#Single Review: Secret Shame Color Drain
New Audio: JOVM Mainstays Secret Shame Share Gorgeous New Single
New Audio: JOVM Mainstays Secret Shame Share Gorgeous New Single @ShameSecret @transmissionpr_ @dropofsunstudio
Asheville-based post-punk outfit and JOVM mainstays Secret Shame can trace their origins back to summer 2016 when Matthew (bass) and Lena (vocals) met through mutual friends. As a duo, the band released their self-titled debut EP, but they mostly stuck to hometown DIY shows. Nathan, who had released the band’s debut EP, later joined on drums and not long after, Aster joined on guitar. The…
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elryuse · 2 months
yandere Minju?
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Scared To Lose You
Yandere Minju (ILLIT) X Make Reader
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Minju's POV
The screech of the microphone feedback jolted me back to reality. The roar of the crowd was a dull thrum in the background, a constant drone I barely registered. The spotlight hit me, a harsh glare highlighting every bead of sweat clinging to my skin. But tonight, none of it mattered. My gaze scanned the sea of faces, a relentless search for a single point of light amidst the screaming fans.
There. Second row, just left of the giant inflatable ILLIT mascot. A familiar figure, his worn light stick held aloft like a beacon. Sunshine_Y/N. His name, a secret whispered in the dead of night, a forbidden fruit I couldn't stop myself from craving.
It started innocently enough. A fleeting glance across the stage, his smile brighter than any spotlight. Then, another concert, another performance, and there he was again. Each time, he drew me in, his unwavering support a tiny pinprick of warmth in the icy grip of idol life.
One rainy afternoon, exhausted and drained, I found myself on a fancam binge. My finger scrolled, stopping on a comment - "Sunshine_Y/N." Curiosity, a dangerous thing for a guarded heart like mine, took over. I clicked.
Fan art, glowing reviews, messages gushing about ILLIT, mostly about me. A strange flutter started in my chest. Here, in the digital world, I wasn't just Minju, the cold lead dancer. I was someone he admired, someone who sparked his sunshine.
The obsession bloomed, a poisonous flower slowly wrapping its vines around me. Hours spent scrolling his social media became a nightly ritual. I memorized his birthday, his favorite color – sunflower yellow, just like his light stick – and even his dream of learning to dance like me.
The need to know more became a consuming fire. Shame battled with a strange pull, but I found myself spilling my secret to Jisoo, our manager. "There's this fan..." I trailed off, the words catching in my throat.
Jisoo raised an eyebrow, a knowing glint in her eyes. "A special fan?"
I flushed, heat creeping up my neck. "Just... A fan, okay?"
Jisoo smiled, a predator sizing up its prey. "Leave it to me, Minju."
Days later, a manila folder landed on my table. My heart hammered a frantic tattoo against my ribs as I opened it. It was Y/n's life, meticulously documented, a violation laid bare in black and white. Shame coiled in my gut, but the knowledge was intoxicating, a forbidden fruit I couldn't resist taking a bite of.
His address, his family details, even his favorite coffee shop – all there for me to consume. This was wrong, I knew it. But the thrill of knowing everything, of having him mapped out in my mind, was too powerful to ignore.
The weekend arrived, a heavy weight settling in my stomach. Armed with a disguise – a baseball cap pulled low and oversized sunglasses – I ventured out. The address led me to a small, unassuming apartment building. My pulse quickened, a frantic drum solo against my ribs.
He opened the door, blinking in surprise. "M-minju?" he stammered, disbelief coloring his voice.
I froze, caught red-handed. Shame and a twisted sense of elation warred within me. Here he was, the object of my unhealthy obsession, standing in his own doorway.
But instead of disgust, his face lit up with a mixture of awe and excitement. He ushered me inside, bombarding me with questions about ILLIT and our upcoming comeback. Flustered, I found myself answering, enjoying the way his eyes sparkled with every word.
The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the room. I knew I had to leave. With a hasty goodbye, I fled back to the dorm, the image of Y/n seared into my brain.
He wasn't just a fan anymore. He was mine, a secret obsession I couldn't shake. And I, Minju, the cold, aloof idol, was hopelessly addicted to the sunshine he brought into my life. An addiction I knew, with a chilling certainty, would consume me whole.
The following days were a blur of practice sessions and promotional appearances. Every spare moment was spent replaying our encounter, dissecting every smile, every word he spoke. My obsession grew, a monstrous vine snaking its way around my heart.
One night, unable to sleep, I did the unthinkable. I used the information Jisoo had gathered to find his social media accounts beyond the one he used for fan interactions. It felt like a betrayal, a violation of the fragile trust we'd built. Yet, I couldn't stop myself.
His private accounts were a window into his soul – pictures with friends, family gatherings, even a video of him clumsily attempting a dance routine.
I watched the grainy video on repeat, a twisted pleasure blooming in my gut. Here he was, the one I held on a pedestal, stumbling through the choreography I knew with every fiber of my being. A strange sense of power surged through me. He admired me, wanted to be like me, yet he was so far out of reach.
Sleep finally claimed me, the image of his clumsy dance moves morphing into a dream where he danced flawlessly beside me, his eyes locked on mine with adoration.
The following weeks felt like an eternity. Practice sessions blurred into late-night rehearsals, my focus waning, my body exhausted. My only solace was the stolen moments I spent on his social media, a guilty pleasure I couldn't shake.
One evening, amidst the chaos of a pre-comeback photoshoot, my phone buzzed. An anonymous message, a single line of text: "Lookinh forward to your performance tonight. Sunshine_Y/N."
My breath hitched. It was him, using a burner phone? A thrill shot through me, a mixture of fear and excitement. He was following me, watching me from the shadows. This secret connection, this shared knowledge, felt like a forbidden bond.
That night, as ILLIT took the stage bathed in blinding lights, I searched the crowd with renewed fervor. My eyes scanned every face, a desperate yearning clawing at my chest. But he was nowhere to be seen.
Disappointment prickled at me, a bitter aftertaste to the roaring applause that greeted our performance. Back in the dorm, exhaustion tugged at me, yet sleep refused to come. All I could think about was that message, a confirmation of his obsession that mirrored mine.
The days leading up to our comeback single's release were a whirlwind of interviews, radio appearances, and photoshoots. The pressure mounted, the weight of expectations a constant burden. Yet, amidst the chaos, Y/n's silent presence became a flickering flame, a lifeline in the storm.
Then, the single dropped. The response was overwhelming, a positive wave of online feedback and soaring music chart positions. But the only validation I craved was his.
One morning, as I scrolled through a sea of comments on ILLIT's official page, I saw it. A message from Sunshine_Y/N, bold and glowing amidst the praise. "'Obsession' is a masterpiece. You're incredible, Minju."
Tears welled up in my eyes, a mixture of relief and something more possessive. He had seen it, had heard our song, and his praise echoed in my head like a love song.
The following days turned into weeks, then months. ILLIT's popularity skyrocketed, and so did my obsession with Y/n. Jisoo, bless her calculating heart, saw the shift in me and subtly started feeding my addiction. Pictures from events we attended, details on our schedules, anything that might pique his interest.
It wasn't enough. I craved more, a connection that went beyond stolen glances and cryptic messages. One night, after a particularly grueling promotional tour, I found myself breaking down in front of Jisoo.
"I can't take it anymore, Jisoo," I confessed, my voice thick with desperation. "I need to see him, to talk to him properly."
Jisoo, calm and collected despite my outburst, offered a solution. "There's a fan meeting scheduled next month. We can arrange a… private meeting beforehand."
A spark ignited in my eyes. A chance to meet him face-to-face, away from the screaming fans? It was a risk, a potential scandal, but the desire to be near him eclipsed any fear.
The following weeks were filled with nervous anticipation and meticulous planning. Jisoo orchestrated a secret room within the venue where the fan meeting was held, ensuring our encounter would remain discreet.
The day arrived, a storm of controlled chaos. ILLIT performed, interacted with fans, signed autographs – a machine running on autopilot. But all I could think about was the secret meeting waiting for me at the end.
Finally, the last fan left, and I found myself ushered into the waiting room. My heart hammered against my ribs as the door creaked open, revealing a nervous-looking Y/n.
He froze, his eyes widening in surprise. Then, a smile erupted on his face. "Minju? Is this really… you?"
I nodded, unable to form words. Here he was, the object of my obsessive desires, standing just a few feet away. The air crackled with a strange energy, a mix of nervousness and something darker.
The following hour flew by in a blur. We talked about music, about ILLIT, about his dreams – mundane topics that somehow felt profound in this clandestine setting. As the time drew to a close, a sense of panic clawed at me. I couldn't let him leave.
Panic constricted my throat as Jisoo poked her head in, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "Time's up, Minju. We have to get you back before anyone notices."
"No!" I blurted out, the word echoing in the sterile room. Both Y/n and Jisoo stared at me, surprise etched on their faces.
Shame burned in my cheeks, but a stronger urge, a possessive need, took hold. I couldn't let him disappear back into the faceless crowd, not after this. Not after the connection we'd forged, however twisted it might be.
Taking a deep breath, I stepped towards Y/n, my voice losing its usual icy composure. "Don't listen to her," I said, my gaze locking onto his. "We still got time."
Y/n shuffled back, his eyes darting between me and the closed door. A seed of fear bloomed in his usually sunny demeanor. "M-minju, what's going on?"
The mask of professionalism I usually wore slipped completely. "This," I declared, stepping closer, my voice barely above a whisper. "This is what's going on."
Before he could react, I reached out and locked the door, the satisfying click echoing in the silence. Y/n's breath hitched, his eyes widening in terror. A flicker of satisfaction sparked in me, a dark thrill at his fear.
"Minju, why are you doing this?" he stammered, his voice trembling.
"Because I can't lose you," I confessed, the words tumbling out in a torrent. "You may not know it, Sunshine_Y/N, but you're mine now. Your admiration, your support, it all belongs to me."
Tears welled up in his eyes, a stark contrast to the cold, chilling smile that crept onto my face. "But… but I don't understand. I'm just a fan."
"Just a fan?" I scoffed, the sound laced with cruel amusement. "Oh You're so much more than that, Y/n. You're my muse, my inspiration, the sunshine that cuts through the monotony of my life."
His fear morphed into a kind of pleading. "Minju, please. This is crazy. You don't even know me."
I leaned in close, my voice dropping to a seductive purr. "Oh, but I do, Y/n. I know everything. Your favorite color, your birthday, even your dream of dancing like me."
He stumbled back, his face draining of color. "W-wait.. H-how… how do you know that?"
A cruel laugh escaped my lips. "Let's just say I have my ways."
He looked around the room, a desperate hope flickering in his eyes. But the door remained locked, a symbol of the terrifying reality that had dawned on him.
"Don't worry, Y/n," I continued, my voice soft yet laced with a dangerous edge. "You'll get used to this. You'll learn to love me, just like I love you."
His voice, barely a whisper, shattered the twisted fantasy I'd built. "You… you don't love me, Minju. This is just an obsession."
A flicker of anger ignited within me, but I quickly schooled it. "Call it what you want, Y/n," I said, my voice back to its usual icy calm. "The point is, you're mine now. And there's nothing you, or anyone else, can do about it."
I watched, a predator savoring its prey, as the light extinguished from his eyes, replaced by a chilling realization. He was trapped, a prisoner in a gilded cage built by my twisted love, a love that had morphed into a terrifying obsession.
To Be Continued
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trashyswitch · 4 years
One Simple Mistake
It has long been decided one rule: NEVER leave the coffee grinds can out on the counter. One day though, someone forgets to put the coffee grinds away and suffers the DRASTIC consequences...
This is LATE! But, it's still relevant. Therefore:
Tickletober Day 23: Asking For It
It had started off like any other morning. The coffee-drinking sides had gotten their coffee, and put them back in the usual hiding spot. This was to prevent certain people from getting tempted into overdosing themselves on caffeine. It was always known that certain sides shouldn’t touch coffee grinds. Not even with a 10 foot pole! Cause they’ll find a way to get the coffee grinds into their system and go insane from an overdose. To prevent such overdoses, the coffee-drinking sides made a rule: after using the coffee grinds, always put the coffee away or hope you have the energy to handle the consequences…
But this morning, someone had accidentally left the can of coffee grinds out on the counter. It was one simple mistake...One tiny mistake…but even a simple mistake like that, had DIRE consequences:
“Mmmm! That’s that GOOD! SHIT!” someone reacted in the kitchen.
“ACID, BEER, COCAINE, AND DICK!” someone else shouted loudly.
“HAHAHAHA! You’re worse than Remus!” the 1st person laughed.
Logan groaned from tiredness and put his glasses on before walking out of his room. The people in the kitchen were gonna wake up the whole imagination at this rate! Logan was already awake. Did anyone else wake up yet?
“Logan?” someone asked beside him. Logan looked to his left, and smiled when he recognized the slightly blurry kitten onesie. “Was that you shouting profanities?” Patton asked.
Logan scoffed. “Oh please...I would say no such thing.” Logan replied.
“Then...who is?” Patton asked.
“I would suggest it was Remus, but...the last loud statement had proven me otherwise.” Logan told him.
Virgil bursted out laughing. “A KILLING SPREE: REMUS! VS. ROMAN!” Virgil joked and continued to laugh hysterically.
Patton dropped his jaw. “ROMAN?!” He shouted. He looked beside him and blinked in surprise. “AND VIRGIL?!” Patton shouted at him as well.
Virgil turned around and gulped. “Oops…” He thought aloud.
“QUICK VIRGIL! ATTAAAAACK!” ” Roman shouted, grabbing his hand and sprinting towards Patton.
“What the- OHGODNO!” Patton did a full 180 and took off screaming in horror! Roman was shouting a war cry and chasing Patton, while Virgil was screaming from being pulled absolutely everywhere. Logan, realizing he wasn’t enjoying being pulled, grabbed onto Virgil’s waist and pulled him out or Roman’s hand. Thankfully, Roman didn’t complain about losing Virgil and just continued to chase the screaming Patton.
“You okay, Virgil?” Logan asked.
“Ihihi...Ihi’m fine...I think.” Virgil replied. “I don’t think the coffee has kicked in yet. I had a couple cups of coffee a few minutes ago, so...I just have to wait.” Virgil admitted.
Logan looked at him. “H-...How did you find the coffee can?” Logan asked.
Virgil shrugged his shoulders. “I dunno. It was out on the counter this morning. Thought a cup wouldn’t hurt. But then one cup became 2.” Virgil explained, before lifting up his mostly empty cup to finish his coffee.
Logan pointed at the mug. “What number was that?” Logan asked.
Virgil lowered the mug, revealing his slight coffee mustache. He looked at Logan and blinked. “Number 4.” he replied before putting some tap water into his mug.
Logan sighed and rubbed his nose. “...And how many cups has Roman had?” Logan asked.
Virgil made an ‘I don’t know’ humming sound before dumping the slightly coffee-colored water down the drain. Logan walked up to the can of coffee and placed it in the secret hiding spot. “Oooooh...So that’s where it’s been?” Virgil muttered out loud.
Logan turned around and pointed his index finger at him. “Don’t tell Roman.” Logan warned.
Virgil smiled. “Okay.” He replied.
[An Hour Later]
“COME ON AND SLAM! AND WELCOME TO THE JAM! COME ON AND SLAM! IF YOU WANNA JAM!” Roman shouted, pretending to play basketball.
Virgil was giggling and laughing at the man. “Got any other songs you remember?” Virgil asked.
Roman gasped and snapped his fingers at Virgil. “THERE’S A HUNDRED AND FOUR DAYS OF SUMMER VACATION, AND SCHOOL COMES ALONG JUST TO END IIIT!” Roman shouted.
“BUILDING A ROCKET,” Roman shouted.
“OR FIGHTING A MUMMY,” Virgil continued.
“OR CLIMBING UP THE EIFFEL TOWER!” Roman continued, while Virgil conducted the ‘trumpet band’.
“DISCOVERING SOMETHING THAT DOESN’T EXIST-” Virgil shouted and pointed to Roman.
“MY GIRLFRIEND!” Roman shouted back.
Virgil bursted out laughing! “HAHA! OHOR GIVING A MONKEY A SHOWER!” Virgil continued.
Virgil joined Roman. “DRIVING OUR SISTER INSAAANE!” They shouted.
“PhInEaS!” Roman screamed in a mock girly voice.
Roman pointed to Patton. “COME ON, PERRY!” Roman shouted.
Virgil pretended to rock the electric guitar while they both started screaming the last part: “SO STICK WITH US CAUSE PHINEAS AND FERB ARE GONNA, DO IIIT AAAAALL.”
To end it all off, Roman ran up to Logan and started waving and puppeteering the man’s arms. “MoOom! PhInEaS aNd FeRb ArE MaKiNg A tItLe SeQuEnCe!” Roman said in his mock girly voice. Roman put Logan’s hands down as Virgil strummed the last loud guitar note.
Patton giggled and clapped his hands. “That was great, you two!” Patton cheered.
Virgil got back up and snuggle-hugged him. “Thank you Pat.” he replied happily.
Roman was just laughing and pointing at Logan. “Good job playing Candace, by the way!” Roman complimented.
“I had no choice.” Logan reminded him.
“That’s besides the point.” Roman muttered as he lightly punched his shoulder.
Patton was squeaking and giggling at the affection he was getting. “Yohou’re so affectionate like this!” Patton reacted.
Virgil smiled at this and playfully shook his hair right into the side of Patton’s neck. Patton squeaked in surprise and let out some giggles! “HEHehehe! Vihihirgihihil! Thahahat tihihihicklehes!” Patton giggled up a storm.
Virgil brought his head back. “Awww! Ticklish, Pat?” Virgil asked with a smirk. Patton giggled more and nodded. “Perfect!” Virgil declared as he tickled Patton’s belly.
Patton doubled over and guffawed. “HAHAHA! WAHAHAHAIT! LOHOHO HEHEHELP!” Patton shouted.
Logan walked up to help him, but was stopped by a prince with a shit-eating grin on his face. “One single step forward...and I’ll tickle you till you lose all touch with reality.” Roman warned.
Logan lifted an eyebrow as he took a step forward. “Sounds like attempted murder to me.” Logan added.
Roman tripped Logan from behind and laid him down. “Not if it’s screams of laughter!” Roman declared. Roman started skittering his fingers on Logan’s ribs and sides. Logan jolted in surprise and tried to hold his laughter in. “Ooooh! Gonna hold out on me, huh? Tell me: how many times have you simply laughed on the Sanders Sides channel?” Roman asked as he paused his tickling.
Logan let out his breath and breathed somewhat heavily. Then, he tried to think. But the truth was, Roman was right: He has never truly laughed on screen! The one laugh he DID let out, was simply a half-assed ‘Ha’. And knowing Roman, that won’t count.
“That’s right! A big, flat, none! Therefore: LAUGH FOR ME!” Roman shouted before immediately blowing a raspberry right onto his core!
Roman gasped and only continued to tickle him with his fingers. “YAY! AFTER ALL THIS TIME, YOU HAVE A LAUGH! VIRGIL! LOGAN HAS A LAUGH!” Roman shouted happily.
“I can hear that!” Virgil reacted. “And so does Patton!” Virgil added as he blew a raspberry on Patton’s neck.
“EEEEEEHEHEHEHEHEhehehe!” Patton laughed, curling his neck in.
To get Patton on the ground, Virgil gently tripped him and laid him down right beside the laughing Logan! But seeing Logan laughing like this, only made Patton wanna tickle him too!
But Virgil decided to squeeze his hips anyway. “Coochy coochy coo, Patty!” Virgil teased.
Virgil lifted an eyebrow in confusion. “Help? With what?” Virgil asked, pausing his tickling for a moment.
As Patton breathed heavily to regain his oxygen, Patton gave Logan’s closest side a squeeze. Logan squeaked! “AAAAHAHAAA!” Logan turned himself onto his left side. PAHAHAHAHAT!” Logan yelled.
“Whahat? Can’t handle another tihickle monster?” Patton asked, still slightly giggly himself.
Patton, Virgil and Roman all attacked Logan from all angles! It was now 3 to 1, (a completely unfair fight), and Logan felt like he was gonna die laughing! And yet...He was loving it! Something about laughing really hard after not laughing for years, seemed to feel amazing to the nerd. Maybe...psychological based? Logan may have to review the psychology theories again to come up with a more specific answer.
“Oh No! I’m So ScArEd!” Roman teased.
“YoU pOoR bAbY! pOoR lOgEy Is TiCkLiSh!” Patton teased.
“It's a shame that EvErYoNe is taking advantage.” Virgil added.
Everyone continued to destroy Logan with tickles just about everywhere on his body. Logan was LITERALLY GOING INSANE! YES! MORE TICKLES! If this is what it’s like having Roman and Virgil on caffeine highs, Logan needs to leave the coffee out a lot more!
Suddenly though, all the tickling stopped! And a bunch of yelps and shouts of surprise filled the room for a few seconds! Logan opened his eyes little by little and adjusted his glasses. What...happened?
Logan’s eyes widened when he noticed the 3 sides being held up against the wall by octopus arms! “I KNEW this would happen! No one can truly handle the GREAT, POWERFUL ROMAN on CAFFEINE!” Someone shouted in front of him. Logan sighed as he recognized the manic voice.
“REMUS! LET GO!” Roman shouted at him.
Remus gasped and placed a hand on his chest in offense. “Such anger running through your veins! I must change that as soon as I can.” Remus declared as he summoned some floating green feathers.
Roman shrieked in horror and watched nervously as the feathers fluttered around his body and leaned in closer to his ticklish spots. Roman couldn’t stop the wobbly smile from forming on his face.
Remus giggled evilly and summoned more feathers to surround the two other sides. “Any last words before your ticklish fantasies finally come true?” Remus asked the three of them.
Patton gulped as the feathers neared his feet and belly. Those spots were the ILLEGAL spots!
Virgil tried to glare at the dark side, but his glare was quickly turned into a wobbly smile due to the feathers fluttering right over his neck and belly button.
And Roman’s whimpers faded into giggles as his ears were touched only the slightest bit.
“Would you like to help, Logan?” Remus offered.
Logan stood up and watched as all 3 of his friends were overcome by laughs and giggles, thanks to the many fluttering feathers. Logan had the mental sense to save them. But when Logan thought about it more, he realized his 3 best friends were also the 3 lers in the group, who were just asking to be destroyed! So:
“Okay.” Logan replied.
Logan happily helped Remus and the feathers with the tickles, and reduced his friends into wholesome messes of laughter all in the name of revenge. Logan knew the boys were gonna get it eventually. What Logan DIDN’T expect, was Remus’s eventual involvement.
But to be honest: He couldn’t have it any other way.
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Movie Review | Mulholland Drive (Lynch, 2001)
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This review contains spoilers.
David Lynch's Mulholland Drive was released in recent years by the Criterion Collection, that great home video company that's probably the OG of boutique labels, known for putting out acclaimed, significant or otherwise interesting films in really nice packages. (For some reason I had been thinking they put this out only last year until I actually looked it up. I guess my sense of time has been a little warped as of late, and as much as I'd like to tie this review into pandemic-era life, the fact is other labels have captured my attention lately, as can be evidenced by my embarrassingly large and extremely shameful Vinegar Syndrome haul from their Halfway to Black Friday sale from a few months ago.) Now, nobody in 2021 is going into this movie truly blind, but if I happened to pick up the Criterion cover and perused the back, aside from the list of special features and disc specs, you'd see the below (which I grabbed off their website):
Blonde Betty Elms (Naomi Watts) has only just arrived in Hollywood to become a movie star when she meets an enigmatic brunette with amnesia (Laura Harring). Meanwhile, as the two set off to solve the second woman’s identity, filmmaker Adam Kesher (Justin Theroux) runs into ominous trouble while casting his latest project. David Lynch’s seductive and scary vision of Los Angeles’s dream factory is one of the true masterpieces of the new millennium, a tale of love, jealousy, and revenge like no other.
Now, this is a tough movie to evoke with only a blurb, but I'd say that does a pretty respectable job. I however do not own this release. What I do own is the barebones Universal DVD that was released a few months after the movie, back when going into the movie blind would have been far more likely. This is the description on the back:
This sexy thriller has been acclaimed as one of the year's best films. Two beautiful women are caught up in a lethally twisted mystery - and ensnared in an equally dangerous web of erotic passion. "There's nothing like this baby anywhere! This sinful pleasure is a fresh triumph for Lynch, and one of the best films of the year. Visionary daring, swooning eroticism and colors that pop like a whore's lip gloss!" says Rolling Stone's Peter Travers. "See it… then see it again!" (Time Out New York)
Now, the previous description probably couldn't fully capture the movie's essence, but this one makes it sound like an erotic thriller. (Could you imagine somebody going into this thinking this was like a Gregory Dark joint? I say this having seen none of his thrillers and only his hardcore movies, although I must admit an MTV-influenced Mulholland Drive starring, say, Lois Ayres is something I find extremely intriguing.) But you know what? Good for them. Among other things, this movie, with its two all-timer sex scenes, feels like one of the last hurrahs from an era when mainstream American movies could be unabashedly horny, before we were sentenced to an endless barrage of immaculately muscular bodies in spandex (stupid sexy Flanders) somehow drained of all sex appeal (god forbid somebody pop a boner...or ladyboner, let's be egalitarian here). I apologize if I'm coming off as a little gross, but having been able to barely leave the house for practically a year and a half, watching sexy movies like this is one of the few remaining thrills at my disposal. Please, this is all I have.
Now I suppose I should say something about the movie itself, but it might be a challenge given how elusive it is in certain respects (Lynch is notoriously cagey about offering interpretations of his movies) and, as a result, how heavily it's been scrutinized over the years. No doubt any analysis I offer as to the movie's overarching meaning will come off extremely dumbassed. What I will note however, is that for whatever reason, the scene I remembered most vividly is where Justin Theroux walks in on his wife with Billy Ray Cyrus, particularly the candy pink paint he dumps on her jewellery as revenge. We've been following Theroux, a movie director, as he's been having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day, having had control over casting his lead actress taken from him, which he proceeds to process by taking a golf club to a windshield of his producers' car and then reacting as above when he finds his wife with the singer of "Achy Breaky Heart".
With his Dune having been notoriously tampered with by producers, I suspect there's a bit of Lynch's own experience in the scene with the producers, which plays like an entirely arbitrary set of rituals deciding the fate of his movie with no regard for his opinion or even basic logic. While I don't know how particular Dino DeLaurentiis was about his espresso, I did laugh. Now, taking the reading that the first two acts of the movie are a fantasy of Naomi Watts' character, who is revealed to be miserable and ridden with jealousy in the third act, the amount of time we spend with Theroux is maybe hard to justify. Is this perhaps her "revenge" on him, his romantic and professional success having been flushed away while he flounders in search of greater meaning to his arc? Aside from possible autobiographical interest, these scenes do play like a riff on the idea that everyone is the main character in their own story, and if the Watts and Laura Harring characters can be thought of as having merged or swap identities, then perhaps Theroux's arc is the remainder of that quotient. (Now, it's worth noting that aside from being insecure and arrogant, Theroux in this movie is a less stylish than the real Lynch. If Watts conjures the best version of herself in her dream, Lynch maybe doesn't want his dream avatar outshining him.)
Now why did the Cyrus scene stick with me all these years when other details had slipped? Mostly because I'd found it amusing, partly because of the extra specific image Lynch produces, and somewhat because of the casting of Billy Ray Cyrus. Now, I don't have any special relationship to the Cyrus' body of work, but Lynch's casting of him, with his distinct mix of bozo, dudebro and hunk, results in a very specific comedic effect. This is something Lynch does elsewhere in the movie, like when he has Robert Forster show up as a detective for a single scene. The Forster role is likely in part a leftover from the movie's origins as a TV pilot, but the effect is similar (albeit less comedic). Melissa George appears as a woman who may or may not be a replacement for Watts in some realm of reality. Other directors obviously cast actors for their screen presence and the audience's relationship to their career, but the way Lynch does it feels particularly pointed, as if he's reshaping them entirely into iconography. The effect is particularly sinister with the presence of Michael J. Anderson, with whom he worked previously on Twin Peaks, and Monty Montgomery as a mysterious cowboy who dangles the secret of the movie over Theroux's character.
Cowboys in movies are frequently heroic presences (see any number of westerns) and are otherwise innocuously stylish (I confess I've come dangerously close to ordering a Stetson hat and a pair of cowboy boots), but the presence of one here feels like a ripple in the movie's reality. A dreamy, brightly lit mystery set in Los Angeles should have no place for a cowboy. It ain't right. (It's worth noting that Lynch at one point copped to admiring Ronald Reagan for reminding him of a cowboy. Is this his expression of a changed opinion? I have no idea, but Lynch has never struck me as all that politically minded.) Neither is the hobo that appears behind the diner. Certainly hobos have made their homes behind diners, but this one's presence and the way Lynch produces him feel again like a ripple in the the movie's narrative. Jump scares are frequently knocked for being lazy and cheap devices to generate shocks, but the one here gets under your skin.
Now about the movie's look. This starts off like a noir, and the mystery plot on paper would lead you to think that's how the whole movie plays, but the cinematography is a lot brighter, with almost confection-like colours, than that would lead you to believe, at least during the daytime scenes. This is another element that likely comes from its TV origins, but it does give the movie a distinctly dreamlike, fantastical quality that a more overtly cinematic look, like the one Lynch used in Lost Highway a few years earlier, might not capture. This is one of the reasons I think this movie works better than that one, and there's also the fact that the amateur sleuthing that drives the bulk of the plot here serves as a more pleasing audience vantage point than the male anxieties that fuel the other film. I also would much rather hang out with Naomi Watts and Laura Harring than a charisma void like Balthazar Getty.
The manufactured warmth of the daytime scenes also results, like in Blue Velvet, in the nighttime scenes feeling like they're in a completely different setting, one which perhaps offers the key to unlocking the mystery, or at least revealing the phoniness of the movie's surfaces. I think of the evocative Club Silencio sequence, which comes as close as anything in the movie to laying its illusions bare. ("No hay banda.") But at times Lynch will throw in disarmingly childlike, inexplicable imagery, like the dancing couples against a purple screen in the opening, something that would seem tacky and amateurish elsewhere but feels oddly cohesive here. There are a number of directors whose work I admire for being "dreamlike", and putting them side by side they all feel quite distinct (you would never mistake a Lucio Fulci film for a Lynch), but they have the unifying idea of imbuing the tactile qualities of film with the truly irrational to really burrow into your subconscious. Other directors have made movies with some of the same elements as Mulholland Drive, but none have put them together in quite the same way.
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entergamingxp · 4 years
Sword Art Online Alicization Lycoris Review — Fails to Fully Actualize its Ambitions
August 11, 2020 11:00 AM EST
Sword Art Online Alicization Lycoris attempts to revamp the franchise and breathe new life into it, with very polarizing results.
Sword Art Online Alicization Lycoris starts players off with a bang, and for fans of the anime, it’s quite different from how the series starts. After a very basic tutorial that introduces the block, attack, and Sword Skills, you’re thrown in the season’s final battle against the all-powerful Administrator. The fight itself is impossible to lose, as nothing happens if Kirito’s (the protagonist) HP is depleted.
The mechanics of combat are simple and don’t require much effort to learn. However, the controls for combat are rather subpar. Somehow, the controls are both slippery and floaty, meaning it’s difficult to maneuver Kirito without him sliding around and completely missing the enemy. There is an upside to this opening battle and combat in general, at least — it feels incredibly satisfying when you land a skill. At this point in Sword Art Online Alicization Lycoris, there are tons of skills to choose from and they all have that nice anime flashiness to them, not to mention the substantial damage they hit for.
Once the Administrator’s health dips below a certain amount, her and Kirito engage in a final heated clash of swords.
“The plot develops slowly, and I mean at an absolute crawl at times.”
After a bright flash of light, Sword Art Online Alicization Lycoris‘s main story actually begins with a de-powered Kirito who’s been thrown into a mysterious but somewhat familiar virtual world known as “Underworld.” He soon meets a young man named Eugeo who helps him get accustomed to the village and the world at large. As Kirito explores more, he realizes what makes Underworld so special: the A.I. that populates the world behave just like humans and are completely unaware of their status as fictional beings.
Under the belief that Kirito is essentially a chosen one who is dropped into his world by the gods, Eugeo tours Kirito around his village and shows him the Gigas Cedar, a giant tree that drains energy from his village. It is his Calling — a special goal given to each villager to work towards each day or die trying — to cut down this tree with a power axe. Kirito tries to help but discovers how daunting the task is. Eugeo then reveals that his family line has been working toward this goal for 300 years now.
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As Kirito and Eugeo work and train (with the former’s goal of figuring out how to complete the latter’s goal quickly so he can be escorted into the main capital) we also find out about Eugeo’s younger sister, Alice, and how she was taken away by an Integrity Knight for violating the taboos of the land. The plot switches its focus to saving her and it continues from there, following the general story beats of the anime with the exception of a new female character named Medina who joins the roster a bit later on.
The plot develops slowly, and I mean at an absolute crawl at times, as Kirito uncovers more of the secrets permeating the world. Though the pacing is off, I enjoyed watching their relationship mature and Kirito get to know each major villager. And because Sword Art Online Alicization Lycoris has far more breathing room to spend on developing the characters, they feel more fleshed out and it’s much easier to become invested in their world and growth. Eugeo, of course, benefits from this fleshing out the most, unlike in the anime where they barely have enough time to get a sprinkling of chemistry before the story whisks them along.
Alicization Lycoris still features the classic mechanics of the series, such as building Renown. By either speaking with NPCs or by completing quests, you can increase this stat which determines how people perceive you. This also affects your Affinity with them as well. It’s similar to the stat found in other Sword Art Online titles, which has the same effect of allowing the player to recruit more party members.
“And while the combat has been completely overhauled and simplified to allow for a seemingly more accessible experience, it is not very good.”
This is also an important feature for the usual dating sim mechanic that is present in any SAO game. By answering questions correctly in the heart-to-heart minigame for each eligible bachelorette, you increase their Affinity toward Kirito, which can unlock a special ending and scenes with them. As usual, if you’re invested in that sort of thing, it’s there, but if you elect to ignore it, there’s no penalty against you.
Kirito and other party members possess several stats: System Control Authority, Weapon Type, Ex Skills, Persona, Anima, and their current Affinity with Kirito. There’s also Proficiency, which correlates with how often you use a weapon. Raising this stat, or its Bond, is important for mastering certain abilities. Requiring Kirito to essentially level up his weapon usage is a visceral way to earn his power and skill, and it matches perfectly with the more organic fantasy setting of Alicization Lycoris that rewards a hard work ethic.
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You can also affix equippable abilities, called Attachments, to armor which can have a range of passive effects. More powerful Attachments tend to also have a temporary usage period to mitigate any overuse. Although these stats suffer from the same issues as other SAO titles, in that they’re often convoluted and not very useful, it has been far more streamlined in Alicization Lycoris. The UI is also much less cluttered and easier to navigate which is a refreshing improvement.
Combat consists of controlling Kirito as you give directions to your normally AI-controlled party during any given sorte. Your team can perform special team-up skills as well, which are vital for some of the stronger foes. And while the combat has been completely overhauled and simplified to allow for a seemingly more accessible experience, it is not very good. As stated before, the controls are often floaty and imprecise, despite the decent lock-on mechanics. And though skills are satisfying when integrated with normal combos to devastating effect, landing those skills can often be an exercise in frustration thanks to said skills having little weight and impact, as well as being difficult to time in the first place.
Sword Art Online Alicization Lycoris is an experimental title to be sure. It eschews the tried and true conventions of the franchise and instead attempts to create a more unique experience. The beginning, despite its glacial pacing, is also refreshing in its focus of drawing out the personalities of both Kirito and Eugeo while creating a charming world that you slowly become invested in. Even the inclusion of Medina is interesting since she’s the first herald of how the story will alter from the second half of the anime. Her character itself is intriguing and I found myself wanting to learn more about her and her importance to the plot.
The biggest roadblock with the plot, though, is the same as in the animated version. Once you hit the Sword Mastery Academy, the plot takes a noticeable nosedive. The newly introduced characters are bland window dressing solely there to service Kirito’s (and to a point Eugeo) own arc.
Though I will admit that once again the title’s slower pace makes the characters a little more endearing in this incarnation, there is no excuse, however, for this game to still have the infamous sexual assault scene from the anime. And while it doesn’t graphically depict said scene, this would have been a perfect opportunity to completely remove it and create an entirely new scene that serves the same character arc purposes, since it’s already established that this game will be diverging from the original story.
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“Alicization Lycoris‘s best feature is its multiplayer.”
Alicization Lycoris‘s best feature is its multiplayer, which you unlock after clearing the first chapter. It features a pretty competent character creator (decent options that are standard in any SAO title) to go along with the enjoyable mission and side quest-based gameplay that’s often a welcome break from the occasional monotony of the main game. It’s a shame that such a fun part of the game is hidden behind over 12 hours of initial gameplay.
However, neither the single or multiplayer can hide the technical and graphical issues. It’s important to clarify that these are easily the best-looking graphics to date in a Sword Art Online game. The environments are uniquely designed, vibrant, colorful, and sometimes even pretty. But there are plenty of poorly rendered textures and the pop-in is extremely noticeable. Even worse are the frame rate issues, which for a turn-based JRPG would be forgivable, but are absolutely unthinkable in an action JRPG where timing is vital and slowdown can cost you a hefty chunk of dealt damage. Fixes have been coming to at least improve the abysmal FPS, so hopefully, those who already purchased the title will have a better experience moving forward.
Overall, credit is due to Sword Art Online Alicization Lycoris for trying to change up the far too familiar formula of the franchise and offer both veteran and new players a brand new experience. But the problems in the plotline, gameplay, graphics, and technical issues impact it significantly. Although it’s not a bad game at all, it’s also not a very good one and becomes difficult to recommend to anyone outside of series fans.
August 11, 2020 11:00 AM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/08/sword-art-online-alicization-lycoris-review-fails-to-fully-actualize-its-ambitions/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=sword-art-online-alicization-lycoris-review-fails-to-fully-actualize-its-ambitions
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bikwin5 · 8 years
Paper Mario Color Splash is the next entry of the semi-critically acclaimed Paper Mario series, which is the series where Mario is Paper and he does some wacky things. This game has gained somewhat of a notorious reputation for being kind of a lot like its predecessor, Sticker Star, which gained some rather mixed reception. Considering both that and the fact that Color Splash is launching at the end of the Wii U’s life with the Switch on the horizon, it’s very easy to take potshots at this game. But does it really hold up to its name???
Color Splash’s storyline is not particularly deep, as one would expect from a Mario game. After receiving a letter made out of a toad’s corpse, Mario, Peach and Toad travel to Europe Prism Island to find out everything is ruined and much of the color has been drained from the world. A paint bucket named Huey emerges from the fountain in the center of Port Prisma to help Mario and his friends make the world a more colorful place by collecting the six big paint stars that have been stolen from the fountain. Also Bowser is there, that’s not a spoiler he was in a pre-release trailer anyway.
Like its namesake, Color Splash is all about painting things and restoring colour to Prisma Island. Mario has a new feature to his hammer that lets him paint stuff in the overworld, which is used for puzzles and repainting spots which will drop items like coins and battle cards. Huey also gives him the ability to cut out parts of the world, which is similar to Sticker Star’s power that let you stick and unstick pieces to solve puzzles. Paint is also used in battle, which is where the real meta of the game starts to unfold. lmao get it
The battle system in this game has many similarities to Sticker Star, this game’s predecessor. The general gist of it is that you choose one or more cards from your deck, paint them, and play them. Unpainted cards don’t do a whole lot of damage, so you’re almost always using up paint. Fortunately paint is acquired almost everywhere in the overworld and is dropped by enemies in battle. Mario’s turn is always first, so if you literally play your cards right most normal battles can be cleared in a single turn or two. Unlike Sticker Star, the number of cards Mario can play in one turn is increased by upgrades obtained by progressing through the story. This alone fixes a huge issue I had with the aforementioned game, where extra turns had to be acquired through a silly roulette. Another gripe most people had with Sticker Star is that battles are “pointless”, as enemies dropped nothing of value apart from coins and stickers. In Color Splash, enemies will now drop a number of hammer scraps, which are used to upgrade your paint capacity. As you progress you’ll get more card slots and stronger cards, which makes more paint capacity necessary in the long run. This time around, Mario’s health is upgraded solely from getting big paint stars. Big paint stars also upgrade your preemptive attacks, which can skip battles against weaker enemies.
This game’s battle system has recieved some critcism, and even I have a few gripes with it. One such new addition to the system are enemy cards, which summons an enemy to deal damage and acts as a shield. However, enemy cards can’t be used in boss fights or other important battles, which makes them worthless when a lot of the time you could be dealing more damage with something like a big jump instead. If anything it feels like they exist to make the museum sidequest harder, yes that is a thing in this game too. Things are also back, which are real world objects which mostly serve as visual humor and are kind of too cumbersome to be used in regular fights. New to this game are Thing replicas which can’t be used in puzzles to progress but can be used in battle, which at least gives some justification for using them.
Another big ass complaint I have is to do with visual feedback. Enemies in this game do not have a health bar but rather their health is shown by how much color is drained from them, which fits fairly well with the theme of the game. The problem I have with this is that Mario himself doesn’t show any numbers when doing damage, only enemies do. This isn’t a big issue in the earlier parts of the game when a single jump or hammer will take care of most enemies, but later on it gets harder to approximate by cards alone. Given that there are multiple tiers of cards (worn out, big, etc) and that cards can be painted or unpainted you can’t really figure out the numbers purely from looking at the “health” of enemies. Also the list of cards is a pain to scroll through, why even give me the option to sort them if you’re just going to start on the right side of the list every time!!!!
Now that I’m done whining we can get on to other stuff. The world of Prisma Island is connected via a world map, similar to Sticker Star’s. Unlike SS, the world map is not made of connected “worlds” but rather sections that are similar in color. Paths to new levels are opened by collecting mini paint stars, which denote the “end” of a level. This map is more akin to say, Super Mario World’s. A big downside to this is that levels may have “secret exits” that aren’t hidden at all and simply exist to make you replay a level again. The game honestly could have been done without the need for mini paint stars, but at least the map provides an easy way for fast travel.
The environments on Prisma Island range from sky blue beaches to sunny mountains and violet islands. The environments are nicely detailed and are full of little things along the way, whether it’s an unpainted spot that holds a secret or a toad who has some witty remark to say. Along the way you’ll need to solve many puzzles, some which include cutting out parts of the world and pasting in the notorious Thing cards. A lot of the puzzles in this game are honestly some of the most clever things I have seen in a Paper Mario game, some of them are even reminiscent of more traditional adventure games. They occasionally require some backtracking, but the game is kind enough to give you hints if you need them. Not all of the puzzles are great but it’s a very big step up from Sticker Star, whose puzzles were honestly a load of complete ass. Also I must say the graphics are super duper nice, they’re pretty much exactly what I would have wanted out of a HD Paper Mario game. Everything is so crispy and papery.
A big complaint that I hear a LOT is the lack of diverse characters in this game and I have to agree it’s a strange choice when the rest of the game definitely isn’t lacking in creativity. Huey, the only real new character, isn’t exactly great and his personality feels like a copied and pasted Kersti from Sticker Star. Many other toads, apart from the rescue squads, have no real distinct features apart from the occasional hat or glasses. I don’t know what caused so much segregation in the mushroom kingdom between the events of Super Paper Mario and Sticker Star but the game could stand to give some more significant characters a fresh coat of paint. get it???? get it??????
The game’s soundtrack is much more varied than I expected. Haters of Sticker Star’s jazzy tracks will be only somewhat disappointed, as there are plenty of areas that take on different genres of music, some which even sound like they could be from older Paper Mario games. The unique themes for each boss are especially cool, which is a shame considering how you won’t hear them for long.
Speaking of which, the boss fights in this game are not especially special. Despite some of them having a really cool premise they’re more like Thing puzzles than actual battles, requiring you to figure out the exact strategy to use by using the right Thing at the right time. Boss fights become impossible without the right Things, and otherwise they’re usually too straightforward and easy, making for an uninteresting fight. Fortunately, a friendly toad in Port Prisma can give you a hint on what Thing you need for an upcoming fight or puzzle.
Overall I feel like I can safely say Color Splash felt like a wild ride from beginning to end. Almost every level introduces something new and exciting whether it be a new gameplay mechanic or just something nice and funny. The humour in this game is top notch at some points although those who dislike “silly” dialogue may not be as pleased. There is not a huge amount of side content, the only big things are filling the museum and beating a rock paper scissors minigame a bunch of times. However the levels are full of little secrets here and there and there’s a lot of attention to detail.
Back when Color Splash was announced I seriously had my doubts because of how little of the game they showed. I went into this fearing that it would be just an “ok” game that was kind of boring with only a few good moments, but instead it surpassed my expectations and instead made for an experience that was really enjoyable throughout. I am sorry to the 3 Sticker Star fans out there for frequently bashing that game throughout this review but Color Splash really is a great improvement over its predecessor. There are still a few things holding it back from becoming a truly great game but I would recommend it if you like fun and you are one of the 6 Wii U owners left on earth.
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