#Shower Lift Valve
unsanitarystation · 4 months
Minibots are for being held lifted by their larger partners, with hands under their spread knees and spike deep in their valve why they pee. I imagined it with Skids and Swerve, but maybe.... Minimus and Rodimus? In the shower? With Minimus commanding to stop so he can pee like a normal bot, not an animal? And Rodders begging to let his dick stay inside, 'cuz they're already in the washrack, it's gonna be fine and etc?
yessss that's hot. A little minibot held under their knees, valve twitching around the spike in their valve, waste tank constantly assaulted as the bigger mech thrusts them up and down on their spike... They can't help themself, pissing hard all over the floor in a high arch...
Minimus would be very embarrassed if his waste tank failed like that... He'd gasp and shake as he's forced to watch his pussy piss all over the shower wall, cumming around Rodimus' dick with the sudden relief <33
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trashmouth-richie · 2 years
twin flames masterlist
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WARNING: mentions of homelessness, rough times etc
W.C 3.5k
A/N: guess who’s back…. Back again. Sorry this took so long!!! 🫣
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Oh my god. What happened to him? Why is he living on the streets?! Tears prick at your eyes as you frantically run to him, discarding the bags in your arms. “Eddie! Eddie! Are you okay?” You remove the vest from his head and move aside his blonde matted hair.
A mixture of suntanned, leathery burnt skin stares at you, “Hey this mine! Git yer own!” The appearance shocks you, it wasn’t him. This poor man was not your Eddie.
Your heart breaks for a second time. The temporary tape on your heart mending it together in hopes that this poor man was in fact Eddie, is now peeling back faster than a greedy child opening a Christmas present. You were upset but needed answers. The vest meant that Eddie was here at some point in time and either lost it or donated it, but you could hardly think that he would give it away.
“Wh-where did you get the vest! It’s my friends—where did you find it?!” you ask angrily, your mother trying to drag you back from him by your upper arms.
“Found it, fair ‘n square! Out by the motel off’d the innerstate. Jus layin’ there.”
“Thank you sir,” your mother says, cautiously handing him a $20 bill.
She guides you away, holding you and the bags as you cry into her shoulder. What happened to him? Was he hurt? Injured? Lying in a hospital somewhere? Dead? Where the fuck is he?
The ride home is quick considering your hysterical crying ended up with you involuntarily falling asleep against the window, waking to find that your mom was just pulling into the driveway. The ache behind your eyes is too much, pressing into your head like coiled springs in a mattress—ready to spring free from the weight of your tears and anguish. Throwing yourself out of the car you gather the shopping bags and head inside, your mother quick on your heels.
“Honey, are you— are you alright?” She asks, eyebrows knitted with worry shoulders sagging in defeat.
You shake your head back and forth slowly, letting the weight of today consume you again as a sob racks your entire body. “I just need to lay down,” you blubber through an overflow of tears. She nods and takes the bags out of your hands, guiding you through the front door and watching you rush up the stairs to your room. Flopping onto you bed, your mind spirals out of control.
Why? Why did he leave? Why did he run to Indianapolis? Is he okay?
A thousand questions split your head, scattering around it like lightning breaking against a blackened sky. Your heart aches for him, it feels like it’s in a blender, swirling around, breaking down its soft edges, making it a bloody valve smoothie. The love you had for him was deeper than anything you’ve ever felt, it wasn’t a first kind of love all pristine and painted with daisies. This love was deeper than that. The fact that he was gone now and you not only didn’t know where he was but he possibly wasn’t safe. The thought of Eddie dead, lying somewhere on a cold street alone, body twisted and broken made you want to puke. No thinking now. You run to the connected bathroom and puke again and again until there is nothing left. Tears cloud your vision as the memories of just weeks ago in this very bathroom invade your head.
[Lighting a few candles and moving your essentials from the shower over to the edge of the tub, you turn out the lights. You remove your panties and Eddie his socks, the only clothing he had remaining. Eddie climbs in and you climb in after him, wedging yourself between his long skinny legs, leaning back against him.
This is paradise. The soft flicker of the candles casting dancing shadows against the walls in the bathroom. Eddie is humming along to music only he can hear. He lifts your left arm up and strums a guitar on your stomach moving his left fingers frantically across your arm for the frets. He sings in your ear. ]
A smile breaks across your lips at how simple things were in that moment, how desperately in love with you he was. His simple touches, feeling of his hands in your hair. The memory now feeling like a drunken night, remembering patches of the truth, a black out of if this really happened or not. He was everywhere, all around you. There wasn’t a single place in your home that a ghost of him didn’t surround. You needed him, didn’t he need you? Didn’t he love you anymore? Didn’t he care about all the times you had in the short amount of time you two had known, loved, and cared for one another. The passion behind your love, the twin flames energy bringing you both together, fighting to stay together, for you love to last. Was that all for nothing? Steve going to rehab, Mike Wheeler shooting Billy?! All of that was for him to just up and leave? Cast you aside like a used condom? Wash away all of his feelings for you in the rain that night as he screamed and was tortured by his own demons, projecting them onto you? No. You needed answers and you needed them now.
You wipe your mouth and stand up, looking at yourself in the mirror, you had seen better days. The hallows of your cheeks were deepened, the sparkle in your eye hadn’t been seen in months. You turn the sink on and splash some water onto your face. You grab your purse and immediately head down the stairs, pushing yourself faster to get your shoes on, get into your own car and drive to Hawkins, hoping to catch Wayne before he goes to work.
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“…I mean it’s a lead right?” you flew to Hawkins in record time, catching Wayne right before he was getting ready to leave for work, explaining everything you had seen and what the homeless man told you.
Wayne rubs his scruffy beard, pacing around the small kitchen, “yeah it is, I’d put money on it. Goddamn boy, what the hell is he doing in Indianapolis?!”
“I’m going back, I’m gonna find him, Wayne and bring him home.”
“Darlin’ you can’t go alone.” Wayne protests, “I swear if anything happened to you, your daddy’d kill me, and I’d never forgive myself. Let me make a few calls and we will go together.” He leans forward quickly standing on his feet and making his way to the old phone hanging from the wall.
Wayne calls his work and tells them he won’t be in. You had both agreed to take your car since there was more room. “I’m gonna fill your car up quick, call your folks and let ‘em know what’s going on, I don’t want them thinking that you ran off too, they don’t want to know what that feels like.” He blinks back tears and grabs one of many caps hung by the door.
After calling your parents and explaining to them that you were going with Wayne to look for Eddie, your father had agreed to call anyone he knew in Indianapolis to keep an eye out for him. You decided to call Gareth, the only other person who might know Eddie better than you or Wayne. All of you together knowing Eddie on different levels.
Gareth had agreed to go with, almost giddy at the opportunity. He rushed down to the Forest Hills Trailer Park on his bike, the wind whipping between the tufts of the moppy honeyed curls on his head.
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“Did you see anything else?” Gareth pipes up from the passenger seat. You were crammed in three across the single cab of Wayne’s pick up chugging along to Indianapolis.
“Just the vest, and the motel the guy mentioned.”
“God what the hell man?” Gareth snips, “Sorry, Mr. Munson.” Gareth checked, an awkward look upon his face.
Wayne shoots a glance over at Gareth, shrugs and says, “have you met Eddie? He isn’t exactly Mr. Proper.”
Gareth laughs, “I mean I get you guys broke up or whatever but he didn’t just leave you, he left all of us. Corroded Coffin, Hellfire Club— like none of it mattered to him, I’m gonna kick his ass when we find him.”
“Might have to beat Wayne to get to him first.” you smile softly as you look straight ahead, a smirk jumps across Wayne’s face.
You were so wrapped up in the way that you were hurt by Eddie that you hadn’t even given it a thought on how anyone else but you and Wayne were hurting from his disappearance. He abandoned everyone who loved him in Hawkins, anyone who had ever cared for him. It was sad, and you weren’t the only one who was clearly upset about it.
The drive wasn’t long, your car adding to the soft hums of some oldies radio station Wayne had insisted on listening too. The closer and closer you got to Indianapolis, the more worried you became, “Off the interstate?” Wayne asked, rubbing his scruffy beard.
You nod your head yes and intake a big breath. “What if—what if I’m wrong Wayne?” Tears threatening to spill over your lashes, as you wring the denim of your shorts. Gareth looks out the window, shuffling uncomfortably.
Deep in thought, Wayne tapped his fingers along the steering wheel. “We’ll just keep looking if that’s the case.” He smiles unconvincingly and turns his eyes back to the road.
The last thing you wanted to do was give Wayne false hope. He was hurting more than you were, impossible as that seems. The thought of burrowing a senseless hope for finding Eddie in Wayne made you physically sick.
The outline of the shady motel peered into view as Wayne craned the wheel into the parking lot, throwing the car in park and looking around at the office. “Well, this must be it,” Wayne says, peering out of the window. Neon lights of the motel were flickering. The parking lot was desolate, Eddie’s van nowhere in sight. Your stomach drops. “Let’s uh—let’s go find out what we can.”
Heavy footsteps move you all closer to the office following Wayne as Gareth trails behind you. The hotel was nearly run down, yellowing wallpaper sagging from the office walls, a fat lazy orange cat lays on the stained desk. Dying plants hung from the ceiling, decaying leaves scattered on the floor beneath them. A short brittle old woman with oversized glasses and a two pack habit thumbed through the yellow pages. Cigarette with a mile long ash hanging on for dear life. “Excuse me, ma’am?” Wayne asks with a stern voice, “have you seen a guy in here, about 20, longer brown hair, probably had a guitar?” He asks, “drives a two-toned van?”
The older woman thinks for a while, picking tuna from her teeth, “Room 38,” she said tossing Gareth a key, “and if you see him, you let him know that he owes for this passed week, and I’ll sell whatever he has in there if he doesn’t come back and clean up that mess!”
“Wait, what do you mean if we see him?” Gareth asks, “isn’t he here?”
“No idea, haven’t seen anyone go into or out of that room for about three days now.” She scowls, petting the cat as she feeds it the rest of a sad looking tuna sandwich.
“Thank you ma’am,” Wayne says politely, a slump to his broad shoulders as he heads out the door, hanging his head as he walks. The feeling of dread radiates through your body and pulls on your heart as you move toward Room 38. The broken slabs of sidewalk leading from the office to the door of room 38 are anything but comforting, the ‘3’ hanging on the door is held up by the bottom nail through the number, hanging slanted and upside down. Wayne quickly unlocks the door, eyes large as he shoves the door open.
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The pay phone outside of Club Z barely worked, cords hanging on by threads, the receiver cracked and busted, more than likely broken from one too many slams against the pole it rested on, heartbreak on one end, drunken slob of a man on the other. Fumbling with a quarter he fits it into the slot, hammering the number he had memorized. Trying like hell to stand up.
He had tried so hard. So fucking hard to make this work, why wasn’t it working for him? Plenty of people left Hawkins and ended up fine, great even, why couldn’t he? He couldn’t get you out of his head. It was you who he saw when he closed his eyes at night, every single night since he left. The reality of his predicament weighing heavy on his mind, and his heart.
When it happened he just thought it was a stroke of bad luck. People get mugged in big cities all the time right? He would just have to get used to it, the busted up face? Nothing he hadn’t dealt with before. Only this time you weren’t there with him. He continued on like always, trying to sweet talk the manager of the club into letting him play a song, asking the band who did play that night if they needed an extra guy on vocals or bass. Only to be laughed out of the club entirely. But alas, he had kept his head up. Things weren’t good but they certainly weren’t the worst. He still had a little bit of money from selling some of his extra amps. A couple cans of spaghetti o’s could last him two days if he planned it out right.
And he could have kept going, could have made it—wouldn’t have been standing here clinging to the phone and trying to keep from falling over. If it hadn’t happened again.
The second mugging he was sure his ribs were broken, he wasn’t sure how many were broke, but it was difficult for him to breathe. The wound in his leg was festering and in desperate need of attention, but he didn’t care. He had lost all hope at this point, only finding thinking of you made the pain hurt a little bit less, like the blood pumped slower when he concentrated on your face, made him stop thinking about all the bad shit that continued to happen to him since he had been gone.
He was at a stoplight thumbing his fingers along to ‘For Whom The Bell Tolls’ when it happened. They came out of nowhere, whether he was too naive to see it, or simply wasn’t paying any attention, he had been blind sighted, punched in the head, and pulled hard out of the van, kicked into the ribs by at least two pairs of heavy boots, and then the final stab to the leg, ensuring he wouldn’t get up to chase them. As if that would be something he would do. They took the van and everything in it, some of his clothes, the last little bit of money to his name, and more importantly, his guitar. He was left bleeding in the street, blood painting the asphalt like a sidewalk artist with chalk.
That was two nights ago. And it has taken two full days to get back to this goddamn pay phone. He originally wanted to get back to the motel, possibly take a shower, lay in bed and then make his phone call, but he couldn’t make it that far. His energy was depleted. He just had a few numbers to punch in and then he could sit down. He wouldn’t hang up this time, he would wait for you to answer— you always did. He was just too chicken shit to say anything. But this time he needed you, needed help. Punching the last digit to your number Eddie felt woozy, closing his eyes and leaning back against the pay phone, not realizing his body is slipping down, fading into the sidewalk.
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“Jesus.” Gareth muttered when the door to Eddie’s motel flung open. A quick scan of the room obviously revealed that he wasn’t there, but that he had been here at some point in time. The wallpaper was peeling from the wall in the corners, roof damage presented itself with pools of brown stains on the ceiling tiles. The shag carpet was coming up and tumbled in places that the adhesive no longer stuck to. The brass decorations clashed heavily with the warm copper and rust colored drapes and bedding.
Empty cans of spaghetti o’s and beer littered every surface, a carton of milk sat opened on top of the mini fridge, dirty socks, various band shirts and boxers littered the floor along with dozens of scraps of paper. Some just doodles of creatures from DnD others were song lyrics, scrawled across the pages in every which direction. A notebook and pen lay on the unmade bed, the mattress itself lay crooked on the mattress. Empty cigarette packs and a single guitar pic were on top of the tv. The room smelled like him, cigarettes and a hint of weed mixed with some cheap cologne. The nightstand held a telephone, a full ashtray and a book of matches. It was a mess. No wonder the old lady at the desk was pissed, it had looked like a tornado had come through here destroying everything in its wake and projectile vomiting it in complete and utter disarray.
“Let’s look for any signs of where he could be,” you decide, fumbling through the papers on the floor. Gareth started looking in the bathroom, finding nothing but strings of Eddie’s long mane stuck in the shower drain and crawling onto the sink like long legged spiders. Wayne looked through the pairs of jeans on the floor, searching the pockets for any scrap he could find. You adjusted the bed and took a seat reading through the scrawl of Eddie’s handwriting, laughing at how terrible it was.
The lyrics were full of pain, sorrow, the dark pits of despair of being alone. They were heartbreaking mostly because they were all about you. You didn’t have time for this right now, you quietly fold the papers and stuff them into the pockets of your shorts, wiping the tears away as quickly as they fall. Gareth fumbled around with his jean pockets, looking for a lighter, “anyone got a lighter?” He grumbles. You pick up the matches next to the table and toss them towards him, “gracias,” he chides.
“Holy fuck, holy fuck!” Gareth screams as he runs towards Wayne.
Wayne puts a calloused hand over his heart, “Christ you’re gonna give me a heart atta—”
“Look! Look!” Gareth is waving around the matches, like a child winning tickets at a fair. Wayne looks at the matches and grins, he tosses them to you. Printed on the back reads:
Club Z
Indianapolis, IN
‘Open 24 hrs’
Running to the office to get a phone book to find the address, Wayne and Gareth lock up Eddie’s room and start the car. You write the address down as quick as you can, getting a quick direction of where the club was from the older lady—you hurry back to the car.
Gareth sits in the passenger seat as you climb into the back Wayne wastes no time, speeding down the road to the direction of the club.
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He’s swimming towards you. The closer he thinks he is the further away you get. Something's not quite right. Each time his head breaks the surface you’re standing exactly where he just was, waving him towards you, calling out to him. He tries again, but the same thing keeps happening. He’s pulled under the water, his lungs feel like they’re collapsing. He needs to breathe. He opens his mouth and takes a deep breath, expecting the taste of chlorine to fill his mouth instead it’s the sweet scent of vanilla icing, a hint of smoke, and Doritos.
His eyes flash open, and your face comes into view. Tears are dripping down his face but they aren’t his. He must be dreaming, how are you here in front of him.
“He’s awake! Wayne! He’s awake,” sobbing is heard from further away, but Eddie pays no attention to it. Only focusing on your face smiling at him, is this heaven?
Or is this hell? Surely you wouldn’t have come to get him, you wouldn’t have drove here to find him. How did you find him? No this is a fucking joke, a sick satanic dream. You didn’t want him, not after everything he put you through. Not after the way he treated you— left you at the end of your driveway crying like that in the rain. There’s no fucking way. This isn’t real, he needs to wake up. But you’re looking right at him and crying. So he must be dead. Your voice is fading in and out. He closes his eyes and paints a mental picture of your face behind his lids, a time when you were happy, a time when you were his.
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Taglist: @munson-blurbs @gathered-moss @boomhauer @b-irock @sidthedollface2 @big-ope-vibes @syrennna @idkidknemore @creoleguurl @manda-panda-monium @tlclick73 @munsonficdump @brittney69 @strngrlytn @chloe-6123 @sweetsouthernbitchery @basketcaseeeeee @x-lunagirl-x @eddiemunsonshellfirebitch @trixyvixx @chelebelletx @lacrymosa-24 @nevermore66 @aysheashea @secretdryrose @punkwitchcosplay @chychy6
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hazel-of-sodor · 1 year
A Screech in the Night
Ch.5 An Angry Star
Other Chapters
Screech was quickly coupled up to a line of empty fish vans and sent back down the line. At Henaint, she passed Enid who was waiting with a local commuter. She was surprised 97xx happily whistled to her, as she thundered by, but returned the gesture, her howling whistle echoing from the distant mountains.
She shot past the smaller villages and towns of the railway, people stopping to stare as she raced past. The ends of her tendrils seemed to catch alight in the morning sun, her heavy puffing felt more in their heart than heard in their ears.
The train wasn't a challenge to her, not like the first, but it was still nice to stretch her wheels, to feel the weight of a train behind her.
The final stretch towards Uman ran by the coast, the surf roaring below her. She was unable to resist an answering roar, her whistle echoing over the waters. A wave splashed up in front of her showering her with spray as she burst through it. She laughed with an acknowledging whistle. Challenging the ocean was beyond her. The rest of the run by the coast was broken up by waves playful bursting over the retaining walls for her to burst through, laughing all the while. Her laughter made Gywn and Freda shudder as their stomach flipped, but they smiled at her obvious joy all the same.
On the outskirts of the town, she was slowed by a caution signal, then stopped at the home signal. The home signal stood by a schoolyard, and the children came running to see the stopped train. The boys started in awe at the towering locomotive before them. 
"A 4700!" One of them called, "I thought they were never allocated here." He pulled out a journal, and when he opened it she saw the numbers of the Uman and Din's locomotives written.
Screech chuckled, "It is the first time any of us have been here. I'm helping out the Uman and Din catch up."
The boys all paled and took a step back at the twisting sensation of her voice before, "That was bloody wicked!"
The boys all cheered excitedly. In the cab, Freda rolled her eyes.
 "Don't worry my dear," Gwyn chuckled, "they'll grow out of it."
Freda gave him a flat glare, "you didn't."
The home signal dropped, and Screech pulled forward with a blast of her whistle, the boys falling silent at the sound before cheering even louder.
Screech smirked proudly as she pulled off, allowing the sea breeze to blow her tendrils like a mane.
She rolled smoothly through the town, people staring as she passed by. A monster made steel.
She approached the station, only to hear an argument taking place.
"You know any of the others would strain themselves with the morning pike!"
The Star class was furious. Steam billowed around her like a tempest, obscuring the coaches and platform behind her.
Her driver was trying to calm her with little success. "You needed sleep Abbey, we found another engine to..."
"I don't care." 4061 snapped with a lift of her safety valves, "I will not see another engine hurt themselves..."
Having heard enough, Screech ended the argument with a blast of her whistle. The Star fell silent as her eyes snapped to her in shock and alarm.
4702 stopped sharply on the platform points, ignoring her all-clear signal to stare down the Express engine.
"While I appreciate the concern for your fellow engines, I hardly believe you need to worry about MY strain, little star."
Glastonbury Abbey locked eyes with the massive freight engine. To Screech's surprise and delight, she easily held her gaze. " I am responsible for the care of every engine on this line.."
"And you are doing a wonderful job looking after them...except for one."
Abbey subsided, glaring at 4702's smirk.
"Oh, have you not seen her? Express engine, taking on way more than she should, bags under her eyes..."
Screech couldn't help but chuckle as the Star's glare intensified.
 'Guinevere indeed...'
"I will not force them to carry my burdens," the Star replied testily.
"A sentiment almost as adorable as your glare."
A blush joined the glare, Screech suddenly sobered. "The only way you would force them to carry your burdens is if you broke down because you took too much on."
She went to protest, but Screech was relentless, "for now I am here and you will leave the goods work to me. You will pull your passenger trains, but other than that you will rest."
The two engines stared each other down for a long moment. Finally, Abbey glanced down to the points, "you won't move till I agree, will you?"
"Not an inch," Screech agreed with a far too wide grin. After a long moment, 4061 sighed in defeat and nodded. 
Screech's smile grew even wider in victory, and she slowly rolled forward, before calling back, "And if I find you breaking our agreement, I'll have Enid hide your tender. Dry rails and smooth running."
The stars whistled reply had more than one mother cover their child's ears. Screech just chuckled.
'And what happens when you leave them?' The whisper returned, souring 4702's good mood. She was quiet for a long moment.
"...I don't know."
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chocoblep · 1 year
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#11: The Dip
Ah, Camp Bluefog. The name of the settlement was apt; more often than not, an indigo haze hung over Northern Thanalan, at best obscuring vision for a malm or so and at worst feeling like it was blotting out the sun. Today was a mild day, but Lydjana was itching to leave nonetheless. She’d been tasked with picking up a couple containers of ceruleum for the testing phase of an acquaintance’s new bike, and her stipulation for picking it up had been the same as it always was: I’m not going anywhere near the processing plant.
Gods, even just thinking about it had her sweating a little as she waited for her contact to retrieve the containers from a storehouse nearby. Even as far away as Bluefog was enough to give her a nervous twinge. She’d hated working with ceruleum ever since the incident, and now she tried every possible method she could to avoid the stuff. Unfortunately, it was a decent fuel source, so working her way around it wasn’t always something she could do. As she waited, she looked off toward the north, and the memory found her.
“Pressure reading?” Lydi called, digging in her tool belt for her ratchet.
“Seventy,” came a male voice on the other side of the tank, and Lydi swore. “Seventy-one.”
“We’re going to have the pop the lid on this thing while we’re fixing it, aren’t we?” she asked, and a grunt answered her question.
“I’ll bring your mask,” the voice said, and she nodded, even though there was no one to see it. Several of the engineers were fixing a leak in one of the massive pipes above them, balanced on scaffoldings and hanging from the top of the pipe itself, harnessed to the railings on the walkway above. A big storm had driven debris into that, and because they had to seal up other sections of the piping network, that left some of the other engineers–Lydi included–working on the crude ceruleum vats on the ground that fed into the processing plant, which had also taken hits. 
When her partner returned with her mask in hand, she sighed and handed him the ratchet. “All right, you ease the valve, I’ll release the hatch, and we’ll work that outer wall back into shape.”
“You got it! Let me know when you’re ready!”
Lydi climbed to the walkway that ran along the lip of the covered ceruleum vat. Without the correct temperature being maintained by the air between the double walls, excessive heat could permeate the thing and cause spontaneous combustion. It was just as well that it was a cool day, because cracking the vat’s lid was dangerous in the heat, but the way the outer wall had caved, they needed to repair the panel so that it didn’t over-pressurize and make the thing explode regardless. She slipped her mask over her face, and then called down to her partner.
“Go ahead!”
“Reducing air flow,” he called up to her. “Pressure dropping to sixty-five… sixty-three… sixty…”
It stopped around fifty, and she knew that wasn’t enough to keep the thing cool. “Releasing the hatch,” she called back, and then punched a couple commands into the panel. The thing opened, mercifully–she’d have hated to have to manually lift it–and she turned to call down, “Hatch is open, you can start popping off that panel now!”
A loud, booming noise sounded above her, and she abruptly stumbled on the walkway with the resulting force that pushed its way outward, grabbing for the rail. Multiple people were shouting up in the vicinity of the pipes, but Lydi couldn’t hear them. She’d flipped over the rail and plunged into the vat of crude liquid ceruleum before she could close her fingers around anything to haul herself upright.
The first thing her partner had told her when she’d woken was that she was lucky she’d been wearing a mask; otherwise, she probably would have died. They’d hauled her out of the vat, gotten her into a shower and cleaned her off as fast as they could. From there she’d been shoved into a clean air chamber and treated–well, as much as they could. Her vital signs had been stable, she’d been breathing, but she just wouldn’t wake up. So after the day was over, they’d decided to leave her in the clean air chamber and observe.
It had taken four days for her to come back to the world, and several months to heal all of the ceruleum burns on her skin. There were some scars that would likely never heal, she’d been told, like the spots on her back that had been scraped on her way into the vat, where the substance had seeped into the flesh and burned it deeper than other places. And despite never once having been bothered by anyone’s indiscriminate use of aether after that incident, she also wasn’t sure what long-lasting negative effects it had had on her–
“--Eorzea to Lydi.” The brunette hyur woman who stood before her had two small drums of ceruleum, which she was holding out toward her. Lydi blinked, and then smiled at the woman.
“Thanks, Imelda.”
“Anytime. Tell Silver she owes me a visit herself, though; I miss that wench.”
Lydi snickered. “I’ll be sure to tell her,” she promised, and then chewed on her bottom lip a moment. “Thanks for sending the drums here first.”
“I get it,” Imelda said. “You haven’t been the same since you took the dip. Wouldn’t want to stir up memories for ya that’re less than pleasant, aye?” She reached out and clapped a gentle hand on Lydi’s shoulder. “Heard one other person did it a few months ago. They weren’t so lucky as you. Weren’t wearin’ a mask, and swallowed it.”
Lydi winced. “Oh,” she managed, and her leaf-green eyes lowered. “Man, that… that’s shitty.” But then she screwed her face up in determination. “They need a metal grid over the top of that thing for when they have to open the hatch to resup or repair.”
“Good luck gettin’ the ceruleum barons to spend more money on th’ facility, love.”
“Maybe I’ll use my ceruleum superpowers and make them listen,” she shot back, grinning at the woman, and laughing when Imelda gasped.
“You got superpowers!?”
Lydi set the drums down and flexed, her smile brilliant, before she suddenly deflated. “No… I think I lost some superpowers, actually.”
Imelda started laughing. “Well, let ���em sweat anyway.”
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crones-trash · 2 years
F/U on the Water Situation:
I was expecting plumbers today but their scheduler called first to see if I still needed them since The Thaw. However, when she heard the words "gushing broken water meter", she said they won't touch it because it belongs to the city water dept. But no, I explained, it belongs to the property management company who had it installed. They would need the property manager's permission. Ah, well.
She hadn't responded to the voice mail I left. So at 9am, I went to the PM's office but she wasn't there then I drove to her house, knocked on the door but no one came despite me hearing talking inside. I then went to the window, saw them inside & knocked on the glass.
That brought out her husband--who laid my new flooring--to angrily protest about this being her day off. I said, "It's an emergency! The new water meter froze & now it's spewing a fountain of water into my crawlspace. I need the property management's permission to have my plumbers come & fix it."
"Sorry," he snarled, "the plumbing is your responsibility. Call the water dept."
I insisted, "The water meter was installed by the owners, not the city. Please tell me who did it & I'll call them for permission."
Begrudgingly, he went inside & came back w/ a company name scrawled on a Christmas-themed paper napkin. "Sorry, she doesn't know the number off the top of her head. You'll have to look them up."
Naturally, I found them on Google but their offices were also closed.
Then my painters arrived & one of them discovered a new shut off valve was installed below the meter & when it's plastic pipes thawed, they blew off the thin insulation that was taped around the meter itself. NOT any insulation around the pipes! When he lifted that flimsy casing, he found it had hidden the new shut off underneath. Yay! My crawlspace will be less flooded. But Boo! I'm back to having no running water & had to go to the corner store to buy some more.
Good thing I washed the dishes piled up in my sink earlier this morning. But there wasn't enough water pressure to take a shower. I'll be dirty when I see my doctor tomorrow--all the better for her to see the psoriasis on the top of my scalp.
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Safety First: Ensuring Your Filipino Home's Water Heater is Secure
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Taking a refreshing warm shower after a long day is a simple pleasure many Filipinos take for granted. But like any appliance, water heaters require proper care and maintenance to function safely and efficiently. Here are some key points to remember to ensure your Filipino home's water heater is secure:
Regular Inspections: It's crucial to have your water heater inspected by a qualified technician at least once a year. They can check for leaks, rust, faulty pressure relief valves, and any potential electrical issues. Early detection can prevent major problems and costly repairs down the line.
Warning Signs: Be mindful of warning signs that might indicate trouble with your water heater. These include leaks around the base of the unit, rusty water coming from the faucet, unusual noises, or a sudden decrease in water pressure. If you notice any of these, turn off the unit and contact a professional immediately.
Safety Measures: Here are some simple safety measures you can take:
Temperature Control: Most water heaters have adjustable thermostats. Setting the temperature to around 50°C (122°F) is sufficient for most households and helps prevent scalding and reduces energy consumption.
Pressure Relief Valve: The pressure relief valve is a safety mechanism that releases excess pressure to prevent tank explosions. Test the valve regularly by lifting the lever according to the manufacturer's instructions. If it leaks or doesn't function properly, have it replaced by a technician.
Electrical Safety: For electric water heaters, ensure the unit is properly grounded to prevent electrical shock. If you're unsure about the grounding, consult a qualified electrician.
Considering a New Water Heater?
If your water heater is nearing the end of its lifespan (usually around 8-12 years), you might be considering a replacement. When shopping for new water heaters in the Philippines, research different water heater brands to find one that suits your needs and budget. Prices can vary depending on factors like size, capacity, and features. You can find resources online to help you compare electric water heater price Philippines.
Remember, prioritizing safety first will ensure you and your family can continue to enjoy the comfort and convenience of hot water for years to come. Don't hesitate to consult a qualified technician for any concerns you might have.
For more information about water heater in Philippines, visit our website https://www.rheemphilippines.com/
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theplumbnerd · 7 months
Comprehensive Guide to Bathroom Water Heater Care
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Greetings, plumbing pals! It's Jack Thompson, your friendly PipeMaster from Denver, and today we're delving into the heart of your bathroom – the water heater. Ready to ensure your showers are warm and comforting? Fantastic! Grab your toolkit, and let's explore the realm of bathroom water heater care together. Water Heater Bliss: A Comprehensive Guide with Jack Thompson With a toolbox full of experience, I'm here to share practical tips and a comprehensive guide to keep your water heater performing at its best. No need for complex plumbing jargon – just straightforward advice. Let's dive into the world of water heater maintenance!
Signs Your Water Heater Needs TLC
Before we embark on the care journey, let’s identify signs that your water heater is sending distress signals: Signs: - Fluctuating Water Temperatures: If your once-consistent hot water is now playing hide and seek. - Strange Noises: When your water heater starts making unexpected pops, cracks, or rumbling sounds.
My Approach to Water Heater Nirvana
Time to ensure your water heater's happiness! Here's how I approach comprehensive water heater care like a seasoned plumbing guru: Step 1 - Regular Temperature Checks - Safe Temperature Setting: Ensure your water heater is set to a safe and efficient temperature (around 120°F or 49°C). - Flushing Routine: Flush the tank annually to remove sediment buildup that can affect heating efficiency. Step 2 - Anode Rod Inspection - Anode Rod Check: Inspect the anode rod every 2-3 years for corrosion. Replace if necessary to extend the tank's life. - DIY or Pro Replacement: Depending on your comfort level, you can replace the anode rod yourself or call in the pros. Step 3 - Leak Detection - Visual Inspections: Regularly check for any signs of leaks around the water heater. - Professional Inspection: If you spot leaks or suspect a problem, seek professional inspection and repairs. Step 4 - Pressure Relief Valve Testing - Testing Procedure: Annually, test the pressure relief valve by lifting the lever to ensure it releases water. - Replace if Necessary: If the valve doesn't operate correctly, replace it to prevent pressure buildup. Step 5 - Insulation for Efficiency - Insulation Blanket: Consider adding an insulation blanket to your water heater to improve energy efficiency. - DIY Installation: This is a simple DIY task that can enhance your water heater's performance.
Maintenance Tips for Long-Lasting Performance
Regular Checks - Monthly Temperature Checks: Confirm the temperature setting and adjust if necessary. - Quarterly Visual Inspections: Look for any signs of leaks or unusual noises during regular use. Safety Tips - Turn Off Power: Before any maintenance, turn off the power supply to the water heater to ensure safety. - Gas Water Heaters: For gas water heaters, turn off the gas before starting any maintenance tasks. Call in the Pros - Unusual Sounds or Leaks: If you notice unusual sounds or leaks, seek professional assistance promptly. - Gas Line Concerns: For gas water heaters, any issues with the gas line should be handled by professionals.
There you have it, plumbing aficionados! You've just gained valuable insights and a comprehensive guide for bathroom water heater care, guided by yours truly, Jack Thompson. Now go ahead, show your water heater some love, and may your showers be perpetually warm and blissful. Happy water heating! Read the full article
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millatpump · 8 months
KSB Drainage Mud Pump cost, installation and repairing in Bangladesh
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The KSB Drainage mud pump Bangladesh is used for draining pits and deep roadway underpasses, and for dewatering basements and courtyards subject to a flooding risk or groundwater for your project. KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh usually installed vertically, the motor situated above the pump is sealed by mechanical seals and shaft sealing rings. The chamber of KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh is located between the sealing elements installed in pairs is filled with grease or oil. The KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh is usually started automatically via float switches. The water to be handled depends on the pump size and impeller also depend on the contain dirt and solids whose permissible particle size. KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh compact design makes the motor pump a transportable pump suitable for draining and portable.
The challenges of building and premises drainage:
Every building has its own set of drainage requirements in everywhere in Bangladesh. The chamber of KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh is the first choice of consultants, distributors, and installation contractors in Bangladesh. The application is a major construction project or the equipping of a private house and apartment’s drainage always requires precisely tailored solutions that operate effectively and sustainably without creating and noise, so they need a trusted brand’ s MUD pump. Also consultants, distributors, and installation contractors demand drainage systems that save long-term costs effective and work smoothly. After all, the ultimate goal is to achieve reliable protection for your home, industries, projects, factories, garments and property.
KSB MUD Drainage Pump Bangladesh offers a high efficient with high quality of pumps, valves and services:
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KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh is sure to include the optimum solution for every type of drainage challenge in building services regardless of whether the installation is stationary or portable in your Showers, toilets, garages or parking spaces area. KSB use of high-quality materials make sure long-term service lives and high operating reliability for KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh. KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh products for drainage also meet necessary national and international standards. As a result that you stand to get benefit from long-term savings for costs and time spent on maintenance, repairs and servicing. KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh to be able to offer economical and high-quality comprehensive solutions in all areas of your drainage system. Millat Pumps Limited is a full-range supplier; KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh not only offers across-the-board, but also comprehensive service from installation, commissioning to inspections, maintenance work and repair of pumps from any brands in Bangladesh including its spare parts. Millat Pumps Limited has own service experts and specialists for KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh. KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh also offers for drainage applications with sewage lifting units, waste water pumps, submersible motor pumps or pump stations.
KSB MUD / Waste Water Pump / Submersible Drainage Pumps:
KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh is Suitable for handling waste water, especially waste water containing long fibers and solid substances, fluids containing gas/air, removing waste water from flooded rooms or surfaces. Vertical single-stage fully floodable waste water KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh in close-coupled design, non-explosion-proof. Application Areas are Waste water management, Drainage systems, Waste water treatment plants, Drainage of rooms and areas at risk of flooding. water KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh Suitable for handling waste water, especially waste water containing long fibers and solid substances, fluids containing gas/air, removing waste water from flooded rooms, areas or surfaces in your projects. A vertical single stage KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh for wet installation.
KSB MUD / Waste Water Pump / Submersible Drainage Pumps Applications:
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KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh has Frame-cooled enclosed motor. Permits operation even when motor is not submerged and is protected against overheating, however not advised as a conscious method of operation. KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh have Long service life with the low-weight design and corrosion-proof thanks to high-quality plastic casing. Noise-absorbing, abrasion-proof and impact- resistant. KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh Economic operation optimized the hydraulic systems and motors for large pump output at high efficiency. Its Vertical discharge nozzle allows installation in narrow sumps KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh is High operating reliability with the triple shaft seal lubricated by the barrier fluid makes for high motor reliability. Lubrication of the seal faces in the event of dry running. KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh does not need drainage of the discharge pipe with the Integrated swing check valve.
KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh know how to handle pressure:
All KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh stations are available as single-pump or dual- pump systems. Millat Pumps Limited is rapidly available standard products or a solution customized to your requirements for your industries factories and organization. Whatever it is Rainwater, grey water, waste water and containing faces For projects surrounding pumped drainage KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh offer a broad range of different, powerful pump stations, so we can find an optimum solution for your application. KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh is Protected against overload which grants integrated motor protection. KSB MUD Drainage pump’s Magnetic switch with adjustable, variable level control and anti-over winding device, and it is very Easy to replace cable with plug-type connector. Straightforward adaptation to external control system with locking disc.
KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh Importer, Wholesalers Distributors and dealer:
Millat Pumps Limited is a trusted Importer, Wholesalers Distributors and Dealer of KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh. KSB Sewage Pump is a prominent brand that offers a wide range of high-quality High-efficient sewage pumps in Bangladesh which technology came from Germany and manufacturing factory in India. KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh are designed to handle wastewater and sewage efficiently, making them ideal for a variety of industries and applications. Millat Pumps Limited work closely with KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh to ensure that the pumps meet all the necessary requirements and are delivered to the Indian market on time. Millat Pumps Limited play a significant role in promoting with KSB MUD Drainage pumps Bangladesh globally, making it a well-known brand in the international market. Millat Pumps Limited work closely with KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh to ensure that the pumps are available to customers in different parts of Bangladesh. Millat Pumps Limited work closely with KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh to ensure that they have a constant supply of sewage pumps to meet the demand of customers.
Principle of KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh:
Sewer pipes tend to rely on gravity for the movement of wastewater, with the fluid being allowed to move gradually downhill until it reaches a low point. KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh drainage system is routinely used to pump the wastewater back uphill, until it reaches a high point at which gravity can once again help the water along on its journey. The principle of a KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh drainage system is to enable foul water, surface water and sewage to be efficiently and economically removed in areas of low gravity, or where it may otherwise be difficult to achieve a connection to the main drain. The KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh drainage system, therefore, tends to be situated underground, with foul, surface water or sewage being discharged into it, and the fluid then being pumped through a discharge pipe to the main sewer.
KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh is important for Right Drainage System:
We know, basement floors often being too low to even enable sewage to flow by gravity in Bangladesh. To unsurprising that a lot of the enquiries we receive here at Pumping Solutions relate to the pumping of water from basements so KSB MUD Drainage pump Bangladesh is the best choice for its solution. Floods seem to be hitting the headlines more and more in recent years amid ongoing climate change and increasingly extreme weather events. We therefore wouldn’t wish you to be anything less than completely prepared against the risk of floods, which can cause so much damage and in the most extreme cases, even homelessness. Existing drainage systems in basements can naturally differ from one property to the next. A typical arrangement in many Victorian properties, however, is a gully pot being situated in a light well or at the base of an external stairwell, with the gully running to the sewer There are many reasons to invest in a pump station at your property because it being a more cost-effective alternative to the groundwork that may be required to allow sewage to flow by gravity, a gravity system not having even been built.
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drainageteam01 · 10 months
Types of Drainage
Drainage is a vital part of landscape design. It helps prevent soil erosion and protects plants and animals. It’s often out of sight, but it’s crucial to your property’s health.
The components of drainage systems include an outlet at the lower end; a main and submain ditches that collect water and convey it to outlets; and lateral drains, which remove water from the soil. Laterals can be arranged in either a uniform or random pattern.
Main Drains
Located in the deepest part of the pool or spa, main drains are designed to draw water into the recirculating pump. When working properly, this is a simple and effective way to provide drainage solutions.
Pool main drains work off of the suction created by the recirculating pump to suck water through them and into the PVC piping that leads to the skimmers and the pool or spa’s circulation system. Unfortunately, main drains have also been the cause of a fair share of tragedies in swimming pools and hot tubs, including human and animal entrapment deaths.
Because of this, main drains are required to comply with VGB regulations aimed at reducing the risk of entrapment. To do so, they must feature dual suction outlets, a safety vacuum release system, or a suction limiting venting system to break the pressure buildup or limit the amount of suction that can be created when the drain is blocked.
A main sewer line, which is sometimes referred to as a sewage line, is the large-diameter pipe that all your smaller drain lines connect to. Wastewater from your showers, sinks, garbage disposal, and toilets all make their way down these lines to the sewer system or septic tank outside your home. If the main line becomes clogged, all the fixtures within your home will be affected. Often, this is the most obvious sign of a major problem that will require professional plumbing services to resolve.
Mud Drains
A mud drain, or area drain, can be used to help mitigate a muddy paddock problem by channeling surface and subsurface water to another location. They consist of a small underground catch basin with one or more drain pipes. A metal or plastic grate covers the drain in the ground, and the pipe(s) carry runoff water to some termination point-typically a street curb, municipal storm drain, or retaining area.
If a mud drain is not maintained properly, the piping can be blocked by sludge and other materials, which will reduce its efficiency in mitigating muddy conditions. Blocked drains can be flushed using a rubber drain bladder that attaches to a garden hose and when turned on shoots a blast of water into the pipe to dislodge any obstructions.
When constructing your drainage system be sure that the trench has good slope (1% grade or better) to ensure gravity does all of the work of channeling water away. Also be sure to use proper drain fill material. 1-1/2" clean natural round gravel provides the best permeability to allow water to flow freely and minimize blockages.
Be sure to check with your local utilities before starting any digging projects. The locations of buried electrical, telephone and TV cables and gas piping may influence your drainage plan. If you cannot get clearance, consider other drainage solutions such as trenching with Lighthoof.
Inclined Pipes
The inclined pipe is a common particle-conveying structure and is widely used in many industries such as boiler combustion, oil refining and solar thermal power generation. In these systems, the inclined pipe is often equipped with a valve that regulates the particle mass flow rate. During the conveying process, the descending particles oppose gravity by either creating lift and entraining the bubbles (dilute phase) or by sliding friction against the pipe wall (solids phase).
The different characteristics of the flow phenomenon in an inclined pipe-valve system can cause significant pressure fluctuations and severe vibration of the system. The aim of this study was to experimentally investigate the dynamic pressure and displacement features in an inclined pipe under varying particle mass flow rates with different valve positions. The results showed that the downward gas-solid two-phase flow in an inclined pipe could be characterized by three distinct flow patterns: creeping stratified flow, upward channeling flow and dense phase fluidization flow.
Statistical analysis of the interface wave type map reveals that the wavy interface shape is significantly dependent on the inclination and azimuthal angle of the inclined pipe. The interface wave height distribution and the liquid film thickness decrease with increasing inclination angle, while the interfacial waves attain higher amplitudes and lower propagation velocities with inclination. It is also shown that the Limit of Stationary Deposit Velocity increases with the inclination angle.
Subsurface Drains
Drains can provide drainage solutions for a wide range of conditions. The type of drain to use depends largely on the soils in the area being drained. Refer to soil maps available from natural resources or Cooperative Extension Service offices, and dig test pits where necessary.
A properly designed system will provide years of trouble-free operation as long as it is properly planned, constructed, and maintained. The design should be based on the water table level desired and a drainage coefficient, or rate of removal, selected for the field.
The location and spacing of drains depend on the soil types and conditions. In sandy soils, for example, drains should be spaced about 200 to 300 feet apart. In moderately permeable or clay soils, they may be spaced closer together, depending on the drainage coefficient selected.
Each drain should have a proper surface-water inlet, which can be a metal cone grate or a metal mesh, to float debris and protect the bottom of the drain. Inlets should be located on grades sloped away from the field to prevent silt and other materials from building up around them. A sediment trap should be used where water flows into a drain from above.
Each drain should be blinded and backfilled before work is suspended for a day, to protect the drain from damage during the construction process. The drain should be backfilled to a grade that is determined to give it the capacity required for the area being drained. Breathers should be provided to vent the drain and to assure maximum flow.
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chocoblep · 1 year
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#6: A Long Day
It had been a long day, and by the time Shev returned home from his latest job it was just past the normal dinner hour. He’d pearled Anzhi to let him know that he’d be late, but he wasn’t entirely sure how late, and his husband had agreed to hold off on getting dinner ready until he made it home. And so, when he stepped through the front door and found Kismet and Anzhi lounging on the couch and reading, he wasn’t surprised. They both looked up, Kismet smiling and Anzhi wriggling off the couch to come around it and envelop him in a hug.
“Welcome home, Silvertongue,” Anzhi crooned, rising onto his toes to press a kiss to Shev’s cheek before flitting away. “We prepped everything, but didn’t throw it in the oven yet, so I will go and do that now.”
Shev smiled. “Hope I didn’t hold everythin’ up too much.”
“You didn’t!” Anzhi called as he traipsed down the stairs. 
Kismet rose to his feet and came over to where Shev was lifting his bag from his shoulder, taking it from him. “Go hop in the shower, sweetheart, you’re filthy. We’ll have dinner ready by the time you’re out.”
Shev barked a laugh. “Straight t’the point, I see!”
“Would you have it any other way?”
“Nah.” Shev leaned over and pressed his lips to the top of Kismet’s head. “Thanks.” And then he was leading the way down the stairs and popping into the bathroom.
It wasn’t particularly big, the space dwarfed by the large tub near the back and lined with a counter on one side and a small armoire on the right. He snagged a towel out of the latter, disrobed, and then stepped into the tub, fiddling with the valves on the shower to turn it on and yelping when the water that hit him in the face was ice cold. He immediately stepped out of the flow, waiting for the water to heat.
It had been a long day, but not a bad day. He’d gotten to work with a few old friends from his early mercenary days, caught up with one of the former gladiators that fought with and against him on the Bloodsands, and made a little Miqo’te girl smile when he’d given her a bit of sea glass he’d found on the beach earlier that afternoon. As far as jobs went, he wasn’t complaining, but there was still a part of him that was melancholy. 
It wasn’t that he wasn’t happy; he absolutely was. He had a husband who adored him, and another… well, partner, he supposed, who also cared for him a good deal. He could choose which jobs he accepted because they weren’t hurting monetarily, and Kismet’s island resort was beginning to gain ground. But there was something he’d been feeling the loss of keenly, and that was his bi-monthly Sixday nights. 
Ever since The Warded Ring had closed, he’d been trying to fill that void with other things, but nothing really seemed to scratch the itch that fighting all out with another person did. It wasn’t that fight clubs were few and far between… He just liked the assurance that he wouldn’t kill his opponent or be too maimed to do his job the next day, and the shields at the Ring had afforded him that sense of security.
He spent his shower thinking about alternative outlets that he could employ to get that same result, but by the time he stepped out of the bathroom, freshly washed and re-dressed, he hadn’t come up with anything else.
“What’s wrong?” Anzhi asked immediately when he saw his face.
“Nothin’,” Shev answered. “Was just thinkin’ abou’ Ring.”
Anzhi and Kismet looked at each other before Kismet spoke. “I know Nightingale House is going through a remodel, but they’re going to keep one of the mats, at least. I’d be happy to go against you anytime. And I’m willing to bet Anzhi’d be more than happy to watch us sweat.”
“Oh, you know me so well,” Anzhi said with a grin, moving to pull dinner out of the oven.
Shev’s stomach growled. “Aye, I’d like tha’. It’s just a bittersweet thing, y’know?”
“Understandable. It was your baby,” Anzhi said, and then Kismet reached up to give him a squeeze on the shoulder.
“Maybe we can do a date night on those nights. Make new memories that are just as good.”
“I’d like that, too,” Shev said, and moved to go grab plates. They set the table and ate, and later relaxed upstairs in the living room while they practiced various idle-time hobbies for a quiet few hours.
Today had been a long day, but it hadn’t been a bad day.
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What is Grease Separator?
A Grease Separator is a crucial component in wastewater management systems, efficiently separating oil, sludge, and water to prevent environmental contamination. This innovative device employs a gravity-based process, allowing grease-laden wastewater to flow through, where it slows down. This reduction in velocity enables the separation of oil, which naturally rises to the surface, and heavier solids, like sludge, which settle at the bottom. Clean, treated water then exits, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations. Grease separators play a pivotal role in preventing clogs, reducing maintenance costs, and safeguarding our ecosystems by preventing the release of harmful contaminants into sewage systems and natural water bodies.
Contact US: https://shorturl.at/acdDY
Kessel Automatic Grease Trap |Kessel Manual Grease Separator |Oil and Grease Separator |Leading in Drainage | Drainage | Shower Channels | Commercial Kitchen Grease Separator | Manhole cover |Backwater valves |bathroom Drains |Kessel Grease Separators both Manual and Automatic |Prefabricated Linear Drainage System |Lifting Stations |Stainless Steel Standard Channels |Floor Drain
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tirusulwirerope · 11 months
Water Heater Service In Chennai
Water Heaters and Its Use in Households
Water heaters are familiar devices in most families. This is because the water entering your home comes through the pipe system and is usually cold or cool, depending on the time of year. To have water hot enough to shower, bathe or wash clothes, you need a water heater.
They often look like large metal cylinders and are often located in utility rooms or basements. Newer models have some cool features, like tankless water heaters that provide endless hot water on demand.A water heater is an electrical device commonly used to heat and store water. The most common type of water heater is called a tank water heater because it has a large tank that holds hot water until needed. However, there are several other types of water heaters, including tankless, on-site, solar, and more. Types of water heaters–
Conventional Storage Tank Water Heaters
Tankless Water Heaters
Solar Water Heaters
Condensing Water Heaters
Heat Pump Water Heater
If your water heater breaks down, contact Water Heater Service in Chennai!
Components of Water Heater
Flue Pipe – It releases toxic gases such as carbon monoxide that form during combustion.
Overflow pipe – This is the pipe attached to the pressure and temperature relief valve.
Thermocouple - This is a device monitoring the pilot flame in the water heater.
Burner – It is present at the bottom of the water heater. It burns natural gas heating the tank.
Insulation – Insulation is installed in all types of tank water heaters. It is encased in a metal barrel to prevent heat loss.
Anti-corrosion Anode bar - This is a measure ensuring safety during the tank heating process.
Hot Water Outlet – This is the pipe that allows hot water to exit the water heater and enter the home's drinking water supply.
Drain valve – The drain valve is present at the bottom of the tank-type water heater.
Tirusul Wire Rope & Lifting Gears Pvt Ltd , a leading Water Heater Service in Chennaioffers repair and services for wide range of water heaters with plastic and metal bodies. In fact, it has both a storage water heater and an instant water heater. Check online to see the full range of standard water heaters.
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How to remove a kitchen faucet with two handles
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Kitchen faucets with two handles are designed to fit into a sink with a standard distance of 20 cm between the pre-drilled holes. The supply hoses are connected to the handles, which in turn are connected to the spout via pipes hidden in the body of the faucet - or under the sink in the case of a widely used faucet. Regardless of whether the pipes are above or below the sink, the mounting nuts are usually underneath and not always easy to reach. It is advisable to clear out the cabinet so you have enough room to work, and carry a headlamp. Turn off the water valves under the sink that supply the faucet and open the faucet to relieve water pressure. Unscrew the flexible supply hoses from the valves using adjustable pliers. Place a rag on the floor under the valves to catch any water that sprays out. Once the valves are disconnected, unscrew the hoses from the valve stems and remove the hoses. Pull the spray hose attachment off the faucet. You may need to unscrew it with pliers, or you can unhook it by pushing it in and twisting it off. Pull the shower hose out of the sink. Loosen the mounting nuts on the underside of the sink. Turn them with a sink wrench that can work in a tight space. If they are loose, unscrew them by hand and remove them. If the faucet is a top-mounted model, lift it out of the sink from the top. Remove the handles and spout from a concealed faucet to remove it. Loosen the set screw at the top of each handle with a Phillips screwdriver. You may need to pry off a decorative cap to access the screw. In this case, use a flathead screwdriver. Unscrew the retaining nut on the spout with adjustable pliers and pull the spout off. Lower the faucet and remove it from the bottom of the sink.
Call the Emergency Plumber in Durham. We are your right contact partner. Call us now, 01913039678.
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theplumbnerd · 8 months
Jack Thompson's Comprehensive Guide to Bathroom Water Heater Care
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Greetings, plumbing pals! It's Jack Thompson, your friendly PipeMaster from Denver, and today we're delving into the heart of your bathroom – the water heater. Ready to ensure your showers are warm and comforting? Fantastic! Grab your toolkit, and let's explore the realm of bathroom water heater care together. Water Heater Bliss: A Comprehensive Guide with Jack Thompson With a toolbox full of experience, I'm here to share practical tips and a comprehensive guide to keep your water heater performing at its best. No need for complex plumbing jargon – just straightforward advice. Let's dive into the world of water heater maintenance!
Signs Your Water Heater Needs TLC
Before we embark on the care journey, let’s identify signs that your water heater is sending distress signals: Signs: - Fluctuating Water Temperatures: If your once-consistent hot water is now playing hide and seek. - Strange Noises: When your water heater starts making unexpected pops, cracks, or rumbling sounds.
My Approach to Water Heater Nirvana
Time to ensure your water heater's happiness! Here's how I approach comprehensive water heater care like a seasoned plumbing guru: Step 1 - Regular Temperature Checks - Safe Temperature Setting: Ensure your water heater is set to a safe and efficient temperature (around 120°F or 49°C). - Flushing Routine: Flush the tank annually to remove sediment buildup that can affect heating efficiency. Step 2 - Anode Rod Inspection - Anode Rod Check: Inspect the anode rod every 2-3 years for corrosion. Replace if necessary to extend the tank's life. - DIY or Pro Replacement: Depending on your comfort level, you can replace the anode rod yourself or call in the pros. Step 3 - Leak Detection - Visual Inspections: Regularly check for any signs of leaks around the water heater. - Professional Inspection: If you spot leaks or suspect a problem, seek professional inspection and repairs. Step 4 - Pressure Relief Valve Testing - Testing Procedure: Annually, test the pressure relief valve by lifting the lever to ensure it releases water. - Replace if Necessary: If the valve doesn't operate correctly, replace it to prevent pressure buildup. Step 5 - Insulation for Efficiency - Insulation Blanket: Consider adding an insulation blanket to your water heater to improve energy efficiency. - DIY Installation: This is a simple DIY task that can enhance your water heater's performance.
Maintenance Tips for Long-Lasting Performance
Regular Checks - Monthly Temperature Checks: Confirm the temperature setting and adjust if necessary. - Quarterly Visual Inspections: Look for any signs of leaks or unusual noises during regular use. Safety Tips - Turn Off Power: Before any maintenance, turn off the power supply to the water heater to ensure safety. - Gas Water Heaters: For gas water heaters, turn off the gas before starting any maintenance tasks. Call in the Pros - Unusual Sounds or Leaks: If you notice unusual sounds or leaks, seek professional assistance promptly. - Gas Line Concerns: For gas water heaters, any issues with the gas line should be handled by professionals.
There you have it, plumbing aficionados! You've just gained valuable insights and a comprehensive guide for bathroom water heater care, guided by yours truly, Jack Thompson. Now go ahead, show your water heater some love, and may your showers be perpetually warm and blissful. Happy water heating! Read the full article
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aboveaveragexx · 1 year
The Various Types Of Water Solenoid Valves And Their Uses
Water solenoid valves are crucial in various applications, offering precise control over water flow. They utilize the principle of electromagnetism to regulate the passage of water through pipes and tubing. These valves are commonly used in various industries, irrigation systems, and household appliances. Let's look at what water solenoid valves are and how they function.
Key Characteristics and Working Principles:
Water solenoid valves are electromechanical devices designed to control water flow by opening or closing a valve in response to an electrical signal.
They consist of a coil, plunger, and valve seat. When energized, the coil generates a magnetic field that moves the plunger, allowing or obstructing the water flow by closing or opening the valve.
The valve operation is fast, reliable, and highly precise, making it suitable for manual and automated control systems.
Plumbing Systems: In residential and commercial buildings, water solenoid valves control water flow in plumbing systems, such as toilets, showers, and faucets.
Irrigation Systems: Water solenoid valves play a crucial role in automatic irrigation systems, allowing for the precise distribution of water to different zones, minimizing waste, and optimizing plant growth.
Industrial Processes: These valves are widely used in industrial applications such as water treatment, chemical processing, and manufacturing, where the controlled water flow is essential for various operations.
Household Appliances: Many household appliances, including washing machines, dishwashers, and refrigerators, utilize water solenoid valves to regulate water supply and drainage.
Water solenoid valves are essential components in diverse applications requiring precise water flow control. With their reliable operation and ability to respond quickly to electrical signals, these valves offer efficiency, accuracy, and convenience. Whether in irrigation, industrial processes, or household appliances, water solenoid valves ensure optimal water management and enhance system performance.
Different Types of Water Solenoid Valves
Water solenoid valves are crucial in various applications, from industrial processes to household appliances. These valves control water flow by opening and closing a valve using an electromagnetic coil. Here are several different types of water solenoid valves commonly used today:
High-Pressure Solenoid Valves: Designed to withstand high-pressure systems, these valves are built with robust materials and construction to ensure durability and reliable performance.
Direct-Acting Solenoid Valves: These valves use a direct current to energize the coil, which creates a magnetic field to lift the valve seal and allow water flow. They are known for their simplicity and ability to function with low-pressure systems.
Pilot-Operated Solenoid Valves: This type of valve utilizes a diaphragm and a smaller pilot valve to control the water flow. When the coil is energized, it opens the pilot valve, allowing water to flow and control the position of the diaphragm.
Normally Closed Solenoid Valves: These valves are closed by default and open when the coil is energized. They are commonly used in applications where a fail-safe mechanism is required to shut off the water flow in case of power failure.
Normally Open Solenoid Valves: Unlike normally closed valves, these valves are open by default and close when the coil is energized. They are commonly used in applications requiring continuous water flow, such as irrigation systems.
Latching Solenoid Valves: Latching valves have two stable positions that remain even after removing power. They consume very little energy and are often used in battery-operated applications.
Water solenoid valves are vital in controlling water flow in various applications. Whether in industrial machinery, medical equipment, or household appliances, understanding the different types of solenoid valves can help you select the right one for specific requirements.
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How Do Water Solenoid Valves Work?
A water solenoid valve is essential in controlling water flow in various applications. Here's how it operates:
Structure: A water solenoid valve consists of a coil, plunger, spring, and valve seat. It is typically made of durable materials such as brass or stainless steel.
Electromagnetic Operation: When an electric current is applied to the coil, it generates a magnetic field. This magnetic field attracts the plunger, which moves against the force of the spring.
Opening and Closing: As the plunger moves, it lifts or lowers a seal or diaphragm, allowing or blocking water flow through the valve. When the coil is energized, the valve opens, and the valve closes when the current is cut off.
Quick Response: Water solenoid valves can open and close rapidly, making them suitable for applications requiring precise water flow control.
Versatile Applications: Water solenoid valves are used in irrigation systems, plumbing, industrial equipment, and appliances like washing machines and dishwashers.
Keyword: The efficient operation of a water solenoid valve ensures precise control over the flow of water, making it a vital component in various applications.Water solenoid valves provide reliable and efficient control over water flow, making them indispensable in numerous industries and domestic settings.
Uses of Water Solenoid Valves
Water solenoid valves are essential for controlling water flow in various applications. With their ability to regulate the passage of water, they find extensive use in different industries and everyday systems. Here are some prominent uses of water solenoid valves:
Automatic irrigation systems: Water solenoid valves enable automated water supply control to irrigation systems, ensuring efficient watering of plants and crops.
Plumbing systems: These valves help control water flow in residential and commercial plumbing systems, allowing for efficient operation and preventing water wastage.
Water treatment plants: Solenoid valves are utilized in water treatment facilities to regulate water flow during filtration, disinfection, and purification processes.
Industrial applications: From controlling water flow in manufacturing processes to managing cooling systems, water solenoid valves play a vital role in various industrial applications.
Beverage dispensing machines: Water solenoid valves are used in vending machines and beverage dispensers to control the correct amount of water dispensed.
Automatic washing machines: These valves regulate the water supply to washing machines, ensuring precise filling and drainage during each cycle.
In summary, water solenoid valves find widespread application in irrigation, plumbing, water treatment, industrial processes, beverage dispensing, and washing machines, making them indispensable for efficient water management.
Advantages of Water Solenoid Valves
Compact design: The compact size of water solenoid valves makes them suitable for installations in confined spaces where space is limited.
Quick and precise control: Water solenoid valves offer rapid and accurate control over the flow of water, allowing for efficient regulation of fluid movement in various applications.
Energy-saving: These valves are designed to consume minimal power, making them energy-efficient and cost-effective for long-term use.
Easy installation: Water solenoid valves are simple, requiring minimal effort and time. They can be easily integrated into existing plumbing systems, reducing downtime during setup.
Versatile applications: These valves find extensive use in a wide range of applications, including irrigation systems, water treatment plants, industrial machinery, and household appliances.
Reliable operation: With their robust construction and durable materials, water solenoid valves ensure reliable and consistent performance, minimizing the risk of leaks or malfunctions.
Remote control capability: Many water solenoid valves can be operated remotely, allowing for convenient control and automation of water flow, even from a distance.
A Water Solenoid Valve is an Excellent Choice When Controlling Water Flow Efficiently and Effectively.
Disadvantages of Water Solenoid Valves
Limited Pressure Range: Water solenoid valves have a restricted pressure range, so they may not be suitable for high-pressure applications. If the pressure exceeds the valve's capacity, it can lead to leaks or valve failure.
Susceptible to Contamination: Water solenoid valves can clog or blockage due to dirt, debris, or minerals in the water supply. This can affect the valve's performance and result in malfunctions.
Energy Consumption: Solenoid valves require electrical power to operate, and this constant power consumption can contribute to higher energy costs over time. Considering the overall energy usage when implementing water solenoid valves in a system is important.
Limited Size Options: Water solenoid valves come in various sizes but may not be available in the exact dimensions required for certain applications. This limitation can pose challenges when integrating the valves into specific systems.
Despite these disadvantages, water solenoid valves remain widely used in various industries due to their convenience, cost-effectiveness, and ease of automation. Proper maintenance and regular cleaning can help mitigate some of the issues associated with these valves.
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Common plumbing problems and how to fix them
It's nothing to be ashamed of. We're looking for solutions to our plumbing problems, and we've come to the right place. I'm here to help you understand what might be causing your home's plumbing issues, and how to fix them. We'll start with the most common problems first: clogged drains, leaking faucets, running toilets and low water pressure.
Clogged drains
If your drain is clogged, there are several ways to fix it. You can use a plunger, which applies pressure to the drain and pushes out any clogs. You can also use a drain cleaner that will dissolve the blockage in your pipes. A plumber may be able to snake out any debris in your main line or sewer pipe by using equipment called "snake tools." If none of these methods work for you, call an experienced plumber who can take care of the problem with ease!
Leaking faucets
Leaky faucets are a common problem that many homeowners experience. If you're trying to figure out why your sink or tub keeps draining slowly, it could be a leaky faucet.
To fix this issue, first try replacing the washer on your faucet with a new one from your local hardware store. If there is still no improvement after replacing the washer and tightening up all screws on both sides of the handle (this can help prevent leaks), then call in a plumber for further assistance!
Running toilets
To check for a clog, remove the lid from your toilet tank and look inside. If you see water at the bottom of your tank, it's likely that there's something blocking up your toilet. Remove any debris you find with tongs or pliers and try flushing again. If this doesn't work, you may need to call a plumber for further assistance.
If you have no visible blockage but still experience problems with running toilets, there may be leaking from another source in your home--such as a leaky faucet or shower head that hasn't been fixed yet! Look around carefully if this seems like it could be happening to you; once all leaks are repaired (or replaced), running toilets will stop automatically when they should be full of water instead of air bubbles!
Low water pressure
If you have low water pressure, it could be because the source of your water is too far away from your home. You may also have a problem with your filter or even the entire house's plumbing system. To solve this issue, check that all of these things are working properly before calling in a plumber.
Toilet flushing problems
Toilet flushing problems are usually caused by either a clogged drain line or an ineffective flapper.
To check the flapper, lift it up and look at its underside; if it's cracked or broken, you should replace it. If everything looks okay but your toilet still won't flush properly, there may be too much water in your tank. To remedy this problem, turn off your tank's supply valve and allow some of the excess water to drain out before refilling with fresh water (a couple inches below "full"). You can also check whether debris has built up inside the bowl itself--if so, remove it with a toilet brush or other tool designed for this purpose (like tongs).
To fix your plumbing problems, you need to know what's wrong. The best way to do this is with a visual inspection of your pipes and fixtures. If there are any leaks or other issues, take pictures and send them to a plumber so they can give you an accurate estimate of how much it will cost before they come over.
Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of the most common plumbing problems and how to fix them. As we mentioned earlier, most of these issues can be easily resolved with a little bit of know-how and time. If you're still unsure about something, don't hesitate to call in an expert!
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Az Express Plumbing
Az Express Plumbing is a full-service plumbing company serving Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe, and Gilbert. We provide quality service for residential and commercial customers. If you need any kind of plumbing repair or installation work done, we're the team to call! You may find us online using these keywords Plumber San Tan Valley, Plumbing San Tan Valley, water heater installation San Tan Valley, water heater repair San Tan Valley, plumber San Tan Valley, plumbing services San Tan Valley, emergency plumbing services San Tan Valley, Toilet repair San Tan Valley, Drain cleaning San Tan Valley, plumbing services San Tan Valley, Plumber, Plumbing, water heater installation, water heater repair, emergency plumber, emergency plumbing services, Toilet Repair, Drain cleaning, and plumbing services.
Az Express Plumbing
974 E Poncho Ln, San Tan Valley, AZ 85143
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