#She ended up looking way more like a Minecraft zombie than I meant for her to look so
p0tat0-4rt · 4 months
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tumblingclockwork · 3 years
Before I start I wanna give a huge shout out to @mephones-declining-mental-health who was actually the first to point a lot of this out. We spent a lot of time putting this all together and she deserves a ton of credit for it. So go check them out.
ok so mcsm is an old game so quick refresher on episode 6: Jesse and his gang end up in another world and are put into a murder-mystery type situation. They’re trapped in the mansion due to zombies and have to survive until the day while the person who invited them all to the mansion (who goes by “The White Pumpkin”) kills them off one-by-one in order to obtain the Enchanted Flint And Steel. Which Jesse is also trying to get. Minus the main cast, everyone in this murder mystery is based off and voiced by famous minecraft YouTubers from the time. This was a pretty genius move on TellTale’s part because it meant the players were already going in with a certain level of attachment to these characters, allowing the game to kill them off in a way that would be emotionally impactful without effecting the plot of the overall story that much.
The people you meet in the mansion are the following youtubers: CaptainSparklez, TorqueDawg, StampyCat, TheDiamondMinecart, LDShadowLady, StacyPlays, and CassieRose
Multiple of these YouTubers are killed off (though some can be either saved or killed depending on your choices) and [spoiler warning] Cassie Rose is revealed to be the white pumpkin at the end. Her motivation being that she’s stuck away from her home world for and desperate to get back.
Now here’s the thing: that doesn’t make Any sense.
Cassie doesn’t have a single line or any piece of evidence that would necessarily point to her being the white pumpkin. The only real evidence that points to her feels so last minute and forced. And just completely disregards any other scene in which you were collecting evidence.
This would be less frustrating if there weren’t multiple other people that had far more evidence against them. But the one who has the most undeniable evidence against them? StampyCat.
Now I don’t know if they changed the story halfway through development or if the writers at TellTale are just bad at their jobs (equally likely but there is some evidence to suggest Cassie was not always the intended White Pumpkin) but Stampy has the most evidence, best motive, and would have just been a very interesting villain entirely.
Let’s go over everything.
So for starters. The first murder.
Spoiler alert! But the first murder is TorqueDawg. He stands under a dispenser that shoots him with a poison tipped arrow and he dies.
Now, tipped arrows were a relatively new thing at the time, and the game makes a point out of this. A lot of the characters in the mansion Don’t Know what a tipped arrow is. But a few do.
After the second murder (which we’ll address in a moment) you have the ability to interrogate three of the characters. LDShadowLady, TheDiamondMinecart, and StampyCat
Lizzie (LDShadowLady) is fully aware of the tipped arrows. Both Dan (TheDiamondMinecart) and Stampy point this out. When you ask her about it, she says she does know how to make them and taught others about it.
One of the people she talked about the tip arrows to is Cassie, aka the white pumpkin. So story-wise it does make sense. But Lizzie also states that Stampy had asked her about the tipped arrows, and specifically how to make them. So we know he has full knowledge of them.
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But what does Stampy say when you ask him about the tipped arrows?
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“I’ve never seen anything like it before”
This is Never addressed. Not once. Stampy blatantly lies about knowledge of a murder weapon when he seemingly has no reason to do so and he gets away with it.
So Stampy 1. Has the ability to create the weapon used for the murder and 2. Felt the need to hide this ability.
So that’s pretty suspicious right off the bat.
Now these interviews are caused by the second murder. So let’s talk about that.
Second murder: CaptainSparklez is pushed into a sand pit and suffocated by a very elaborate redstone trap. The trap is activated by one of the buttons on the table that they’re all sitting at.
Each of the buttons activates the trap, but only one of them was actually pressed. The connection we’re supposed to make here is that the White Pumpkin set up multiple buttons to keep suspicion off of themself.
The people sitting at the buttons were StampyCat, TheDiamondMinecart, LDShadowLady and Jesse’s friend Lucas.
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Now you’ll notice that CassieRose, the actual White Pumpkin, is not on this list.
TheDiamondMinecart (Dan) is the one who presses the button. Dan is supposed to be a Red Herring here as he didn’t know what the button would do and pressed it anyway (though he’s a bad red herring. And we’ll discuss that in a moment). Even with the knowledge that it wasn’t the white pumpkin who pressed it, it doesn’t make any sense for her to have not been sitting at a seat with a button. And this is never really addressed either. Making this scene a complete waste of time, unless of course the original white pumpkin was intended to be one of those 4 people.
The interviews give us a lot of knowledge about the interpersonal relationships of the characters and what their skill levels are. Such as what I discussed earlier about the tipped arrows. But one thing that stays consistent is Jesse’s insistence that whoever the white pumpkin is, they must be good at redstone.
And he’s right. Every trap set by the white pumpkin at this point was redstone activated. Whoever made it must have been very skilled with it. And out of all the suspects there’s only one who has that level of ability. Stampy.
Both Dan and Lizzie make a point of saying that Stampy is a master of redstone and his skill is unmatched. But when Stampy is asked about this, his first instinct is to lie about it. When you catch him in this lie, he immediately back-tracks.
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So Stampy
Has knowledge on how to build the first murder weapon (which wasn’t knowledge everyone had at the time)
Completely lies about this knowledge and is never called out for it
Was sitting at one of the buttons that caused the second murder
Is the only one with the redstone knowledge capable of creating the white pumpkins traps.
Lies about his redstone ability
So there you go! That’s a ton of evidence against him! And pretty much no evidence against Cassie other than the fact that she also knew about tipped arrows at the time.
In fact the dinner scene confirms Cassie can’t be a suspect unless we’re supposed to believe she just hoped someone else would do the job for her. Which considering she’s later characterized to be super paranoid and unwilling to leave things to chance, I doubt it.
While looking through secret tunnels you manage to find a secret conversation between Dan and Lizzie where Dan admits that he was the one who pushed the button on accident and that he feels super guilty about it. Jessie spots the white pumpkin looking through a painting at this moment. And considering he’s also seeing Dan and Lizzie, and he knows where Lucas is, out of all the people sitting near buttons, Stampy is the only one left. If the White Pumpkin was someone who was sitting at one of the buttons (which it should have been) it would have had to be Stampy
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Now I do think having Dan push the button is realistic and fine. It’s a button. Everyone likes pushing buttons. But the fact that the white pumpkin would Bet On That Happening and not sit near a button at all feels like it couldn’t possibly be right, especially because everything else is so thought through and calculated. It feels out of character for Cassie to do. Cassie being the white pumpkin also means those interview scenes were an entire waste of time. They gave us no real information that could be used in the case and crossed off the real murderer as a possible suspect.
If *Stampy* was the murderer however, this would have made a lot more sense. As the interviews would have given us a lot of info about him and against him. Plus his relationship to the others. Even if Dan turned out to be the one who pressed the button, we still would have gotten that important info on Stampy. Not to mention that Dan just so happening to press the button before the White Pumpkin got a chance is a lot more believable than the White Pumpkin betting on that.
Now the way the story actually goes is that Stampy is revealed to have the enchanted flint and steel (even though before he claimed to not even want it) and as I’ve said, Cassie is revealed to be the white pumpkin.
We learn she’s the white pumpkin because she’s the only one who didn’t have a portrait of herself with a red X over it, which is a sign someone had died. Meaning she was never intended to die at all.
Now because the writing team didn’t put any actual evidence of her being guilty before this, they slip in a Not At All Subtle clue that she’s the white pumpkin.
The white pumpkin’s hide out is Filled with calico cats. The same cats as Winslow (the cat that Cassie had kept with her). And while this is obviously supposed to tell us it’s her, it doesn’t really make much sense as a clue. Considering Winslow is just one cat. A bunch of cats that look like him is sort of out-of-nowhere. She’s had no real evidence against her other than the final connection, meanwhile all signs seem to point to Stampy.
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This doesn’t necessarily mean anything but I do think it’s worth mentioning that there is one character who Does have a ton of animals like the ones we see in the white pumpkin’s room. And that’s Stampy. He has a ton of dogs that could have easily taken the place of the cats. But anyway.
This last second Right At The End clue seems to almost indicate that there was some change in writing half way through the process. Before Stampy is revealed to have the flint and steel (which is something that any character could have confessed to and the story would be pretty much the same), the story makes a lot more sense with the idea that Stampy was originally intended to be the white pumpkin. We can also gather that it seems they intended the white pumpkin to be a man, as the protagonists refer to the white pumpkin by he/him pronouns and that assumption is never addressed when they learn the white pumpkin is a girl.
Either that or the writers are just. bad. Which is also very likely.
That’s all the evidence I have. So let’s talk about how story-wise it would have been so much more interesting to make Stampy the white pumpkin.
Cassie is great. But she didn’t get a lot of actual screen time in game until her villain reveal because she really never had any evidence against her. Stampy however got a lot of screen time and was generally the fan favorite when it came to the youtubers that were in episode 6. He was one of the most beloved youtubers at the time and the writers took that into account.
Whenever Stampy was accused of something, he’d play the innocent card. He’d say things like “it’s me! Stampy! I’m everyone’s friend!” In an attempt to get sympathy. Instead of defending himself, he played at the emotions of the people around him. He was played as the sweet innocent character who wouldn’t do anything wrong. I think this would have made him a Great twist villain. It would have made a lot more sense for the end scene as well, as the other youtubers defend Cassie, saying she would “never do something like that”. Which never really made sense considering they all knew one of them must have done it, and none of them had any real connection to her. Defending Stampy or being shocked would have made a lot more sense regarding the relationships of the characters.
His villain reveal would have been so much more surprising as well, as Cassie’s tone quickly shifts to much more malicious once she admits to being the White Pumpkin. And while I do believe shes a very good actor, I do believe the scene would have had an extra punch if the lines were delivered by someone who was previously set up to be the trustworthy friend who wouldn’t hurt a fly
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But it’s Cassie’s motive specifically that I think would have fit So Well if Stampy had taken her place.
Cassie wants the flint and steel so that she can return to her home dimension. She’a been stuck here for a very long time and is willing to do anything to get back home. Specifically saying that she needs to get out of this “stupid world”.
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Now this will only really make sense for those who are familiar with StampyCat outside of mcsm. But I’ll do my best to explain.
Stampy, as a YouTuber, was known for his “lovely world”. The minecraft world that he loved and cared about a lot. If the plot line was that Stampy specifically was separated from his lovely world, it would have been a great motive that he was desperate to get back it it.
So uh. Yeah! I think that’s all I got. I’m sure me and Worm aren’t the only people who have come to this conclusion but I’m just here to put it all into writing. I’m not sure if this was all a last minute change or sloppy writing but either way I think it’s interesting!
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swoopy-phantom · 5 years
Minecraft Lore Time
Thanks to new ideas and updates in recent years, I’ve thought Minecraft to be purgatory. You are dead. You died in the real world. And so god has created a new one for you, just like many others. When you create a new world you are looking at it from god’s view when she is making your world. Choosing the assets and distinct features... she knows what you might and might not like. When you die you wake up in purgatory, like nothing ever happened in real life. You find yourself in the wilderness, forced to gather materials and start a new life. The angels watching over you in purgatory also helped create this world. They don’t look like the “ideal” angel though.. no. They are tall and lanky and will fight even you if it’s meant to keep yourself safe from the dangers of the world. They almost look like- wait.
is that..?
a zombie? why is it.. oh no.
You scramble to find a light source in the piercing dark veil of the night. Anything. Anything to fight off these horrible creatures.
These are your demons.
The Endermen come and in a way they protect you. They work with the phantoms. You see in this world you are meant to believe it IS the real world. Doing everything you’d do as normal. But something, in case you haven’t guessed, is wrong. It’s all wrong...
Where did my friends go..?
Where is everyone...?
You are alone.
The Endermen make sure you live a normal life. Or what they perceive as normal. Whatever god thought was normal when she was creating this world for you and giving the angels instructions. You are to eat, sleep, explore, and build maybe. Building extraordinary things. So long as you eat every day and sleep every night. You could die from natural causes such as starvation, or fall to your death from the highest point just from tripping and being clumsy. Doesn’t matter what you’re doing when night falls because that is when the demons come out whether you like it or not, and the angels are there among them. They make sure you go to sleep regularly and you’re not thinking too much about this world. They want you to think it is the real world. When you look at them curiously and start asking yourself questions, you are thinking too much. Don’t look at them because you will become curious and they will become angry. They’ll kill you if it means you’ll just go to sleep for the night. The phantoms have the same goal in mind. They’re just another form of “angels”.
The villagers are another aspect that’s just not right.. maybe when creating them in your image god maybe slipped up... somewhere. What is.. heh. Their noses... haha, and those heads. They’re like people.
What is.. oh? I’m sorry, I don’t have this kind of currency yet. Let me get some. Oh! There’s a farmer! Maybe he’d like some of the crops I grew at home.. maybe carrots? Here you are. And now I have emeralds to buy those books. But.. ugh. They’re in a different language. No matter. I just need a quill. Now where did that chicken go...
The villages were made in the image of cities. Unfortunately there is no technology, only magic in this world. Unless you find a way to become skilled with that red stone stuff, I don’t think you’ll be getting any closer to “modern” anytime soon. Now since there is magic, you must be able to get it and use it as you please.
What is.. oh! A cleric! You must make potions! How do I get one? Forged in.. what fire? Hell? Demons?? What are you talking abou- oh the rod.. oh. Oh.
Of course the magic will be hard to harness for yourself. Once you grab hold of it, keep it on a leash. And use it responsibly. Do not let the angels become aware. Deep in the caves you find the black stone the cleric spoke of, and light it like a fire, just like his instructions said to do. A mysterious gateway opens. It is very ethereal looking. It fits right into this world. This is your first use of magic. “Armor up” the cleric had garbled to you, for their language is much different. With your armor on and your sword ready, you walk into the gateway. Feeling dizzy, you find yourself almost immediately in hell. If only it weren’t so.. hot. You start sweating under your armor, but know you must keep it on. There is a.. oh god. What is that thing. Is it a squid? No, those are back in the ocean. I don’t think any kind of water life could survive a second here. It almost looks like a ghost. Why is it sad?
These are the ghasts. Unable to understand the cleric’s language, instead it came out as “ghast” rather than “ghost” and so that is what you call them. Hey.. it’s oka- WHAT THE HELL?!
He shoots a fireball at you, repelling any vivid emotions again. He is angry, and wants nothing to do with you. Do not pity him. If you do not stop looking at him right now you will die. You put your sword up in defense and- it fires back. You’ve shielded yourself. Successfully too. The fireball hits the ghast and you become locked into this kind of fight. Watch your step, do not fall into the ocean of lava below. There we go now just one more.. and it is dead. Tears..? Why do I feel stronger? Was that it’s soul that I just absorbed? I’ll save these tears for later. They almost seem crystallized. There is more ahead. You see a castle- no. A fortress. The yellow things.. they’re blazing hot! Blazing with fire.. what in the- Blazes. They are the Blazes you were told of. And you had to kill them. You rush forward with the mighty strength of the ghast in your soul and with the might of your sword you start cutting them up. One by one, gathering enough of what seems to be their spines for your brewing stand. The guards have been alerted. They are charred from the fires of this world.. poor things. Some of the lava and brimstone seems to have come to life in a big chunk. There are.. pigs? Men? We’ll call those pigmen. They must be guarding something too. Just do not interfere with their work, or you will be in a world of trouble. Is that.. oh no. The angels. Quick, find the warts for the magic and get back home. You stumble out of the portal, feeling dizzy as a drunk. Your home is just over there.. time for sleep, I guess. In the morning, you run to the tower you prepared for the magic you will be harnessing. You take the stone, the spines.. better crush some up for fuel. Everything needs power from somewhere. And it works. You place it on the countertop, grab your glass bottles. I guess these magics in bottles will need a base, huh? where was that river... oh right. These are going to be called potions, as the cleric had told you before your adventure. They are like spells, just drink the disgusting mixture instead. You pull out the fences, the sand of souls, and those warts you were told to grab. Do not step on the souls, you will sink and seem to walk slower, for they are pulling you in with them. These warts will be for future potions. Good thing you can grow them here. Now, what was the order? Oh right. Better hang up this chart he gave me for all of the possible potions to make. Let’s see.. the base. You place the water bottles into the slots of the stand. Now into the infuser these warts go.. it’s working! Now what? I have my base.. what would I need most right now?
You’re jumping so high you’re like a rabbit! And you don’t even get hurt! Now to fix my garden up. There’s no one here but.. it’s just for myself. And maybe if I can find an animal companion one day. Never thought you’d become a flower picker and potion maker, huh? This is nice... I could live like this for a long time...
Unfortunately.. there is another type of being in this world. The poor souls who are stuck in purgatory and decide that if they are dead, then everything else must die with them. God treats everyone fairly in this world. But sometimes she must punish.
Now, when you are creating your world, you are essentially creating it in God’s view. When you are choosing what you would prefer the world to look like and what seeds to pick for yourself, that is God looking at your souls and seeing what kind of person you were when you were alive. She is creating the world specifically for you. Choosing every individual setting for you. And her way of “punishing” you for being an awful person during your lifetime would be setting the monster level to “hard.” There are complications to this.. like how LDShadowLady is a wonderful person irl (this talk of “awfulness” has nothing to do with her) but she decided to play the One Life series, where it is on hardcore mode. This obviously in now way determines her morality lol. Same with the HermitCraft people! They are all wonderful. But just because they play on harder levels and do some of the things I’m about to explain and talk about, does NOT in ANY WAY determine their morality. They’re just having fun :’) But, all in all, Minecraft is just a game in the end. We are all just passionate. Back to the lore!!
Now the more heated people in purgatory are obviously going to be dangerous to some degree. Slaughtering everything that comes at them in the night. They don’t sleep, barely eat enough to sustain them, and collect every head the slice off, every bit of rotten flesh from the deceased souls and beings... they collect the glass eyes of the angels they fell, and the protective layers (membranes) and skins of the phantoms they slay. They end up taking over the Nether, making their homes there and literally living in hell. Using it as they please.
They have become too powerful.
God sends and obstacle their way. A withered being of sorts.. my goodness. It’s huge! Why does it have three hea- OH MY GOD. It throws a head at you! This thing is obviously dangerous.. use your bow and arrows! Dammit.. I can’t anymore. Guess it’s a sword fight then.
You have felled the giant creature and have absorbed its life force for your own experience. A star..? I’ve heard of these. I can use it to make a beacon...
God is waiting now.
After mining and mining. Digging and digging. Enchanting and enchanting... you’ve found it. The otherworldly portal. Space stares back into your bones and souls while you stare at it. After taking the last of the glass eyes you stole from the angels and mixing them with the power of the Blazes spines...
it’s dark.
You hear the roar from above you.
You see the black and purple oblivion around you.
You dig through the yellowish stone, up to the surface.
She flies overhead.
The angels look at you. There must be hundreds. You hear the deafening roar again.
God is here. And she is not happy.
This is The End.
After a long battle, you have killed God. Leave the egg. You do not care to hatch another god right now, for you have claimed yourself as the new one.
I have just described the two spectrums of Minecraft players: “Flower Pickers/ Potion Makers” and “Monster Slayers.” It doesn’t matter how you play the game, for it’s just a game. It’s totally okay to do whatever you want, because the game came from the creator’s imagination. By imagination, for imaginations everywhere.
Unfortunately Tumblr has messed up my text and spaces in some places during this, so I’m sorry if it ruins the intended effect of the writing.
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erin-gilberts · 4 years
Bc It’s such a good post will you answer all the cafe asks?
Yessss totally! 
Vanilla Chai Latte : Are you in love?
Yes, wholeheartedly and unapologetically, I am. 
My girlfriend and I have only been together for two months, but it’s one of those things where when you know, you know. I’ve been in relationships lasting upwards of a year where I still didn’t know at the end of them whether or not I was in love. Early on in the year, I was actually even having conversations with my mom about how I wasn’t sure I’d ever been in love; I had no concept of what that felt like. I didn’t feel like I was feeling what I was supposed to be in relationships. I wondered if I was aromantic and if I wasn’t meant to experience romantic love.
With her, I’ve realized everything love IS supposed to feel like, and I’ve realized I AM capable of feeling those feelings - I just hadn’t met the right person yet. My heart was waiting for her. 
We daydream of the life we intend to build together, and it delights me to be able to wake up every day and choose her, again and again, as we run boldly and breathlessly into the future we now share. We totally u-hauled but we’re both so committed to blooming and becoming together; it’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before despite having quite a bit of experience in relationships. 
Flat White : Coffee or Tea?
Coffee. It feels more substantial to me with more ways to customize it exactly how you like it. I also just have a lot of really positive memories being in coffee shops! I’m currently obsessing over Starbucks’s seasonal salted caramel mocha. 
Cappuccino : What’s your middle name?
Elizabeth! I was named after my mother and grandmother, so it’s the only part of my birth name I kept when I changed my name. 
Mocha : Dream Job?
A famous professional organizer on the same level as Marie Kondo and Dorothy Breininger! They’re my inspiration and the reason I went into this kind of work. Also, the executive director of my own LGBT-focused nonprofit (which I have been, and I intend to be again!). 
Pumpkin Spice : Dream car?
The super fancy bike I’ll use the day I ride in the AIDS LifeCycle? Haha, I don’t drive and I don’t intend to! 
Jasmine Tea : If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Ugh, if I could visit any place in the world right this moment, I’d choose to go back to Toronto in a heartbeat. I went there in 2015 for the Inside Out LGBT Film Festival and I LOVED that city. It was so fun and the people were so welcoming. Other than that? Moscow, because it’s where @googoogojob lives, or New York City, because I just learned Hook & Ladder 8 (the Ghostbusters firehouse) is a real place and I want to see it! 
Old English : You’re stranded on an island, who do you bring with you?
Do I have a limit?? If I have a choice, I’m definitely bringing my mom, brother, maternal grandparents, best friend, best friend’s family, cat, and girlfriend! That’s like the minimum amount of people in my life I couldn’t go without. 
Iced Chocolate : Do you have a crush on someone?
My girlfriend, who I continually redevelop a big gay crush on every day! But I feel like that’s not quite the spirit of what this question is asking, so - I also have a big gay crush on Kristen Wiig, which my girlfriend endlessly makes fun of me for! Like, to the point I named my cat Erin Gilbert. 
Caramel Frappe : Favorite video game?
It’s a tie between Minecraft and Undertale. I swing wildly between playing Minecraft daily to not playing for months, but it never gets old. The sandbox nature of the game enables infinite creativity, and the low stakes make it both accessible to me (not a gamer) and relaxing. And Undertale with its story and unique mechanics remains to this day the game to inspire the biggest emotional response in me. I’ve thought about having, “Despite everything, it’s still you” tattooed. 
Iced Lemon Tea : Favorite song/band?
My favorite songs of all time are “The Greatest” by Sia and “I Know a Place” by MUNA, both of which were written in the aftermath of the Pulse shooting and can be interpreted as the process of rediscovering queer joy at the same time your community is constantly faced with tragedy and pain. They hit hard in a beautiful way as a hate crime survivor. 
Iced Cafe Mocha : Favorite thing to do on rainy days?
I like to go out as soon as the storm passes and just walk downtown in the rain. The air always smells and feels so good; it clarifies me and I feel renewed. Walking in the light rain or before / after the storm always feels like breathing, really breathing, for the first time. It reminds me I exist and it reminds me that’s neat. 
Hot Chocolate : Are you an affectionate person?
Yessssss oh my god. I live and breathe being affectionate and not even in a strictly romantic sense. I’m naturally an exuberant person and I delight in making people happy. My girlfriend would also say I engage in “cat behavior” with my demands to be held or touching constantly. XD 
Caramel Macchiato : You’re travelling the entire world but you can only take one person with you. Who do you take?
My girlfriend @sweetmckinnon. Not only would we have the unprecedented opportunity to be gay in every country and continent, but we’re both writers, and we’d write an excellent book about these adventures! 
Green Tea : How tall are you?
Early Grey Tea : The inevitable Zombie Apocalypse is upon us! What’s your plan of action?
I’m rounding up everyone I care about and taking us to the nearest commune of marginalized people. We’ll be avoiding those uber-macho survivalist types like the plague, because their arrogance will 100% get everyone killed. At least marginalized communities would be more likely to understand working together and looking out for the community, not just yourself. 
Mint Tea : How do you relax?
Indoor cycling is my drug of choice. It’s HARD to be mad or stressed when you’re exerting that intensely. I might also write self-indulgent fanfics or indulge in a little controlled chaos (I’m an acrylic pour and collage artist). And talking to my girlfriend, best friend, or mom always makes me feel better, too. 
Vanilla Latte : Board games or drinking games?
I genuinely love board games and wish I had more people to play them with. 
Iced Coffee : Do you like reading? If so, what’s your favorite book?
I like reading, but having ADHD has made it extremely hard to read entire books in recent years. My favorite book is probably The Radium Girls by Kate Moore. The author takes what’s already a horrific story and a dark chapter in American history and with her devastating writing style, humanizes each woman involved to the point it makes you ache to read knowing the inevitability of their fate. Anytime anyone asks me for a book recommendation, this is the book I suggest. 
Italian Soda : Describe your dream date
My dream date would be after we’ve been together for a while - maybe on a date that’s special to us, like our anniversary, or maybe just on a random night because we feel like it, we have one of those super romantic dates like you see in the movies. We dress up super cute, go out to dinner and come home to a bedroom full of candles and rose petals on the floor, and every moment is spent just enjoying each other and what we have together in every way we can. <3 
Sparkling Water : Describe what qualities you look for in a person
Passion - I’m an activist who became the executive director of their own nonprofit at the age of 16. I’m not going to mesh with someone who’s just going through the motions of life without any aspirations. 
Flexibility - It’s a turnoff for me when someone is EXTREMELY committed to a very specific view of how their life is going to be. It tells me right away I’m going to have to continually contort myself to fit into their unbending path, because I accept I can’t predict the direction of my life with any degree of precision and I’m not rigid about it as a result. 
Creative - I’m currently dating another writer and it’s the most fun I’ve ever had in a relationship. The quickest way to get us to pop off into a spirited debate is to get us started about story structure and characterization. We. Go. OFF. And could go off for days. Our shared creative passion gives us endless ground to connect and bond on. 
Those are just a few, but definitely a few important ones for me! 
Orange Juice : Have you ever had a valentine?
My first girlfriend, who I dated from 12-17, is the only valentine I’ve ever had. The timing of my relationships as an adult has never worked out for me to be partnered on Valentine’s Day. We weren’t super out about our relationship at the time and didn’t spend Valentine’s Day together, but I still have the love letters she sent me copied into my 7th grade diary, and I still have the antique gold heart necklace with enamel roses she gave me one year, too! Lots of lovely memories from that relationship. 
Rose Hip Tea : Describe your first kiss
My first girlfriend and I were 12-13, cutting class in the bathroom because she was often bullied for her sexuality. She was having an especially rough day that day and I knew exactly where to find her. She kissed me out of the blue while I was comforting her and in all of my baby gay naivety, I hadn’t fully realized I was gay or that she liked me that way prior to that. Turns out I was and she did. We dated for five years. 
Herbal Tea : You’re at a candle shop, what scented candle do you buy?
Oh, I’m going right to the bakery scent section. I’m not a huge fan of chocolate-scented candles, but vanilla? Christmas cookies? Gingerbread? Sign me the FUCK up. 
Sandalwood is also one of my favorite scents, but depending on what it’s blended with, it can be hit or miss for me in candles. 
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ravenpie52 · 3 years
With Domicile’s Conclusion:
I’m writing a wrap-up of sorts here, explaining all the lore and background info for the series (and where it might go?) in a fully transparent manner. Don’t read this if you want to puzzle some of it out first after finishing the series. I’m posting the art assets I drew at the bottom too.
Prepare for a long one.
1. Series Lore
First off, the most important thing. Raven is not a true “Player.” I categorize Players as beings separate from mobs that sorta just, appear (though they all have their own backstories). They have a lot of power at their fingertips. They can manipulate the world drastically, travel between worlds, and set up worlds as “hubs” (servers) for others to gather in. The existence of a Player influences the world around them. Worlds are literally made for Players, and can barely exist without them. 
So what happens when a world lacks a Player? Well. Mob AI is fundamentally changed, for one. They do not aggro on beings that aren’t mobs unless provoked. Therefore, all hostile mobs ignore Raven’s existence because they are not recognized as anything worth paying attention to. Things also got messy and the world deferred a sort of “awakening” to those of the highest “power,” Evokers, in order to try and pick up the slack in a way. (Though the world doesn’t have thoughts, I’m just personifying it for ease of explanation.)
Evokers in Raven’s world have a higher “sense of self,” and in doing so took on a fraction of Player abilities (building/exploration/crafting skill and world manipulation). Many of them banded together into the Evoker Collective to try and figure out what’s going on with the world. There are legends of “Players” that all sapient mobs know, and yet....there is no trace of one...
Eventually, one such Evoker got the idea to try and MAKE a Player, or at least, create an entity that could try to fill the void. Enter our dear shapeshifter. Unfortunately, Raven either accidentally killed both their creator and work partner in their eldritchy infancy without realizing, or scared the two off for good. I’m leaving that for others to decide. Thankfully they started learning life lessons from passive mobs and ended up in a village in a form where they were mistaken for an actual Player and could learn about it.
Secondly, in a broken world, the connection between the dimensions is super fragile. This is why Raven didn’t get any dimension-related advancements. They don’t exist. All knowledge regarding the Nether and the mobs within was left vague or nonexistent and Evokers had to figure it out themselves. At most, villagers know of a far off place that is very warm and red. And they know of a hard, purple rock, that when made into an upright square...does something... Only Evokers actually ended up getting there.
When it comes to the End, that’s a complete mystery, though they did find a stronghold containing a portal. Unfortunately, they didn’t know enough about Endermen (named “Warpers” instead) to figure out the whole deal with the frame.
There is no Enderdragon. With no Player to defeat her, she does not exist, nor do her pillars, her crystals, or her egg. And with no dragon to defeat, there are no End Cities. The only thing that exists is the anchor point, the bedrock fountain.
IN COME CYAN AND GREEN: residents of The Liminal, the space between worlds and dimensions. You know that dirt screen you see whenever Minecraft is loading, showing an error message, looking through options, playing the credits, etc.? That’s a place. You can fully enter it only after hopping into the fountain the first time in a world. All those other times you’re kinda just a blip. 
It’s implied in my custom End Poem that it is possible to acclimate yourself to The Liminal better and eventually stay there without being pulled away. Furthermore, it is being said that Raven has the possibility to join the ranks of Cyan and Green since Raven’s also somewhat detached from the universe (due to being made from its own cracks). However, that will take, like, hundreds to thousands of years.
Cyan and Green gave Raven a boon after being impressed by their ability to be, well, a person. They gave them the knowledge and ability to world-hop, like Players, so Raven can now go to other worlds as well as servers and isn’t stuck in a broken one, hooray! All the other worlds they visit will be actually made for Non-mob Beings, so there’s proper mob aggro, regular dimension stuff, etc. There’s gonna be a violent few lessons Raven’s gonna have to learn fast. Good thing the other ability that Cyan and Green gave Raven was the ability to respawn in other worlds. Yep! Raven was unknowingly in hardcore mode this whole time and didn’t realize there was anything different!
Despite getting a slight power boost, Raven is still unable to shapeshift properly. They can only get forms slightly right. They worked really hard to maintain their zombie mimicry at this level of finesse (even if it isn’t perfect), so they’re unlikely to change shape unless it’s necessary or accidental. People are more receptive to Raven in this form, after all. This is my excuse for why Raven doesn’t shapeshift in-game at any time....there are no mods for this.
2. Out of Character Stuff
Here’s a previous OOC post I made regarding some of the filming stuff.
Domicile was always meant to be Raven’s backstory. It’s something I could point to when people might go: “What’s their story?” It was just for fun, but I put a lot of work into it, and it has felt very rewarding. For example, I’d been trying to figure out how to present the flashback of episode 6 and the custom End Poem for episode 7 for aaaages and getting those all settled has been great.
If you’re wondering why I have silent moments for montages in my videos and didn’t see the answer anywhere else, there were times where it just didn’t work out to use the webcam microphone I was borrowing, or said microphone messed up the audio (I’m FINALLY getting a replacement mic in a few weeks). At a certain point I decided it was a feature to have montages with only in-game sounds. Like, asmr or something.
None of the mods I installed changed generation. Everything that looks different from vanilla I made happen in creative mode. I made the mini-mansion in the roofed forest, the temple topper and stairs for the stronghold, fixed up Hometown to be nicer, and got rid of all the obsidian End pillars with creative mode punches. The pillars still stick out of the bottom of the island, I couldn’t be bothered to do that too. ( >3>)
One of my rules for the RP was to keep all knowledge in-universe. Raven had to only know things they could conceivably find out from villagers or their books. (And sometimes they just straight up forgot some of it.) After this, there’s gonna be a time skip where Raven learns a whole bunch of Minecraft basics from faceless Players. So in the future I won’t have to pay quite as much attention to what gets called its proper in-game name or not.
Also I had to hold back from singing any real life song lyrics to myself and I couldn’t give anything a name that alludes to our world. The orange tower is called Traffic Cone in my head but Raven can only call it a tower. That sort of thing I can be way more lenient with from now on.
I want to make future RP content with my character, but I have no friends who are fitting that particular niche to roleplay with me for a multiplayer series. I’m keeping an eye out for potential roleplay servers and such for outside of video RP. But at this point, I think that if I am to make a multiplayer video series, I’m gonna have to wait for someone to approach me with an offer. 
Though, I’m still gonna post art of the character here, no doubt.
By the way, since this is working as an archive of sorts, here’s the link for the written piece that started me on the track to making the series. I’m thinking of changing the canon time Raven spent wandering around the tundra thinking they were a mob to be a bit while longer than a day.
More stuff involving my Minesona can be found under the #Domicile tag, but later I’m just gonna tag all new stuff as just #minesona.
3. Art Assets
Here are the assets I made for the videos, excluding the blurry picture of the Evokers, that one’s kinda not worth much, lol. I’ve posted the first two elsewhere, but thought this would be a good archive.
The thumbnail:
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The title card:
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Raven falling from The Liminal, losing their form a bit after Green and Cyan’s influence and Raven’s emotional bewilderment:
(You can really tell that I loosely traced a reference photo of someone falling, lol. I have no shame, this pose rocks.)
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For fun, here’s the skin I use! I didn’t make it, but I’ve used it for years, so it’s me now. >:) 
Here’s the Skindex link.
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Once again, thank you all so much for anyone who watched the series. Every view means a lot to me. I’m so happy that people watched my stuff and liked it. Thanks for reading this! <3
0 notes
shielddrake · 7 years
Rebel of Sky City Ch. 22
So, here’s a little tidbit I meant to include in the last chapter post, but little scatterbrained me forgot. I just wanted to share part of a review from chapter 20 written by TheAmberShadow, in regard to Ivor’s apparent fall from the palace after the explosion in his lab:
 “Ivor’s going to fall screaming past them at any moment and that mental picture is hilarious!”
 The idea of Ivor falling past Lukas and Isa as they tower back up to the city had my sides hurting from laughter! I wish I had included that somehow! It’s much more creative than what I ended up doing. Unfortunately, I needed Ivor to show up at the big meeting with all the other characters. There should be a Minecraft: Bloopers Mode and include that somehow!
I’m still looking for input on my next project. The updated choices are in chapter 19.
Chapter Twenty-Two
To Lukas’ surprise, he found himself staring at the hilt of one of Isa’s swords.
They had positioned themselves all around the outer perimeter of the palace. This was where most of the traitorous guards remained. They threw spawn eggs to create monsters whenever they felt like it. Ghasts seemed to be their favorite. Despite that, there were plenty of zombies, skeletons, spiders, and creepers around to make everyone nervous.
 The only good thing about the rubble around the city was that it provided plenty of cover for them to hide. They still had to beat a few mobs every now and then, but for the most part they were able to reach the large crevice that surrounded the palace entrance. Had it been filled with water, Lukas would have called it a moat.
 Still, he didn’t expect to be in this situation. The group was waiting for one of Aiden’s henchmen to show up before they sprung their plan. In the meantime, Lukas stared at Isa with a perplexed expression as she pointed the hilt towards him.
“Really?” he asked. “Are you sure?”
 “Aiden has access to all the resources we had in the palace, including the weapons stash for the Guard,” Isa explained. “No doubt he will have found the diamond swords by now.”
 “Swords made of diamond?” Olivia repeated. “Really? You have those?”
 “They were only for Jesse, Reginald and me to use, but I’m sure Aiden will be keeping one at his side,” The Founder continued. “It would be foolish to think otherwise, and a diamond sword lasts much longer than your iron one. If you end up fighting him, you’re going to need a weapon that can match his.”
 Lukas looked down from her face at the sword for a moment before slowly taking it. He couldn’t argue with her logic.
 “I hope it doesn’t come to that,” Lukas said. “Hopefully Aiden will be willing to listen to reason.”
“What are the chances of that?” Petra asked him. “He’s way beyond reason by now.”
 Lukas shrugged. “Guess Jesse’s optimism has rubbed off on me.”
 “Looks like some of the guards are patrolling again,” Milo whispered, looking over the pile of blocks. “Philippe and I are going over to the other side. We’ll lead the distraction from there. Split their forces in half, so to speak.”
 “Good idea, Dad,” Lukas agreed. He reached over and gave his father’s shoulder a squeeze. “Be safe, okay?”
 “And you as well, son.” Milo returned the gesture and smiled. “I will see you on the other side.”
Milo and Philippe took a group of the rebels and headed off to the other side of the palace. Lukas turned his attention to Ivor, who was now without anything to defend himself, having given his last three potions to them. Not wanting to leave him unarmed, Lukas pulled the iron sword Axel had given him and passed it to Ivor.
“You think I know how to use one of those things?” the older man said deeply.
 “Yeah, I don’t think this guy does much fighting,” Petra joked, at which Ivor glared at her.
 Lukas shook his head. He could tell Petra was teasing, but he wasn’t sure if Ivor would take it that way. And now really wasn’t the time for them to start going at each other. Lukas only just got his father and Isa to agree to disagree long enough go through with this plan. He didn’t need another argument on his hands.
 Thankfully, Axel hushed them for him. “Guys, check it out. Gill and Maya.”
 The little group looked over their shelter. Sure enough, Aiden’s two little flunkies were walking around, swords in hand, and looking around. They had a couple of other guards with them, and they each sported bags and belts full of eggs. The guards were clearly being more vigilant than either Maya or Gill, who were chatting with each other without a care in the world.
 “Look at those jerks,” Olivia commented. “Acting like the city isn’t falling apart around them.”
“Time to take the fight to them,” Axel said, punching one fist into the opposite palm.
 Isa stood, pulling out her remaining diamond sword and twirling it in her hand. “I swear, I’m going to tear these traitors limb from limb.”
 “Take care of yourself out there, Isa,” Lukas warned her.
 “And to you as well,” Isa answered him. She nodded to Ivor. “Let’s go.”
 Ivor followed her across the yard and into position. Axel rolled his neck and stood.
“Time for a little payback.” He was stopped by Petra’s hand on his. His eyes went wide for a moment before he lifted his gaze to hers. “What’s up, Petra?”
“Just…be careful, okay?” She rubbed the back of her neck, which was starting to turn a little pink. “You never know what new tricks Gill and Maya have up their sleeves.”
“You don’t need to worry about me. I’ve dealt with them pretty much my whole life,” he insisted. He let out a single laugh. “And you’ve kind of helped me be more confident around people who talk down to me. I can handle any monster they throw at me…no pun intended.”
 Petra still didn’t release his hand. Axel glanced back and forth between her face and their clasped hands.
 “Uh, Petra? Are you okay?”
 She squeezed his hand, ignoring him in favor of glaring over at Lukas and Olivia, who were watching them intently. She crinkled her nose at them, apparently rather annoyed at the presence of an audience. Finally, she threw up her hands and turned back to Axel.
 “Screw it,” she said, and then reached up to pull the tall man down and crashing her lips to his.
They remained like that for a good minute or so. Lukas and Olivia stared with wide eyes, eyeing each other uncertainly. The kissing pair ignored them entire. Petra kept her eyes close, while Axel’s seemed to take over his entire head.
Finally, she released him. Axel stared at her with a rather stupid smile on his face. He continued to watch Petra as his body tried and failed to turn around. He stumbled over some debris as he moved to follow Isa into the courtyard. His normally deep voice was pitched to a higher octave as he chuckled nervously. He cleared his throat and headed off.
Petra watched him go and place himself in front of the patrolling guards. She glanced over at Lukas and Olivia. They were giving her an expression that was some sort of mixture of amusement and surprise. Olivia kept her hand over her mouth, trying to stifle giggles, while Lukas held his sides in a silent laugh.
The redhead scoffed at them. “Don’t say it. Don’t even chuckle. Especially you.”
 Petra pointed a finger at Lukas, who only barely managed to control his laughter. He did remain quiet, as commanded.
 “Hey, Maya! Gill!” Axel shouted. Lukas looked over the barrier to see the tall man waving his arms around. “Bet you’re feeling on top of the world right now!”
To no one’s surprise, the commotion got their attention in no time at all. The brunette pair’s gaze immediately snapped to him, and both Gill and Maya smirked at him. Gill stepped forward and put a loser sign on his forehead, using his thumb and index finger.
“Too bad you didn’t choose the right side, huh?” he mocked. “Loser.”
 “Yeah, maybe you should’ve tried harder to get on Aiden’s good side,” Maya joined in. “But big surprise, you’re not smart enough to have figured that out.”
“Brilliant comebacks from these guys,” Olivia muttered.
 “I think that’s the longest sentence that’s ever come out of Maya’s mouth,” Petra added.
 Lukas had to bit his lip to stop himself from laughing again, and thus give their position away.
 Axel, however, wasn’t perturbed at all, which Lukas had to admit was a bit of a surprise, but in a good way. He flexed his arms, making himself look even bigger.
 “But I’m still here though!” He announced. It would seem that Axel felt more confident and loud after receiving Petra’s attentions. “You’d think you would’ve caught me already, if I was such a loser!”
That simple taunt got under Gill’s skin, and he pulled his sword out and waved it in a threatening manner. “That can change real quick!”
“Even if he has reinforcements?” Everyone’s heads turned to see Isa walking up to the crevice, with Ivor right behind her. She glared at the pair and the guards standing with them. Lukas had to look closely, but he could see their knees shaking. “I do not take kindly to traitors. Stand down now, or I will show you how I deal with people like you.”
Gill’s mouth dropped open while Maya started stuttering. “You’re, you��re, but you’re dead! Aiden threw you off the island! How is this—”
“Perhaps I am more resourceful than you expected,” Isa sneered, flashing her blade against the rain. “Now it’s time to see if you will follow through with your threats.”
 Gill shook his head and snickered. He looked over his shoulder at the other guards, who were simply staring at The Founder with disbelieving eyes.
 “Don’t just stand there!” he commanded. “Get them!”
“Boom!” Maya shouted, throwing an egg at Axel’s feet, instantly spawning a spider. “Egg!”
 A fight broke out in no time. Isa maintained the line the most, being the most experienced fighter there. Axel and Ivor were able to hold their own fairly well, even against the skeletons being spawned in front of them. Ivor seemed more anxious about the whole thing, but that didn’t stop him from giving a few blows to the nearby creeper. He jumped out of the way of the imminent boom, shouting as he covered his head.
 “I don’t need any more explosions!!” he hollered. “Thank you!”
 There was the sound of another bang in the distance, far enough that no debris showered the group but still close enough that they felt the swell of the explosion. Lukas took a glace in the direction it came from. He could hear screaming in his father’s voice, but it wasn’t a painful scream. It was one of releasing pent up rage and frightening the enemy. Lukas smiled at his remaining two friends.
“That would be Dad,” he said. “And that’s our cue.”
“Remind me to congratulate Axel on his standing up to his bullies,” Petra said. “They’ve been jerks to him for long enough.”
 “I think he’s fine,” Olivia stated, shrugging one shoulder and listening to Axel continue to taunt Gill and Maya. “That little public display of affection gave him the boost that he needed.”
 “Yeah, you should do that more often,” Lukas suggested, smirking at his best friend and ignoring how her face began to match her hair. “I think you’re getting a little soft, Petra?”
“Oh, shut it.”
Giving them one last glare, Petra quickly drank the light blue potion in her hand. Having the Potion of Swiftness, neither Lukas nor Olivia saw her sprint out of their sight, leap over the crevice, and head straight for the front gates of the palace. They did feel the gust of wind that went with her, but beyond that it was as if Petra just disappeared into thin air.
 Olivia smiled and drank her own potion. Hers was the Potion of Leaping. This gave her the ability to leap from her hiding spot straight over not only the crevice, but also over the guards, rebels and monsters standing in her way. She landed with a boom, and for a moment Lukas was worried that she would be spotted and attacked. He needn’t have worried though, as Olivia immediately jumped again. She was able to bypass the fighting by staying airborne. Soon enough she was also at the palace gates, standing right next to Petra.
 “Guess it’s just me now.”
 With that Lukas closed his eyes and downed his grey potion in one gulp. It felt like he had swallowed a large bug, or maybe a spider, along with soggy carrots and some kind of plant his tongue didn’t recognize. He grimaced at the taste and nearly spat it out. It was only the knowledge that he really needed the Potion of Invisibility’s effects that kept him from doing so.
 Half a second later, Lukas looked down at his hand. He knew he was moving his fingers and he could feel the air around them, but he couldn’t see them at all. Glancing down at the rest of his body, Lukas could see, or rather, not see himself at all. His body was completely gone!
“Now that’s more like it,” he whispered, trying to keep his voice down to maintain the illusion of having disappeared.
 Lukas probably had the hardest time getting over the crevice. He thanked the stars it didn’t go all the way through the bottom of the island. He was able to slide down it, reach the base, and then slowly and carefully climb up the other side. The stones and dirt that were displaced by his steps weren’t invisible, but that was part of the reason his friends and family were acting as a distraction. Once Lukas reached the top of the crevice on the other side, he looked over his shoulder at the battle. Everyone was too busy to even notice that anything had gone amiss. He smiled and waved at Isa, but then remembered she couldn’t see him. He turned back to the palace.
“Only three minutes,” he reminded himself, and he took off running.
 Of course, Lukas was the last one to arrive at the palace gates. By this point, Petra’s potion had worn off, which meant that Olivia’s was not far behind. They were already waiting for him at the palace entrance. Petra had her sword out and Olivia had an arrow drawn in her bow. Lukas waved his own weapon.
 “Ready, ladies?” he asked. They both nodded. “All right! Let’s go!”
 With that, the trio found themselves in the perpetual labyrinth that was the Sky City Palace. The outside of the palace was so precise and so immaculate on the outside, with its bright gold blocks and perfect dome. Truthfully, Lukas never thought it would be such a mess inside. Halls and rooms weaved each and every way imaginable, including up and down a few small flights of steps. The worst part was that, to him at least, it all looked alike. The few paintings and tapestries hung on the walls didn’t help him familiarize himself. Everything looked the same to him!
 “Who’s bright idea was it to make this place so complicated?” Lukas couldn’t help but groan. “Why isn't this considered an ‘egregious waste of resources’!”
“Good thing you’ve got me, huh?” Petra joked.
 Lukas chuckled. If Petra hadn’t joined the Guard and become accustomed to walking about the palace…well, that was just luck on their part.
 “Think we’re going to run into any monsters in here?” Olivia wondered aloud.
 “Keep your eyes peeled,” Petra replied. “Just in case.”
 Almost as if on cue, when they arrived at a four-way intersection, Lukas saw the flash of a swinging sword from a side hall. He lifted his sword in time to parry the attack, but he stumbled back from the blow. The sword came down again, but this time it was Petra’s sword that blocked it.
 “Look out!” she yelled, a little too late, but Lukas was unharmed and that was all that mattered. She looked up from the hilt of her sword into a pair of dark eyes covered by pale cyan hair. “Mevia?!”
“And here I thought you wouldn’t show your face here again, Petra,” Mevia replied, a smirk scribbled across her face. She jerked her sword, forcing the redhead to step back. “We’ve got some fighters here, Hadrian!”
 “Aiden warned us about keeping intruders out of the palace.” Olivia spun around, aiming her bow down the opposite hallway as Hadrian walked into view. He held his own sword made of diamond, jutting it towards Lukas. “Can’t say I expected to see you again, chump.”
The blonde narrowed his eyes at the older man. “You were hoping I was dead, weren’t you?”
“You’ve made life very difficult for us, buddy,” Hadrian answered with a snarl. “But you know what they say: revenge is best served cold.”
With that, Hadrian drew up his sword and rushed at Lukas. He held up his own sword in preparation to deflect the attack. It turned out he didn’t need to worry about it. Just moments before Hadrian reached arm’s length, there was a whirl in the air. Hadrian screamed as an arrow embedded itself into his arm. Lukas jumped back, out of range of Hadrian’s sword.
Rather than continue his assault on Lukas, Hadrian snapped his gaze to Olivia, who was preparing another arrow in her bow. She drew it back and fired again. This time, Hadrian dodged, but the arrow still forced him to step back, or else he would’ve gotten an arrow in the knee.
“That’s for my glowstone dust!” she hollered, in a rather non-Olivia-like way. She readied another arrow and glanced at Lukas over her shoulder. “Keep going! Find Jesse!”
 “She’s right!” Petra called, swinging her sword against Mevia’s and talking to Lukas with perfect multitasking skills. “We’ll take care of this!”
“Aw, isn’t that cute, Hadrian?” Mevia mocked. “She thinks they can take us on.”
 “Time for a wake-up call, kiddos.”
Hadrian ran for Olivia this time, but she was too quick for him. She dodged out of the way and leased another arrow, this time aiming for his chest. He had to press himself against the wall to avoid it. Petra, meanwhile, saw an opening in Mevia’s defenses and gave her a solid kick in the chest, knocking her back.
“What are you waiting for, Lukas?!” Petra shouted at him. “The throne room is down that hall! Alternate left and right until you get there!”
Lukas glanced back and forth between the two women. Between Petra’s swordsmanship and Olivia’s aim, they seemed to be able to hold their own.
He nodded before taking off down the fourth hallway. “Take care of yourselves!”
 Lukas’ steps echoed in the palace halls. As the echo faded, Petra dodged another of Mevia’s swings. The older woman’s sword became embedded in the wall where two of the hallways met. This bought Petra a little time to regain her footing.
“You doing okay, Olivia?”
 “I’m having a blast!” She shot another arrow, forcing Hadrian to jump back again. With each arrow she fired, he was forced farther and farther down the passage. “I’ve got years of frustration to work out! Hadrian’s not going anywhere!”
Petra couldn’t help but let out a snigger and faced her opponent again. “Hear that, Mevia? It’s just you and me!”
Lukas could hear Petra’s telltale battle cry as he sprinted down the halls, trying his best to stay oriented in relation to the throne room. A few more hallways later, Lukas felt he was no closer to it than he was when he was separated from Petra and Olivia. He looked around, taking in the same bland walls, same straight corners, and same egg paintings everywhere. Although the egg theme made since in relation to the Eversource, Lukas felt like he never wanted to see an egg again.
“Isa, if we get through this,” he grumbled, hoping he didn’t go in a circle and end up meeting his friends again rather than the throne room. “I’m never letting you build anything this big ever again without supervision. This is absurd!”
 He kept going left and right as Petra instructed, and after several twists and turns he slowed his dash to a stop. Before him were the double doors that he now recognized as the ones leading to the throne room. Lukas let out a huge sigh of relief before he pushed them with all his might, opening them as quickly as he could.
Made it, he thought. That was lucky!
 “Back down and get out of my face, Reggie!” Lukas instantly identified Aiden’s distinct tone, and he readied his sword. “I won’t tell you again!”
“You’re delusional, Aiden!” That was Reginald. “The people of Sky City will never bow to you! You killed The Founder!”
Once inside the room, Lukas spotted Reginald sitting on the floor next to the throne. His hands were tied behind his back, while he looked up at the seat with a snarl. Of course, it was obvious why he was doing that. Aiden sat on the throne, leaning back with his feet propped up on the left armrest. Next to him, tied on a leash and held down with Aiden’s foot, was the Eversource. She clucked helplessly as she flapped her little wings. Lukas’ eyes narrowed at the scene.
“Yeah?” Aiden barked. “Well, you’re going to be next if you don’t shut up!”
“Now you listen here!” Reginald protested, still yelling. “I’m the Captain of the Guard! You can’t just talk to me that way!”
“I’ll talk to you however I want, Reggie!”
 Aiden stood and gave Reginald a good kick in the side, knocking him off the steps leading to the throne. The Eversource clucked as Reginald grunted from the impact of his shoulder against the floor. Aiden’s foot lifted off the chicken’s leash, allow the Eversource to flap away from the throne.
 Lukas has seen more than enough, and he took a step forward. “Hey! Leave him alone, Aiden!
Aiden jumped at his voice, his eyes shifting from Reginald to Lukas. He stood at the top of the throne, his eyes wide and his nostrils flared. His hands balled into fists and he lifted them as if he was ready to punch something.
“Lukas?! How can—” Lukas could hear him practically hissing through his teeth. “I saw you fall! You went down!”
 Reginald looked up from his place on the floor and gasped. “You’re alive? You’re alive! Is The Founder with you?”
Aiden finally decided to take his rage out on Reginald. Pulling a green and black egg out of his inventory, he tossed it right at the back of the Captain’s head. Being on the floor with his hands tied behind his back, Reginald wasn’t able to move away in time to avoid it. Reginald yelped as the egg cracked against him, spawning a black and green creature on top of him. Lukas recognized it as the one Aiden had spawned in the basement, and recalled Jesse’s words about it.
 “Creeper! Lukas! Watch out! They explode!”
 He didn’t have a chance to react however. The creeper exploded a mere second later, knocking him farther from the giant chair. The Eversource scampered over to him and pressed her beak against his cheek in an attempt to wake him up.
“Reginald!” Lukas cried. His attempt to go help the older man was halted by Aiden’s next yell.
“Not one more step!” Lukas narrowed his eyes at his former best friend. Aiden bared his teeth, and Lukas felt like punching them out of his mouth. “How in the world are you still alive? No one survives falling into the Void!”
 “Guess I’m full of surprises,” Lukas announced. He took a few steps towards the throne. “Where’s Jesse?”
Aiden let out a howl of laughter. “Like I would let you anywhere near her now.”
He doesn’t know, just like Ivor said, Lukas thought. He shook his head and pointed his sword towards his ex-friend. “Aiden, you’re done. This is where it ends.”
“I killed you once, Lukas,” he screamed, bringing out his own blade. “I can do it again!”
“Not this time!”
 Aiden leapt down from the top of the throne, bringing his sword down towards Lukas from above. Rather than try to block the attack, Lukas rolled out of the way and counterattacked. Aiden easily blocked it, forcing Lukas to take several steps back. With another push, the brunette was able to push Lukas farther until he was pressed against a wall. Aiden’s sword came down again, and Lukas was barely able to duck away. The diamond sword let out a reverberating clang that flew through the entire room.
 Lukas was on the defensive. The only experience fighting he had was the occasional sparring he did with Petra, and even then she would always win. She was the one who should be fighting this battle, not Lukas. He couldn’t recall a time Aiden got any kind of training, especially enough to be pushing Lukas as much as he was. When did he learn to fight like this?
“Give it up, Lukas,” Aiden mocked. He sideswiped his sword, cutting Lukas at his chest. “I’ve always been the better fighter—no, the better man than you!”
 The sword ripped through Lukas’ shirt, superficially slicing his skin underneath. He hissed at the feeling. Putting his hand up to his chest, he felt a small amount of blood smear onto his palm. It distracted him long enough to allow Aiden a chance to swing up and practically throw his sword down on him. Lukas watched as the blade came down…
But instead of feeling a sword crash onto his head, Lukas heard the sound of a pig squealing.
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syndianites · 7 years
The Consequences of Your Actions Chapter 2
Ship: Syndianite (Tom x S1 Dianite)
Summary: Vampire AU! Dianite has had many lovers over the years. Some were mere playthings, meant to pass the time. Others were passionate loves, a fire raging until their inevitable demise. Very few were of the immortal variety, most searching for a power grab, others enthralled by his image. One was different, one was special. And he’d be damned if he was going to let him slip away.
Chapter: 2/?
AN: Still too lazy to make a new summary for each chapter. Whoops. I’ve spent the entire day off sleeping and playing Minecraft. It’s weird not having something to do. My online class is done, no camp today, no work today. It was n i c e. Now to the fic!
Chapter 2
Though the night was over and the sun had begun its ascension, many vampires mulled about. Most found themselves carefully reconstructing their office, deeming what was salvageable and what needed to be replaced. Amidst these people were ones scouring through information, from paperwork, from video feeds, from supposed sightings, anything the internet could provide. Each had one purpose: find Mianite or one of his lackeys. And for their Lord, and even their own personal grudges, they were determined to do so.
Furia, the Head Advisor to the Lord, was overseeing this operation. Between hunting down the filthy Mianitees mere hours before, and working through the chaos and daylight hours, he was fucking exhausted. And the ones he was watching and, at times, helping, were coming up with nothing. Even the part of the city Dianite had handed over was untouched by the insolent faction. Instead, something rather… peculiar was taking place. The humans were changing.
The particular district he was observing was a quieter townhouse block. Many families lived there, with young and older children, elderly living the rest of their lives in peace, and even the impoverished made up one section of the neighborhood. (Dianite had assigned people to look into support systems for them, claimed that no potential child of his was to be forced to survive under such horrendous conditions. Furia assumed that meant he felt bad for the humans). Where they would naturally have been out and about, the children being herded off to school in a stout bus packing to the brim, adults prepping themselves up for another shift at work, and the elderly taking their positions on the front porch to call across the street to each other the latest gossip, few were up.
Today, a handful of kids meandered over their bus stops, seemingly dazed, as though they had not slept enough. Most of the adults seemed to stare listlessly at their breakfast, the TV, their cars. Even the elderly, somehow energetic for their years, were startlingly quiet. Upon closer look, they almost appeared… paranoid? Some of those who were delighted to waddle out to their porched and checked it with a quick glance before locking their doors, keen on simultaneously appearing to be absent of their homes, while having every light on. This was in no way normal for their humans.
The Advisor was unnerved, so to speak. These developments meant more to him than the others, who were still searching for Mianite. His Lord shared many secrets with him, including the growing threat of The Shadows. The first time he had heard of them was when one of their own, who had chosen to vacation beyond the city, mentioned the strange corruption he had seen in towns he had passed. Others in their group, the young vampire had recounted, spoke of these strange shadows creeping into their homes. The only reason most had noticed them was due to the general avoidance the strange intruders had towards fire. With most of Dianite’s following harboring some sort of pyrokinesis, this information was confirmed by many sources.
So far, the people they had watching its movement, (just two, for the sake of simplicity, and to keep the information closer at hand), found that it could not corrupt their group. They theorized that the presence of pyrokinesis in the following, essentially an inner fire for each vampire, kept the shadows at bay when they came too close. However, it could easily take anyone who was either unaware, or not ‘strong’ enough to counteract it. They had yet to discover what you had to have strength in, watching both the smallest of children and the largest of adults resist the change. So far, only a measly 2% managed to evade corruption.  And if the symptoms they described in the people fighting the corruption were universal, Furia found that this district was falling to it.
“Keep searching. If you don’t find anything in,” he spared a glance at the closest clock, reading 7:42 am, he continued, “say, the next hour and 45 minutes, go rest. We can have someone fill in if we are in such need.” With a small bit of grandeur, Furia strode from the room, calling the elevator. The ride to the next floor was silent and tense. Though he stewed in the implications of this recent development, he wasn’t sure how far it would go.
As the elevator doors opened, Furia could feel a rise in temperature. He wasn’t surprised. He had seen the turning of many fledglings, and they each found solace in both the presence of their lord, and heat. This could commonly be attributed to the instilling fire powers most, if not all, came into. He had a feeling, with Tom, it would be a bit different. And lo and behold, he was right.
Where a typical fledgling would be fidgety, itching to test new abilities and explore, Tom stayed nestled up against Dianite, nosing along his jaw and almost purring, however that worked. The Lord, though he had his lover secured rather well on his lap, was conducting his own investigation of Mianite’s whereabouts, his eyes glowing with telltale distance. It was likely he was communicating through one of his subjects with an outside source. He would put some money on the contact being his sister and Lady Ianite of the North. (The south was mostly divided between the three, with a middle portion remaining the most neutral place).
He took the moment to plop down in an armchair next to the loveseat they were sprawled in. Knowing Dia was aware of his presence, he leaned his head back with a tired groan. Eyes closed, he blanked out for what felt like minutes, but was, in reality, a solid twenty minutes.
“Furia?” He peeked one eye open begrudgingly, looking over at the Lord. He was facing the Advisor, giving his full attention, with the exception of having pulled Tom down to curl up against his chest. The groggy vampire began without holding back, “We have yet to find any trace of Mianite.” Based on the irritated look he received Dianite held no information on his brother either. “However, I noticed on particular problem: The shadows have made a move into our territory.
Though the Lord kept any emotion from his face, Furia could tell by the way he pulled Tom impossibly closer that this greatly worried him. He was silent for a moment, before beginning his querying, “How far?” Furia recounted what he had seen, giving him the comparison between the feed and what their lookouts had seen previously. “Bring the Modesteps back in. We’ll need anything new they have gathered,” the Lord ordered, adding as a last thought, “We’ll have to add more people to the watch. How are we faring at the moment?” Furia looked Dianite dead in the eye. “I feel like I pranced through the daylight in nothing but a bikini and then decided to let myself be run over by a steamroller. Everyone looks like a goddamn zombie.” He broke off with a bright smile. “We’re doing just peachy, thank you. Everything will be better when we have Mianite’s head on a silver platter.” With a flourish, he stood once more, ignoring the dizziness that poked at him. “We’ll live. Just don’t let Tom leave the building. We can take care of most of this for the time being.”
Before Furia left the room, the Lord shouted one thing after him, “Don’t fucking overwork yourselves! Just because you all love working your asses off, it doesn’t mean I want to walk down and see a bunch of children passed out on the floor.” And then he found his way to the elevator, preparing himself to relay his newest instructions.
Ianite knew her brothers had problems. She had seen the petty squabbles they initiated, how they tirelessly found new ways to fuck each other over. But she had long since deemed significant others off bounds. Of the few times she stepped in to keep the city intact, the bloodiest was by far the one time one of their lovers was involved. It had been Miante’s second vampire partner, Jessica. Though Ianite was never particularly fond of her, the lust for power in her eyes always present, the Western Lord was enthralled by her. Her beauty, her grace, her easy manipulation, it was nothing in the face of battle. As she foolishly charged Dianite, confident in her ability to take him, she was cut through like paper. Her body had hit the floor in two parts, the upper portion of her body, missing parts of her arms, and the rest of it, with two stretched out hands flopped to the ground uselessly.
She had barely been able to end Mianite’s rage as he tore at their brother, one of the closest times Dia had come to losing more than the fight. After that, she instilled one of her first rules: Do not attack each other’s lovers. So, when she heard the deafening screeches ringing through the city, she did not immediately assume Tom had been assaulted. As a coppery smell found its way into her nest, she had not figured out that Dianite was forced to take the one action he feared would lose him his lover. When she approached her window to see the signs of death far off into the West, she failed to notice the darkness crawling into the East.
When Antony Grager, Dianite’s emergency correspondent for contacting the other siblings, apparated before her, she had been prepared for terrible news, not the worst. She was desperate to believe Mianite wouldn’t go to such measures, especially when the two hadn’t been at odds in the last month. Tom was one of her favorites, of all of Dianite’s significant others. Though he always tried to be some sort of gentleman around her, he won her over by his goofiness and sheer force of will. At one point, he had convinced a startling amount of her following that he was a vampire capable of withstanding the sun’s rays without receiving terrible injury.
As she learned more about the situation, about what happened to Tom, she worried for him. Humans all reacted to turning differently, though more positively the more they wanted it. But at one point, either wanting it too much, or absolutely rejecting the idea, it breaks their mind, leaving them a psychotic shell of themselves. There was no way to know what frame of mind the human had been in, what frame of mind he was in now. Sending her thoughts to her spy, she tried to quell her anxieties. Dianite had asked her to locate Miante, and for Tom, she was willing to step out of her neutrality once more.
Darry Adam Ranger was a single father, working two jobs to raise his precious baby girl, Alexa. He worked the morning shift at a small corner side dinner called Sally’s Sandwhiches, and the afternoon shift at West Side Bowling. His life was far from glamourous, but coming home to see his darling daughter’s face, bright, healthy, and happy, was the highlight of his day.
Today, however, he couldn’t shake the sense of dread within him. The regulars to the Saturday morning brunch did not show, a nice family of two elderly women and their darling grandson. Though his parents were moved out of the city, he always made time for them, to catch up. None of them showed. Even his unrealistically happy manager, Susan, was off her game today. Her chipper attitude was replaced by snapping commands and irritated scowls.
So, when the man made his way home for lunch break, he was not ready to see Mary, his lovely neighbor and babysitter, who refused to be paid, sitting anxiously at his steps. With panicked, she rushed over to him, prattling on about how, “There’s a demon inside! He snatched Alexa, and John, and locking them in. I can’t get into my house, or yours, and I don’t know if they’re alive.” Without a thought, he jammed his key into the lock, wrenching the door open.
“Alexa,” he called out, “Alexa!” Maneuvering around the house, he finally came face to face with the door leading to her room. He shoved it open, prepared to attack whoever threatened his baby girl, when all he saw was her, sitting innocently on the floor. Sighing with relief, he bends down to pick her up, just about to yell back to Mary that Alexa is safe, but John wasn’t there, when he was thrown back. Eyes wide, he scrambled up to see an inky blackness pouring from his girl, a wail erupting from the merged figures. Faster than he could blink, it launches forward, clawing at his face and pushing down his mouth. As it starts to pour around his eyes, he blacks out. Minutes later, as his eyes are opened once more, it is not Darry Ranger who returns to consciousness.
(AN: I was trying so hard not to lose what i was writing, as i was rather....... distracted XD Its sooooo worth it though. I swear, all I can think about now is pure smut. Its a blessing and a curse)
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stick-zac · 7 years
Something from today #051 - #100
Something from today #100
Me: *Turns volume pp to 90* Friend: *Jumps in shock* F*ck you! Me: :D
Something from today #100 13, August, 2015 *Girl shows me a picture on her Instagram* Me: You’re *drops to the ground* drop dead gorgeous ;) Girl: *starts blushing*
Me: Hey man Friend: Hey man Me: I got one question Friend: Yeah? Me: What are thoooooooooooooooooooooooose!? Friend: … Me: I gotta dash bye
Brother: Do I smell good? Me: Uck… I.. Cannot.. Talk.. Too Disugsting… chocking on vomit… Brother: You suck Me: UCK!
Friend: I bet I can get it in from all the way over hre (Roughly 20 feet) Me: If you can’t, then you owe me a $1,000,000 Friend: Alright *Throws it and misses) Me: Let me try *throws and gets it first try* Me: GET F*CKING WRECKED SON!
This SFT was posted by infinityonmeme i totally made my online friend’s day like i made them so happy and now I’m happy ———————————————————— Something from today #099 Me: Here you go teacher *hands her my written essay* the definition of perfect Teacher: Hehehe Everyone: Wow alright man! Woo!
Guy: Who wants to kick FingerRocks out of the group? Everyone: *No one raises their arm* Me: Who wants to kick him out? Everyone: *All raise their hands and those not part of the group also raise their arms* Guy: You know what, I’m just kidding ———————————————————— Something from today #098 Guy: Who wants to kick FingerRocks out of the group? Everyone: *No one raises their arm* Me: Who wants to kick him out? Everyone: *All raise their hands and those not part of the group also raise their arms* Guy: You know what, I’m just kidding ———————————————————— Something from today #097 Girl: I love you Guy: I love you too *Both start making out* Me: *Pretends to vomits* Me: :D ———————————————————— Something from today #096 Brother: *Takes my chocolate and runs away* Me: Oh hell no *Throws a pack of toilet paper at him* Brother: *Drops to the ground* Owwwwwww Me: You just got TP! ———————————————————— Something from today #095 *After playing FNAF 4 with my friend* Friend: You bloody gave me 2 heart attacks! Me: Hey, hey now… It was only 2… better than the 4 I planned… ———————————————————— Something from today #094 Me: *Gives a friend a packet of tissues with a picture of jeans on them* Put this in your pocket Friend: Okay *put it in her pocket* Me: Now take it out Friend: Okay *starts to take it out* Me: Jeanception Friend: You’re weird ———————————————————— Something from today #093 Friend: I like Nerf Me: It’s Nerf or Nerfing Friend: Yeah Other friend: Oh god that was bad *5 Seconds later* Friend: Hahahahahahaha ———————————————————— Something from today #092 Friend: I have accounting homework to do Me: *Starts looking around for something* Friend: What are you looking for? Me: Someone who gives a sh*t ———————————————————— Something from today #091 Me: Well I gotta be magoing so Imma bebazzle dazzle and razzle off Friend: … Me: Billazle later ———————————————————— Something from today #090 Me: Are you an owl? Friend: What? Me: Because you’re a HOOT! Friend: :) Me: :)
———————————————————— Something from today #089 Me: Who wouldn’t want fried rice? Friend: I want some f*cking fried rice! ———————————————————— Something from today #088 *Infinityonmeme had called me out about making 87 SFT so I sent her ever single one made* Her: Holy SHIT Zac that’s so many omg Me: *Drops mic* You’re damn right it is ———————————————————— Something from today #087 *Friend tells me something about them* Me: Damn Friend: What’s wrong? Me: Now I gotta change my insults Friend: Like? Me: Well before I knew you went both ways I’d make a dirty comment, now it’s like I can’t make a comment based on a mutual and self-respected choice in today’s society ———————————————————— Something from today #086 I finished doing my school’s play* Friend: I’d say it is 10/10 IGN ———————————————————— Something from today #085 *I just finished doing my school’s play* Friend: Hey man it was nice seeing you, good luck with the play Me: Thanks *starts leaving* Friend: Oh f*ck, sorry, I meant good night, damn it! ———————————————————— Something from today #084 Friend: It’s 8:45-ish Me: It’s 9:04 Friend: …Yeah I was close ———————————————————— Something from today #083 Me: I don’t have to be at school till 10 Friend: *Gives me the itching my head + flipping you off gesture* Me: Love you too ———————————————————— Something from today #082 *Mum had recently purchased some Royals (The chocolate marshmellow thing)* Me: Mum, do you want Lorde? Mum: Yes, I’ll take 2 please Me: hehe, you get me ———————————————————— Something from today #081 *Brother is currently playing the PS3* Me: Your time is like the sky, it’s up ———————————————————— Something from today #080 Friend: *Shows me a picture of a cat in a bowl* Me: He looks like a giant milk shake ———————————————————— Something from today #079 *Me and a group of friends chatting* Friend: Look at these big muscles Other friend: You mean those tiny bags of fat? Everyone: OHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! ———————————————————— Something from today #078 Me: Come on guys, let’s us go out and enjoy the lov- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY EYES!!!!! ———————————————————— Something from today #077 *Me and my friend arguing about who was right with another friend* Friend: You’re wrong Me: No I’m not. What do you say Friend 2: … Me: Look you can make *slides 5$ into his shirt pocket* your own decision Friend 2: Uhh Me: See *takes back 5$ and suddenly I got 10$* Me: What the? ———————————————————— Something from today #076 *Me and friend are using towels to whip each other* Friend: Now this is what true friendship is ———————————————————— Something from today #075 *Me and my brother playing Call of Duty Black Ops II Zombies* Brother: So anyway we need to activate Generator- Me: AHHHH!!! Brother: Ahh *drops controller* What the hell was tha Me: I was scared by the zombies… ———————————————————— Something from today #074 *Me and my friends are helping me find locations to put up some Cup Cake Sale posters* Friend 1: Put them on the ceiling, so when the teacher gives the students homework, they’ll go “Ahhh” and look up and go “Ohh cupcake sale” *me and Friend 2 start laughing* Friend 2: Hahaha *leaves because he might die of laughter* Teacher: Is he alright? ———————————————————— Something from today #073 Me: *Makes a pun* Aaaayyyeeee Friend: … Me: I’m sorry ———————————————————— Something from today #072 Jack: I’ve made a new video Me: You posted our GTA V race? Jack: Uhh, it’s with someone else Me: Oh… *Later* *Me to James* Me: Jack is cheating on me! *Another friend I know who happens to be named Jack and looks at me with a concerned look as his girlfriend looks in surprise* Me: Uh… I can explain… ———————————————————— Something from today #071 Me: Cool Friend: Sweet Me: Rad Friend: Hectic Me: Amazing Friend: Spontaneous Me: Fantastic Friend: Splendid Me: Magnificent Friend: Excellent Me: Brilliant Friend: Terrific *Says he has to go* Me: Extraordinary, bye *Friend logs off* Me: I WIN!!! ———————————————————— Something from today #070 *My friend Infinityonmeme is doing World’s Greatest Shave and I’ve donated $10 so she gives me a special receipt* Her boyfriend: Oh, how come I don’t get one Her: You only donated in coins *I’m doing the Macarena whilst they argue* ———————————————————— Something from today #069 (Hehe) Friend: Why do these chairs have clips on the legs? Me: It’s so you can connect them together and play Musical Chairs Friend: … Other friend: He is being sarcastic Me: Yeah… ———————————————————— Something from today #068 *I tell a joke to prove to my brother it does make sense* Older brother: Cool *walks away* Brother: Wait for it *10 minutes later* Older brother: Wait a minute! ———————————————————— Something from today #067 *Me and my friend playing Minecraft* Friend: I’m going to kill this pig Me: Why? Friend: Because Me: Well that sounds like a legitiment reason ———————————————————— Something from today #066 *Me and my brother in an insult contest) Me: You so stupid you sold your car for gas money Brother: You so ugly you made Medusa cry Me: … ———————————————————— Something from today #065 Brother: I too have played the story of Black Ops, I’m nearly near the end Me: What level is the prison level? Brother I haven’t made it there yet Me: It’s the second level… ———————————————————— Something from today #065 *Me and my brother talking about his COD trophies* Me: Why don’t you play Story and actually get trophies? Brother: … You suck ———————————————————— Something from today #064 Me: *Tells my brother some obvious COD Facts* Brother: Oh maw gawd, IIIIII did not know that!!! How, how crazy is that? Me: -_- Thanks Brother: :D ———————————————————— Something from today #063 Me: You’ll rage quit in an hour Brother: No I won’t *10 minutes later* Brother: Screw this game! *Slams controller* Me: Well, I was wrong and you’re right Brother: -_- Me: :D
———————————————————— Something from today #063 *Makes a pun* Me: Anyone? No? Okay… ———————————————————— Something from today #062 Me: *playing PS4* Yeah man, I gotta go but I’ll be back on in about an hour, bro wants to play Brother: What do you mean an hour? Me: You’ll rage quit in an hour Brother: No I won’t *Later* Brother: Screw this game! Me: c: Brother: No, I didn’t quit *More Later* *Brother tried making the Staff in Call Of Duty* Brother: What’re you looking at? Me: I’m not looking at you making the staff Brother: Too far man! Too far ———————————————————— Something from today #061 Brother: Dude why are you up so late? Go to bed *He procceds to start eating dinner* Me: What about you? Brother: *mouth full* What? ———————————————————— Something from today #060 *Brother walks in with a can of coke* Me: Awww yeah share that *I take the can and he puts his hand over the lid* Me: *Trying to drink through* You know, I can’t drink with your hand in the way Brother: Gee I wonder why Me: Yeah move your hand Brother: -_- ———————————————————— Something from today #059 Brother: You’re so ugly Me: No I ain’t Brother: yes you are, look in the mirror Me: I would but your ugly face broke all of them Brother: … Me: BD ———————————————————— Something from today #058 Me: What’s the difference between a guitar and a tuna? Family: What? Me: You can TUNA Guitar but can’t GUTAIR a tuna! Family: *Shakes head in disappointment* ———————————————————— Something from today #057 in Photo Form! http://stick-zac.tumblr.com/post/122764871188/something-from-today-57-in-photo-form ———————————————————— Something from today #056 *Me and my friends playing Uno* Me: I’m so glad I have… *Friend puts down a Draw 4* and screw you too ———————————————————— Something from today #055 Cousin: Are you and your brother close? Me: *I’m placing my brother in a chokehold whilst punching him* Yeah… We… Are… Very… Close… ———————————————————— Something from today #054 *Me and my friend playing Minecraft, because we live in different time zones I’m a day ahead of him* Friend: Well I gotta go to sleep, it’s 4:30 Me: Yeah, I’ll play with you yesterday Friend: … Wait… whaaa Me: Because tomrrow for you is yesterday for me Friend: Stop f*cking with my mind! Me: :D ———————————————————— Something from today #053 *My friend got GTA V for his laptop* Friend: Man the flying in this game is bad Me: Maybe you just suck? Friend: I’d like to see you try Me: Oh yeah!? *Dies within the first 3 seconds* Me: Oh… ———————————————————— Something from today #052 *Me and my brother running back home after giving food to our neighbors. She always gives us some packet of chips as a gift back and I toss them at my brother, however she hands something to my brother and they dash off but before I can get out the door she hands me some more items* *I then run back to my brother* Brother: GHaha you ain’t got nothing to throw at… Me: *I throw 4 chip packets at him* Brother: AAAAAAHHHHHHHH *falls to the ground* Me: Bet you didn’t see that coming did ya! ———————————————————— Something from today #051 Mum: Can you bring your sister to me so I can do her hair Me: Sure *My sister doesn’t like it when I get close to mummy because she is jeaulous and runs after me to stop me* Sister: Go away! *Mum grabs her* Sister: Help me! Me: Nah I’m going away *pretends to throw on shades and sings “So you wanna be a gangster”*
@infinityonmeme @jlukeayy
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