caelumproject · 11 months
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5:39 PM PHT
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Wanted to expand on the family tree
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rw-repurposed · 6 months
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Chandra was once a clever and slippery scug who was able to escape from any situation he was in, even just barely escaping death. He has a clever mind for a scug and it helped him to survive in the vast outer expanse.
However, he entered Chasing Wind's facility ground by accident and he couldn't slip from Chasing Wind's traps and was taken into the superstructure for experimentation. He was fused with a Shadow Owl gene and was tormented from the physical metamorphosis phase that melted his entire organs and rearranged his insides and out.
Once he had a spurt, he grew wings longer limbs, and a tail. It doesn't take him long to adjust to his new body and flying abilities, what he didn't realize was how he can now screech at ultrasonic and infrasonic frequencies. And he can disorient any creatures using his screeches.
He has been nicknamed Skychaser by Chasing Wind.
Character List
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lightfaithed · 4 months
🔥 (from Siri)
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Their mutual attraction at least continued to be a constant in their lives. "You know I can't get enough of you," he said bluntly, feeling the love for her burst in his heart. Even if nothing came out of it, aside from a very beautiful friendship he treasured, he wanted to keep making sure she knew.
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kosmicvoid · 1 year
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i wanna be a 3d ghost in your dreams / smell of burning flesh and sweat and chlorine
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lepurcinus · 2 years
Old thing with a concept design for a hare folklore hero for my Iberian animulz xenofiction proyect.
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aerowolf · 3 months
Has a single person read the Skychasers series by Amy Kathleen Ryan I'm BEGGING you. Please. Please interact with me. It got published professionally but it was posted on Wattpad first. Glow is the first book. Please please please.
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clonewar · 4 months
[ needs ] sender asks receiver what they need (ezra @ kanan)
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Ezra is incredibly kind and thoughtful. His caring and overwhelmingly positive presence is one that makes his heart ache even more. Ezra doesn't deserve a life riddled with oppressive leadership and war. He deserves peace and happiness. If only times were simpler and less violent... "I feel like I should be asking you that," he replies, shifting to sit beside him. "You took a hard hit earlier. You sure you don't need any bacta for it?"
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inthewindtunnel · 10 months
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kakikoo · 2 years
The sky is INSANE
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caelumproject · 11 months
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5:18 PM PHT
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hayheadd · 8 months
UPDATED clangen pathologic warrior cats... directed at no one in particular. made in dollmaker called clangen catmaker
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Anna, Aspity and Var
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Grief, Rubin and Lara
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Eva, Yulia and Maria
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Aglaya, Block and Simon
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Murky, Sticky and Taya
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Georgiy, Victor and SImon
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Grace (with dirty paws), Khan and Notkin
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Saburov, Saburova, Oyun
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Andrey and Peter Stamatin
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Capella, Vlad jr and Big Vlad are in the first one I'm only allowed 30 images.... anyway.... as a fun little bonus
Medicine cats
Snakeheart (Daniil Dankovsky)
Small tortoiseshell tom with white paws, a red spot on his chest and amber eyes
Bullheart (Artemy Burakh)
Massive fuzzy golden tabby tom with blue eyes 
Ratheart / Miracleheart (Clara)
Lanky dilute calico thing with bright yellow eyes
Miracleheart is the name she chose for herself, but everyone calls her Ratheart to mock her instead 
Stickpaw (Sticky)
Lanky golden tom with green eyes
Murkkit (Murky)
Small lykoi she-cat with blue eyes
Knotpaw (Notkin)
Gray tom with brown spots on his nose and ears, a dog collar around his neck and yellow eyes (Resembles Jester)
Soul-and-a-halves are basically the cat distribution system. They find humans for themselves 
Sparkpaw (sight) (Capella)
Tall ginger she-cat with blue sparkly eyes
Her mom Daystar (Viktoria Olgimskaya)
Elegant long-furred white she-cat with sparkly yellow eyes
Gracepaw (Grace)
Long-furred white she-cat with tired blue eyes and stuff stuck in her fur
Antkit (Taya Tycheek)
Brown and dark ginger tortoiseshell she-cat with bright yellow eyes
Dogpaw (Khan Kain)
Round small dark gray tabby tom with bright blue eyes
Whispersong (Eva Yan)
Elegant round light yellow she-cat with blue eyes 
Newteye (Peter Stamatin)
Cream tom with green eyes 
Newtclaw (Andrey Stamatin)
Cream tom with green eyes 
Scarletsight (Maria Kaina)
Blueish black she-cat with amber eyes 
Her mom Nightstar (Nina Kaina)
Elegant tall long-furred black she-cat with amber eyes
Highstep / Smallspider (Vlad Jr)
Tall dusty gray tom with yellow eyes
Shadowflower (Victor Kain)
Round gray tabby tom with blue eyes
Mistchaser (Georgiy Kain)
Old long-furred silver tom with yellow eyes
Rockfang (Stakh Rubin) (Rubyfang)
Parcially bald black tom-cat with yellow eyes and fur on his chest, paws and tail 
Riverpebble (Lara Ravel) (Gravelpebble)
Long-furred dark gray with black spots, a fuzzy tail and blue eyes
Sleektalon (Bad Grief) (Owl/Filin)
Small ginger tabby tom with green eyes
Robinsong (Anna Angel)
Dark ginger she-cat with yellow eyes 
Molesight (Katerina Saburova)
Dusty silver and black she-cat spots with bluish gray eyes
Dustwatcher (Alexander Saburov)
Light brownish-gray tom with greenish gray eyes 
Applebird (Yulia Lyuricheva)
Tall golden tabby she-cat with green eyes
Bullface (Foreman Oyun)
Massive brown tabby tom who wears a bull skull and has light blue eyes
Wormleg (Aspity)
Lanky dark brown thing with gray eyes
Thornlily (Aglaya Lilich)
Tall blue she-cat with light green eyes
Ashenstep (Alexander Block)
Dark ginger tom with bright blue eyes and gray paws
Crookedcrouch (Var)
Dark brown crooked tom with one yellow eye and one blind blue eye with a scar over it
Willowblossom (Willow Mellow)
Dark brown she-cat with green eyes
Willowdancer (Nara)
Tall dark blue she-cat with purple eyes
Bigbull (Big Vlad) (I KNOW it's a dumb name but what else is there for Big Vlad.)
Fat ass ginger cat with blue eyes 
Mudheart (Isidor Burakh)
Light brown tom with blue eyes
Skystar/Skychaser (Simon Kain)
Old long-furred white tom with blue eyes
The theatre??? I don't know the??? Silentden the??? Whisperden?
Foulplay (Mark Immortell)
Gray spotted tom with green and blue eyes
Ratcather (RATCATCHER)
Black and white (mostly black) she-cat with blue eyes
Birdfaces (Executors)
Face covered with a raven skull, cloak made of red feathers, flowers and leaves with raven bones sticking out. Usually shown sitting down in the performances, so only the front paws are barely visible beneath the cloak
and Silentfaces (Tragedians)
I don't know where they got the masks
Fellow traveller
Dark brown tom with green eyes
Crimsondove (Aysa Klyonina)
Dark ginger she-cat with a big nose and amber eyes
Viperpool (Farkhad)
Black curly-furred tom with amber eyes
general info/context:
They were the same clan but fell apart (Steppeclan)
Spireclan, Termiteclan And Humbleclan
All medicine cats named -heart
Queens are replacement for in-game mistresses, they're not nursing mothers. They're instead like mothers of the whole clan. There are also queen apprentices that can only be of queen blood. They get -sight names until they become full queens (leaders) and get -star.
Moonspire - Polyhedron (the kits call it the playden), Bullplace - Abattoir, Hollowpool - Cathedral
Polyhedron is made of ice that doesn't melt, Abattoir is made of that kinda ancient brown dusty ice that has diseases in it, Cathedral is a bunch of tall sticks and a puddle (melted ice) (fail)
Herb mates are also another cat class only special kin cats can be apprenticed to. They have -dancer names.
The powers that be are Starclan. Aka the giant kids. No idea how that explains them being like a literal government. Maybe everyone is super religious. I mean maybe god is real. Warrior cats
Daniil was a kittypet that lived in a veterinarian clinic
Rubin was unofficially apprenticed by Isidor, never got the -heart name.
The guardian cats are also in this au. A clan full of medicine cats. This is the place where Daniil lived and Artemy studied, but they didn’t know each other (Capital basically)
The Stamatins are former kittypets and den builders that used to live with the guardian cats.
The army is also another faraway clan that is full of warriors that fight by the orders of Starclan whether they like it or not
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rw-repurposed · 1 year
More doodles lmao
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I've been enjoying doodling a lot of these lmao.
Upright Carnage is by @toxictoxicities
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bexxthehexx · 3 months
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SkyChasing again, I can't help but look at the clouds, So many pretty tones and textures.
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Who are the 2 cats in moon 23 bonus? Is that Skychaser and Nightingale? Also if possible can we see their sprite or any art about them?
Yeah that's them. They don't technically have sprites as I made them up for story purposes
Was gonna leave them designless but then I wanted to add something to the page so
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alienarthouse · 9 months
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Like the land plants of Earth, the Mahweir species engages in what is known as the “alternation of generations”, but with four forms instead of two. Essentially, each generation of this species produces offspring that differs in form and reproductive type from its parents. This has lead to the Mahweir being mistaken as four different species, but the fact that this cycle will always take place, without fail, is solid evidence of it being one species. We discuss the forms below.
(A) Terreids
The first form in the generational cycle of the Mahweir is known as a Terreid. This form is completely sessile, often found growing on the forest floor or on the trunks of trees. They consist of a mycelial network that grows beneath the ground or bark, and a mushroom-like fruiting body. This is a sporomycete generation, reproducing asexually and folding up its cap to release spores into the air during reproduction. Terreids were often assumed to be a non-intelligent form of Mahweir, but recent discoveries have found them capable of understanding language and even performing rudimentary forms of communication through connection to their mycelial networks. This had led to a shift in treatment of Terreids, once farmed as though they were unintelligent fungi.
(B) Aereids
Germinated from the spores released by Terreids, Aereids make up the next generational cycle. Gases stored in their cell’s vacuoles make them remarkably light, allowing Aereids to live an entire life suspended in the air. They maneuver themselves using feather-like fronds covered in millions of near-microscopic mycelial threads, allowing them to almost swim through the oxygen-rich atmosphere. They are sexually-reproducing gametomycetes, reproducing by injecting their zygotes into arthropods native to their planet. Despite their simple appearance, Aereids are shockingly intelligent, and capable of living for decades. In Mahweir cultures, they often serve as scholars, philosophers, and spiritual leaders.
(C) Canneir
The Canneir make up the next link in the generational cycle of Mahweir, living a unique experience compared to other generations, and oftentimes even between Canneir individuals. This is due to their nature as parasites; they are formed when Aereids inject developing zygotes into the arthropod-like animals of their homeworld. There they germinate, feeding upon the still-living animal as they develop an extensive mycelial network they will eventually use to puppet the exoskeleton left behind. They are asexually reproducing sporomycetes, releasing an explosion of spores upon their death. Canneir can possess any number of different arthropods, including the Zisk—this is often a source of controversy among sophonts, but it is often cited that it was only through the cooperation of the Mahweir and the Zisk queen Skychaser, who let Canneir parasitize her drones, that either species was able to achieve space travel. Canneir can live from only a few years to many decades, depending on the their host’s body’s ability to sustain them.
(D) Mahweir
Confusingly, the last form in the generational cycle are known as Mahweir. The name for this form became the colloquial name for the species largely because, when first encountered by the UFW, this form made up the majority of the space-faring population. Formed from spores released after a Canneir’s death, Mahweir initially resemble a sort of crab, with a small, tangled body of mycelium and a chitinous pseudoskeleton to support it. To survive, Mahweir bond together, entangling their grasping tendrils to form one larger super-individual. This connection goes beyond the physical, though: by undergoing a quick and simple process to fuse certain tendrils, Mahweir are able to directly connect their minds to one another. This process is like unfolding a piece of your brain and linking directly to another person’s. Mahweir may spend the majority of their life as one super-individual, or may live in many as it suits their needs. A Mahweir maintains their individuality of consciousness throughout this process, though extended fusion with other individuals can result in a sharing of memories and personality. Mahweir “Great Minds” take advantage of this quirk of biology to maintain living libraries containing thousands of years of memory and knowledge, which Mahweir individuals are encouraged to visit many times throughout their lives to upload and download new information with the mind. Mahweir are sexually reproducing gametomycetes, reproducing with others in a super-individual and spreading the zygotes through the air from structures grown on their backs. These zygotes remain inert until conditions are correct, after which they develop into Terreids, beginning the cycle again.
Two extra notes:
Mahweir are native to the same planet as the Zisk, sharing a long and sometimes fraught history with the other species.
Modern Mahweir super-individuals increase their mobility, function, and comfort when off-planet by living in mech suits. I’ll get around to drawing these soon.
The arthropod depicted in the above chart is a Fairy Hopper. They are roughly about the size of a medium-to-large Earth dog, with large, useless wings. Fairy Hoppers are secondarily flightless, instead using them for mating displays. They are domesticated by Zisk consorts as show animals, and make a common host for Canneir due to their durability lending a longer lifespan.
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