#Shigaraki fucks you over a pumpkin
morgana-ren · 4 years
Imagine being at a Halloween party thrown by Dabi and someone in a Leatherface costume keeps following you. It turns out to be Shigaraki. You comment on how his human skin mask is cool and how it looks so real, and oddly looks like Bakugo's face. He laughs, tosses it away and leads you to a field of pumpkins, where he non cons you, while Spooky Scary Skeletons plays in the background.
Okay listen, I know this was probably sent in 200 percent as a joke, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to sit down for an hour and make it work. It’s been a weird week. I can make weird work. 
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Like imagine kinda knowing Dabi before the league goes super big. You don’t know too much about him, but he’s a friend of a friend and so on and he’s got the dangerous bad boy appeal alongside those haunting blue eyes, so all ya friends hover around him. So lets say you get invited to his spooky-dooky Halloween party he’s throwin’ in an old warehouse. It’s sort of his last hurrah cause it’s a lot harder to try and bone civvie girls when you’re a wanted villain with your face on the news attached to a criminal group, so he’s gunna throw it back tonight and take what he can get, you feel?
So you and ya friends get all cute and dolled up in your costumes and head out to this bash that’s taking place on the wrong side of the tracks in some godforsaken warehouse. It’s in the industrial zone, which is comprised of nothing but abandoned buildings, squat houses, and old warehouses. You’re pretty sure he just found one and broke the chain on the door and called it a night. That should be your first clue, but fuck it, what’s life without a little risk?
Anyway, a few hours pass and admittedly, you’re a lil’ drunk. That being said, you could swear this dude in a leatherface costume is stalking you. Maybe not stalking you, per say, but he’s definitely trying hard to be where you are. It’s not like he’s easy to confuse with anyone else; his costume is super unique, and if you’re being honest, a little disturbing. It legit looks like that kid Bakugo from the Sports Festival but forcefully mutated in with the classic Leatherface look. Whoever it is, they’ve definitely got an edgy sense of humor. It should spook you, but it’s Halloween for fucks sake! At least they’re putting some effort in! It’s no coincidence that you see him literally everywhere you go, so maybe he likes you?
Maybe he’s cute under that creepy mask.
It’s worth a shot (get it, shot?), so you let him follow you to the bar and sit down next to an equally empty seat, hoping to give off the vibe of ‘quit being creepy and come talk to me.’ 
A few seconds later and surprise surprise, he sits down right beside you. No sense in pretending this is anything other than what it is, so you turn right to him and offer to buy him a drink. 
He stares at you for a minute, beady pupils surveying you beneath that godawful mask he’s donning before he nods. He doesn’t tell you what he wants, so you just order him whatever mixture of gasoline and fruit you get. He just stares at you while you sip at your own drink, and you can’t help but laugh. His eyes are fuckin’ intense, and while you’re already a little tipsy, it’s pretty clear he’s dead sober. Luckily, alcohol gives you a charming ice breaker. 
“It’s probably a little difficult to drink with that terrifying thing on your face, but I really appreciate your dedication to the look.” 
Behind the holes of the mask, his eyes crinkle near the edges. You can’t tell if he’s smiling or snarling, but he’s definitely reacting to what you’re saying. He must’ve decided that he likes you, because he finally reaches behind his head and loosens whatever makeshift strap that’s tangled in his silver, ‘fake’ blood matted hair. 
As he lets it fall away from his face, you study what’s underneath. He’s a little rough around the edges, a little chapped with dry skin and more than a few blisters on his pale lips, but he’s cute and the costume has you intrigued. For all you know, it could be liquid latex. The guy seems pretty dedicated after all. It makes you wonder what is Halloween paint and what’s his actual skin. You kinda wanna lick him and find out.
Shut up, alcohol. 
“It’s homemade.” He rasps out, voice cracking and strained like he hasn’t spoken in days. After a sip of his own drink, he slips a subtle smile as he sees you eying the grotesque costume piece. “I’m glad you like it.”
It’s gross to say the least. Whatever it’s made out of, it’s certainly not plastic or rubber like most masks. It smells atrocious, especially coupled with the must and cheap booze of the warehouse, and it makes you a little queasy as it flops around in his lap a little too lifelike for your liking. It even has pores, for Christ’s sake. Tearing your gaze away from it isn’t easy, but if you look much longer, you’re not really sure what your stomach is gunna do, so you turn your attentions to the owner instead. 
“Are you making a statement or just not a fan of the would-be hero types?”
He giggles a little even though you’re not entirely sure what you said was funny. “I guess you could say it’s both.” 
You sit in an awkward silence, sipping at your drink for a few minutes before another wave of alcohol induced courage lights a fire under your ass. If he won’t talk, you sure as fuck will.
“So, are you a friend of Dabi’s or-” He scoffs, loud and hard, lip curling in distaste. “No. I’m unfortunate enough to know him. We work together.” 
“Really? I always wondered what he did for a living.” 
It takes him a second to realize that’s you’re prodding, and a minute longer to come up with an answer. “I guess you could say we’re sort of... activists or something.” 
“Is that so? He never really struck me as the generous type.”
“He’s not.” He grins like a fox in a henhouse, mischievous and sly like he knows something you don’t. “And I’m not either.” 
“Then why be an activist?” 
His smirk fades, and he nurses his drink, flicking his eyes away from you. “I dunno.”
“What kind of activist are you? Like social or environmental or-” 
“Uh-” He clearly wasn’t expecting this line of questioning. “Political.” 
“Oh, that’s cool! What kind of politics are you guys into? You seem like the anarchy sort to me, but I don’t wanna judge-”
“Are you always this nosy?”
His sudden hostility takes you back a little. Sure, you’re drunk and annoying, but that seems a bit excessive. Maybe this isn’t the tree you want to be barking up tonight. 
“Sorry. I was just trying to get to know you.” 
You turn your body away from him slightly, returning your gaze to the rusted metal behind the makeshift bar. You can see him glaring you down out of your periphery but opt to ignore it. Regardless, he stares for a few more moments before downing the rest of the drink you apparently wasted your money on.  “Well, don’t.” 
Whatever, man. It’s a fucking Halloween party. You can find a different jerk-ass to hook up with, one who at least pretends to be nice until the night is over. Dicks are a dime a dozen in a place like this, and the ‘super mysterious, if I told you, I’d have to kill you’ bullshit charade he’s playing is grating on your nerves. Part of you wants to tell him off for being so rude, but the other part is telling you to just shut up, project your disinterest, and wait for him to leave.
You huff a small sigh, blowing the air out of your puckered lips as you roll your eyes behind closed lids. Your side of the conversation comes to an abrupt halt, and suddenly everything in the room is more interesting than he is. Yet even with the uncomfortable awkward air around you both, he doesn’t leave. He just continues scanning you over as you do your best to give him the cold shoulder. So he really thinks there’s any sort of comeback from that, huh?
Apparently he does. He’s not very good with social hints either. You’ve almost tuned him out when you feel a bony hand clutching your upper arm. 
“Hey, come with me. This place is boring and I’ve got something I want to show you.” 
You turn, shooting him a disbelieving glare, but he’s already slid off his bar stool and is pulling you along with him. He doesn’t bother to wait for your answer, weaving through the crowds and dragging you behind him even as you try to wiggle your arm out of his grasp. Had you been in your right mind, you might have screamed or shoved him and told him to get lost, but your liquor marinated mind makes it difficult. He’s kinda right, after all. This place has gotten boring. All your friends left you behind an hour ago to go find their own conquests and dancing by yourself gets pretty lame after a minute. It’s not like you had anything better to do. 
Alright, fine. Follow the rude guy. He seems pretty adamant about it anyway. 
You try to justify it by telling yourself maybe he’s just super socially awkward or doesn’t have much experience with girls. He could also be one of those super brash, brutally honest people that just says whatever comes to mind. Maybe he didn’t mean it in a mean way. A trailing history of terrible taste in men leaves his unbridled rudeness with a bad taste in your mouth, but it wasn’t like you were planning on seeing him again after tonight. Ride the dick and then ride off into the sunset. 
You both dodge through the groups of people together as he yanks you towards the very back of the warehouse. The couple of doors he leads you through have a fairly prominent ‘Do Not Enter’ sign cautioning at eye level, but he doesn’t seem dissuaded, pulling you through the heavy doors despite the clear warning. A few hallways and dim, empty corridors later and he’s ushering you into something resembling a claustrophobic courtyard outside that joins the warehouse with a few of the surrounding buildings.
It’s very dark outside, and aside from the slight shine of ugly yellow tinted streetlights peeking through the alleyway, you can’t see much of anything. You can’t imagine what on Earth it is out here that he wants to show you, but you doubt you’ll even be able to see it. Anxiety starts to bloom in your chest as your drunk mind starts to realize that you’ve followed a stranger out into a very dark, very isolated area.
“H-hey, I never got your name.”
He laughs softly, coming up behind you and gripping your shoulders in a way that feels all too tight. Steering you forward, he leans in, feet falling in line with your steps.
“You’re right. My bad, that’s awfully rude of me.”
He pushes you forward in a way that seems a bit intense for having just met before latching his hands lazily around the base of your neck and pulling you into his chest.
“I guess it’s a good thing you didn’t know what Dabi does for a living, or else you never would have been stupid enough to follow me out here.”
Okay, it’s Halloween and all, but his brand of prank is starting to feel a little too real. The macabre costume and total boorishness should have been the insight you needed to come to the conclusion that this guy just isn’t quite right in the head, but between the alcohol and your desire to give him the benefit of the doubt, it just never quite clicked for you.
“It’s Shigaraki, by the way. My name. I’m sure you’ve heard it before.”
His wet breath on your neck isn’t the only reason you get shivers. You have heard that name before, only never spoken so casually. His fingers tighten around the tensing muscles in your throat as you swallow down a bombardment of emotion. Panic. Fear. Realization.
There’s a million and ten things going through your mind right now, the foremost of which is why. You aren’t a hero, nor are you a particularly fervent hero supporter. You’re not related to any heroes, and frankly, there’s no one further from the social/cultural hub that is hero society. Isn’t that what this guy gets his rocks off to? At least from the news snippets, that’s the impression you gathered.
You want to ask him why you. Maybe its a selfish question but it’s a question none the less, and one people tend to ask when their place on the mortal coil is being threatened. Yet, no matter how you try to spit out the words, your tongue stills in your dry mouth and refuses to cooperate. The pounding in your chest is giving way to a headache and a serious case of sick, and you swear between the loud pulsing of blood in your veins, you can hear him giggling behind you.
You think maybe that’s a strong enough cue to leave. You can ask him why when you’re separated by a thick layer of glass at Tartarus.
You know, it’s easy to sit back in the comfort of your own home and laugh at the clumsy heroine in any given horror movie who fumbles away from the killer like a newborn fawn just discovering its own lanky legs, but you’re quick to understand just why that troupe is so popular. It takes you a moment to gather the courage to turn on your heel and shove him hard on the chest, and even when you manage, it’s so weak and pathetic that it barely knocks him off balance. It only just gives you enough space that you can dart in the opposite direction. Where you’re going, you have no clue, but it’s not on the forefront of your mind as you pound pavement beneath your shitty costume shoes and shout “Stay away from me!” like some cliche damsel in distress.
Your adrenaline fueled getaway is short lived. A few seconds after beginning your feverish sprint away from what you know to be a very dangerous young fellow, the front of your foot catches on something and sends you toppling to the ground only a few feet from where you began your initial rush. Your fall is less than graceful, and the shriek that emits from your throat before your body thuds to the dirt like a sack of potatoes is far less sexy than anything in any horror movie. The bag you’ve been clutching, filled with nothing but the bare essentials and a half empty flask, is flung from your fingers. Your assailant doesn’t slow-walk towards you in a menacing manner while wielding a knife, but practically jogs over, wheezing with nasally laughter as he grabs you by the hair.
“I bet that went a lot better in your head, huh?”
A lot of things went a lot better in your head, to be fair. That scene. This night. Your life in general. But the little pity party you’re throwing yourself does little to garner his sympathies. No amount of hiccuping and crying fat gobs of tears that leak from your lashes and down into the Halloween makeup it took you hours to do elicits any response from him but what he had already planned on.
His laughter finally dies down and the fingers threaded through your hair manhandle you to your knees before roughly casting you down onto something. Something hollow yet sturdy greets your sensitive, liquor addled stomach as he forces you down and bends you over it. It feels slightly waxy, yet organic to the touch, and seems to wobble around slightly the more he kicks and prods you into a position you’ve seen one too many times in those shitty free pornos.
Pumpkin. It’s a fucking pumpkin.
You can smell the leaves and grass and sodden soil as he positions your hips up in the air, shucking off the costume apron he’d been wearing. Dirt embeds under your finger nails as you struggle to drag the rest of your body over the pumpkin to make your escape, but the hand that isn’t currently fumbling with his zipper is still tightly anchored in your hair, holding you in place. He hisses out a few words warning you against struggling too hard, his quirk is uncontrollable after all.
He makes quick work of the cheap costume bottom, inhaling a ragged breath and digging his jagged nails in a little too tightly to your skin when your ass becomes bared to the cool night air. The sight of you must’ve made him impatient, as he settles for simply yanking up your top along your back to expose your tits instead of going through the effort to try and get it off you. If what you’ve heard is true, he could simply dust it and be rid of it, but he doesn’t seem like he’s in the most centered form of mind right now, and it doesn’t appear like it’s your death he’s after.
No, it seems like he’s after something much more intimate than death.
Your mind is acutely aware of what’s about to happen, but it’s trapped in your paralyzed body, unable to force your heavy limbs to move with the weight of the panic. He’s freed himself from his pants, knuckles bumping against the cleft of your ass with every jerk of the cock that you thank God is hidden from your vision. After a few rigorous pumps, he withdraws for a moment before spitting and dribbling his slick saliva into the palm of his hand, coating his cock and using it as a makeshift lubricant.
When he’s finished making spitting sounds that make your stomach church, he lines his hips against your reluctantly spread legs and you feel the hot, thick tip prodding against the tautly pulled walls of your entrance. It’s enough to renew your childlike kicking and whining, babbling and pleading for him to stop. Regardless, he pays you no mind, opting only to yank his hand from the roots of your hair. It stings and he takes several strands of hair with it, but you don’t have time to focus on the pain as his fingertips dig into the fat of your cheeks, flexing and forcing you to look up at him as he hunches his wiry frame over yours.
It’s hard to see through the haze of tears that blear your vision and thick black makeup caking around your eyes, but you can make out that he’s smiling. If you can call it that, that is. Cracked lips wet and parted, breathing hot, moist breath down onto your forehead. Lips curled upward in a nasty, smarmy grin. A slimy tongue trails along his teeth as he practically drools down onto your shoulder like you’re a thick cut of venison and he’s a rabid wolf ready to sink in his canines.
“You know, I never cared much for Halloween,” His hips cant forward ever so slightly and begins to push the tip inside your unwilling hole. Slowly, slowly at first, but soon with more force. It hurts, morphing from a dull ache into an intense sting the more his girthy length is stuffed snug inside between your thighs. “But Dabi was right- it’s a lot more fun when you dress up.”
To punctuate the end of his sentence, he pulses his hips forward, sinking himself all the way inside and watching with a sick sense of glee as your face contorts in pain. He rolls his hips experimentally against your backside a few times, hissing in slight discomfort at the bittersweet tightness that strangles his flesh inside of yours. It stills him only for a brief moment, long enough for you to truly grasp the horrendous sensation of your body molding to accommodate something too large for it to have been ready to take.
However uncomfortable he may be, it’s nothing compared to what you’re feeling. It seems like a cruel joke that the wanted villain who set his sights on you that night would also have a monster cock, but Halloween was always the devil’s little prank show. He’s crammed it inside you with no regard for the damage it might do, pain radiating in the deep of your stomach as his cockhead is scrunched firmly against the wall of your cervix. Your fingers dig deeper into the dirt, but not to escape. You’re aware you’re too firmly impaled on him for that to be an option, so you settle for trying to give yourself any sensation at all that will lessen the unholy tear of your already sensitive pussy.
Eventually he decides he’s had enough of memorizing your pretty, anguished face, and his movements begin anew. Hips pistoning in a building rhythm, flesh of his thighs slapping obscenely against your bare ass. The protruding stem of the pumpkin grates into your abdomen, forcing pained, breathy ‘ah’s from you with every powerful hump. The anguishing drag of his cock assaulting your insides begins to blend together one after the next, and you do your best to block out the animalistic grunts and a sickening moans he emits with every thrust.
Eventually he lets your face go in favor of sinking his fingers just below your waist to anchor you in place as he pounds away, and you take the opportunity to drop your head in defeat and clench your eyes shut. He’ll get bored of you or he’ll cum. It’s what comes after that you should really be worried about. By the sounds he’s making, he’s far from losing interest. He seems to be getting a bit carried away, muttering something along the lines of “take it, slut” and needing to celebrate holidays more often.
That’s when you hear it.
Spooky, scary, skeletons send shivers down your spine
At first, you think it’s a joke. Like you’re having some sort of twisted nightmare and reality has finally decided to throw you a bone to lead your consciousness back home. But his manic fucking never stops and neither does the pain.
Shrieking souls with shock your soul, seal your doom tonight
A few blinks to clear the fresh wave of agony and one hand digging into the side of the pumpkin to stable yourself enough against his rutting to search for the source of the noise. There’s a glowing light a few feet from you, flashing and vibrating but just out of reach.
Your phone. It’s your phone. Your bag had landed not far from where he had you pinned, and your phone had been thrown from the bag.
Your new October ringtone plays through the damaged speakers, flashing your best friends face on the screen. She’s looking for you, probably wondering where you went. She’d never find you here. No one would.
We’re so sorry skeletons, you’re so misunderstood
Help is so close, yet so far away. Your sobs begin anew, feeling his cock pulse as he whines something about breeding his pretty little bitch into your ear. He’s cumming inside you, papping his hips against you in a shallow, offbeat rhythm. You can feel it, hear it squelching and leaking down your thighs. He came. Inside you. And judging from what few words you can make out between your agonized cries, he has every intention of doing it again.
You just want to socialize but I don’t think we should
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p-antomime · 3 years
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what's your favorite scary movie?
— minors don't interact
— wc: 3,1K.
content + warnings: 18+, including: hard dom!shigaraki tomura, manhandle, unprotected sex, a bit of wall sex, oral sex (m. receiving), rough sex, fingering (with gloves), choking, humiliation, face & throat fucking, breeding kink, mask kink, creampie, a bit of size kink tbh.
pairings: ghostface!shigaraki tomura x reader.
my kinktober list!
note: all the characters quoted in this work are over 21 years of age.
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— Is this good? — Your friend asked after she had tightened the frigid jacket around your body to make the Harley Queen costume from Birds Of Prey cling more firmly to yours shoulders.
— Oh, now that's perfect, thank you. — You smiled, looking in the mirror's reflection and analyzing the beautifully tailored outfit. — Are we staying until the party's over? I didn't want to wake up hung-over tomorrow.
— You only wake up hung-over if you drink yourself into a stupor. — She answered looking at you as if it was obvious.
— You know what I mean. — Picking up your cell phone, you checked the hours.
— I get it, but you already know my answer: just stay close to me and Touya and nothing bad can happen to you. — Toga opened a smile where you could see her fangs matching the vampire costume she had bought.
— Oh, sure... — You replied, trying not to let on that it was the two of them that you knew you couldn't trust if the party turned “ugly”.
— Relax, it's going to be great! — Toga exclaimed cheerfully before poking around the unlocked screen of the cell phone in your hand. — Touya will be parking in front of the dorm in about... fifteen minutes, so let's go wait for him downstairs.
And then the two of you headed down the hallways decorated with Halloween decorations like spider webs, plastic pumpkins and other materials and little skeletons. The walk to the entrance of the dormitory of the sorority you would live in until you finished your college years was uneventful, except for a few girls running around trying to finish fixing their costumes or probably trying to find some forgotten accessory; everyone was possibly going to the same party you and Toga were going to, even though you didn't even know who the person, or people, in charge of the party was.
— Hello, pretty girls! — Touya, dressed as Riddler from DC Comics, spoke up excitedly as he watched the two of you waiting for him and the car that he had obviously talked his wealthy father into giving him. — Ready for the best night of your lives?
— Of course! — Himiko answered, flashing an amused smile as Dabi unlocked the car doors for the two of you to get in.
Now it was almost seven o'clock at night.
— Needing a Joker today, Miss Queen? — Dabi asked you as he stared at you through the car's mirror as you sat in the white back of the car with Himiko.
— Ewww. — You smiled at him and denied it with your head. — I'd rather die.
— You shouldn't say things like that on Halloween, because there might be a crazy serial killer listening in. — Toga retorted as soon as Touya turned the key in the ignition and started to drive.
— Are any of you a crazy serial killer? — Y/N asked.
— Not that I know of. — Dabi replied.
— Then I'll be fine for now. — A sarcastic smile broke out on his lips and yours two friends giggled quietly.
The ride to the party was fun, with loud music and the three of you waving a few times to other people in costumes on the streets the car passed by at average speed. The place of the party was a bit far, you had to admit, and suddenly your head started to worry about how you would all get back to the dorms, but you didn't have time to verbalize your worries because minutes later Dabi was already parking meters behind a party big enough for you to be shocked by its dimensions, and the crowding in and out of it scared you even more.
— What the fuck... — Your mouth formed an "O" as soon as the three of you got out of the car and your eyes noticed that the house was getting bigger and bigger. — What if they call the police on this shit?
— Then you'll have to run for your dignity. — Dabi replied with a shrug. — But don't worry too much about that, nothing bad can happen today.
Hours later you knew he was wrong.
— Let's go. — Toga walked out in front calling the two of you with his hand and the three friends walked side by side until they reached the entrance of the residence more crowded than their classrooms during the weekdays.
Your eyes looked for some familiar people in the midst of that sea of people and managed to find, for example, Izuku Midoriya dressed as some character you couldn't define, Todoroki Shoto as a mad scientist, and even Rumi Usagiyama who, truth be told, made you feel some things that made your cheeks burn with embarrassment and your thighs need to press uncomfortably against each other.
— I'll be right back, 'kay? — Touya shouted to you and Toga as soon as you found a part of a wall in the house to lean against just so you wouldn't be in the middle of the other people circulating in the residence. — I'm getting drinks!
To be honest, you didn't understand half of what he said because of the loud music, but Himiko made an "Okay" sign with her fingers and you both watched Dabi walk away. Slowly your body began to move in accordance with the beats of the music reverberating through the place, and there was no longer any concern about how to get back to the dorm when Touya returned with two glasses with alcohol and whispered in your ear that he would share his with you, but that you didn't need to drink it if it was too strong for your liking. And it was, the disgusted look on your face gave you away completely.
But anyway, it was better to stay sober since neither Himiko nor Todoroki seemed to pay much attention to the fact that after the first drink they had already swallowed almost four or five full glasses of alcohol in a row. And at some unrecorded moment in your mind you somehow found yourself in the middle of a bunch of people dancing and rubbing against each other, sweat dripping off you, and suddenly the claustrophobic feeling began to surround you, even though your own body was moving according to the music just like the other people.
You felt a shiver run down your spine and instinctively your head turned to the side. Your eyes met red ones whose face was covered by a mask of the villain Ghostface from the movie Scream. And it seemed that all the rest of the world was in slow motion while your attention was fully focused on that masked person who wore clothes as dark as the night sky. He was broad-shouldered and probably just under six feet tall, for the first time in a long time you enjoyed feeling watched by someone you didn't even know. Or maybe you just liked the fact that you didn't know who was under that mask, and you didn't necessarily like being watched.
Only a few dancing bodies separated the two of you, and you looked away just to make sure where Touya and Toga were. Definitely the last thing you wanted was those two watching you flirt with someone and then make fun of you in the next morning, but ironically they were both busy talking to a group of four other people unknown to you.
But when you turned your attention back to where the masked man was supposed to be, there wasn't even a shadow of him. He had already left. And your eyes searched for him among all those people, but no sign.
— Fuck. — You shouted to yourself in frustration.
Should you go look for him?
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Maybe, but why?
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Well, why not?
— Hey, hey! — You tried to get the attention of Dabi or Toga to warn them that you were falsely going to the bathroom, but neither seemed to care too much about your call, so your eyes rolled in irritation and in the end you walked away from him without any warning. — Oh, hi! — You stopped a group of people in the middle of the hall. — Have you seen a tall guy wearing a Ghostface mask around here?
— What? — One of them shouted, bringing his ear closer to your mouth to try to hear better.
— A tall man! — You tried to speak louder with your hands around your lips. — In a Ghostface mask, have you seen him?
— Oh, you mean Tomura?
— I... I don't know, but I think so. — The boy about your age looked at you suspiciously and then gave you a mischievous smile.
— Got it. — He turned sideways before resting his hands on your shoulders and turning you toward a snail-shaped staircase in one corner of the house. — I saw him going up the stairs, but I don't know if he's still up there, so you can try to find him.
— Oh, okay, thanks! — You smiled with kindness, preferring to let the guy's mischievous smile pass you by, and started walking in the direction of the spiral staircase.
When you reached the second floor of the house, you were surprised to see that there were far fewer people upstairs and that there were a series of closed or ajar doors arranged along two corridors that led in unison to a huge balcony facing the backyard.
You started a search through the doors to find the one that should have the person you were looking for. Some were locked and by the click of the knob it was very obvious, so in the end there were only two doors left at the end of the second hallway and your feet were starting to hurt. Both were ajar, so with a simple glance through the gaps it was possible to see inside the place behind them. And as soon as your eyes landed on the same tall figure fully dressed in black lying on the bed in one of the rooms you had searched, your first instinct was to open the door slowly with a feeling of anxiety settling in your core.
— Hmm, hi... I... — You didn't know exactly what to say or how to say it, your mind didn't have a rehearsed script when you thought about going after that masked man, but his attention falling on your body again with him propping himself up on his elbows to look at you from behind that mask made your thighs press against each other and your teeth bite your lower lip. — Sorry, I... saw you downstairs and maybe I got interested and... you know, came looking for you. — He didn't say anything, and you swallowed hard before finished entering the room and leaned the door.
Tomura then adjusted his posture to sit on the edge of the bed for a few seconds before standing up and looking at you for what seemed like an eternity, although not a minute had passed. Your breath caught in the middle of your throat, and when he walked toward you, yours back ended up slamming against the bedroom door because your mind had forgotten that you yourself had closed that doorway seconds before. Your whole body tensed as the fingers covered by a thin glove reached up and rested on your chin to pull your face up. Now your eyes were staring at the dark part of his Ghostface mask.
— What's your favorite scary movie? — Tomura asked, and yours legs went wobbly as soon as your mind took in his low, husky, muffled voice escaping through that mask.
— Maybe it will be Scream from now on. — And you didn't know where you got the courage to answer him like that.
Maybe he was smiling under that mask, but it was impossible to tell. His fingers passed over your lips, and instinctively you opened them, soon feeling them pressed against your tongue and making you choke. One of Tomura's knees slowly came between your legs and rested there, his hands fell on the waistband and buttons of your shorts that were part of the costume and slowly unbuttoned them while the masked man's fingers began to make back and forth movements in and out of your mouth wetteting his gloved fingers with your saliva.
He helped you to remove the jacket and the bottom of your costume, and soon you were wearing only the pink top, the delicate panties and the shoes that were also part of her. Ironically the situation of you being almost totally naked while Tomura was still fully dressed made you wet the bottom of your panties even more, all of which gave you the impression that if he wanted to take advantage of the situation with you vulnerable and push you against the floor and rail you, you would let him. In fact, you wanted that.
His fingers ghosted over your still-covered wet folds and your body crumbled at his touch. The thought of not knowing how he was reacting under that mask also turned you on so much that you felt like your sanity was going to break completely.
Tomura circled his fingers over the edges of your panties before pulling the fabric down yours legs and slowly slipping two fingers inside you. Your feet were on tiptoe from the abrupt invasion and your eyes rolled up, legs instinctively opening wider to allow better access and hands going to rest on the broad shoulders of your masked man. The thin layer of the black glove seemed to make his fingers less thin and that's why you felt so full; the wet noise of digits going in and out of you making the situation even more exciting.
Running your eyes down Tomura's body you saw his obvious erection covered by black pants and your mouth salivated. You wanted to take him in your mouth so badly, but first you had to deal with the mind-blowing orgasm that began to approach more quickly when the masked man held your hips in place against the bedroom door more firmly and began to thrust his fingers harder and faster inside you, the liquid from your arousal running down your legs and wetting the floor beneath you. And your eyes couldn't even look away from his mask.
It wasn't long before your cunt was squirting against his gloved palm, your breath burning your lungs from the inside and legs barely able to stand without Tomura's knee supporting your lower back. And you didn't even know you were a squirter.
And then Tomura pulled away and literally let your body fall against the floor of the bedroom, the pain in your knees was instantaneous and you loved feeling humiliated like that. Your pussy became even wetter as your eyes watched the man walk away as if you were just a toy for his amusement and sit down on the edge of the bed again before tapping the soles of his feet lightly on the floor in front of him. Shigaraki Tomura wanted you to crawl up to him and get between his legs, so that's what you did.
He didn't have to unbutton his own pants because as soon as you found yourself kneeling in front of him your hands were busy doing that and pulling down his underwear with them. His cock was long, slightly curved upward, and it didn't take long for your tongue to be licking up and down its length and tip; his precum mixing with your saliva as soon as you got it halfway into your mouth because that was just the amount that would fit.
But your masked man wasn't the most patient person in the world, so he quickly tangled his hands in your hair and forced you to swallow the entire long length of his dick, your nose pressed against his pelvis. You choked, feeling his tip reach your throat as your pussy became even wetter at your partner's lack of finesse. Tomura then began to fuck your mouth and throat, with his head sometimes falling backwards enjoying the pleasure and soon after returning to stare at you with the Ghostface mask on without moving from its place. A few times he held your head still in place, with his cock fully inside your mouth, until your breath was almost completely gone from your lungs and you moaned around him, loving the feeling of being used by him.
His dick began to twitch against your tongue and he made sure to withdraw from your mouth and then pull your body up onto the bed as he lay you against the mattress and placed you sitting on his thighs. Fuck you raw? Yeah, that's exactly what he wanted.
Leaning one hand on his chest and using the other to guide his cock into your entrance, your body leaned over his and slowly, quietly, almost torturously, your hips lowered against Tomura's, his cock filling you completely in a slow rhythm, then his palms bunched against your thighs and pulled your body down sharply, which occasioned the rest of his length to invade your interior abruptly. And the pain was never better than at that moment, damn it, you could feel the tip of him kissing your cervix and as a result your back arched painfully.
Gasping more than you could be proud of, you looked up at his mask-covered face and reached for one of his hands with yours to bring it to the base of your neck, where their fingers were used to squeeze the sides.
— P-Please... choke me. — You began to move up and down on him as soon as his fingers complied your request.
Every time your body went down, his went up. Your insides were never really empty and this was a great help to your second orgasm coming quickly. The sound of flesh hitting flesh, the skin of your ass becoming increasingly throbbing from the impacts, the fingers of his hand that wasn't on your neck digging against the skin of your hip and certainly leaving red marks behind. Everything was contributing to him fucking you dumb and the only thing present in your mind was just him and his Ghostface mask.
The moans coming from deep in your throat propelled Tomura himself to eventually cum inside you first, arching his hips and spurting cum deep into your cunt. And the feeling of being completely filled by his white cream combined with the thrusts he kept making was enough to launch you into your own orgasm as well, your body falling forward spasming and the still gloved hands of the masked man going to hold your hips to keep you from eventually pulling his cock out of your wet hole.
— Fuck... — You breathlessly whispered looking straight at his mask after trying to regain your breath. — That was... amazing and... — Your ears caught a small amused laugh escaping the edges of his mask and you felt ashamed for saying it.
And then Tomura pulled your body up, thus removing himself from you, laid you down on the bed and reached for the pants on the floor. Soon you found yourself staring at the glowing screen of his cell phone, he wanted your number.
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tagging: @jezebel1945.
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sugarakis-p2 · 2 years
Security: Mr. Compress ch3
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You are a security guard at a museum with a personal secret when you have the misfortune of crossing paths with the league of villains. Stain's first surviving victim with amputee legs ex-her called the Void (aka Void reader x Mr. Compress)
Mr. Compress meets your mom! Your childhood home has been turned into a memorial for your sister, but to you it's a shrine of your mental and physical trauma. It's so sweet until Mr. Compress believes he needs to push to convince mom to take the money.
Warning: NSFW Mr. Compress, Emo Trauma, Amputee x reader
Chapter 2 <previous linkies
Chapter 3:
Toga is begging you to go with you.
“Please! Pretty please! It’s been forever since I’ve had a shower. Please, big sister,” she whines. Toga knows that calling you sister pulls at your heartstrings. You give your boyfriend the dirtiest damn look. He has his mask on, but you know he can see you are upset; he moves faster to be sure he is out of your reach. Jokes on him with your quirk, you could touch him six feet away. You considered using it and making Sako’s dumb big mouth numb.
“Toga, if I show up with a strange man and a young lady that is not related to us, who wants a shower, she is going to have questions. I’m already stressed enough,” you tell her firmly.
“But why does Mister get to go?” she pouts. Crossing her arms and doing a little stomp. She really wanted that shower.
“Because Void needs someone to carry the money to her mother, she can’t use her own quirk, and we keep our word. Besides, we want to be sure our girl is nice and safe. Not getting any silly ideas in her head, like maybe staying instead of coming back to us,” Shigaraki reassures Toga while threatening you.
“Awwww, Shig-nii. I never knew you cared so much,” you tease, giving him a sweet smile. He had father on, but he was blushing while grumbling about you calling him such a stupid name. Dabi was sad to see the pile of money dwindling in Giran’s office. They are buying and paying off equipment. Mr. Compress was changing into civilian clothes.
“Look, none of you want to meet my mom. She’s a red, white, and blue American who loves cornbread, pumpkin pies, and guns. It was a pastime in our household. You have a free weekend; let's picnic and shoot guns. You bored? We have guns. I’m not knocking it, it’s fun as fuck, but she will for sure figure out if we all show up that you’re the League of villains. Her policy is to shoot first and then let the heroes sort it out in the end. I will bring back some pumpkin pie and cornbread, though,” you tell them cheerfully.
“Why don’t you drop the bag of money off on her porch and leave it at that?” Spinner asked.
“Because my mom would hand it over to the cops. She’s not a criminal, sorta dumb in that respect,” you gripe.
“For a fee, I can get you a room at a very discreet and private underground love hotel. It has showers and even a washing machine. Throw in some extra yen, and I will be sure the room doesn’t have cameras,” Giran said.
Everyone agreed a hotel room would be worth the cost. Sako came out in a lovely grey and blue casual outfit. With a vest and false glasses that you thought was sexy as fuck.
“Hey, Giran, be sure to get a private room for me,” you tell him as you walk out arm in arm with Sako. Spinner huffs at the extra expense, but Shigaraki tells them it’s ok even though Giran can only secure two rooms.
You pick up your SUV hidden in an abandoned building. Spinner drove it a lot, so it has been a while since you have seen your baby. The drive there, Mr. Compress was playing it cool, although you can tell he’s nervous underneath that act. You text your mom you are coming home to introduce her to your new boyfriend, so you are grilling him on the story you made up about how you met the entire way.
You are racked with stress. You will be in the house your mom has turned into a shrine of you and your sister. Mostly your sister. You are going to be an emotional wreck. Your mom will insist you stay, but you rather have Dabi set you on fire than sleep in your old room you shared with her.
“Babygirl? You look upset. Don’t worry, mothers love me,” he says as you pull up to your basic house near the woods. Mom likes to shoot and hunt.
“Look. There are some things I should tell you,” you start when your mom bursts out the house and yanks you out of the car to smother you with hugs. She turned to Mr. Compress, getting out of the car, eyed him, and broke out in a huge grin.
“I am so happy to see you home, sweet little pumpkin. I was so worried when you told me you quit your job at the museum. I made all your favorites. Who is this, introduce us?” She says when she is done smothering you in her body.
“Mom, meet Hiro Sukana,” the name you agreed to in the car. Everybody’s name in the League was released except yours, “Sukana, meet my mom.” She cuts you off and bows to him like crazy. Sako performs a little magic and makes a bouquet of flowers appear for your mom. You want to smack him. You told him no magic, and he just smirks at you as your mom goes apeshit over them.
“Just call me mom. Come in, let me feed you and discuss your wedding,” she says, like an insane woman. Guiding him and leaving you there like an extra.
“Mooooommm,” you growl as they disappear into the house. You sigh and shudder as you follow. It was exactly how you remember it. American folk art and your sister's face plastered everywhere. Newspaper clippings. Framed pictures, trophies, the same face exactly like your sisters, but you are always looking back at you in the background.
When you looked at these, you felt your loss so much more profound. She was always with you when you were born, and you feel so alone even with somebody. You saved so many lives as rescue heroes. But your real claim to fame was catching a serial killer, the alley strangler.
“Bit of a risqué costume,” Mr. Compress smiles at you. Mom opens photo books showing off the accomplishments you both made before Stain ended it. You leave the two of them and look at the clippings on the wall, not wanting to hear any of the dumb stories or hear Sako call you a cute baby. You are with your sister in everyone except for those leaving the hospital with no legs. A framed photo of you with your head down and dirty hair of survivor's guilt.
You asked Mom why she would keep and frame such a horrible picture once. She said she was proud that you were a survivor and loved you just as much as your sister, and if she were alive, she would want you to be proud too. You don't believe that for a second. All this made you feel was like you were the bad one. The mistake in the twin process. You had saved your sister from the strangler but couldn’t do shit against Stain. This is a framed photo of your failure. The memories threaten to spill from the extremely tight mental box you have sealed them away in.
“How useless,” you mumble to yourself, about yourself.
“I met her father at a festival when I was a tourist and just fell head over heels. Her Daddy was quirkless like you. How did you two meet?” Mom was asking. Sako shoots you a curious look, yeah you told her he is quirkless and shrug at him, but he doesn't miss a step.
“I met her at the prosthetics office. She was just so beautiful I couldn’t help but see her. It took me three tries before I got the courage to talk to her. But when I did, I knew I was doomed to fall in love,” he said, winking at you. You roll your eyes, putting it on a little thick, aren’t you, Mister?
“Oh my god. You are just precious. I hope you like roast beef and mashed potatoes,” she said.
“With the pearl onions?” You ask as he gets up to check on it in the kitchen.
“What a silly question,” she giggled. You kick Sako’s shoe and loom. That was not what you practiced.
“What? It helps to mix in the truth,” he states with a charming smile. You feel yourself heating up and turning bright red in the reflections of the photos. You really want to know which parts are the truth in that lie, “Why are you always behind your sister?” he asks. You jerk in surprise.
“I am not, see, right there,” you lie, pointing to a random photo. Sako shakes his head.
“Baby girl, I can recognize you from a mile away. You are in the background or a little lower than your sister. Like in that one,” he says, pointing.
“We look exactly alike. How can you tell?” You ask, scrunching your nose. Caught in your fib.
“No, baby girl, your eyes are determined. I bet many people think you are in her shadow, but the truth is you are the one there to catch her if she falls. She has the bright eyes of someone running straight ahead without a doubt in the world; she is safe. A bit too carefree for my taste,” he states. He stands and rubs your tears. You didn’t know they were flowing away.
“You’re such an ass,” you say. He smiles and kisses your forehead. Pulling you into a hug. You see your mother over his shoulder, and she looks so happy for you. She clears her throat and beckons you to the table. Where she has a feast large enough to feed an army.
“You told me you had some co-workers that wanted some pie, but I have plenty of time and extra,” she said. You shake your head but dig in. So happy. Compress is giggling because you eat like a savage when it comes to mom’s food. He chats with your mom about this and that, and it sounds all pleasant.
“So, what is it you do for a living?” she asks Sako.
“I work for Deternat. I make a very good living as a marketer,” He lies so effortlessly. The pie isn’t cooled yet, so mom trots out another photo. You and your sister are in your original costumes while Sako pours you and your mom some wine.
“They were the best, Duo. I wish you had killed him, sweety,” mom said to you whimsically when she rushed back into the kitchen. You knit your brows in anger and confusion. That was unusual for your mom.
“I wish I did to mom,” you mumble.
“I think now is a good time,” Sako whispers. You nod. Placing a marble on the table and bag of money appears, Sako wraps an arm around your waist.
“It’s going to be fine,” he reassures. You are not so sure, chewing your nails in pure anxiety as you try to think of the smoothest lies to convince your mom to take this money.
“Leave it to me,” he tells you. You start to tell him not to be silly, it’s your mom, you will lie to her. He’s staring at you with those beautiful soft brown eyes, and you melt. You want this off your plate, and he’s so charming and eager to make you happy. This is a bad idea, but something almost like a drunk buzz at the back of your head is pushing down that doubt and telling you to trust him. You bite your lip and nod in agreement.
He sets the bag aside, and mom hands him a plate with pumpkin pie and makes a big show of loving it.
“Absolutely delicious. Denser than what I’m used to, but its spice is so pleasant. I really owe you something for this,” he says, and your middle sinks. No, Sako, do not make a big show of this, your mind screams. You are screaming with your eyes; he sees but doesn’t stop. He winks at you as he pulls the bag out. You are shaking your head no, but he clearly is ignoring you.
With a grand gesture, he places the bag between him.
“I just want you to know that your daughter has made me the happiest man in the world. I truly thought I would be alone. I was wondering if I could ask her hand in marriage. If she will have me, of course,” He grins wide at you, and he gets on one knee.
What the fuck is happening? Your mind screams. Clasps his empty hands together twists, making a large rock appear. You could kill him. Now you are in a spot. You say no, and mom will ask questions about the money.
Why was this guy giving it to her? Your mom knows there is no way you could get this money legitimate means. You calm down. He can’t force you to get married if you say yes. Another part of you struggled with how badly you wanted to say yes immediately. It was so unlike you.
“Yes, Sako, I will,” you say. Joy is ripped from you saying it. What the fuck? Mom has tears streaming down and keening in joy. She is so happy. You worry it’s because someone is finally taking the shit kid off her hands. He slips the ring on your finger with a kiss to your wrist.
“She has told me of her debt that has become your debt. I am in line for a promotion, but I need to pass a certain security clearance that is attached to my credit score,” he explains. Your mom stiffens.
“They still do that?” mom asked with a worried look in her eyes.
“Yes. I want you to take this money from your future son-in-law,” he says, opening and showing her the piles of yen in the bag. Mom's eyes widened.
“That is a lot of money. I don’t know if I should take it,” mom said. The look of longing makes you want to cry. The debt of your lawyer fees, legs, and their maintenance was eating away at mom.
“Mom, please. Take the money. Retire, go on vacation, pay off the debt. Mom. So, we can all move on with our lives. I can get married, and you can be free,” you tell her. You are playing with the ring, twisting it nervously, waiting for the answer. It tips her over, and she nods yes, pulling the bag to her. You try to leave, but she insists you both spend the night.
Then she talks you into staying in your old room while Compress is in the den. You are still furious he put you in that awkward position. He could have at least warned you in the SUV.
“You should text the others to share the second room while we’re away,” you whisper to him. He laughs.
“It’s adorable that you think they didn’t already break-in the second we didn’t show up at ten. Baby, they are criminals,” he gives you an aww how cute and naive face, and you hit him. He said ‘ow,’ but you can tell he was faking. Mom made you go to bed in your old room. Separating you from Sako in a traditional manner. You stand there next to the door, and you can not open your eyes. Your sister’s ashes are in there, and mom would not understand why you can’t be in there. You close your eyes, trying to breathe normally, standing there in misery, the box threatening to unseal.
You wait until you hear her door open and close before you sneak out. Running to Sako. You’re hyperventilating when you crawl into the pullout bed with him. He is quick to wrap you in his arms. Pulling you to him as he tells you it will be all ok. You are hiccupping but calming down as he rubs gentle circles on your back.
“Their see. It is ok,” he whispers. You are less pissed at him. It’s hard to stay mad at a man who adores you even when your ugly crying. He grabs some tissue; you clean up your face while he kisses the top of your head. Purposefully lifting your head so he must kiss lower.
It starts from the top, then your forehead, down the bridge of your nose, to your lips. You let slip a needy moan into his mouth, turning the gentle pressure on your lips carnal. With a sharp inhale of his breath, he brings up his hands to cradle your head, fingers tangling in your hair as he plunges his tongue expertly past your lips.
He is such a good kisser; you can feel yourself getting wetter with each breathless passing second. He pulls away, growling and sucking your lip. Rolling on top, he straddles you. Quickly stripping off his shirt, his perfectly toned chest heaving. He quickly hooks his fingers on your waistband to yank off your pants and underwear in one go when he suddenly stops.
“Shit, what about mommy? I don’t want to get you in trouble with her since she has some old-time values,” he questioned with a lilt of concern. You narrow your eyes at him and shove your hand in his pants, wrapping your fingers around his perfect length, giving him a few pumps.
“Does it feel like I give a shit about getting in trouble? Besides, my twin and I had plenty of parties down here. Haven’t gotten caught yet,” you say, licking your lips. He blushes and grins down at you.
“So aggressive. You make this old man’s heart race,” he groans. Roughly pulling your bottoms off. The stupid ring gets caught on the fabric of his pants as he moves away to pull off your clothes. It’s a reminder of an uncomfortable conversation you need to have about being an asshole tossing surprises at you on a whim. He unhooks your hand, pulling down his pants while you pull off your top.
He parts your metal legs to lick your glistening pussy, quickly trying to shove his face in. You grab a handful of his hair a jerk him up.
“I want to fuck now. I’m wet enough,” you huff, red-faced. He has teased, made you wait, and played enough tricks. His eyes meet yours, he chuckles, playing with your clit.
“Are you sure? You have said my silver tongue and mouth was my best feature. I also promised to lick you daily,” he teases. You pull him by his hair up to you for more kisses and to rub your wet pussy on him.
“Don’t be stupid,” you hiss
“As you wish. So impatient.”
He kisses you again, caging you in his arms, the metal cold and harsh. You are careful with your legs, but he doesn’t seem to care about that. He forces your legs to wrap around him. The metal on metal squeals harshly as your thighs quiver under his touch.
He likes to pretend to be the gentleman, especially around the others, but he is an animal in the bed. He is hungry and will hold you down to completely possess you. Humping for hours to get you off. Catching your legs under the knees with his elbows, aggressively he folds you into a press, the squeal of metal making you wetter for some reason.
Pushing himself in deeply and all at once. Pushing past your entrance. Sliding achingly along your slick walls. He feels like steel as the head of his cock kisses your cervix. A light scrape of metal sent a shudder up your spine. You wonder why but not too hard because Sako is distracting. He's pressing down in you. Pumping into you with delicious even rhythm.
“Push those pretty tits together for me,” is his breathy command, and you follow to do exactly as he tells you. Your nipples harden, lips and cheeks red with a high blush. Eyes growing black with bliss that makes him knit his brow in concern.
“Fuck baby, your eyes are entirely black,” he says.
“What?” you ask. Confused. Not many looked into your eyes when you are having sex, but the few who did, never told you that, “I never…no one…what?” It was hard to concentrate on anything he said as he sent tingles of pleasure up your spine.
“They are solid black like a sexy demon. When we get to the hotel, then you can see the mirrors above the bed,” Sako says, getting more excited when he learns something new about you. Both groan in unison as he thrusts, then grinds, thrusts, then grind, playing your body like his favorite instrument. Hard as a rock, watching your tits bounce, pressing down to capture a nipple in his greedy mouth, “Fuck, you’re so beautiful and perfect. You feel amazing, so god damn tight,” he moans.
“Oh god. I’m going to cum, you fucking animal. Ahhh…uh…ah,” you gasp.
Releasing your legs to kiss you passionately while his nonmetal hand massages your breast, thumbing the nipple. Wrapping your arms around him, digging your nails in as he relentlessly pounds into you. A heat is spreading over your body as he plunges into your core.
Each thrust makes you gasp for air around his invading tongue. His girth slides along your silky walls, hitting your sweet spot repeatedly. It's pure euphoria as your pussy grips at him. Doubling his stroke until you unravel on his perfect length. Feeling so full when he bottoms out.
Arching up into him, he claps his fleshy hand over your screaming mouth, quieting the hardest orgasm you have ever had in your life. Nails dig into his muscular back as you writhe under him. Shivers of pleasure flow over your body.
Your metal legs push him deeper, crushing your pelvises together. Your cunt is milking him so hard it pulls a pathetic stifling whimper from him as his dick twitches and throbs, shooting cum in you. Orgasm ripping through both of you.
“Greedy cunt is drinking all of me. Sucking all my cum straight from my tight sack. God damn, you are amazing,” he growls. Panting and trembling cock drunk. He smiles down, watching your chest jiggle with each shaky breath. He takes a few deep inhales before you let him pull from you. His load spilling from you, you whine, missing the feeling of fullness of his cock.
Releasing your grip on his back and rolling over with him. Pulling you to his hot chest, holding you tight as he runs his fingers through your hair. You hold up the hand and play with the ring again. Rolling it around on your digit. He catches you looking at it, and his chest bounces with silent laughter. You smack him.
“It’s not funny. It’s fucked up. I’m mad at you, jerk. You cornered me. Fuck did you see how my mom lit up like you're taking her trouble child off her hands,” you snort. He shakes his head.
“She just wants you happy. Worried about your ticking clock. I wanted to see your acting skills and, if I’m being honest, to see if you’re open to the idea of marrying this old man one day. You say you’re mad, but I just saw you look at it with longing and a little smile at the corner of your mouth,” he states. You roll your eyes, taking the ring off.
“Couldn’t get married if we wanted to. You are all over the tv, a criminal, a wanted man,” you grouse. Tossing the ring in your quirk.
“Mm-hmm, for now. Things will change. This is just a piece of glass I bought from Giran, but it will be the real thing one day. I wasn’t lying about loving you,” he confesses. You feel your muscles tense, and your cheeks heat up.
“I…. this is the longest and most meaningful relationship I have ever been in,” you say. Mouth drying up as you look Sako in his eyes, heart fluttering against your ribcage. You said it before to him, but you were drunk. You force yourself to say it sober, “I love you too.”
Everything about him melts and relaxes with you. His kisses are more intense, and you have to shove him away.
“My mouth is a little dry, and I have to tell you something,” you start, and he holds his finger up.
“After I get us some water because I have something I should tell you too. Stay right there wet and ready for more.”
His pants and fake glasses are on as he bounds upstairs. He grabs two bottles of water and turns to come face to face with mom. Sako freezes, explaining he didn’t mean to disrespect her home. Knowing he was just caught screwing her daughter. But mom didn’t seem to be hearing as her eyes narrowed, and she stepped closer. She shushed him with a finger pressed to her lips.
“Now I understand my innocent girl doesn’t think you have a quirk,” she began. Which put Mr. Compress on edge. He abruptly remembered Void trying to tell him something twice, and he blew her off, “But I know when a rape quirk is altering my mind.” She hisses and holds out her hand.
“Shotgun!” she shouts, and one flies to her hand. Oh fuck, he thinks. Mama has the Bringer quirk. It suddenly made sense. Pumping the shotgun with one hand and holding it up to his face.
“Now, I know the Japanese don't keep track of any hero that isn’t in the top ten in outside countries. But I was the Pro-Hero, The Bringer, in the USA for twenty-five years before I retired. My twin Brother, the Void, and I were only in the top thirty-seven, but I sure I can still kick your date raping villainous ass.” She snarled, fingering the trigger. Mom doesn't fuck around.
Mr. Compress stepped close, squirted water in her face dropping the bottle he had in his flesh arm, and used his real quirk. Turning mom into a marble. Goddammit, he really fucked up this time, and mom is scary. More importantly, he is starting to understand why his girl felt so sad and nervous coming back home.
He takes another look around at the shrine for The Bringer and is pissed at mom for being observant enough to know he used the drug but not to her daughter's suffering. He sighs, placing mom in a secure compartment in his metal arm, cleans up the mess, and grabs another water.
When he heads back down to the den, there you are, legs off, nude, and bare for him. Stretched out on the bed, waiting for him with welcoming arms and cunt. All the rest of the world can wait as far as he is concerned. You politely ask him to keep on the fake glasses as he screws you for most of the night. He's more than happy to oblige, glasses fog from the heat of your bodies. Exhausted and safely in his arms, he sighs and makes another confession.
“I was married before. I’m divorced. She has the children and a restraining order. After it has come out that I am in the League of villains, I’m sure they are hidden somewhere. I’ve had my family taken from me too. The mass difference is it’s because of my actions and convictions. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner,” he says, playing with his metal arm, looking guilty. You smile and caress him in a warm embrace.
“I get it. If you want to talk about it, I’m here to listen. I’ve been thinking. For a little while now, I could see myself getting married and having babies with you. The women in my family always have twins, so that is something to look forward to. If I’m being really honest, I always thought it would be my sister continuing that legacy. I don’t want to…. Just…..not until after all this. Not until after we are out of jail,” you chuckle humorlessly. You are making a mess of this.
“You want to raise them to be the Bringer and the Void?” he asks, with a lilt of disapproval.
“What? God no! I want them to live in a world where they can be whoever or whatever they want to be without this bullshit pressure of what their quirk defines them to be,” you huff.
“I understand. That is exactly the type of world I’m fighting for. At least you are open to the idea and not regretting being with me. Is that what you wanted to tell me?” he asks cautiously. You shake your head before snuggling in.
“No. It’s that you come from a line of villains where I come from a line of heroes. Mom is an ex-hero. That’s why we have to lie to her. She wouldn’t take the money any other way. This fake proposal was genius. Sorry I flipped out a bit. I'm immensely relieved, like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. No more surprises, ok?” You tell him more than ask. He nods and kisses you to sleep like he has done nightly since you two have been together.
He lays back wide awake. How the fuck is he going to get out of this mess. What is he going to do with Mom?
Chapter 4
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yanderenightmare · 4 years
yandere ! BNHA headcannons
Support me at KO-FI if you feel like it<3
goodiebag WARNINGS: yandere, abuse, anxiety, blood, guilt, mind control, NONCON/DUBCON, self-harm, slavery, starvation, isolation, torture, violence
Her fear is much too satisfying to ever feel the need to actually hurt her. He’s still a sadist, don’t get me wrong, however laying off the physical pain and preying on the emotional side of things. 
I can take and do whatever I fucking want with you, whenever I want, and you can do nothing to stop me, Pumpkin.
However, his temper will always get the best of him despite him constantly fighting against it. The sad truth is, he doesn’t want to hurt her, he really doesn’t, but a lack of self-control is something that will always burden Katsuki. Where ignoring his building frustrations only get the best of him in the end. 
Do you think I want to hurt you?! Well, I don’t! I fucking hate it!
He will stick to threatening for the most part, discouraging bad behavior as it arises. Seemingly unaffected by most of it, given his paramount strength in contrast to his darling, he manages to ignore most of her transgressions and settle for simply ridiculing her pathetic efforts, and doing so with perverted delight. His cock growing heavy and warm at the feel of her meek struggles. In short words: refusal will be met with salacious mockery. 
Watcha gonna do about it, princess? 
You’re such a crybaby! 
I’d think again, if I were you, sweetheart. 
So cute, so hopelessly adorable, good thing you’re all mine.
Words will set him off faster than actions. Tell him she hates him, she’ll soon be preaching otherwise, his cock pounding her into a silly hot wet cross-eyed mess, feeling foolish for ever even humoring the idea of retaliating. 
What the fuck did you just say, slut? Say that again, I beg you. You’ll regret it, bitch.
Katsuki’s tolerance for unwanted behavior all depends on his mood. Sometimes he’s in a nasty mood, where he might just steer his darling into making a bad decision only to give him an excuse to punish her. These will be light punishments, sexual more times than most. He’ll have her bent over his lap, slapping the bare soft plump flesh of her ass again and again until she’s convincing enough in her apology. 
Who owns this ass? Say my name! That’s right, you freak. Mine.
However, other times the smallest thing can set him off, and certainly not in any good way. He’ll be fuming, flames licking up and about his arms, crackles of hellbent fire mingling with his maniacal cackles. She’ll be lucky to come out with minor burns. 
Time to learn your fucking lesson. Time for you to understand who here’s in charge.
However, the times where he’s silent, those times where he’s tired and fed up, those are the times she should really fear. Where he’ll be taunting like some haunting ghost, playing with her, perhaps opening the locked outer-door only to find satisfaction in hunting her down and dragging her back to do it all over again. 
I’ll give you a reason to cry. 
Continue to scream, and I’ll do it again.
Dabi doesn’t ever need to punish his darling too severely because his presence is an intimidating enough detergent on its own, encouraging her to stay away from doing anything too reckless. He looks like the onset of death, it’s only logical for her to think he might be as well. 
Waddya look so scared for, Doll? I haven’t even done anything yet.
However, he won’t shy away from making it clear who’s in charge, something of which he’ll do from the get-go. But again, the fact is in-mistakeable whence he’s large and lanky form towers over her, smiling that crooked grin that have his skin stretching in stiches and staples. Leathery fingers brushing over sensitive areas, cyan eyes intently watching her every move. 
That’s right, Babygirl, you know your place. Don’t make me remind you.
Besides he’ll sprinkle a couple path-keeping scares here and there, as in: he’ll correct behavior while she’s committing the crime and prove how idiotic her reluctance really is. Seeing how he’s much larger and much stronger than her, fighting truly is futile. He’ll make it clear she’s being foolish, lacing his words with condescension as he scolds her as though she were a child, while making her bounce up and down the length of his cock. 
Silly little doll, thinks she has an actual fighting chance. You’re adorable, Pumpkin.
For the most part he’ll just ignore when she refuses him or fights him, it’s not like her pathetic struggles can do anything to stop him. In fact, he quite enjoys it in some malicious sadistic sense. How her delicious little wiggles have trembles running pleasantly up his spine, nestling somewhere in the bulging tip of his cock. 
You’re so cute, begging like anything could get you out of this.
In some ways he’ll actually encourage misbehavior. Leaving her just enough freewill, just enough room to fight back, constantly egging her on and provoking her to retaliate either physically or verbally. 
Babydoll, so feisty today. Try that again, why dontcha?
As far as punishments actually go, they’ll never leave out the element of pleasure. Spanking is always fun, hearing her scream his name over and over until it leaves her wet lips like a broken cry. Whilst gifting as well as reprimanding her with thumbprint scorch-mark hearts never gets old either. 
Such a crybaby. Come one, cry some more for me, Angel.
Dabi is not the one to snap. He’s very calm, collected, reserved, calculating. Therefore, when his darling crosses the line, as in escapes, he’ll have punishments instore for her, punishments containing of her on her knees sucking his dick like her life is on the line, however… he’ll never go any farther. His darling is precious, he can’t have her getting damaged beyond repair. 
Let’s get you home, where you belong, Buttercup.
Tomura will try to avoid threats and punishments altogether, knowing how his guilt will ultimately defeat the purpose of correcting his darling’s behavior. He wants to be happy when with his darling, and nothing but happy, but that won’t be possible if he serves as a constant reminder of dread to his darling with the display of fear ever so prominent and gut-wrenching in her eyes. 
Don’t look so scared when I’m around. I won’t hurt you.
However, that doesn’t mean he’ll resist his carnal desires. He will resist in hurting her when she tries to fend him off, but he’ll still bury his dick deep inside her and hold her down as he starts rocking his hips sharply into the underside of her thighs, the slap of skin on skin echoing in his barren room. 
You feel so good… just relax, I’ll make you feel good too.
He’ll lie more often than not as opposed to spouting threats. Promises upon promises, all bound to break. All in an effort to calm his darling down or to build some unstable trust in their relationship. 
I’m not gonna hurt you. 
You’re safe here.
He gets more annoyed than actually mad, her efforts mediocre against his lanky slender fingers wrapped tightly around her wrists. Giving mere half-hearted vocal corrections as he keeps her still for his cock to abuse. 
Give up already. 
Stop fighting. 
You’re only wasting your energy.
But… he walks on constant eggshells. He will try to ignore her unwanted retaliation to the best of his capability and reel in the reigns of his temper, but he’s prone to snap at some point, knowing there lies a dormant yearning to touch her in more vile ways than one. 
Careful now, don’t tempt me.
He’ll try to the very best of his efforts to be soft and understanding, not realizing before it’s too late that his actions only aided in watering the seeds of his darker desires, soon to be blooming with all hell breaking loose. 
I’m a monster? Who’s fucking fault is that?
He’s easily vexed. He doesn’t enjoy her crying and will try to make it stop immediately. Screaming is even worse, piercing his ears making him scratch at his neck frantically. 
Stop, stop, stop, stop, STOP! Stop, or I’ll give you a reason to cry.
But, the worst is when she runs. He’ll keep her locked in his room for the most part, but sometimes she’ll manage to sneak away and get lost in her attempt to find her way out of the compound he’s situated her in. He doesn’t enjoy any part of it. Running after her in empty rundown hallways like some monster in a horror-game. Catching her and hugging her close, dragging her back into his cold dark dreary room. 
Don’t even look at the door. I don’t want to feel like you’re trying to run away from me again. 
Wherever you go, I will find you, and bring you back… even if I have to drag you by your hair.
He’s a sore loser as well. He’s basically a child and will throw a temper tantrum when she beats him in a videogame. This will call for punishment, however he won’t call it that, he’ll call it another game, a game he knows she’s got no chance of winning. 
You think you can beat me? 
I’ll show you who’s boss.
Here’s one that rarely feels a need to punish his darling, mostly because he finds her struggles absolutely adorable when she’s trying to fend off either his mind-control or his scarf. 
How precious, Kitty thinks she has a choice. 
You’re so cute when you’re struggling.
But, she can choose to look at it as a punishment when he ties every inch of her body up in tight rope and spreads her thighs so far apart she doesn’t even have room to tremble when he slides his cockhead up and down the slick of the velvety folds on her exposed pussy. 
You’re such a pretty little thing, tied up like that, Kitten.
He will threaten her though, if only to see her squirm in discomfort beneath him. See her lips quiver as her mind reels upon his words, her eyes spiraling in complete chaos, not knowing what to expect. 
Pussy on a platter, where should I start? I love playing with my food.
Not much can actually anger him, but silence, cold-dreaded pin-drop deafening silence that racks at his mind, that can really bring out the eerie viciousness dwelling inside him. 
Kitty, I asked you a question. If you know what’s good for you, you better answer. 
Remember the last time you didn’t listen to me?
His lessons leaving her psyche crumbling in their wake. Fucked completely silly, his words rummaging through her mind, ordering her to cum again and again and again and one more time for master. 
If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re begging for me to take control. 
Let me show you what happens to little kittens who don’t follow the rules.
True punishments will lack all forms of fun, coming in the form of utter solitude. He knows how ferally and how painfully deep loneliness bites. He’ll leave her alone for days if not weeks in complete abandonment, starving her at times, simply waiting for as long as it takes before she comes crawling back to him. 
You must be truly desperate to come to me for comfort, Kitten. I was beginning to think you were incapable of learning.
Saying the wrong thing will also set him off, even more so than silence. He loves noise. She can call him anything, yell and scream and cry until her lungs feel like they’re bleeding, and he won’t mind, but… call him a villain… don’t be surprised when he acts like one. 
People warned you about me, didn’t they? Calling me a villain. Should’ve listened… look where you are now.
She never even saw it coming, him and his large hands, how easily they could bruise and choke and scar when truly motivated. 
What? You thought you were gonna get away with that? Think again.
Keigo deals out punishment as he sees fit. He’ll punish the crime when it’s being committed. Crimes ranging from ignoring him to saying the wrong thing to saying the right thing with the wrong attitude. But when the punishment is dealt, he’ll forget the whole ordeal ever happened, never dwelling on the past, never holding a grudge and always, constantly talking about the future. 
I really can’t take it when you cry like that… smile for me, alright? You’re so pretty when you smile. 
I love you, Dove. Just let me love you and perhaps you’ll learn how to love me too someday.
He will grow frustrated and impatient though, and that aggression will bubble up and escape his grip on it at times. But, he’ll yell more than anything, yell and cry and kiss and lick and slobber all over her, pinning her wrists to her sides and hugging her with his massive wings, suffocating her in crimson. 
Say you love me. Would that be so hard? I just need you to say you love me. Just pretend, only for a little while. Please, Dove.
He’ll humor other forms of making her more lenient. He’ll wash her hair, message her, carry or fly her places, even though she recoils back and flinches with every touch his calloused fingertips adorn her silky-smooth body with. 
Maybe branding you will help.
He has this theory that sex will bring them closer and excuses his advances with this belief each time she starts sobbing when he pries her legs open to plant his sloppy warm worming tongue between them. 
I can make you feel so good, Dove, you just gotta let me. 
Don't be so difficult, I'm doing this for you!
His real violent nature lies dormant however. It’ll only come out when she crosses the line of trying to leave him. His wings will turn razor-sharp and she’ll catch herself in the heat of her regret, missing the time he would wrap them around her ever so softly and cry into her chest. Now, he’s baring his teeth, feathers coming to slice through her skin as a punishment of a million cuts. 
What’s wrong with you!? 
Don’t you dare fucking try it, you know you can’t outrun me.
He’ll feel really bad afterwards, cleaning every wound, embalming them with cooling salves, kiss and apologize for each and every one, but on the inside, he can feel the crawling feeling of contentment linger. Seeing her so catatonically compliant is refreshing and such a well-needed break form the exhaustion of fighting all the time. 
I’m so sorry, Angel. I love you so much. You know that, right?
She barely flinches when he decides to get in the bath with her, and when he comes to message the anxiety from out of her back he can feel the slight shift of her leaning into the touch. His protective mode fades as he holds her close, and the pure earth-shattering woeful relief comes wafting over the residue of his fear of losing her, leaving him in a fit of rather ugly sobbing. 
Nothing. Without you, Angel, I’m nothing.
Izuku acts oblivious to undesired behavior and retaliation. He will very much be aware of it all, yet he believes making her feel safe is paramount. So, he’ll forgive all her nasty words, and respect her wish to keep the intimacy to a minimum. In fact, the only time he sees her completely naked is in the bath, where he actually lets her do most of her own washing. 
You’re safe here, Darling.
Other than that, he’ll coo and explain as much as he sees fit when she asks her bitter questions, however… there will always be the slight irking presence of self-righteous condescension. 
Cruel, terrible people live out there, Sweetie, people who want to hurt you. 
You’re lucky I’m so nice. Anyone else would’ve taken advantage of you and done something horrible, by now.
Although Izuku is a patient guy, he can easily see when something isn’t progressing. Good thing he has plenty of methods to make things go his way. While making her feel safe was plan A, Plan B is not as forgiving. If a soft touch isn’t to her liking, then perhaps a firm touch is what she needs. 
I know it hurts, Honey, but that’s what happens when you don’t do as I say.
She’ll wake up with her wrists and ankles tied snuggly together, face in the pillow and her exposed tender tight little pussy raised to the high skies, all for Izuku to touch and feel and suck on. 
Be good for me, Baby. We wouldn’t want to see those tears again, now would we?
He’ll be cooing her all the while when she cries out for him to stop, as well as landing a sharp painful blood-curdling smack against the plump dome of ass nudged up and pressing against his throbbing cock. 
I think this is what we needed, Baby, for both of us to be reminded of who’s in charge.
He’s far from ever causing her any real pain though, settling for claiming her tight little hole again and again until she eventually understands where she belongs and who she belongs with, or to. 
That’s right, Honey. I love you, you don't need anything or anyone but me.
He will eerily threaten her when finding her doing something not to his liking. For example: picking at the locks on her handcuffs when he leaves the room. 
What do you think you’re doing, Sweetie? 
Give up, Honey. 
I’m gonna count to three, Sweetheart.
However, with the sheer strength and adept abilities Izuku is in possession of, he can never truly feel threatened by his darling, and a fear of her leaving fades more and more when he proves time and time again how very impossible it is for her to ever manage such a thing. He’s good at assuring himself she’ll never leave, and therefor he should only spend time making those good memories instead of those foul ones. 
No need to be scared, Sweetie. I’m gonna take good care of you, like I always do.
Kai is larger than life when it comes to threats. He puts all his assets into making them clear. Godly golden orbs and hellishly black pupils staring menacingly down into her swirling glossy puppy-dog eyes. Fingers digging manicured talons into her soft and tender cheeks, the feeling of buzzing on his fingertips, threatening to dissolve what found beneath them. Words spoken like the eerie calm found in the massive dark of fog-strewn forests. 
I shouldn’t have to repeat myself, Darling. Say you’re sorry, and perhaps I’ll forgive you.
Kai will threaten and promise his darling a life of pain is she ever to disobey him, however… he’s all bark and no bite, never having the heart to follow through on his promises. Not after seeing how sorry she is. Seeing the look of utter tearful fear in her eyes, he cannot help but think that there can be no harm in forgiving her. 
You’re the only person I’d make an exception for. 
Count yourself lucky. I won’t be as forgiving next time you decide to misbehave.
He soon comes to the conclusion, or comforts himself with the thought, that due to his darlings chaotic and clumsy nature, she’s in fact incapable of following his restrictions. 
Such a clumsy mess you are, Darling. Unable to follow the simplest of commands.
Besides, he’s come to find her forgetfulness quite endearing, understanding or choosing to believe that she doesn’t disobey to spite him. If anything, it’s a constant reminder of how in need she is of his protection. 
Such a hopeless fragile little thing. How grateful you must be to have me to protect you from your own mishaps.
Chisaki will threaten first of all, biting his own tongue when the time comes to follow through on said threats after never seeing a proper lasting change in obedience in his darling’s behavior. He always tells himself that her actions should be reprimanded sooner rather than later, but those large eyes and that frail body he uses to warm himself each night has a way of strumming his heartstrings. 
Please don’t do anything to upset me, Darling. The mess wouldn’t be good for either of us.
He does have his limits though. She crosses the line when she ends up hurting herself with her clumsiness. Tripping when running away from him, falling out the window when trying to escape, cutting herself when throwing broken shards of glass his way, getting dirt and all sorts of bacteria to infect her wounds. 
Look what you’ve done now, Darling.
He figures his quirk is the only safe measure there is to correct his darling’s behavior. Safe to pull her apart and safe to put her back together again, and again and again and again with little sympathy battling his fascination. 
Run, cry, scream; you’re simply dancing in the palm of my hand. You only have yourself to blame.
Shoto doesn’t view his darling as something to control, at least not on a regular basis. And because of this, he doesn’t see punishment, in its term, as something he has a right to exert on his darling when she fights back. He doesn’t view himself as a master correcting his pet. Admiring her efforts over feeling vexation because of them. 
So much life in you, little one.
Freewill and passion he’ll put no chains on, but pain, however, is no unfamiliar pastime for his darling nonetheless. Shoto views pain as a pleasure, as a luxury, as a lifeline. 
Don’t think of it as a punishment, Snowflake, it’s more a lesson of appreciation. You’ll thank me later, I’m sure.
When his darling is being particularly impossible, he’ll blame himself over her, knowing how it’s his fault that he can’t properly please her. Figuring more of his attention and care is in order of need, something of which he will happily oblige her with. 
Is my little blizzard feeling lonely?
He’ll have her over his lap in no time, exchanging what fingers on what hand he uses when tickling the soft sensitive spot found between her thighs, going from hot to cold and steamy and feverish. 
Is this what you wanted, Snowball? All you needed is ask. I’ll give you what you need.
But, during their more unorthodox sessions, Shoto is strict. He has to be, in order to give them both what they supposedly need. Shoto believes his darling needs his firm hand as much as his soft touch, she needs balance, whereas he needs someone to apply his balance to. 
Be a good little firecracker for me and hold still.
However, he still doesn’t view it as punishment per se. He believes his darling is asking for the applied pain when disobeying his commands, therefore the pain is something she wants more of, something she’s begging for. 
Don’t move, Crystal. 
My little snowstorm, I told you. Don’t move…
He can get angry however. Not by words, knowing how many times he screamed at his father in the fit of his rage, never genuinely meaning any of the spiteful words he’d say, he knows his darling doesn’t mean anything by them either. 
It’s okay, Wildfire. You’re just frustrated. Let me help you.
But escape… escape is a fragile topic and any attempts on achieving it will be met with stone-cold nonchalant wrath. Safe to say she won’t ever try leaving him again, not if she wants more of those irredeemable frostbite burns across her soft skin. 
You think you know pain? I’ll make you long for something as sweet as pain.
Shoto doesn’t easily forgive. He doesn’t easily forget. He doesn’t easily cope at all in any healthy way. And he definitely doesn’t easily trust after being betrayed. He might just do something brash in his strive to feel comfortable again, or else the prickling feeling of uncertainty will linger about beneath his skin. Paranoia is a better word for it. 
You think you can just up and leave? Think again, Snowball. 
You’re not going anywhere. Nowhere without me. I’ll have you crippled before that happens. Mark my words, Icicle.
His flexibility regarding the amount of freewill his darling possessed will change drastically after his trust is broken. Chains are a great reassurance he’s come to find, and if she ever finds a way out of those as well… bones will break. 
I didn’t want this, Snowfall, but… I must say… you do look your best when you’re at my mercy.
Support me at KO-FI if you feel like it<3
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dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 4 years
Secret baby ch20
Dabi wakes up due to Kiyoko smacking his face, she’s attempting to grab one of his piercings he knows but it still ends up with her chubby little hands hitting his face. Having at least one of her missions succeed she gives a loud happy screech. She usually wanted food when she screeched like that. Otherwise Kiyoko greeted Dabi with a sweet chirp or a “Dada”, the latter becoming more common as time went on.
He starts making a mental list of the things he had to do before dropping off Kiyoko at her sitters. It was enough to make him groan and bury his face in the pillow.  He knew he needed to get up and get started soon or he wouldn't have time to go fetch the extra money for Kiyoko’s babysitter. Still he lets his face rest in the pillow as his thoughts start racing to plan a time efficient day. Kiyoko baps his face again, trying to close her tiny hands around the bar piercing in his ear. He gently grabs her hand , kissing it, before he gives her his finger instead and she immediately sticks it in her mouth getting her baby spit all over it. 
“My fingers just taste good or something baby?” he mumbles into the pillow. Kiyoko responds with a loud chirp, he has about one or two chirps before she lets loose with another screech in his ear to get him up.
“DADA!” she yells at him, waves sweetly at him when he turns his face to look at her. Her bright gold eyes wide open and her hair sticking up in every direction possible. Wings still shedding baby feathers flutter and add to the litter of down in the nest. Happy and bright eyed after being up and down all night. Dada was still about the only thing she said to him, the chirping a common enough occurrence. He shoves himself up, he still has to do laundry today and drop off rent preferably before the meeting with the league of villains. 
He sat upright cursing as it clicked that he was meeting Toga and the League today. An alarm went off on his phone, moving to swipe it off, he saw it was a later one and started cursing as he untangled himself from blankets. He wouldn't have time to get it until later, possibly tomorrow depending on how long the meeting took. He was already running late this morning.
Kiyoko let out a series of chirps and tilted her head back until she fell over when she saw him clumsy roll out of bed. Dabi had figured out that this was her way of laughing for now. Kiyoko let out more human giggles as well, usually when she was looking for when she was joining Dabi in laughing at something. Dabi laughed at her falling over and she tilted her head back and looked at him with shocked wide golden eyes.
“Stop making Dada laugh princess, I have to get us ready, we’ve got a lot to do today.” He scooped her up, wrinkling his nose as he did so, Kiyoko’s diaper needed to be changed as well and he only had so much time to do everything.
Kiyoko let out a low chirp and started crying when Dabi absentmindedly hushed her as he laid her on her on the bathroom counter. He’d noticed she didn’t like her wings being stuck under her but he didn’t have time to ease her into laying on them today. 
“Baby girl no, Let's be good for Dada today please?’ he begged as he threw the dirty diaper in the trash, setting her on the floor of the shower as he stripped. He caught a glance of his reflection in the mirror as he stepped in the shower. He paused blinking at how much he had changed. Red hair dyed inky black, piercings decorating his face. There was a scar from where Kiyoko was removed from him and he had deep bags under his eyes. He was no longer gaunt and skinny, instead he was fleshed out and almost muscular. All in all he didn't look bad, tired yes, but nothing like he had when he had first started working for Girian. He didn’t look sick, weak or scared anymore. 
Kiyoko yelled to get his attention and he picked her back up, turning on the shower. There was no time to contemplate how far he had come since leaving his old life behind. He had no regrets, beyond leaving his siblings behind.
Kiyoko started crying and despite not a single tear falling it tugged at Dabi’s heart. He wasn’t foolish enough to think she didn’t know she was going to the sitters today. She knew she was being dropped off with her babysitter and was trying her usual tactics to delay him. But he didn't have time to indulge her today and turn her tears to giggles and happy shrieks. Kiyoko cried through breakfast and Dabi couldn't get her to eat more than a couple bites of food. She whimpered and kept saying Dada mournfully when he plopped her into the nest so he could get dressed in his villain outfit. It was what he used for shovel jobs with Girian. He finished yanking a comb through his hair and swallowing his scent pill before he turned to get Kiyoko ready. 
He dressed Kiyoko in a pumpkin themed outfit. Checking his phone and letting out more curses. Kiyoko chirped shrilly at him as he dived into the closet, and babbled happily at him when he came out, blowing spit bubbles. Grabbing a coat for himself and making a note that Kiyoko would need one this year as well when he had time to take her shopping.
He cursed and grabbed her bag of snacks off the counter on his way out the door. Kiyoko had a weird fondness for spicy peppers and mostly ate jerky. At her last checkup Dabi had been given guidelines on what kinds of things she would be able to eat as she got older and developed more. and what one she wouldn't. He dropped her off with a promise to her sitter that no, she did not have to feed Kiyoko bugs, just her regular snacks and he would be back with her promised raise when he picked her up that night.
The bar where he was meeting the “league of villains “ leader was just like his apartment building, old with cracks in the wall and a musty unpleasant smell.  Broken beer bottles in the alleyway he came down and cigarettes outside the entrance. Unlike his apartment the smell wasn't strong enough to make him gag due to his sensitive nose. Almost like they were old. Maybe it had been the rain a few days prior that watered down the smell.
 He exited the alleyway and came over to where Girian was standing with a girl in a school uniform. Girian gave a nod at him and he decided to save his excuses for being late, it didn’t matter when he was here now and this was a villain job anyways. He’d learned in the past months that he rarely had to be exactly on time for these.
“Dabi, you ready? Princess over here already is.” He tugged at one of Toga’s space buns lightly and caught the wrist that came at him with a knife. Dabi raised an eyebrow at the knife in her hand and the grin on her face when she tried to stab Girian.
“How old are you even brat? 12? You’re not even old enough to enter this bar?” He glared at her, shoulders back and preparing to disarm her if she decided that he was her next stabbing target.
“I’m 17 and want to meet the guys who knew Mr.stainy. Are you a fan of him too? Don’t you just want to cut him open and be him?” She gushed and let Girian keep hold of her arm, peering at Dabi around him.
He hadn’t given Stain too much thought honestly. He saw the video just like everyone else,as well as the news from when enji supposedly took him down. While he agreed the hero’s should be taken out and taken off their pedistels, the seemingly random murder hadn’t been the way to do it. All it did was put false Heroes in the narrative of having been so brave for dying in the line of duty. The news repeatedly asking how sorry their families must feel. How many families had grown up like him Dabi had wondered as they televised a newly paralyzed hero.
He shoved the thoughts out of his mind before he could start questioning if his family was okay. If Natsou was still studying to be a doctor, if Fuyumi still wanted to teach brats. If Shouto was still just a brat in general. He would see them soon enough if he could get his plans to go through.
“He had the right idea.” Dabi shrugged and faced the door, it was time to meet the boss anyways they had been waiting on him. “Sorry I'm late Girian, late morning today.” he drawled.
“I’m sure you had a good reason for being late.” Giran pulled the door open and swaggered in. Toga following him inside, she swayed a little as she bounced on her toes after him and Dabi frowned. Maybe it was natural, maybe she was dizzy and not getting enough protein.
He followed behind the both of them, letting his steel toed boots fall a little heavier and standing up straight. He had to stay focused here, had to go home at the end of the day and had to subtly push his own agenda.
A guy in plain sweats sat at a bar counter and had a hand over his face. The place was coated in the boss’s omega’s scent, not overpowering but definitely noticeable. Looking around he noticed that the inside of the bar was very clean. It had a subtle orange and smoke smell. The guy in sweats was playing some sort of handheld game and he scowled at them when they came in. Toga giggled at nothing and he started growling, fuck they didnt even have the guys name yet and Toga was causing problems. The only other person in the place was an older man at the bar, a beta by the smell of him, who looked up at them but didn’t do anything.
“Shigaraki, Kuroguri, I’ve brought you some more members.” Girian waved his hand at Dabi and Toga who stepped out from behind him at the cue. He stayed off to the side of the room, making it clear if things went down he wouldn’t get in the way.
“I’m Toga Himiko! I like to drink blood and I just love stains and other cute things!” She excitedly gushed out, letting a child's undefined scent come off her as she did. Maybe she thought she was introducing herself better with it but Dabi could already feel the headache forming as Shigaraki’s lip curled and he deepened his growl.
“You can call me Dabi.” He edged himself closer to Toga prepared to shove her behind him if the temperamental omega, their soon to be boss, lunged for them. This wasn’t a club introduction like she seemed to think it was and Shigaraki didn’t need to know anything else about him.
Shigaraki stood up and lunged at them while letting his scent loose, the damp earth smell matched the one all around the bar. Must live here, Dabi guessed as he threw up his arm to cast a plume of flames. Toga ducked out from behind him with her knife out while Dabi snagged the back of her shirt with his free hand, yanking her back. Then there was a portal in front of his face, his hand was sticking out of it, he narrowed his eyes and gave his fingers a twitch. There were now portals all around the room, made of the same blackmist the bartender was. Toga giggled and liked the end of her own knife which was now inches from her face. Shigaraki hissed at him but didn’t move, his own hands sticking out from portals away from them all.
“Young Tomura, please calm down.” the man at the bar, Kuroguri, asked in a calm polite tone. Dabi rolled his eyes, what exactly did mistman think that was going to do?
“Fucking bratty manchild.” Dabi hissed at the red-eyed omega in front of him. “If you're going to be  a possessive bastard don’t hold meetings in your house you fucking creep.”
“I’m 20 thanks. At least the girl over there can introduce herself properly, what’s your name?” He hissed, slowly edging back from Dabi. “ And why can’t i smell you? Got something to hide?”
“I’ll tell you if it comes up, until then you don’t need to know.” Dabi held Shigaraki’s eyes with his own blue ones. Shigaraki curled his scared lip and when Dabi didn’t back down or break his stare pulled his hands back through the portals they had been sent through. Dabi followed and took a couple steps back, letting go of Toga’s sweater.
“If you stretched it out you're getting me a new one.” Toga sniped at him.
“I probably just saved your skin from the manchild over there brat, I'm not getting you shit.” he grumbled and shoved his hands back into his pockets.
“I’m going out for a walk, and we are not with Stain. If you still want to join, fine welcome to the league of villains.” Shigaraki ripped a coat off the wall and stormed out.
“Sounds like you kids made the cut, I’ll be going. “ Girian smirked and walked out after Shigaraki. Leaving Dabi and Toga in the company of the bartender.
“I’m kuroguri. I apologize for Shigaraki’s behavior. Would you like a drink?” Kuroguri at least seemed polite, if not overly polite for a villain compared to what Dabi was used to.
“Can I have wine?” Toga hopped up onto the barstool and sunk her knife into the top, not noticing Kuroguri’s wince when she did so.
“If you would like I can give you a little, as a welcoming gift.” Kuroguri grabbed a bottle from under the counter and poured some in a short glass he pushed over to her. Dabi took a deep sniff of the air and noticed the sour rotten notes of alcohol were absent. Kuroguri had probably given her sparkling juice then like most bartenders did for kids. He and Fuyumi used to pour it in fancy glasses at home and pretend they were old enough to drink as they did their homework.
“I’ll pass on the drink thanks, can you tell us what’s expected of us here? Or do we have to leave that for the creep to tell us about our jobs when he gets back from walking off his tantrum?” He walked over and sat down on a stool. 
“Young Tomura is still planning out his next move. For now he is more focused on laying low and gathering numbers. The overall goal however, is the complete collapse of hero society.” He picked up the cleaning cloth he had been using earlier. “ I understand young Himiko is to be staying here at the bar with us while we wait to make our moves, are you going to be needing accommodations as well Dabi?”
“No. Just text me when the next meeting is.” He scrawled his number down twice on a pad of paper he pulled from his pocket and tearing the page, slid one copy over to Toga. “You, this isn’t a game. Save my number for if you need me. Kuroguri let me know when the creep gets his act together, I’ve got other things to do if my time is going to be wasted here.”  
Kuroguri took the number with a comment about passing it on to Shigaraki when he came back. Dabi didn’t catch all of it as his phone went off in his pocket and he saw Kiyoko’s sitter had been texting him the entire time Shigaraki had been throwing a tantrum. 
It Looked like he was going to have to pick Kiyoko up early as well, based on the texts the sitter was sending him. Kiyoko was being fussy and the sitter didn’t want to watch her for much longer. He sent a text reminding her that he was stopping by with more money tonight when he picked up Kiyoko and looked back up at Kuroguri. 
“Something urgent Dabi? I was just asking if you would like to stick around and meet the other members, we usually have dinner together since many of the current members live here.” Kuroguri was looking at him with almost an air of concern.
“Yeah something came up, I appreciate the offer Kuroguri. I just don’t have time to stick around and meet everyone.” He stood up and stretched, back cracking in several spots and sauntered out the door.
From there it was another bus ride to a bus stop a couple blocks from a grocery store. Then a walk to an atm when the store didn’t have one. Withdrawing money for his rent, groceries and babysitting. He sighed and then withdrew a little more for the next time he saw the league. Toga’s sweater had been stretched out by him grabbing it and she probably couldn’t replace it. Not to mention she needed a coat. 
The trip to the grocery store only worsened Dabi’s headache due to the fluorescent lights and employees hovering.  He made a stop over in the babies section and picked up another blanket for Kiyoko. She needed a new one after the original had gone through so many washes it was wearing thin.
He came out of the store feeling exhausted, he still had to walk back to the bus station and from there transfer buses and walk a couple blocks until he could get home. Then the sitter still needed to be paid and was texting him again, Kiyoko had gotten sick so she needed him to come pick her up. Then he still had to make supper for them both and schedule an appointment for Kiyoko now that she was sick. He stepped on the bus and his phone pinged with a new text. An unknown number asking why the hell he didn't stay for dinner. Dabi ignored the text itself and saved the contact under ‘crusty face’ in his contacts.
This was all going to worth it if he could get enji in a grave and see his siblings again. Hawks had probably forgotten about him with all the time that had passed and the lack of a relationship they’d had in the first place, not to mention he was busy being a big shot hero these days. He let his head rest against the cool glass of the window and soothe his headache.
@mostladylikeladythateverladied @ruelukas22 @i-like-to-shruggy @xxsnowchildxx @drxgonstone
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inkykeiji · 4 years
congrats on 1k!!!!🥳🤯 u totally deserve it clari!!!! & c-can i get an mha matchup senpai🥺 uh i'm 23, infp, introverted unless comfortable, adhd so i'm emotionally ✨elevated✨ & ✨oversensitive✨ (crybaby say what??) kind of a bruh girl tbf, goth bimbo core is my aesthetic, i like to serenade my dog w bad guitar playing🎸🖤
MARI i love u 🥺🥺🥺 u can get anything u want bb <33
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i match you with ⇢ shigaraki tomura! god pls the way my heart just burst thinking about the two of u as a couple eeee!! first off, u KNOW he’d find ur goth bimbo core aesthetic to be just the cutest fucking thing. he’d also be slightly intrigued and i’d be surprised if he didn’t tease you about it just a teeny tiny bit. you guys have the same sense of humour, and that’s how you initially bond! i also firmly believe that once u got comfortable around him you would definitely bring him out of his shell quite a bit with ur cute quirks and unapologetic nature (ie, ur are unapologetically urself all the time, and he admires + values that; not many others are so honest). definitely likes ur crybaby nature (and deadass tells u so) because it allows him to both tease you and take care of you, n this makes him feel needed. you’re a precious ray of sunshine and he cherishes you more than he’d ever admit <3
what you carve into your pumpkin ⇢  because he’s an absolute sucker for u, he lets you carve super cute designs into ur pumpkins—at least one consists solely of adorable lil hearts and stars all over it, and then the others would be ur fave emojis (tbh i think dabi would get a real kick outta this)
which halloween candy you eat the most of ⇢  areo + caramilk!
couples costume ⇢ the joker and harley quinn (any version u want)! good god u guys would look HOT 👀👀 he’d also get a kick out of the fact that y’all dressed up as villains ahaha
how you celebrate halloween ⇢ u guys host a very small, very intimate house party that is ✨themed✨, maybe around a certain colour scheme or OOOH dc villain themed!!! u spend the day preparing cute food + decorating (and yes, of course he needs a lot little, um, persuasion to help out). but everything turns out great n overall it ends up being a very chill night w goooood vibes. u probably have those cheesy hammer horror films playing in the background simply because shig loves them so much.
(omg pls not me thinking about u smushed on a couch between dabi n shig and just the right amount of tipsy n dabi looks rly cute dressed up as scarecrow and he thinks u look hot as hell as harley and oh my god oh my god mari stop me STOP ME BEFORE I GO OFF ON A TANGENT PLS)
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clari’s 1k halloween matchups! 👻
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heroes-r-us · 5 years
Alpha/Omega/Beta Headcanons|MHA Headcanons
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Letting you know now I pretty much headcanon everyone as an alpha, most of the characters in MHA are strong and brave, which meet the qualifications I have for alphas. Also, males are more likely to be alphas than omegas. Which is why they are all alphas here. Females are more likely to be Omega/Betas, etc... (Also The majority goes as follows. A-B-O. Alphas and Betas are more prevalent than Omegas. (At least the way I headcanon it! :3))
This "-" is what their scent is like!
Enjoy! ~Momma Cat
Midoriya: I like to think that he was a Beta before he received One for All. Almost like getting a quirk triggered his same gene that dictates his scent and presentation. So he switched to an alpha presentation. (I'm not too firm on that one tho.) He'd probably end up with an omega he saved.
-Lavender, spice and peaches.
Bakugou: The second he presented as an alpha, he tells everyone. He puffs out his chest and struts around like the proud fucking peacock he is. He probably tried to sniff out any presenting omegas, so he could try to scent them and claim dominance. (He fails)
-Smoke, cologne and sweat.
Kirishima: Such a sweet alpha. Literally what most omegas dream for in alphas. When he presented he probably was surprised since he was initially thought to be a beta. Turns out he was only a late bloomer. Omegas practically flock to this poor man. He will either end up with a beta or omega. He doesn't judge.
-Ginger, pine and coffee
Todoroki: He is an alpha, though he isn't to happy to be one. He had been wanting to be omega, so as to not play further into his father's plans, but that didn't appear to be in the cards for him. Unfortunately...
I also headcanon that his scent is very strong and attracts alot of omegas. He may end up getting together with anyone. No matter the rank. He would doesn't really care what his Father thinks of you.
-Citrus, smoke and honey
Shinsou: Since he is so laid back and relaxed, people often think that he's a beta. In reality his scent is rather mild compared to most alpha scents. At first he hated this part of himself, but after studying under Eraserhead, he learned that this could actually be a real asset to him. In example, he can sneak around hideouts and hotspots without anyone knowing he's there. He's rather picky when it comes to people he hangs around, so someone with a relaxed and soft scent is ideal. (Omega)
- Mint, cotton and vanilla
Aizawa: He is pretty much in the same boat as Shinsou. He's an alpha, yes, but one with a lighter and less intense scent. It's helpful on low profile missions, but not so much when attracting a mate. He pretty much stopped trying a long time ago. He also figured his life was too dangerous for an omega nowadays anyways.
-Chocolate, cologne and freshly washed clothes.
Toshinori: (1# hero? More like 1# Daddy) I hereby headcanon that he smells SLIGHTLY different and his scent is weaker in his smaller form. Everything is enhanced as All Might. Which helps to explain why no one realizes that they are one and the same alpha! I also think that he has had several omegas in mind in the past, but all of the relationships fell through.
- Cookies, cologne and spices
Endeavor: Alpha male. ALERT alpha male. ALERT. Y'all know I like him so don't look at me that way! (If you didn't like him you would have scrolled past so I'm assuming you are someone who indeed likes him, so I'm gonna throw out that he is suuuch a daddy. 💦💦 Can I get an amen?) Anyways. So, Yeah, Enji is an alpha. He knew he was meant to be an alpha, even when he was younger. I'm sure like 70% of his fanbase is made up of thirsty hoes. (Like me)
- Smoke, cologne, hickory
Muscular: (Ah Yes, my third alpha Daddy. LOL) Alpha male, blah blah blah, he's a hottie, even when missing an eye. His scent is strong like most alphas, and he doesn't usually have a hard time finding omegas to partner with every once in a while. He has no qualms about what status his partners are, be they omega, alpha, or beta. Although that's typically looked down upon.
-Musk, rosewood and lemongrass
Iida: One LITERAL by-the-book alpha. He is strong, has a hefty thick scent, is a gentleman, is respectful to his elders and incredibly fast. He is a hero and a leader; both incredibly sought after traits in alphas nowadays. He isn't currently looking for an omega or beta to partner with, but is willing to become friends with one if they catch his interest.
-Coffee, Lime and soap
Ojiro: A rather calm alpha compared to most in his class. I like to think that there is a particular omega civilian that he has interest in. He's probably pretty particular with how he smells to others; he probably takes baths alot.
- Shampoo, patchouli and oranges
Shouji: Oh! My many armed boi! Once again, you guessed it, alpha! His scent is rather powerful like most alphas, and he would probably have no problem finding a mate. I like to think that some of the other alphas go to him for advice on how to talk to omegas, since he never seems to have an issue being around them.
-Rosewood, musk and frankincence
Kaminari: He strikes me as a beta, but I could also see him as a weaker/ditzy alpha. I can totally imagine him getting frustrated that omegas aren't really into him, and would rather date someone like Iida. He'll probably end up with a beta.
-no scent
Tokoyami: He is... The night. Lol jk. I was going to say beta, but I changed my mind since his quirk was so powerful. He probably gets super nervous around omegas, especially the cute ones. All they have to do is look over at him and smile, poor bird boi doesn't know what to do with himself. He has trouble with talking to them, but is too prideful to ask for advice.
-Jasmine, cedar and vanilla
Sero: A relaxed, and chill beta. Yup. I can't really see him as an alpha. He exudes a rather playful and fun personality rather than a strong leader. At least to me. Despite this, a decent amount of omegas are still interested due to his charms.
-no scent
Koda: I was going to make him an Omega, but a shy beta seemed better. Yes, he's not a confident person, but I can't see him being an omega. I like to think that he knows he acts omega-like, but he can't really help it. He probably appreciates his lack of a scent for multiple reasons.
- no scent
Sato: Ahhh! Alpha! I decree it! (Also there aren't enough fanfics for the sugaboi) He probably has a strong scent, but omegas are usually hesitant to be around him due to his threatening smell. He's rather irritated that he smells that way even though he's a really nice alpha. Thankfully, when he bakes, the scent of cookies and such will stick to him, which makes him less threatening smelling to omegas.
- Chocolate, pumpkin and spice
Jiro: I can never ever see her as an omega. She doesn't strike me as an alpha either, so I went with beta instead. She probably gets annoyed at how much better alphas say they are, but fail to follow through. I think Jiro prefers to date an omega, but with some cruel twist of fate ends up with an alpha.
-no scent
Mineta: Beta. Ends up with no one. (Dies)
- no scent
Momo: Alpha Girllllllllll. Honestly alot of omegas like her. She exudes a motherly type of atmosphere, and even though her confidence needs work, the omegas fawn over her alot. She makes all the other alphas jealous even though she doesn't try. They are constantly trying to prove themselves better than her, and if she loses, the omegas will console her.
-Vanilla, apples and black licorice
Aoyama: I was gonna say alpha but, he's too fabulous for that lol. Probably a beta but I could see it if someone thought he should be an alpha. He probably thinks he's VERY attractive to omegas/betas when in reality...... Not so much.
- no scent
Hagakure: Hurray! An omega, FINALLY! This girl is omega 110%. She knows it, her teachers know it, the fucking cats outside know it, and her class knows it. She fully accepts it too. She is also exited to be one of the few Omega Heroes.
-Lavender, Shea and caramel
Dabi: C'mon. We all know this guys an Alpha. Like, is there even a debate about it? Sure he may not be the strongest alpha out there, nor the most handsome or cunning or have a great scent... But he is one.
-Smoke, cypress and Perubalsam
Shigaraki: He's an alpha, but he doesn't act like one. He acts more like a pup than an alpha. His scent probably smells intimidating to all omega's except 'the one'. (Which will be the reader, when I write a oneshot for him. :3) I think he probably dislikes most omega scents anyway.
-Musk, Sweat and ginger
Twice: Alpha because I fucking say so. (All the hot Bois will be alphas. >:D) He probably has an amazing scent, and attracts a decent amount of omegas. I headcanon that he is rather shy around omegas. Until he finds a cute omega hero that catches his interest. Fortunately for Jin, she likes his scent too.
-Citrus, hay and cinnamon
Mirio: NO ONE CAN TELL ME THIS BOI ISNT AN ALPHA. Y'all should know I headcanon him as an alpha. (I really need to work on that Alpha! Mirio story.) He is an EXTREMELY popular alpha for omegas to swoon over. Like All Might honestly. He's everything alphas try to be. His sweet temper and heroism make him a popular love interest for all the rankings.
-Blue Cypress, myrrh and pepper cloves
Asui: Beta through and through. She definitely uses her beta role to calm down situations alot. And she probably doesn't care which rank her partner has. She'll probably end up with an Omega due to her calming effect.
- no scent
Mina: I can see her as all of them really. A laid back alpha, a happy go lucky beta, or an excitable omega. So I guess I'll go with beta. She's really active, so she may end up with an alpha who can keep up with her energy.
- no scent
Present mic: Hizashi knows omegas and betas like his scent, so he doesn't understand why omegas get scared when around him. (Poor bby) He probably has trouble finding a mate that can stand his energy and intensity. Ironically he loves shy omegas.
-Red Grapefruit, honey and Clary sage
Midnight: I was gonna say beta, but we all know she's not. What's the use in trying, eh? Omegas, betas, and even alphas fawn all over her. She has probably paired up with all of the rankings at one point, but she's still looking for the perfect little omega to fall in love with. ❤️
-Nutmeg, Maple and roses
Tamaki: He has the undertones of an alpha and no one can change my mind. He is constantly confused with being an omega or beta because of his demeanor, but he has no idea how to change it. Probably has a crush on a the happy-go-lucky omega across the street. She probably is the one to ask him out.
-Strawberries, popcorn and Almonds
Uraraka: I think she's an omega, but her scent isn't as nice as some other omegas. She only notices this because of a fellow omega trying to become a omega hero like her. She notices how nice the omega scent is and gets an instant crush. (Squeals)
-Mint, candy and cranberries
Toga: She's an utterly insane omega. She will literally nest anywhere and everywhere. Rooftop? Nice breeze! Her gruesome murder scene? She loves the smell! In the cabinets? It's so comfy! Her alpha crush's closet? She likes being close to him!
- blood, copper and apples
Kurogiri: Poor guy is just an alpha in a sea of hormonal alpha/omega teenagers. He (like most alphas) prefers an omega. Preferably one with a calm disposition. He has trouble finding an omega that isn't intimated though.
- Spices, Musk and soap
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dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 4 years
pumpkins and LoV
Jin running in the door with his arms full of bags and talking about something excitedly isn’t new. What is new is the clones after him also running in with large objects in their hands. Large roundish orange objects.
“No.” Dabi outright hissed as soon as he saw the pumpkins. “Absolutely not. I am not carving pumpkins.”
Shigaraki looked over from the dinner table he had work spread across. He drummed his fingers before he seemed to come to a decision.
“I can destroy them later right?”
“Hell yeah! We can carve them and then use our quirks to destroy them! It will be fun!” He said while the clones all scattered to put pumpkins on tables. “It's not worth the mess and effort.”
Jin himself turned the bags in his arms out onto the other side of the table. Smaller decorative pumpkins and gourds tumbled across the table. The clones dropped their pumpkins after complaining about their sore muscles and squished back into one Jin.
“Sako and Kuroguri are out tonight so they can’t join. But I’ll text Shuichi.” Magne looked up from the news she was watching in the other room.
“No one has to tell me! Jin already told me earlier!” Toga ran into the room, her socked feet making her skid on the floor before using the table as a stop. She had a cloth bag she dumped out onto the table, Knives scattering everywhere. “I brought as many as I thought we could need!”
“I’ve never carved one before.” Shuichi came down the hallway shortly after. Picking up one of the smaller pumpkins in his claws and poking it with his claws. 
Shigaraki sighed and started picking up his work on the table before it got covered in vegetable guts.
“Hey hot stuff. You're not going anywhere. But nice try!” Magne used her quirk to stop Dabi from sneakily trying to leave the base.
“No, Jin is right. There is going to be gunk everywhere and Toga will want to save and eat the seeds.” Dabi scowled as his body was pulled back into the room. It didn’t hurt, Magne’s quirk grabbed people not metal. She was often the only one who could actually grab him to stop him from leaving the base.
“It’s team bonding. And mandatory now, Crispy. Sit down and just carve a pumpkin before we get to destroy it all.” pale blue hair hanging in his face he jammed on his protective gloves and gestured for Toga to hand him a knife.
“Wait, can we save the seed? I’ve never had them before.” Toga started handing out her knives to everyone. They couldn’t discern the pattern but several times she hesitated before switching who got what knife around.
“I can carve but I’ve never made seeds either.” Magne shrugged as she sat down. Dabi giving up and plopping himself down next to Shigaraki.
“Fuck it, Toga is you want seeds go grab 2 large bowls.” He scowled and Shuichi set a large pumpkin directly in front of him.
“We could make them into Hero’s and burn them.” He suggested with a large grin.
Everyone’s eyes lit up and they grabbed a pumpkin eager to get started and show off who could make the most lifelike Hero carving. However most of them gave up when they realized they couldn’t quite carve with as much detail as it would require. Instead changing to regular faces and designs.
Dabi supervised everyone throwing only the guts of the pumpkins into one of the bowls and after Toga had finished carving a face on hers told her to get started separating the seeds from the string bits.
“It’s so slimy.” She laughed.
“Yeah and that's why i didn’t want to do it. Shit will get in my staples and I’ll have to sanitize them.” He grumbled at her, Still not started on his own carving.
Shigaraki yanked Dabi’s pumpkin away from him and stabbed into the top of it. 
“Then ask someone to help you do it.” He carefully gutted the pumpkin, scrapping the whole thing well, before jamming the top back on and rolling it back to Dabi.
“I didn’t want to fucking carve dumbass pumkins like a kid, Handfucker.” He hissed right back at Shigaraki as he grabbed his knife and started carving into it immediately.
Several hours later Shigaraki had cut his hands several times. Magne was deemed to be the best pumpkin carver. Shuichi discovered that he could cut the pumpkins with his claws and it would be more precise than using a knife. 
Jin had many designs done on his one pumpkin. A pole, a fireball, a knife, what he said was a hand but it was hard to tell, a gun and a replica of his mask.
“Finally now to the good part.” Their resident fireball user stood up, gathering his pumpkin pieces and placing them inside the pumpkin before lidding it and heading for the rooftop access stairs. He ended up being the last one done due to his later start so everyone followed after him with their own pumpkins already packed up.
When they got up on the rooftop Dabi had his carved pumpkin facing them and they could see he had copied Endeavors costume and bulk onto it.
“What the fuck? How are you so good at that?” Shuichi demanded as he set his pumpin down next to him as well. His quirk would really destroy his pumpkin so he would just have to let someone else do it. Same as Jin and Toga. Magne was insisting on punting hers instead.
Dabi smirked at Shuichi and held up one flaming finger. Pulling out a flask he dumped some alcohol on the inside and narrowing his eyes in concentration flung just his finger at it. The pumpkin lit up in blue fire and he capped it. Enji’s image now on fire along the arms and costume which normally had fire.
“Okay, Showoff.” Magne huffed before walking over to the edge of the rooftop and kicking her pumpkin as hard as she could. It almost made it to the next nearby roof top before hitting a wall and exploding as Jin and Toga cheered. 
Shigaraki used decay on his and Jin’s pumpkins while Dabi lit Shuichi’s and Toga’s on fire. Dabi’s pumpkin kept burning for several minutes before they got bored of watching enji’s image burn and Dabi turned it into ash.
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