#Shadowhunters 2x17
forbescaroline · 3 months
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235 FAVORITE SHIPS OF ALL TIME (ranked by my followers) 40. simon lewis and isabelle lightwood - shadowhunters
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having-conniptions · 4 years
'Sebastian' trying to kiss Clary was the weirdest thing ever.
Like, it was weird enough with Jace when they 'found out' they were siblings and then again when they found out they weren't... (at least they stopped kissing when they thought they were siblings)
But Clary's brother trying to kiss her? I mean she didn't know who he was but he knew they were siblings
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Shadowhunters - All Malec kisses part2 : 2x11, 2x13, 2x15, 2x17, 2x18, 2x20
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stillgrowing · 6 years
Losing control sucks. I know that better than anyone. But it‘s a hell of a lot better than never taking a chance at all.
Izzy Lightwood
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mikeshanlon · 7 years
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If you don’t mind, I’m learning about phytoplankton.
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deansuxx · 7 years
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Malec kiss in 2x17 “A Dark Reflection”
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roszy · 7 years
valentine: good morning jonath-
valentine: alrighty
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royalshadowhunter · 7 years
Shadowhunters 2x17 reaction
Sebastian when Jace and Clary were fighting about Johnathan
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When Simon said to Maia that Izzy and him were just friends
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When Sebastian kissed Clary
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When Magnus said “Guess it runs in the family.”
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The Garrobane brotp
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Max finding out who Sebastian really was
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Seeing the promo for next week
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Alec: I don't really like cats haha
Magnus: *shows cat eyes*
Alec: wow I love cats do you know how beautiful the feline species is how amazing
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heartforheart532 · 7 years
GUYS. CHILL. Alec forgot to feed Chairman Meow, told Magnus that he did, Chairman ran away ro find food, Magnus came all upset to the institute, Alec confessed and que the "You looked me straight in the eye and lied".
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ravenclairee · 7 years
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Izzy, we’ve been at this for hours.
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forbescaroline · 6 months
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235 FAVORITE SHIPS OF ALL TIME (ranked by my followers) 62. jace herondale and clary fray - shadowhunters
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minttobe-treehill · 7 years
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Listen. LISTEN. I don’t know if this moment was actually in the script or if Harry and Matt improvised it (it reminds me of that iconic moment when Magnus holds a finger in front of Alec’s mouth so he doesn’t start rambling?) BUT I love Alec. Magnus is freaking trying to feed him and what does this boy do????? He takes the food right from the fork with his fingers????? He’s so awkward and you have no idea how much I relate to this stupid little thing. I could talk all day long about how many times I’ve seen myself in Alec in this kind of situations and it’s amazing to see some real awkwardness and weird interactions because that’s an actual thing.
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cateyes-bane · 7 years
that sneak peak was cute and all but whatever you do, do not imagine magnus setting the table and sitting there for HOURS waiting for alec to turn up but he doesn’t so he just waits for HOURS on the sofa with a drink in his hand but the fucking boy doesn’t come so he just sighs and makes his way all the way to the Institute ALONE to go to his boyfriend instead and he’s just at his desk bc he FORGOT
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alphakittenx · 7 years
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My babies are so married👬💍❤ Look at those dork smiles
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hikaru9 · 7 years
Shadowhunters 2x17 - Alec’s and Magnus’s character development
This is the first time I write something like this, but as I finished somehow analysing Alec’s character in that latest meta, things happened in this episode, 2x17, that continue the arguments I was referring to.
The whole situation is more about Malec as a couple if you look at it from a general perspective; however, if you try to understand what really happens and why they behave and react in that specific way, you have to consider Alec and Magnus as separated entities and characters.
As I said in his meta, Alec is a soldier. The problem, lately, is that he seems to be in a soldier mode ALL days, 24h. Being the Head of the Institute is an enormous responsability, even more with Valentine free in the world and Jonathan helping him, thus Alec is really busy and worried about everything. He has a great responsability and the Clave is following his every move: he can be fired at any moment. Him missing dinner and staying away from home for hours proves that. His mentality, in this specific moment, is very similar to season 1; not much for the fact that he’s hiding, but for the fact that he’s putting the “greater good” as the ultimate priority. He has to behave like a leader to save his people, and that means putting his personal relationships in second place. He’s ready to sacrifice what he has to, in order to reach that greater good (which is basically peace).
Magnus is in a completely different mental situation. Even if he’s the High Warlock of Brooklyn, he’s not putting his leader position ahead of his personal relationships. Magnus would save his beloved first, in a situation like this. That’s why he doesn’t understand why Alec didn’t tell him about the Sword; and this is also why Alec immediately says “Let’s not make this personal”. If you think about it, Alec was right in his assumption that Magnus knowing would put him in a bad position with the Downworlders. Furthermore, after everything Magnus went through, maybe Alec didn’t want to burden him with such a dangerous knowledge (I’m quoting @sfjessii spilling the truth here, considering also that Alec is in PERPETUAL “protecting” mode towards his family AND Magnus, even more after what happened with Valentine and Magnus’s memory). What he doesn’t understand is that it wasn’t his call. Magnus would have stayed “quiet”, as he said; he would have never betrayed Alec in some way, because Alec is more important.
The thing that is extremely relevant to notice is Magnus’s feelings. Weeks passed, not months; in these days his soul has been taken and put in another body; he has been tortured; he has nightmares and he can’t sleep, nor can he stay focused. He had a break down probably one or two days before, when HE STILL tried to hide everything from Alec, because he was too scared to share his inner demons. He did: he put down the walls that took 400 years to build and he finally shared probably his most terrible secret, something no one knew. Can you imagine how difficult that is? Baring it all, trusting someone completely. THAT moment was a turning point for their relationship and Magnus was absolutely sure that after something like this, no secrets, no obstacles, would stand in their way. If Alec accepted something like that (for Magnus what happened IS terrible), then they could share anything. Yet, the day after, they don’t. He feels betrayed. It’s not even the Sword itself, I would say. It’s just what happened. That Alec didn’t think to share it, to comment on the praise he was giving during dinner, that he didn’t trust MAGNUS as well in return. That hurts. Trusting, and seeing the other not trusting back. It hurts even more when you share something so deeply intimate and scary. It hurts more than Camille cheating, or any other lovers leaving, because he EXPECTED that from them, but he didn’t expect THIS from Alec. And we finally see Magnus angry; angry because he’s hurt. He’s hurt about trusting and putting his walls down. Angry at Alec but also angry at himself for believing in love again. Everything he thought he finally had is actually getting destroyed. His reaction is not over the top, if you consider that he lived for 400 years old and a lot of the 17′000 lovers he had disappointed him and hurt him. His FAMILY betrayed him first, when he was 9.
As I said, I don’t think Alec was completely wrong. I understand his position; however, Alec didn’t take into consideration Magnus’s thoughts and personal involvement, because Alec was in full soldier-leader mode. It IS stretching it a bit, but FOR MAGNUS, this is the same situation that happened in earlier season 2, when Isabelle was an yin fen addict. Magnus not telling Alec about Isabelle going after yin fen hurt Alec too: he expected Magnus to understand how important it was, because it was about HIS SISTER, it’s FAMILY. This, for Alec, is the difference between PERSONAL and PROFESSIONAL. The whole episode with Isabelle was personal, while the Soul Sword is not. For Magnus, both are.
If you look at it from a story telling perspective, it IS good angst. It lays a wonderful path to follow: solving the trust issue once and for all; discussing on giving all, 100%, and putting walls down; being FINALLY on the same track about everything. Alec and Magnus ARE different people, and that was the whole point of the first date, back in 2x06, and the “EFFORT” they were engaging. ACCEPTANCE was the whole point of 2x07 on the other hand, when they both tried to overcome their old fears (for Alec overthinking and not following his instincts; for Magnus finding someone who doesn’t want anything in return) in order to move forwards. And this will be good as well: complete TRUST. Once they achieve that, they will finally understand where the other stands in specific situations and it will be easier to face future problems. That is the aim of a “healthy” fight followed by an honest discussion and peace: it is about knowing each other, completely.
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