#Shantanu Das
h0bg0blin-meat · 3 months
Listen about this fic Idea I have...
So when Ganga takes Devavrat with her away from Shantanu, ahe takes him to Kailash with her
And everyone gets a hell of a time babysitting da Baby...
And I headcanon Ganga, Vasuki and Chandradev to have this chaotic trio kinda friendship... So they can be this disaster uncles.. 👀
Also we already know about all the custody fights related to Ganga... So imagine everyone fighting over who's the grandpa..
And then Devavrat meets Limnaie (Ganges's daughter and a nymph) and they become besties.
After her son Atthis gets killed by Perseus Dev consoles her and becomes her emotional support. Meanwhile Limnaie comes to find out about his aroaceness (my hc) and she's like wooo congratss and he's like yeah this is why my brother can become the king so he can continue the lineage :3
Also we all know they become besties with Ganesh and Kartik as well :3
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💌 Book Mail 💌
🦇 Good afternoon, my wonderful bookish bats. I hope this weekend has treated you well! I received a bit of bookish mail last night--always exciting!
💌 Thank you @simonbooks for sending this my way! Keya Das's Second Act is Sophan Deb's / @SopanDeb debut novel!
💌 A “painfully beautiful” (Booklist), heartwarming, and charmingly funny debut novel about how a discovered box in the attic leads one Bengali American family down a path toward understanding the importance of family, even when splintered.
💌 Shantanu Das is living in the shadows of his past. In his fifties, he finds himself isolated from his traditional Bengali community after a devastating divorce from his wife, Chaitali; he hasn’t spoken to his older daughter, Mitali, in months. Years before, when his younger daughter, Keya, came out as gay, no one in the Das family could find the words they needed. As each worked up the courage to say sorry, fate intervened: Keya was killed in a car crash.
💌 So, when Shantanu finds an unfinished play Keya and her girlfriend had been writing, Mitali approaches the family with a wild idea: What if they were to put it on? It would be a way to honor Keya and finally apologize. Here, it seems, are the words that have escaped them over and over again.
💌 Set in the vibrant world of Bengalis in the New Jersey suburbs, this “delightful” (Diksha Basu, author of The Windfall) debut novel is both poignant and, at times, a surprisingly hilarious testament to the unexpected ways we build family and find love, old and new.
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b2bcybersecurity · 21 days
Kompromittierte Identitäten sofort erkennen und stoppen
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Menschliche und maschinelle Identitäten nehmen in Unternehmen ständig zu. Das macht es schwer, herauszufinden, ob und welche Identitäten kompromittiert sind. "Cloud Identity Insights" kann sie sofort identifzieren und Cloud-Angriffe verhindern. Sysdig, ein führender Anbieter von Cloud-Sicherheit in Echtzeit, gab die Einführung von Cloud Identity Insights bekannt, einer Erweiterung seiner Cloud Detection and Response (CDR)-Funktionen, die das Verhalten von Identitäten mit Workload-Aktivitäten und Cloud-Ressourcen korreliert. Cloud Identity Insights ist in der Lage, kompromittierte Identitäten sofort zu erkennen, sie in Echtzeit einzudämmen und zukünftige Verstöße durch intelligente Richtlinienoptimierung zu verhindern. Diese sowohl breite als auch tiefe Abdeckung wird durch die nächste Generation von Sysdigs bewährtem Enterprise Agenten ermöglicht, die ebenfalls heute vorgestellt wurde. Dieser Agent der nächsten Generation verbraucht im Vergleich zu seinen Vorgängern 50 Prozent weniger Ressourcen und wird sowohl von einer universell kompatiblen eBPF-Sonde der zweiten Generation als auch vom Open Source-Tool Falco unterstützt. Zuwachs an Identitäten über 200 Prozent „Identität ist das Bindeglied zwischen Erkennung und Prävention“, sagt Shantanu Gattani, Vizepräsident für Produktmanagement bei Sysdig. „Die Quarantäne kompromittierter Identitäten ist sowohl für die Eindämmung laufender Angriffe als auch für die Verhinderung künftiger Angriffe von entscheidender Bedeutung. Angesichts der 240-prozentigen Zunahme menschlicher und maschineller Identitäten im letzten Jahr ist es jedoch eine Herausforderung, zu verstehen, welche Identitäten kompromittiert sind. Eine umfassende und effektive Zero Trust-Cloud-Strategie kann auf Identitätsdiebstahl unmittelbar und gezielt reagieren und somit das Risiko etwaiger Bedrohungen in der Cloud minimieren. Genau hier unterstützen wir Sicherheitsteams mit Cloud Identity Insights.“ Einblicke in Cloud Identitäten Bei Cloud-Angriffen beginnen fast 40 Prozent der Verstöße mit missbräuchlich genutzten Anmeldeinformationen - damit sind sie der häufigste Einstiegspunkt für Angreifer. Cloud-Verteidiger sehen sich jedoch mit einem deutlichen Mangel an Transparenz in Sachen Identitäten, deren Verhalten und deren Beziehung zu anderen Cloud-Aktivitäten konfrontiert. Der Einblick in die Identitäten ist oft von den Workloads entkoppelt - ein fataler Fehler, der es Angreifern ermöglicht, sich unbemerkt in der Cloud zu bewegen. - Kompromittierungen in Sekundenschnelle erkennen, um Angriffe zu verhindern: Verdächtige Benutzeraktivitäten sind oft der erste Hinweis auf eine Sicherheitsverletzung. Cloud Identity Insights warnt Benutzer sofort vor Spionageaktivitäten und der Erstellung privilegierter Benutzer, was oft ein frühes Anzeichen für einen Einbruch ist. Durch die automatische Korrelation von Ereignissen mit Identitäten in Echtzeit ermöglicht Sysdig Teams, den 555 Benchmark für Cloud Detection and Response zu erfüllen. - Eindämmung kompromittierter Identitäten: Sobald ein kompromittiertes Konto entdeckt wird, haben Sicherheitsteams nur wenige Sekunden Zeit, um es einzudämmen, bevor der Angriff eskaliert. Mit Sysdig Cloud Identity Insights können Teams Angreifern zuvorkommen, indem sie schnell Prioritäten setzen und mit vorgeschlagenen Eindämmungsmaßnahmen reagieren, die von erzwungenen Passwortrücksetzungen bis hin zur Deaktivierung oder Löschung von Benutzern reichen. - Verhinderung zukünftiger Angriffe: Jede Identitätssanierung gibt Sicherheitsanalysten die Möglichkeit, zukünftige Identitätsmissbräuche mit aufschlussreichem Kontext zu verhindern. Cloud Identity Insights empfiehlt automatisch eine intelligente Richtlinienoptimierung, indem es die von einem kompromittierten Konto während des Vorfalls verwendeten Berechtigungen analysiert und die am stärksten gefährdeten Rollen und Benutzer in der Umgebung hervorhebt. Umfassende Abdeckung von privaten, öffentlichen und hybriden Clouds Um unbekannte Bedrohungen in einem frühen Stadium der Angriffskette zu stoppen, ist eine umfassende Abdeckung von privaten und öffentlichen Clouds sowie eine Korrelation zwischen Workloads, Identitäten, Platform as a Service (PaaS) und Cloud-Aktivitäten erforderlich. Mit Cloud Identity Insights baut Sysdig seine Führungsposition bei der Instrumentierung von Agenten und der agentenlosen Cloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) weiter aus, um Sicherheitsteams bei der Erkennung und Reaktion in Cloud-Geschwindigkeit zu unterstützen. - Universelle Kompatibilität mit eBPF: Aufbauend auf den umfangreichen Beiträgen des Unternehmens zu eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filter) vereinfacht die universell kompatible eBPF-Sonde der zweiten Generation die Bereitstellung weiter und bietet Unternehmen mehr Flexibilität, wo und wie sie Cloud-native Anwendungen entwickeln. Das eBPF-Update bietet eine umfassende Abdeckung von Linux- und Windows-Hosts sowie Kubernetes-Knoten, um Workloads auf Kernel-Ebene ohne umständliche Administratorrechte sichtbar zu machen. - Sichere Skalierung mit dem Agenten der nächsten Generation: Der Agent der nächsten Generation von Sysdig bietet die umfassende Transparenz eines ausgereiften Agenten mit dem Ressourcenbedarf eines Lightweight-Sensors. Er benötigt 50 Prozent weniger Ressourcen als Sysdigs bereits vorhandene, ressourcenschonende Instrumentierung und bietet gleichzeitig eine Echtzeit-Bedrohungserkennung am Netzwerkrand. Zusätzlich bietet er eine einheitliche Agentenerfahrung über Cluster und Hosts hinweg, sowohl in privaten Clouds (OpenShift, VMware usw.) als auch in öffentlichen Cloud-Umgebungen, und bietet so umfassenden Schutz von der Erkennung von Schwachstellen bis hin zur Identifizierung von Angriffen in Echtzeit. - Vereinheitlichte Bedrohungserkennung mit Falco: Mit der neuen Version erweitert Sysdig Falco, um Cloud- und PaaS-Aktivitäten zusammen mit Host-, Container- und Kubernetes-Aktivitäten zu bewerten. Dies vereinheitlicht die Erkennung von Bedrohungen in einer einzigen „Sprache“ und ermöglicht es Verteidigern, ausgeklügelte Angriffe zu erkennen, die außerhalb der Cloud des Kunden beginnen und schließlich ihren Weg in das Cloud-System finden. Cloud Identity Insights und alle oben genannten Funktionen sind ab sofort verfügbar.   Über Sysdig In der Cloud zählt jede Sekunde. Angriffe erfolgen mit Höchstgeschwindigkeit und Sicherheitsteams müssen das Unternehmen schützen, ohne es zu verlangsamen. Sysdig stoppt Cloud-Angriffe in Echtzeit durch die sofortige Erkennung von Risikoveränderungen mithilfe von Runtime Intelligence und der Open-Source-Software Falco. Sysdig korreliert Signale über Cloud-Workloads, Identitäten und Services hinweg, um versteckte Angriffspfade aufzudecken und echte Risiken zu priorisieren. Von der Prävention bis zur Abwehr hilft Sysdig Unternehmen, sich auf das Wesentliche zu konzentrieren: Innovation. Passende Artikel zum Thema   Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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alessandro55 · 3 months
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Contemporary Indian Fashion
Edited by Federico Rocca
Damiani, Bologna 2009, 268 pagine, 450 illustrazioni, 24x31,5cm, Inglese, ISBN 9788862081009
euro 50,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
L'emergente nouvelle vague della moda indiana. A cura di Federico Rocca.
Forse ai più le firme di Ashish N Soni, Manish Arora e Rajesh Pratap Singh, non diranno granché, eppure questi nomi - e tanti altri del tutto impronunciabili per gli occidentali – rappresentano l’emergente nouvelle vague della moda indiana: un vero e proprio esercito di creativi che in tempi piuttosto recenti ha iniziato a farsi spazio nell’impenetrabile fashion system internazionale. Per anni ingiustamente confinati nella produzione low-cost globalizzata,e ora spalleggiati dalla forza di un’economia sempre più rampante, questo ben assortito gruppo di stilisti sta conquistando rapidamente le passerelle e i mercati mondiali, padroneggiando con assoluta disinvoltura il linguaggio e la tecnica della moda. E se nell’immaginario comune la moda indiana è ancora sinonimo di kitsch, questi new designer - senza perdere di vista la millenaria tradizione del passato – fanno piazza pulita di saree variopinti e ricami dorati per dimostrare un’inventiva sbalorditiva, tutta documentata nelle oltre 400 illustrazioni contenute nel volume. Contemporary Indian fashion presenta infatti una vasta collezione di capi d’abbigliamento, lavorazioni, ricami, contaminazioni e mix di stili; una moda sperimentale che è piacevolmente libera da pregiudizi estetici e audace nelle invenzioni. Fashion designers: Anamika Khanna, Manish Arora, Zubair Kirmani, Gaurav Gupta, Prashant Verma, Drashta Sarvaya, Cue by Rohit Gandhi & Rahul Khanna, Ashish N Soni, Sabyasachi Mukherjee, My Village / Rimzim Dadu, Rajesh Pratap Singh, Varun Bahl, Kavita Bhartia, Namrata Joshipura, Nachiket Barve, Shantanu Goenka, Ranna Gill, Nimita Rathod, Shantanu & Nikhil, Anuj Sharma, Swapnil Shinde, Small Shop.
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citizenrecord · 4 months
30 Cabinet Ministers In New Modi Government: See List
Narendra Modi today took oath as Prime Minister for a record third term, equalling India's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru's record of three wins.
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Honour guards lined the steps of the Rashtrapati Bhavan where thousands gathered to watch PM Modi, dressed in a white kurta and with blue waistcoat, take the oath.
PM Modi was followed immediately by top BJP aides Rajnath Singh, Amit Shah and Nitin Gadkari.
South Asian leaders from neighbouring Bangladesh, the Maldives and Sri Lanka attended the ceremony but neighbouring rivals China and Pakistan had notably not sent top leaders.
Led by the Prime Minister, the new team includes 30 Cabinet Ministers, 5 Ministers of State with Independent Charge and 36 Ministers of State.
PM Modi's party, BJP, won 240 seats in this year's poll, 32 short of a majority in the 543-member lower house. Allies helped him cross the 272-majority mark, with the National Democratic Alliance or NDA notching up 293 seats
Cabinet Ministers who took oath along with PM:
Rajnath Singh Amit Shah Nitin Gadkari JP Nadda Shivraj Singh Chouhan Nirmala Sitharaman S Jaishankar Manohar Lal Khattar HD Kumaraswamy Piyush Goyal Dharmendra Pradhan Jitan Ram Manjhi Rajiv Ranjan Singh alias Lalan Singh Sarbananda Sonowal Dr Virendra Kumar Kinjarapu Ram Mohan Naidu Pralhad Joshi Jual Oram Giriraj Singh Ashwini Vaishnaw Jyotiraditya Scindia Bhupender Yadav Gajendra Singh Shekhawat Annapurna Devi Kiren Rijiju Hardeep Singh Puri Mansukh Mandaviya G Kishan Reddy Chirag Paswan CR Patil
Ministers of State With Independent Charge:
Rao Inderjit Singh Jitendra Singh Arjun Ram Meghwal Prataprao Ganpatrao Jadhav Jayant Chaudhary Post a comment
Minister of State
Jitin Prasada Shripad Naik Pankaj Chaudhary Krishan Pal Gurjar Ramdas Athawale Ram Nath Thakur Nityanand Rai Anupriya Patel V Somanna Dr Chandra Sekhar Pemmasani SP Singh Baghel Shobha Karandlaje Kirti Vardhan Singh BL Verma Shantanu Thakur Suresh Gopi L Murugan Ajay Tamta Bandi Sanjay Kumar Kamlesh Paswan Bhagirath Chaudhary Satish Chandra Dubey Sanjay Seth Ravneet Singh Bittu Durga Das Uikey Raksha Khadse Sukanta Majumdar Savitri Thakur Tokhan Sahu Rajbhushan Chaudhary Bhupathiraju Srinivasa Varma Harsh Malhotra Nimuben Jayantibhai Bambhaniya Murlidhar Mohol George Kurian Pabitra Margherita
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movienized-com · 7 months
Tooth Pari: When Love Bites
Tooth Pari: When Love Bites (Serie 2023) #TanyaManiktala #ShantanuMaheshwari #SikanderKher #Revathy #TillotamaShome #AdilHussain Mehr auf:
Serie / टूथ परी: जब प्यार काटता है Jahr: 2023- (April) Genre: Comedy / Fantasy / Romantik Hauptrollen: Tanya Maniktala, Shantanu Maheshwari, Sikander Kher, Revathy, Tillotama Shome, Adil Hussain, Saswata Chatterjee … Serienbeschreibung: In Kolkata leben Vampire unter der Führung von Ora (Anish Railkar) im Verborgenen und sind nicht mehr darauf angewiesen, Menschen zu töten, da sie regelmäßig…
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forexdigitalinfo · 1 year
John Warnock é um dos inventores mais influentes da indústria de tecnologia (foto: Adobe) John Warnock, um dos fundadores da empresa de software Adobe, morreu no sábado aos 82 anos. Seu parceiro de negócios Charles Geschke, com quem fundou a empresa em 1982, morreu em abril de 2021 aos 81 anos. A designer gráfica Marva Warnock, que deu à luz os três filhos de John, esteve envolvida na criação do logotipo original da empresa logo após a fundação da Adobe Systems, então, até certo ponto, ela continua a preservar o legado daquela época, observa The Verge. Dois anos após a fundação da Adobe Systems, o primeiro produto da empresa foi lançado - o software Adobe PostScript para layout de materiais impressos. John Warnock liderou a empresa até 2000 como CEO e, em seguida, dividiu o cargo de presidente do conselho de administração com Geschke até 2017. Mesmo depois de deixar o cargo, ele manteve sua participação no conselho de administração. "Warnock foi um dos maiores inventores de nossa geração, influenciando a maneira como nos comunicamos por meio de palavras, imagens e vídeo", disse Shantanu Narayen, CEO interino da Adobe, em um discurso por escrito aos funcionários. Os vinte e cinco anos em que Narayen teve a oportunidade de se comunicar com Warnock foram o período mais brilhante da carreira do atual chefe da empresa, como ele mesmo admite. Para o leigo, a Adobe Systems é mais conhecida por seu formato PDF para armazenamento de dados, bem como inúmeras soluções de software para processamento de fotos, vídeos e materiais de layout para impressão.
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orthotv · 1 year
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🔰IOA Rheumatology Subcommittee 2023 Webinar - 4th Webinar - Strong Bones Stronger Nation
🔆Topic: Osteoporosis - Hidden Facts
🔆DATE & TIME - TUESDAY, 1st AUGUST 2023, 8:00PM
🔆Click to Watch :
IOA TV : https://bit.ly/IOATV-IORA-4
OrthoTV : https://bit.ly/OrthoTV-IORA-4
🗣️ Speaker 👨‍⚕️ Dr. S.S. Jha Dr Murali Poduval Dr SS Amarnath Dr P Renuka Dr S Chandrashekhara Dr Chinmoy Das
✅ Panelist Dr Dilip Majumder Dr Ranjit Singh Dr Aarti Dewan Dr Sharat Agrawal
1. ATUL SRIVASTAVA President, IOA- Inaugural Address 2. Ram Chaddha, Vice President, IOA - Welcome Address 3. NAVIN THAKKAR, Secretary General, IOA:- Opening Remarks 4. President IORA: Shantanu Lahkar (President, IORA), Opening Remarks SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME 1. S S Jha- Introduction 2. Murali Poduval, Mumbai Osteoporosis: Definition - Relevance to Bone Mass & Architecture 3. SS Amarnath, Bengaluru - Bioavailability of Calcium in various calcium salts 4. P Renuka, Bengaluru– Investigations & Monitoring 5. S Chandrashekhara, Bengaluru - Osteoporosis In Rheumatology 6. S S Jha, Patna – Glucocorticoid Induced Osteoporosis 7. Chinmoy Das, Tezpur – Osteo-Sarcopenia 8. Panelists - Discussion, Questions & Answers - Dilip Majumder, Kolkotta Ranjit Singh,Patna Artti Dewan, Amritsar 7. Vote of Thanks- Sharat Agrawal, Shillong
👨‍⚕️ Atul Srivastava President. IOA 👨‍⚕️ Ram Chadha President Elect, IOA 👨‍⚕️ Anup Agrawal Vice-President, IOA 👨‍⚕️ Navin Thakkar Secretary, IOA 👨‍⚕Shantanu Lahkar - President IORA
*📺Streaming on IOATV & OrthoTV
#IOAWebinar #RheumatologySubcommittee #StrongBonesStrongerNation #Osteoporosis #HiddenFacts #MedicalWebinar #MedicalEducation #BoneHealth #IOATV #OrthoTV #MedicalConference #HealthTalk #MedicalEvent #MedicalCommunity #MedicalPanel #BoneDensity #CalciumBioavailability #GlucocorticoidInducedOsteoporosis #OsteoSarcopenia #Rheumatology #MedicalDiscussion #MedicalQA #MedicalTalks #IOAPresident #IOARheumatology #BoneHealthAwareness #HealthcareWebinar #OsteoporosisPrevention #IOASecretary #IORAPresident #ioaconference
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Review: Keya Da's Second Act by Sopan Deb
Author: Sopan DebPublisher: Simon SchusterReleased: July 5, 2022Received: NetGalleyWarnings: Loss of a child, grief, homophobia If you’re looking for a novel that will stand out in your memory, may I suggest Keya Da’s Second Act, written by Sopan Deb. This novel is every bit as heartwarming as it promised to be, if not more so. Shantanu Das has been living with ghosts for years now. One could…
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gazeta24br · 2 years
Nos dias 15 e 17 de março acontece o Adobe Summit 2022, a maior conferência do mundo voltada para experiências digitais de marcas. Com mais de 200 palestras e workshops internacionais, o objetivo do evento é promover discussões de alto nível sobre o futuro dos negócios que está cada vez mais martech e digital. Os interessados podem acompanhar todo o conteúdo online e gratuitamente pelo link: https://summit.adobe.com/na/. Entre os líderes que estarão presentes, destaque para abertura do evento que contará com o CEO da Nike, John Donahoe, a Chief Marketing and People Experience Officer da Roblox, Barbara Messing, a CEO da Walgreens Boots Alliance, Rosalind Brewer, além do CEO da Adobe, Shantanu Narayen e o ator, produtor e empreendedor, Ryan Reynolds, para falar como as empresas que desenvolvem conexões verdadeiras com seus clientes vão prosperar nessa nova economia digital. “A Adobe teve a preocupação de não focar apenas em produtos e soluções, mas sim garantir que a audiência tenha acesso a conteúdos ricos e únicos que podem ser aplicados nas empresas que tem como foco continuar avançando na transformação digital por meio da experiência do cliente”, informa o general manager da Adobe para América Latina, Federico Grosso. O executivo destaca abaixo outras trilhas de conteúdo em que os profissionais brasileiros podem obter insights para serem ainda mais inovadores e criativos na tomada de decisões: Privacidade e personalização  Consumidores de todo o mundo, especialmente no Brasil, estão cada vez mais atentos ao compartilhamento e proteção de seus respectivos dados, ao mesmo tempo em que querem jornadas de compras mais relevantes. Com isso, as marcas precisam garantir um alto padrão de segurança digital, enquanto traçam suas estratégias para conquistar clientes por meio da experiência personalizada em escala. Durante o evento, profissionais de marketing e cientistas de dados irão explorar essa tendência, incluindo a questão do fim do suporte para cookies de terceiros em navegadores, além dos lançamentos da Adobe Experience Cloud que auxiliam as empresas a atingirem um alto nível de personalização. Tempo Real“A evolução tecnológica também será abordada na ocasião pelo viés do imediatismo que o mundo online nos impõe enquanto consumidores de produtos e serviços, fazendo com as que marcas tenham que corrigir os caminhos e tomar decisões de forma ágil, é o que chamamos de real time”, informa Grosso. Para discutir o assunto, líderes da Dell Technologies, DHL e IBM foram convidados a compartilhar suas estratégias para se manterem relevantes no mercado, redesenhando as abordagens, necessidades e comportamento dos clientes em tempo real. Liderança em constante evolução O executivo ressalta que entre outras temáticas, o desenvolvimento de líderes também é um forte pilar do Adobe Summit. Por isso, este ano os profissionais poderão se inspirar em consultores renomados que estudam liderança e desenvolvimento pessoal, assim como, a autora Christine Armstrong, especialista em futuro do trabalho, ambiente profissional e comunicação corporativa. “Queremos entregar valor para o nosso público, e entendemos que o conteúdo e conhecimento é a melhor forma de fazê-lo. No Adobe Summit, as pessoas podem entender melhor os passos que precisam dar para traçar estratégias bem-sucedidas que levam ao crescimento acelerado dos negócios”, conclui. Serviço:Adobe Summit – The Digital Experience ConferenceQuando: 15 a 17 de março, a partir das 14hCusto: gratuitoOnde: virtual e on demandInscrições: https://summit.adobe.com/na/ *Todos os artigos publicados são de responsabilidade exclusiva de seus autores e não expressam a linha editorial do portal e de seus editores. Compartilhe com seus amigos
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banglabooksme · 4 years
Ar Ek Ishwar by Shantanu Das - Bengali ebook pdf
Ar Ek Ishwar by Shantanu Das – Bengali ebook pdf
Ar Ek Ishwar by Shantanu Das – Bengali ebook pdf ebook name- ‘Ar Ek Ishwar’ Writer- Shantanu Das Book genre- Stories collection File format- PDF Size- 9mb Pages- 149 Quality- good, without any watermark
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Shantanu Das is an eminent author of West Bengal. His notable works are- Dirghashwas Monche Smritimoy, Modhyaner Byadh, Kafer, Bormer Arale Eka, Bandhuboreshu (Jantrastha), etc. Poetry-Compilations…
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graceentertainment · 5 years
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naaradpr · 5 years
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Jeetendra, Parvez Damania, Ratan Luth, Raell Padamsee, Mickey Mehta, Kunal Vijayakar & others Parsis - A Timeless Legacy photography exhibition at Tao Art Gallery, Worli.
Parvez Damania and Ratan Luth bring to you, at Tao Art Gallery, veteran photographer Shantanu Das, as he captured timeless moments of the Parsi community across time in his frozen frames… Jeetendra, Roshni Damania, Arish Damania, Sharvari Luth, Mickey Mehta, Kunal Vijayakar, Bina Aziz, Kailash and Aarti Surendranath, Kalpana Shah, Anahita Desai, Yazdi Desai, Armaity Tirandaz, Viraf Mehta, Raell Padamsee, Ananya Goenka, Rashmi Khatam and Satish Kishanchandani among others were present to encourage Parvez Damania, Ratan Luth and Shantanu Das.
An avid art collector, curator and an entrepreneur, Parvez Damania along with Ratan Luth of Fravashi Schools, an educationist, social activist and a fervent Parsi food lover, present Parsis – A Timeless Legacy, a photography exhibition by an award-winning photographer Shantanu Das was hosted by the prestigious Tao Art Gallery from November 29 to December 4, 2019.
To be a ‘Parsi’ is to be a descendant of the first migration of Zoroastrians from Persia (Iran), who were granted residence, protection, and safe refuge in India over a millennium ago. To be a Parsi is also to belong to one of India’s most rapidly diminishing ethnic communities. And to be a Parsi is to hold the very precious responsibility of perpetuating the flame of arguably the world’s oldest monotheistic religion.
On the Wane:
With the appeal of migration, the impacts of inter-marriage, and the lure of Western ways, there are now few Parsis left in India. A 2016 statistics showed that their numbers are down to a critical 61,000, and diminishing by the day; another 40,000 are scattered across the world with an even greater struggle to hang on to their distinctive identity. “I have always been fascinated by the Parsi community and I am proud I belong to the same. We thought of this exhibition to enlighten people about the life and presence of the Parsi community, who may be small in number, but have made a tremendous contribution to India.  Few artists have dedicated time to documenting Parsi people, and fewer have had the permission to document what are often very private and personal traditions. We wanted to take this opportunity to share the unique Parsi culture, rituals and traditions with a wider population,” expressed Parvez Damania. Added Ratan Luth, “This exhibition is an effort to document and preserve the culture, rituals and traditions of an ethnic community that is rapidly diminishing in number. It is important that the Parsi legacy is remembered and maintained for the current generation and generations to come, to ensure it is not lost forever with the passing of time.”
This distinctive exhibition will showcase approximately fifty works by Shantanu Das, an exceptional photojournalist who has won numerous national and international awards, including the Nat Geo Travel Award. Shantanu Das, who was allowed to cross sacrosanct boundaries, has captivatingly showcased the private and personal traditions of the Parsis, bringing out their culture, rituals, and ceremonies in vivid images of a vibrantly alive people at work, in prayer and over celebration.
Shantanu had documented the current exhibits over a period of five to six years and had shot, not only in Mumbai, but also in Surat, Udvada, and Kolkata among other cities. He said, “The Parsis are delightful people. This is my second exhibition dedicated to them. Over the years I have shot and interacted with them, I’ve come to realize that they are a very kind and helpful lot, devoid of any sort of ill feelings for anyone.”
Celebrities and dignitaries from different walks of life attended the opening ceremony of ‘Parsis – A Timeless Legacy’ to express their solidarity and love for the quaint community and its exuberant people. An interesting facet of the exhibition was that the opening ceremony had all the Parsi men and women, including many of the celebrity guests, proudly walk-in, in their traditional attire. The men in duglis and phetas, the women wearing heirloom-like embroidered garas; A classic Kodak Moment!
Each frame brought back fond memories to Damania and Luth, but the one that inspired them the most had been that of two Parsi priests and a Parsi boy on a Jawa motorcycle with a side car. They found it particularly fascinating as the Jawa motorcycle is a rarity, and even more with a side car, thus defining the eternal love of Parsis towards vehicles.
While some things changed, others stayed the same. Despite the passage of time, Parsis have maintained their own unique cultural identity. Yours is to come and experience this special, intimate insight into India’s distinctive and distinguished Parsi community… with their strong noses and idiosyncratic ways and penchant for dhanshak, patranimachhi and akuri among other things… a vibrant community that is both progressive and also deeply traditional, with a social exuberance matched only by their piousness; pursuing their religion’s three central tenets - Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds.
‘Parsis – A Timeless Legacy’ had its opening preview for select guests on November 29th 2019, while the show remains open to public from November 30th to December 4th, 2019, daily 11 am to 7 pm. Venue: Tao Art Gallery, The View, 165 Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai – 400018.
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indiejones · 2 years
1.       S.D.Burman
2.       R.D.Burman
3.       Shankar Jaikishan
4.       O.P.Nayyar
5.       Naushad
6.       Jaidev
7.       Vasant Desai
8.       C. Ramchandra
9.       Usha Khanna
10.   Madan Mohan
11.   Khemchand Prakash
12.   Roshan
13.   Salil Chowdhury
14.   Ram Laxman
15.   Laxmikant Pyarelal
16.   Vinod
17.   Raichand Boral
18.   Hemant Kumar
19.   Khayyam
20.   Bappi Lahiri
21.   Husnlal Bhagatram
22.   Ravi
23.   Ravindra Jain
24.   Anil Biswas
25.   Sardar Mailk
26.   Kalyanji Anandji
27.   Sudhir Phadke
28.   Kamal Dasgupta
29.   Pritam
30.   Sajjad Hussain
31.   Kishore Kumar
32.   Saraswati Devi
33.   Shanti Kumar
34.   Rafique Ghaznavi
35.   Chitragupt
36.   Prem Dhawan
37.   Mushtaq Hussain
38.   Jatin Lalit
39.   Kanu Roy
40.   Kuldeep Singh
41.   Hansraj Behl
42.   Ghulam Mohammad
43.   Viju Shah
44.   Gyan Dutt
45.   Shiv Hari
46.   S.N. Tripathi
47.   K.C.Dey
48.   Nadeem Shravan
49.   Bulo C. Rani
50.   Allarakha Qureshi
51.   Uttam Singh
52.   Walter Kaufmann
53.   Pratap Mukherji
54.   Jhande Khan
55.   Subal Dasgupta
56.   Jagjit Singh
57.   G.A. Chishti
58.   Firoz Nizami
59.   Anna Saheb
60.   Neenu Majumdar
61.   Prof Ramzan Khan
62.   Iqbal Qureshi
63.   Mohd Shafi
64.   Lachhiram Tamar
65.   Shankarrao Khatu
66.   Ram Ganguly
67.   B.N. Bali
68.   Amir Ali
69.   Pankaj Mullick
70.   Ghulam Haider
71.   Ninu Majumdar
72.   Sardul Kwatra
73.   Rajesh Roshan
74.   Aadesh Shrivastava
75.   S. Mohinder
76.   Jeet Gannguli
77.   Anirudh Ravichandar
78.   Ilayaraja
79.   M. A. Razi
80.   Ramchandra Pal
81.   Bhupen Hazarika
82.   Ankit Tiwari
83.   Anupam Roy
84.   A. Karim
85.   Khwaja Khurshid Anwar
86.   Arun Kumar Mukherjee
87.   Dattaram V. Gadkar
88.   Anand Milind
89.   Hridaynath Mangeshkar
90.   Amaal Malik
91.   Baldev Nayak
92.   Ravi Shankar
93.   Amit Trivedi
94.   Hafiz Khan
95.   Mir Saheb
96.   Master Vasant Mansoor
97.   M. A. Mukhtar
98.   D. C. Dutt
99.   Krishna Dayal
100.                        Shantanu Moitra
101.                        Anu Malik
102.                        A.R. Rahman
103.                        Badri Prasad  XXXXXXXXXX
104.                        Shyamsunder
105.                        S. Fernandes  XXXXXXXXXX
106.                        Husnlal Batish
107.                        G. M. Durrani
108.                        Shankar Ehsaan Loy
109.                        Biri Singh Dukha
110.                        Khan Mastana
111.                        Pannalal Ghosh
112.                        Datta Naik
113.                        Vanraj Bhatia
114.                        Vishal Bhardwaj
115.                        Indravan Bhatt
116.                        Phirozeshah M Mistry- B. Irani
117.                        G. P. Kapoor
118.                        K. Narayana Rao
119.                        H R Padmanabha Sastry  XXXXXXXXXX
120.                        Khurshid Khan
121.                        Sanjeev Darshan
122.                        Arjun Janya
123.                        Qadir Fareedi
124.                        Ajit Merchant
125.                        Nisar Bazmi
126.                        Lal Muhammad - Paigankar
127.                        Master Krishnarao
128.                        Salim – Suleiman
129.                        Channalal Naik
130.                        Sachin Jigar
131.                        Ismail Darbar
132.                        Rasheed Attre
133.                        Mihir Bhattacherji
134.                        Timir Baran
135.                        Sandesh Shandilya
136.                        Arun Paudwal
137.                        Sanjay Leela Bhansali
138.                        Shanti Kumar Desai
139.                        Annasaheb Mainkar
140.                        Govindrao Tembe (1930s)
141.                        Pandit Amarnath
142.                        Zubeen Garg
143.                        Brijlal Verma  XXXXXXXXXX
144.                        Pransukh Nayak
145.                        Madhavlal Damodar Master
146.                        M.S. Viswanathan
147.                        Snehal Bhatkar
148.                        Karthik Raja
149.                        Sandeep Chowta
150.                        Gyan Prakash Ghosh
151.                        R.A.Atra
152.                        B.S. Hoogan
153.                        Raju Singh
154.                        Fateh Ali Khan
155.                        Habib Khan  XXXXXXXXXX
156.                        Premnath
157.                        Ashok Ghosh
158.                        Hari Prasanna Das
159.                        Vishwanathbuva Jadhav  XXXXXXXXXX
160.                        Master Mohammad
161.                        Tufail Faruqui
162.                        Shridhar Parsekar
163.                        Dinkar S. Bidkar - S.K. Qadri  XXXXXXXXXX
164.                        Keshavrao Bhole
165.                        A.K.Prem
166.                        B.R. Deodhar- Ashok Ghosh- Lalubhai Bhojak  XXXXXXXXXX
167.                        Himanshu Dutta
168.                        Ali Hussain
169.                        Mukund Masurekar
170.                        Dhiren Mitra
171.  ��                     Damodar Sharma
172.                        Sharmaji - Vermaji
173.                        Ali Baksh  XXXXXXXXXX
174.                        Ali Husain Muradabadi
175.                        Lachhiram Bhai Lal
176.                        Gulshan Sufi
177.                        G. Goswami  XXXXXXXXXX
178.                        Lallubhai Nayak  XXXXXXXXXX
179.                        Pt. Ganpat rao
180.                        Anupam Ghatak
181.                        Shankarrao Vyas
182.                        Vasantkumar Naidu
183.                        Bhaskar Chandavarkar
184.                        Dadasaheb Chandekar
185.                        Ramchandra Pandey XXXXXXXXXX
186.                        Lal Mohammad
187.                        Datta Koregaonkar
188.                        Shyam Babu Pathak
189.                        Mushtaq Ahmed  XXXXXXXXXX
190.                        Mulraj Kapadia  XXXXXXXXXX
191.                        Pandit Gobindram
192.                        K. Dutta Dwarkesh
193.                        Harishchandra Bali
194.                        Haribhai Mistry
195.                        Sardul Kwatra
196.                        Anil Bagchi
197.                        B.R. Deodhar
198.                        Reejram
199.                        R. Ramnathkar  XXXXXXXXXX
200.                        Manohar Arora
201.                        H.P.Das
202.                        Bundu Khan
203.                        Veer Singh
204.                        S. Dutt
205.                        K. P. Sen
206.                        Robin Chatterjee
207.                        Ram Gopal Pandey
208.                        H.N. Sharma
209.                        J. Abhyankar- N. Nagesh Rao
210.                        Anand Raj Anand
211.                        Raaj Aashoo
212.                        S. Banerjee
213.                        Gopen Mallik
214.                        Khan Aziz
215.                        Vasudev
216.                        Rachita Arora
217.                        Datta Davjekar
218.                        M. A. Rauf Osmania
219.                        Harbaksh Singh
220.                        Nandram Omkarji
221.                        R. C. Roy
222.                        Chabi Kumar Mast
223.                        Ajay Atul
224.                        Karnad
225.                        Raj Ram
226.                        Master Mohan Junior
227.                        Raghu Dixit
228.                        Vishnudas Shirali
229.                        Naresh Bhattacharya
230.                        Ramkrishna Shinde
231.                        Yuvan Shankar Raja
232.                        Moti Nath
233.                        Harris Jairaj
234.                        Krsna
235.                        Master Ibrahim
236.                        Vishal Shekhar
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fashionbooksmilano · 4 years
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Contemporary Indian Fashion
edited by Federico Rocca
Damiani, Bologna 2009, 268 pagine, 450 ill.,English,  ISBN: 978 88 6208 100 9
euro 25,00
email if you want to buy: [email protected]
Forse ai più le firme di Ashish N Soni, Manish Arora e Rajesh Pratap Singh, non diranno granché, eppure questi nomi - e tanti altri del tutto impronunciabili per gli occidentali – rappresentano l’emergente nouvelle vague della moda indiana: un vero e proprio esercito di creativi che in tempi piuttosto recenti ha iniziato a farsi spazio nell’impenetrabile fashion system internazionale. Per anni ingiustamente confinati nella produzione low-cost globalizzata,e ora spalleggiati dalla forza di un’economia sempre più rampante, questo ben assortito gruppo di stilisti sta conquistando rapidamente le passerelle e i mercati mondiali, padroneggiando con assoluta disinvoltura il linguaggio e la tecnica della moda. E se nell’immaginario comune la moda indiana è ancora sinonimo di kitsch, questi new designer - senza perdere di vista la millenaria tradizione del passato – fanno piazza pulita di saree variopinti e ricami dorati per dimostrare un’inventiva sbalorditiva, tutta documentata nelle oltre 400 illustrazioni contenute nel volume. Contemporary Indian fashion presenta infatti una vasta collezione di capi d’abbigliamento, lavorazioni, ricami, contaminazioni e mix di stili; una moda sperimentale che è piacevolmente libera da pregiudizi estetici e audace nelle invenzioni. Fashion designers: Anamika Khanna, Manish Arora, Zubair Kirmani, Gaurav Gupta, Prashant Verma, Drashta Sarvaya, Cue by Rohit Gandhi & Rahul Khanna, Ashish N Soni, Sabyasachi Mukherjee, My Village / Rimzim Dadu, Rajesh Pratap Singh, Varun Bahl, Kavita Bhartia, Namrata Joshipura, Nachiket Barve, Shantanu Goenka, Ranna Gill, Nimita Rathod, Shantanu & Nikhil, Anuj Sharma, Swapnil Shinde, Small Shop.
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pzirnis · 4 years
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   Well drawn and beautifully executed this painting by Mahalaxmi has both a scholarly appeal as well as an aesthetic one.  
It represents Bhamati the long-suffering wife of the great scholar Vachaspati whom she served for years while he wrote his famed commentary on the Advaita Vedanta the non-dualistic school of philosophy based on the Upanishads.  When he finally finished the work it is said he looked up and seeing her asked who she was.  I'm your wife she replied and thus he called the commentary Bhamati.    Mahalaxmi tells the story with insight.  Bhamati bending forward with barely suppressed tears offers a lit oil lamp for Vachaspati's evening study while he bent over his commentary doesn't even look up to acknowledge her. The beautiful house with a well ordered open kitchen and clean yard also tells of Bhamati's effort to make a setting where his work is paramount.  Everything organized to shut out the world, from the house bordered by fences and palm trees to the empty clean swept yard.There are love birds over the doorway but no sign of domesticity. Nothing of theirs, no parents, no children. The umbrella hanging near the kitchen area the only hint of a world outside they cannot control.
    The work signed by Mahalaxmi and Shantanu Das is acrylic on canvas. Overall dimensions are 41x28 in but picture size is 35.5x23.5 in. 2018. >
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