#Shelby x Kaylee
spookyblazecoffee · 1 year
Ivan: The moon looks beautiful, doesn’t it? Shelby, looking at Ivan: Yeah… but do you know what’s more beautiful? Ivan: Matt. Shelby, at the same time: Kaylee. Riley: I hate you both.
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Matt knows it's a bad idea to go to Prince Phillip's New Year's Eve party in Amber Beach. Especially considering he doesn't really know the rest of the team that well, but Riley and Kaylee had practically begged him to go, and he physically cannot say no to his younger siblings, so here he is, standing in a corner watching everyone talk and drink.
He's watching Ivan talk with Riley and Shelby. Watching the way his hands move around rapidly while he talks about something that Matt assumes he is very passionate about. He's watching so intently that he doesn't even notice when Kendall and Phillip come up next to him until Kendall says: "Earth to Matt? Hello?" while waving her hand in front of his face.
"Huh? Oh, hey guys." Matt responds, taking a sip of his drink. "What's up?" he adds, and the other two exchange a look before turning back to the new Silver Ranger.
"What's up is that you've been staring at Ivan all evening, Matt." Phillip says, with a small smirk on his face.
"Have I now? I don't remember doing that. Are y'all sure you have the right person?" Matt responds, getting exasperated sighs from the other two.
"Just tell him that you like him, Matt!" Kendall exclaims loud enough for people to look towards her. Riley looks over at the three of them with a confused face before turning back to Ivan and Shelby.
"Who is Matt going to tell that he likes them?" Heckyl asks after walking over to the other three.
"No one!" Matt answers, glaring at Kendall and Phillip, who both just laugh. "I'm walking away now, buh-bye." Matt says, waving at the other three, before he walks across the room.
Matt still just continues watching everyone. Not anyone in particular so as to not appear weird, but his eyes do seem to always trail off towards the knight that is currently talking to some random ladies who have gotten his attention. He rolls his eyes when he looks away from Ivan to see Kendall and Heckyl send him matching, knowing smiles.
After an hour of standing in the corner watching everyone, Matt decides to sit down on one of the many many couches around the room. And, once the ladies Ivan was talking to see Phillip's brother and talk to him instead, Ivan sits down next to him.
"Hey, Ivan." Matt says, awkwardly taking a sip of his drink.
"Hello." Ivan responds, making sure not to look over. After a few minutes, he asks: "How has your night been going," much to Matt's surprise.
"Yeah, uh, really good." Matt answers, "Yours?" he adds after a few seconds, trying to make the atmosphere as comfortable as possible.
"Not that great." Ivan admits, "I need another drink if there's going to be another who knows how long until midnight of this." he continues, making a point to gesture towards everyone talking and laughing when he says: 'of this' making Matt chuckle.
"It’s eleven thirty-five, so under an hour. But yeah, I get what you mean. The last time I went to a party, I was still in high school and was forced to go by my friends and my ex." Matt responds looking around the room and becoming annoyed when he sees the questioning look from Phillip who has taken it upon himself to save his brother, who was clearly uncomfortable, from the women Ivan was talking to earlier. He sends a glare the prince's way before turning back to the knight.
"Do you want to get out of here?" Ivan asks abruptly, catching Matt by surprise.
"And where would we go?" Matt wonders, raising an eyebrow at the question.
"Anywhere but this room, honestly. We could go to the kitchen, I'm sure it's empty." Ivan answers.
It’s not. Matt thinks, knowing that Chase had pulled Riley into there a few minutes ago. In fact, he was just about to go in there and make sure they weren't doing anything stupid when Ivan sat down.
"Chase and Riles are in there."
"Yes," Matt states, Ivan hums, "Why d'you ask?" he adds.
"No reason. None at all." Ivan responds, taking a sip of his drink and looking away from the questioning stare of the, not that much, taller man.
"Perhaps we could go into that room." Ivan says, pointing to the door on the other side of the room they were in. Matt saw Kendall and Heckyl go in there a while ago. He knew they were just talking, but he didn't want to be anywhere near Ivan when around Kendall and Heckyl. Especially not now, considering Kendall had obviously told Heckyl about how he likes Ivan.
"Heckyl and Kendall are in there." Matt answers, glancing at Ivan before turning back to watch everyone again.
Matt looks around the room again and notices no one looking at him or Ivan. He remembers that he saw a door near the end of the foyer. He stands up, extending a hand for Ivan to take.
"Where are we going?" The knight asks, taking Matt's hand.
"Somewhere away from all of this. Isn't that what you want?" Matt responds, dragging Ivan with him and making sure no one is watching them. Especially not Phillip, Kendall, and Heckyl.
They walk into the entryway, and Matt lets go of the other's hand.
"Thank you, Matt." Ivan says, after a little while of silence. Matt smiles softly before sitting down on the one loveseat in the room.
"No problem, darlin." Matt responds with a wink at the other, making Ivan blush slightly.
He looks pretty when he blushes.
Ivan blushes even more, and Matt panics because he doesn't know if he said that out loud or not.
"Did I say that out loud?"
He's fairly certain he didn't, but you never know. And, judging by the way Ivan hides his face, he most likely did. Ivan nods a little in confirmation, Matt sighs before saying: "It’s true, y’know," making Ivan jump a little bit at how direct he was.
Matt turns to Ivan, a small smile on his face, and he takes a sip of his drink.
"Can I kiss you?" Ivan asks abruptly, Matt almost spits out his drink. Instead, he nods in answer and downs the rest of it before he grabs Ivan by his coat and kisses him aggressively.
They break apart after a few seconds, both trying to see how they feel about the kiss. Ivan seems to have figured it out first because he kisses Matt again, slow but passionate, unexpected but welcome. Very, very, welcome.
"There are people coming this way." Matt explains after he sees the look Ivan gives him when he breaks the kiss again.
He takes Ivan's hand and pulls him through a nearby door, which just so happens to be a closet door.
He closes the door just before Kendall and Heckyl enter the room.
Matt and Ivan hear a little bit of whispering, but they can't make out what is being said. They hear the faint sound of the door close and let out sighs of relief.
"So… this is awkward." Matt says quietly, wishing that he was anywhere but here. Ivan nods a little in agreement. "But, we should probably stay in here in case anyone comes looking for us." he adds, Ivan nods again.
They stand there in silence until Ivan has his lips on Matt's again.
Thank fuck. Matt thinks before he starts to kiss Ivan back.
The kiss is harsh and passionate and Matt doesn't know how he ever lived without it.
He feels teeth nipping at his bottom lip before he breaks from the kiss, taking a moment to breathe. After he catches his breath, he starts trailing kisses down Ivan's neck.
"Matt~" Ivan whispers, Matt just smirks before continuing to trail kisses down to the knight's chest while unbuttoning his shirt. "Matt." Ivan says, making sure to keep his voice quiet so he doesn't alert anyone as to their whereabouts.
"Yes, darlin?" Matt asks, taking a second to just look at Ivan.
"Are you certain we should be doing this?" Ivan questions, taking in a shaky breath when he sees Matt smile.
"We don't have to do anything you don't want, sweetheart. It's all up to you." Matt says, Ivan thinks it over for a second. He wants this. He wants to have moments like these with Matt.
He nods, but Matt doesn't continue. Matt does however, whisper in his ear: "You gotta use your words. Do you want me to continue? Yes or no?" The words Matt says along with the usual effect his accent has on Ivan makes the Gold Ranger shiver.
"Yes, please." Ivan says, and Matt goes back to kissing his way down Ivan's body before going back up.
"Ahh~" Ivan whimpers when Matt nips slightly at his pulse point. Matt has to resist the urge to suck at the area so Ivan doesn't get bombarded with questions.
“Fuck, I love the sounds you make.” Matt whispers, making Ivan groan and throw his head back in pleasure while moving his hands up to Matt's hair.
Matt starts kissing Ivan's chest again.
"Fuck~" Ivan moans when Matt nips at a scar on his torso that was left there from his first fight with Fury, and Matt starts to leave a hickey there, making Ivan whine and moan.
Matt places his thigh in between Ivan's legs, and the knight starts to move against the taller man's thigh in small, desperate movements, whining and breathless.
"Shit, as much as I would love to continue this, darlin. We gotta go back out there. It's almost midnight. They're gonna be lookin for us." Matt says, in between kisses and breaths.
"Dammit." Ivan curses under his breath and starts to get his shirt buttoned again.
They both walk into the main room and join everyone again.
"You look good like this, sweetheart. With your hair all roughed up, and your lips red and bruised from kissing. Fuckin gorgeous." Matt whispers into Ivan's ear when he thinks no one is looking.
When midnight hits, Ivan decides to kiss Matt on the cheek, making the latter go a slight shade of red. After the kiss, Matt looks around the room to see Kendall, Heckyl, and Phillip smirking widely. He knows he's gonna have to explain to the three of them what happened.
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Pairs from Round 1:
1. ‌The Curator x Dr. Hill – Nick Kay x Salim Othman x Jason Kolchek – Jacob Custos x Nick Furcillo
2. ‌Fliss DuBois x Julia – Laura Kearney x Hannah Washington – Kate Wilder x Julia
3. ‌Hannah Washington x Jessica Riley – Matt Taylor x Ashley Brown – Salim Othman x Dar Basri
4. ‌John x Angela – Conrad x Jacob Custos – Kate Wilder x Jamie Tiergan
5. ‌Mike Munroe x Jessica Riley – Conrad x Beer x Rachel King – Conrad x Fliss DuBois
6. ‌Daniel x Taylor – Hannah Washington x Emily Davis – Nathan Merwin x Joey Gomez
7. ‌Charlie Anderson x Hodgson expedition – Rachel King x Clarice Stokes – Nick Kay x Salim Othman
8. ‌Jeff Whitman x Marie Whitman – Emily Davis x Ashley Brown – Revenant Carver x Judge Wyman
9. ‌Abraham Alastor x Tabitha Milton – Alex Smith x Julia – Nick Kay x Rachel King
10. ‌Kurum x Balathu – Lady Bradshaw x Ellis van Huyten – Hannah Washington x Ashley Brown
11. ‌Emma Mountebank x Kaitlyn Ka – Eric King x Nick Kay – Eric King x Nick Kay x Rachel King
12. ‌Beth Washington x Emily Davis – Beth Washington x Sam Giddings
13. ‌Jason Kolchek x Salim Othman – Erin Keenan x Rachel King
14. ‌Mike Munroe x Jessica Riley x Emily Davis – Conrad x Brad Smith
15. ‌Granthem Du'Met x Kate Wilder – Granthem Du'Met x Jamie Tiergan
16. ‌Mark Nestor x Kate Wilder x Jamie Tiergan x Erin Keenan – Adam Jones x Jonathan Finn
17. ‌Emily Davis x Jessica Riley – Kate Wilder x Erin Keenan
18. ‌Joseph Lambert x Amy Lambert – Mark Nestor x Kate Wilder
19. ‌Joe Roberts x Charlie Anderson – Tanya Clarke x Vince Barnes
20. ‌Danny x Olson – Ashley Brown x Chris Hartley x Josh Washington
21. ‌Emily Davis x Sam Giddings – The Curator x Player
22. ‌Dylan Lenivy x Chainsaw – Tabitha Milton x Taylor
23. ‌Brad Smith x Fliss DuBois – Emma Mountebank x Abigail Blyg
24. ‌Beth Washington x Laura Kearney – Conrad x Brad Smith x Fliss DuBois
25. ‌Kaitlyn Ka x Ryan Erzahler x Dylan Lenivy – Jamie Tiergan x Erin Keenan
26. ‌Laura Kearney x Kaitlyn Ka – Granthem Du'Met x Erin Keenan
27. ‌Laura Kearney x Max Brinly – Sam Giddings x Jessica Riley
28. ‌Conrad x Josh Washington – Emma Mountebank x Kaylee Hackett
29. ‌Matt Taylor x Jessica Riley – Brad Smith x Dylan Lenivy
30. ‌Rachel King x The Ancient One – Dar Basri x Eric King
31. ‌Ashley Brown x Jessica Riley – Kate Wilder x Erin Keenan x Jamie Tiergan
32. ‌Chris Hartley x Ashley Brown – Ryan Erzahler x Dylan Lenivy
33. ‌Kate Wilder x The Curator – Becky Marney x Felicity Graves
34. ‌Sam Giddings x Hannah Washington – Nick Furcillo x Abigail Blyg
35. ‌Josh Washington x Chris Hartley – Laura Kearney x Travis Hackett
36. ‌Max Brinly x Laura Kearney x Travis Hackett – Nick Kay x Jason Kolchek
37. ‌Josh Washington x Jessica Riley – Kate Wilder x Shelby
38. Fliss DuBois x Julia - Mark Nestor x Joseph Morello 39. Emily Davis x Ashley Brown - Kate Wilder x Michelle Morello
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kairuio · 23 hours
Accepting PRDC Writing Prompts/Request!
So, I have decided to stop with my bs for now, and take in writing suggestions because I’m bored and I need something to entertain you guys while I work on the Shira Rangers sooo- here we are!
My OTP ships (I will die on these hills)
Tyler x Shelby
Chase x Rikey
Kendall x Ivan
Ships I also like/Dont mind
Kendall x Shelby
Kendall x Phillip
Koda x Phillip
Chase x Kaylee
Heckyl x Kendall
This does not limit the ship choice I will happily also write for any ship of your choosing, these are just my ships that I love however feel free to pick ANY ship :)
Just please make sure it’s legal
ALSO doesn’t have to be romantic! I love writing for plantonic ships as well.
Some PRDC AU’s
Modern AU
Kendall DarkEnergem AU
My Headcanon!AU (basically where all my headcanons run free)
This does not limit your options, get crazy give me ANY AU fr
Do I write mature leveled stuff?
Depends on the topic but I’ll always put a trigger warning. When it comes to sexual topics however, that isn’t in my field of writing haha…
Where will these be published?
Tumblr 🫡
I am allowed to also include my headcanons in the writing request?
Sure go right ahead! I mean you people see what MY headcanons are right? Get crazy do whatever you want!
How long will you be accepting writing requests?
“Checks my invisible wrist watch”
… no clue
Will these include some of my own art?
Depends on my motivation lol
How long will each request take to write?
Um considering I’m in school and stuff probably about a week?? Depends on how long I make these things which may differ from person to person so we’ll seee!!!
Can’t wait to write for you all!
The Rangers
Tyler Navarro
Shelby Watkins
Chase Randall
Riley Griffin
Sir Ivan of Zandar
Prince Phillip of Zandar
James Navaroo
Kendall Morgan
Zenowing Keeper
Side Characters + My Original Characters
Matt Gridin (Riley Griffin’s older brother.)
Zack/Zach (Ivan’s great great great blah blah blah blah grandson.)
Betty Morgan (Kendall Morgan’s grandmother)
Hunter Morgan (OC, Kendall Morgan’s, grandfather)
Kenneth Morgan (OC, Kendall Morgan’s little brother.)
Samual Watkins/Mr.Watkins (Shelby Watkins father. Made up name lol)
Chloe Randall (Chase Randall’s sister)
Tylor Navaroo (OCc Tyler Navaroo’s mother, James Navaroo’s wife,)
Taku (Koda’s little brother)
Storm, Kioro, Plesius (Kendall Morgan’s three cats, OCS lol)
Ryder (Riley Griffin’s beloved dog.)
Also the monsters but I ain’t feel like listing all of them.
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apocalypto-sane · 4 years
Meet your new (temp) Drama Teacher from ✨Juilliard✨
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THE PROM (2020), directed by Ryan Murphy
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yourdeepestfathoms · 3 years
Oooh! Can you give us any details on your new au? 👀
Everyone is a werewolf except for Alyssa, Hawkins, Kevin, Betsy, and Kaylee (lol losers)
Basically, in the au, werewolves are going missing all over the city. And when they do show up, they act really weird and commit these horrible crimes against other werewolves before killing themselves. So nobody knows what’s going on, but Alyssa and Emma are trying to get to the bottom of it.
Alyssa is the CEO of a huge media company and is big on werewolf rights.
Emma runs a music store.
Angie runs a gang of werewolves called the Running Dogs as the Alpha.
Trent, Barry, and Dee Dee are her right hand wolves.
Kaylee works for Alyssa.
Shelby is a mechanic and medic for the Running Dogs.
Winnie is Alyssa’s intern.
Everyone else are just various wolves.
Werewolves don’t just shift on the full moon. They can shift whenever. But it is forced on the full moon!
They worship the moon! In their culture, the moon was given to them as a gift by a goddess named Luna. The story goes: a pack of wolves found an injured girl in the forest and nursed her back to health. This girl turned out to be a powerful goddess, and she thanked them with the moon and the ability to shift from human to beast if they so wished.
Emma got kicked out of her house for being bitten, not because she was gay. Though, she is still gay, obviously. But her parents couldn’t handle having a werewolf daughter, so they disowned her. She had to make the trip to her grandma’s house while deathly sick with Yellow Fur Fever, but didn’t make it and transformed alone in the woods.
Yellow Fur Fever is the sickness that a person falls ill with when they get bitten. It’s what cements the lupine DNA in their bodies.
Alyssa is making an entire guidebook about lycanthropy.
Werewolves don’t actually call themselves “werewolves.” That’s a human word. They call themselves lycanthropes, lycans, lupines, or wolves.
There are derogatory terms created to mock humans. Pinks/pinkies, mort/morties, and pig-skin are the most common.
Lycho is basically the f-word of lycanthropy. It’s supposed to be a mix between “psycho” and “lycan.” It’s extremely offensive.
The Snarl was a tragic slaughter of werewolves by the government after one werewolf went feral during a parade. Hundreds of wolves were killed in cold blood, some of them being young children. This then spurred the creation of werewolf rights.
Silver Wolfsbane is a chemical that has the ability to force a werewolf back into their human forms. It was used during the Snarl to discover who was a lycan, as it would choke lycans but not humans when breathed in. Hundreds of pounds of the powder were dropped from helicopters all over the states.
Winnie is just an itty bitty baby
Angie wears a leather jacket and is HOT
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thelocalmoo · 4 years
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Words: 57,074
Chapters: 20/20
Pairing: Emma Nolan / Alyssa Greene
Summary: Alyssa and Emma try to make it through their senior year without slipping up or buckling under pressure in the process.
Characters: Emma Nolan, Alyssa Greene, Betsy Nolan (Emma's gran), Veronica Greene, Shelby Gonzalez, Kaylee Klein
Tags: fluff, hurt/comfort
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some-lists · 4 years
Top 10 Greatest Shows From Nickelodeon’s SNICK
Since I’ve done so many lists on Disney, I thought I should do a throwback list on Nickelodeon. SNICK was Nickelodeon’s Saturday prime time lineup during the 90’s and 00’s. It aired every Saturday night.
Many different shows aired throughout its run, but these ten were the best.
10. KaBlam!
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KaBlam! was a sketch comedy cartoon show created specifically for SNICK. It featured a variety of cartoon sketches including Action League Now, Life With Loopy, Prometheus and Bob, and many more. Many of the cartoons used alternative animation commonly used in indie films, such as stop motion animation and cutout photo animation. The humor was definitely on the darker side, as was most of Nickelodeon’s cartoons at the time.
9. Space Cases
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Space Cases was a kids version of Star Trek and Lost in Space. It featured a kid crew who sneak aboard a ship and get lost in space. Some of the kids were aliens with special powers, like super strength and hearing, electricity blasts, and a supersonic scream. It featured Walter Jones (the Black Power Ranger) and Jewel Staite (Kaylee from Firefly). It was definitely cheesy but a fun show with a little bit of suspense thrown in.
8. Clarissa Explains It All
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Na na na na! This show follows Clarissa as she explains everything in her life directly to the viewers. She has a rivalry with her younger brother Ferguson. Every day she gets a visit from her best friend Sam, who climbs through her bedroom window using a ladder. Clarissa Explains It All was Nick’s first show with a female lead. It’s success paved the way for many more to come.
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Before American Ninja Warrior, there was Nickelodeon GUTS. Hosted by Mike O’Malley, each episode featured three kids running through various obstacle courses. Each episode ended with all three climbing The Crag, a rock climbing fixture with various buttons the competitors had to push to earn points. The one with the most points who reached the top first won the episode. It was lots of fun.
6. Are You Afraid of the Dark?
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A bunch of kids gathered around a campfire telling scary stories was a concept behind Are You Afraid of the Dark? Each episode featured a different spooky tale. Some of them were more silly than scary. But some were legitimately creepy.
5. Animorphs
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Based on the popular book series, Animorphs was about a group of teenagers given the power to morph into animals to fight invading aliens. It was a combination of The X-Files, Power Rangers, and National Geographic. It was darker and more suspenseful than other Nickelodeon shows. Unfortunately, it was limited by the technology of the time and lasted only two seasons. A real shame as the books were fantastic.
4. The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo
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The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo was a great show ahead of its time. It was about a teenage girl who interns at a police station. She can’t help but try to solve the mysteries that come in. The show follows her as she finds clues, suspects, and allows the viewer to try to solve the case along with Shelby Woo. It was a rare gem that featured an Asian American actress in the lead role. Mr. Miyagi Pat Morita also starred as Shelby’s grandfather.
3. The Secret World of Alex Mack
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The Secret World of Alex Mack was about a junior high school teen who was accidentally covered in a mysterious chemical. That chemical gave her special abilities to shoot electricity from her fingers, telekinesis, and to turn into a puddle of water. It sounds really weird, but it was a really good show. It featured Jessica Alba in one of her first roles as a mean girl at Alex’s school.
2. Kenan & Kel
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Kenan & Kel was a spinoff series starring All That stars Kenan Thompson and Kel Mitchell as best friends. Kenan was the schemer who came up with crazy ways to get rich, and Kel was his goofy best friend roped into every terrible plan. Of course, chaos and hilarity always followed. It’s running gags were Kel’s undeniable love for orange soda and ending each episode with “Aww here it goes!”
1. All That
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All That will always be the greatest Nickelodeon show. It was a sketch comedy show for kids, starring kids. It was gut busting funny. The writing was really smart and the kids were crazy talented. It launched the careers of Kenan Thompson, Amanda Bynes, Nick Cannon, and Gabriel Iglesias. But the first two seasons and the original cast will always be the best. It featured spoofs of Oprah, Ross Perot, Superman, Steve Urkel, and more. Its best segments were Good Burger, Ear Boy, the Loud Librarian, and Vital Information. It was so successful it launched spinoff series Kenan & Kel, The Amanda Show, and Good Burger became its own feature film released in theaters.
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effymaybe · 4 years
Fears, all in the past
Pairing: Emma x Alyssa
Prompt: Emma’s carpentry works wonderfully for her mind… and her body. Alyssa loves her girlfriend very, very much so. Kaylee discovers something really interesting and Shelby is just glad to spend some time with her friends.
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(cr: @rainbowkarolina​)
“Another prom?” Alyssa asks in disbelief, eyeing at Kaylee and Shelby’s twin smiles as they sip on their fancy glasses of orange juice.
They are sitting inside the blonde’s house, enjoying the first tickles of the summer. Outside, the sun is too hot to be bearable, but in the comfort of the kitchen, the atmosphere is nice and pleasant, often ornamented by the soft giggles shared between the three friends.
(Find the rest of the story here)
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spookyblazecoffee · 1 year
What each Dino Charge rangers (Including Heckyl and family members of rangers [Matt and Kaylee]) TikTok FYP would be like + What type of videos they’d make (Modern AU {Tyler})
His FYP mostly consists of memes, vines, and those ADHD trap thingies.
Sometimes he’ll look at TikToks that talk about fixing your car by yourself.
LOTS of High School Musical for some reason.
Facts about dinosaurs. (Mostly Triceratops and T-Rex.)
After they start dating every time Shelby posts something he is watching it immediately.
Doesn’t really understand the concept of spam liking, but doesn’t do it.
Mostly makes videos of him and the other rangers (especially Shelby after they start dating) and sometimes will make videos with Kaylee where they talk about how much they love their girlfriend.
When he and Kaylee started dating Shelby they made a video with her on both of their accounts. (Kinda like ‘This is my girlfriend, Shelby and this is Shelby’s girlfriend/boyfriend Kaylee/Tyler’  [depends on whose TikTok it was] except Kaylee and Tyler don’t hate each other, they’re practically bestfriends.)
Him and Kaylee have a shared account that they blocked Shelby on so they can make TikToks about surprises they’re doing for her.
Also makes TikToks in the caves he visits, silly dancing with Chase, and doing stunts.
Chase is next.
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saintdollyparton · 5 years
The Prom. Your NOTP.
I don't really have a notp for The Prom because Greenelan and Dee Dee x Hawkins are both great. Shelvin (Kevin and Shelby) are cute. I also enjoy some occasional Kelby. (Kaylee and Shelby) Nick seems like kind of a tool but eh. My NOTP is probably Emma and sadness. Like... just let my girl be happy.
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Hello and Happy Holidays :D
Now that the Supermassive Pairing Tournament is over, I'm happy to share all votes each pairing got :D
Laura Kearney x Max Brinly: 1.826 (245+195+237+357+258+299+235)
Ryan Erzahler x Dylan Lenivy: 1.597 (217+192+197+585+252+154)
Jamie Tiergan x Erin Keenan: 1.528 (202+119+248+423+236+222+78)
Josh Washington x Chris Hartley: 1.511 (1.314+77+120)
Sam Giddings x Hannah Washington: 1.423 (215+109+199+729+171)
The Curator x Dr. Hill: 1.318 (199+108+565+446)
Rachel King x Clarice Stokes: 1.253 (123+97+151+773+109)
Jason Kolchek x Salim Othman: 1.183 (185+142+209+647)
Laura Kearney x Travis Hackett: 1.179
The Curator x Player: 1.131 (312+102+717)
Emma Mountebank x Abigail Blyg: 1.092 (147+78+752+115)
Emily Davis x Jessica Riley: 1.091 (152+92+241+441+165)
Ashley Brown x Jessica Riley: 1.054 (160+136+142+590+26)
Matt Taylor x Jessica Riley: 1.005 (185+116+160+544)
Conrad x Brad Smith: 982 (107+65+168+258+223+161)
Nick Kay x Salim Othman: 818 (23+30+219+546)
Becky Marney x Felicity Graves: 806 (488+157+161)
Beth Washington x Sam Giddings: 728 (126+136+173+293)
Mike Munroe x Jessica Riley: 701 (116+124+180+281)
Fliss DuBois x Julia: 651 (157+94+400)
Laura Kearney x Hannah Washington: 559 (100+104+150+205)
Laura Kearney x Kaitlyn Ka: 512 (217+140+155)
Jeff Whitman x Marie Whitman: 391 (140+81+170)
Kate Wilder x The Curator: 387
Dylan Lenivy x Chainsaw: 374 (164+56+154)
Mark Nestor x Kate Wilder: 343 (88+103+152)
Dar Basri x Eric King: 334 (115+70+149) + Josh Washington x Jessica Riley: 334 (115+44+175)
Emily Davis x Ashley Brown: 311 (175+78+58)
Nick Kay x Jason Kolchek: 287 (194+93)
Kate Wilder x Jamie Tiergan: 257 (66+147+44)
John x Angela: 230 (106+124)
Nick Kay x Salim Othman x Jason Kolchek: 222 (81+141)
Ashley Brown x Chris Hartley x Josh Washington: 220 (170+50)
Emma Mountebank x Kaitlyn Ka: 219 (68+70+81)
Emily Davis x Sam Giddings: 194
Conrad x Fliss DuBois: 193 (123+52+18)
Alex Smith x Julia: 192 (109+55+28)
Chris Hartley x Ashley Brown: 183
Daniel x Taylor: 162 (127+35)
Hannah Washington x Jessica Riley: 161 (41+97+23)
Beth Washington x Laura Kearney: 159 (120+39)
Tanya Clarke x Vince Barnes: 149 (107+42)
Hannah Washington x Emily Davis: 147 (114+33)
Conrad x Josh Washington: 131 (108+23)
Eric King x Nick Kay x Rachel King: 127 (76+51)
Max Brinly x Laura Kearney x Travis Hackett: 124
Hannah Washington x Ashley Brown: 118 (89+29)
Kurum x Balathu: 110 (45+65)
Kaitlyn Ka x Ryan Erzahler x Dylan Lenivy: 108
Matt Taylor x Ashley Brown: 105 (91+14)
Brad Smith x Fliss DuBois: 103
Adam Jones x Jonathan Finn: 96 (76+20)
Granthem Du’Met x Kate Wilder: 92 (81+11)
Joseph Lambert x Amy Lambert: 83
Mike Munroe x Jessica Riley x Emily Davis: 79
Joe Roberts x Charlie Anderson: 72
Nick Furcillo x Abigail Blyg: 69
Kate Wilder x Shelby: 65
Eric King x Nick Kay: 61
Conrad x Brad Smith x Fliss DuBois: 57
Sam Giddings x Jessica Riley: 56
Kate Wilder x Erin Keenan x Jamie Tiergan: 55
Jacob Custos x Nick Furcillo: 51
Emma Mountebank x Kaylee Hackett: 49
Nathan Merwin x Joey Gomez: 48
Mark Nestor x Kate Wilder x Jamie Tiergan x Erin Keenan: 47
Rachel King x The Ancient One: 45
Kate Wilder x Julia: 42
Nick Kay x Rachel King: 41 (18+23)
Kate Wilder x Erin Keenan: 38
Brad Smith x Dylan Lenivy: 36
Erin Keenan x Rachel King: 34
Beth Washington x Emily Davis: 26 + Danny x Olson: 26
Conrad x Beer x Rachel King: 24 + Granthem Du’Met x Jamie Tiergan: 24
Granthem Du’Met x Erin Keenan: 21 + Kate Wilder x Michelle Morello: 21
Salim Othman x Dar Basri: 20
Tabitha Milton x Taylor: 19
Mark Nestor x Joseph Morello: 18
Abraham Alastor x Tabitha Milton: 17
Conrad x Jacob Custos: 16
Lady Bradshaw x Ellis van Huyten: 14
Charlie Anderson x Hodgson expedition: 10
Revenant Carver x Judge Wyman: 9
Thank you for doing these tournaments <3
Omg, thank you for doing these things! They are so interesting to look at
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keseyeasy · 5 years
Name 10 favourite characters from 10 different things (books, TV, film, etc), then tag 10 people
@daylightisfadingaway thank you so much for tagging me! ❤❤❤
1. Amos Burton - The Expanse
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2. Rose Tyler - Doctor Who
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3. Rosa Diaz - Brooklyn 99
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4. Brian O'Conner - Fast and Furious
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5. Ada Shelby - Peaky Blinders
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6. Elizabeth Swan - Pirates of the Caribbean
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7. Kara Thrace - Battlestar Galactica
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8. Shuri - Black Panther
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9. Kaylee Frye - Firefly
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10. Brienne of Tarth - Game of Thrones
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Tagging: @feyrecauldron-blessed @blueforthejerseyandhiseyes @mverstappens @like-a-virgil-van-dijk @negligencewho @carvajalfc @arrizabalagafc @soyax-x @jumanahbanajah @torcedorescalma if you want to do it!
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fallencrackships · 5 years
Requests Update
Alycia Debnam-Carey and Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes, father and daughter - Anon
Alexis Bledel as Rory and Tom Holland as Peter Parker (siblings) - mystic-scripture
Anna Kendrick and Alex O'Loughlin as Steve Mcgarrett - hawaiianohana31
Ana De Armas and Timothée Chalament - Anon
Ana De Armas and Andy Samberg - Anon
Ana De Armas and Penn Badgley - Anon
Ana De Armas and Danneel Ackles - Anon
Ana De Armas and Sebastian Stan - Anon
Ana De Armas and Ryan Gosling as Holland March (The Nice Guys) - Anon
Adelaide Kane and Alex O'Loughlin, married - martyredmotheraesthetics
Adelaide Kane as Mary (Lyah) and Bradley James as Arthur - lyah-malik
Adelaide Kane and Joel Kinnaman - Anon
Adelaide Kane and Summer Fontana with Jacob Tremblay - hope-andrea-marhall
Amber Heard and James McAvoy - Anon
Amber Heard (30 Days to Kill or Drive Angry) x James McAvoy (Wanted) - Anon
Amber Heard and Luke Evans- Anon
Anna Diop and Eddie Cibrian - Anon
Bailee Madison and David Mazouz, couple - Anon
Bailee Madison and Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark, father and daughter - Anon
Blanca Suárez as Alba Romero (Cable Girls) and Cillian Murphy as Tommy Shelby (Peaky Blinders) - Anon
Brie Larson as Carol Danvers and Odette Anable - clary--jackson
Brie Larson and Jake Gyllenhal (not as superheroes) - Anon
Brit Marling and Pablo Schreiber - curlykoalas
Bella Thorne and Scarlett Byrne - Anon
Cody Christian and Colin O'Donoghue - Anon
Courtney Eaton and Dylan O'Brien - Anon
Chelsey Reist and Robbie Amell - Anon
Cara Delevinge (long hair) and Matthew Daddario - Anon
Crystal Reed and Charlie Rowe (older) as Partners - Anon
Crystal Reed (Not Gotham) , Dylan Bruce and Ben Affleck (Not Batman), love Triangle - Anon
Camila Mendes as Veronica Lodge and Benjamin Wadsworth as Marcus Lopez Arguello - multixxfandomxx
Chloe Bennet as daisy Johnson x Justin H. Min as ben hargreeves - Anon
Chloe Bennet and Mark Rufflo as spouses - Anon
Chloe Bennet and Sam Claflin - vweasley15
Chandler Riggs as Billy Kaplan/Wiccan and Issac Hempstead as Tommy Shepard/Speed, the sons of Wanda Maximoff. - Anon
Claire Holt and Sasha Pieterse - Anon
Danielle Campbell and Claire Holt as friends - iamgamidova
Danielle Rose Russell as the daughter of Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas (OUAT) - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell as a SHIELD Agent - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Dylan O'Brien - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Ksenia Solo as sisters - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell as the daughter of Chris Pratt and Angela Sarafyan - lxvelikelegends
Danielle Rose Russell and Marvels Cloak and Dagger cast - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Isaac Hempstead Wright - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and The Guardians of the Galaxy - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Erika Linder - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Herman Tommeraas - iamgamidova
Danielle Rose Russell and Hero Fiennes-Tiffen - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell as the daughter of Piper Halliwell and Leo Wyatt - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Tom Holland as Peter Parker, happy couple - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Tom Holland as Peter Parker, training - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Tom Holland - liebleu
Dianna Agron and Avan Jogia - Anon
Dove Cameron as Ruby Hale and Tom Holland as Peter Parker - Anon
Emma Mackey and Gregg Sulkin - Anon
Emmy Rossum and Stephen James - littlemisshiddleston
Emmy Rossum as Bilba Baggins (female Bilbo) and Richard Armitage as Thorin - Anon
Emilia Clarke as Dany and Luke Goss as Nuada - Anon
Emeraude Toubia and Margot Robbie as friends/roommates - anewchapterlove
Emeraude Toubia and James McAvoy - Anon
Emeraude Toubia and Jake Gyllenhal - Anon
Emma Watson and Joe Mazzello - Anon
Eliza Taylor as Clarke and Keith Allan as Murphy - Anon
Gender bent - Ellen Hollman (Saxa) as Hercules and either Ben Barnes or Avan Jogia as Meg - Anon
Ellie Bamber and Haley Lu Richardson as lovers - Anon
Ellie Bamber and Mark McKenna - Anon
Elizabeth Gillies (undercover) and Eric Dane (stalker) - Anon
Elizabeth Gillies and Skeet Ulrich- Anon
Elizabeth Gillies and Tyler Hoechlin - Anon
Freya Mavor and Alfred Enoch - Anon
Felicity Jones and Jeremy Sumpter (Adult) - justcalldibs
Gabrielle Wilde as Constance and Santiago Cabrera as Aramis - atinkerbellstuff
Gal Gadot and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau - Anon
Giorgia Whigham and Callum Turner - Anon
Gemma Arterton and Jonathan Rhys Meyers (Dracula or modern) - Anon
Holliday Grainger and Moon Ga Young - Anon
Hayley Atwell and Tom Ellis - songbirdsfallenembersandgolddust
Hayley Atwell and Henry Cavill - songbirdsfallenembersandgolddust
Halsey and Andre Hamann - happyhostforsymbiotes
Hayden Panettiere and Jude Law - Anon
Holland Roden and Hunter Parrish - themaravismari
Imogen Poots and Jake Gyllenhal - danielcvmbell
Ivana Baquero and TWD Cast (Rick, Carl, Glenn, Negan, Daryl, Maggie) - Anon
India Eisley and Sky Ferreira as enemies - ask-little-red-wolf
Jaimie Alexander and Rosario Dawson married - Anon
Jaimie Alexander as Jane and Norman Reedus as Daryl - Anon
Jessica Stroup and True Detective season 1 cast - Anon
Jenny Boyd (blonde) as the daughter of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts - Anon
Jenny Boyd as Lizzie and Tom Holland as Peter Parker - scrumptiousponyghostpeach
Jenny Boyd (Vikings Quest) and Aaron Jakubenko (Roman Empire or Shannara Chronicles) - elenacarinandherfandoms
Jenna Coleman and Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy (Half Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows) - Anon
Jenna Coleman and Chris Wood - Anon
Kat Denning and Matt Bomer with Colin Ford as their son - Anon
Kiernan Shipka (Sabrina) and Jessica Lange (AHS Coven) - Anon
Kristen Stewart and Lee Pace - Anon
Kristen Stewart (Personal Shopper/Still Alice) and Michael Trevino - Anon
Kaylee Bryant as the daughter of Chris Wood - the-selfless-bash
Kaylee Bryant as Josie, Chris Evans as Steve Rogers her mentor and Tom Holland as Peter Parker as her best friend - Anon
Katie McGrath and Tom Hiddleston (medieval) - lady-crowned-with-stars
Katie McGrath and Grant Gustin with Bruce and Selina from Gotham as their twin children - Anon
Katie McGrath and Michael Fassbender? 1940-50s era (He was a soldier). - lady-crowned-with-stars
Kristine Froseth and Benjamin Wadsworth - Anon
Letitia Wright as Shuri and Tom Holland as Peter Parker, best friends au - Anon
Lily Collins as Clary Fray and Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy - Anon
Lily Collins and Grant Gustin - Either lovers or stalker au - Anon
Lily Collins and Charles Melton "If we'd never met, I think I would have known my life wasn't complete, and I would have wandered the world in search of you, even if I didn't know who I was looking for" - meaniebeaniecrackshipper
Lily James and Jessica Chastain - Anon
Lily James and Jessica Chastain - thesound-of-myvoice
Lili Reinhart and Daniel Sharman - Anon
Lili Reinhart and Tom Holland - youweremyworstx
Lili Reinhart and Tyler Posey - Anon
Lyndsy Fonseca and Keanu Reeves as John Wick - katrena7
Lyndsy Fonseca and criminal minds cast finding out she's Spencers sister not including Derek - lyah-malek
Lyndsy Fonseca and Luke Mitchell - lyah-malek x2
Lyndsy Fonseca and Harry Shum Jr as Magnus Bane - lyah-malek
Lyndsy Fonseca and Emilie Ullerup - lyah-malik
Lyndsy Fonseca and Katherine McNamara as Clary Fray - lyah-malik
Lyndsy Fonseca and Scott Caan as Danny Williams - lyah-malek
Lyndsy Fonseca and Alex O'Loughlin as Steve Mcgarrett - lyah-malek
Lyndsy Fonseca and Matthew Gray Gubler as Spencer Reid - lyah-malek
Lyndsy Fonseca and Matt Bomer as siblings - lyah-malek
Lyndsy Fonseca and Wilson Bethel - Anon
Lyndsy Fonseca and Robert Downey Jr as siblings - lyah-malek
Madelaine Petsch and Aaron Taylor Johnson - bambifatale
Madelaine Petsch as Cheryl Blossom and Kat Barrell as Nicole Haught as sisters - cherylishaught
Maisie Williams and Aaron Taylor Johnson as Pietro - strawberrycake-z
Maria Avgeropoulos and Harry Treadaway - novaleecarter
Margot Robbie as Annie and Ryan Gosling as K - Anon
Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling as a couple - Anon
Margot Robbie and Ryan Reynolds - nixiestyx
Maisie Richardson Sellers as Charlie and Paul Wesley - wicked-laugh
Maisie Richardson Sellers and Anna Diop as sisters/friends - wicked-laugh
Maisie Richardson Sellers and Jesse Lee Soffer - wicked-laugh
Marina Laswick and Brenton Thwaites - Anon
Melissa Benoist and Keanu Reeves - Anon
Melissa O'Neil as Lucy Chen and Samuel Caleb Hunt as Mouse - Anon
Melissa O'Neil from Dark Matters and Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes - Anon
Melisa Asil Pamuk and Joseph Morgan as Klaus Mikaelson - Anon
Natalie Dormer and Richard Armitage - Anon
Nina Dobrev as Rose Hathaway and Blair Redford as Dimitri Belikov - posterofamyth
Olivia Wilde and Hugh Dancy - Anon
Olivia Wilde and Michael Fassbender, friends with benefits - Anon
Olivia Wilde and True Detective season 1 cast - Anon
Odette Annable and Sebastian Stan - alexwit1325
Odette Annable and Joseph Morgan as Klaus Mikaelson - alexwit1325
Phoebe Tonkin and Tom Ellis - beforewewerehopeless
Phoebe Tonkin and Keanu Reeves as Constantine - katrena7
Phoebe Tonkin as Hayley Marshal and Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock - Anon
Rachel Weisz and Alyssa Milano - Anon
Rachel Weisz (The Mummy movies) and Tom Hiddleston - Anon
Rowan Blanchard as Cleo and Benjamin Wadsworth as Marcus - Anon
Sasha Pieterse and Rachel Taylor - Anon
Scarlett Johansson (blonde) and Eric Dane - Anon
Shelley Hennig and Richard Armitage - Anon
Sophie Turner and Gavin leatherwood as Nicholas scratch - Anon
Sophie Turner and Hayden Christensen - feniah-394
Sophie Skelton and RJ King - Anon
Willa Fitzgerald and Lucas Till, couple - Anon
Phew! I'm hoping that's everyone.... If I've missed your request then just shoot me a message or if you want to stay anonymous then just shoot me another message Friday when I open 😊😊 as always thank you for your patience and support. I might get one or two done today but not sure. My muse tends to come and go, he's a fiesty little fucker who likes to come and go as he pleases!
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