#Skeleton Minecraft
tf2daily404 · 2 months
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Day 81: skeletonsman -bert
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badass-skeletons-777 · 4 months
would you like to make plans…
and play minecraft together…..
- not temp
I haven’t played in a while…
But it can be fun…
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fymo-blogs · 4 months
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Skeleton stimboard
Credits: @chillcrafting @snakes-stims @felonsparty @critical-stim @binary-systim @navystims @pocket-stims @guiltyidealist @cherry-stim
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blacktales · 2 years
This is the first time I try to draw bones bruhಥ_ಥ
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art-ixia · 2 years
Some drawings inspired by minecraft mobs :D
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crashingyourmother · 28 days
I’ve been playing Minecraft with my friend and we’ve been doing some silly roleplay lol 😎
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(Also I dipped my toes into monster school, and just wanna draw them)
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feliville · 2 months
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eye contact
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chufflepop · 9 days
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This experience is totally not personal I swear
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sopuu · 3 months
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consumed by the moss
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woosh-floosh-art · 2 months
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The Minecraft Skeletons. Check out the minecraft skeletons stickers.
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lowkeiloki · 6 months
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this update is gonna rule
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gmddeyatel22 · 6 months
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skeleton from minecraft with outfit in sans from undertale
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thegimmicky · 6 months
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Minecraft Ruined Haunted Cemetery
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herobrine-avm · 1 month
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They suggested we take a class photo... Believe it or not this was our best take..
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sketchy-noodles · 4 months
Spooky Scary Skeletons 💀
(Side note but thank you all so much for all the love on this series! I love rambling about these little guys I’m so happy to be able to share them with all of you! You guys rock!!!! ❤️)
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Transcript and Closeups below!
A guide by: Philza Minecraft
Physical Adaptations:
Undead crows brought to life!
Don’t need to eat, sleep or breathe
Weak to health potions (need harming/instant damage)
Allergic to sunlight
Behavioral Adaptations:
Often flock in large groups
Found everywhere!
“Nocturnal” (only come out at night)
Love collecting bones & other shinies
(Like to “accessorize”)
Friendly! Like to vibe and hang out!
Other Notes:
Tiny tails!
Skele Bois!
General Notes:
Same As Skeleton crows but more aggressive.
Neat in Nether Fortresses
Not allergic to sunlight
Withering (approach with EXTREME caution!!!)
Smell like coal and charred bones
Found only in the Nether
Other Notes:
NOT Friends!
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citrous241 · 10 months
In my head-canon for Minecraft's "history", these two are (technically) the same species.
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It all stems from my perception of the Ancient Builders. Its mostly inspired by the comics of the amazing DongLie (check them out their work is amazing), with some changes to fit with how I see the elements the game lays out.
For one, I believe the Ancient Builders' ultimate goal was eternal life. Their hubris is why they're "extinct". And two, there were 4 Mistakes that lead to their downfall.
I'm gonna go over these 4 Mistakes some day, but the second and fourth one is what I'm going to go into in some detail.
So what does any of this have to do with the Wither Skeletons and Endermen?
Well, first I must describe the second mistake. And to rationalise why it happened, I must also touch on the first mistake; the creation of Creepers. I believe the Ancient Builders created Creepers in their desert temples as their first foray into eternal life. This attempt fundamentaly changed the Overworld, cursing it to produce these creatures every night. I believe Zombies, Skeletons and Spiders have always existed in the Overworld, and the Ancient Builders had adapted to them the same way we have. But the Creepers rocked their society. Some of them went deep underground (leading to the third Mistake), and some of them went "deep" I.e: to the Nether.
This is where the second mistake occurs. They found the Piglins, whose corpses became reanimated upon their death. Not anything crazy, the same thing happens to Ancient Builders in the Overworld, if not for the fact that Zombified Piglins have actual awareness. Immortality through zombification became an option and the Builders deduced it was true to the Nethers sand trapping souls from across dimensions.
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So they buried their dead in the large valleys of this sand, and they became reanimated. It was exactly what they wanted, they were aware and immortal.
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Unfortunately a complication ensued; Piglins had adapted to soul sand, but the Builders hadn't. Those who had been buried rapidly found their flesh withering away, and their actions becoming more and more aggressive. These withered skeletons became the guards of the Fortresses the Builders constructed to protect themselves from the Nether's dangers. They became nothing more than thugs.
So the Builders continued their work. They theorised that the combined biomass of multiple corpses could overcome the withering problem.
They were right. And they were so, so wrong.
They had awakened one of the primordial forces of the universe, the force of chaos and destructions. The trapped souls had been screaming out to them all along. The withered skeletons were a warning that was impossible to ignore, yet they did.
The Wither had descended upon the Ancient Builders, wanting nothing more then to spread its infection.
The Builders tried to escape, abandoning their portals into the Nether. But they were too slow, the Wither had followed them to the Overworld.
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This lead to the third mistake, but I'm not going to talk about that now.
The fourth and final mistake came after the Overworld was no longer safe for the Builders. The Wither was gone, destroyed in the third mistake, but it's rot still corrupted the land. To go to the surface was suicide, to go deep underground was suicide. So the Builders clung to just below the surface. They used their magic to invert stone and tore out their eyes to construct a portal to somewhere out of the Overworld.
They took a leap of faith, and it didn't pay off. They had found a dimension in the Void between dimensions, the End of all reality. Nothing but blank islands for all eternity. But there was something... else.
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Another primordial force that threatened everything. Native to this place or trapped their, they did not know. But they had opened the door out and had to close it. So they purposefully disabled the way out, created a dragon to guard it should anyone try to leave. Every island for miles around the exit point was annihilated, as to separate it.
It was the ultimate sacrifice and the final mistake; sealing themselves into the End.
Over time they evolved; their skin became darker, blending into the eternal night; their eyes became larger to see in the darkness; they became taller, their limbs becoming longer to pluck the high snaking chorus fruits - the only food in this place. We've all eaten chorus, we all know how it teleports anything that consumes it. Eating just that fruit caused them to eventually teleport regardless.
And finally, these End-men had become immortal. But there was no victory, their minds had long been lost. Even when they eventually gained the ability to teleport across dimensions they held no memories of these places. They can only grab blocks to move as they did long ago, but none of them know why.
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When they see us they feel pain, they look us in the eyes and remember humanity. This makes them sad, which makes them angry. They cannot understand their unexplained grief so they act only in fear and self-preservation.
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These 2 creatures, the Wither's skeletons and the men of the End are brothers. Yet they do not know it. For both have long since lost their mind and history; one in pure aggression and obsession, and the other in hubris and insanity.
Credit to DongLie for most of images used here.
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