actions are clearly driven by her vanity and arrogance.
The movie makes Honora seem like an evil stepmother thus making Sophie’s dislike of her appear rational. The movie also changes how the girls first become friends so that it seems to be a genuine friendship on both parts. Because the girls only find out about the school that day, any “good” deeds Sophie does before this day become genuine to an audience. Visually as well, Sophie’s appearance is downplayed immensely: her dress appears to be hand made but not to the quality the original Sophie would want, the duller pinks of the dress make it seem dirty which makes Sophie appear less vain. Especially as her hair doesn’t appear to have had anything done to it nor does she appear to be wearing any makeup. This setup creates a character that is sympathetic to an audience with no vanity, no duplicity and no reason for staying in what is portrayed as a very unpleasant town.
Because of this setup, Sophie being sent to the school for evil makes no sense to an audience and even seems to merely be an admin error the staff are too scared to fix. This creates sympathy for her in an audience as this situation appears to not be her fault at all and looks horrible for her. Additionally Agatha blames Sophie’s action on Rafal and his “blood magic” (which was incredibly unnecessary) thus absolving her of any blame or responsibility for her actions.
All of this combined makes for a completely different character that appears to be a victim of circumstance instead of the original intention of her being this 100% evil girl who has been able to hide behind her beauty and the misconception that beauty makes people good
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azural83 · 2 years
They completely missed the point of sophie's character
Sophie was an arrogant,selfish and a narcissistic person behind her sweet facade who didn't believe herself to be evil,who did terrible things including murder as her anger grew. movie sophie on the other hand? She's the "posessed victim" that the mainstream seems to be obsessed with these days
Making her an outcast with agatha was an odd choice,sophie didn't want to get away from a town who hated her,she was tired of her normal life and wanted to go the school of good because she thought that's what she deserves
She did good things (including being friends with agatha) just to change her school not because that she was a nice person,she discovered her evilness and powers on her own not because of rafal (who literally was supposed to remain in the bts and not let Sophie fail instead of brainwashing her) we as audience do know that she really is evil deep down and why rafal saw her potential despite her denial. The movie makes you wonder that what did rafal even see in her? She's a very sympathetic person in the film who goes through hell
She is a great friend towards aggy and only turned against her because of rafal's influence,the scene where she accuses agatha for stealing everything from her feels cheap because there is no build up;she was simply upset and seemed to forgive agatha while reading her letter,while in the book we saw how her jealousy grew over the time to the point she attacked everyone several times and killed all of the wolves and fairies but she barley hurts anyone in the movie,heck one of the first signs of her evilness is when she drowns the beast after he cuts her hair,but in the movie it was lady lesso for some reason and it only makes us feel sorry for sophie. Completely erasing it's meaning. A weak attempt to make her seem like a "bad bitch" in the aftermath when we were supposed to see her true colors
Sophie was such a complicated and complex character but they managed to remove her agency in her own story
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petrichora-art · 6 months
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evelyn sader, dean for the school for girls
i really wanted to draw the beautiful evil lady who's absolutely mental. terrified the movie sequel (unavoidable) will butcher her.
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Thinking about how the extent of Tedros and Agatha’s relationship problems is them rehashing the same insecurities for 6 books and could have easily been resolved if Sophie had LET THEM BREATHE FOR TWO CONSECUTIVE MINUTES
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oliviascabot · 1 year
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amistillreallyalive · 2 years
Sophie: In my defense, I was left unsupervised.
Dovey: Wasn't Lesso with you?
Lesso: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
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sophiaannecarusos · 2 years
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I hate when they change like vital plot points of a book to fit in a movie. I mean, first of all the iconic F outfits. The Circus of Talents. We lost Princess Uma, a bad bitch if there ever was one. Anyway thoughts below but I can’t add a read more on mobile so sorry. Spoilers obviously.
Thoughts on the School for Good and Evil movie
- The design and aesthetic of all of it was beautiful. I mean like everything was elegant and stunning and just visually incredibly pleasing.
- Sofia Ann Caruso is a great Sophie, she’s cringey and mean and overdramatic. She is the love child of Megamind and Regina George.
- Also Theron and Washington made great professors.
- The Tedros had a cool sword, iconic dumbassery, was pretty and also had cool fits which is how I like my men personally.
- Sophie and Agatha’s friendship at the start was super natural and well written.
- Soman cameo.
- I loved the little addition of Professor Anemone previously being a history teacher. It was just such a nice little touch to the world building and her character.
- The inherent creepiness of the casting for Rafal. I mean I always imagined him looking like a teenager but him looking like he’s in his twenties and trying to claim Sophie as his child bride really adds that extra layer of ickiness.
- Literally everything with Gregor Charming. An icon, a legend, he is the moment.
- Sofie Wylie is a good Agatha but they wrote her so blandly. Also like where was the initial awkwardness? We deserved bitchy goth loner Agatha. And like it would’ve been cool if Agatha was more conventionally unattractive. Like no hate to Sofie Wylie she’s absolutely gorgeous but it would’ve been nice if she did have that whole thing of yeah people don’t think she’s pretty but then her personality begins to outweigh that.
- Where the actual everloving fuck where Anadil’s rats? I was promised little rats. I was robbed.
- Why were all the Ever girls such bitches? I mean like passive aggressive? Yeah sure. But they were outright bullies.
- The plot change of Rafal purposefully letting Good grow complacent and vain. I think it’s more interesting when you have Good who genuinely have grown complacent without the manipulation of true evil or whatever. It adds more weight to it.
- The Circus of Talents was iconic and we deserved to have the wolves and fairies reveal.
- The blood magic? I mean like what? You have regular magic, no deus ex machina necessary.
- More development between our girls and Teddy. Like I love him being a pathetic little scrunkly but it felt like everything happened in two days. This may have been better adapted as a show considering it’s meant to be covering a whole year of school.
- We deserved hot pink finger glows.
- Lack of iconic book characters: Princess Uma, Castor and Pollux, the Golden Goose, the little pets they had, Anadil’s rats (yes I’m bitter), the librarian dude whose name I’m forgetting, he has Giles vibes, the seer, you know the dude.
- I wanted to see Hort’s frog pajamas.
- The actual explanation for the nemesis stuff like in the books.
- Where was the witches/Agatha friendship? Sophie betraying Aggie to avoid going home? Dovey caring about Good?
- More mean Sophie. Give the people what they want
- It felt so queer-baity. I know the book three twist but like it was just annoying.
Edit - Also the iconic line ‘I’m worse than my father. Because I still love you.’
All in all it was a fun movie but having loved the books as a kid I felt like they didn’t really get done justice. Two and a half hours wasn’t enough to cover the whole story adequately in my opinion.
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caswensworld · 5 months
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I told yall they had a history. Do you know what it’s giving?
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Said it before and I’ll say it again, if you are going to have a big role in producing a book to movie adaptation, you should be required to have read the books beforehand to ensure you don’t fuck up numerous plot points and/or get rid of important characters and their personalities
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azural83 · 2 years
The school for good and evil should've been a show made by people who actually care about the source material
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reddstuff · 1 year
Sophie:So what's for dinner?
Leonora, staring at the food she just burnt: Regret.
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petrichora-art · 2 years
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“Agatha, you dressed as a bride for Halloween." "Weddings are scary.” ― Soman Chainani
Sophie and Agatha, princess and witch, best friends.
etsy shop
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"The first trilogy set up that Sophie and Tedros need Agatha to balance themselves out, and Agatha and Sophie aren't content without Tedros, and Agatha and Tedros can't be happy without Sophie. Also, Teddy loved boy!Sophie in a way he never did girl!Sophie, and if the author wasn't a coward writing children's books, he'd have made them a polycule in the 3rd book instead of putting in a sibling relationship between the girls." - Anonymous
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theenchantress36 · 2 years
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This scene from The Last Ever After is one of my favourites from the book fr. Agatha realising her self worth and Tedros choosing her over Sophie just melts my heart
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amistillreallyalive · 2 years
Dovey: Call the kids, they're not listening to me
Lesso: I'm not their mom
Dovey: Just do it.
Lesso, to nevers: Okay nevers! Go back to your dorms
Nevers: [Immediately following like ducklings]
Lesso: no listen LISTEN I'm not their-
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