bonguri · 9 months
20231210 Fujikawa-syuku 6 by Bong Grit Via Flickr: 称名寺さんには白象が設置されていました。 @Photo taken at Fujikawa-syuku, Okazaki city, Aichi pref. (愛知県岡崎市 藤川宿)
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O MELHOR DO JAPÃO I BEST OF JAPANNesse episódio vamos visitar NAra, a primeira capital do japão. Nara é a capital da prefeitura japonesa de Nara, na região central de Honshu. A cidade tem templos e artes que remetem ao século 8, quando era a capital do Japão. Animais rugem no parque Nara, local do templo Tōdai-ji. Daibutsu, o Buda em bronze de 15 m de Tōdai-ji, é exposto em um grande salão de madeira. No lado leste do parque está o santuário Shinto Kasuga Taisha, que data de 768 D.C. com mais de 3.000 lanternas.Vamos vizitar também HImeji. Himeji é uma cidade japonesa localizada na província de Hyōgo. Em 2003 a cidade tinha uma população estimada em 480 404 habitantes e uma densidade populacional de 1 742,55 h/km². Tem uma área total de 275,69 km². Recebeu o estatuto de cidade a 1 de Abril de 1889. O grande estrela da cidade é o castelo de Himeji. O Castelo de Himeji  também conhecido como Hakurojō ou Shirasagijō devido ao seu brilhante exterior branco, é um complexo palaciano com 82 edifícios de madeira é um espetáculo. Uma das mais antigas estruturas ainda existentes do Período Sengoku, é considerado como um Tesouro Nacional do Japão, tendo sido classificado como Património Mundial da Humanidade pela UNESCO, em Dezembro de 1993. Juntamente com o Matsumoto-jo e com o Kumamoto-jo, é um dos "Três Famosos Castelos" do Japão e o mais visitado do país.O castelo foi concebido e construído durante a Era Nanboku-cho do Período Muromachi. Nessa época, era chamado de Himeyama-jo (Castelo Himeyama). Em 1331, Akamatsu Sadanori planeou um castelo na base do Monte Himeji, onde Akamatsu Norimura havia construído o templo de Shomyoji. Depois da queda de Akamatsu, durante a Guerra de Kakitsu, o Clã Yamana tomou conta, por um curto período, dos planos do castelo; a família Akamatsu regressou depois da Guerra de Ōnin.Em 1580, Toyotomi Hideyoshi tomou controle do mal tratado castelo, e Kuroda Yoshitaka construiu uma torre com três andares. Depois da Batalha de Sekigahara, em 1601, Tokugawa Ieyasu concedeu o Castelo de Himeji a Ikeda Terumasa, o qual empreendeu um projecto de expansão que duraria nove anos, o qual trouxe ao castelo, grosso modo, a sua forma actual. "Apenas o portão Este de uma secção da segunda muralha" sobrevive do período anterior [1]. As últimas adições principais, o Círculo Ocidental, foi concluído em 1618.O Castelo de Himeji foi um dos últimos domínios dos tozama daimyō no final do Período Edo. Esteve na posse dos descendentes de Sakai Tadasumi até à Restauração Meiji. Em 1868, o novo Governo do Japão enviou o Exército Okayama, sob o comando dos descendentes de Ikeda Terumasa, com ordens para bombardear o castelo com cartuxos vazios e expulsar os seus ocupantes.Quando se aboliu o sistema han, em 1871, o castelo foi vendido em leilão por um valor de 23 yenes (actualmente 153 dólares). No entanto, o custo de desmantelar o castelo era irrisório, e como resultado o complexo foi abandonado.O Décimo Regimento de Infantaria ocupou o conjunto em 1874 e o Ministério da Guerra tomou controle deste em 1879. A torre principal foi restaurada em 1910, com o custo de 90.000 yenes retirados dos fundos públicos.A cidade de Himeji foi bombardeada em 1945, no final da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Apesar de a maior parte da área circundante ter sido completamente incendiada, o castelo sobreviveu sem sofrer danos, à excepção de alguns impactos das explosões nas redondezas.Os esforços para restaurar o castelo começaram em 1956, e durante o processo foram usados, apenas, equipamentos e métodos tradicionais, tendo o restauro ficado concluído em 1964.
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meishipro · 2 years
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【称名寺】東京・府中市 1月の御朱印「梅とウサギ」です。 1月のみ金文字になります。 メッセージカードのはさみ紙もかわいいです。 雲一つない青空に映えますね。 ⦅受付日⦆ 御朱印の受付は毎週水曜日~日曜日、午後1時~午後4時です。 #称名寺 #称名寺御朱印 #御朱印 #御朱印巡り #御朱印好きな人と繋がりたい #御朱印スタグラム #御朱印集め #御朱印めぐり #限定御朱印 #御朱印好き #御朱印男子 #御朱印部 #御朱印収集 #御朱印おじさん #御朱印拝受 #御朱印マニア #ご朱印 #ご朱印巡り #東京御朱印 #綺麗な御朱印 #カラフル御朱印 #かわいい御朱印 #goshuin #季節の御朱印 #temple Seasonal Goshuin at Shomyoji Temple in Fuchu, Tokyo https://www.instagram.com/p/CnRVtSZve9q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rollingtsuchinoko · 3 years
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月と橋 Shomyoji Temple
Kanazawa Ward, Kanagawa, Japan
32.5mm, f/9, 1/60
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kjs-life · 3 years
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#紅葉 #称名寺 #金沢文庫 #真言律宗別格本山の寺院 #本尊は弥勒菩薩 #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #写真撮ってる人と繋がりたい #キリトリセカイ #SnapShot #Autumn leaves #Shomyoji #Kanazawa Bunko #ShingonRisshu special Honzan temple (称名寺) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWP7C2_FYB7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Shōmyō-ji (称名寺) is a temple in Kamakura about an hour and change of a trip from where I’m staying. I stumbled upon it quite by accident, as I was actually intending to visit a different temple of the same name in Yokohama last Sunday. As it happened, I plotted the course to this temple into Google maps without checking to verify whether I was on the right track, only realizing my error en route. I’m glad that this is how things came to pass, though, since I had a fun visit.
Shōmyō-ji stands in a wooded area about a 45 minute walk away from Ofuna Station (I walked back to the station from the temple because I didn’t have bus change, but you can also bus it from Ofuna). Throughout the temple complex are several images of, among other beings, Jizō Bosatsu (a bodhisattva; Sk: Ksitigarbha) and Fudō Myōō (a wisdom king/bright king; Sk: vidyaraja). There’s also an icon of Dainichi Nyorai (Mahavairocana), one of the cosmic Five Great Buddhas. Dainichi Nyorai reigns over the cardinal direction of the center.
I’ve been really busy and thus haven’t had too much time to follow up on the history of this temple yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it is a Shingon Buddhist temple.
When one visits this temple, they will see a map by the entrance showing two possible pedestrian routes, but one of them is closed off for now. The other leads to a long stairway to an enclosure that houses 36 Dōji and beyond them, the Dainichi Nyorai image. The statue stands past the area where visitors may walk, so I don’t have any good photos of it, but the fourth through seventh photos show the array of Dōji that stand before him.
Going back down to the base of the staircase, if one turns right, there is a cemetery and past that, a waterfall leading into a stream. There are several images of Fudō Myōō in that area (pictured in the last two photos), including a grouping enclosed in a caved area. It was a truly beautiful space - I wish my photos did it justice.
I was also excited that people who were visiting the temple spoke to me. Because this temple is not a high profile, famous place (to the best of my understanding), it is probably less common for foreigners to visit. They approached me to ask where I’m from, how I got there, why I decided to visit, etc., and were generally very nice to me, even though I was not on top of my game in terms of my speaking skills.
All in all it was a really great experience, and one of the few times when Google maps’ famed incompetence in Japan yielded positive results.
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pix4japan · 4 years
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Temple Bell and Belfry The bell that is currently hanging in the belfry was cast in the year 1301 and weighs in at 375 kg (827 lbs.). The bell is still struck during festivals, especially during festivities on New Year's Eve. Portfolio: https://pix4japan.myportfolio.com Pentax KP 40 mm ISO 100 for 1/15 sec. at ƒ/4.5
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fujiwara57 · 7 years
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YOKOHAMA  Shōmyō-ji temple.
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travelingteaparty · 7 years
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I went around town today🌸
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rshiroma · 7 years
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yousakana · 3 years
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勝名寺(しょうみょうじ) Shomyoji temple https://yousakana.jp/shomyoji-temple/ The hydrangea garden in which about 1,500 of the flowers can be seen is open in June and July at Shomyoji temple, Kagawa pref., Japan. It is famous for its some kinds of flowers (hydrangeas / lotus / sweet-flags) and is also known as ‘Hana no tera’ (The Temple of flowers). 不動山 勝名寺(しょうみょうじ) 宗派:真宗 興正派 住所:香川県高松市西植田町4068 紫陽花の見頃:6月中~下旬頃 紫陽花祭り:6月第2土曜日 駐車場・休憩所・トイレあり Fudozan Shomyoji temple Address : 4068 Nishi-Ueta town, Takamatsu city, Kagawa pref., Japan [Google Maps] Season of hydrangea garden : From middle to end of June (勝名寺) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQAt6gmgeFW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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meishipro · 2 years
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【称名寺】東京・府中市 11月の御朱印「紅葉とどんぐり」です。 pic2の10月の御朱印と並べると、紅葉🍁が全面に映えて、よりお月さま🌕が目立ちますね。 ⦅受付日⦆ 御朱印の受付は毎週水曜日~日曜日、午後1時~午後4時です。 ※13日の日曜日はお休みです #称名寺 #称名寺御朱印 #御朱印 #御朱印巡り #御朱印好きな人と繋がりたい #御朱印スタグラム #御朱印集め #御朱印めぐり #限定御朱印 #御朱印好き #御朱印男子 #御朱印部 #御朱印収集 #御朱印おじさん #御朱印拝受 #御朱印マニア #ご朱印 #ご朱印巡り #東京御朱印 #綺麗な御朱印 #カラフル御朱印 #かわいい御朱印 #goshuin #季節の御朱印 #temple Seasonal Goshuin at Shomyoji Temple in Fuchu, Tokyo (府中市 称名寺) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck0TXqnv_6K/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rentlifeagency · 7 years
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Let Rent Life assist you with your search for a standard 2-year lease or a short-term furnished apartment. We can help you find an apartment in the heart of the city or in a neighborhood near a beautiful Japanese garden like that of the Shomyo-ji Temple grounds. (Shomyo-ji Temple grounds with pond and arched bridge in Kanazawa, Yokohama, Japan.) © Caubarrere Piché. All rights reserved. Used by Rent Life, Co., Ltd. with permission.
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kjs-life · 3 years
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#紅葉 #称名寺 #金沢文庫 #真言律宗別格本山の寺院 #本尊は弥勒菩薩 #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #写真撮ってる人と繋がりたい #キリトリセカイ #SnapShot #Autumn leaves #Shomyoji #Kanazawa Bunko #ShingonRisshu special Honzan temple (称名寺) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWP62X9lwMl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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