#Shegar Stoneorb
freakysandra1995 · 4 years
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Back from the death with new art that isn’t Danganronpa???
Yeah, I let this blog kinda die with inactivity because well, my interest in things had changed over the past years. Not saying that I do not enjoy Danganronpa anymore, but my focus has changed into DND and with that my interest in my OCs. The girl for example is Shegar Stoneorb, my most favored of them xD. Expect lots of art from her basically, as well as with @blahtown​ character Thîn, because they are my “new” OTP x’) (”new” as in this is going on for about 2 years I think)
Occasionally I might still talk about Danganronpa, depending, but as a warning, this blog will change from the general topics and all. So if you want to stay: Whee! Thanks :3
But I can understand if you want to defollow if this doesnt interest you at all. 
Regarding Commission requests, I will try and post new information soon.
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