#Shotha in Ayurveda
dheemahi · 11 months
Rheumatoid Arthritis treatment in Kerala - Dheemahi Kumarakom
Exploring Ayurvedic Solutions for Rheumatoid Arthritis in Kerala
Understanding Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) in Ayurveda
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune condition where the body's defense system mistakenly attacks joints, causing swelling and pain. In Ayurveda, this correlates with "amavata," characterized by elevated vata aggravated by metabolic toxins impacting the joints. Shared symptoms include joint pain, stiffness, and inflammation.
Contributing Lifestyle Factors
Several lifestyle factors, such as Virudhahara (incompatible food combinations), Mandagni (weak digestion), and Snigdhahara Bhojanam (consumption of oily foods), can contribute to the formation of ama and exacerbate amavata.
Recognizing Cardinal Symptoms
Key symptoms of amavata include Sandhi shoola (joint pain), Sandhi shotha (joint swelling), Stabdhata (joint stiffness), Sparshashatva (joint tenderness), and Sashabda sandhi (crepitation in joints).
General Signs and Symptoms
Amavata manifests as Angamarda (bodyache), Aruchi (loss of appetite), Trishna (excessive thirst), Alasya (lethargy), Gaurava (heaviness), Jvara (fever), and Apaka (indigestion).
Ayurvedic Management Strategies
Shamana Chikitsa (Conservative Treatment)
Langhana: Fasting or depletion to eliminate accumulated ama.
Deepana: Boosting digestive fire (agni) to improve digestion.
Pachana: Therapies aiding digestion to eliminate undigested material.
Shodhana Chikitsa (Biological Purification)
Snehapana: Consumption of medicated oils or ghee for internal lubrication.
Swedana: Fomentation or sweating therapies to open channels and eliminate toxins.
Virechana: Purgation therapy using natural laxatives.
Basti: Enema therapy to remove doshas and toxins.
External Ayurvedic Treatments
Podikizhi: Poultices with herbal powders for joint pain and inflammation.
Valuka Swedam: Sand fomentation to improve blood circulation.
Dhanyamla Dhara: Application of warm herbal decoction to reduce inflammation.
Naranga Kizhi: Herbal poultices for pain relief and improved mobility.
Lepanam: Application of medicated herbal pastes to reduce pain and inflammation.
Upnaham: Application of medicated bandages for joint support.
Benefits of Choosing Kerala for Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment
Kerala is renowned for authentic Ayurvedic treatments and Panchakarma therapies. Dheemahi Ayurvedic Village in Kerala stands out for its specialized approach, utilizing natural surroundings, a serene atmosphere, and expert practitioners.
Dheemahi Ayurvedic Village: Premier Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment Center
Dheemahi offers a holistic approach, combining curative therapies, Panchakarma, and personalized treatment plans. Expert doctors provide daily consultations, ensuring comprehensive care and supervision throughout the treatment.
Personalized Care at Dheemahi Ayurveda
Dheemahi prioritizes patient health through a rich Ayurvedic tradition. Routine follow-ups and doctor supervision in every therapy ensure reliability and effectiveness, particularly for chronic conditions.
In Conclusion
Rheumatoid Arthritis treatment in Kerala, exemplified by Dheemahi, provides a comprehensive solution for individuals seeking relief from rheumatoid arthritis. The holistic approach, traditional therapies, and expert care contribute to healing and overall well-being. Opting for Dheemahi ensures a therapeutic environment focused on health and vitality.
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Ayurveda works on the principle of Ahar (a balanced and nutritious diet), Vihar (a regulated lifestyle) and Aushadh (herbo-mineral formulations). This trifecta works wonders and reverses damages inflicted on your pancreas, thus curing an otherwise dangerous disease like pancreatitis, in a pain-free manner. Ayurvedic protocol helps in managing imbalances and restoring homeostasis in the body.
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vaidyanamah · 2 years
Shotha | शोथ : Symptoms, Treatment - Modern correlation
Shotha | शोथ : Symptoms, Treatment – Modern correlation
शोथ (Shotha) या ‘श्वयथ्‘ शब्द ‘टुओश्वि-गतिवृद्ध्योः‘ से ‘टुओ’ की इत्संज्ञा कर शिव से वृद्धि अर्थ में अथुच् प्रत्यय लगाने पर ‘श्वयथु‘ शब्द बनता है, जिसका अर्थ= बढ़ा हुआ होता है। शोथ किसे कहते हैं:- शोथ/Shotha (swelling/ oedema) के समान कारणों वाले जो ग्रन्थि, विद्रधि, अलजी आदि रोग हैं तथा जिनकी आकृतियाँ भी अनेक प्रकार की हैं। उनसे भिन्न, पृथु, ग्रथित, सम या विषम, त्वचा और मांस के आश्रित एक, दो…
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ayushaktiayurveda · 2 years
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Edema is swelling caused by excess fluid trapped in your body's tissues. Although Edema can affect any part of your body, you may notice it more in your hands, arms, feet, ankles and legs. Edema can be the result of medication, pregnancy or an underlying disease often congestive heart failure, kidney disease or cirrhosis of the liver.
Edema is explained in Ayurveda as Shotha or Shopha. Edema conditions affects in various areas on the body such as face, feet and so forth or all through the body or a half of the body.
In edema there is the leakage of blood veins because of that liquid get released into nearby tissues. This extra liquid accumulation results in tissues enlarging or swelling.
Despite the fact that it generally shows as a symptoms in many diseases connected with vital organs like kidney, liver, heart, lungs, brain, uterus and so on.
FOR MORE INFO VISIT - http://ayushakti.com/symptoms-and-illness/type/the-concept-of-edema-from-ayurvedas-perspective
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21digitalmarketing · 5 years
Ayurvedic Regimen for Rheumatoid Arthritis [Amavata]
“Rheumatoid Arthritis” is a chronic- disabling and progressive autoimmune disease that causes inflammation (swelling). There is severe pain in the joints, the tissue around the joints, joint deformities. Rheumatoid Arthritis has is called Amavata in Ayurveda, in which Vata and Ama afflict pain in the lining of the joints, which causes Shula (pain) & Shotha (swelling).
Treating Amavata –The Ayurvedic Way—
The treatment for ‘Amavata’ includes Shamana (conservative) and Shodhana (biological purification of the body) Chikitsa. Depending on the stages (acute/chronic) and the Doshas involved, many measures are advised. They are Langhana (a method of depletion of body tissues), Deepana (increase digestive fire), and Pachana (digestion of food) for accumulated Ama [ undigested material]. Snehapana (oleation), Swedana (therapy that uses herbal steam), Virechana (purgation) and Basti (enema therapy) for use in the elimination of Doshas from the body.
The medicines used in the management of Amavata should be Katu (pungent) Tikta (bitter) Rasa (taste); Ushna (hot in potency), Laghu (easily digestible) and Tikshna (property of penetrating through tissues).
*To-Do Ahara: [FOOD]
The critical ‘Pathya Ahara’ (strict diet) to be followed, includes-
Cereals: Dhanya --Purana/Shasti Shali (rice), and Yava (Barley).
Pulses: Chanaka (Bengalgram), Kalaya (Pisumsativum), Kulattha (horse gram), Kodrava.
Shaka (vegetables): Shigru (drumstick), Ardraka (ginger), Rasona (garlic), Karavellaka (bitter guard), Patola (pointed guard), Vastuka (ridged guard), Mulaka (radish)
Liquids: Boiled water, Panchakola Siddha Jala [herbal water]
Cow products: Takra (buttermilk).
Not to Do---Apathya / Contraindicated foods
Food - Guru Ahara (heavy to digest), Dadhi (curd), fish, raw sugar, Masha (black gram), Kalushita Jala (contaminated water).
Vihara: Specific Pattern
Divaswapna (Day sleeping), Ratri Jagarana (night awakening), Ajirnashana (eating without the feel of appetite), overeating, Vishamashana (eating at odd timings), physical exertion just after eating, exposure to cold, sedentary lifestyle etc. must be avoided.
Abhyanga--External oil application using
Visha Garbha Taila
Pancha Guna Taila
Kottamchukadi Taila
Brihat Saindhavadi Taila
Karpooradi Taila, can be beneficial in arthritic pain.
Meet our Ayurvedic Vaidya at ‘The Madras Institute of Ayurveda’ Chennai [MIA], to learn more about how these treatments can be beneficial. This centre of Ayurvedic medicine and treatment in Chennai follows age-old traditional regimen with modern techniques, ranging from Panchakarma treatment to Rejuvenation therapy. It includes facilities for a whole range of quality treatments with the highest standards and finest traditions dating back to Vedic times. So, come to MIA, Chennai and get a full range of treatment options or log on to www.miayurveda.org for queries.
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rajatgarg79 · 6 years
Ayurvedic medicine, treatment and remedies for Swelling (Edema)
Swelling refers to the enlargement of a body part, which is caused due to fluid buildup or inflammation. Swelling can either be localised (in one section of the body) or generalised (all over the body). Some people experience a slight swelling in the legs, especially in the lower legs, due to walking or standing for a long time. It more frequently reported in the warmer months of the year. This is an example of localised swelling. Generalised swelling occurs in case of chronic or severe disease or in case of organ failure.
Swelling or oedema is of two types – pitting (when the swollen area is pressed, it leaves a dent, which gradually fills back) and non-pitting (no dent is seen when the swollen area is pressed).
The Ayurvedic term for swelling is shotha. As per Ayurveda, swelling in the body occurs due to a disturbance in organ function. Heaviness in the body and discolouration of the swollen part are some of the general symptoms of swelling.
Ayurvedic procedures of abhyanga (oil massage), lepas (coating the affected body part with medications) and raktamokshana (bloodletting) help get rid of the excess dosha and toxins in the body. Arjuna, shunthi (dried ginger), eranda (castor) and punarnava (red hogweed) are some of the herbs used to reduce swelling. Ayurvedic preparations of chandraprabha gutika, punarvasava, dashamoolarishta and arogyavardhini vati are effective in reducing swelling. Including old rice, buttermilk, horseradish, radish and pointed gourd in the daily diet and avoiding incompatible food combinations, sexual intercourse and long walks will help improve oedema.
from myUpchar.com के स्वास्थ्य संबंधी लेख via https://www.myupchar.com/en/disease/swelling/ayurveda
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From The Vault: Dr. Amarprakash P. Dwivedi, M.S. (Ayu.), Ph.D. (Scholar - MUHS, Nashik) - Senior Residence Officer, Shalyatantra Department ABSTRACT: Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH) is a common condition in men above 50, characterized by a non-malignant enlargement of the prostate. The clinical features include incomplete emptying, frequency, intermittency, weak stream, straining & nocturea. Ayurveda looks at this senile problem in a different way. This B.P.H. can be correlated with Vata-ashthila, described by Acharya Sushruta. Drugs advocated in Ayurvedic texts not only take care of the symptoms, but also aims to break the pathology. All this has inspired us to conduct clinical trials of Phytotherapy treatment comprising Ghana of Ashwagandha, Varun, Gokshur, Haritaki & Punarnava in the patients of B.P.H. The statistics obtained revealed that the Phytotherapy combination (Tab. EASYPROST) effectively reduce the symptoms of B.P.H. and worked as good as the highly selective a 1 blocker (Tamsulosin hydrochloride). Introduction: Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (B.P.H.) is characterized by a non-malignant enlargement of the prostate resulting from excessive cellular growth of both the glandular and the stromal elements of the gland. Due to the enlargement of prostate gland, a group of symptoms develop which is called as Prostatism. Prostatism is divided into two groups: Obstructive Irritative Hesitancy – worsened if the bladder is very full Frequency Dysuria - Poor flow – unimproved by straining Nocturea Intermittent stream – stops and starts Urgency Dribbling – including after micturition Urge incontinence Episodes of near retention Nocturnal Sensation of poor bladder emptying incontinence Aetiology of B.P.H.: The aetiology of BPH is unknown. One hypothesis infers that the prostate converts testosterone to a more powerful androgen called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which stimulates cell growth in the tissue that lines the prostate gland (the glandular epithelium) and is the major cause of the rapid prostate enlargement. Incidence and Epidemiology: Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH) is a common condition in older men; approximately 50% of men aged 60 years and 90% of those aged 85 years present with BPH. In India, prostatic hypertrophy is common over the age of 60 years. Established Treatment of B.P.H. Conservative medical management - For Curative relief – 5 alpha reductase inhibitors like Finasteride and Dutasteride and for Symptomatic relief – Alpha blockers like Terazosin, Doxazosin, Tamsulosin, and Alfuzosin are given. However, these medicines have got side effects and adverse effects like Sexual dysfunction, Postural hypotension, Asthenia and Dizziness, etc. Similarly, long-term therapy is required to maintain the benefits. Surgical procedures - Supra pubic Prostatectomy, Retro pubic Prostatectomy, Transurethral prostatectomy, Perineal prostatectomy, Laser treatment & Microwave treatment. However, TURP, i.e. transurethral resection of the prostate, has been the mainstay of treatment. B.P.H. and Ayurveda: There is a lot of similarity between Vata-ashthila described by Acharya Sushruta and B.P.H. Vata-ashthila is said to develop due to vitiated Vayu which gets lodged in the space between Basti and Guda and gives rise to a hard, thick cystic (Granthi sadrushya) structure, which is non-shifting in character and produces various obstructive and irritative urinary symptoms and cause pain in the bladder. These symptoms and cystic (Granthi sadrushya) structure can be correlated with B.P.H. Need for Herbal approach in the Management of BPH: In patients of BPH, treating only the symptoms is not sufficient. Modern medicines, though effective, have a number of side effects. Similarly surgical techniques demand not only money factor, but also there are many other complications after surgery. Additionally, about 20 to 25% of patients do not have a long-term satisfactory outcome from surgery. Herbal drugs advocated in Ayurvedic texts not only takes care of symptoms of BPH, but also aims to break the pathology & improves quality of life of patient with B.P.H. Similarly, Phytotherapy gives curative relief along with the symptomatic relief to the patients of B.P.H. They are cost effective and free from any adverse effect. Aims and objectives of the study: The study entitled “Randomized Controlled clinical study of Phytotherapy combination (Tab. EASYPROST) in the patients of B.P.H. (Grade I & II)”primarily aims at evaluating the treatment result in B.P.H. First line therapy – To substitute Medical Therapy for Surgery in the patients of B.P.H.– Grade I & II, free from adverse reactions and side effects of Allopathic drugs. Economic Therapy – To give cost effective treatment in the patients of B.P.H. Materials and Methods Title of the study - “Randomized Controlled clinical study of Phytotherapy combination (Tab. EASYPROST) in the patients of B.P.H. (Grade I&II)”. Type of study - Open Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. Centre of study - Dr. D. Y. Patil Ayurvedic Hospital, Nerul, Navi Mumbai. Sample size - 60 (30 + 30) Grouping of patients – Randomly selected patients were divided into: Group A – Tab. EASYPROST (Phytotherapy combination) Group B – Capsule of Tamsulosin Hydrochloride 0.4 mg Duration of treatment - 3 months for both the groups. Follow Up – Every 3 weeks. Criteria for the selection of the patients Inclusion criteria: Male patients around the age of 50, Prostrate size Grade I & II Exclusion criteria: Complicated B.P.H. with Grade III, Ca prostate, Diabetes Mellitus, Oliguria, Stricture Urethra, Major disease like HIV, Liver cirrhosis, Koch’s, IHD, Nephrotic syndrome, etc. Baseline assessment & Investigations: Investigations: All Routine investigations CBC, ESR, BSL, BUN, Sr. Creatinine, Urine R/M, etc., Digital rectal examination (DRE), USG for prostate to observe weight and size of the prostate, Post- void residual urine volume (before and after treatment), PSA (Prostate specific antigen) and AUA Score (American Urological Association Symptom Score). Assessment of Efficacy of Therapy The assessment of the effect of therapy was totally based on the standard AUA symptom score. Symptomatic relief of the patient was the main aim and the effect of therapy was assessed in terms of: Cured 100% relief, in all symptoms. Relieved 75% to 100% relief in the symptoms. Markedly Improved 50% to 75% relief in the symptom. Improved 25% to 50% relief in the symptoms. Unchanged Less than 25% or no relief to symptoms Drugs and Doses Group A - Tab. EASYPROST (Phytotherapy combination) - Two tablets twice a day for three months, with luke warm water. Ashwagandha Ghana (Withania somnifera) - 100 mg Varun Ghana (Crataeva nurvala) - 100 mg Gokshura Ghana (Tribulis terrestris) - 100 mg Haritaki Ghana (Terminalia chebula) - 100 mg Punarnava Ghana(Boerhavia diffusa) - 100 mg Group B – (Alpha blocker) - Capsule of Tamsulosin Hydrochloride 0.4 mg 1 H.S. for three months. Drug Profile: Drug Doshaghnata Rogaghanata Pharmacological activities Ashwagandha(Withania somnifera) Kapha Vata  shamak Granthishotha Mootraghata Antibacterial, Immuno modulatory Antitumor, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Antispasmodic, Analgesic, Cytoprotective Varun(Crataeva nurvala) KaphaVata shamak Pittavardhak Vranshoth, Gulma, Vidradhi, Shool, Ashmari, Bastishool, Mootrakrichra Diuretic, Lithotriptic, Antibacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Stimulant, Astringent, Spasmolytic, Corticosteroid like activity Gokshura(Tribulis terrestris) Vata Pitta shamak Nadidaurbalya, Ashmari, Mootrakrucha, Bastishoth Diuretic, Aphrodisiac, Antiinflammatory, Lithotriptic, Astringent, Analgesic, Antiurolithialic, Muscle relaxant Excellent result in UTI Haritaki(Terminalia chebula) Tridosha shamak, especially Vatashamak Shotha, Ashmari, Vedanayuktavikara, Vrana, Shoola, Gulma, Mootrakrichchra, Mootraghata Astringent, Diuretic, Anti-inflammatory, Antiseptic, Antifungal, Antibacterial, Laxative, Carminative, Digestive, Antispasmodic Punarnava(Boerhavia diffusa) Tridosh shamak Shoth, Mutrakrichchra Diuretic, Hepatoprotective, Anti-inflammatory, Antibacterial, Antifibrinolytic, Antiviral agent Group B Tamsulosin hydrochloride (Symptomatic relief – Alpha blockers) This drug relaxes smooth muscles, especially in the urinary tract and prostate. Helps relieve BPH symptoms, but do not reduce the size of the prostate. Helps to improve urine flow and reduce risk of bladder obstruction. Also, it increases the urine flow rate significantly in 90 minutes after administration of a single dose. Adverse effects: Postural hypotension, retro-grade ejaculation, dizziness, asthenia. Indications and usage: Treatment of symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Dosage and administration: PO 0.4 mg/day, administered approximately 30 minutes following the same meal each day. If the patient fails to respond after 2 to 4 weeks, the dose may be increased to 0.8 mg/day. Method: A good clinical examination was done and patients with Grade I & II of B.P.H were selected in the study randomly. After starting the treatment, patients were called for visit after 1 week and were asked for the compliance of the tablet and side effects or the adverse effect, if any. No such adverse effects were found and so the treatment was then continued with the patient thoroughly examined in every 3 weeks. The AUA Score was assessed and a Digital rectal examination was carried out in 3 weeks. Statistical analysis was done from the data obtained and final results were found out. Statistical Analysis Parametric tests for objective Parameters (Quantitative Data, i.e. Improvement in Physical parameters & improvement in haematological parameters) Non –Parametric test for subjective parameters (Qualitative Data, i.e. Relief in Symptoms) Observation and Results Assessment of observed Parameters Table showing effect on general AUA symptom (Score of 30 patients of B.P.H.) GROUP A Sr. No. Symptoms BT AT Difference % of Relief 1 Incomplete Emptying 45 3 42 93.33 2 Frequency 95 24 71 74.73 3 Intermittency 38 4 34 89.47 4 Urgency 86 11 75 87.20 5 Weak stream 58 7 51 87.93 6 Straining 40 7 33 82.50 7 Nocturea 88 21 67 76.13 GROUP B Sr.No. Symptoms BT AT Difference % of Relief 1 Incomplete Emptying 48 6 42 89.36 2 Frequency 103 28 75 72.81 3 Intermittency 37 2 35 94.59 4 Urgency 78 6 72 92.30 5 Weak stream 65 9 56 86.15 6 Straining 58 5 53 91.37 7 Nocturea 84 17 67 79.76 WILCOXON TEST Sr. No. Symptoms Group A Group B 1 Incomplete Emptying 3.51 P Read the full article
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hebbarjv · 7 years
Ayurvedic Treatment For Pedal Edema: Principles, Panchakarma, Limitations
Ayurvedic Treatment For Pedal Edema: Principles, Panchakarma, Limitations
Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S Swelling caused by different causes and having different presentations are covered in the topic ‘Shotha’ in Ayurveda. Most of the causes of pedal edema (foot swelling), leg swelling and ankle swelling explained in modern medicine fall under the ‘Shotha’ category. Treatment of foot, leg and ankle swelling caused due to different causes may be…
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Pancreatitis Symptoms, Causes and Ayurvedic Treatment Ayurveda says pancreatitis is caused by a toxic imbalance between the Vata and Pitta doshas, brought by obesity, a fat-rich diet, chain-smoking, alcohol abuse, and in some cases gallbladder stones, autoimmune diseases, pancreatic injury, chronic inflammation and diabetes. Pancreatitis (Agnyasaya Shotha) is a dangerous disease and so, if you face any prolonged abdominal pain, foul-smelling stool, jaundice, nausea, unusual weight loss and chronic weakness, talk to us right away.
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ayushaktiayurveda · 2 years
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Ayurveda describe swelling or Edema as Shotha. It is also known as Shopha or Shvayathu. It is wide term covering local swellings to inflammation of internal organs such as bronchitis, pancreatitis etc.
Improper diet and lifestyle aggravates Tridoshas and creates Ama. This vitiate towards Rasa & Rakta vaha channels and move all over body. It get saturated in weak immune area. Vitiated Vata causes pain. Vitiated Kapha creates obstruction and vitiated Pitta increase inflammation. This is known as Edema.
With the change in our day-to-day lifestyle, dietary patterns and few home remedies we can reduce swelling and manage pain and uneasiness experienced by swollen legs because of Edema.
Also Read: The Concept of Edema From Ayurveda’s  Perspective
For more info visit - https://ayushakti.com/diet-and-food/type/5-most-effective-home-remedies-for-edema
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