#Shin × Yui
dia-souls · 3 months
Diabolik Lovers Cute and Sweet Confessions (Based on DF and LE Games and CDs) part1
(❤️ fluff moments, cute confession, OOC, ... ❤️)
Shu to Yui: I...lose all meaning in life when you’re not with me. From here on out, I’ll protect both you and my family with my own two hands. To live alongside my precious family, and the woman I love. Komori Yui. I...love you. (DF Vampire.End)
Shu talking about Yui: Forcing her way into my heart, she’s a meddlesome, bothersome, and precious woman. Until she takes her final breath, I’ll continue to love her. (Zero CD track.04)
Shu talking about Yui: I’m well aware. Even so, I don’t plan on letting her go. If I fall into misfortune, I’ll simply drag her along with me, no matter how deep we may drop. (Zero CD track.04)
Reiji to Yui: My beloved Yui... No matter what kind of destiny lies ahead of us, we will always be together. Forever, and ever. (DF Vampire.End)
Reiji to Yui: Please make a promise. Vow that you will entrust your future to me, and me only. I love you. (BB CD track.05)
Reiji to Yui: The flowers right here are in full bloom right now. It is a beautiful garden. Let us pluck one of them. I am sure it will look lovely in your hair. (Daylight CD track.05)
Ayato to Yui: You’re right here in front of me. That’s why I want to touch you. Want to embrace you. Don’t want to let you go. Want you by my side... I love you Yui. No matter what becomes of the world, let’s be together. That’s simply how I feel. (DF Vampire.End)
Ayato to Yui: Don’t ever let go again, understood? …Well, I’m not lettin’ you even if you tried. Haha…I’ll love you and only you…forever. (BB CD track.05)
Ayato to Yui: I love you. More than anyone else in this world. I won’t let you go until death parts us. ...No, scratch that. Even if one of us dies, I’m not givin’ you up. (LE Vampire.End)
Kanato to Yui: Yui-san I’ll live on for your sake. So please be there by my side. Stay with me forever, and ever. This love is eternal... (DF Vampire.End)
Kanato to Yui: Your place to be is by my side. Likewise, you are the only person I wish to keep my by side. I won’t hand you over to anyone! (Zero CD track.04)
Kanato to Yui: You...were always the one holding me in your arms, while I failed to do anything for you. I was always on the receiving end, making demands...Even if it may be too late, is there really nothing I can do for you right now? For your sake, I will... (Daylight CD track.04)
Kanato to Yui: Honestly, the fact I’m able to hold your hand again like this...It feels like a miracle to me. I truly...truly am so relieved. I think I finally realize how valuable you and your life are. ー And what it means to have to part one day. ...As well as that it is something unavoidable. (Daylight CD track.05)
Laito to Yui: My life has been worth it, simply because I was able to meet you. ...Thank you. Even if I have been nothing but a marionette my whole life, my love for you is genuine. It’s such a trivial matter, when I consider I could have lost you. (DF Vampire.End)
Laito to Yui: Thank god...To think that for the longest time...I believed that I did not need something precious...or special to me...Yet right now, I can’t even phantom a life without you...That’s a huge change of heart...for me personally. So, please? From here on out, till forever. Or till your life comes to an end is fine as well... Stay with me, okay? (BB CD track.04)
Laito to Yui: You truly are a strange girl. You are probably the only one...who can rouse my emotions this much. It hurts. Very much so...I want you to love me from the bottom of your heart. (PS CD track.04)
Subaru to Yui: Thanks to you, I was able to change. I found something I wish to protect. All I want is for my precious family to smile. Because I realized there is no greater joy which exists in life. Thank you. (DF Vampire.End)
Subaru to Yui: I was able to break through the darkness, and overcome my own cruel fate.I’m never lettin’ you go again. Yui I will love you forever. (DF Vampire.End)
Subaru to Yui: No matter what the future holds for us, I’ll protect you so don’t ever leave my side again...Okay? I love you. (BB CD track.05)
Ruki to Yui: I didn’t think we’d one day tie the knot under the blue sky like this. ...I wonder if this warmth in my chest is what one would call ‘happiness’? ...I would have never gotten the chance to experience this feeling if I hadn’t met you. ...So thank you. ( DF Vampire.End)
Ruki to Yui: It’s because you’re here. You’re the one who makes the sky, and the whole world seem that much more beautiful. You are the one making me feel so fulfilled inside. You were my joy, my luck...and my hope. I doubt that will ever change. We will live and pass away together. That’s how I truly feel. I love you Yui. (DF Vampire.End)
Ruki to Yui: Let’s be together and love each other. Just like we vowed on this ring. Until the bitter end. (Daylight CD track.04)
Ruki to Yui: No need to be scared. I’m right here with you. Even if I were to leave, it would only be for a short while. Once you open your eyes, I’ll be there in front of you again. No matter where you find yourself waking up. I will come to see you at once. So...Don’t worry about a thing, and rest in peace. (Daylight CD track.05)
Kou to Yui: You’re so beautiful! I almost want to show you off to the whole world and brag about how you’re MY bride! Thank you so much for choosing me...I will treasure you for life. (DF Vampire.End)
Kou to Yui: Even if death tries to separate us...I won’t give up on you so easily again. I will vow my eternal love to you. Until the very last second. I love you Yui. (DF Vampire.End)
Kou to Yui: Please…Smile? …So I can burn the image of your smile...in my mind forever. (Daylight CD track.01)
Yuma to Yui: Try holding my hand. It’s warm, right? Hehe...It’s the same temperature as yers now, right? (DF Vampire.End)
Yuma to Yui: Still...Don’t ya think it’s ironic? I once survived a fire, yet here I am once again, surrounded by flames. ...I’ll love ya forever, and ever...Yui. (DF Manservant.End)
Yuma to Yui: Take a look. The sun has appeared in the sky. Right now, we’re the very first people on this earth to witness the sunrise. (Daylight CD track.05)
Azusa to Yui: I will never let you go again...I love you, Eve...Let’s savor these moments we spend together from here on out, okay...? (DF Vampire.End)
Azusa to Yui: I’m so happy to be able to live here together with you in this Paradise. A Paradise for just the two of us, where nobody will get in our way, or disagree with our relationship. Now it can be just the two of us, for eternity. (DF Vampire.End)
Azusa to Yui: If you were to become a flower…I promise I will continue to treasure you, just as much as I do right now…I’ll tell you how pretty you are every day, and give you water. And every time the petals move…I’ll think of it as you smiling. (Daylight CD track.05)
Carla to Yui: I promise that I shall forever protect you...as well as our child inside your belly, to show my thanks for granting me with such warm feelings. (LE Vampire.End)
Carla to Yui: I thought happiness was something I would never get to experience. But I believe that I have finally come to somewhat understand what it means. (LE Vampire.End)
Carla talking about Yui: To think she would seem so fleeting, in such a fragile physical state. Even so, she continued to strongly express her feelings for me. My irreplaceable partner. (Daylight CD track.05)
Shin to Yui: You are all I need. There is nothing else I want. ...Be with me forever, okay? (DF Vampire.End)
Shin to Yui: I-I’m begging you…!! Don’t leave me…! …Ugh…Why? …Just when…I finally saw the light thanks to you…This just can’t be, right? (Daylight CD track.05)
Shin to Yui: Right now I realize that being able to submit to others when needed is a sign of strength as well. It does not matter if this other person belongs to another race, or if they’re the enemy of us Founders. …I refuse to give up. Not until the bitter end. No way in hell! This is my chance…to show you how strong I truly am! (Daylight CD track.05)
Kino to Yui: You taught me many important things...Such as how to love someone...and trust others. Thank you so much, truly. (LE Vampire.End)
Kino to Yui: At this Promised Land, I want to live together forever. With you, the person more dear to me than anything or anyone else in this world. I love you Yui. (LE Vampire.End)
Kino to Yui: I honestly didn’t think there would ever come a day where I get to speak these words but...Let me say them. I love you Yui. More than anyone, or anything else. You are precious to me...even more so than my own life. (LE Heaven.03)
Kino to Yui: Hehe, I can’t believe just hearing you say my name…fills me with so much joy. If only I had realized this sooner. (Daylight CD track.05)
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callmeklair · 1 year
chibi manga yui is the cutestttttt. my naive, cute, soft, adorable, sassy yui
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she is pissed off laito, no don't approach her......
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I love manga yui because we can see her ingame expressions in it
source: pinterest.
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afra-blueraz · 5 months
How diaboys will treat their plushie Yui headcanons:
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Shu likes to use it as a pillow more than anything else. Because he feels that he is sleeping on Yui's soft body and feels very good and can relax.
The doll is designed to smell like Yui, so sometimes instead of using it as a pillow, he prefers to hug it and sleep like a baby.
The fabric used in the doll is very soft and always reminds Shu of Yui.
After seeing this doll in stores, Reiji went to the market with a long coat, sunglasses and a mask to buy it without anyone recognizing it.
After buying the doll, Reiji hides it in the darkest places of his room so that none of his brothers find the doll because he is sure to be teased by them.
Although the triplets always know about Reiji's secrets and like to tease him.
Sometimes in his solitude Reiji puts the doll on his lap and starts combing its hair. By doing this, he feels that he is touching Yui's soft hair.
In his longings, he sniffs the doll to remind him of Yui.
Reiji loves to hold Yui's plush to sleep at night, but he is worried that his brothers will see him like this. That's why he never does it.
Ayato went to the store like Jet to buy the plushie.
He looks at the doll in surprise and giggles at how strange it looks. But it doesn't take long before he finds himself hugging and smelling the plushie.
Ayato sometimes thinks that Plushie and Yui are one and the same, and orders Plushie to make takoyaki for him.
(Oi Chichinashi, hurry up, make me takoyaki. Oh... I forgot you are just a doll. Hahaha, even your doll is Chichinashi.)
Kanato fell in love with Yui's plush doll with just one look. He thinks Yui can be Teddy's best friend.
Kanato always hugs Yui's plush toy with Teddy and never takes it away from him.
He likes to sew cute clothes for Yui's plushie. Because Yui is always his doll.
Sometimes he has a tea party with Teddy and Plushie Yui.
Laito falls in love with Yui's plush doll and thinks she is very cute.
Laito likes to hug her and talk to her. And sometimes he likes to have bad fantasies about plushies.
Like Reiji, Subaru goes to the store in clothes to buy dolls so that no one recognizes him.
After seeing the doll, he goes to the store like Jet to buy it, and be sure if he can't get the Yui plushie, he will blow up the whole store.
Subaru keeps Yui's plushie in his coffin and sleeps with her all the time.
Plushie Yui smells exactly like Yui and makes Subaru feel good.
Sometimes he looks at Plushie and thinks how cute and beautiful she is and how he can tell his feelings to Yui and he blushes and screams looking at Plushie.
At first Ruki didn't want to buy the plushie, but he couldn't resist it. The plushie was very cute and smelled good and reminded him of his angel.
Ruki buys a plushie and keeps it with him all the time. He hugs Plushie when he is reading a book, thinking that Yui is in his arms and they are reading a book together.
He strokes Yui's plushie hair and kisses her and talks to her as if she were real.
(My angel, do you like to read books together... Yui, you always seduce me.)
When Kou saw Yui's doll, he screamed like a fangirl and quickly went to the store to buy a plushie. He saw that other boys also bought Yui's plushie and got angry and bought all the dolls in the store so that no other boy could buy it.
He treats Yui's plushie like a cat. He buys it cat clothes and even gives it food.
He constantly hugs and squeezes Yui's plushie and thinks it is the cutest plushie in the world. He wished he could squeeze real Yui just as hard.
Yuma buys the plushie just because it makes him feel good because he's not very fond of dolls.
He sometimes puts the plushie in his garden so that he can see it while working and feel good.
Azusa falls in love with Yui's plushie. He buys a plushie and never takes it off. He even hugs it at school, even though Ruki keeps reminding him that it's embarrassing, but Azusa doesn't care.
He always smells Yui's plushie to make him feel that his beloved Eve is by his side.
He constantly kisses Yui's plushie and sometimes feels like he is kissing and caressing Yui.
Carla places Yui's plushie in his large art collection as if it were a rare and valuable piece of art.
According to him, the wife of a founder should be treated like queens and this plushie doll should be treated like a big art sculpture. She is the beloved wife of a founder.
Shin loves to hug Yui's plushie and sleep.
Sometimes, when he gets too emotional, he turns into a wolf and goes around Yui's plushie and licks it. He never shows it in front of Carla, but he loves Yui's plushies.
Kino is not interested in plushie dolls but Yui is his princesse and a princesse needs a prince.
Kino sometimes hugs plushie Yui and plays with it. Sometimes he wishes Yui was as good at video games as Plushie Yui.
What none of the boys can deny is that sleeping with a plushie Yui is the best feeling in the world.
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yuikomorii · 6 months
// Let’s go to the Demon World and get all those lipsticks! 🤭💗
It’s definitely not for April Fool’s Day xD
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diabolik-art-blog · 8 months
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I love this new illustration. My girl is the most beautiful bride in the world. I love how Yui's fans are so fast in drawing her T_T. Thank you guys. You all are amazing.
vxkwh on Twitter _ original post here
@uusercatt367 _ original post here
onebee01 on Twitter _ original post here
jo_chapP on Twitter _ original post here
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gagad · 2 months
Tell me the difference or I'm gonna shot u whith my gun
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reisprettytestsubject · 10 months
DL Master List |Hcs Pt.3
Updated: 06/01/24
Sakamaki | Mukami | Tsukinami + others
♥️School/Studying/Class with the S bros + K
♥️School/Studying/Class w the M & T bros
♥️Gardening w Yuma (Bf hcs)
♥️Yuma's Dream Girl
♥️The Diaboys react to Megan
♥️Mukami Boys Family + Household hcs
♥️Sakamaki & Tsukinami brothers Family + Household hcs
♥️Shin's Wolf Form (Bf hcs)
♥️Mukami's as single parents
♥️Academic Rivals to lovers w Reiji
♥️Where they like do it
♥️Subaru's girl smoking
♥️Reiji Teasing his lover
♥️Ruki and Reiji like the same woman
���️reaction to a girly gf
♥️can I stack donuts on it reaction
♥️online dating reaction
Dark Content/Realistic Hcs up ahead ♥️Their Italian names
♥️What happens to the Diaboys after Yui/Mc dies?
♥️The diaboy's handwriting
♥️Their age (more info)
♥️Shu irl hcs (has some crack pieces)
♥️Christa Sakamaki irl hcs
♥️Cordelia Sakamaki irl hcs
♥️Beatrix Sakamaki irl hcs
♥️Reiji's temper (not hcs)
♥️Karl having a relationship ship with his daughter
♥️ Who is capable of loving their S bride/how much do they value her?
♥️ Kanato Sakamaki NSFW Alphabet
♥️Azusa Mukami NSFW Alphabet
♥️Yuma Mukami NSFW Alphabet
♥️Sakamaki Mansion irl
♥️Reiji and Ruki realize they are in love w a girl
Collab posts with @/mikalara-dracula
♥️The boys as children irl
♥️Extended Vampire Ball Alphabet + Additional Hcs [Shu's Vers.]
♥️Nicknames they would give their s/o
♥️Diaboys having a wet dream
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Other DL Links;;
♥️DL General Questions Master List
♥️DL Hcs Master List Pt. 1
♥️DL Hcs Master List Pt. 2
♥️DL Aesthetic + Hcs Master List
♥️DL Stories
♥️Who's your boyfriend quiz?
Main/request at: @liannelara-dracula
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dialovers-lover-xoxo · 4 months
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fangsforiris · 5 months
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Original Template:
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I hope you stars take this in return for my tardiness as of late !!
For you <33 @batsandgore
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arandomyuikomorifan · 8 months
People alway ask who do you ship yui with? I am like I ship her with myself tf 😼
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The boys don’t deserve this beauty
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uusercatt367 · 7 months
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Redesign I did for her dress while English class
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yuishairclips · 8 months
Since we got new wedding Yui, lets talk about how iconic all her wedding looks are 🥹
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equinox-86 · 7 months
DL Meme Dump
mostly about LE
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afra-blueraz · 4 months
=== Diabolik Lovers Luv Pillow Time Headcanons ===
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Before going to sleep, Yui suggests to Shu to scroll social media.
Shu was not very interested in it, but he listened to her, but after a while, he got bored and decided to sleep. The first thing he likes to do is lie quietly on Yui's legs and sleep.
Shu does this and Yui complains. Shu puts a finger in front of her mouth so that she doesn't make so much noise and asks her to caress him instead of making noise.
Yui puffs her cheeks but has no other choice and starts stroking his hair slowly.
Shu enjoys this work very much. After a few hours, Yui fell asleep and Shu realized that Yui's hand was not moving until he saw that she was asleep.
Shu hugs her and closes his eyes to fall asleep while hugging Yui's soft body and smelling her sweet smell.
Reiji makes Yui a delicious tea. And Yui appreciates him with happiness and laughter.
Those two people drink tea and talk to each other for several hours.
Reiji won't admit it, but he loves spending time with Yui before bed, and he can't help but smile when Yui compliments his tea with a sweet smile.
After a short while, Reiji notices that Yui is tired. He arranges the bed and helps Yui lie down gently.
After doing his chores, Reiji goes back to the bed and falls asleep holding Yui in his arms.
Ayato makes the most stupid suggestions to Yui. Like attacking each other with pillows. Or drown someone else under the pillows. In the end, Yui decides to make takoyaki for Ayato.
Ayato eats the takoyaki with a smile and while surprisingly, praises Yui's good hand cooking.
Ayato falls asleep earlier than Yui and Yui tries to fit herself in Ayato's arms and sleep.
Kanato likes to invite Yui to a tea party for Teddy and his dolls before going to bed.
Yui talks to Teddy and Kanato's dolls and they have a beautiful tea party together.
Kanato sleeps holding Teddy in his arms and Yui throws the blanket over him and sleeps next to Kanato while holding his hand.
Laito suggests to Yui that they solve the crossword puzzle. The idea seemed too simple to Yui at first glance, and she was surprised that Laito didn't make more terrible suggestions.
However, Laito made a bet that if Yui couldn't guess every word correctly, Laito would punish her with a kiss.
Yui guessed that Laito might have another plan and as she thinks it was not an ordinary puzzle and every time Laito whispered the correct answer in her ear she couldn't stop herself from blushing and Laito kissed Yui again and again.
Yui fell asleep while sitting in Laito's arms.
Laito smiled and put the puzzle aside and placed one last kiss on Yui's cheek and fell asleep holding her in his arms.
Subaru has bought Yui a plushie toy to make her happy.
Yui screams with joy when she sees the plushie and hugs Subaru and kisses him.
Subaru, whose face is completely red, hugs Yui and takes her to his coffin.
" What? You don't expect me to sleep without my pillow? You have your pillow, I took mine. "
Subaru fell asleep hugging Yui tightly in the darkness of his coffin.
Ruki's favorite thing to do before going to bed is reading. He collects a collection of his favorite books to read to Yui.
Ruki tells Yui to sit in his arms, then reads to her while is holding Yui.
Yui listens to Ruki's stories while feeling his warmth and smiling.
Yui is slowly falling asleep in Ruki's arms. Ruki puts his book aside and sleeps next to Yui. He kisses her forehead and whispers in her ear. "Good night my cute angel"
Kou likes to sing to Yui before going to sleep, but Yui doesn't want them to disturb others' sleep with their noise.
For this reason, Yui suggests Kou to cook and try different pastas.
Yui and Kou have a sweet cooking time together and then they both go to bed to sleep.
Yuma has no interest in a bedtime party. He just wants Yui to go into his arms without any noise so that he can sleep peacefully with Yui's good smell after a hard day's work.
Yui puffs her cheeks and begs again and again. Yuma also inevitably accepts.
Yui will be very happy. She has already prepared a vase and asks Yuma to take care of it before going to sleep.
They give fertilizer and water to the flower. And Yui asks Yuma to talk to the flower.
Yuma laughs at Yui's silly request, but Yui confides that talking and loving flowers makes them grow better.
Yui takes Yuma's hand and starts talking to the flower. Yuma, who seems to have embraced all the love in the world, listens to Yui's words with a smile.
Yui falls asleep after a while. Yuma kisses Yui and sleeps next to her.
Azusa doesn't care what he does. He just likes to spend time with his beloved Eve.
Yui and Azusa reminisce and Azusa tells Yui about his knives.
Azusa talks about his love for Yui and Yui blushes. Then they sleep while hugging each other.
Carla enjoys talking to Yui about demon culture and their art, and Yui listens eagerly.
Carla caresses Yui's cheek and tells her that he is proud of how much she is trying to learn about demon culture and history as his future queen.
Yui smiles and thanks Carla. After Yui falls asleep, Carla kisses her forehead and sleeps next to her.
Shin prepares a package of peanuts and suggests to Yui that they have a competition who can break and eat the most with their teeth.
Shin does it very quickly because of his strong teeth, while Yui can't even break just one.
Shin laughs at her and pats her head like a baby to comfort her. He then breaks one himself and gives it mouth to mouth while kissing Yui and smiling.
At first, Kino hugs Yui and they play video games together. But Yui is not very interested in it.
That's why Yui suggests Kino to eat chocolate and talk.
They share chocolates with different flavors and spend sweet times together.
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yuikomorii · 8 months
// “Baby Adam and Eve can’t be possible!”
Then explain THIS:
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This event was my excuse to draw little Yui, and I have no idea when I'll finish it, but I felt it was a good time to upload this. I looove the new official artwork; they're all so cute!! 😭💘💘
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diabolik-art-blog · 9 months
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Happy 12th anniversary to our Queen and her harem boys. We love our queen ❤️.
Artist: Sui03__ on Twitter
You can find original post here. Follow and support this artist. Your support will make them happy.
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