#Silent Kult
jackmurloc · 8 months
**Avaliable Now**
Special thanks to people who supported the process and shot out to my Kult
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carnivore-voyeur · 2 months
A Summary of Per Eriksson's Live on Insta (7/30/24) for those of you who haven't seen it. (It's still up on his instagram as of right now if you want to see it)
Under Read More because there's so much. There's a few heavy topics, so please be aware of that.
He was in Sweden again, and he spoke Swedish a little bit. He said he's very good at Swedish. (I don't understand Swedish very well, but he said where he was from and that he could speak the language) The house he stays in when he's in Sweden is his brother's house. The room he films in was built by him and his brother.
He spoke a bit more about The Black River Kult. Orders will be shipped about two weeks from now. He's planning a giveaway of one of the signed guitar picks.
He's not putting his hair down for everyone again. He doesn't love his hair, and he's not sure why people like it. He says if people keep asking him to put it down, he'll cut it off on screen. He says he's too lazy to take care of it.
He said Zero is about 6 months old. He wants to adopt a cat soon as well, and maybe another dog. If it was up to him, he'd adopt every dog in the world.
He's happy to hear that people were inspired by him to learn guitar. He says inspiring people to do something creative with their lives makes him happy.
He explained again that he's not "psychotic" about Snoopy. (Someone said there's a Snoopy theme park in Minnesota)
He's thinking of covering up his Sodomizer tattoo because he doesn't like it. He knows people are going to disagree with him on it.
PER IS 174-175 CM TALL. YOU CAN STOP ARGUING ABOUT HIS HEIGHT NOW!!! (That's ~5'8") He jokes that he's "Swedish Short" meaning he's short for a guy from Sweden.
He said all his height is in his limbs. He's got long legs and long arms. He says he looks a bit freaky. (Side note: this isn't uncommon in people with joint hypermobility. I'm not saying he has that, but he is flexible!)
He has an idea for a restaurant like Hooters but it's all men in tight pants with boners. It's called "Dongs." His OnlyFans will be called OnlyDongs.
He doesn't run the Zero fanpage. He loves it, though.
He doesn't know the band Avatar, but he says the bassist of the band kept hitting on his girlfriend.
He loves Muse, but he hasn't really listened to their newer stuff. He also loves The Misfits and used to be a drummer in a Misfits cover band.
He thought Gojira's performance at the Olympics was very cool.
He's thinking about doing a Twitch stream. He likes first person realistic shooters and horror games. He really likes Phasmophobia. He says he's not a great gamer, but he's okay with people watching him play. He's a big Silent Hill II fan as well and showed off his Pyramid Head tattoo.
Per's new tattoo is a "Fuck Cancer" tattoo. It's on the inside of his arm near his armpit. He says his father died last year from cancer and that it was a horrible experience. He says his mom had cancer, too, but she survived. He says he might need to go to therapy to deal with all of it. (He seemed reluctant to talk about his new tattoo at first).
He says he's not really a people person and he never really wanted children. He much prefers animals. He used to have an iguana.
He says it takes a lot of time and a lot of work to learn guitar. It can be slow and frustrating, but you've got to keep pushing. He always wanted to be a guitar player. He started with drums but he thought guitar was cooler. His brother and his father helped him. His first guitar was a Fender Strat copycat.
When asked if he was watching the Olympics, he said no. He didn't realize they were going on at first. Per says he lives in his own world, so he's not always sure what's going on around him. It's the only way he can live.
He stays away from Twitter because he says there's a lot of stupid people on there running their mouths.
He got into King Diamond because he thought the album cover for Abigail was cool. He ended up loving the album and the rest is history.
He likes tacos and breakfast foods. He used to like bacon, but stopped eating it because he felt bad for the pigs. He wishes he could go vegan, but he thinks he'd probably starve himself to death because he's not good at feeding himself. He limits eating meat.
He can't grow a beard.
Someone asked him what he thinks about hate crimes. He said he believes everyone in the world should be able to do what they want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. He doesn't understand why people would hate someone for being gay.
He explains that just because he doesn't say something about something doesn't mean he supports any of the horrible things happening in the world. He doesn't support any horrible thing happening in the world. He doesn't understand hunting people down for their opinions, though. He's not a political person, so stop asking him political questions or expecting him to make political comments. He says if you want to make a change, then you go out and do it rather than yell at people on Twitter.
He knows people were calling him a Nazi on Twitter. He says it was really weird of them to say that. He says he wouldn't have lasted long among the Nazis given who he's friends with. So to him, it made no sense.
Per addressed a rumor someone made up about him to exemplify how people make up things and they spiral out of control. Someone made up a rumor that Per had children all over the world that he didn't care about or support, which wasn't true. (I remember this rumor. It was awful). He said he got a ridiculous amount of hate for it, even though it wasn't true. So, he asks that people please fact check before sharing anything about him.
When someone said they were starting a "Sodo Cosplay", Per said "I don't really know what that is but maybe you should pick something prettier to dress up as" - clearly acknowledging that SODO is PER and not the ghoul's name.
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blackchantilly · 5 months
Was tagged by @rivetgoth to list my nine favorite albums right now. This is going to be some amalgamation of all-time favorites and stuff I've revisited lately with newer (i.e. within the last couple of years) fixations -- neither an exhaustive list nor a snapshot of the specific moment. Here are just some albums I like and have been thinking about!
Public Memory - Elegiac Beat: I know I've been annoying about them lately. I've been a fan since their first album, but when I listened to this album for the first time last fall it was one of those love-at-first-listen moments. Like literally the first few notes gave me intense goosebumps and I knew I was in for a major treat. I adore the ultra-spooky downtempo sound and the dub influences, and I love how so many of the songs flow into each other. The result is extremely cohesive and artfully executed. Favorite song: "Tall in My Room"
1000 Eyes - Duality: This is the newest one I've listened to multiple times. More spooky downtempo stuff, which you will learn is a common theme in my favorites. This one leans more ambient and is mostly instrumental. It exists in the same space as Silent Hill music essentially, which makes sense because 1000 Eyes worked on the soundtrack to the game Signalis -- one of my two favorite survival horror games of the last few years. The only problem is that if I'm not careful I will fall asleep listening to this, haha. Favorite song: "Affirmation of Null"
My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult - Confessions of a Knife: I saw them live a couple of weeks ago and so I've dusted this one off a couple of times recently. I think most industrial fans would say this is TKK's most popular album. It's nearly perfect; there are only a couple of songs on it that I don't love. Favorite songs: "The Days of Swine and Roses," "Waiting for Mommie"
George Clanton - 100% Electronica: I WILL BE seeing him again this weekend, so we're about to listen to a bunch of George Clanton again! If I had to choose a favorite album of his then I guess this would be it, but Slide is a really really close second. Actually it's almost too close to call. Most would classify him as vaporwave, but I think people who aren't fans of the genre would like him because he mostly just makes pop music that sounds like it's from the '80s and '90s. I wore this album out in 2019 after I had worn out Slide and needed to move on to more of the same. Last time I saw him live I got to meet him, and he was wonderfully charming and funny. Favorite songs: "Bleed," "Warmspot," "Never Late Again"
Sacred Skin - The Decline of Pleasure: Sacred Skin is my new Drab Majesty -- I basically proselytize about them to anyone who will listen, lol. Like I imagine how I feel about certain pop-driven darkwave bands is how Christians feel about Jesus. This album has been out for a couple of years, but I still listen to it maybe once a month or so because it's pretty much flawless. I especially recommend them to fans of Tears for Fears and Duran Duran. Favorite songs: "Far Away," "Alive in the Night"
Drab Majesty - The Demonstration: Ah hell, might as well list them too. Here's another flawless album that I still listen to semi-regularly even though it's seven years old now. When I first listened to them (it was actually the song "The Foyer" that hooked me) I couldn't believe how they sounded so much like an amalgamation of my favorite classic gothy bands -- like if the Cure, Depeche Mode, and Cocteau Twins all collaborated. This is a concept album about the Heaven's Gate cult, for added fun! Favorite song: "Dot in the Sky"
Night Sins - Violet Age: I was listening to this obsessively at the same time I was listening to Sacred Skin obsessively. At the time the closest goth event to me was in Tulsa, which is a fucking nightmare of a 2+ hour drive from where I live, so my favorite thing to do on my way home was queue up this album right after the Sacred Skin album. The association lingers. I've waxed poetic about Night Sins recently so there's no need to restate all of that. I just really love their hooks and how unusually swingy a lot of their songs are. Favorite song: "Corium"
Body of Light - Bitter Reflection: I like a lot of songs from their earlier albums, but their newest release is so good and so consistent. It has a beautiful melancholic and atmospheric vibe that sets it apart. I actually preordered this on vinyl on a whim and was so glad that I did when it finally came out. Favorite song: "Never Ever"
Underworld - dubnobasswithmyheadman: I'd feel stupid if I didn't include it. This album is 30 years old and is generally lauded by gen X former ravers everywhere. I am a millennial and have never technically been to a rave (unless Happyland Music Fest counts), but I also love it very much. I've been listening to this since 2017 and it's still what I put on when I need to do some mindlessly repetitive work or just need to kill an hour and 12 minutes -- both somewhat common occurrences. A few of their albums are notably excellent, but this will probably always be my favorite. Favorite songs: "Dark & Long," "M.E."
As usual, I will not tag anyone specifically, but do it if you want!
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ohyangchon · 1 year
By popular demand (just @cupofteaandstars lol) here’s the full biography of the AU I’m playing Jangil in for KULT 4e!
Kieran Lee "The Thunderbeast" is a lanky man in his late 30s. With brunette hair, sharp brown eyes and tan skin, the first thing that immediately jumps out at people is the unusual limp he has and the self-harm scars in his inner arms.
When he was a teen he was good friends with Samuel Perkins, the half-Latino overachiever who'd transferred into the school. Their fathers however did not get along, and when Kieran's troubled father hinted that Samuel's father was suing the family for hate crimes, Kieran decided to exploit Samuel's kindness and take things into his own hands. Sure, the attempted drowning and Samuel's body silently falling off the cliff into the murky waters would haunt Kieran for the rest of his life, even after Samuel's return and his psychotic break, but if you asked him he would argue it had to be done.
(It was a good distraction. So good that the charges were dropped and the Fortiers thought Kieran's methods mirrored his father's so well and funded his education - a common enemy being removed from the picture after he had other things to worry about made for good collaboration.)
Of course, after graduation Kieran worked in prosecution for a while until he eventually was drawn once again to that lake from decades ago. It called his name. "Cleanse your sins." He had nowhere left to go - at this point his haunted father was dead, there were voices around him who claimed they knew how he'd come to power and he had nowhere left to run.
So he jumped in, letting the pressure ravage his body and the water engulf him. His breakdown and eventual self harm was kept tightly secret and in the end when he'd been well enough, he'd returned as the law consultant of the Fortiers, solving their problems and paying off his debt to them with work.
Dr Little however had made him a proposition about what he'd seen there. What he'd dragged out of the waters by then was a part of Samuel, whom he reverted to under severe stress - like he was a teenager again. It would be an otherwise good partnership as long as Little kept his mouth shut.
Kieran had much to think about after Alex's commitment. It could've been him. Why though? The Fortiers weren't necessarily troubled but he had a reputation to uphold for them. At all costs.
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harrelltut · 1 year
Highly Official… U.S. Ægiptian [HOUSE] Deutsch QUANTUM HARRELL TECH [QHT] AT&T+IBM [A.i.] LLC... of 144,000 Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient 9 Ether Quantum Dara™ A.i. Bot Communication [ABC] GOD Creators of Intuitive Assistance [CIA] Memory Compu_TAH [PTAH] Records Ask [RA]… is Quantum Dara™ Under Secret [U.S.] AURAL [USA] GODDESS Language Surveillance of Economic 9 Ether [SEE] Ethereal [Occulted = SEO] SECURITIES @ Highly Official… U.S. Ægiptian [HOUSE] Deutsch QUANTUM HARRELL TECH [QHT] AT&T+IBM [A.i.] LLC???
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god sound like michael's silent voice
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eye always feel like somebody at the pentagon watching me
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him agent [ha = harrell] in black [clandestine]
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we at the pentagon!!!
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eye need my own hi:teKEMETICompu_TAH [PTAH] Earth [Qi] Security Forces as Highly Official... U.S. King [UK] of ANU 2024 9 Ether Subterranean Ægiptian MU America [MA = ATLANTIS]
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we always creating something new since we always too advanced from the past future of now 
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quantum harrell technology [qht] so advanced... artificial 2023 income [a.i.] america [aia] still confused about basic 5g tech languages [insert evil evil laugh emoji]
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2024 artificial intelligence [a.i.] ain't saving you... it will replace you in 2023 [insert evil evil laugh emoji]
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uh oh... mother plane coming 2 clean house... yáll in trouble
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noah's intergalactic mothership [i'm] ark of nibiru here!!!
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yáll getting hired & fired by automated robots?!?!?!
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SUPREME 9 ETHER SKY GOD MIND BUSINESS of CURRENT [B.C.] AFTERLIFE ANUNNAQI ALUHUM DREAM [A.D.] REALITIES AWAKE! [RA] IN SUPERNATURAL 9 ETHER HUMIM SUN HISTORIES in Animated [HA = HARRELL] MOON Motions Immortalized [MI = MICHAEL] on Earth [ME] Currently SHAPESHIFTING into Electromagnetic Airwave [SEA] Mechanics Underneath [MU] ANU [MA] Biblically Ancient [BABYLONIAN] FUTURISTIC 5000 Aquatic METROPOLIS of Ægiptian [FAME] Afterlife Realities [FAR]… MENTALLY EXPERIENCED [ME] DEEP IN:side the MOTHERSHIP [I’M] PLANE [I/P] Coordinates of Antediluvian LEMURIA's [CAL’s] GOLDEN Interdimensional 9 [i9] Ether Ethereal [ECLIPSE = Occulted] Light [EL] ORACLE & MYSTIC [OM] MUUR [OM] Continents of Queen Calafia’s [CA’s] EXTRA UNIQUE SUN [U.S.] KHALIFA [UK] LANGUAGE TRIBES [KULT]… Ancestrally Identifying [A.i.] Us SUPERCONSCIOUS [U.S.] GOLDEN 9 Ether Ethereal [ECLIPSE = Occulted] 1968 MOORISH Americans [MA = ATLANTEANS] of Gen X
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ne--0n · 2 years
1,6,69,99,100 give
1. 6 lat później - Kult 6. Fuck You - Silent Child 69. Affection - Cigarettes After Sex 99. I May Have Lied to You - Sizarr 100. Sepulveda Basin - Liily
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thanhingalway · 2 months
Woche 6 - Teil 2
Silent Disco Walk
Folgende Aktivität war so komisch und witzig, dass sie ihren eigenen Abschnitt verdient hat. Jedes Jahr wird zum GIAF eine "stumme Disco" auf den Straßen der Innenstadt veranstaltet, die von einer schrill angezogenen Person angeführt wird. Für die Unwissenden: eine Silent Disco funktioniert im Grunde wie eine gewöhnliche Disco, nur wird auf Lautsprecher für die Musik verzichtet. Stattdessen verwendet man bewusst Kopfhörer oder Ohrstöpsel, um eine Lärmbelästigung in der nahestehenden Umgebung zu vermeiden. Ich durfte am Freitag dieser Disco mit zwei anderen Freundinnen, Hannah und Margherita, beiwohnen. Die Anleiterin ist eine herzliche Spanierin gewesen, die uns Befehle wie "Wedelt mit den Armen" oder "Wascht die Person vor euch" gegeben hat. Sie war sehr offen und hat auch die Schüchternen unter uns akzeptiert. Während der Übungen gab es alte Hitsongs aus unseren Kopfhörern zu hören, an denen wir uns orientieren mussten. Fast Jede*r in der gesamte Gruppe war weiblich und mit vollem Einsatz dabei. So durften wir "I want to dance with somebody" grölen, während wir auf der Straße auf Passant*nnen zeigten. Das war für mich am Anfang unangenehm, aber nicht ohne Spaß. Am Ende haben wir auch dramatische Posen einstudiert und Tanzstile ausprobieren dürfen. Für Menschen, die gerne im Mittelpunkt stehen, war das vergleichbar mit Weihnachten (kann ich mir vorstellen).
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Links: Der Strand in der Nähe des Salthill
Rechts: Ein Festivalschiff im Design des Stadtwappens
Isabels Besuch
Am Wochenende kam mich meine Klassenkameradin Isabel besuchen. Sie fuhr den ganzen Weg mit einem City Link Bus nach Galway und hatte ihre Ankunft um 10:45. Ich zeigte ihr den Strand, den Salthill und die Straßen der Innenstadt. Leider konnte ich ihr nicht viel anderes zeigen, da ich starke Migräne hatte. Wir hatten auch vor ins Arcade zu gehen, da das fiel aufgrund der Migräne auch ins Wasser. Stattdessen zeigte ich ihr Dungeons and Donuts, ein Karten- und Brettspielladen, der auch Donuts verkauft. Der Verkäuferin Katie sagte ich Hallo und dann gingen wir spontan in das Kino Palás. Wir schauten auf Empfehlung des Kartenverkäufers I saw the TV glow an. Der Film war sehr melancholisch und etwas wirr. Am Abend gab es dann Sushi.
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Links: Kino Palás
Rechts: Kinosaal, kurz vor der Filmvorführung
Die Dungeons and Dragons Runde
Isabel übernachtete den Samstag bei mir. Am Morgen mussten wir schnell zu einem Termin im Café Nero. Das war eine offene Dungeons and Dragons Runde. Ich wollte eigentlich davor alleine dorthin gehen, aber der Termin hat sich kurzfristig mit Isabels Besuch überschnitten, weswegen ich sie mitgenommen habe. Isabel hatte schon immer Interesse an dem Pen and Paper-Spiel und daher musste sie mit!
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Links: Spieleleiter Cathal notiert unsere Werte
Rechts: Die Battlemap eines Tempels, in dem unser Rollenspiel stattfindet
Die Kampagne hieß Fane of the Night Serpent und wurde von Cathal geleitet. Der hatte seit Monaten ein Poster zu seiner Rollenspielgruppe auszuhängen, um neue Spieler*innen zu rekrutieren. Andere Mitspieler hießen Callum und Ronan, beide Iren, die aus Gag beide um sich schlagende Mönche spielten. Wir sollten einen Kult aus Schlangenmenschen infiltrieren und einen Schatz von ihnen klauen. Isabel war eine Bardin, die alles was nicht schneller als drei auf dem Baum ist, anmachte und ich war eine Barbarin, die statt mit dem Kopf, alles mit ihrer Großaxt löste. Zusammen ergaben wir eine überraschend produktive Gruppe. Nach dem DnD-Spiel ist Isabel wieder zu sich nach Dublin gefahren und ich sprintete zum nächsten Treffen.
Das GAA-Match und die Saw Doctors
Ich schaute nach dem Rollenspiel im Pearse-Stadium das GAA-Match an. Das ganze Stadium hatte die Countyfarben an und Lärm gemacht. Die Stimmung war unbeschreiblich. Trotz Elan ihrer Fans hatte die Mannschaft gegen Armagh im Finale verloren. Wir waren alle sehr bestürzt.
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Links: Schilder rund um die Stadt, die der County-Mannschaft Glück zum Spiel wünschen sollen
Rechts: Das Pearse-Stadium
Zum Schluss saßen die Mädels, mit denen ich das Spiel angeschaut habe, mit mir an dem Ufer Corrib, um zu Picknicken. Dazu gab es laute Musik vom großen Konzertzelt "The Big Top" zu hören. Die Musik war von den Saw Doctors, einer von den Bewohner*innen geliebten Band. Da aber das GAA-Finale leider verloren wurde, fiel die Perfomance und der Beifall sehr verhalten aus. Und dann war auch um 21:00 Zeit nach Hause zu fahren.
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Ihr könnt euch hoffentlich hier ein Bild von dem Ufer und Big Top machen
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deadinandout · 2 months
About me!
New post punk blog!
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Tw for blood, gore, violence and occasional sexual themes
Graphic content will be on this account. Minors beware
LGBTQ+ friendly
homophobes, racists, and transphobes not allowed shoo shoo
I’m Sophie! 21 unsure about gender. she/he if u want. I’ve been into post punk and post punk adjacent music for about the last 6 years. Thought I’d make a sideblog dedicated to this everlasting hyper fixation. Maybe make some fellow post punk friends while I develop a collection of my favorite shit on this blog.
So here’s a bit about me (sorry I’m thorough):
Favorite post punk artists
The Damned
Clan of Xymox
Depeche Mode
The Cure
Skinny Puppy
Thrill Kill Kult
Siouxsie and the banshees
Alien sex fiend
Joy division/new order
The Mission
The Chameleons
Ghost dance/anne-marie’s skeletal family
Early Peter Gabriel
Concrete blonde
Every Daniel Ash project lmao
I love throbbing gristle but don’t listen to them much. I appreciate their influence on industrial music a lot. I had researched them for a class project! know a lot about them, side projects, and coum transmissions they kinda became a fixation of mine lol.
Other musicians I like
Oingo Boingo, Duran Duran, Pet Shop Boys, Gary Numan, Kate Bush, Phil Collins, Pink Floyd, Chvrches, Mcr fob (emo to goth pipeline yall get it), The Used, Thursday, Linkin park, Mitski and laufey enjoyer
Twin tribes, harsh symmetry, boy harsher, nuovo testamento, soft kill, ADULT., spike hellis, Lebanon Hanover for current post punk/80s sounding artists
Other post punk and adjacent bands I would like to get into more: Lycia, corpus delicti, virgin prunes, nin, lowlife, interpol, for against, slowdive, fad gadget, specimen, coil, front line assembly, Gang of Four, lush, nitzer ebb, the sound, and more I’ll stop there.
Other interests
Horror films (80s and Japanese) faves include pulse, ringu, reanimator, they live, saw 1-3, lost boys, near dark, from beyond
Art and tattooing (art blog :p @soiscla )
Video games! Especially horror and story games. faves include resident evil, silent hill, until dawn, tlou, sallyface, life is strange, beyond two souls, and dreadout
Big trekkie
Hannibal tv show :)))
Goth and 80s fashion
Record collector
Random facts
5’2 and almost always wear my 4 inch demonias to shows
Almost ate shit at a Danny Elfman show
I have a DM strangelove tattoo with their hands spelling ‘love’ :)))) first 80s band that meant a lot to me so I dedicated my first tattoo to my love for dm and music in general.
I almost met Dave Vanian in the Mandalay Bay casino in LV but I had a panic attack and chickened out. my biggest regret
Although @ same show Dave did talk to my dad from stage so that made me happy maybe I’ll share that video some time
I have a captain sensible pick 😎
Going on 70 concerts. The live show grind don’t stop can’t stop
Fave shows I’ve been to include mcr reunion show, dm, ministry, OMD, thrill kill kult w/ ADULT., skinny puppy, and randomly Halsey in 2022 she was fantastic
After my ministry show I saw bill leeb of FLA getting take out, again walking through a casino, I thought this was funny so Ill put it here
Cruel world fest enjoyer. Got to see Bauhaus, Siouxsie, ministry play with sympathy, love and rockets, and tones on tail. All dreams of mine to hear live
Saw morrissey for like 3 songs at CW and got bored and left early. Too bad so sad
Welcome to my brain rot :)
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solojourn · 1 year
Hi! This is a place where I (Swordie) chronicle my attempts playing solo tabletop roleplaying games. The entries on this blog will contain a mix of simple text, photos of notebook scribbles, and (hopefully) doodles pertaining to any scenes as I see fit.
My experience with tabletop games have been mostly DnD 5e and SPELL: The RPG with friends. My intent with playing solo RPGs are not only to learn how to play different systems, but also find greater appreciation for the emergent narratives solo rpgs can spawn.
...Also, I may die often. And I will mess up on the rules, like, a lot.
Systems I'm interested in: Call of Cthulhu MÖRK BORG (and CY_BORG) Ironsworn Apocalypse World (and PbtA games) Ronin LUMEN SRD Notorious Jerma985 Unofficial RPG (yes.)
Story wishlist: - Exploration and survival set in the world of Metroid - Bumbling and (in-character) self discovery through Silent Hill. Might use KULT for this. - Regency Call of Cthulhu (if I could improvise and/or get the book!) - Exploring the beginning legends of an ancient Japanese family cursed (or blessed?) by dragon-eating centipedes. Might use Ronin for this. - MÖRK BORG adventure to seek out a McDonald's in a dying world where good meals are as rare as diamonds. - Kill Bill, but it's furries in a cyberpunk dystopia where anyone's loyalties can be bought out by companies. Definitely a CY_BORG thing, right?
Now, for the solo journals themselves: Title (hashtag) - Materials used - list links.
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wildwechselmagazin · 1 year
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thekultofo · 2 years
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Hey everyone! Yesterday, on the 3rd of March, I celebrated the iconic TB-303 synthesizer made by Roland with a mix.
For one hour, I took you on a trip through the world of acid showcasing the power and versatility of the TB-303. Whether you're a laidback acid or pumping beats fan, this mix has something for you.
If you missed the live stream, don't worry! The mix is still available to listen to on my channel and as always with links to all the releases I played. I'd love to hear your feedback and thoughts, and if you enjoyed the mix, feel free to share it with your friends.
#TB303 #AcidMusic #RolandSynthesizers #UndergroundMusic
Original artwork: -
I'd like to thank my Patreons who supported this show: Dafreeze, Strayd0g, ivan & R. Relique.
If you also want to support The Kult of O, and get more content, then consider becoming a Patreon:
Luke Vibert - Brain Rave X&TRICK - The C Of B Mr.Gasmask & Acidolido - Visual Imagery DyLAB - Just Your Kind (BONUS CUT) Falhaber - Laak Joel John - Circle Test Awtriep - Oamsi D9FF09 - Untitled Datasmok - 004 Casper Hastings - Uisce Konerytmi - Hermoverkko Spigl - AccD pH2 - Planet Wrong Ashley Nield - Escape Lane Dep Affect - Fever Dream DyLAB - August Acid3 Axel Picodot - Witch On Acid LFDM - 250 Negative Glitch - Coil Silent Humanity - Our Destiny Detention - Da Sind Wir Wieder 6head_slug - fuckbread [Shiptur Remix]
Blog https://www.thekultofo.com/aciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid/
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carnivore-voyeur · 28 days
Per Eriksson Live Summary - August 26, 2024.
This one was quite long! There's a few funny stories in there and he revealed a lot.
Per introduces the live as a "cult meeting."
He's still in Sweden.
Black River Kult specific updates:
Production issues with hoodies have been solved. Patches are delayed. Orders should be shipped out this week.
They're not going to do another drop until orders are sent out. Guitar picks will not be restocked. The Baphomet shirt will not be restocked.
Someone asked him for hair care tips and he joked that he needs hair care tips for thin, greying hair. He still wears nipple piercings (someone asked).
He has reiterated replicas are being made of his necklace in silver. They will not be cheap and they will be limited. There will be a waiting list. They'll probably cost over $200.
They might do leggings in the future.
He says Kult memberships are at capacity, so you can't officially join via the website until they make them available again.
Someone asked him if he can get them made with pockets, and he said he'd consider it. He's not really sure how they work.
He saved the live, but he said saving the live was contingent on him not saying something insulting or saying something stupid.
He said he's managed to piss people off in the past, which was not his intention at all. Direct quotes:
"I don't mean to insult people, but sometimes you insult people by mistake and sometimes you say something in passing that maybe people can take the wrong way."
"I get enough hate as it is, and if I say something stupid I just get more hate and that's - I don't need it."
He says he started collecting shirts when he was ~13, and he has hundreds of shirts. He has garbage bags of "retired shirts."
He never "lived" in Spain, but he rented an apartment there. He loves Barcelona.
He is friends with Nergal of Behemoth. He says he's a very sweet person.
He says he is working on a music project but he doesn't want to talk about it. He says it's cool, though.
Someone joked in the chat that they're his wife, and Per had to correct confusion in the chat saying this is what happens - people take passing comments out of context and believe them. He's not married.
Zero and Demon (his dogs) are at the Temple of the Black River (their house) where they work as high priests. Zero's full name is John Zero Costello.
He loves Iron Maidan. He grew up on them.
A little funny moment:
He said his necklace has been on his neck "every fucking- (he covers his mouth) every day - I didn't mean to say fuck"
Per hates being cold. He prefers hot. (Fire ghoul indeed). He says he doesn't have any fat on his body so he freezes a lot.
He likes The Walking Dead, but he hasn't really seen the last season(s).
He likes tea.
He said "I cannot make a heart with my hands" (Again lol)
He's very excited about the Silent Hill 2 remake and might want to stream it on Twitch. It's his favorite game of all time. He loves Resident Evil, too.
He mentioned again that he got his infamous Sodomizer tattoo when he was really young as a joke and he wants to have it covered up.
He doesn't regret his back tattoo, but it was painful and expensive. His chest tattoo is his first tattoo.
He would love to learn how to play piano.
He's been to Greece many times and he loves it. He's also loved Turkey. He's a big fan of the Netherlands, too.
Someone asked him what Sound the Dread Alarm comes from. (It's from a Tool song) He showed off his Tool tattoos. (💜💜💜)
(My username is also a Tool reference)
Someone asked if he was straight again. He is. They asked him if he was sure, and he said he's pretty sure. He would've known by now.
He said he's played guitar for 35 years but he's "still pretty sucky at it."
Someone asked him to show his hands and he immediately asked "why?" He was asked about his pinky. When he was 4, someone slammed a door on his finger by accident. The tip of his finger was hanging off. They tried to attach it, but it died. They had to amputate his finger.
The nail is still growing (this is common in finger amputees. It's called a hook nail.) He likes his "claw" - he thinks it's badass. He uses a nail clipper for dogs on it. He uses his nail to drum on glass cups. The only issue he has with it is that when the nail grows out, it catches on his guitar. (Yes, we know! Remember when it bled all over his guitar?)
He uses Tula skincare products (Per in his Beauty Influencer era) He said he walked into Sephora and walked up to the most good looking man in the store and asked him what he should use and Tula was what he used so he's been using it ever since. (It is a good brand, but omg 😂 Good for him for being man enough to ask)
He says some people ask him weird things in the chat.
He says he doesn't wear gold for religious reasons.
He does love Lady Gaga. Great singer. Extremely talented. (Aries folks always hype up Aries folks. 😛) He could not name a single Taylor Swift song.
He wishes he could be a vegan, but his diet is so poor that he will probably die if he cuts out meat entirely.
He's friends with Amon Amarth.
He's not a fan of "modern bands" like Falling in Reverse. He doesn't really understand them. (Not trying to insult these bands, just not his thing.)
(I'm assuming Per isn't big on Metalcore.)
He said he's had some paranormal experiences but not a lot that he wants to talk about.
He said that at the haunted museum in Las Vegas you have to sign a waver b/c you can leave with bruises or ripped clothes. His brand new pants did have rips in them after he visited.
He doesn't recommend going if you suffer from anxiety or you're easily frightened.
He wishes he could go diving with sharks.
He's not a fan of energy drinks.
He says people are obsessed with his height (and his hair). He's not very tall for Sweden. He's shorter than most of his friends. He says "who cares." He has no issue with his height.
He stopped smoking cigarettes, and he quit snus. (Snus is more common in Scandinavia). He did it cold turkey. He quit drinking ~12 years ago, with minimal slips back in between years. When asked about weed, he pretended not to know what that was lol.
He says he may be allergic to alcohol. It makes him very sick.
There's a famous picture of him on the floor and people think he was hammered. It's not true. He had pneumonia. (If you look at the blog post where the image originates, Per talks about being horribly ill. He was still smoking cigarettes, and there's an ash tray on the floor in that picture. Not a glass. He calls himself a fucking idiot for doing that while he has full blown pneumonia.)
He was asked about the picture of him standing with a comically large book. He was on tour with Opeth at the time. He doesn't remember what the book was about.
He learned to be a guitar tech along the way. He's a handy person and he studied as an electrician in school.
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kultofathena · 2 years
Kult of Athena Ronin Katana Hanzo Steel Black Bat Review
This Hanzo Steel sword with all-black tactical styling is from Ronin Katana and it features the bat; silent, agile and most supreme of night hunters. The all-black titanium-coated blade was differentially-tempered in the traditional manner with clay to produce a hardened edge of dull-resistant #hanzo steel and a shock-absorbing core for durability and resilience. A close inspection of the blade reveals the wave-like hamon that denotes the hardened edge of the #katana .
The bat Tsuba is crafted from blackened iron and the fuchi and kashira are blackened metal. The wooden grip has panels of blackened genuine rayskin which is bound in black cotton ito cord. The sword is paired with a black lacquered wooden saya scabbard which is finished with a black cotton sageo cord. Included is a cloth sword bag.
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nocheamericanaweb · 6 years
Maldito Podcast 1x01: Silent Hill + Kult
Maldito Podcast 1x01: Silent Hill + Kult
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ash-etherwood · 3 years
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Hallo. Hier ist meine Tave/Rhy Silent Hill 2 AU. Haha hihi hoho.
Basically die Szene mit James und Angela ganz am Ende, you know the one. Ja, ich weiß, Rhy passt null zu Angela, bis auf die Sache mit dem Feuer, und ja, er wäre ABSOLUT Maria in Taves Silent Hill, aber ich wollte unbedingt diese spezifische Szene machen und Rhys Haare sehen hier auch einfach fantastisch aus und seine Narbe erschreckenderweise auch und Tave in James’ Jacke … heirate mich.
Hier folgt jetzt ganz viel Silent-Hill-Gerede von mir, das mir schon seit tausend Jahren auf der Seele brennt, bitte Ohren zuhalten …
Ich glaube nicht, dass SH2 eine wirklich passende AU für Tave wäre, aber wie gesagt, die Szene war wichtig. Tave könnte auch locker jeden SH-Protagonisten ever spielen tbh … (Ja, sogar Heather. Er würde sehr süß aussehen und sie hat ja auch eine Revenge-Quest. <3) Aber am meisten fühle ich Travis bei ihm. He just has a Trucker-Vibe and would also accidentally save a little witch girl from a burning house and carry small TVs as weapons. Harry würde auch noch gehen. Einfach weil Agnes die perfekte Cheryl/Heather wäre.
Jetzt mal im Ernst, ich habe einen MIGHT need, eine Inner-Shadow-SH3-AU zu zeichnen … Agnes ist OBVIOUSLY Heather, weil sie ein Teenage Girl ist, das aus einem fucked up Kult gerettet wurde und einen literal Video Game Protagonist Dad hat, Tave ist Harry, Douglas könnte … Kester sein? OH MEIN GOTT, NEIN, CAR!!! Sie ist LITERALLY ein gritty Privatdetektiv mit sad Backstory, wie konnte ich das nur vergessen!! Perfect, love it. Und Claudia ist NATÜRLICH Laure!!!! Die Hohepriesterin des Todeskultes, die die ganze Zeit in Rätseln spricht, niemand versteht sie, und am Ende isst sie den Gott-Fötus und,,, Gott, da möchte ich ja schon fast eine Crossover-Fanfic schreiben. ;__; Und Vincent … könnte tatsächlich sogar Kyra sein. Oder Acorn, aber der ist nicht evil genug dafür …
Wie gesagt, in SH2 wäre Rhy eher in Marias Rolle. Und Agnes in Lauras? :-D Keine Ahnung. Rhy könnte jeder einzelne Side Character ever sein tbh. Auch Mira. (Vor ALLEM Mira.) Und Tave würde es nicht mal merken, weil er so ist, wie er ist.
Und wo wir schon dabei sind: Barny wäre der perfekte Henry. “Oh, ein Loch ist in meiner Wand aufgetaucht, das mich in eine grauenvolle Albtraumdimension bringt … aber immerhin ist noch Wein in der Küche. Und ich kann ja auch einfach schlafen und hoffen, dass ich nicht mehr aufwache.” (Und Wren müsste Eileen sein … oh no bean, I’m so sorry …)
So, jetzt reicht’s aber. Die Überschneidung von Leuten, die Blank Rune und Silent Hill gleichzeitig mögen, ist leider nur ich. </3
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peacelovinguniverse · 3 years
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Source: Silent Valentines - Male Models by Kult / MAKE A GIF
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