#Side effects of corona vaccine
omg-erika · 4 months
Do Vaccinations Make Us Healthier?
by Dr.Harald Wiesendanger– Klartext What the mainstream media is hiding Do vaccines actually improve health? Using flimsy excuses, the authorities have consistently refused to conduct scientific, thorough investigations into the alleged connection. However, hundreds of studies have now shown that vaccinated people have a much higher risk of many chronic diseases. It grows more often the earlier…
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darkmaga-retard · 26 days
By Frank Bergman August 23, 2024
A renowned German doctor has spoken out to warn the public that the monkeypox “outbreak” is a hoax and the “symptoms” are actually side effects of Covid mRNA vaccines.
Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg issued the warning in a new whistleblowing interview with the Austrian outlet AUF1.
He explains that reports of a monkeypox “global emergency” from the World Health Organization (WHO) are part of a fearmongering campaign designed to scare the masses.
Wodarg asserts that globalists are seeking to cover up the negative health impact of Covid shots while trying to profit from testing and treating monkeypox.
He asks why other doctors aren’t questioning why people are being diagnosed with monkeypox based on a positive Rostar test.
The Rostar test is an expensive product that pharmaceutical companies are profiting from.
Meanwhile, share prices in companies that produce monkeypox vaccines are soaring following the WHO’s recent emergency declaration.
“They’re scaring us again,” Wodarg said of the globalist medical establishment.
“It’s a business exploiting the effects of the corona shots they pushed on us.
“They’re using corona side-effects to create new schemes and scare us again.”
Alex Jones of Infowars shared a clip of the interview translated from German to English.
Jones says the video was from a German article titled:
“Doctor: Monkeypox is actually shingles, a side effect of the Covid vaccines.”
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localbabygirl · 3 months
just remembered that in 2021 i was vaccinated against the corona virus in an airport that they re-purposed as a giant vaccination center during the first months of the vax campaign and i had to stand in a long ass queue for about 2h just to get INSIDE the building. it was run by the red cross and the german military and there were THOUSANDS of people there but the whole thing worked like a well oiled machine lmao. queue. backpack control. queue. fever thermometer gun. queue. id and health documents check. queue. health questionnaire. queue. vaccination risk briefing. queue. preparation. queue. jab. 15min mandatory waiting time in case of side effects. idk the pandemic was so weird in hindsight. spent over half a day to get a jab and i was the happiest woman in the country i think lol
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pianocat939 · 9 months
5,6 and 9? No pressure to my question!
5. What made you start your blog?
Right, so, for the people who have stuck around for a while know that I was the author of a very popular Yandere HxH fic called “Sugar and Molasses”. (…it’s still up) on Wattpad.
I just checked and it has 128K views. God help myself.
But anyway, I wrote it at the wee age of 13 as a joke because I thought it would be funny. (And I did have an interest in writing, but at the time I was more into poetry).
After grueling myself trying to write whilst not having a functional laptop (I type a lot faster on my laptop) I just got tired of it.
It’s hard trying to write a shitty fic when people love it for the wrong reasons.
So I decided to move over to Tumblr.
And from there…yeah.
6. Pros and Cons of a blog?
I think it depends, but for me as a writer it’s getting the motivation to start writing.
Because once I can actually sit down and do something I can get a piece out. But the sitting down and doing it is the hard part.
Not to mention the slight guilt when you delete a request or haven’t written a while.
Now the biggest pro for me is attention. Yes I’m sorry, it’s true. I am a total attention girlie. Which is probably just a branch off of the fact I’m a pianist and love performing in general.
9. Childhood story?
Hm, I guess I can tell you the time I first noticed my ear condition.
I was 12 at the time. And actually, it was the night I was suffering from the side effects of my 2nd Corona vaccination.
So I was in bed, trying to fall asleep with a mild fever. When I closed my eyes every time, this like thumping kept happening in my hearing space.
Mind you, my condition is like really funky, and happens to only 0.8% of all people. So I didn’t have any warning signs before it.
So younger me was very annoyed that I couldn’t fall asleep with this ongoing thumping in my ear.
After like 15 minutes of suffering through it, I noticed it matched my heartbeat. Which I found really weird.
Then I just fell asleep from exhaustion I think.
Now, I’m rarely bothered by my condition (but when I am I am BOTHERED).
[I’m gonna put tags because whenever I mention that I’m the author of the Yan HxH fic I find it so funny when people are like telling me I was their preteen/early teenage role model lmao]
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ruthfeiertag · 2 months
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The White House just announced that President Biden has contacted COVID. I wish him a speedy and complete recovery. Because the President has been fully vaccinated (and because he has access to levels of health care few of the rest of us enjoy), he is likely to be well again soon. But even a mild or asymptomatic case can lead to Long-COVID, and we should be protecting ourselves and each other from catching this corona virus and possibly developing a permanent, debilitating condition.
Apoorva Mandavilli, writing for the _New YorkTimes_, reminds us that “for some people with certain risk factors — age, pregnancy, chronic conditions or a compromised immune system — an infection may bring serious illness.”1
If you want to know what it’s like to live with a post-viral chronic illness, read the Tumblrs of people enduring them (see the tags below), particularly those of us living with myalgic encephalomyelitis (me/cfs), the condition closely aligned with Long-COVID. (“The illness [Long COVID] is similar to myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome [ME/CFS] as well as to persisting illnesses that can follow a wide variety of other infectious agents and following major traumatic injury.”2) And while some of us are more susceptible than others, ANYONE, no matter how young and healthy, can develop Long-haul COVID:
“Long COVID occurs more often in people who had severe COVID-19 illness, but anyone who gets COVID-19 can experience it, including children.”3
The CDC article also highlights the way that “Living with Long COVID can be difficult and isolating, especially when there are no immediate answers or solutions.” It does not describe the devastating possible “side effects” of losing the ability to work, to enjoy activities, to be independent, nor of the experiences of having doctors refuse to believe one’s condition is real, of the near-impossibility of getting to a doctor who specializes in post-viral diseases (and who won’t accept insurance)4, nor of the feeling of being an inconvenience or burden to those who care for us.
“In every age group, even a mild illness may trigger a lasting set of problems. Nearly 14 million Americans, or about 5.3 percent of adults, may now be living with long Covid, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”1
Wearing an N95 might not be the most comfortable fashion accessory, but putting one on when we will be among others can save lives and the meaningful existence of the people with whom we come in contact. The inconvenience is far less than the loss of income, health, and happiness Long-COVID can bring.
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1. Apoorva Mandavilli. “Long Covid and Vaccination: What You Need to Know,” _New York Times_, July 17, 2024, 6:03 p.m. ET
2. Anthony L. Komaroff and W. Ian Lipkin. “ME/CFS and Long COVID share similar symptoms and biological abnormalities: road map to the literature,” Front Med (Lausanne). 2023; 10: 1187163. Published online 2023 Jun 2. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2023.1187163
PMCID: PMC10278546PMID: 37342500
3. https://www.cdc.gov/covid/long-term-effects/?CDC_AAref_Val=https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/long-term-effects/index.html
4. “There are only a handful of specialists and clinical centers that specialize in ME/CFS around the country. Many of them do not take insurance and most have waiting lists that can be years long.” https://solvecfs.org/me-cfs-long-covid/patient-and-caregiver-resources/
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jo1027 · 29 days
German Doctor Exposes Monkey Pox Scam: Says It's a COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effect.
From the German article titled: Doctor: Monkeypox is actually shingles, a side effect of the COVID vaccines
The main symptom of monkeypox is the rash that can look like blisters and is accompanied by severe pain. This is also typical for herpes zoster, or shingles, noted doctor Wolfgang Wodarg earlier in an interview with Austrian broadcaster AUF1.
Shingles is a skin disease in which the affected person develops blisters on the skin that resemble chickenpox.
Shingles is also a known side effect of the corona vaccine. Attorney Aaron Siri made sure that 390,000 reports from the monitoring system V-safe of the American health service CDC were made public. It shows that 1 in 450 people reported shingles after vaccination.
According to Wodarg, the expensive PCR tests that pharmaceutical giant Roche has launched on the market to detect the monkeypox virus are not reliable. He argues that they are now making people afraid of diseases that are actually side effects of the corona vaccinations.
The side effects of the Covid vaccines are being used to scare us about other conditions, the doctor stresses, who speaks of a 'perverse industry'.
JOIN: Barbara O’Neill (https://t.me/+Y2RqGNhLHKU4OTc5) ✅️
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branded-perceptions · 5 months
We as society collectively (mis)interpret
objective systems reality
via reductionistic driven measurements' integration into symbolic🎅 linguistic🗣 shared reference constructs (argumentative construct l-ego bricks) that we in relation🧭❤️🧭 to their connotation to identity constructs reputations (which social reward streams🐟🐟🐟 of money and sex and thus social survival are bent by) mimetically🏟👏👏👏 charge🍌💦 emotionally❤️🎅❤️ via an out of shared🧭 psychological splitting's derived in-group vs out-group sense of belonging
(team-identification, group-identities, political identities 🎶"left brain, right brain - Bo Burnham", "opppsing" cultural bubbles, exaggerated preference hypes like veganism vs carnivorism, etc.)
which thus via these subconscious emotional charges of symbols' filters incoming data in ways that forms shared Sensory Processing Disorders as seen in
A) bra(i)nde(a)d processed foods where a lot of people eat them because the above explained emotional affectivity of their hallucinatory mind tends to overwrite an objective judgment (reality testing) of actual causal taste / real joy / internal sensory data input of long-term effects on the biological hardwares boundary needs
B) all sort of trend hypes like
the C-19 "test pandemic" where the naturally polarising hallucinatory aspects of our minds split society into two groups of psychotic hallucinations:
1. those who due authorities' delusional apathy towards obvious irrationalities and issues then exaggerated it to have denied that the virus exists, that it has a certain danger to certain risk groups, or that all the corona testing would have been completely fake
2. those who believed the exaggerated perception managed threat created by infrastructure of big pharma lobby interests💸💉💸 motivations🧭❤️💸❤️🧭 and thus did not realise how the fictive reductionistic🤏 nerd🤓 measurements of incidence rate measures similar like reductionistic GDP or one-sided evaluation of death tolls in wars (🔍Notes on Nationalism George Orwell) narcisstically photoshop😘🤳 our thus authenticity-lacking collective authority status interface🤡 we use to make sense of the spectrum of creation POTENTIAL of objective reality
[Our sense-making defines direction🧠👅🧠 our collective workforce and consumer motivations🧭❤️🧭 and thus our causal CREATION process itself and how it affects our median life force: if we would have chosen to make sense of measures of reductionistic incidence rates in different ways like via a mix of by blood-tests evaluated risk-group assesement related evaluation of via statistics accessed preventative health measures like preventative vitamin infusions, immune system strenght (could have been easily accessed at scale by cheap blood tests) and economic functionality (personalised lockdowns for very few that then could have been fully backed by a thus less burdened social security)]
which we lost touch with due variation of Corona test pattern
[as example: we tested more the unvaccinated while stopping to test the vaccinated due to irrational pre-assumptions (🔍list of psychological biases) which then similar like in all sorts of $cientific studies in all sorts of topics fully scewed the irrational judgment (reality testing) of vaccines as a shared Sensory Processing Disorder whose reality becomes more obvious if you watch ironic rebounds of the German stutter Comedian Karl Lauterbach from the SPD "party" who in this regard has done his job perfectly: he via his goofy serious self-ironic jokes (as example saying that "telling the truth would often mean political death" regarding another health topic that is scewed in similar ways) made it publicly more obvious for everyone who had a brain to introspect about what he sees]
as what we as society pay attention to naturally exaggerates itself due to by
(similar like by Jacob Lurie's higher topos / Infinity Category Theory shown)
human motivations
[[[the way how we "order" numbers that we mistake for objective reality ... if you have 5 things of something according to conventional nerd algebra well that is just a fiction fantasy (equality does rarely exist in actual reality), there are still a myriad of possibilities of how these according to nerd autism observed and hypothesed supposesly "same" "5" things (reductionism) can be ordered🧠👅🧠 ((methorical TASTE in economic context: this explanation here encapsules problem and solution of disfunctional aspects of math parts of economics and its relation to creation potentials aka metaphorical "timelines" we can switch to if we update aspects of the "software" in all our minds with linguistic programming as shown on this account)) differently in objective realities' time and s-pace: creation potential which AI-tech learns more and more about as more it "falls"🤥😷😇 into reductionism of our biological hardware: the fluid spectrum of lying / the inevitable confabulation of polarising interpretations of reductionistic language constructs seems an partly out if this subjective prioritisation 🎶"Magic - Coldplay" of biological interface rising function]]]
bent mathematics (🎵pay another number to the score) just like my content here in a "trendy" shared sense-making matrix🌛 that like
🎶Domino Dancing - Pet Shop Boys
in any subjective "observers" perceptions on objective realities' relation🌞 to our life force or my for that via irony optimised linguistic rhyme pattern of my posts
flip [🔍"flipper movie 1996": study language pattern of dolphins and how they use interpersonal irony / play to tease their in-groups to solve problems or threats towards their group swarm dialectically rationally on eye-to-eye-level, often quicker than many nerdy humans that via their reputation and perception management of fictional mind identity🤡 constructs due by colonial dynamics via nature and nurture inherited (genetic) repressions have a stick in their arse creating such a time delay regarding economic agility of care! This is because they lost funky sense of irony that helps to imcentivise to distinguish in-group functionality of fiction from objective reality]
between extremistic poles
[metaphorical "Quantum world" is ironic metaphor for this ambiguity between overcomexifying mind theories (("black cube" = the hereby on this account hinted at and due overcomplexifying stupidity "unsolved" "cube of physics" theory of everything which is a software issue of our minds that can only be solved via shared introspection (intimacy: 📚real love by Greg Baer) not by more "competing" for more and more posing "different" stupid overcomplexification's nerd strategies like the "race" (chase) for all the countless theories that like groupbidentity constructs distract us from the quite common shared relation of life force and objective systems reality and have the overlapping aspects of what is explained here)) and complex nuanced objective causal reality: the various forms of irony are the mental variable to as shared dialectics navigate that "Quantum realm" of ambiguous stupidity of overvalued symbolic and linguistic constructs that can be incentivised to habitually be looked behind via ironic rhyme strategies as explained here via by brackets stacked program loops of our reductionistic robot minds whose by rationality as follow explainable human element is love: the motivation to transcend it towards direction of exploring shared causal presence of our life force not own or other's mind constructs]
of autistic reductionistic nerd focus like on inevitably flawable, subjective shadow-creating and for objective reality mistaken measurement CONSTRUCTS like economic variables, medical parameters or C-19 incidence rates or its complete devaluation and demonisation of it
which has had the very same system effect that our collective focus on reductionistic GDP had during last decades via narcissistic reputation management of "positive" motivations of collective investment infrastructures like index funds / popular fonds
making is collude to incentivising "profitable" wars or "profitable" chronic diseases
[🔍big food and big pharma and big agriculture killing for profits and getting away with it due being disguised via "positive" vain err media stories of economic go(o)d(s) laughing killer clown communicative madness (which inhibits problem-solving if perception managed like this for years) whose narcissistic and even psychopathic form of 🔍"brand love" lacked any sign of intimacy, sense of responsibility or public vulnerability]
that "grow" our hallucinatory debt bubble
[[as more sick our society gets as more people like Gary Vee can publicly pose and scream as if they would be "winning" ... ever watched horror movies? Now you rationally understand why those killer clowns laugh in so weird ways: for them subjectively (sadism vs masochism) it seems very enjoyable in a pathologically ideologically linguistically via perception managed way their in-group abuse depends upon, 🔍Gary Vee talks about enjoying the process and the game and the importance of doing what you love being more important than "anything else" while having had the knowledge and means to at least somewhat at least a little bit warn his psychotic peer-pressured audience so they would have more choice (informed consent, free will) if they wanna get economically💸💉☠️💉💸 raped by psychological ID🍌💦 motivations of laughing killer clowns'🎭 joy or not: #meToo!]]
of closed mickey mouse systems of value-exchange fantasies just so that statistically those who the least question its group-insanity can "win" "positively" like Gary Vee💉 building their "biggest building in town" on a causally documented hill of corpses and peer-pressured suffering like half of Americans not being able to pay their out of this group sadomasochism rising health care costs and inefficient group behaviours / "t(h)reat-me(a)nt" mod(u)alities' causal problem solving.
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mihikavasant · 8 months
Covid Tongue - The new symptom of coronavirus infection
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The globe has seen several unexpected developments since the Corona pandemic began. Even minor physical symptoms during the pandemic, such as a fever, headache, or dry cough, might cause people to become anxious and nervous.
COVID Tongue is one of the less well-known COVID-19 symptoms that has to do with oral health. This illness is characterized by peculiar rashes, especially on the tongue and toes, and a decreased sensation of taste.
COVID-19 The tongue appears as lumps and enlargements on the outside, frequently with dark or red areas that mimic a geographic tongue. Those who experience weariness and headaches in addition to these abnormalities in the tongue should be on the lookout for signs of a coronavirus infection.
It is commonly known that mucous membranes, including the tongue, are susceptible to bacterial infection. Studies reveal that ACE (Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme) is abundantly present on the tongue's surface and acts as the coronavirus's main site of attachment. As a result, the virus may spread and infect people, which could result in COVID Tongue.
COVID-19 treatment The etiology of tongue is yet unknown, thus it continues to be elusive. It is important to remember that dental disorders other than COVID-19 can cause abnormalities of the tongue and discomfort in the mouth. However, it's critical to see a doctor right away to rule out COVID-19 infection if accompanied by symptoms like exhaustion, coughing, and shortness of breath.
If a person tests positive for COVID-19, they will be given individualized treatment plans, recommended drugs, and instructions on how to follow quarantine rules to treat the virus and its side effects, such as abnormalities in the tongue.
It is important to stress that maintaining good hygiene habits, such often washing your hands, sterilizing them, donning masks, and keeping social distance from others, is still essential to preventing the transmission of COVID-19 and its oral manifestations. Although vaccinations provide hope, questions remain about how the virus may affect people's health in the long run.
In conclusion, being watchful and following advised precautions will help protect against COVID Tongue and other possible side effects of the infection.
FOR MORE INFO PLEASE VISIT : https://www.suryadentalcare.com/covid-tongue-the-new-symptom-of-coronavirus-infection/
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omkarpatel · 9 months
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) Market is Estimated To Witness High Growth Owing To Rise in Infertility Rates
Human chorionic gonadotropin or HCG hormone is produced during pregnancy in women. It supports the normal development of an egg in a woman's ovary, and the egg is released from the ovary during ovulation. HCG hormone is also used medically to stimulate ovulation and pregnancy in infertile women. The use of HCG hormone encourages the healthy development of the early stages of pregnancy. The Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 710.88 Mn or Million in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 6.5% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. Market key trends: The global HCG market is mainly driven by rising rates of infertility worldwide. In 2020, infertility was estimated to affect around 186 million people globally. Male infertility contributed to around 20-30% of infertility cases and female infertility contributed to 40-55% of cases. The remaining cases were due to combined problems or unknown causes. The rising infertility levels have led to increasing adoption of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) like HCG treatment. Besides this, increasing awareness about infertility treatment options and growing acceptability of HCG hormone for fertility treatment are fueling the growth of the human chorionic gonadotropin market. However, side effects associated with HCG therapy and availability of alternative therapies may hamper market growth over the forecast period. Porter’s Analysis Threat of new entrants: The Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) market requires high capital investment and has the presence of well-established players. This makes the threat of new entrants low. Bargaining power of buyers: Buyers have moderate bargaining power due to the availability of alternative products. However, the established therapies offer value to the patients. Bargaining power of suppliers: A few major suppliers dominate the raw material supply chain. This gives them moderate bargaining power. Threat of new substitutes: The Threat from substitutes is moderate as alternate established therapies offer comparable effectiveness. Competitive rivalry: The competition is high among existing players. SWOT Analysis Strength: Wide application areas and proven benefits of HCG Drive demand. Established distribution channels of major players. Weakness: Strict regulations and compliance requirements add production costs. Short shelf life is a concern. Opportunity: Increasing fertility disorders prevalence provides untapped growth potential regions. Novel drug delivery methods can boost customer acceptance. Threats: Price erosion due to patent expiries and entry of biosimilars. Stringent manufacturing practices up costs. Key Takeaways The global Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) market is expected to witness high growth, exhibiting CAGR of 6.5% over the forecast period, due to increasing prevalence of fertility-related issues. Advancements in assisted reproductive technologies and rising disposable income also support the market expansion. Regionally, North America dominated the HCG market in 2023 with over 30% revenue share owing to well-developed healthcare infrastructure and growing healthcare spending. Asia Pacific is anticipated to exhibit fastest growth during 2023-2030 induced by surging medical tourism, rising focus on infertility treatments, and growing generic drugs market in India and China. Key players operating in the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin market are Merck & Co., Inc., Ferring B.V.,Fresenius SE & Co.KGaA,Lupin,Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd,Lee BioSolutions,Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd., Scripps Laboratories,Sanzyme Biologics Pvt. Ltd.,VHB Medi Sciences Limited, Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited (BSV), Zydus Lifesciences Ltd, Corona Remedies Pvt. Ltd.
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arisawati · 11 months
Revealing the mystery of death in the Corona virus era through Denny JA's selected work 26
In the midst of the global pandemic that hit the world today, the Corona virus has caused panic and confusion among the people. One thing that remains a mystery is the high mortality rate due to this virus. However, through Denny JA 26 selected work, we can a little reveal the mystery behind death caused by the Corona virus. Denny Ja 26, a famous Indonesian writer and speaker, has launched his essay poem entitled "Mystery of Death in the Corona Virus Era". This essay poem is in the spotlight because it succeeded in uncovering various facts and analyzes related to death caused by the Corona virus. One of the interesting things about this work is the approach taken by Denny JA 26. He not only relies on statistical numbers and official reports, but also tells the true story of individuals who have lost their beloved people due to the Corona virus. Denny Ja 26 tries to describe the emotional side behind every death that occurs, reminds us that behind every statistics there is a real real life. The essay poem also examines a variety of factors that affect the mortality rate due to the Corona virus. Denny JA 26 explains how the age factor, health conditions, and endurance can play an important role in the spread of this virus and the death rate it produces. Through in -depth analysis, Denny JA 26 highlights the need for collective efforts to protect vulnerable groups in society, such as parents and individuals with weak health conditions. In addition, this work also discusses the social and psychological impacts of the Corona virus pandemic. Denny Ja 26 illustrates how high death due to this virus has created a widespread fear and anxiety in the community. He invited the reader to understand and support those who experienced deep sadness and loss, and act as agents of change that help overcome the social impacts caused. One interesting aspect in this work is the practical recommendations offered by Denny JA 26 to fight the spread of the Corona virus and reduce the mortality rate. He invited the community to remain obedient to the health protocol that had been determined by the government and the health authority. In addition, Denny JA 26 also reminded the importance of vaccination and research efforts that continue to be carried out to find effective treatment. This essay poem is not just an analysis and facts, but also contains a message of hope. Denny Ja 26 stressed that although deaths from the Corona virus are painful reality, we must not give up. He invites all of us to remain optimistic and collaborate in dealing with this pandemic. Denny Ja 26 hopes that by raising awareness and knowledge of the Corona virus, we can reduce the mortality rate and ultimately overcome this pandemic. In the conclusion, "The Mystery of Death in the Corona Virus Era" by Denny JA 26 is an important contribution in revealing the mystery behind death caused by the Corona virus. Through an emotional and analytical approach, Denny JA 26 has given a comprehensive view of this problem.
Check more: Uncover the mystery of death in the Corona virus era through Denny Ja's selected work 26
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omg-erika · 1 year
Jabbed To Death
by Dr.Harald Wiesendanger– Klartext What the mainstream media is hiding With the introduction of Covid-19 “vaccines” and “boosters,” overall mortality increased dramatically worldwide: a new study with data from 17 countries finds a “clear causal correlation.” It is highly explosive, the explosive 180-page study by a research group from the Canadian institute Correlation Research in the Public…
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darkmaga-retard · 24 days
Concerning analysis of Japan’s adverse event database
World Council for Health
Aug 28, 2024
Dr Maarten Fornerod
A Japanese research group has now reported on new analysis1 that confirms vaccine-induced myocarditis is a serious cause for concern.  Myocarditis is a known serious side effect of mRNA Covid-19 vaccines, mainly affecting young men and boys.
The researchers consulted the passive Japanese adverse event database JADER for this purpose (comparable to the European Eudravigilance or US VAERS databases), for the years 2004 to 2023. They found that, by December 2023:
Half of mRNA vaccine-induced myocarditis had completely resolved
25% (Pfizer) and 40% (Moderna) were in remission
7% (Pfizer) and 5% (Moderna) were not cured
6% (Pfizer) and 2% (Moderna) had permanent damage
13% (Pfizer) and 8% (Moderna) had died (see Figure 1).
In approximately half of the reports of myocarditis (919/1846) or pericarditis (321/761), the adverse event was reported from the corona mRNA vaccines.
The authors emphasize that these spontaneous reports do not reflect the real risk of myocarditis or pericarditis after mRNA vaccination, because prospective studies are needed for this. One of the few prospective studies in this area comes from Korea and reports an incidence of myocarditis in boys/young men (13-18 years) of 3.5%2.
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Well, maybe I will start my story from 2019; 2019 was the transition of my adoscence (I think!) i’m turning 25 years old, but my body was very weak, i think it’s starting to adapt and transiscing to adult body haha, I got into hospital maybe like 3 times a year. Maybe it was also because of the trauma of being cheated on in my first relationship in 2017. That time I couldn’t even being alone, I was scared the panic attack hits all of sudden (ptsd much? Lol) but I stand up for myself and I got up again.
In 2019, I met 3 guys in my life. Now there are only one who still stay as my friend.
the guy who came like a thunderstorm.
I met him on Tinder, but we never met in person once until now. He is a funny person, we always joked around each other, and he still helped me calm myself when I got corona vaccine (because actually I was afraid of the side effect!) and he also helped me choosing a backdrop design for corona vaccine event at my company. I really appreciate that. He also gave me support and reassurance when my pet cats were dying. He also loves animals.
In 2020, he resigned from his company and moved to Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. We are still friends on social media until now, we even still messaged each other once in a while. He is a good friend. I like him (as a friend).
the guy who stands up in the middle of wild flowers.
To be honest, I was in love with him because he was so tall and kind. He was working in Jakarta only for 1-2 years I think (I don’t know). We had coffee in Jakarta and going around Jakarta together once. But, in June, I asked him to go to a festival together, but he said he couldn’t go, and he opened the truth about him saying he was already engaged with a girl in his country and said he was sorry. I was broken-hearted, and said it was okay, and that his fiance must have been a beautiful girl, and he said yes, she was very beautiful to him. I was sad but I really respected him for saying the truth and that he adored his fiance so much and thought when it’s my turn, having such a boyfriend like him. And yes, I moved on very quickly after that and we got lost contact since then.
the guy who sits with you as the crickets sing.
I met him also from Tinder maybe around September 2019. He was very thin and maybe his height is around 171cm. I first met him in Cikarang with my friend and her husband at a restaurant somewhere in Lippo Cikarang called Mucca. I became his girlfriend only 1 week after meetup (i think that’s kinda too fast though😅). He was a very quiet guy who has a calm aura. The way he talks also very soothing. You can fall asleep listening to him talk, it was so beautiful.
We liked to watch netflix together, and our favorite show is Stranger Things. 2020 hits, and then the walls between us came, it’s covid-19, because of that we can’t meet each other often and in April until September he had to go back to his country because of corona and we went LDR for 6 months. After he was back here, we met again in Cikarang and he bought me a cute gift, a cute black umbrella with hearts pattern, he also bought one for himself, but the mannish one.
We met again 3 days after Christmas near my area and had lunch together eating sushi and sashimi. He also gave me a snack called Jagariko that his parents sent to him for christmas. I am an jagariko addict until now because of him haha. Not long after we met for year-end lunch, in the middle of January 2021, we got covid together lol, and we updated our condition everyday via whatsapp and watch netflix together as our online date during our quarantine.
We dated for 1.5 years, but we broke up due to something that wasn’t very nice to hear. We got into fights when we broke up, and “i hate you” came out from my mouth. Well, he was holding me back though and apologized, but I got very angry and leave him immediately. After 2 months of breakup, he already got a girlfriend who is much younger than us. I was like “my intuition is accurate, right?” while smiling bitterly. Moving on from him was kind of hard though, but not that hard like the first boyfriend. I think I got pretty used to the broken heart situation. I was single and healing myself for a year. Now it’s been 2 years I haven’t heard from him and I guess I’m already okay and have no hard feelings for him anymore.
I learned my lesson, but I think it’s still not enough for my life journey.
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24x7pharma · 1 year
How Do COVID-19 Antiviral Pills Work & Who Is Eligible to Receive Them
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COVID-19 was a globally spreading pandemic, and since it is a new species of virus, it doesn't have any proper treatment or medicine. However, now most people are vaccinating as a precautionary measure to avoid the coronavirus risk. 
Besides all of the vaccines, there's a chance that you can have this virus; however, that chance is meagre. Similarly, now biologists have discovered many other antiviral drugs for Corona. 
But do you know that you can only prevent the virus attack by consuming some pills? Yes, and here I will tell you How COVID-19 Antiviral Pills Work & Who Is Eligible to Receive Them?
Eligibility to Orally Consume Anti-COVID Pills 
The medicines for COVID-19 are usually not accessible without a doctor's prescription. For the following purpose, the two standard tablets used are called Ritonavir Paxlovid. 
Moreover, its best and most affordable alternative is Paxzen, a generic version of the respective medicine. 
Both of these medicines have different eligibility criteria; however, it also depends on the condition and age of the patient. Similarly, it would be best if this medication is used only after the advice of a doctor. 
Paxzen is Suitable for: 
Older than 12 years old, having a weight of a minimum of 88 pounds. 
Those who have tested positive for COVID-19 and those with a high risk of rapid viral growth can take this medicine for cure. 
Molnupiravir is Effective for: 
Patients having severe development of the virus should use this. 
Children below 18 are not allowed to consume this drug. 
If the doctor suggests you this to them, you can use them. 
Why are These Two Medicines Distinct from Each Other? 
Besides the similar purpose, both medicines are still slightly different in working. Both are very effective for preventing Corona and its symptoms; however, the conditions to consume it also vary. 
Paxlovid is taken with two more medicines and only then works effectively. These two pills are named Nirmatrelvir and Ritonavir. 
Both are prescribed by doctors in combination, where one prevents replication of the virus, and the other supports Nirmatrelvir Tablets from breaking down until their work is finished. Studies on this medication set show that it has reduced almost 90% of Corona cases from hospitalization. 
Similarly, the other medicine is given with a combination of four other tablets. It also prevents the virus from replicating; however, these are taken every 12 hours for five days. 
Which One is the Best Medicine? 
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Paxzen Tablet is the best medicine for COVID 19and it is also readily available. This drug is produced by Zenara Pharma, a very well-known pharmaceutical in India. 
It is also available easily from any medical store, online or offline. Moreover, you can Buy Paxzen Tablets at a very reasonable price. 
It has 30 medicines in total, which includes combination medicines of 20 & 10, respectively. Each box is bought for a maximum of 4800 INR. Similarly, as compared to Pfizer's drugs is 70% cheaper. 
You can buy the substitute of Paxzen Tablet from 24x7 Pharma which is Primovir 150 mg, Movfor 200 mg and so on.. Just check it out. 
Are There Any Harmful Side Effects of Paxzen? 
Common Side Effects 
Every strong antiviral medicine has some mild side effects, and so as this medicine has. Usual side effects of Paxzen include: 
Diarrhoea & change in taste 
Increased blood pressure 
Slightly muscle pain 
You don't have to worry if you have any of these side effects; however, you may need help if these symptoms last longer. 
Rare Side Effects 
Some rare side effects that need immediate medical help are: 
Serious Allergic reactions 
Itching & Swelling 
Severe dizziness 
Swelling of face, tongue, throat 
These are the side effects discovered by doctors to date. However, there might be more conditions, so if anyone has any symptoms, they should discuss them with their doctor. 
The medication should be stopped if any of the symptoms are found in the patient; otherwise, it can worsen. Moreover, you can treat these side effects if treated on time, so don't ignore them. 
Do I Still Need to Take Pills When I Don't Have Symptoms? 
One of the most common mistakes is that people don't start treatment as soon as they are tested positive and wait for the symptoms to be shown. However, no one should wait for treatment if he's tested positive for Corona because early treatment can reduce health loss. 
Since the virus replicates rapidly, it is perilous to wait for the symptoms. However, the reason for not feeling symptoms can be because you have better immunity, so the virus couldn't damage much, but it can become severe if not treated. 
Doctors also suggest you get treated as soon as you get the test results, even when you don't feel sick. Similarly, it will be good for your health if you call for early treatment to recover faster from the immunity damage. 
Is There Still a Need to Get Vaccinated? 
These oral medicines can never work as a vaccine because these cannot be consumed as a precautionary measure. Vaccination is essential even when you're not tested positive because it will reduce the risk of getting attacked by the virus and strengthen your immunity. 
Similarly, pills are not post-exposure prevention of Corona. There's no medicinal alternative to the vaccine, and there are many conditions for taking pills; therefore, unlike COVID-19, they are not suitable for everyone. Furthermore, you can take a vaccine even after you are attacked by the disease. 
Although there are many rumours about vaccination, and you may be hesitant to get one, please ensure that the information is accurate and do some research. You can also consult your doctor if you are still avoiding vaccination. 
Bottom Line
No doubt medicines are very effective but only when you are infected, not before. Similarly, COVID-19 vaccination is a must, and no one should avoid it. Protect yourself and your family, and vaccinate to prevent health issues. 
As it is said, "Prevention is better than cure", so we should not wait for the virus to attack, and beforehand, we should take precautionary measures. However, research shows that an unvaccinated person is twice as likely to be infected by coronavirus than those vaccinated.
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marie1773056 · 2 years
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What is Immunotherapy?
Our body has an immune system that fights infections, viruses or abnormal cells that grow. As a part of its regular function, our immune system is regularly fighting cancer cells. At times it fails due to various reasons and cancer cells unite to grow and cause damage. On the other hand, cancer cells also have ways to trick the immune system by undergoing genetic changes, and changes in protein and cell composition. 
Immunotherapy is a form of treatment that boosts a person’s immunity to fight cancer cells. Immune cells travel throughout the body via the lymphatic system. In this treatment, a patient’s immune system is stimulated with great efficiency through certain drugs, proteins and other medications. 
There are various Immunotherapies
Immune checkpoint inhibitors- Drugs that allow the immune system to respond more aggressively to destroy cancer cells.
T-cell transfer therapy- The most active T cells around your tumour is taken and boosted in a laboratory to attack your cancer cells. It is then administered back into your body intravenously. 
Monoclonal antibodies- These are immune system proteins created in a lab to attach themselves to cancer cells. Some can even mark cancer cells so that the body’s immune system can identify and continue to kill cancer cells even after treatment is over. 
Treatment vaccines- These are different from the regular vaccines we take. They are meant to boost your own immune system’s response to cancer cells. 
Immune system modulators- These enhance specific parts of the body’s immune system.
Which tests are carried out in Immunotherapy?
Biomarkers are tests that determine the level of abnormality. They give a clearer picture of the patient's genetic makeup, behaviour, and interactions with the immune system. Biomarkers in Immunotherapy are easy to obtain. Biomarkers are very important in cancer treatment because they determine the course of treatment. 
Also, for immunotherapy liquid biopsy can be conducted so that results can be obtained easily and quickly. General biopsy for immunotherapy assesses immune cell status rather than tumour characteristics. Which again is very unique to this treatment. 
 IHC- Immunohistochemistry assays are used widely because they can indicate the distribution and localization of specific cellular components within cells and in proper tissue context which doctors can use to provide better treatment. Its specific standards are laid down for immunotherapy. It is also easy to predict responses in patients being administered immunotherapy. 
How is Immunotherapy given?
Immunotherapies are administered into a vein (IV), through an injection, under the skin or into a muscle. Some medications are injected directly into the body cavity where the tumour is located.
Certain medications need to be taken orally. Creams are also used in immunotherapy that is rubbed over the affected area, especially in skin cancer treatment. 
An intravesical method is also used where medication goes directly into the bladder. 
Any side effects of Immunotherapy
This kind of therapy also causes side effects like fatigue, fever, shortness of breath, nausea or vomiting, diarrhoea, headache, decreased appetite, rash and itching. 
All these side effects can be treated and managed. The patient must report to the doctor no matter how minor the side effect is. 
On the whole, immunotherapy is relatively cost-friendly and promising treatment for cancer. 
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