#leauge as family
jesncin · 9 months
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J'onn and Ma'alefa'ak land on Earth and meet Dr. Saul Erdel and his daughter Melissa. While J'onn can quickly learn languages through telepathy, Ma'al learns english and ASL (+ BASL) from scratch. I like the idea of the martians' finding a home in the Black community, and having their reference point for humanity to come from a Black family. The brothers eventually move out to live in their own apartment, but they keep in touch with the Erdels :)
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broccoli-broc · 7 months
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flamingpudding · 8 months
Fictober23 Prompt: 6 - "I can't wait for you."
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: T
Warnings: Mentions of blood and injury
Danny stared at the stars above his head, sitting on top of Fenton Works. Even after a week his arm still tingled with phantom pains from his accident. In his left hand was a dagger he hadn't looked at in years now. Was it 6 or 7 years? Danny couldn't really remember. He had been too young when he had made his first decision for himself only.
The fingertips of his right hand traced imaginary patterns over the blade as his eyes searched out different constellations in the night sky. 7 years ago, he would have never imagined for himself a future where he was allowed to follow his own dreams. A week ago he had talked about his dream of becoming an astronaut, exploring the vast space that existed just outside of their own stratosphere.
Now after that the lab accident he had he felt like another dream had gotten shattered by the wheels of fate. It wasn't even his past life from before the Fentons that shattered these dreams, in the way he had feared in the first couple of years after coming to live with them. It where times like these when he would dug out the dagger to take it with him to see the stars.
His eyes turned from the stars to the blade in his hand.
It was a special blade his biological mother had ordered when she learned about having twins. The blade itself was only one half. The flat surface of the handle and the blade on one side while the other appeared like a high quality blade and greatly decorated handle, spoke of the missing part. His dagger was only half of a dagger, the other half was with his twin.
This was the only thing he had taken with him when he had left at the tender age of 5 or was it six? His memory was blurry and back then celebrating your birthday wasn't as big of a deal as it was in the life he had gained with Fentons.
At times Danny wondered why he had been the only one to see it. His twin had gone through the same teachings, the same lessons, the same training, the same mission. Yet Danny had been the only one who saw the way their grandfather really was. The manipulation, the gaslighting, the brainwashing. Danny had seen it all and realized it pretty soon and when he had talked with his twin about it?
He had hit a wall. Grandfather knows what he's doing. Stop imagining things, Danyal.
"I can't wait for you. Damian, if you can't see what I do, then I can no longer stay here and wait."
These were the last words he had said to his twin after another argument about their grandfather gaslighting them about a mission result. It was right there and then that Danny decided he needed to leave and that he did.
Somehow, as a five years old he had managed to get all the way to America before they found him again. And when he refused to come back they, his grandfather's mans, attacked without remorse. After all it was better to get rid of loose ends than to let them frail your masterpiece.
But ending up near death in the middle of a forest where the Fentons happen to be camping was his luck back then. They probably thought that he wouldn't make it, that Danny wouldn't have the will to continue barely breathing in his own pool of blood but Danny proved them wrong. He did have the will and he had continued crawling until Jazz had found him.
That was how his life had changed the first time. The Fentons took him in, allowed him to dream and to build a future and family of his own. Now this lap accident was making changes to his life again and Danny couldn't help but think back to his previous life. "I wonder if Damian finally saw what I did or if he still is under grandfather's influence…"
Months later Danny was introduced to an apparent family friend of his parents. One Danny felt was too much of a fruitloop and gave him concerning flashbacks to his grandfather but was still easier to deal with. But following all the incidence of conflicts with the fruitloop was also a moment to which said fruitloop somehow convinced his parents to let him drag Danny to a Gala.
Danny hadn't paid any attention to the guests of this gala, no he had taken the first chance he got to escape the way Sam had advised him before to do, and fled to a balcony. Breathing in the clear night air Danny loosened the tie he was made to wear. He did not notice the soft click of the balcony door behind him.
"Danyal." Danny whirled around and pulled out a hidden blade he kept on his person more out of habit than anything else. He hadn't heard his name spoken like that in years, even the fruitloop and a more American dialect when it came to saying his name.
He froze at the mirror image with green eyes that stood before him. That couldn't be could it?
"Damian?" The other teen nodded and Danny only relaxed his stance ever so slightly. His shoulders were still tense and he was still ready to spring into action or use his ghost powers to escape if needed.
Neither of them spoke a word as they took in each other's appearance and Danny hid a small chuckle as his twin clicked his tongue at his defensive stance, crossing his arms.
"I see, you still have that half of a dagger mother had made for us."
"The only thing I took with me when I left."
His twin clicked his tongue once more before reaching into a hidden pocket and pulling out the other half of that dagger. Showing that he also had kept his half of it throughout all these years.
"There is no longer a need for you to wait, Danyal."
Danny blinked and completely dropped his defensive stance, hearing the unspoken words. He let a small smile tuck his lips upwards. It appears that there was a lot he had to catch up on with his twin.
"I never waited to begin with Damian. I ghosted you right after." He chuckled lightly, knowing his brother wouldn't understand until later.
"Don't lie, Danyal. You took your half of the dagger with you." His brother frowned before smirking at him. "You said you couldn't wait anymore but taking it with you was clearly telling me that you would still do so anyway."
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bifairywife · 2 years
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gods-graveyard · 7 months
Tomura- "Im sorry but we have to break up"
Natsou- "Babe wha-"?
Tomura- "You too Zuzu"
Shoto- "Aw-"
Izuku- "Wtf, i'm not breaking up with Shoto"??
Tomura- *grabs his brother by the shoulders with pure terror in his eyes* "If we don't- then we will end up married, and you know what that means"?
Izuku- "We use Endevor's credit card to pay for two weddings"?
Tomura- "Well yes but No-"
"Dabi becomes our brother in law."
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spiritleigh · 2 months
Say what you want about the Bruce is Terry’s biological dad reveal in Epilogue, but that episode absolutely FUCKS otherwise. The scene with Bruce and Ace? The Andrea Beaumont cameo? The ending parelling the beginning of On Leather Wings? Come on dude.
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crybabylulu · 1 year
Pt 11 this is correct and no I will not take criticism
(I’m gonna use a lot of Lucy cause my girl gets no recognition! We only saw little lady in injustice! I want more! I want mama Harley damnit! So I’m gonna do it myself!)
Selina: *somewhere on a roof with Lucy* no to be a great cat burglar you mus-
Harley: I said no. *grabs Lucy’s hand and takes her away*
Lucy: bye aunty! Thanks for the lesson!
Talia: *handing Lucy a sword* this is where your assassin training begins my dear
Lucy: cool *immediately goes to stab the training dummies* AHHHHH
Talia: she’s precious *smiles proudly*
Harley: *takes the sword from Lucy* I said no
Lucy: but ma!
Harley: *takes Lucy home*
Bruce: how does it feel?
Lucy: i feel awesome! *because she’s Harleen’s daughter she starts doing backflips* this is the best day of my life!
Jason: *getting flashbacks* nope! Nope! Take it off! You’re going home to your mother
Lucy: *sighs* can I keep the outfit at least?
Jason: no *gets her to change then takes her home*
Jason: they don’t know what that word means
*they poly couple having a meeting*
Talia: lucy seemed to like her assassin training
Bruce: Talia she is not being an assassin
Talia: why not half of our children are assassins
Bruce: that doesn’t mean she has to be one
Selina: I barley got two minutes with the girl *pouts*
Bruce & Talia: *comforts selina*
*extra bonus*
Jason: *burning Lucy’s Robin costume*
Barbara: do you want me to call your therapist Leslie?
Jason: no not this time Babs
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"I survived the loss of one family... I'll survive this one, too..."
- Martian Manhunter (Justice League: Unlimited)
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vicstwashington · 4 months
Happy to see Wonder Woman with a sword again!
Idk about this... I wasn't so impressed with part 1. Buuuut I'll watch and give it a try!
available on digital on April 23, 2024.
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jumpingjets · 1 year
Can anybody draw him in his JLU Comic version??
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I've seen a lot of JLU Wally art, and all of them were AMAZING but I guess I never seen him before with that hair. I think that hair just suits him too much. Please give us some light of life guysss😭😭 I HOPE THOSE WONDERFUL ARTISTS SEE ME HELLO BIG FAN 🫶🫡 WE WILL NEVER SEE this Wally canonically again soooo that fandom needs you sir/ma'am!!
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Why is it that the kid friendly more cartoonish versions of Batman always seem to get his character more right then the gritty grimdark versions?
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layenacreates · 1 year
Like Crazy
You breathed in the air of a new day in your new home. Sunlight beamed down through your window on to the floor, highlighting the messiness of the days before.
You had just moved into your new apartment a week before school started and it showed. Boxes littered the floor, each filled with items expressing your personality. You would have taken better care to organize but come on. Who has the time?
Scrambling through your sheets, you grabbed your phone to check the time.
8:07 am
Not bad.
Grumbling to yourself, you left the warm embrace of your bed and began your shuffle towards the bathroom. The rose gold covered walls patiently watched your movements. If they had a voice, they probably tell you to move faster. You need to get started on breakfast before your new roommate decided to get agitated with you again.
As you did your business, you recalled your first meeting with him.
Walking through the door of your new house, you placed your box filled with pictures of your friends and family down on the counter. The space was nicely furnished with blue couches and an expensive looking TV to the right. The coffee table seemed like a perfect place to rest your feet after a long day of standing and taking orders, as you would soon start your job at the coffee shop right off campus.
Smiling to yourself, your gaze quickly moved to the kitchen right behind the living room. Decorated with different appliances, you noticed that no matter what you wanted to cook, you would be set. It felt like a dream to be able to live in such a beautiful apartment and have all your expense paid for. Well, except for food.
That was the agreement you had entered with the owner of this apartment. Rent and utilities would be covered so long as you took care of the cleaning and cooking. Of course when you heard about this your mind instantly went to, “what psycho would agree to that?”
Turns out, you were that psycho. Only days before your college orientation did you realize you never had applied to housing at your new school. Unfortunately that meant that you had to find off-campus housing, which conveniently, was already booked up for the new school year.
Desperate, you searched the college’s reddit page and found the listing for the new apartment that you currently resided in. Was it risky? Maybe. Was it your only option? Yes.
You quickly exchanged numbers with the mysterious owner and had only contacted each other through text. He was direct and didn’t enjoy small talk from what you could tell. Since your first (and very warm) introduction message was received with what you interpreted as a cold shoulder.
“Hi! My name is y/n! I am new to the university and I am so happy that I was able to find your offer before anyone else. It’s nice to meet you and I have read through the contract and I agree to sign. Please let me know if there is anything else I need to fill out or help with!”
See? Warm. Welcoming. Respectful!
What did you get in return?
“Name’s Dabi. When can you move in?”
Okay, so not the welcoming party you were expecting but at least you have a name? From there you understood that he wasn't a very talkative person and stuck to important information. You adjusted yourself to this type of texting and even felt reassured at one point.
Sure he sounded cold but that didn’t mean serial killer cold, right?
Grabbing a towel from your hanger, you quickly ushered yourself into the shower and turned it on. Another plus was that the water allows came out warm so you didn’t need to wait for it.
Allowing the water to soak your body, your mind drifted back to your first meeting.
Spinning on your heel, you came face to face to a tall, blue-eyed man. Dabi
You instantly recognized him. But how could you? You only texted the owner. Never saw a picture or heard his voice.
So, how did you suddenly know he was standing before you?
Your voice was too high, even for you. You internally cringed and tried again.
“Hi, I presume your Dabi,” you questioned. You realized that just because you felt safe and sure it was him, didn’t mean it was true.
A small hum was your only indication that you had guessed right.
You watched as his eyes raked over your form slowly, taking you in from your feet upwards. You watched him watch you. Desperately. Okay. Maybe. Just maybe a bit awkwardly.
It was painstakingly hard to wait until he reached your face. His blue-eyes found yours eventually but they held a slight spark in them that you couldn’t discern. Maybe your eyes were playing tricks on your but you thought you saw the corners of his lips lift, ever so slightly.
A hard knock on your door, snapped you to the present moment.
“You almost done in there, I’m starving!”
Your roommate, quite the gentlemen, reminded you of your obligations. The only reason he seemed to agree to let you stay here is because you didn’t annoy him. The same could not be said of himself on days like this.
His dad must have texted him, you mused. Over the course of the week you had stayed with Dabi, you learned quite a few things about his character.
Rule 1: Don’t ask about his family, especially his parents.
You reminisced your first meeting again as your turn offed the shower and reached for your towel.
A loud buzz from Dabi’s pocket made you snap your eyes back to his. Dabi reached towards his back pocket with a sigh. He seemed agitated which only grew into anger as his eyes glazed over the screen and the contact.
Dabi grumbled something with the only word you could figure out was “dad” and “always”.
You the ever so eager individual trying to make a good impression tried a tactic. That backfired. Epically.
“Parents,” you half-smiled, “am I right?” You shrugged to show your indifference and tried to match his annoyance.
Dabi side-eyed you as his only response. His aura seemed to grow angrier and angrier as you stood there. You could tell he was trying to maintain his composure but his demeanor was that of a house fire, only growing stronger and scarier as time passed by.
Luckily, you caught on quick and decided to give him some space.
“I’m going to put away some clothes,” you glanced towards your exit. Since his door was covered in black with blue flames covering the bottom, you assumed the door that was left bare was yours.
You stole a quick look to Dabi as your turned away. His posture was slightly less rigid but he eyes were still set ablaze. Silently burning a hole through his phone. Or maybe the person on the other end.
Squaring your shoulders, you willed your body to walk towards your room to begin the task you had placed on yourself. “It was nice meeting you,” you quietly uttered. The slam of your door was then heard as your entered the room and looked on your new space that you would inhabit.
The same space your crossed as your pranced around your room in nothing but a towel. Your first matter of business would have been to dress cute and do your makeup but with Mr. Piercings Galore out there, you settled with a simple blue crop top with some leggings to make breakfast.
Quickly brushing your hair, you glanced at your alarm clock to read the time.
8:29 am
Okay, not bad.
You still had an hour and a half until your first class. Stats. Not the worse subject, but from what your read up on the professor you didn’t want to be late.
Turning the doorknob, you entered into the share living space and made your way across to the fridge.
While walking, Dabi eyed you as you walked by. “Coffee.” The only things he seemed to slip passed his mouth were demands.
“Going,” you replied.
Rule #2: Dabi needs his coffee in the morning or he will be a menace. Well, more than he already is.
“That’s what your wearing,” Dabi stated plainly. Translation: That’s not your usual style. What’s up?
At least that’s how you imagine Dabi communicates. His words, although blunt, had an underlying message to them.
“You said you were hungry,” you replied, grabbing the milk and eggs,”it was the fastest thing I could grab.” Setting the ingredients from the fridge on top of the counter. You reached for the k-cups and placed one in the machine. Making sure you had enough water in the reservoir, you turned it on and then placed a Dabi’s favorite coffee mug underneath the machine.
You knew better than to try to start a conversation with Dabi before his morning coffee, so you stayed silent, allowing the coffee machine to whirl to life and fill the silence in the apartment.
While the machine poured coffee into his mug, you made your way to the cupboards and found the materials to get started. First, you added butter to a pan and let that heat up. Meanwhile, you prepped Dabi’s coffee, two spoons of sugar and a large amount of milk. Unlike his attitude, he liked his coffee sweet.
Setting in front of him his cup with a, “here you go”, you turned back around to add in the eggs into the pan. Both of you would take your eggs fried.
Your hands then went to work untangling the tie from the bag of bread and pulled out four pieces. You added each to the toaster and put the heat on medium.
Returning to your eggs, you made sure they were just right before flipping them and moving on to the finishing touches. You reached into the fridge once again and pulled out some strawberries and blueberries. Taking care to wash each piece, you then pulled out two plates and set an equal amount of each fruit on each.
When the timer rang on the toaster, you made your way over and deposited two pieces of bread on each of the plate. Then, with the spatula, you added one egg to each plate and then constructed a sandwich for each of you.
Yes, it was simple. But simple was good. Dabi liked simple and it was fast too. Picking up each plate, you turned around after making sure to turn off the stove, and placed a plate down in front of Dabi.
“Enjoy.” You sat at the far end of the table, allowing Dabi his space. “Alexa, play Morning Mix.”
Over the time you had spent with Dabi, you had found what kind of songs were to his liking. Of course, it was heavy metal but funnily enough, you found that he also enjoyed a variety of other music.
The sound of Park Jimin’s voice echoed throughout the space as “Like Crazy” began to play.
Bobbing your head to the music, you ate in silence apart from the music.
It was peaceful.
You know, I know.
You heard each sip Dabi took.
I’d rather be lost in the lights
The birds singing outside.
Lost in the lights
The warm breeze from the window.
I’m outta my mind
It all felt so domestic and serene.
Can you help me numb the pain?
Of course that’s when it all went to shit.
“So you got a boyfriend?”
Whipping your head to the adonis of a man that sat before you. You eyed him carefully before you responded. What kind of question is that?
Dabi seemed unamused, waiting for a response. He certainly doesn’t look teasing.
But that didn’t let you lower your guard down. “No,” you hastily responded, “I don’t.”
Side-eyeing the clock on the stove, you noticed that it had started to creep towards nine. Pushing down the ball in your throat, you forced the next words out of your mouth. “It’s almost nine, I have to go.”
Finishing the last of your meal, you dropped your plate into the sink and scrambled back into your room. Shutting the door to make sure you had some privacy, you let out a quick gush of air.
The memories started to come back to your mind in flashes.
Laughing. Kissing. Holding hands. Hugging. Smilin-
That is as far as you let yourself remember.
Taking in a breathe. Letting it out. That is what you focused on. You needed to start your day and get ready. You had probably less than an hour left for class and you still needed to do so much.
Pulling yourself together, you walked towards your closet and began shuffling for the perfect first day outfit. A simple white spagetti strap shirt with a white cardigan over some blue jeans. Dressing yourself, you noticed that you still needed accessories so you grabbed some butterfly earrings and a white headband to complete your look. You moved on to makeup next and added a light layer of foundation and then went through the rest of your makeup rountine swiftly.
Before you knew it, it was nine-thirty.
I have to go.
Reaching for your planner and journal from your desk, you dumped all your materials inside your bag and made a run for your shoes.
I don’t even know the building that I am supposed to go to.
Luckily, you were right off campus, and right across from the bars too.
Making sure had everything, you took a quick look at yourself in the mirror (snapping a picture later for insta) and twisted the doornob to the living room.
Dabi had left. Thankfully, he had put his dishes in the sink.
Weirdly enough, you felt a pang of sadness from the lack of his presence. You wanted to at least tell him goodbye and wish him good luck.
Shrugging to yourself you made your way to the door and to the start of your new life at your new college.
Chapter 2
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lehoodcollector · 3 months
Wonder Woman thought she was being cute🤭🤭🤭
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djbunnie · 2 years
Magic family
Jason blood: “What are we watching?”
Constantine: *holding baby Raven* “Brian De Palm’s controversial masterpiece “Scarface” ”
Dead man: *😲* “for the baby?!”
Constantine; “she happens to like it. I don't know if it's the colors or the sounds…oh, comes the night club massacre. She loves it. Watch her little eyelids, it's so cute, they get so heavy.”
Swamp Thing: *😲*
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bakuhoes-posts · 1 year
Dangerous Elysium
I just started a bakugou x reader da fiction on Wattpad! If anyone has time to read it please check it out and give some feedback I’d really appreciate it. It’a only gotten 5 parts so far but I update regularly and it’s kind of a witchblade x mha crossover.
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gods-graveyard · 7 months
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Here are the Shigiraki brothers original collages (god why tf are they so dramatic???) since I uploaded Shinsou and his headcanons, thought I might as well have these as well!!
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