#Sir Eustace Pedler
nonstandardrepertoire · 7 months
now that i have read Every Single Sherlock Holmes Story, i have moved on to reading Every Single Agatha Christie Story. her early output is. uh. u n e v e n, but! the current book does contain this crotchety MP whose sole desire is to never do any work and instead simply gad about vibing. his name is Sir Eustace Pedler and he is truly an inspiration:
Guy Pagett[, my secretary,] struggled up on deck after we left Madeira and began babbling in a hollow voice about work. What the devil does any one want to work for on board ship? It is true that I promised my publishers my “Reminiscences” early in the summer, but what of it? Who really reads reminiscences? Old ladies in the suburbs. And what do my reminiscences amount to? I’ve knocked against a certain number of so-called famous people in my lifetime. With the assistance of Pagett, I invent insipid anecdotes about them. And, the truth of the matter is, Pagett is too honest for the job. He won’t let me invent anecdotes about the people I might have met but haven’t.
(from chapter 12 of The Man in the Brown Suit — i'm reading it on Project Gutenberg, so i don't have a page number)
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pplydm · 4 years
Title: The Man in The Brown Suit Author: Agatha Christie
Can I just say that I really miss Agatha Christie books!!! Like I could cry right now. I terribly miss the French words or phrases uttered by the characters in almost every single conversation. I’m starting with this novel titled “The Man in the Brown Suit.” I’m not really sure if this would be like the Hercule Poirot’s series. I also paired it with an audiobook as I read along its electronic publication. Its other title is Colonel Race #1 which I assume will focus on a lieutenant and/or a main character named Colonel Race. Howbeit, he’d never made many appearances and with less dialogues. That’s an Agatha Christie trademark. Ann Beddingfeld is courageous and embodying a wild taste for adventure. It’s enlightening that Miss Beddingfeld evaluates thoughtfully and thoroughly whom among the passengers of the ship she’s going to trust and confide to. More touches of the Agatha Christie hallmarks are found. One cliché, leading characters luckily getting the help they need even if they were introduced as an orphan or in poverty. Miss Anne didn’t plan to be acquainted in the ship with a fairly wealthy young lady named Suzanne. Suzanne helped her on most of her adventures in terms of finances and emotional support. For a second example, actors and actresses faking, pretending due to them being part of culprit gangs. Another is that the evident character isn’t at all times who they say they are and actually not what they present themselves to be.
No sense documenting the following yet here they are.
Firstly, the queries hatching in my mind as I unfold the first few chapters
1. Is the next person to be murdered is sir Eustace Pedler?
2. Will his killer be his secretary replacement?
3. What if some of the people in the ship were accomplices with a purpose of murder?
Secondly, the forebodings I took into consideration.
1. Miss Blair must be the stewardess who looked for the man whom was supposedly drunk.
2. The reason for the sudden disappearances and emergence of any of the secretaries is I presume because they pretend to be the purser.
Nevertheless, all of the things listed above were all but guesses. None of them were correct. My accusation never turned to Mr Eustace. Kudos to Agatha Christie!
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