#Sleet and Dingo
polling-sonic-fans · 15 hours
who are your favorite henchmen/sidekicks for dr. eggman?? (scratch & grounder, decoe & bocoe, orbot & cubot, or any others?)
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Thank you for the anonymous poll! I hope it is okay that I have added some options inspired by this poll on reddit: since the VA polls I am trying to include add options I see that people may have wanted.
Polling Sonic Fans for their opinions on all manner of things. Share good questions to indicate what you want asked. Submissions open.
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grawlix-ness · 2 months
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Original meme from sweepswoop_ on Twitter
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theangrycomet-art · 9 months
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Sonic Underground: the Bounty Hunters
The former independent contractors were so screwed over lol
Married, though the two aren't exactly public with this knowledge given their line of work
partial roboticization was Robotnik's warning to the two after their initial failure to capture the Triplets
the two were rather well known in their field before being forced to work for robotnik
not in charge of/responsible for anything outside of catching the Sonic Underground, while also making sure their competition doesn't get to the brats first
this leads to the rare team ups as they'd rather "loose" in the short team and let the Sonic Underground run off free than let the other bounty hunters get them first
they have a kid who is staying with Sleet's older sister until th contracts up
is more involved in the fights, he gives long distance assistance role with his rifle and grapple
brains of the operation, he tends to be the one who selects which missions/bounty's the two take on
hates working for Robotnik- not because he minds doing the dirty work, but because they don't get paid nearly the amount they normally would and are explicitly forbidden from taking on more contracts until the Sonic Underground are caught and roboticized
shapeshifting remote doesn't shapeshift Dingo but helps him restore him to his Default form if he gets stuck (which happens more and more often when Dingo is stressed out)
the tank
met Sleet at the medical facility that was running experiments on him and broke him out
hopelessly loyal to Sleet
Shapeshifter (OWN abilities enhanced from the experiments done to him)
Doesn't remember a whole lot of hi past pre-experiments
Sonia is not crushed on (that was justs blegh) but openly admired as one of the few opponents strong enough to "properly take him on in a brawl"
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kingmaxstatic · 2 months
Did that "explaining oc lore poorly" thing that's happening on tiktok.
Btw this is only part 1 because Voltz has LORE.
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mischeva · 11 months
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Bounty Boyfriends yippie! They’re the first redesigns/reimaginings of characters I’m cooking up for a personal au that I will share…. eventually. Anyways they’re partners in every sense of the word cuz I said so tehe
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nightfurylover31 · 7 months
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shinymisty-blog · 3 months
I am morbidly curious about the Tamer's series...
Mainly because the gifs I see of Sleengo...
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...I need more Sleet just being adorable, man.
I want to see this wolf have a happy ending with Dingo. (Even if I...personally...make him go through hell first...)
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robotnik-mun · 1 year
You know, with the reveal that Scratch and Grounder were originally slated to be on Sonic Underground before Sleet and Dingo took the slot, something occurs to me.
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Suddenly makes a bit more sense. Dingo being able to shapeshift when Sleet pulled a remote on him always seemed like an incredibly random and weird concept, one that never got any explanation or hint as to why this was within the show itself. It’s an incredibly oddball power to have, especially when DIngo as far as we know is a Mobian.
But when you consider that Scratch and Grounder were originally going to take their place?
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It makes a lot more sense- Scratch being able to transform Grounder into various vehicles and tools against his will via remote control is EXACTLY the sort of dynamic they’d have, and exactly the sort of power Grounder would have. Why it was retained for Sleet and Dingo given how weird it looks with them, I can only imagine. I guess they really liked the concept and didn’t care that while it’d make sense for a pair of robots, it just looked weird for a pair of organics.
Either way, that’s ONE Sonic Mystery solved, kinda.
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benisbeaaaaans · 1 year
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Sleet the Wolf redesign WIP
Original below
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This man was robbed /hj
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minkparched · 5 days
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this looks wrong
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grawlix-ness · 3 months
I like these moments when Sleet exhibits cluelessness. He asserts that “No, sire, I’m the conniving one!” but uhh I don’t know about that. The things he does and faces he pulls sometimes, it’s giving internet dial-up sound
If it were up to me, I say it comes largely from his hubris. I usually liken him to a brooding, methodical type to oppose Dingo’s boisterousness and pugnacious attitude. However, his anger and arrogance makes him foolhardy. I.e. “That’s it! I don’t care if Robotnik wants them captured! I am going to bury them!”
He can be a little doofy, as a treat. Sleet may gloat about how clever he is, but once a bungling henchman, always a bungling henchman
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theangrycomet-art · 9 months
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Sonic Underground Reprise: Dingo's Disguises
exploring how dingo's transformation would work
can't change colors, but can take on the aspects of the species
best at maintaining canine forms for long term but he can transform into pretty much anything if briefly
can't take on "special" abilities unique to an individual he copies, like if he transformed into Sonic he couldn't get get his super speed
BUT he does take on the species aspects- a tiger's night vision, a rabbit's high jump, that kind of thing
all of his forms retain his base strength and intelligence
some of these forms have established reputations of their own, most notably Lady Penelope, also known "the Blade of Hera"
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scumtumbl · 5 months
so i'm not the only one with a sleet/dingo playlist, right
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zerio105 · 1 year
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Drew Sleet the wolf from Sonic Underground in my style. I always really liked this guy.
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millicharlottej98 · 4 months
17 years ago today
today its been 17 years ago today since I first watched sonic underground in Malta while I was on holiday then 2 months later I was researching then days later I found what it was
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shinymisty-blog · 4 months
Who wants a Sonic Underground Swapped AU
I’ve been a huge fan of Undertale for a pretty long time. And one of my favorite things about it was the concept of “different timelines/universes” that so many fans started to make. I know AUs have been around for a long time, longer than Undertale, but it was because of Undertale that I started thinking of AU ideas. 
Case in point: A Sonic Underground AU where all the characters' roles and personalities are swapped. 
A…Sonic Underswap, if you will. (I am going to hell)
The idea smacked me last night when I thought “...hmm. Wouldn’t it be funny to imagine a Manic who grew up in Sonia’s shoes?” It then formed into wondering “Who would switch with who?” So… I will jot down what I think a Sonic Underground Swap would be like.
And, while I would pull the whole “the triplets are evil” idea…but where’s the fun in that?! (...aside from a lot of fun to begin with). This is playing with the idea that MOST of the characters are still the same when it comes to their placement in the story. 
There is one HUGE exception:
Obviously, Aleena and Robotnik would HAVE to swap places. This would mean Aleena becomes the “tyrant ruining Mobius” while Robotnik is hiding away, hoping to one day take Aleena down. 
So the story would go like this:
Fearful over the thought that her newborn children could overthrow her, Aleena abandons them shortly after birth in hopes of ruling. Even if she is a really bad leader. Brushing off the struggles of her people as she feels they aren’t worth her time. Only those who pay the outrageous tax have her attention, and they never really have any struggles, to begin with.
Robotnik, being an outsider notices just how horrible she is running Mobius and plots to take her down. With the help of Athair’s future visions and elderly wisdom, he realizes that her children are alive and are destined to fix what their mother has caused.
However, Aleena didn’t deal with her children as well as she had expected, and they were raised by three different families.
As mentioned, Manic would be raised in the higher class, with Sir Farrell as his father. Raised to use and abuse the lower class and how much they need to rely on the upper class to stay safe, and he isn’t afraid to admit that. But, hey, at least he has a close friendship with [_____], though even that is stripped away when he was exiled due to Aleena realizing her children were a risk. Now he feels like an outcast when he joins up with Sonia and Sonic, both lower class and slightly spiteful over Manic’s upbringing. 
But he does know how the upper class works, and what makes them tick.
Sonia, meanwhile, takes Sonic’s role. 
After all, if she didn’t fill this tier, Sonic wouldn’t have changed. And, honestly, I feel the idea that Manic being raised high class and Sonia fighting with the Rebels (the Resistance) gives better story ideas over Sonic being raised high class and Sonia being poor.
Anywho, Sonia was raised by Windemere, a high-status member of the Anti-Royal Movement, better known as the Rebels. She was adopted by Windermere after her “original” family was killed during a raid. Since then she has been fighting for what she felt was right. She is heartbroken during a raid when she finds out that Windermere was caught and, later, was found out to have been hiding one of Aleena’s children. 
She is well known by the Rebels. 
Sonic was found by Chuck, who’s been struggling hard since Aleena’s rules made it harder and harder for the lower class to survive. Everything has gotten so expensive (mood), and he wasn’t going to rescue the infant, but he couldn’t abandon a life in need. Sonic grew up knowing that life is harsh and mean. Don’t trust anyone but yourself, ESPECIALLY the higher class. That makes him and Manic not get along really…at all. 
Sonic is still the fastest, and his speed helps with snatching up food and money. But mostly food. 
Aleena is warned by Athiar about her eventual demise, causing her to stress out and hire Dingo and Sleet, famous mercenaries who can easily find and…silence almost any targets. For the right price, of course.  (...I think you are seeing where this is going)
Though he relies more on his brawn than his brain, Dingo is still the leader of the duo, always more focused on his work, and less focused on anything else. However, he has to always remind himself to keep a close eye on his absent-minded partner, Sleet, and he is starting to wonder if the wolf would even notice if he left him mesmerized by something. It doesn’t help that Aleena’s influence is beginning to rub off on him. Why worry about a mobian that causes him more trouble than he’s worth?
Sleet’s mind’s in the right place. He’s smart, and when he’s able to focus on the job, he can be a real threat. Too bad he’s easily distracted and is amazed by everything and anything and will often leave Dingo to do most of the heavy lifting. It doesn’t help that Sleet thinks that Manic is super cool and admires being JUST like him one day. He never realizes that his constant admiring is getting on Dingo’s nerves, though. It’s always work work work with that canine. Can’t he stop and enjoy the moment once in a while?
All his life, Cyrus was raised to believe that everything Queen Aleena said was law and that those below him were just obstacles in his way. But when his long-time friend, Manic, was found to be the Queen’s son and she wanted him gone before he and his siblings could overthrow her, Cyrus finds himself in a pickle. Maybe, if Manic accepts that Aleena is the true Queen and promises to not try and defy her, he’d get his friend back. Why even worry about the others when he had everything he needed if he just behaved? 
Knowing Sonia from the Rebels Group made Bartleby a target for manipulation for Aleena, trying to trick the mink into luring the Rebels out and punishing them for all their wrongdoings, all to protect what remains of his family’s history. But once he realizes that the lives of innocent mobians would be at stake, he quickly breaks away from her control and vows to help the Rebels in any way he can. His love for the arts helps him create things, though they seem to be more dangerous than helpful. It’s the thought that counts, right?
The other prevalent member of the Rebels is Knuckles. Cunning and decently strong to boot, he makes good support for the group. He also knows a bit about nature, so that’s a plus. Early on, he was captured by Aleena, who attempted to learn a thing or two about the growing Rebels, but the triplets quickly saved him when Sonia realized he was in danger, as the two knew each other from childhood. 
Under the watchful eyes of “Delphius” (The Oracle isn’t “the Oracle”, but is replacing Athiar), Trevor is destined to watch over the Chaos Emerald resting within the Floating Islands. Good with the few mechanical items he can find littering the Island, he became quite a handyman, making small weapons and other things to keep the Emerald, and the Island, safe.
If it isn’t obvious, Cyrus and Bartleby swap while Knuckles and Trevor swap. 
It was…hard trying to figure out who would take Knuckles’ place, as he is kind of…REALLY strongly tied to the Emeralds. But, Trevor has as much character as Knuckles does in the show, so it fits. 
I also find it funny that the two characters that have some sort of relationship with Sonia…STILL have relations with Sonia, just differently. (Seeing as Bartleby and Knuckles take Cyrus and Trevor’s place, who were friends of Sonic originally).
The Oracle (or just “Delphius”) and Athiar also switch places. The Oracle was a strong contender for the one switching with Robotnik, but…Athiar makes more sense in the long term. Both are old. Most likely DEAD already. One is cryptic while the other is a bit of a fearful hermit. 
So, yeah. There we go. There are other characters in Underground, and they’d all switch around as well, but I’m gonna leave this here for now with the more important characters.
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