#Shā Wú Shēng
hikayagami · 7 years
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Some highlights from this week’s Pili Super Live Show (They stream their live shows on Youtube.).
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herebutnotpresent · 4 years
Sometimes I just want to draw Thunderbolt Fantasy characters, but then I look at their outfits and its just- 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘴
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fwoopersongs · 2 years
侠客行 - An Ode to Swordsmen
by 李白 (Li Bai, 701 - 762)
赵客缦胡缨 吴钩霜雪明 zhào kè màn hú yīng, wú gōu shuāng xuě míng Chivalrous guest of Zhao with his tasseled helm, sabre shining snow-bright,
银鞍照白马 飒沓如流星 yín ān zhào báimǎ, sà dá rú liúxīng silver saddle glowing against his horse's white, passing swift as shooting stars in flight.
十步杀一人 千里不留行 shí bù shā yīrén, qiānlǐ bù liú xíng Ten steps, he kills a man; a thousand li - nought will stay his pace.
事了拂衣去 深藏身与名 shì liao fú yī qù, shēn cángshēn yǔ míng Deed done, with a brush of his robes, he buries all and leaves no name, no trace.
闲过信陵饮 脱剑膝前横 xián guò xìnlíng yǐn, tuō jiàn xī qián héng In idleness, with Lord Xinling he drank, sword doffed, resting across his knees;
将炙啖朱亥 持觞劝侯嬴 jiāng zhì dàn zhū hài, chí shāng quàn hóu yíng he partook in a roast with Zhu Hai, and tipped a vessel in invitation to Hou Ying.
三杯吐然诺 五岳倒为轻。 sān bēi tǔ rán nuò, wǔyuè dào wèi qīng Three cups in, out tumbled a promise; beside it, the Five Mountains even seemed light.
眼花耳热后 意气素霓生。 yǎn huā ěr rè hòu, yìqì sù ní shēng Visions cleared and warmed ears cooled; from spirits ardent still, a white rainbow burst forth.
救赵挥金槌 邯郸先震惊。 Jiù zhào huī jīnchuí, hándān xiān zhènjīng Wielding an iron hammer in Zhao’s aid, how every heart in Handan first quaked;
千秋二壮士 烜赫大梁城。 qiānqiū èr zhuàngshì, xuǎn hè dàliáng chéng all ages henceforth, two brave men were remembered, their names aflame in Daliang City.
纵死侠骨香,不惭世上英。 zòng sǐ xiá gǔ xiāng, bù cán shìshàng yīng In spite of death, heroes’ bones smolder in perpetual fragrance, leaving this world with no regrets.
谁能书阁下,白首太玄经。 sheí néng shū géxià, bái shǒu tài xuán jīng. Who can remain ‘neath shelves of tomes ‘till they are old and grey with their ‘Canon of Supreme Mystery’?
And here I present poem 2 of the homework group!
So I said not all of the assignments will get a post, and that is still true. But like, LOOK AT THIS 侠客行!!!!! It’s passionate, it’s hilarious, it’s got a story! Who could possibly resist?
But it has also been a mad three days at work, stacked on a merlion-tastic bout of food poisoning. So, as I did not have time for unraveling-type digging and writing practice, this will be structured like a normal post.
BACKGROUND Li Bai the wine-mad Tang Dynasty poet needs no introduction right? This section will focus on the couple of years in his life before and during 744, which was the year 侠客行 was written.
A fascinating titbit that will become more interesting later: Li Bai was a skilled swordsman, and had been passionate in his learning and practice since a young age. The sword was a source of inspiration for many of his poems, in fact. Here is an interesting article about that! I would highly recommend it if you’re open to seeing more samples of lines from his heroes, sword and sword fighting related works.
In 742, Emperor Xuanzhong on recommendation, summoned Li Bai to court and was impressed enough with his talent to offer him a position in Hanlin Academy, ‘which served to provide scholarly expertise and poetry for the Emperor’. Thus began the period of his life where he served as the Emperor’s personal on-call poetry, song and entertainment provider. During this time, he was showered with the Emperor’s favour and his fame grew to new heights.
It was probably tiresome though, knowing his ambitions. There were also likely jealous people about. And he certainly had been drinking a lot! Whatever led to the result, in the year 743, at the age of 43, he was bestowed a great deal of gold by the Emperor and ‘set free’.
It is 744, and he is traveling a lot. During this time, he met Du Fu (yes. that Du Fu. eleven years his junior, and who would later go on to write eleven poems for him that survive today) and they became friends over drinks, making a deal to meet again in Liangsong (Kaifeng / Shangqiu area of today). In the Autumn of this year, they met again as agreed and made another new friend, Gao Shi, whom they bonded with over writing, politics and their shared worry about the country. After parting, Li Bai went on to Qi Prefecture where he became a daoist priest at Ziji Temple.
It was around this period in Li Bai’s life that 《侠客行》 was written. [1]
[1] Sourced from Li Bai’s page and the poem’s introduction on Baidu. 2022, September 10
FORMAT In the previous post I mentioned the new style poetry (近体诗) and old style poetry (古体诗) forms of Tang Dynasty poetry. This one is a five character old style poem. 
The key characteristic of old style poetry is that it is unregulated. There is a lot of freedom here in terms of tones, where characters can sit and also their rhyming (...at least, that’s my very valid excuse for rhyming the first 4 lines, like the poem did, and abandoning the rest to whim and fancy xD)
STORY There are twenty four lines of five characters each. For my rambles, the first twelve lines shall be grouped into one part, the next eight into the second part, and the last four into the third part.
Part One This first part introduces the character of a particular curved-sword wielding hero. His perspective is almost like an outsider looking in, giving us a front row seat to real people and events as they are told in written history. Specifically, this is about a story in the Spring and Autumn period about Lord Xinling, Wei Wuji gaining the loyalty of Hou Ying and his friend Zhu Hai, and how they saved the State of Zhao when it was under siege. This all happened in about 257 BCE. 
In Autumn a thousand and one years later, this famous poet named Li Bai wrote them all into a poem. He had created this for an audience that already knew their story, but alas illiterate yjtc was not within the range of audience he thought of while writing this. Thankfully, baidu exists!
The first first four lines describe the appearance of his fictional swordsman and original character in loving detail, giving him the most dramatic and cool entrance through imagery.
赵客缦胡缨 | Chivalrous guest of Zhao with his tasseled helm, 吴钩霜雪明 | sabre shining snow-bright, 银鞍照白马 | silver saddle glowing against his horse's white, 飒沓如流星 | passing swift as shooting stars in flight.
King Wen of Zhao was famed for his love of sword fights. It was written in one of Zhuangzi’s miscellaneous chapters On the Sword / 说剑 that guests of Zhao who were a deft hand with the sword numbered three thousand. It makes sense to create a swordsman character from such a legend because it’s just immediately very striking!
缦胡 (màn hú) are plain, unadorned ribbons that secured a hat to one’s head, and 缨 (yīng) is a tassel - not at all sure if I got this right, but let’s just go along with this reading! And here’s a mark of a dedicated OC creator: historically accurate terms! An 吴钩 (wú gōu), a type of sword with a curved blade was a popular weapon during the Spring and Autumn period.
I wouldn’t have been surprised at all if told this man was also dressed in white - what with all the snow, frost, white horse and silver going on. The last line about 飒沓如流星 | passing swift as shooting stars in flight, gives him such a instantly dashing vibe!
(Guess who has the word white in their name. Guess! He has it twice over… both in his given and courtesy name.)
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十步杀一人 | Ten steps, he kills a man 千里不留行 | a thousand li - nought will stay his pace. 事了拂衣去 | Deed done, with a brush of his robes. 深藏身与名 | he buries all and leaves no name, no trace.
The first two lines are about his skill, single minded focus and determination. They are also a reference to a quote from the same chapter of Zhuangzi. There’s a very domineering and ‘inevitable death coming for you’ vibe from it! (Competence kink activate!!!) But then just as clearly in a quick turn of the brush, it is clarified that this person does not desire to make a name for himself, nor does he want riches and fame - he doesn’t leave any calling card behind!
I think 事了拂衣去 深藏身与名 is perhaps the most quoted and well known line of this poem.
It feels like a very crisp and decisive motion. A person who just wants to do what he feels is the right thing.
闲过信陵饮 | In idleness, with Lord Xinling he drank, 脱剑膝前横 | sword doffed, resting across his knees; 将炙啖朱亥 | he partook in a roast with Zhu Hai, 持觞劝侯嬴 | and tipped a vessel in invitation to Hou Ying.
This is the part that leads the reader into the lives of these historical figures. Remember - they were historical figures as well to Li Bai and his contemporaries.
Lord Xinling, as mentioned before, is Wei Wuji. He was one of the Four Lords of the Warring States, and a very prominent aristocrat and general of the State of Wei.
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Hou Ying was a mysterious old man of seventy, working as a guard at the city gates of Daliang, capital of the State of Wei. Wei Wuji had seeked him out, hearing that he was a worthy man with talent, and eventually secured his loyalty as retainer after Hou Ying observed that he was a worthy lord in turn. Part of Wei Wuji’s strategy had been to throw a banquet, but had the tables turned on him, so to speak, and then his reputation benefitted in the same stroke!
As for Zhu Hai, he was a friend of Hou Ying’s who worked as a butcher in the market because ‘none had recognized his high abilities’. Despite Wei Wuji’s multiple visits and attempts to convince him to be his guest retainer, the man was rebuffed. Zhu Hai never acquiesced until Hou Ying was in his hour of need.
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You can read more about Lord Xinling’s meeting and interaction with Hou Ying and Zhu Hai in the source above. Just Ctl + F their names.
And so, now knowing a little more about these three people than their titles or how their names look like - Lord Xinling with his retainers, Zhu Hai the butcher and Hou Ying the old city gate guard, their introduction starts to look quite clever.
A capable swordsman who had been a guest of the king of Zhao, would of course be treated with courtesy by Lord Xinling. Even if he did not stay as a retainer, Wei Wuji sounds just like the sort of person who would not have refused a drink on a lazy day with his new acquaintance, even if this person was keeping many secrets. What better way to befriend a butcher, jaded to the world of aristocrats and lords, than through his stomach? And what better attempt to soften sensitive, sharp and observant Hou Ying, than through a jaunty yet courteous offer to toast?
(Tell me this isn’t a self insert from someone who knows the canon.)
Part 2 This part still continues on from the story of the fiction swordsman meeting these figures from the history books. But it is already moving in on the climax.
三杯吐然诺 | Three cups in, out tumbled a promise; 五岳倒为轻 | beside it, the Five Mountains even seemed light. 眼花耳热后 | Visions cleared and warmed ears cooled, 意气素霓生 | from spirits ardent still, a white rainbow burst forth.
This is actually my favourite part of this poem. I laughed reading it at first because of how flippant 三杯吐然诺 was. A drunk man’s promise - taken seriously? And what is especially clever in the wording of the next line, the use of the word 倒 as in 倒是 which gives a certain flavour of an afterthought to ‘contrary to what you might be thinking’. The 五岳 are referring to the Five Great Mountains - five of the most renowned mountains in Chinese history. So, to say that they are light, less important in comparison to a promise made under the influence… well.
Prove it.
And prove it he did. When the effects of the alcohol faded, the blurred vision, the reddened, warm ears, their spirit and sincerity remains - so strong and so true that a white rainbow appears, an omen of unusual events to come.
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救赵挥金槌 | Wielding an iron hammer in Zhao’s aid, 邯郸先震惊 | how every heart in Handan first quaked; 千秋二壮士 | all ages henceforth, two brave men were remembered, 烜赫大梁城 | their names aflame in Daliang City.
The story of how Lord Xinling, Wei Wuji ‘Stole the Commander's Tally to Rescue the State of Zhao’ is a famous one, so too was his feat of leading an army of eighty thousand to successfully defend Handan, Capital of the State of Zhao from the siege they were under. But he could not have done it at all without the aid of Hou Ying who advised him on strategy, nor Zhu Hai who, with his extraordinary strength and a hammer, took down the general that Lord Xinling could not.
Considering how this story took up a portion of Lord Xinling’s biography in Shiji 史记  / Records of the Grand Historian, Chapter 77, compiled nearly three hundred and fifty years later. I’d say it did go down in history. 
Part 3 This is the conclusion of the poem. After going through the whole story, we return to the title - an ode to swordsmen. There is more than a little bit of exaggeration and idealization of historical events here, but this is a piece of work written to celebrate heroes, to express admiration towards them. Maybe it was all the more dramatic because the writer had dreams that hadn’t been realised yet.
Remember how Li Bai has just ‘escaped’ the capital, finished his travels with friends and turned to daoism. You have to live vicariously through your writing when real life doesn’t deliver, no?
纵死侠骨香 | In spite of death, heroes’ bones smolder in perpetual fragrance, 不惭世上英 | leaving this world with no regrets. 谁能书阁下 | Who can remain ‘neath shelves of tomes 白首太玄经 | ‘till they are old and grey with their ‘Canon of Supreme Mystery’?
太玄经, known also as the Canon of Supreme Mystery was a guide for divination composed by the Confucian writer Yang Xiong (53 BCE–18 CE) of the Western han dynasty in his later years. In his youth, his talent in fu composition earned him a summons to the imperial capital at Chang'an to serve as an Expectant Official, responsible for composing poems and fu for the emperor. It was required of the official in this post to praise the virtue and glory of Emperor Cheng of Han and the grandeur of imperial outings. Outings which he deeply disapproved of for their extravagance.
There’s more than a little salt in there!
But he is also saying as loudly and with as much scorn as he can inject into written word, ‘I don’t want this fate for myself’.
赵客缦胡缨 | Chivalrous guest of Zhao with his tasseled helm Helm is most definitely not the accurate word to be using in this sentence. But what sort of headwear would a well travelled commoner wear? The only reference I can think of offhand from this period would be...
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Which is... hm. Not a good reference. It’s an entirely different state, for one. (Qin instead of Zhao.) Anyway in conclusion... this will do.
银鞍照白马 | silver saddle glowing against his horse's white The 照 in the line 银鞍照白马 brought my mind’s eye to reflection, but the saddle is ON the horse? How does it reflect the horse? So then what came to mind was that saddle gleaming in the sun, against a white pelt also gleaming in the sun.
飒沓如流星 | passing swift as shooting stars in flight. ‘Swift’ and ‘flight’ are both aspects/different meanings of 飒沓 in different contexts, but I liked the idea of the horse being swift, but also galloping as if it were in the wind.
Rhyming: 霜雪明 / shuāng xuě míng / shining snow-bright - Line 1 如流星 / rú liú xīng / shooting stars in flight. - Line 2 and 不留行 / bù liú xíng / nought will stay his pace - Line 3 身与名 / shēn yǔ míng / no name, no trace - Line 4.
脱剑膝前横 | sword doffed, resting across his knees I do know that doffed refers to taking off clothes, but there was no other more elegant way to say ‘took his sword off his belt’. There has to be some give and take sometimes. I hope this doesn’t sound too odd though…
纵死侠骨香 | In spite of death, heroes’ bones smolder in perpetual fragrance ‘Smolder in perpetual fragrance’ brought to you by my dilemma between reading 香 either as fragrance or as incense. Both would work with ‘in spite of death’ 纵死, with fragrance vs the pungence of decay, and prayers & remembrance by future generations represented by incense. Why not keep both, then explain in the notes, right? But then the incense reading was just a lark. Leave a good name for the future generations / 流芳后世 (liú fāng hòu shì), where 芳 can also be read as fragrance, as a phrase has existed since at least the Northern and Southern Dynasties. See A New Account of the Tales of the World, by Liu Yiqing, 403–444. I still like incorporating both though! So that’s how I kept it.
谁能书阁下 | Who can remain ‘neath shelves of tomes The word 书阁 does actually mean library, or someplace where books are kept. But I enjoyed the mental image of some guy beginning his career with a head of black hair, scribbling under a sparsely populated shelf of books. Time Lapse speedup. The book piles on the shelves behind him rise and fall, rise and fall, all while grey hair starts to appear. And finally, the camera stops on him, pans up to full shelves then zooms in on his full head of white hair and the work in progress book on the table.
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insidethemirror · 2 years
天涯客 (Faraway Wanderers) Lyrics
Artist:  张哲瀚, 龚俊 (Simon Gong)
Drama: Word of Honor 山河令 (2021)
Chinese | Pinyin | English
天苍苍事了功成渡寒江 tiān cāng cāng shì liǎo gōng chéng dù hán jiāng The sky was gray as I crossed the cold river. 夜茫茫杯中月影笑荒唐 yè máng máng bēi zhōng yuè yǐng xiào huāng táng In the night the moon inside my cup reflects the sadness in my smile. 谁许我策马江湖闯四方 shéi xǔ wǒ cè mǎ jiāng hú chuǎng sì fāng Who allowed me to roam around the world on horseback? 谁醉遍天涯 梦醒不见故乡 shéi zuì biàn tiān yá   mèng xǐng bù jiàn gù xiāng Who got drunk in the pursuit but can’t find their way home when they wake up?
西陵下凄秋凉雨吻我窗 xī líng xià qī qiū liáng yǔ wěn wǒ chuāng Under the Xiling Gorge the cold autumn rain feels like a kiss on my window 任人憎任人谤 未妨惆怅是清狂 rèn rén zēng rèn rén bàng   wèi fáng chóu chàng shì qīng kuáng I don’t mind the hate and slander, but my melancholy persists. 春风吹得绿江南水岸 吹不暖人心霜 chūn fēng chuī dé lǜ jiāng nán shuǐ àn   chuī bù nuǎn rén xīn shuāng The spring breeze brings greenery along the Yangtze River but can’t warm my heart. 猝不及防 那是不是我们的光 cù bù jí fáng   nà shì bù shì wǒ mén dí guāng Is that our light that came out of nowhere?
相见恨晚幸未晚 不再辜负四季花 xiāng jiàn hèn wǎn xìng wèi wǎn   bù zài gū fù sì jì huā I regret not meeting you earlier, fortunately it’s not too late, so let’s not make the seasons pass in vain. 将古道西风瘦马 换小桥流水人家 jiāng gǔ dào xī fēng shòu mǎ   huàn xiǎo qiáo liú shuǐ rén jiā Give up the adventures on horseback for a peaceful quiet life. 万里河山万家灯 往事如烟浪淘沙 wàn lǐ hé shān wàn jiā dēng   wǎng shì rú yān làng táo shā The world is ablaze by ten thousand lights, let the past disappear like smoke and waves in the sand. 将平生霜雪 与君煮酒烹茶 jiāng píng shēng shuāng xuě   yǔ jūn zhǔ jiǔ pēng chá I will spend the rest of my life boiling wine and brewing tea with you.
芳草长烟波流云映斜阳 fāng cǎo cháng yān bō liú yún yìng xié yáng Engrossed in the mist of fragrant grass, the floating clouds reflects the setting sun. 问何处仙乡 蝴蝶为骨玉为梁 wèn hé chǔ xiān xiāng   hú dié wéi gǔ yù wéi liáng Where is my home where that free and noble spirit resides? 你一肩担不尽万古愁 不如分我几两 nǐ yī jiān dān bù jìn wàn gǔ chóu   bù rú fēn wǒ jī liǎng The endless worries you’re burdened with, why don’t you share them with me. 陪君醉 三万场 从此不言离殇 péi jūn zuì   sān wàn cháng   cóng cǐ bù yán lí shāng Let’s go get drunk as we play thousands of games, and never say goodbye!
相见恨晚幸未晚 再不辜负四季花 xiāng jiàn hèn wǎn xìng wèi wǎn   zài bù gū fù sì jì huā I regret not meeting you earlier, fortunately it’s not too late, or else the seasons might have passed in vain. 将古道西风瘦马 换小桥流水人家 jiāng gǔ dào xī fēng shòu mǎ   huàn xiǎo qiáo liú shuǐ rén jiā Give up the adventures on horseback for a peaceful quiet life. 万里河山万家灯 往事如烟浪淘沙 wàn lǐ hé shān wàn jiā dēng   wǎng shì rú yān làng táo shā The world is ablaze by ten thousand lights, let the past disappear like smoke and waves in the sand. 将平生霜雪 与君煮酒烹茶 jiāng píng shēng shuāng xuě   yǔ jūn zhǔ jiǔ pēng chá I will spend the rest of my life boiling wine and brewing tea with you.
无边落木萧萧下 不尽长江滚滚来 wú biān luò mù xiāo xiāo xià   bù jìn cháng jiāng gǔn gǔn lái The boundless forest endlessly sheds its leaves, and the Yangtze River surges ceaselessly. 风刀霜剑皆不惧只要 fēng dāo shuāng jiàn jiē bù jù zhī yào Fear not the wind-like knives and frost-like swords as long as, 你我还在 nǐ wǒ hái zài You and I are still here. 得既高歌失既休 无拘无束亦无碍 dé jì gāo gē shī jì xiū   wú jū wú shù yì wú ài Let’s sing and let go of our failures, living free and unfettered. 但得一知己 慰尽风尘无奈 dàn dé yī zhī jǐ   wèi jìn fēng chén wú nài Nothing but a bosom friend can comfort me through the harships and helplessness. 任山高水远 你在我也在 rèn shān gāo shuǐ yuǎn   nǐ zài wǒ yě zài No matter how high the mountains or how far the ocean is, if you are here, then so will I.
If there are errors please do not hesitate to point it out. It’s greatly appreciated.
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shikiswife · 3 years
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“Greetings. It’s been a while,  Shā Wú Shēng.”
~Thunderbolt fantasy s3e1 - Lǐn Xuě Yā
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scribbly-z-raid · 6 years
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I recently binged the entirety of Thunderbolt Fantasy season 1 and I really enjoyed it! I doodled my favorite character Shā Wú Shēng.
The action scenes are so cool and the character designs are so extra. I love it.
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epiphenomenal · 6 years
Shāng Bù Huàn (殤不患) - Guǐ Niǎo (鬼鳥) - Dān Fěi (丹翡) - Dān Héng (丹衡) - Shòu Yún Xiāo (狩雲霄) art name Ruì Yǎn Chuān Yáng (鋭眼穿楊 ) - Juǎn Cán Yún (捲殘雲) art name Hán Hè (寒赫) - Xíng Hài (刑亥) art name Qì Xiāo (泣宵) - Shā Wú Shēng (殺無生 ) art name Míng Fèng Jué Shā (鳴鳳決殺) - Lián Qí (廉耆 ) - Miè Tiān Hái (蔑天骸) Sēn Luó Kū Gǔ (森羅枯骨) - Cán Xiōng (殘凶) - Liè Mèi (獵魅) - Diāo Mìng (凋命)
omg thank you for this!!! it is a lifesaver
also laughing forever at how gui niao = ghost bird
and sha wu sheng’s 2edgy4u name which i’m literally reading as “kill (till) none live”
how did the taiwanese audience watch this with a straight face
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dragonairstim · 6 years
Could I request two separate stim boards one of Lǐn Xuě Yā (enigmatic gale) and the other of Shā Wú Shēng( screaming phoenix killer) from Thunderbolt Fantasy?
second one will be posting day after tmrw
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baishujinkou · 6 years
Just watched Thunderbolt Fantasy: The Sword of Life and Death.
The first half of the story is a flashback about Shā Wú Shēng and Lǐn Xuě Yā and the origin of their grudge. Even though it's short, it has a really powerful climactic moment that I think was stronger than what happened in the main series itself. And the fight scenes were amazing.
The second half is a humorous retelling of the major events of the series, followed by an introduction of the new characters they'll bring to season 2.
Overall the movie was great and I'm even more hyped for season 2. I really can't believe I didn't hear of it until now.
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mosuminmin · 3 years
众 「只是四个四十五级的小朋友而已、灭了就是」 众 「你见过这种小朋友升到45级么?」 众 「不要被随机到的外表蒙骗了」 总 「嗯,快解决了吧、领土战马上就要开始了」 新 「叔叔、放我们走吧」 总 「谁是叔叔!!」 众 「不能放走、四个四十五级、」 众 「明显是接到门槛任务了」 众 「我们之中有他们的目标」 黑 「喵————(你们只管逃跑)」 众 「虽然级数不高、也必须干掉」 根 「唔?」 根 「明白」 新 「为什么我能听懂?」 众 「怎么办,谁上」 总 「阿穏 你去吧」 阿 「嗯」 众 「拦住!!」 众 「快追!!」 众 「抓住他!!」 根 「你们只管往前跑!」 新 「保护我! 我需要一个不被打断的五秒!」 新 「还有一次传送!」 新 「開始!」 白 「小黑!快回来!」 新 「要来不及了。。。」 众 「打断!」 众 「追!」 新 「只离开了两公里」 新 「这边!」 白 「不能下线么!」 新 「不行、交过手、需要两分钟脱战才能下线」 众 「看到了! 在这里!!」 新 「尽量躲避! 不要交手!」 众 「坐标」 新 「是“追踪”!这样无法脱战」 新 「技能持续时间至少有十分钟」 新 「下线不现实了!我们要打反击!」 根 「怎么打?」 新 「这边,地形复杂」 众 「刚才那小子为什么不直接干掉我们?」 众 「可恶,被小瞧了!」 新 「小黑,看到了吗」 新 「四个人中有一个是我们的目标,交给你了」 黑 「好」 众 「轰他们!!不能让他们脱战!!!」 总 「退下!!六十级以下的退下!」 总 「他在追杀!」 众 「什么情况!!!」 众 「治疗!!拖住!!」 总 「治疗个鬼啊!全都一击致命!」 新 「任务完成了!!!!!」 新 「又升级了」 白 「这样游走升级下去、应该是没问题了」 根 「什么!?」 白 「哥哥!」 新 「145级?」 新 「为什么会有这么高��的玩家!!」 白 「小黑?」 根 「但愿不要再有其他人了。。。」 黑 「什么?」 黑 「为什么干不掉!」 三 「好吓人啊。。。」 新 「一百多!?」 新 「这几个都是一百多级!?」 白 「哥哥!!」 白 「山新!」 白 「小黑!」 白 「小黑」 白 「不要死啊」
众 「たった4人のレベル45の子供じゃない、殺っちゃえばいいのよ」 众 「お前はこんな子供がレベル45まで上がったのを見たことがあるか?」 众 「みために騙されるなよ」 总 「おう、さっさと済ませちまおう、領土戦がもうすぐ始まるしな」 新 「おじサマ、見逃して」 总 「誰がおじサマだ!!」 众 「逃がしちゃダメだ、レベル45が4人」 众 「明らかに上限開放クエストを受け取ってる」 众 「僕達の中に奴らのターゲットがいるんだ」 黑 (みんなは逃げることだけ考えて) 众 「レベルは高くないけど、ここで必ず殺らないと」 根 「ん?」 根 「わかった」 新 「なんで分かったんだろ?」 众 「どうする? 誰が行く」 总 「阿穏、お前が行け」 阿 「うん」 众 「逃がすなっ!!」 众 「早く追え!!」 众 「捕まえろ!!」 根 「みんなとにかく走って!」 新 「私を守って! 5秒でいいから時間が欲しい!」 新 「あと1回だけ転送できる!」 新 「始めるよ!」 白 「小黒! 早く戻って!」 新 「間に合わない.....」 众 「させるな!」 众 「追え!」 新 「たったの2kmか」 新 「こっち!」 白 「ログアウトはできないの!?」 新 「だめ、交戦中だから2分間戦線を離れないとログアウトできない」 众 「見つけた! ここにいるぞ!!」 新 「出来るだけ避けて! 手を出さないで!」 众 「座標」 新 「『追跡』だ! こうなったら戦闘を離脱できない」 新 「スキルの継続時間は少なくとも10分はある」 新 「ログアウトは現実的じゃない! 反撃しなきゃ!」 根 「どうやる?」 新 「こっち! 地形が複雑」 众 「あの子たちはどうして攻撃して来ないんだろう?」 众 「くそっ、ナメやがって!」 新 「小黒、見えた?」 新 「4人のうち1人が私たちのターゲットだよ。任せた」 黑 「わかった」 众 「奴らを討て! 戦闘から離脱させるな!!!」 总 「退け!!レベル60以下は下がれ!」 总 「ヤツに狙われる!」 众 「どういうこと!!!」 众 「ヒーラー!! 治療頼む!」 总 「治療が間に合わない! 一撃が全て致命的なんだ!」 新 「クエスト完了だ!!!!!」 新 「またレベルが上がった」 白 「こうやって動きながらレベルを上げれば問題ないよね」 根 「なに?!」 白 「お兄ちゃん!」 新 「レベル145?」 新 「なんでこんなに高レベルのプレイヤーがいるの!!」 白 「小黒」 根 「あんなのが他にいなきゃいいけど…」 黑 「なんで?」 黑 「なんで倒せないんだ!」 三 「怖かった…」 新 「100以上?!」 新 「コイツらみんなレベル100以上なの!?」 白 「お兄ちゃん!!」 白 「山新!」 白 「小黒!」 白 「小黒」 白 「生きのびて」
Zhǐshì sì gè sìshíwǔ jí de xiǎopéngyǒu éryǐ, mièle jiùshì nǐ jiànguò zhè zhǒng xiǎopéngyǒu shēng dào 45 jí me? Bùyào bèi suíjī dào de wàibiǎo mēngpiànle ń, kuài jiějuéle ba, lǐngtǔ zhàn mǎshàng jiù yào kāishǐle shūshu, fàng wǒmen zǒu ba shéi shì shūshu! ! Bùnéng fàng zǒu, sì gè sìshíwǔ jí, míngxiǎn shì jiē dào ménkǎn rènwùle wǒmen zhī zhōng yǒu tāmen de mùbiāo miāo————(nǐmen zhǐguǎn táopǎo) suīrán jí shǔ bù gāo, yě bìxū gàndiào wú? Míngbái wèishéme wǒ néng tīng dǒng? Zěnme bàn, shéi shàng ā wěn nǐ qù ba ń lánzhù! ! Kuài zhuī! ! Zhuā zhù tā! ! Nǐmen zhǐguǎn wǎng qián pǎo! Bǎohù wǒ! Wǒ xūyào yīgè bù bèi dǎ duàn de wǔ miǎo! Hái yǒu yīcì chuánsòng! Kāishǐ! Xiǎo hēi! Kuài huílái! Yào láibujíle. . . Dǎ duàn! Zhuī! Zhǐ líkāile liǎng gōnglǐ zhè biān! Bùnéng xià xiàn me! Bùxíng, jiāo guòshǒu, xūyào liǎng fēnzhōng tuō zhàn cáinéng xià xiàn kàn dàole! Zài zhèlǐ! ! Jǐnliàng duǒbì! Bùyào jiāoshǒu! Zuòbiāo shì “zhuīzōng”! Zhèyàng wúfǎ tuō zhàn jìnéng chíxù shíjiān zhìshǎo yǒu shí fēnzhōng xià xiàn bù xiànshíle! Wǒmen yào dǎ fǎnjí! Zěnme dǎ? Zhè biān, dìxíng fùzá gāngcái nà xiǎozi wèishéme bù zhíjiē gàndiào wǒmen? Kěwù, bèi xiǎoqiáole! Xiǎo hēi, kàn dàole ma sì gèrén zhōng yǒu yīgè shì wǒmen de mùbiāo, jiāo gěi nǐle hǎo hōng tāmen! ! Bùnéng ràng tāmen tuō zhàn! ! ! Tuì xià! ! Liùshí jí yǐxià de tuì xià! Tā zài zhuī shā! Shénme qíngkuàng! ! ! Zhìliáo! ! Tuō zhù! ! Zhìliáo gè guǐ a! Quándōu yī jī zhìmìng! Rènwù wánchéngle! ! ! ! ! Yòu shēngjíle zhèyàng yóu zǒu shēngjí xiàqù, yīnggāi shì méi wèntíle shénme! ? Gēgē! 145 Jí? Wèishéme huì yǒu zhème gāojí de wánjiā! ! Xiǎo hēi? Dàn yuàn bùyào zài yǒu qítā rénle. . . Shénme? Wèishéme gān bù diào! Hǎo xiàrén a. . . Yībǎi duō! ? Zhè jǐ gè dōu shì yībǎi duō jí! ? Gēgē! ! Shān xīn! Xiǎo hēi! Xiǎo hēi bùyào sǐ a
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chiyanjun · 7 years
Loyal Blood Runs Forever Red | 赤血长殷 chì xiě zhǎng yān
Nirvana in Fire | 琅琊榜 láng yá bǎng (originally posted on my RP blog)
Listen here: ver 王凯 Wang Kai | ver 慕寒 五色石南叶
青砖黛瓦 故景如旧 qīng zhuān dài wǎ ; gù jǐng rú jiù Azure bricked, umber black tiles ; The scenery seemed as of yore 草木无情 不解凡忧 cǎo mù wú qíng ; bù jiě fán yōu Grass and timber do not have emotions ; Not knowing any worries 当时烽火骤焚尽几多残留 dāng shí fēng huǒ zhòu fén jǐn jǐ duō cán liú The flames of war then incinerated all and left little behind 一袭白衣祭故人 陈情此时休 yī xí bái yī jì gù rén ; chén qíng cǐ shí xiū A robe of white in respect for the deceased ; Heartfelt affections laid to rest
霁月清风 琅琊榜首 jì yuè qīng fēng ; láng yá bǎng shǒu Fair and clear is he who ranks first on the Langya Hall of Fame 谁记昔年 策马风流 shuí jì xī nián ; cè mǎ fēng liú Is there any who remembers the past times of riding and frolicking upon the hills? 十载倏忽过 几回魂梦旧游 shí zài shū hū guò ; jǐ huí hún mèng jiù yóu Ten years flew by in a flash, many times did memories and dreams travels to the past 又多少冤魂织就 那缓带轻裘 yòu duō shǎo yuān hún zhī jiù nà huǎn dài qīng qiú And still how many wrongful deaths weave through his coat of fur?
尔虞我诈斗 无论缘由 ěr yú wǒ zhà dòu ; wú lùn yuán yóu A cycle of anticipation and deception battles on even without reason 本唤作成王败寇 běn huàn zuò chéng wáng bài kòu It has always been this way ; ‘to the victor go the spoils’ 这风雨一路 他只影独走 zhè fēngyǔ yī lù ; tā zhī yǐng dú zǒu This path of wind and rain ; Only his shadow follows him as he walks alone 抛却欢喜悲凉感受 pāo què huān xǐ bēi liáng gǎn shòu Throwing away all feelings whether joy or sorrow 尘埃落定后 提缰回首 chén'āi luò dìng hòu ; tí jiāng huí shǒu After the dust settled, he looked back 万千过往烙心头 wàn qiān guò wǎng lào xīn tóu Heart ached with the force of ten thousand as he remembered the past 暗香幽幽 江山皆没入一眸 àn xiāng yōu yōu ; jiāng shān jiē méi rù yī móu The fragrance, the landscape ; he took it all in
朱墙宫深 人心难嗅 zhū qiáng gōng shēn ; rén xīn nán xiù Deep in the palace’s vermillion walls, it is difficult to percieve the human heart 黑白纵横 杀伐无由 hēi bái zòng héng ; shā fá wú yóu Like a game of chess ; killings were done without care for consequence 权倾谈笑变 妙计敛藏于袖 quán qīng tán xiào biàn ; miào jì liǎn cáng yú xiù Power changing hands as casual as conversation, but wit and strategy is still hidden in sleeves 负手算尽天下事 当饮一樽酒 fù shǒu suàn jìn tiān xià shì ; dāng yǐn yī zūn jiǔ A wicked hand calculates all things under heaven as if he was just drinking wine
病骨一身 未雨绸缪 bìng gǔ yī shēn ; wèi yǔ chóu miào Body riddled with sickness to the bones ; he prepared for a rainy day 心中算谋 几人看透 xīn zhōng suàn móu ; jǐ rén kàn tòu The schemes buried deep in his heart ; few could see through 纵年寿难永 无愧一生所求 zòng nián shòu nán yǒng ; wú kuì yī shēng suǒ qiú Even though his life cannot continue ; no regrets for only wanting a single accomplishment 此去踏关山千重 将前尘挥袖 cǐ qù tà guān shān qiān zhòng ; jiāng qián chén huī xiù With a heavy heart, he departed ; willing his past to become dust
泣血书千轴 悲歌唱彻 qì xuè shū qiān zhóu ; bēi gē chàng chè Books written with blood numbered in the thousands ; songs sang thoroughly of grief 战骨碎尽志不休 zhàn gǔ suì jǐn zhì bù xiū War bones broken shall not rest 且待赤焰归 整军再从头 qiě dài chì yàn guī ; zhěng jūn zài cóngtóu Just wait for the Chiyan to return again ; Entire armies will start once more! 守我山河家国依旧 shǒu wǒ shān hé jiā guó yī jiù To protect our mountains, rivers, and home country like before
横长枪换却离愁 héng cháng qiāng huàn què lí chóu The long spear traded losses 倾余生风骨同守 qīng yú shēng fēng gǔ tóng shǒu Dedicating his whole life to uphold integrity 此血仍殷 cǐ xuè réng yān This blood is still thriving 此身豪情仍未收 cǐ shēn háoqíng réng wèi shōu Pride of ambition is still not reined in
情义千秋 qíng yì qiān qiū Friendship and brotherhood endures several Autumns 在梅岭雪间长留 zài méi lǐng xuě jiān zhǎng liú At the snow covered plum blossom ridge (Meiling) shall it stay
A/N: This song is beautiful and illustrates the character of Lin Shu | Mei Changsu very well. An interesting thing about certain lines is that, when you first hear it without looking at any lyrics, the meaning of them might be completely different but still plausible and will still make sense when related to the context of the show.
For example:
心中算谋 几人看透 xīn zhōng suàn móu ; jǐ rén kàn tòu
看透 has the same general pronunciation as 砍头 which translates to 'chop head’. Meaning, an execution. So, the line could have been heard as ‘The schemes buried deep in his heart ; how many were executed (because of them)?’ and it’d still make sense!! Especially considering how deaths are just a number (*side eyes* the Chiyan Army case... 70 thousand...)
Next example:
在梅岭雪间长留 zài méi lǐng xuě jiān zhǎng liú
I’ll just pick out the two words 长留. Considering that this song’s official (?) English title is Loyal Blood Runs Forever Red, instead of 留 ‘stay’, the last line could have been heard as 流 ‘running’ or ‘flow’ and it’d still make sense :D really interesting and it was also the first meaning I thought of without looking at the lyrics yet.
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shikiswife · 3 years
Real talk, they did pull on my heartstrings a lot when opening with Shā Wú Shēng. His part in S1 really hit me hard, and it came flooding back all the way from 2016. I love that. 
I love that this show is in me.
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cloudtales · 7 years
Thunderbolt Fantasy's 2nd Season Slated for 2018, Side Story Video Project to Also Launch
Thunderbolt Fantasy’s 2nd Season Slated for 2018, Side Story Video Project to Also Launch
New side story to focus on Shā Wú Shēng, Shāng Bù Huàn …read more
Source:: Thunderbolt Fantasy’s 2nd Season Slated for 2018, Side Story Video Project to Also Launch
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makoto-saku · 7 years
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Thunderbolt Fantasy x Touken Ranbu crossover pairings
Shā Wú Shēng (Setsumusho) and Nikkari Aoe
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bx0032 · 8 years
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【双语阅读】From skirts and high heels to jeans and trainers 原创 2017-02-07 hanrenhanyu 汉人汉语 From skirts and high heels to jeans and trainers: These are the 5 new rules of 2017 workplace fashion 2017年的职场时尚法则 牛仔裤、运动鞋、文身 2017nián de zhí chǎng shí shàng fǎ zé niú zǎi kù 、yùn dòng xié 、wén shēn 如果你总是犯愁明天上班穿什么,如果你对职业装的认识还停留在西服、包裙套装、高跟鞋,那么你急需恶补一下2017年的职场时尚法则。get到下面五个今年最潮的职场穿搭流行,保你立马化身职场时尚达人,想不时髦都不行。 rú guǒ nǐ zǒng shì fàn chóu míng tiān shàng bān chuān shí me ,rú guǒ nǐ duì zhí yè zhuāng de rèn shí hái tíng liú zài xī fú 、bāo qún tào zhuāng 、gāo gēn xié ,nà me nǐ jí xū è bǔ yī xià 2017nián de zhí chǎng shí shàng fǎ zé 。getdào xià miàn wǔ gè jīn nián zuì cháo de zhí chǎng chuān dā liú háng ,bǎo nǐ lì mǎ huà shēn zhí chǎng shí shàng dá rén ,xiǎng bú shí máo dōu bú xing 。 In recent years, the suit has loosened its grip on the work place with a wide range of professional careers redefining the definition of what it means to dress smart. 近年来,职场人士已经对套装失去了兴趣,许多不同行业的人重新定义了什么是漂亮的穿着打扮。 jìn nián lái ,zhí chǎng rén shì yǐ jīng duì tào zhuāng shī qù le xìng qù ,xǔ duō bú tóng háng yè de rén zhòng xīn dìng yì le shí me shì piāo liàng de chuān zhe dǎ bàn 。 These days, it's likely that many of us will never really have to wear anything more formal than a pair of tailored trousers, as the days of donning a stuffy suit, stiff shirt and tie are well on their way out. 如今,很多人最正式的着装可能也不过是一条剪裁考究的长裤,他们永远都不需要像过去那样穿上古板拘谨的西服衬衫、打好领带再出门。 rú jīn ,hěn duō rén zuì zhèng shì de zhe zhuāng kě néng yě bú guò shì yī tiáo jiǎn cái kǎo jiū de zhǎng kù ,tā men yǒng yuǎn dōu bú xū yào xiàng guò qù nà yàng chuān shàng gǔ bǎn jū jǐn de xī fú chèn shān 、dǎ hǎo lǐng dài zài chū mén 。 The way we dress is so often a compelling reflection of social change and with people in the UK working longer hours than ever before, can you really blame us for seeking a little comfort? 人们的穿着打扮往往是社会变化的有力反映。英国工作者的工作时间比以前更长,就因为他们寻求一点舒适感就要受人责备吗? rén men de chuān zhe dǎ bàn wǎng wǎng shì shè huì biàn huà de yǒu lì fǎn yìng 。yīng guó gōng zuò zhě de gōng zuò shí jiān bǐ yǐ qián gèng zhǎng ,jiù yīn wéi tā men xún qiú yī diǎn shū shì gǎn jiù yào shòu rén zé bèi ma ? From entrepreneurs to accountants, the rules of workplace style are changing. 从企业家到会计,职场时尚法则正在发生变化。 cóng qǐ yè jiā dào huì jì ,zhí chǎng shí shàng fǎ zé zhèng zài fā shēng biàn huà 。 It's all in the jeans 一切尽在牛仔裤 yī qiē jìn zài niú zǎi kù No longer the reserve of the weekend, jeans have finally ditched their dangerous liaison with soccer mums and the stonewashed Jeremy Clarkson effect. Instead, they've become a steadfast in any well-edited work wardrobe with designers thrusting a myriad of styles in our direction. 如今人们不用等到周末才能穿上牛仔裤,它给人的印象终于不再是球场边的妈妈们以及杰瑞米•克拉克森专属的磨白效果。牛仔裤已经成为所有精心挑选的职场衣橱中的必备品,设计师为我们提供了不同的风格。 rú jīn rén men bú yòng děng dào zhōu mò cái néng chuān shàng niú zǎi kù ,tā gěi rén de yìn xiàng zhōng yú bú zài shì qiú chǎng biān de mā mā men yǐ jí jié ruì mǐ •kè lā kè sēn zhuān shǔ de mó bái xiào guǒ 。niú zǎi kù yǐ jīng chéng wéi suǒ yǒu jīng xīn tiāo xuǎn de zhí chǎng yī chú zhōng de bì bèi pǐn ,shè jì shī wéi wǒ men tí gòng le bú tóng de fēng gé 。 From cropped and frayed to indigo and high-waisted, you can't just roll into the office in any old pair. A boom in the market has seen luxury brands tap into denim's natural simplicity with the likes of Vetements and Gucci selling their iterations for well over £1000. 从九分裤到破洞裤,从深蓝色到高腰设计,你不能就穿着一条旧裤子走进办公室。牛仔裤在市场上十分火爆,Vetements、古琦等奢侈品牌纷纷推出简单大方的牛仔裤,其单价超过1000英镑。 cóng jiǔ fèn kù dào pò dòng kù ,cóng shēn lán sè dào gāo yāo shè jì ,nǐ bú néng jiù chuān zhe yī tiáo jiù kù zǐ zǒu jìn bàn gōng shì 。niú zǎi kù zài shì chǎng shàng shí fèn huǒ bào £1000.,Vetements、gǔ qí děng shē chǐ pǐn pái fēn fēn tuī chū jiǎn dān dà fāng de niú zǎi kù ,qí dān jià chāo guò 1000yīng bàng 。 Vetements Jeans Sneaker pimps 运动鞋时尚 yùn dòng xié shí shàng High heels will always have their place in the office, but if we can get the same job done in a pair of trainers then bring it on. While they do offer a more comfortable solution to work wear, that doesn't mean you can afford to get lazy with your choices. 高跟鞋总能在办公室里占据一席之地,但是如果穿双运动鞋也能完成同样的工作,那么何乐而不为呢。虽然运动鞋确实是更加舒适的工作着装,但选择运动鞋并不意味着你就可以偷懒。 gāo gēn xié zǒng néng zài bàn gōng shì lǐ zhàn jù yī xí zhī dì ,dàn shì rú guǒ chuān shuāng yùn dòng xié yě néng wán chéng tóng yàng de gōng zuò ,nà me hé lè ér bú wéi ne 。suī rán yùn dòng xié què shí shì gèng jiā shū shì de gōng zuò zhe zhuāng ,dàn xuǎn zé yùn dòng xié bìng bú yì wèi zhe nǐ jiù kě yǐ tōu lǎn 。 Rocking up to the office in a ratty pair of Asics will not make the cut, instead, take head of the thriving success of Adidas' Stan Smiths or Gazelle's, or opt for an embellished slip-on style. 踩着一双破旧的爱世克斯来上班是不行的,选择阿迪达斯的爆款Stan Smiths、Gazelle,或是一双带有装饰的懒汉鞋。 cǎi zhe yī shuāng pò jiù de ài shì kè sī lái shàng bān shì bú háng de ,xuǎn zé ā dí dá sī de bào kuǎn Stan Smiths、Gazelle,huò shì yī shuāng dài yǒu zhuāng shì de lǎn hàn xié 。 When it comes to styling, the trick here is to pair them with a power-lite uniform of tailored trousers or even a straight cut jean with a boxy blazer. 这里的穿着技巧是搭配一条剪裁讲究的工装西裤,抑或一条直筒牛仔上配一件宽松的运动外套。 zhè lǐ de chuān zhe jì qiǎo shì dā pèi yī tiáo jiǎn cái jiǎng jiū de gōng zhuāng xī kù ,yì huò yī tiáo zhí tǒng niú zǎi shàng pèi yī jiàn kuān sōng de yùn dòng wài tào 。 Subtle scents 淡淡的香水 dàn dàn de xiāng shuǐ When it comes to wearing perfume in the workplace, the more is more approach to smelly stuff has become seriously frowned upon. 谈到在工作场所喷香水,人们十分反感用多多益善的方式掩盖难闻的味道。 tán dào zài gōng zuò chǎng suǒ pēn xiāng shuǐ ,rén men shí fèn fǎn gǎn yòng duō duō yì shàn de fāng shì yǎn gài nán wén de wèi dào 。 While there was nothing understated about the 80s for instance – when sheathing yourself in Calvin Klein's Obsession was as much a part of power dressing as the suit – these days, there has been a shift towards less potent scents. 这一点在80后身上表现得淋漓尽致——例如,擦上CK的Obsession香水,它与得体的西装一并令你魅力释放——近年来,人们越来越倾向于使用香味不那么浓烈的香水。 zhè yī diǎn zài 80hòu shēn shàng biǎo xiàn dé lín lí jìn zhì ——lì rú ,cā shàng CKde Obsessionxiāng shuǐ ,tā yǔ dé tǐ de xī zhuāng yī bìng lìng nǐ mèi lì shì fàng ——jìn nián lái ,rén men yuè lái yuè qīng xiàng yú shǐ yòng xiāng wèi bú nà me nóng liè de xiāng shuǐ 。 Some offices have even gone as far as to introduce scent-free workplaces and, while it's nice to smell good when you're surrounded by colleagues it's important to remember that a little goes a long way. 有的工作场所甚至推行无香水的办公环境。与同事们共事,香气袭人自然是好,但要记住隐隐暗香更能细水长流。 yǒu de gōng zuò chǎng suǒ shèn zhì tuī háng wú xiāng shuǐ de bàn gōng huán jìng 。yǔ tóng shì men gòng shì ,xiāng qì xí rén zì rán shì hǎo ,dàn yào jì zhù yǐn yǐn àn xiāng gèng néng xì shuǐ zhǎng liú 。 Barefaced beauty 素颜之美 sù yán zhī měi With longer commutes into work, for women, every precious moment counts. While some battle against a throng of disapproving busybodies as they attempt to apply mascara on the tube, others have given it up altogether. 随着上班通勤的时间越来越长,对女性而言一分一秒都十分宝贵。尽管还有很多人还习惯出门前在镜子前悉心打扮,但越来越多的人已经完全放弃了这一习惯。 suí zhe shàng bān tōng qín de shí jiān yuè lái yuè zhǎng ,duì nǚ xìng ér yán yī fèn yī miǎo dōu shí fèn bǎo guì 。jìn guǎn hái yǒu hěn duō rén hái xí guàn chū mén qián zài jìng zǐ qián xī xīn dǎ bàn ,dàn yuè lái yuè duō de rén yǐ jīng wán quán fàng qì le zhè yī xí guàn 。 No longer an expectation, women are going to work – and anywhere they like for that matter – barefaced. 如今,女性素颜上班已经不再是什么稀奇的事儿了,她们还可以在任何想素颜的场合这么做。 rú jīn ,nǚ xìng sù yán shàng bān yǐ jīng bú zài shì shí me xī qí de shì ér le ,tā men hái kě yǐ zài rèn hé xiǎng sù yán de chǎng hé zhè me zuò 。 The tattoo taboo 文身的禁忌 wén shēn de jìn jì For years, tattoos have been considered part of a counterculture but they are increasingly becoming more popular than ever. From celebrities like Victoria Beckham to former PM's wife Samantha Cameron, tattoos are rapidly becoming part of the mainstream and luckily, it's something a growing number of employers are beginning to recognise. 多年来,纹身一直被认为是反主流文化的一部分,但却逐渐变得比以往更受欢迎。从维多利亚•贝克汉姆等名人到前英国首相的妻子萨曼莎•卡梅伦,纹身正在迅速成为主流文化的一部分,幸运的是,越来越多的老板开始认识到这一点。 duō nián lái ,wén shēn yī zhí bèi rèn wéi shì fǎn zhǔ liú wén huà de yī bù fèn ,dàn què zhú jiàn biàn dé bǐ yǐ wǎng gèng shòu huān yíng 。cóng wéi duō lì yà •bèi kè hàn mǔ děng míng rén dào qián yīng guó shǒu xiàng de qī zǐ sà màn shā •kǎ méi lún ,wén shēn zhèng zài xùn sù chéng wéi zhǔ liú wén huà de yī bù fèn ,xìng yùn de shì ,yuè lái yuè duō de lǎo bǎn kāi shǐ rèn shí dào zhè yī diǎn 。 Finally, modern workplace standards are recognising that having skin art has very little to do with your ability to do your job. 现代职场标准终于开始认识到,拥有纹身与你的工作能力几乎无关。 xiàn dài zhí chǎng biāo zhǔn zhōng yú kāi shǐ rèn shí dào ,yōng yǒu wén shēn yǔ nǐ de gōng zuò néng lì jǐ hū wú guān 。 ============================ http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/yjjZFvlSvUpU6AlhELRNag
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enigmaticgale · 8 years
If you were wondering about the respective pasts of Lǐn Xuě Yā, Xíng Hài, and Shā Wú Shēng, then you’re in luck; that’s what the novel is gonna be about! If you were wondering about the respective pasts of Lǐn Xuě Yā, Xíng Hài, and Shā Wú Shēng, then you’re in luck; that’s what the novel is gonna be about! If you were wondering about the respective pasts of Lǐn Xuě Yā, Xíng Hài, and Shā Wú Shēng, then you’re in luck; that’s what the novel is gonna be about! If you were wondering about the respective pasts of Lǐn Xuě Yā, Xíng Hài, and Shā Wú Shēng, then you’re in luck; that’s what the novel is gonna be about! If you were wondering about the respective pasts of Lǐn Xuě Yā, Xíng Hài, and Shā Wú Shēng, then you’re in luck; that’s what the novel is gonna be about! If you were wondering about the respective pasts of Lǐn Xuě Yā, Xíng Hài, and Shā Wú Shēng, then you’re in luck; that’s what the novel is gonna be about! If you were wondering about the respective pasts of Lǐn Xuě Yā, Xíng Hài, and Shā Wú Shēng, then you’re in luck; that’s what the novel is gonna be about!
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