abijahfowler · 4 months
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And would you look at that.. another blue eye samurai oc. I am fucking crazy but i am free
Yappathon under the cut!!!
sooooooo… her name is siobhán, and she came to me in a dream
coming from a similar background to fowler’s, siobhán was an orphan survivor of the ulster famine which resulted in her being relocated to && raised in a parish in london. and, similar to fowlers, she determined that she would do whatever it took to not remain stuck to the underside of stuart society. she leaves her parish and marries a scottish barkeep by the name of hendry at the age of 17. though, shortly after they get married, he falls victim to some “mysterious illness” that eats away at him for a few years, thus leaving her to run his business and affairs until && after his passing.
with the obstacle of a husband out of the way thanks to her handy knowledge of the usage of her good friend belladonna, along with property in her name and a business for her to run in his wake, siobháns tavern turned into a meeting place for the shadier kinds of folk to do business. she was willing to turn a blind eye for a pretty penny, as well as offer up intel she collected passively from patrons. bounties were often posted & collected under the roof of her establishment, though what made her tavern the most promising would be the system of tunnels into and outside of london accessible from it’s cellar. so…. unsurprising that she found herself in business with fowler and his goons long before they hit the seas for japan. in exchange for the proper amount of shillings and a couple pretty faces to tie with her bedroom rentals, she has been a key component in terms of their smuggling affairs.
in terms of the timeline of the show i suppose she wouldn’t come into the picture until mizu & fowler reach london in s2, with her tavern being one of the destinations of mizu’s london tour list in order to attempt to garner information as to the whereabouts of skeffington && routley. though, it doesn’t go exactly as she would have hoped; and while she does manage to get away with her life upon their first encounter, she does end up losing fowler in the process and finds herself stuck in a foreign land where she barely understands the language. luckily, though, mizu is a smart cookie; and after an amount of detective work, she is back on their trail.
in short i don’t think there’s enough diabolical evil old women and i am going to change that, that’s what i was put on this earth to do.
some miscellaneous details about her:
• as of s2 of bes, she would be 58 years old
• she’s fully grey, though her hair was strawberry blonde in her youth.
• she’s pretty tall for the a woman in the 1600s, measuring at about 5’8” (or 172.72 cm)
• while cruel to people, she seems to at least have some compassion towards animals; known to feed the stray dog and cat populations in the alleyways near her tavern. one of them she has claimed as her own and turned into an inside cat, whom she has named duchess priscilla.
• she’s aromantic so she is not interested and has never been interested in a romantic relationship, though she is quite the hussie. it’s honestly astonishing she hasn’t contracted syphilis yet!
• she can drink fowler under a table, and she has in the past. he lies and says he won, but everyone that was there knows the truth.
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sepiksredux · 3 months
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These are all technically Destiny OCs if you trace Asterius back far enough so. This page will go here.
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zegalba · 11 months
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Siobhán Hapaska: Robot (2001)
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desertpups · 1 year
RTÉ Lifestyle: Award-winning actress Siobhán McSweeney on why she turned down designers for the 2023 #BAFTATVAwards ❤
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cannibalspicnic · 1 month
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EXTRAORDINARY (2023- ) 2.03 | The Exorcism of Carrie Jackson
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vintagestagehotties · 4 months
Mini Poll!
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isabellaofparma · 8 months
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Extraordinary | 1.08 - "Surprise!"
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jerzwriter · 10 months
Just finished watching Derry Girls, and all I can say is JFC, please give Sister Michael her own show, and I will watch that shit 24/7 every day until the day I die.
That's all.
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faitherr · 5 months
siobhán appreciation post
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You will NOT believe this but she is actually liked by wii sports wiki. Like, they all collectively agree she is cute and a little kitty. If you don't know much about wii sports wiki commenters they are RUTHLESS towarda miis but this time its not the case!! Very content. Very proud. My precious british bean.
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hockeyspiral23 · 1 month
In the character waiting room …
“Bodhi! Envelope for you!”
“Damnit Garrick! I wanted a day off today!”
“It’s fandom, Bodhi. None of us ever get a day off. It’s worse for me and Violet and you know it. We can’t all be lucky like Sawyer or Nyra, who only get called in on occasion or for a couple of lines only.”
“Yeah, Bodhi. Just deal with your popularity.”
“Fine, but know that I hate you all. Give it here. What is it today? Another FMC? Am I gender-swapped? Do I get Liam? Ridoc? Both? Please gods tell me I get a day off from Mint and that fucking fever …”
“Don’t even get me started with the whump, cousin. You know I love Mint but for Dunne’s sake, how much do we have to drag on the effects of one little burnout episode? Violence has never had it this bad.”
“That’s because everyone loves to see the big bad shadow daddy in pain.”
“Oh, fuck you, Tavis.”
“Can you two shove it and just give me the fucking envelope?”
“Sorry, Bodhi. Garrick, hand it over.”
“Sorry Bodhi. Here you go. What’s the assignment?”
“This is the type of assignment I want every day. Simple, cute, sweet. Just one simple message to deliver. @siobhanbooks, leader of my fan club, I wish you the happiest of birthdays.”
Teeny tiny microfiction just for you. ❤️ Idea borrowed from things I’ve seen/read in other fandoms.
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pureanonofficial · 9 months
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Though my heart is breaking I'd give the world for that moment with you When we thought we knew That our love would last But the moment passed With no warning, far too fast
currentlycryingaboutlancelot // Chess - West End (Tommy Körberg, Siobhán McCarthy // Richard Siken, War of the Foxes // Chess - Broadway (David Carroll, Judy Kuhn) // Nikki Giovanni, Mirrors // Chess - Long Beach Civic Light Opera (Robert Yacko, Jodi Benson) // lostcap // Chess - Stockholm (Tommy Körberg, Helen Sjöholm) // starpeace
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abijahfowler · 3 months
Younger Siobhán because she won’t leave my brain pan. She’s consumed me whole….
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This was her when she was in her 20s ig?? This drawing doesn’t have much epic lore other then she is patronizing abijah probably. I honestly just wanted to practice drawing 1600s-esque hair and honkas
She holds it above his head because he refuses to pay for her services (she doesn’t actually care) corner abbies are a crucial part of my art progress
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sepiksredux · 5 months
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Lazarus and Siobhán doodle that just made me smile enough to want to share :)
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90s-kid-sad-adult · 8 days
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please, please, do not come crying to me
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helmstone · 5 months
Obituary & Bodkin — first thoughts on two new Siobhán Cullen Netflix series
Obituary & Bodkin — first thoughts on two new Siobhán Cullen Netflix series
I’d been waiting for Obituary to hit Netflix, so gave the first two episodes a look yesterday. I then got confused. New today was Bodkin. In a bout of déjà vu like bewilderment, I watched the first episode of the latter. A few moments in and I double-checked — yes, Siobhán Cullen was playing lead in both dark comedies. To add to confusion, both shows are (mostly) set in small towns in Ireland.…
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cannibalspicnic · 2 years
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Exploring Northern Ireland with Siobhán McSweeney - 1x01 (2021)
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