#Siopa Rince
fairyoftrickery · 6 years
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Siopa Rince by John Carey
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Hi all! My beautiful Siopa Rince is for sale! It served me very well, but I am no longer dancing and it needs a new home.
Shipping within US is included. I’m open to offers, message me if you have any questions! :)
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eeoo · 8 years
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Siopa Rince bringing back the wrap skirt! They first introduced the style 10 years ago!
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The Tale of Tales Chapter 24
"Hurry up Juvia we're going to be late!" Gajeel called from the cottage door
"I'm coming!" Juvia said as she finished up brushing her hair.
"Where are you going?" Gray asked her.
"We're going to perform at the Magnolia village."
"Yes Gajeel found a way for us to make money a little quicker. The dwarfs are musicians and I sing a little so we decided that once a week we'll go into the village and perform for money."
"And you're sure that will work?"
"It's worth a shot. Wanna come? It's been a week so I'm sure you can walk without your ankle hurting as much as it used to."
"No thank you I'm not the music type."
"But you'd have a wonderful time I'm sure."
"I said that I'm not interested so leave me alone!" He snapped.
"Oh...I'm sorry." She said looking sad before going outside to leave with the dwarfs.
Juvia didn't mean to upset Gray she just thought that seeing a musical performance would make him feel better. He was always so bitter and cold, she wondered what made him like that.
"Hey Juvia quit staring off into space and help us get ready!" Gajeel said.
"Oh sorry."
They chose to perform in the village square where they laid out a small bowl for people to put their money in and set up their instruments. Gajeel played the fiddle, Elfman played the bodhran, and Romeo played the tin whistle. When the exciting and playful music started to play Juvia began to sing.
"Ta na caorighagithe an gheamhair
Ta an gamhnaag ol an bhainne
Prataisios gan diolachan
'S duine gan mheabhair
Na raghtaabhaile
Is deas an bhean i Siobhan og
Gunanuauirthianios on siopa
Breathnaimar mo ghinioir
'S i a' rincear an mbord
Leis an phocarbuile
Nil 'na la, ta na la
Nil 'na la, na armaidin
Nil 'na la, ta 'na la
Is bean a ra, is i arfhaga."
Her voice and the music soon caught the attention of passing villagers. They were amazed by how talented Gajeel, Elfman, and Romeo were with their instruments but what impressed them the most was Juvia's beauty and voice.
"Don't send me out into the dark
The night is cold and I'll be perished
Stay inside with me a while
Is bim ag ol anseo go maidin
Nil 'na la, ta na la
Nil 'na la, na armaidin
Nil 'na la, ta 'na la
Is bean a ra, is i arfhaga."
The village children started to dance in the square while the adults clapped along with the music. Juvia soon found herself dancing with the children while earning a few proud smiles from Gaeel.
"Buailimsuas, buailimsios
Buailimcleamhanarbhean a leanna
Cuirimginioirar an mbord
Is bim ag ol anseo go maidin
Nil 'na la, ta na la
Nil 'na la, na armaidin
Nil 'na la, ta 'na la
Is bean a ra, is i arfhaga
Ta mo bhroga i dtigh an oil
Ta mo stocai i dtigh a' leanna
Ta na coiligh go leiragglaoch
'S b'eigeandomsa 'dhulabhaile
Nil 'na la, ta na la
Nil 'na la, na armaidin
Nil 'na la, ta 'na la
Is bean a ra, is i arfhaga
Nil 'na la, ta na la
Nil 'na la, na armaidin
Nil 'na la, ta 'na la
Is bean a ra, is i arfhaga
Nil 'na la, ta na la
Nil 'na la, na armaidin
Nil 'na la, ta 'na la
Is bean a ra, is i arfhaga."
When the song finished the crowd appluaded them enthusiastically while tossing a fair amount of coins into their bowl. They did a few encore performances which earned them plenty of more money and once all was said and done they began to divide the money up amongst each other.
"I gotta tell ya Juvia that's an impressive set of pipes you've got there." Gajeel said.
"Yeah we never made this much money in entire lives." Romeo said.
"Looks like this weekly performance thing is going to work out after all." Elfman said.
After all the money was counted and divided up they decided to go back home but Juvia wanted to stay behind to do something quick.
"Juvia I don't know if you should be out here alone at night." Gajeel told her.
"I'll be fine don't worry." She told him before hurrying off. "I won't be long I promise!"
"Where on Earth is she going at this hour?"
"Maybe she wanted to buy something?" Elfman suggested.
"Anyone else notice that basket she had with her?" Romeo asked.
"Yeah I wonder what she has in there." Elfman said.
Juvia had gone to the poorest part of the village where homeless, starving people living in poverty were and in her basket were blankets she had sewn by hand using her needlework and buns that she had baked. Recently along with keeping the house clean, cooking meals, and tending to Gray's wounds she had also been sewing warm blankets and baking fresh buns to give to the needy. She handed out each blanket and bun she had brought with her to the people who were cold and hungry, and she gave all her money to those who were sick and couldn't afford medicine.
"I hope this will be enough." Juvia said handing the last of her money to an ailing widow who was also a mother of three.
"This is more than enough." The woman coughed. "God bless you child. Please I don't need all this, I only need enough to afford a doctor."
"Keep it all please. You and your children need it much more than I do."
"You're an angel from heaven my dear. I pray for nothing but good fortune in your life."
She only smiled and walked back home. She wished that she could do more. If only she could find someway to overthrow her stepmother then she would be queen and she can see to it that these people had everything that they needed.
"Well, well, looks like a little mouse has lost her way."
She looked to see a man staring at her. He was older and bigger than she was. He was also very dirty with greasy unkept hair and grime on both his hands and in his finger nails. He flashed her a nasty grin which startled her because his teeth were crooked, pointy and a mix of black and yellow. She quickly tried to leave only for the man to step in front of her and pin her to the wall. His stentch was unbearable and it made her want to gag.
"Are you lost girly?" He asked.
"No I'm not lost. In fact I was going home right now."
"Nah you're much too pretty to live around this gubby dirt hole. I bet you're from some rich family who would pay a fortune to have you back home safe."
"Leave me alone!"
He took hold of her hair and sniffed it.
"You smell nice and I bet you taste nice too."
Then shoved her to the ground before climbing on top of her and pinning her arms down. His grip was so tight that it made her feel like her wrists were in shakles.
"Get off me!" Juvia demanded while struggling.
"I will once I take a little something."
"Stop! You're hurting me!
He only gave her another one of his twisted grins and started to tear her dress while lowering his face toward her. But just before his filthy mouth could touch her pale neck someone grabbed him roughly by his hair, pressed a dagger to his throat, and jerked him off of her. Juvia expected her savior to be Gajeel but it wasn't, to her surprise it was Gray.
"I do believe that the lady told you to leave her alone now did you suddenly become deaf?" Gray asked the man.
"I...I was just...I was just messing around that's all. I wasn't going to hurt her honest...I...Please let me go! I can't breathe!"
"Hmmm...Maybe I should let you die from suffocation instead of putting dagger in your neck."
"No don't!" Juvia said. "Please! Don't kill him!"
"Why not? He was ready to violate you!"
"He's drunk! It wouldn't be fair!"
Gray wanted nothing more than to kill him but she had a point. Even he didn't think it was right to kill a man who was intoxicated.
"Alright I'll let you live you piece of crap but if you lay so much as one finger on this woman again I'll slit your throat so fast you won't even have time to scream!"
Then he punched the man across his face knocking him out cold. He turned to Juvia who was trembling.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"Yes but how did you find me?"
"I got bored waiting for you all to come back so I went to see what was taking so long. I saw your little performance, cute but not my style and when you decided to wander off on your own I knew there would be trouble so I followed you. Word of advice Princess don't go off alone at night because that's when the freaks come out."
Juvia only nodded.
"Well let's go home now before Gajeel gets the idea to put a pick axe through my brain when he finds us both gone."
He helped her on to her feet and they went back to the cottage. She felt her gently take his hand, he looked back and saw her blushing.
"Thank you for saving me." Juvia said.
Gray felt his heart skip a beat and quickly looked away from her to hide his growing blush.
"You're welcome." He said gruffly.
"I believe that you have a much warmer side." She said. "I understand if you want to hide that from the world but is it okay if I see it if I promise to keep it a secret?"
He didn't answer and they just kept walking.
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gardenofkaties · 9 years
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Couldn't love my new dress more
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Irish dance + Jazz hands 💃 📷: @joel_maisonet . ❗❗❗I am looking for a new home for this beautiful Siopa Rince! I am the second owner, but the dress is still in excellent condition (as shown!). I'm moving and would like to find it a new home as soon as possible, so I'll consider any reasonable offer!
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Unapologetically crying tears of joy because I have my solo dress and it’s perfect and it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever owned. In 13 years of dancing, this is only my fourth dress, and the first one I’ve ever had custom made. I know some people get new dresses every other year, or even annually, but this is my first new dress and I am so fucking happy I want to wear it everywhere.
Here's a sneak peak, I'll reveal the whole shabang next Friday!
Also thank you Jason Hays for designing a phenomenal dress for me!
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bl00m-like-a-fl0wer · 9 years
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I dance sometimes
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danceuponatime · 9 years
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Ok. Siopa Rince killed it with my dress.. I drew a picture of EXACTLY this and they did exactly what I wanted!!! I'm obsessed with it
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bl00m-like-a-fl0wer · 9 years
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Obsessed with my cape
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danceuponatime · 9 years
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Im kind of in love with this dress
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annamcdancerpants · 9 years
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I'm selling my Siopa Rince dress! Message me for more details. Please reblog if you don't mind! 😊
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sky-dance · 9 years
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fairyoftrickery · 7 years
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Siopa Rince
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In love with my sister's new dance dress😍
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