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knifenymph · 4 years
Hi!! What does your morning routine look like?? Spiritually 💕
i have trouble keeping up routines haha but this is what my favorite morning routine looks like:
i wake up naturally somewhere between 10am–12pm and focus on recalling all my dreams and analyzing them. if i had many, ill write them down
i’ll then express my gratitude for a couple things in the world (which i do.. multiple times as i come in and out of sleep n forget if i already did it or not hahahaha)
i lay nude in a patch of sunlight on my carpet and take in the sunshine and receive any guidance for the day. i’ll either just meditate here or pull a tarot card + channel
i then do this morning manifestation eft tapping!
after putting in contacts, ill make some warm lemon water for myself and put on my bathing suit to sitbathe for a bit
i then shower while listening to these goddess affirmations (they’re geared towards cis women, fyi)
once i’ve finished all that, i’ll typically jump on my laptop to get to work, but i’ll first write out my gratitude in three parts. 1- a list of things im grateful for 2- writing my day out as if its already happened and 3- writing out my future as if its already happened. this is a practice by Gala Darling (who also made the eft tapping) and it helps set the tone for the rest of the day for me, as well as plan what i need to do!
much love 💗💗💗 
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