simonhbishop · 1 year
He does his best to help through his own sobs, but strangely enough, what calms him down a bit from the children's corpses around him, is a familiar voice, crying. Simon's head snaps back, in search of the one he knows own that voice, and there, about a street away from him, is Danielle. She's obviously distraught and was affected by the fire.
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He stands up, and jogs to her. He's careful, as he puts a hand on her unarmed shoulder. "Danielle. Hey——— it's Simon. Please, let me help you." He says softly, trying to make his presence as comforting as possible.
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survivedsarchived · 2 years
“you know, there's actually a lot to do around here.” over the years, jay's become the unintended 'welcoming party', as adrian teasingly calls them — a little embarrassing, in the beginning, but they've come to accept it now. he's noticed how mikayla's kept to herself since her arrival, and he knows she could very well prefer her own company (she'd be far from alone in that; jay can't comprehend it, but respects it regardless). on the chance she isn't, though... they slide into the seat beside her, an athlete's grace, extending a warm smile.
“some of the professors are doing classes again. there's a soccer team, basketball, volleyball — indoors, if that matters to you — a drama club, too, but they're on a shakespeare kick. it's getting a little exhausting.” she's not easy to read, so it isn't easy to narrow down options. “—but... maybe there's something else you like...?” + @titanswar
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doomdays · 9 months
🎵 / @titanswar [guillotine, mansionair]  ❝  i got thoughts nobody needs.  down below, buried deep.  my body's strong, but mentally....  ❞   he trails off,  because he's never really admitted out loud the way he feels mentally.  he and the rest of his siblings were always told that doesn't matter;  they had to keep going on, never allowing their emotions to get in the way.  maybe that's why it's so much harder to talk about it now,  because he still doesn't know how to properly process any of it.  he just knows that he sees something in percy that feels familiar to him,  and he doesn't want him to reach that same fate of never knowing how to talk about it.
❝  i guess what i'm saying is that it's okay if you've got a lot on your mind and you don't know how to deal with it.  but it's okay to talk about it,  too.  if you let all that pressure build up --  ❞   he doesn't want to finish the thought,  because he's not going to burden him with it,  the same way he'd never burden his family.   ❝  --- it's no good for anyone,  you know?   most of the time,  it just gets other people hurt.  ❞
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philomelia · 2 years
cassie's grin is an embarrassed sort of thing. it creases into wrinkles, follows itself with a hand that rubs against the back of her neck. " i think my hands are more clumsy than clever. " her hands tuck beneath her armpits. the night is cold and she didn't mean to pull @titanswar into this (they're looking for cassie's cat in the darkness-- or, well, the stray cat that cassie had claimed as her own less than a few hours ago... and promptly lost). " but she was a really sweet cat. i don't think she meant to run away. "
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stygicniron · 2 years
titanswar asked:
That really is ominous, man. / from percy
Ask Meme: It’s a Dirty Job -- @titanswar
“Good, it’s supposed to be,” Nico says, for once not trying to be spooky or dramatic, and just because he means it. Mouth slants to the side in a small grimace as he watches the ground ahead of them.
Back in ancient times, when someone wanted to curse someone else, they would write a message on a clay tablet and bury it in the ground. Sometimes they thought Hades might be the one to see it and do something about the curse, or sometimes they just thought being underground was punishment enough. With the dead as restless as they were, this particular field suddenly strikes him as... off. “Watch your step.”
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manslaught · 9 months
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titanswar · 9 months
LOOK, I DIDN'T WANT TO BE A HALF-BLOOD. BEING A HALF-BLOOD IS DANGEROUS. IT'S SCARY. MOST OF THE TIME, IT GETS YOU KILLED IN PAINFUL, NASTY WAYS. DON'T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU. / #titanswar, a pjo multimuse featuring both canon and original characters. spoilers will be present. non-roleplaying blogs do not interact. written by lex, 25, she/her. READ. MAIN BLOG. MUSE LIST + ADDITIONAL RULES UNDER THE CUT.
read links to my regular multi, so some additional notes about this one: all portrayals are based off the books. generally, i write them above 18, for my own comfort, although no sexual content will be written on this blog, ever. spoilers may be present; if i know you're not caught up on the books, i'll do my best to refrain, but maybe don't read some of my other threads.
CANON CHARACTERS, higher muse bolded.
ANNABETH CHASE, daughter of athena, bisexual, cis woman, she/her. primary.
APOLLO, greek god of... so many things, pansexual, agender, he/him. request only.
CHARLES BECKENDORF, son of hepheastus, bisexual, cis man, he/him. tertiary.
CLARISSE LA RUE, daughter of ares, lesbian, nonbinary, she/her. primary.
JASON GRACE, son of jupiter, bisexual, cis man, he/him. secondary.
LEO VALDEZ, son of hephaestus, gay (suffers from comphet), trans man, he/him. secondary.
LUKE CASTELLAN, son of hermes, bisexual, nonbinary, he/them. secondary.
PERCY JACKSON, son of poseidon, bisexual, cis man, he/him. primary.
SILENA BEAUREGARD, daughter of aphrodite, bisexual, cis woman, she/her.
THALIA GRACE, daughter of zeus, lesbian, nonbinary, she/them. tertiary.
NOTE: i've read the series enough time that i feel mostly confident enough to write anyone, so if there's any canon character you'd like to see, let me know and i'll add them.
ORIGINAL CHARACTERS COMING SOON. daughter of aphrodite original character found @warpainte
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theonyxpath · 4 years
Now available in PDF from DriveThruRPG: Vigil Watch Chapter 4: The Iron Court!
Ghelspad Expanded!
Ghelspad is a massive and diverse land. Once a paradise, this continent is now scarred by the ravages of the Titanswar. In the wake of divine bloodshed, and beset on all sides by titanspawn, the people of Ghelspad survive and thrive on this befouled continent. Vigil Watch explores six different locations across Ghelspad.
From the bloody shores of the Toe Islands in the east to the Sweltering Plains of the west, Vigil Watch provides an in-depth look at a variety of locales and cultures.
Vigil Watch Part Four details the roving city of the Iron Court, home to the Ironbred, and provides the first deep dive into Ironbred culture in the Scarred Lands!
Also available for Astral Tabletop: the Gauntlet of Spiragos! Load up Astral, log in, and you should see Gauntlet among the New Quickstart Games to the right.
For centuries, titans bestrode the world, colossal heads and shoulders lost in the clouds, carelessly smashing and crushing all beneath. When the youngest of them had enough and declared war on their ancient parents, even the land itself suffered. These scars of the Divine War, which ended less than 200 years ago, have still not healed. 
One such scar is the Chasm of Flies, a rent in the earth created when the titan Spiragos the Ambusher was smitten down by one of the young gods, Vangal the Ravager. Now, the Chasm is inhabited by spider-eye goblins and their spider allies, but it is also thought to be the resting place of powerful artifacts from that elder age.
“Gauntlet of Spiragos” is a Scarred Lands adventure designed for 1st level characters, although it can be easily modified for characters of up to 5th level.
Now you can go out with these vitakinetic-approved fabric face masks, available from our RedBubble store:
Æsculapian Order (fabric masks)
Chitra Bhanu (fabric masks)
ISRA (fabric masks)
Legions (fabric masks)
Ministry of Noetic Affairs (fabric masks)
Norça (fabric masks)
Orgotek (fabric masks)
Upeo wa Macho (fabric masks)
Æon Trinity (fabric masks)
The Dog Days of Summer sale continues on Indie Press Revolution until the end of August, or while supplies last. Get 50% off your favourite WoD deluxe editions!
Kickstarter Update
Our latest Kickstarter, They Came from Beyond the Grave!, ended last week, and funded in under five hours! We closed out at $56,188 of our $20,000 goal, or 281%, thanks to our 1072 backers, and we’ve hit several stretch goals:
Director’s Screen
Monsters from the Crypt!: Gruesome creatures x3
Backer T-Shirt
Digital Wallpaper
Tales of Depravity!: Supplemental scenarios x3
Enter a World of Horror!: Ready-made PCs
Coming up next: Scion: Demigod
Did you miss one of our previous Kickstarters? The following Kickstarted products are still open for preorders via BackerKit:
Trinity Continuum: Trinity Continuum: Aberrant
Vampire: The Masquerade: Cults of the Blood Gods
Mage: The Ascension: Technocracy Reloaded
Chronicles of Darkness: The Contagion Chronicle
Chronicles of Darkness: Deviant: The Renegades
Chronicles of Darkness: Hunter: The Vigil 2nd Edition
Chronicles of Darkness: Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition
Community Spotlight
The following community-created content for Scarred Lands has been added to the Slarecian Vault in the last week:
Your product could be here! Have you considered creating your own to sell?
The following community-created content for Realms of Pugmire has been added to Canis Minor in the last week:
Your product could be here! Have you considered creating your own to sell?
The following community-created content for Storypath has been added to the Storypath Nexus in the last week:
Scion: Mysteries of the Otherworld
Scion: Imperium
Trinity Continuum: Ride or Die: A Compendium of Modern Vehicles
Trinity Continuum: House Rules: The Basics
Your product could be here! Have you considered creating your own to sell?
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wanderingmoonsword · 6 years
An old name with roots in Roman and possibly even Etruscan religious practices, Orcus has always been a creature tied to death and the underworld, and his name passed on into the Italian language as the “orco”. It’s even been suggested that the orcs might owe their name to this ancient deity by way of Anglo-Saxon, although Tolkien himself disputed the notion. Regardless, it lends a certain power to the idea of the black orcs, doesn’t it? (That’s… wow, that’s a while back.)
If his roots go far back in time, Orcus’s place in the history of D&D – conveniently encapsulated by an articale from Wizards of the Coast – is far greater, one of the very first pair of demon lords in 1976’s Eldritch Wizardry. Despite being deposed from his Abyssal realm of Thanatos and slain, Orcus clawed his way back to his place in the Abyssal power scramble to lay siege to the goddess of death in a series of adventures for Fourth Edition. Throughout his history, Orcus has been a constant foe to Demogorgon, contending for power and the title of King of the Abyss, and despite the way he’s kept a low profile on Golarion, his cult still has a presence in the kingdom of Geb and certain parts of Nidal.
When you deal with Orcus, you’re talking about a demon lord whose name casts a long shadow. Hideous and bloated, clutching his bony wand, Orcus is a powerhouse with a wide range of spells at his fingertips and legions of demons and undead that answer his every command. Lords of Chaos even included thanatotic titans among the ranks of his worshippers, children of the gods who once waged a war against the heavens themselves. Orcus’s cult is a far more mundane encounter, working to advance the cause of undeath, his plots against his many rivals, or his constant scheming to gain the power of a true god. In short, if you want to use Orcus, it’s not hard to believe his hand could be anywhere as one of the most widespread names in necromancy and demonology. Servants or figures he can influence abound and his schemes can shake the planes – they have before!
Though his long-simmering feuds with Demogorgon and Grazz't are the most legendary, Orcus has plenty of room in his cold, dead heart for hate of other demon lords. Dagon is a special and terrible foe, with the Prince of the Undead attempting to undermine the timeless Shadow in the Sea however possible as he covets Dagon's knowledge and widespread followers. Orcus often tries to convert powerful sea monsters into undead horrors, robbing Dagon of servants and hoping to steal secrets from their memories, while his bleak priests and deathly servants slip into seaside communities to corrupt even Dagon's brood.
Longing to once more stride across the planes, proud and unconquered, the fomorian titan Cronanvog seeks endlessly escape the divine bindings that keep him tied to the Abyss. With no love for the gods and an endless inventiveness in his field, Orcus whispered a terrible suggestion into the titan's ear: A dark rebirth into a terrible undead abomination, hurling his name into the Abyss's depths and with it the identity so bound by divine edict. Demodands, undead, and cultists answering to both scurry to gather reagents and sacrifices needed for a ritual that will free one of the architects of the Titanswar to once more stride across the planes, Orcus's laughter in his wake. The two will betray each other – it's as inevitable as time and tides – but until the parting of the ways comes, they will go hand in hand.
A god of battle and destruction as well as the undead, Orcus is the patron of many of those undead who seek war unending. Antipaladins flock to his banner, waging terrible conflicts in his name, and graveknights rise to spread their war beyond death’s door. Not just conquest excites the disciples of Orcus; indeed, they’re perhaps even more interested in slaughter and pillage. Dying is just the entrance to endless, glorious war beyond the embrace of mortality. Beyond fatigue and fear, there is only wrath.
An observatory station on the dark side of a world permanently locked to face its parent star begins to detect strange, ominous readings from the cold, distant speck of ice and rock known only as Vanth. Something – or someone – slumbers there, far from the burning light of the central star, and Orcus has begun repeated visits to that frozen worldlet, hoping to awaken them.
- Tome of Horrors Complete 185-186, Lords of Chaos 22
That third seed is aimed at his domains from the Tome of Horrors Complete, which has War and Destruction in place of Magic.
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kayawagner · 6 years
Worse Than Death
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
Worse Than Death is a collection of undead creatures for use with Scarred Lands 5e.
Necromancers and Titanspawn reach beyond the veil of death to inflict terrible monstrosities on the people of Scarn. Worse Than Death presents seven undead creatures for use in your Scarred Lands 5e campaign. Within these pages you will find:
Acid Shambler: The necrotic spawn of a bane cloud.
Alley Reaper: Assassins who die with blood on their hands, tied to trinkets and baubles.
Ashcloud: Angry spirits of those killed by fire in the Titanswar...or after.
Blood Zombie: Bloated undead infesting the Blood Sea.
Bonewing: Skeletal raptors who haunt the skies of areas controlled by powerful undead.
Burned Ones: Clerics of Vandal the Ravager who were burned for btraying their order.
Butcher Spirits: Ghosts of animals sacrificed to the titan Garuak.
This product uses stock art from the AMAZING Jack Badashski
Add more undead to your Scarred Lands 5e campaign with the Love-Scorned Soul, available PWYW at /product/243655/LoveScorned-Soul
Includes a full color pdf and a black and white print-friendly version.
DMs Guild: https://www.dmsguild.com/browse.php?author=Travis%20Legge DriveThruRPG: /browse/pub/338/Aegis-Studios Storyteller’s Vault: http://www.storytellersvault.com/browse.php?author=Travis%20Legge
Price: $1.00 Worse Than Death published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
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simonhbishop · 1 year
Titan's War
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I. He'd once been a Beta. One not only in charge of the younglings' training, but also his pack's defenses from enemies. It's not something many people knew other than the Dominion—Bishop Carpentry was builtto become a safe house if needed. There's even a food reserve and a large basement to welcome people. So while it's a shock to hear of the attack on the Medical Center, Simon is quick to react. After making sure his staff will be safe, and that they need to protect people coming in for protection, he leaves. It's a visceral need to help people.
II. Beyond sex, he's never lost control, never like that. Not only that, the hallucinations inflicting him are driving him even madder. There's no way for him to know how many people he's killed, but he's left none alive, cause none deserved to. He needs to stop him... his best friend, from selling any more pups. This isn't about survival, but control and that's not a man he can follow anymore. He meets a wolf named Vincent, and together, they find camaraderie in their shared insanity as they look for a lost wife and a sister. They get separated eventually.
III. He's luckily on his way back to his business when the third bomb hit, and too far away to be affected. So he goes to the park to see how he can help out. He stumbles upon a father and his two children. Both kids cannot talk nor hear, and the father is blind. Simon manages to calm them all, before he guides them and another half dozen people to Bishop Carpentry, making sure to remain unseen by the enemy. He hopes this won't last too long, because it pains him to see so many suffering this way. Children shouldn't suffer...
IV. He's close to the Dominion, when he hears of the fall of Crimson Library, and while he's aware of the danger, Simon cannot stop himself from trying all he can to help. Bishop Carpentry is almost full now, but if he needs to put people in his house, or hidden on his patch of land, he will. It breaks his heart to see the panic settling, but also mages losing themselves to their growing powers which they have no control over. Even more so, the depowered supernaturals. He hears of what the Alpha did, sees what remains...
V. When the fire happens, nothing prepares him for the sight awaiting him. It's abnormal. What would push people to such cruelty, especially against their own kind? Simon tries to help, also give comfort to those alone in their last moments. At this point, he's sobbing. There's so many small bodies around him, burned to the bones. He'd come to Covaire city to find some kind of peace,  but this feels more and more like penance. And while he knows he deserves it, he cannot bear to see so many children dying in such terrible ways. This is not fair...
VI. He shouldn't have gone out again. Should've stay there, help around, and calming people, but the battle hadn't been over. So there he is, moments before losing consciousness, wondering if the few he'd grown close to would survive. Always thinking about others before his own well-being. It's probably why he'll die here, buried underneath a large wall of bricks, that crushes his body. He'd been too exhausted to get out on time. But at least, they all got out alive. And maybe, just maybe, you where spared that day by your best friend, so you could die here today.
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survivedsarchived · 2 years
“how about you stay there.” his voice is flat, but silas' eyes are hard with contempt— brimming with annoyance, and, to a smaller degree, worry. his nose healed nicely — no more crooked than it had already been — but something within him whispers it could've been worse. maybe it still can be. she's unpredictable. “the fuck are you doing here?” @titanswar
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stygicniron · 2 years
titanswar asked:
I don’t have a lot of dignity left. / from Leo
Ask Meme: It’s a Dirty Job -- @titanswar
“I didn’t know you had any dignity to start,” Nico comments, watching as Leo seems to be hanging upside down from wires in his workshop. He’s a good way off the ground too--and Nico hides a shudder at the realization, which he hopes doesn’t show. “What did you do this time?”
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stygicniron · 2 years
titanswar asked:
If it sounds difficult and complicated, it’s only because it is. / from annabeth ?
Ask Meme: It’s a Dirty Job -- @titanswar
“Hurray,” Nico says, voice flat as his eyes cut to Annabeth. Then again, it’s not like anything in his life has ever ben straightforward or easy, so he guesses he shouldn’t be too surprised now. Then again, there’s only so many ways that being surrounded by monsters can go. “Just tell me what I need to do.”
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theonyxpath · 5 years
Now available in PDF from DriveThruRPG: Yguman’s Guide to Ghelspad, Part 2 for Scarred Lands!
Pay Heed to the Wisdom of Yugman the Sage
A century and a half after the Divine War, the titans lay defeated and scattered across Scarn and beyond. As the people of Ghelspad work to build a new world on the war-torn remnants of a fallen paradise, new heroes rise, and new threats emerge. Yugman the Sage brings an overview of these new heroes and villains, as well as the tools they use to rise to power.
A Land Where Legends Walk
Drawing enthusiastically on Greek mythology, the revised and re-imagined Scarred Lands nonetheless retains its place as a modern fantasy RPG setting. This is a world shaped by gods and monsters, and only the greatest of heroes can expect to be counted among them. The most populous continent of Scarn, Ghelspad, plays host to vast unexplored regions, hides unsolved riddles from ancient cultures, and taunts adventures with the promise of undiscovered riches hidden among the ruins of older civilizations.
Yet the myths of the Scarred Lands are relatively recent events. The effects of the Titanswar still ripple through the world, and the heroines and villains of many of these stories are part of living memory, if not still alive themselves.
Also available: our first Slarecian Vault product activated for print-on-demand (and our second community content title available in print overall): the collected Vengeance of the Shunned!
Maghiel Will Have Her Revenge!
When the quiet village of Durgan’s Rest is rocked by a sudden explosion, the heroes discover the foul plot of a power-mad wizard who seeks to steal the might of a titan! Soon, the party is thrust into conflict with Maghiel the Shunned, a veteran of the Titanswar who seeks to rule all of Ghelspad. The shunned Drendali is willing to risk rousing the titans to achieve her aims. Can your adventurers stop her?
Over 20 community content creators have banded together to bring this full-length campaign to the Slarecian Vault! Vengeance of the Shunned takes your adventurers across Ghelspad on a quest to end the greatest threat to the world since the Titanswar!
Vengeance of the Shunned includes:
   •    A campaign that takes the player characters across Ghelspad    •    Over 80 monsters and NPCs for Scarred Lands or any 5e setting    •    New magic items and spells from the Scarred Lands   •    Adventure content from some of the finest authors working on 5e compatible materials, including Beatriz T. Dias, Bill Bodden, Bryan Gillispie, Catherine Evans, Dan Layman-Kennedy, Elise Cretel, Emilie Gunderson, Jeremy Hochhalter, and Scarred Lands Line Developer Travis Legge.
For the next week (until the end of March), all Scarred Lands 5e/Pathfinder PDFs (not including today’s release), all Scion 2e, all Trinity Continuum, and the Dystopia Rising: Evolution jumpstart are 50% off!
Scarred Lands products for Pathfinder (the Scarred Lands Players Guide and The Wise & The Wicked 2nd Edition) are upwards of 90% off from Indie Press Revolution! Both products are an incredible $5 each!
Kickstarter Update
Unfortunately, due to the effects of the coronavirus quarantine, we made a difficult decision and cancelled the Legendlore Kickstarter. It’s the first time out of 44 Kickstarters we’ve done anything like this, but then, we’ve never had a situation like this before. We’re going to regroup, and are planning on relaunching it later this year.
Did you miss one of our previous Kickstarters? The following Kickstarted products are still open for preorders via BackerKit:
Scarred Lands: Creature Collection 5e
They Came from Beneath the Sea!: They Came from Beneath the Sea! rulebook
Trinity Continuum: Trinity Continuum: Aberrant
Realms of Pugmire: Pirates of Pugmire
Exalted: Lunars: Fangs at the Gate
Chronicles of Darkness: Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras 2
Chronicles of Darkness: The Contagion Chronicle
Chronicles of Darkness: Deviant: The Renegades
Chronicles of Darkness: Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition
Community Spotlight
The following community-created content for Scarred Lands has been added to the Slarecian Vault in the last week:
The collected Vengeance of the Shunned campaign, as mentioned above, also available in PoD!
Your product could be here! Have you considered creating your own to sell?
The following community-created content for Realms of Pugmire has been added to Canis Minor in the last week:
100 Dogs to Meet in Pugmire
Your product could be here! Have you considered creating your own to sell?
The following community-created content for Storypath has been added to the Storypath Nexus in the last week:
Scion: A Rude Awakening
Your product could be here! Have you considered creating your own to sell?
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theonyxpath · 5 years
Greetings Adventurers!
Travis Legge, Scarred Lands Line Developer for Onyx Path Publishing, returning to share a bit of insight into the cast of creepy creatures you will be adding to your repulsive repertoires of fiends and foul monstrosities with the Expedition Scarred Lands expansion. 
In Scarn, the world of Scarred Lands, the term Titanspawn is commonly used to refer to creatures that were created by the titans. More specifically, Titanspawn are those who served the titans before and during the Divine War. Scholars of Scarn know that the titans are responsible for creating all life on Scarn, including the gods themselves, but most people on Scarn draw a firm distinction between the creatures who serve the gods and those who serve the titans. Titanspawn are often hideous and violent creatures created to feed the destructive appetites of their titanic masters. The Arcane Devourers, for example, were created by the titan Mesos, Sire of Sorcery. Their ability to eat spells is drawn from this connection. Other titanspawn, such as the Blood Reaper, a creature spawned from the blood of Mormo the Hag Queen, is a manifestation of the violence of her dismemberment, a violence it seeks to inflict on any creature it encounters.
Much to the horror of the divine races, there are still some among their number who worship the titans as well. The Druid of the Fallen Circle can be a member of any divine race who gains access to druidic magic from the worship of titans. This titan worship is feared and hated throughout Scarn, as the people of the Scarred Lands remember the terror of titanic supremacy. 
Titanspawn are among the greatest threats to the safety of Scarn. As the divine races seek to rebuild civilization in the wake of the titanswar, roving titanspawn attack fledgling settlements and nascent trade routes. Massive areas of land are corrupted by titanic influence, creating new titanspawn. This not only stands in the way of the divine races reclaiming and cleansing the land but threatens to spread the corruption of the titanspawn even further across the already damaged landscape.
When an adventurer stands in combat against titanspawn, they stand against the very destruction and disease that plagues these Scarred Lands!
To learn more about the world of Scarn, the Scarred Lands setting, and the other titanspawn that can be found there, pick up the Scarred Lands Player’s Guide (ask your FLGS to order via Studio 2, or in PDF/print-on-demand via DriveThruRPG).
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