#Slitting Machines Market
rmoonstoner · 1 year
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Poisoned Empanadas
Moon Knight (Jake Lockley) x Spider!fem!reader
Spider-Man 2099 (Miguel O'Hara) x Spider!fem!reader
18+, violence, strong language, mentions of death, mentions of depression, sexual themes, volatile emotions, part 2 of the sex dream, dats a big boi
This one is a little different. It's a recounting of the first chapters, but from Miguel's point of view. When the reader is referred to, it will be with she/her pronouns, not you. It's going to be shorter, because I want it to fit the chapter sizes I have picked.
Chapter 4 - B - Fast food dessert type Empanadas
These are the most commonly marketed Empanadas in the food industry. Many famous chains have their own versions of these sweet and delicious pastries. Chains like Taco Bell and McDonald's. (Yes, I know that McDonald's version is technically a pie, but to me it's literally the same thing in a rectangle, with venting slits. This is not a plug for McDonald's, I just happened to be really fucking high on edibles and eating a McDonald's pie at the time of writing this. I added Taco Bell as an afterthought. I wanted one from Taco Bell, but our location vanished mysteriously in the middle of the night a few months back.)
Miguel was tired and grumpy. His life up until now had be hard, and the most recent hand had him almost folding entirely.
First he had been screwed over by his boss and was tricked into being hooked on a designer drug. Next, his fiance had cheated on him with said boss. And finally, his boss had forced him into doing research and tests on a subject he didn't want to do or agreed with.
Sure the subject had originally been his own choice, but his employer thought it necessary to make certain changes to what Miguel was doing. They all added up, and eventually Miguel began to hate his work with a passion, as it wasn't his anymore. He also hated his dependency on the drug.
Then to add insult to injury, his boss changed something in his current test setup, which was working in a cure for himself, didn't tell Miguel, then when Miguel ran the experiment, he ended up being pricked by something. In his panic to fix his mistake, he hadn't seen what had pricked him.
It was an alarmingly large vial of volatile Spider DNA, and it worked quickly to change Miguel's body and his very chemical makeup. It caused him to become sicker than when he was withdrawing, yet his boss still forced him into coming into work the next day, with barely any check up on the accident. In fact, his boss was actively trying to cover it up, and offered a bribe in return to keep his mouth shut.
But Miguel wasn't going to take that bribe. He wanted to blow the whistle and make his boss pay for everything he had done to him. He thought better of those plans, and decided to politely decline the offer with not much of a fuss.
Miguel didn't think his boss would take things further after he refused.
Unfortunately he was very wrong.
He was set up yet again to fail. The next experiment he conducted, one he chose and wanted to do, had somehow failed spectacularly. He suspected it was on purpose, and Lyla had informed him it was.
Just like his boss had planned.
Miguel didn't have time to ponder on the incident. He had been violently ripped from one dimension to another in a failed experiment. An experiment that he was conducting to try and rid himself of a previous condition he had acquired in the last test.
A massive explosion ripped through the lab he was in. It happened just seconds after getting into the chair to have the robotic assistant to inject him with a serum to reverse the Spider DNA infusion.
Well, needless to say, that didn't happen.
Shit hit the fan.
Red lights and warning buzzers went off. The meters were off of the charts, breaking the indicator needles in the process. Miguel had been caught in the blast and sent flying through the wall into another part of the lab. He ended up hitting a machine that held a casing of some sort of unstable material, and then he had blacked out.
When Miguel awoke, it was to the sound of birds chirping. More sounds of a bustling city started to bleed through. Cars, horns, chatter, footsteps, heavy machinery…
He was confused that it was dark, as it had been daylight when he started the experiment. Mid-morning to be exact.
His whole body hurt. Muscles ached, and a lot of his skin had been bruised and cut, but it wasn't as bad as it should have been. He felt sick and after emptying his stomach and he tried to figure out where he was, and why no one had come for him all day…
Until he realized where and when he was.
That day sucked. Miguel was lucky enough to have his watch, and subsequently his AI assistant, survive the explosion and sudden displacement. Lyla was able to worm her way into the primitive internet networks, and with a little tweaking, she made up a basic identification system for Miguel. By doing this, she unlocked a simple bank account for him and managed to syphon some funds into it. She even booked a prepaid mid-range hotel in the bad end of town to keep him busy.
He had a long shower the first day, did a bunch of research on the current time period and the customs. Laws, and basic things one would need to know if hurled back in time some fifty plus years, and then he slept for a long time.
The second day of the second week, he noticed he had a gnarly beard starting to happen. He didn't enjoy the scruff, which grew so much faster now than it used to, and he needed a change. Miguel went shopping and bought a razor and some scissors, along with some basic supplies to enjoy during his stay here.
He went home and cut his hair with Lyla's guidance and shaved. He went on to do more research on the local area, with Lyla compiling files on the local heroes, starting with the most well known first. The Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Vision, Hawkeye, Ant-Man and the Wasp, and every Spider-Folk there was.
Miguel found himself spending a lot of time on those ones, particularly the light Spider. He told himself it was because she had weirdly specific light related powers, and not the fact he really digged the way her outfit looked and hugged every curve.
His research led him to the more mythical or cosmic members, like Thor, The Scarlet Witch, Doctor Strange, Master Wong, Captain Marvel, and the Guardians of the Galaxy.
He was amazed at just how many there were.
Then he went on to the lesser known ones. He went through a large list, and found a few that seemed quite absurd to him. One of them appeared to be a pack of ever changing and roaming knights that claimed to be the fists of Khonshu. Some of the sources he read into lead him to believe they were the same person with some sort of fashion crisis.
That one left a sour taste in Miguel's mouth and he had no idea why. He just didn't like them. How could he, when the knights left a brutal trail of blood and gore behind them wherever they went. Apparently there was a whole reddit thread dedicated to these lunatics. Miguel was suspicious that these weren't different people, and merely just one man running amok like a crazed Mr. DressUp.
The guy that was in a white tailored suit, he was reasonable, passive, and tried to talk his way out of situations. He still beat the shit out of people, but only when provoked. He also talked non-stop, and had a British accent.
The one in the scraggly ancient looking robes and bandages, he was quiet and well calculated. He had a purpose, and he would do his tasks with barely a word. He was fond of violence, and had no issues causing major bodily harm to people. He would only kill if it was necessary. When he did talk, his voice was a rough American accent.
But then the third outfit just looked exactly the same as the first one, but in a dark smokey grey. Everything was the same, but reversed. The stitching on the mask was on the other side, pocket square was on the left and not the right. He was the most violent of the three, being the only one to gleefully kill their targets while cracking lame jokes and roasting them relentlessly. He would use improvised weapons, firearms and knives, and he spoke fluent Spanish.
Miguel got lost down a rabbit hole concerning these guys. There were theories it was really three guys that worked as a team, but others recounted how they had witnessed one of them literally change his suit in the blink of an eye with the aid of some sort of magic.
Those stories were concerning to hear. That there was some madman out there fighting crime with magic, and murdering people without much consequence in the name of some ancient God. The problem was that the authorities thought there were three separate individuals, so nothing could really be done if they couldn't be caught.
Miguel spent the rest of that week researching and compiling the largest folder of data on these people as he could get.
In the beginning of the third week, he happened to be watching television in the sub par motel. It was a rerun of the Captain America musical, and Miguel was floored with how bad the whole thing looked. None of the characters looked like any of the heros he had seen in the paper. Just twenty minutes in, he was about to change the channel, when a Daily Bugle news bulletin came across the screen.
Miguel was confused at first, but as the television showed a bird's eye view of the aftermath of a warehouse that had collapsed, he found himself sitting on the edge of his seat. The camera panned to a major highway, with cars stopped all over the road and people running and screaming.
There was Spider-Man running after the Rhino down the road, and the Rhino appeared to be chasing another Spider-Man. The camera zoomed in, and Miguel was surprised to see it wasn't a man, but a woman in a black space patterned suit. She was making bubbles and disks of light appear, then jumping onto them, or using her webs on them to get away.
He was intrigued as the camera got closer. By now he figured it was a drone that was flying about covering this story. He could see how fast the space Spider was, and how she was purposely slowing down for the rampaging man to catch up to her. Every so often, she would let the angry man get so close, it almost appeared like she was either really good at her job, or like she was playing with death and hoping to get gored.
She would even toss out a snarky and sassy line at him, just to make him angrier and lash out. Apparently she was quite good at pissing off the villains and goading them into chasing her down.
For the next few days Miguel went out and about in his street clothing. Miguel was making note of important landmarks around the city. He scoped out Stark Tower, the Sanctum, the Daily Bugle, local laboratories and other such places. He took a look around the problem areas with high crime rates, and then he checked out the better neighbourhoods. He did it all by foot and it helped Lyla keep track of everything.
Miguel was so focused on these hot spots, that he never bothered to look up local restaurants or food places. He had gotten used to just going to the local corner store for all of his needs. It was usually mass amounts of junk food, soda water, and a couple of new drinks he had found, Mountain Dew and Monster energy drinks.
The Mountain Dew soda brand had all sorts of weird flavors. Miguel wasn't very fond of the original green one, but he very much enjoyed the ones from the cultural foods import section. His favorite was Baja Blast and Goji Citrus Strawberry. 
And the Monsters! Holy shock! They were delicious! Miguel ended up buying every flavor they had. He drank two right away, both being some sort of fruit punch flavor, he wasn't sure. He had the urge to go on a run, and he was out there for four hours, before he realized how hungry he was.
That's when he also discovered how insanely good pizza pockets and Heluva Good dip were. He spent the day working out and binge eating, much to Lyla's dismay.
On the seventh day of the third week, he was looking at clothing at a main street vendor, an energy drink in his hand, and he was making fun of a bootleg Spider-Man costume.
"This looks so awful. It looks nothing like the local Spiders. None of them."
"Miguel, it's a bootleg. It doesn't have an official merchandise tag on it." Lyla piped up and Miguel laughed.
"It's still shocking awful-"
"Help me! Please!"
A loud scream rang out from behind. Miguel looked over and saw a woman that was being hauled away from her car towards the alleyway. Miguel looked back at the tacky outfit and snatched it from the shelf without a single thought.
Within moments he had hidden his clothes behind a dumpster and had changed, before dashing off to help the woman. Somehow he was still carrying his half empty can of Monster. He grumbled about the tightness of the costume and how uncomfortable it was in all the wrong places.
"Maybe you should have taken the extra second to grab an adult size." Lyla snickered at him as he approached the suspect.
The suspect was surprised to see a large man in a very ill fitting and cheap spandex costume, and he shoved the woman at Miguel. Miguel caught her and apologized, then he leapt after the man on all fours. He caught up to him, and threw his can at the man. It missed, but the contents exploded all over the suspect. Miguel caught up to him while he was wiping his eyes and cursing, only to be flipped into a dumpster for his efforts.
With his luck, he managed to end up in a particularly gross pile of trash, with most of it being rancid food waste. Miguel hissed and let out a string of angry and bitter Spanish as he spent the rest of the day tracking the guy down. It was easy, because the man now stunk of Sweet Tarts, which subsequently was what the energy drink smelled like to Miguel.
It was nightfall by the time he caught up to the bastard and boy was he tired. By then, it was way too easy to take him down and subdue him. It was right before Miguel had dealt a kick to the man, took the purse, and sent him flying into some trash cans when he heard and smelled someone else's presence.
He smelled flowers. That was a pleasant and easy to spot smell, since he was covered in gross sticky garbage juice and body sweat from the day.
Then he could hear a heartbeat and breathing, along with gasps and a shuffle of shoes on concrete. He peaked over his shoulder and saw a small dark bump on the railing, and he turned back just in time to avoid an attack from the man he thought he had knocked out. He incapacitated the criminal and then secured him with his webs. Once done, he turned and addressed the other person's presence, and to his surprise, it was a woman. A woman that promptly hid from him.
He couldn't help himself, so he jumped up to check her out and see what her deal was and why she was creeping around on a roof all by herself.
And boy was he ever glad that he did.
There she was, that pretty little light Spider in her sparkling night sky outfit.
It was such a weird event, and in the end, she ended up sharing her identity, accusing him of being her ex boyfriend, yelling at him, her deciding he wasn't her ex, apologizing, and then buying him some pizza.
They talked all night.
Well, up until he bailed on her once he saw he still had that lady's purse.
Well okay, it was really because he was getting far too comfortable with her far too quickly. She felt safe, warm, and welcoming… After she stopped yelling at him. That got his attention, if you know what I mean.
He had openly stared at her, his eyes drinking in the way her outfit clung tightly to her body. He enjoyed the shape of her face, and how her eyes shined like the night sky. He was especially fond of the way she seemed quite feisty and foul mouthed, even if she used terms he wasn't accustomed to.
He decided it was best to stay away, keep a low profile, and hope she assumed he had left.
But things didn't go as planned.
Miguel had exhausted all his options, with his only local answer being Stark Industries. He set a plan into motion to try and get Lyla to jack into the place so he could snag the information he needed to get himself back home.
While he made mental notes on how to go forward, he made his way back to his hotel, collecting his lost clothes and bag from before. He had a much needed shower to rid himself of the stink he had been marinating in all night, and put the costume into the sink to soak for a few hours while he slept. Lyla had promised him she would work on something to replace it.
His dreams didn't help him at all.
Miguel ended up in an acid trip copy of the city, and he was stuck wandering the rooftops endlessly. He noticed the costume he was wearing, actually fit him perfectly, and the design had changed drastically. It was nice, and he made a mental note to let Lyla know.
He had no idea what the point of the dream was, but he could tell that there were lights coming from an especially dark area of rooftops. It almost looked like an aurora borealis, but only over that one rooftop. The one that was the tallest.
He decided to make his way over. His movements were choppy and almost like he was missing chunks of the journey towards the roof, and it didn't seem like he was getting any closer at all. It also felt like he was moving at fifteen frames per second, and he did not like it at all.
A flash of grey caught his eye. It was moving quickly, much faster than he was, and it was fluid and graceful. It was hopping over the buildings faster than he could keep up. At first he thought it was a shadow, but the more he looked at the streak of grey, the more he began to see it was a man in a well tailored suit.
A suit that looked freakishly familiar.
Miguel suddenly sped up and went at a full run. Everything sped up to the way he liked it to be. He wanted to get closer and catch it, and as he kept the chase up, the man that was running away started to look more and more familiar. The closer he got, the more details he could see.
The man was wearing a mask that covered his entire head. When he looked back at Miguel, he appeared to not even acknowledge him, or perhaps he didn't see him. Maybe he did,  and just didn't care. Either way, Miguel followed him, noting that, he too, was going for the lights on the building.
A sudden thought hit him like a bullet. Miguel had webs! He raised his hand and shot at the building above him. When it connected, Miguel yanked himself up and over the man in the dark grey suit. The man scowled and shot him the finger.
Triumph filled him as he zipped past the guy and drew himself closer to the light. He was filled with pride at how well he was doing. He had to make a brief stop to kick off the side of the building in order to keep up this momentum, and that's where shit went sideways.
The moment he shot out another web, it was met with a glinting metal object and it was severed. He tried again, but the same thing happened. He got angry and turned to peer behind him, seeing the masked man literally moving over him and kicking him right in the face as he used his shoulders to leap upwards.
Miguel yelped as he fell. The top of the building flew away from him, sending the light far away. He tried to shoot out a life line, but he failed to snag anything.
Darkness was threatening to swallow him up, when he tried a final time to grasp any sort of surface to save himself. The last rope he flung out managed to hit something, and he used the sudden change in motion to send him upwards.
Miguel slammed hard against a concrete wall, his claws digging in easily, like a spade into dirt. He huffed and looked up, feeling like time had shifted forwards again. He couldn't see the other man at all.
"I miss you, you know. Every night I think about you. It helps to keep me going, knowing you'll be there when I get back." Miguel heard his own voice, twisted and not exactly right sounding.
He snarled and pulled himself up, almost violently as he climbed higher and higher, similar to an angry bear chasing its prey up to the top. In seconds he had pulled himself up to the edge and looked over. His eyes focused on what was there and he grit his teeth.
There, in that fucking asshole's lap, was the girl that had bought him pizza. The pretty light Spider that he'd been thinking too much about recently. She was quiet as the guy spoke to her while his hands were all over her, grabbing and pawing, and Miguel snarled to himself.
"Do you know why I call you, 'mi estrella'? I consider you like the sun, and myself the moon. You're so brilliant and warm, and your greatness shines so brightly. It reflects onto me, making me feel like my heart is full."
The words sent Miguel's gag reflex into overdrive and he almost barfed at how corny and cheesy the phrases were. He didn't like it one bit and he began to drag himself up and to a standing position. As he stood, his eyes processed how she was reacting. She seemed distant, even though she was letting the man touch her. The lack of a response from her was maddening.
Even in his dreams, the woman he had met didn't seem too thrilled about what was happening. He wasn't either.
Miguel moved quickly. The action was so fast, the other man didn't see it coming as if time had slowed right down for everyone, except for Miguel. Miguel lunged forward, grabbed the man by the lapels, and yeeted him straight off of the building, before sliding into his place under the Galaxy Spider.
Time sped up again, and she looked surprised to see him there. Surprised, but pleased. His mouth began to move, words spilling out as she squirmed in his lap.
"Don't think about him. His pretty words mean nothing when he keeps breaking your heart." 
"Miguel." Her voice sounded like liquid silk to his ears, and he couldn't stop himself from pushing her back and kissing her with need.
He remembered calling her beautiful, and then the rest was a wild and vivid fever dream. He had been desperate as he clawed at the fabric of her suit and ravaged every inch of her skin that was revealed. She seemed to enjoy being bitten and manhandled, while he enjoyed the way she thrashed, bit, and clawed at him in return.
She made him throb with desire, and he knew that he was hooked, when he probably should have minded his own business. He knew he couldn't leave any time soon.
He enjoyed her sitting in his lap. He enjoyed it even more when he pushed her onto her back and ground into her to the point he heard the building crack, and she begged him for more. He made her come so easily, and he couldn't fathom why. It wasn't like he was a virgin or anything, but he didn't think sex could be this…
Well, pornographic and mind blowing.
His favorite part of the dream, was when he webbed her hands, feet, and torso up, then proceeded to make a makeshift sex swing. She also seemed to very much enjoy the contraption, and he made use of it for every position change after.
That dream lasted an eerily long time, and when it was done, Miguel woke up feeling like he didn't rest at all, like he was really there, actually doing that for hours. He was hot, tired, and very sweaty and sticky.
And so were his sheets.
"Good morning, Miguel. I take it you had a very… Explicit and pleasant wet dream?" Lyla chirped up at him, effectively startling him.
"Shock! Don't scare me like that. And, uh, nooo…"
"You don't have to lie to me, Miguel O'Hara. Your heart rate and blood pressure skyrocketed, you were tossing and turning  and the final evidence, is that you had a seizure like reaction and-"
"Alright already! Yes! Yes, I had a wet dream. Ya happy?"
"Oooo, was it about the lady Spider?" Lyla asked, but Miguel didn't answer.
Series Master List
I decided in this story, that Jake's Moon Knight suit can be different and ever changing. He wears his comic book one we didn't get to see in the Moon Knight series, and a version of Steven's suit, but charcoal and black. You might remember it from the sex dream Y/N had in a previous chapter. He won't be using the other one much.
Special thanks to:
Beta Reader:
Proof Reader:
@theaussiedragon @howaboutcastiel @einno-arko
@theaussiedragon @autismsupermusicalassassin @readingfan @missdragon-1 @marvelescvpe @lunar-ghoulie @cicithemess2000 @animesnowstorm @mahbeanz @dafuqelaine @bby-lupin @paranoiac-666 @konniebon @cl0v3r-s0up @seraphine-so-pretty @jupitersmoon167 @butterflypillows @ivystoryweaver @mintellaine @bxdbxtxh15 @badbishsblog @cleothegoldfish @xxmadamjinxx @bitchyexpertprincess @sakurayuki8655-blog @jklkverr @jkthinkstoomuch @oscarissac2099
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(Just general headcanons about how cyberheads work)
Headcanon Directory >>
> Cyberheads are only just now becoming common place, as the procedure/materials have become more affordable.
> Getting a cyberhead is generally only done as a last resort (ie: The Old Head who had brain tumors)
> A cyberhead that is PROPERLY dismounted from its body can control it for about a minute before there's issues. No head means no way to breathe, so it essentially works as long as the person can hold their breath
> Therefore, removing your head should only be done if absolutely necessary
> Red does not use this ability responsibly. He thinks the "what, no head?" joke is funny every time
> Each new group of cyberhead models become more efficient and compact, as well as moving certain things into better places
> Red's head model isn't as old as the Old Head's head, but it's not new by any stretch, hence why no one on the street has it.
> Specifically in Red's case, the 4 slits on the front of his face are for olfactory purposes (smells). He breathes through a system of vents that are on the underside of his head, around where his chin is (he doesn't like scarves because they make it harder to breathe. Later models were updated to move the breathing apparatus further up to avoid this problem)
> Cyberheads don't have a mouth, so they can't eat. They live off of a liquid diet, and as a result, smoothie/milkshake/other liquid specialty joints have exploded in popularity. Your regular fast food places also had to expand their options (McDonald's in this world ended up having a classaction lawsuit over their ice cream machines never working, as that left cyberheads with nothing of substance for them to drink. The results still haven't been figured out yet.)
> Other robotic body parts are still being developed, but are much more difficult to perfect, mostly owing to weight and pricing.
> As we learn in the game, a person's memories are transferred to the new head. The adjustment period is accordingly pretty long and rough.
> New cyberheads are prone to blackouts because of the system still adjusting with their body.
> Red being a sentient cyberhead with no human memories is a special case. He's the only straight up "robot".
> Cyberheads are waterproof! Well-- to fresh water. Salt water is VERY BAD for them, and can straight up kill them if the water manages to get to their memory core.
> Cyberheads are susceptible to overheating. All models have fans somewhere to expell heat and cool down, just like computers. Red's cooling fans are the two booster looking things on the back of his head!
> Moral of the story? Take care of your electronics
> Can Cyberheads get drunk? Not traditionally. If they drink an alcoholic beverage, they won't feel the drunk effects (however, they do still get alcohol in their blood, so they still need to drink responsibly). What has humanity always managed to do throughout history? Figure out how to get drunk. There's an underground market of things similar to batteries that can be inserted into a cyberhead to feel the drunken effects. Effects fade after a certain amount of time (basically the "battery" running out)
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tigerspite · 1 year
If you couldn't tell already, these two are getting flung around my mental washing machine at frightening speeds.
Read the rest of The Devil's Claw here
Previous chapter
CHAPTER ?? / The Forbidden
House Kings does not know how to deal with a human of remarkable talent amongst the ranks of Devil warriors.
House Devils themselves hardly knows, either.
Wethraks notes that Yami's presence in the Kell Guard and association with its most esteemed inner circle destabilises loyal bonds. Allowing a thief of the Great Machine in the halls of the Devils' Lair stirs Barons into action. They question Ursaviks's sanity and authority, and promise to maul his precious weapon, or make an example of everyone involved if they cannot do that. House Devils is capable of defending itself without the need for interference from another species, they believe. Doing so implies weakness, and a failure of their own warriors, which means their leaders are worthless. If one human can replace entire crews worth of Devils, the sacrifice of Eliksni lives and the deaths of those who built London upon its new foundations is unnecessary.
The first few, Ursaviks docks for insubordination, and strips them of their statuses. The rest, the smarter ones who know to let the foolish younger Eliksni take the fall before making their stand, he regards as amusements. Every single one of them is laughed out of the Lair. He waves them away with a suggestion to look at the results before making such bold accusations and statements.
None of them realise that, for the most part, Yami is the prized pet of the Kell Guard.
They name him 'Lodask' for his ferocity on the battlefield. An ancient word from home-Riis, equating him to a vicious, six-legged creature that Wethraks has only heard described by Elders. A predator that would steal away hatchlings from shorelines, lurking in the shallows to drag even unsuspecting adults to their watery demise. Intercepted comms from Kings raiding parties prove that he strikes the same primal fear into their minds.
Outside of combat, his existence is accepted to varying degrees. Having the courage to fight for a people who are not his own wins favour with the coldest of hearts, and others find him a curiosity. Some of the trappers make friends with him and ask to be taught about his culture and the way of life he left behind. Others take him on tours of the city - which really means pub crawls - or ask him about the artefacts found in the salvage markets. On occasion, they ask to be taught human games and activities. 'Throwing-football' is a particular favourite, and the primary cause to blame for most recent injuries in their ranks. It is very different to 'kicking-football', which teeters on the edge of being banned on the grounds of the Lair for entirely different reasons that Wethraks does not understand the extent of.
Supposedly, he has even endeared himself to his neighbour, Taniks. The latter speaks no English, and the former gets by with an ever-increasing grasp of Eliksni, but they find alternative ways to understand each other. The target propped at the end of their shared hallway, and the axes and arrows sticking out of it, says everything Wethraks needs to know.
As his charge learns the ways of the Devils so he can do as Ursaviks ordered and leave his humanity behind, less complaints about his presence filter back. Or if they are made, they are quieter. Subtler.
What none of them see, however, is Lodask's guilt and regret.
One night, he finds himself knocking on Lodask's door. The man disappeared after a skirmish, and rumours from the Guard swirl wildly as to why. Apparently, someone watched him tear the arm off a Kings Captain and beat her senseless with it, stabbed her in the eye with an arrow from his quiver, and then slit her throat with the same arrowrtip. While it does not seem out of the realm of possibility, his newfound crewmates tend to speak highly of him in defence of his honour, as if they collectively still have something to prove.
There is a moment of hesitation, a slight delay before the door cracks open and Lodask peers through the gap. The haunted look on his face is both unnerving and worrying, and confirms his fears.
"Is something wrong?" he asks.
"I heard what happened," Wethraks does not mince his words. Yet from there, his confidence scatters. "Is…can I come in?"
"Uh…yeah, sure." Stepping aside, Lodask allows him to squeeze into the narrow hall and into his relatively unfurnished apartment. The single lamp light on is dim, and he manages to step over the discarded armor and weaponry on the floor before he can trip over it. Despite the shelving and storage available, few things in his home are kept in a designated space.
From there, he doesn't inquire further. Instead, he watches as Lodask sinks into the couch, and wonders why he never realised that he is just as small and fragile as every other human.
When he finally speaks after several seconds of silence, his tone is flat, and he rubs at his face. Something in the action speaks of vulnerability. Expert though he is at hiding his emotions, his body language almost always gives him away.
"I lost control." he murmurs.
Wethraks's hearts sink to hear the speculation confirmed. "Are you injured?"
"No, no." The denial is instant. As always. It would be of no surprise to learn that he is hiding grevious wounds but is too fearful to admit it, as he has done before.
"I can look, if you're worried about infection-"
"No, I'm not hurt," he insists, shoulders slumping. "I just can't keep doing this. I said I was done, I was meant to start over. I told Ursaviks I didn't want to hurt anyone. But how many Kings has he made me kill?"
In place of answer, Wethraks sighs through his nose and lowers himself to sit. At his friend's side, he spots a dark purple blotch of dried blood stuck in his hair. If there is one thing they have both discovered, it is that Eliksni blood clings to human skin and hair like thick oil. Once the sheen of Ether evaporates off, it leaves behind a residue reminder of his sins until days worth of scrubbing and picking remove it.
"He trapped me. I walked straight into it." Lodask almost growls with self-hatred, lowering his head and shaking it.
Wethraks lets a purr rumble in his throat, thin yet steady. Nothing else he can say or do will soothe him. Any offer of comfort would only send him spiralling further. Sitting within his personal space and being present, listening, not pushing at any boundaries, is as much as he will allow. Even the privilege of being able to hear him express his concerns is a high honour. One day, he is sure he will be able to rest a hand on his arm, embrace him, or invite him to the warmth of his own home and nest as night-family so that he does not have to bear his burdens alone. But that day is many years away, distant behind impenetrable emotional walls.
In the quiet, he thinks. A way forward has to be available. Lodask cannot suffer forever. Treating him as a weapon of mass destruction, absent of his own agency. Is unsustainable. London is supposed to be not solely a safe refuge where he can recover and rebuild his life, but a home too, with Eliksni who would care for him as if he had lived among them his entire life. Beholden to Ursaviks he may be, his mate would also not want him to feel so miserable. However, all four of his hands are tied. Allowing him any further concessions may prove disastrous when his ultimate goal is to transform a human into an Eliksni.
Although within those boundaries, one option remains. An unpopular one that risks rejection at the first hurdle, and tone-deaf in the face of their present situation. But it is better to share his thoughts and plant the idea in his mind than leave his friend to fester, unaware of an escape route.
"Why don't you go to Proving?" Wethraks suggests.
Lodask glances upwards from his hunched position, eyebrows raised in bone-tired, exasperated, disbelief. The mere implication of fighting for his honour and position seems to age him another twenty years before his very eyes.
"Ursaviks is Kell, but because he took charge of you, he's also the leader of your crew," he attempts to explain, pausing to ensure that the translated distinction is correct. Why English has so many words for types of leaders, he fears he may never know. *If you can campaign to him to enter the next Proving and defeat any challengers, you'd earn your freedom. With the life-debts you've accrued, you'd become a Captain or a Baron."
"Did you do that?"
"Well- no," Wethraks stumbles over his words before recovering. "Being Kell's Mate means I don't have to do anything. But it's what I would've done if I hadn't joined with the Lair." Excluding that he would have been eviscerated as soon as he stepped on to the field, with his history of fleeing from battle, seems sensible.
"Isn't it a fight to the death?" he asks, incredulous.
"They happen, yes, but that's usually someone trying to prove a point."
"How many Devils have a point to prove about me?"
He opens his mouth to assure that not many would try, then catches on to his point. Some way or another, it seems the entire city knows of his existence. While most simply cross the street to avoid him or turn their backs when he approaches, the disgraced once-Barons could band together and enter themselves into the same competition pools in order to regain their reputation when they hear of his campaign. Let alone who they could rally behind their cause to fight and kill on their behalf. Or the sheer number of Devils who would want to watch the battles. If he were to fall, it would be a public embarrassment of the highest order.
Beyond that, though, it would mean he is never accepted. Determined to drift and not once find the stability he so terribly needs. He could leave and find refuge in another House, or with a band of exiles, but it would lead to more of the same. Fighting for survival first, and to justify his place in an uncaring world second.
He cannot betray him like that.
Clutching at the last few desperate straws of optimism he has, he answers, "I wouldn't worry about them. Ursaviks likes you too much. So do the rest of the Guard. They wouldn't let anything happen."
Lodask sighs and slumps back into his seat, arms folded. "I guess."
Sensing that he does not believe him, he clicks his mandibles to make his friend meet his gaze. When his attention turns to look at him, Wethraks touches a hand to his own chest, over his hearts. "I won't let anything happen."
The briefest flicker of a genuine emotion passes over his friend's face. Unable to read it, and with no immediate reaction other than his usual guarded stare, Wethraks's insides writhe. Perhaps the gesture was too intimate. Too honest. For all the time they spend together, it is as far as he has ever pushed. With so many barriers in the way, it is difficult to tell where their friendship stands on the best of days.
But before the awkwardness can set in and force him to take it back, a faint smile ghosts across Lodask's lips.
"I know."
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fountainpenguin · 1 year
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New Reedfilter Rules chapter today!
Chapter 3 - “Best Regards”
Read on FFN || Read on AO3
Columbine Longwood and Kalahari Sanderson have a spat, Talon questions how much his adoptive parents care for him, and the Anti-Cosmo pays Thirty-Seven another surprise visit...
(First 800 words under the cut)
.: Reedfilter Rules :.
It does not calculate or risk.
Pleasure's unknown and so is force.
It does not crawl across the bed
And is too steadfast and well-bred
To contemplate divorce.
(Excerpt from The Grey Among the Green, John Fuller, 1988)
Best Regards
Spring of the Lightly Trodden Stones
~3 days after Chapter 1
Inkblot City - Capital of Pixie World - Morning
For three days after New Year's, the High Count's perfectly scrawled, perfectly creased invitation to dinner theater hung like a bat on the bedroom corkboard. Fergus kept it there beside a calendar featuring pixies in trees and vaguely motivational phrases like Tomorrow is a day of work and Look before you ping. He needed to go. He needed to bring Talon to see his father. They needed to talk about Talon, about his future, about the roles they would or wouldn't each play in raising him… It was necessary. An appointment.
It was not, as Columbine Longwood called it in the copy center, a date. The instant the word entered conversation, Sapphire placed a hand on Fergus's back, right beneath his wings.
"Walk away," she told him, cold and firm. Her effervescence tickled the inside of his ear in a swirl of irritated magic and exhaled breath. "She's not worth it."
"I won't walk," Fergus muttered back, but he did stuff his hands in the pockets of his work pants… It would keep him from grabbing the star-tipped pen inside his jacket. "I'm waiting for my copies." Which was obvious; the machine practically screamed when it ran. He'd experimented before and you could hear the noise from here to the toilets. He needed many copies. These were for Hawkins' finance presentation in 40 minutes (Evaluating the effectiveness of current wand technologies and comparing them to other options on the market; Fergus had to be there because Thane couldn't make it and he was the only other person who studies wands enough to give unbiased advice about their inner workings regardless of Fairy propaganda and pretty shells).
Anyway, Longwood couldn't tell him where in this building to go or what to do. She wasn't his boss. Sapphire's, maybe, but not his. Maybe he'd stay in the copy center all day. It might just be a little room, but it smelled sweetly of ink stains and lemon cleaning sprays. Here, the carpet stripes ran north to south instead of east to west. It was a good room. He'd park his butt. Work remotely from here in place of the office down the hall. What was she going to do about it?
Longwood's wings slanted back at his words, drooping low. Incidentally expressive. All six people in the copy center looked directly at her because of it… even her own freckle-faced intern, who floated nearby with a manila folder pressed against his chest. Longwood corrected quickly, pushing herself back into a floating position. Her dull gray fingernails clenched so tightly against the meeting notes in her hand, the page crumpled.
"I was making a joke. Ha ha, ha ha."
No one else laughed. Sapphire's cold fingers pressed so close to the slits for Fergus's wings, she grazed bare skin. Nearly imperceptible. Tiny half-moons. He turned around.
"I think you knew exactly what you were saying. You're accusing me of matchbreaking."
"It was a joke," Longwood defended again. Fergus tried to speak, but Sapphire's nails bit softly against his skin.
"She's not worth it… Longwood, back off."
Now that sounded like a joke worth laughing at. Back off? Longwood lived her life fighting to be the type of person who was worth responding to when she let some quip or challenge fly. She sort of basked in being the workplace enemy… Fergus couldn't define exactly why, but he'd long suspected her need for attention stemmed from being the lastborn child in a very big family. Longwood liked to own things, and things required money. She worked for that. She always knew exactly what she was doing, buzzing around in a fuzzy gray sweater that only barely passed the company's workplace attire requirements… It was very nearly silver. Very nearly against the rules. That seemed to be her motto.
Longwood landed then on one of the copy machines not in use, gripping it with her hands and curled toes. She crouched like a mountain cat with an invisible twitching tail. "It's a joke! … I'll say it again for those who didn't hear, and I'll emphasize the part of it that's meant to get a rise: 'It seems like you're making more of an effort to see Talon's daddy since your match took on a damsel's body, and if I didn't know better, I'd say you're meeting up with him for a date…' It implies matchbreaking, which is statistically unlikely. It's hilarious."
"I will bite you," said Sapphire, holding Fergus's arm with both hands now. "This is your only warning."
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talesofsonicasura · 2 years
Play With Me
A little something for the spookiest month of the year. Warning that this does contain some light gore and blood. This is a Legend of Zelda based fic but I'll put a Linked Universe tag so it's easier for others to find it.
'It should've been an easy job! Just raid Lon Lon Ranch and take every bit of Lon Lon Milk. The only person there at the moment is the ranch's little redhead daughter. She would've made a good extra coin on the black market but…' A shared thought amongst a medium sized group of bandits.
They were an infamous group who has been terrorizing Hyrule as late. Offering their services to the highest bidder no matter how despicable the job in question was. Every single one had always gone off without a hitch as the Dark Moblins weren't just any common criminals.
They made a plan for each job, checking the acquired info about every place, the people who live nearby and how long it would take for unwanted help to arrive. A very wealthy noble had asked the Dark Moblins to steal all of Lon Lon Ranch's famous milk. Night would be the time they struck as the ranch owner had left for some important business which in reality had been a setup.
The girl put up a fight so it was only fair that the bitch deserved a blade to the arm. And everything went to hell afterwards. Some monster came out of nowhere, one unlike anything seen before. It rushed at them like a Keese from hell.
The now alone bandit, Gary, remembered the vivid scene that led to his group fleeing. Razor sharp claws plunging through Ridrick's stomach like paper, large spines turn Eddy into a pincushion, and giant fangs crushing Dustan's head as if it was a grape. How their blades broke against its tough hide whilst metal axes were snapped like twigs.
Gary barely made it into the small woods in Hyrule Fields alongside at least six of his comrades. He didn't know what happened to everyone else but the bandit could tell the hell that came. An omen brought in the form of a SONG by a distorted, deep, growlish almost childlike male voice.
Do you want to play with me?
A simple game of hide and seek
Close your eyes, and count to three
Keep this interesting for me
Everyone had picked up their speed when slitted crimson eyes pierce within the darkness of the trees. Gary's stomach curdled from the pure madness within those bloody lights. A glare promising nothing but agonizing death.
The skies are darkening, the world you know, the hills no longer green
Like the animals your blood will flow
Dreaming of this cursed machine
A blackened blur darting from tree to tree faster than an arrow. The moonlight provides small peeks of large stick sized spines. How the crimson painting those large clawed hands. Caleb was the first to go.
Smiling wide with empty eyes I'll find you, you're a lot of fun just like your friend you're
Hiding but I'm deep inside your mind, you'll
Die a thousand times
Do you want to try again?
You're tired of running, nowhere to hide and
I'm getting closer every second
Behind you
Gary barely got a glance when he saw the massive paw grab the poor man from behind. His comrade had enough time to scream before he was dragged into the bushes. The man saw Caleb's dismembered lower torso crash into a tree as if it was a mere ball.
There's so many souls to play with
So little time, not long till I find you, run for your life
You're in my world now, you're joining your friend
I'm coming to take your soul in the end, you can't run
Marie quickly followed next. Gary made out the horrible whistling that came when the beast flung its quills. How the young lady let out a short scream before it became a gargled whine and went dead silent. It must have hit her lungs or windpipe.
There's a silence in the air you know you're facing your demise
Try to counteract but you're too slow, disappeared before your eyes
Try to run, try to fight, try to keep the end in sight
I'm always just beyond your reach
Count from three down to one, find out how far you can run
Found you, game over and over again
Matthew tried to fight back with his trusty bow. No doubt to buy everyone some time to escape from this monstrosity. Gary remembered the flames that temporarily lit up the woods from the man's Fire Arrows.
You're tired of running, nowhere to hide and
I'm getting closer every second going supersonic
I'm in the corner of your eye I'm in your deep subconscious
I'm getting closer every second
Behind you
A swift powerful gale instantly blew out the fire as if it were mere candlelight. Gary had turn his hand back for a second just to catch Matthew's blood curdling scream before his bow was shoved through the throat. Furious blood red eyes stare back alongside a malicious smile of crimson coated fangs.
There's so many souls to play with
So little time, not long till I find you, run for your life
You're in my world now, you're joining your friend
I'm coming to take your soul in the end, you can't run
Fang immediately followed as the bandit heard the telltale sound of a curse. Poor fool must have tripped cause he had enough to plead for help. Shouts of 'I don't want to die' fell silent with a harsh wet sound similar to a pumpkin getting smashed.
I'll be your nightmare tonight
The torture is fun and the fun will be endless
So just try to put up a fight
I'll be counting the seconds, you're drowning, you're bound to go down in this fight
My arms and mouth are open wide, reveal the emptiness inside
No more hiding, drop the façade, you know the truth, I aM yOuR GOD!
Charlie was the last one to fall as both of them decided to split off. Between them, the surviving bandit had more stamina despite being slower. His cold blooded shriek became overshadowed by the powerful earthshaking roar of that thing.
Do you want to play with me?
A simple game of hide and seek
Close your eyes, and count to three
Keep this interesting for me.
Gary had managed to take shelter behind one of the larger trees. Trying to calm his heart and breathing before he would search for better cover. If he got out of this insanity, a price would be put on that beast's head. No way that damn monster finds peace as every hunter, warrior and knight hunts it down.
You're tired of running, nowhere to hide and
I'm getting closer every second going supersonic
I'm in the corner of your eye I'm in your deep subconscious
I'm getting closer every second
Behind you
The bandit barely had any time to sprint much less dodge as a large clawed hand went for his head from behind. He didn't get much farther when a mustard yellow spine dug itself deep into his right heel. Gary couldn't hold back the scream from his ragged worn throat as two more found themselves in his right arm and left thigh.
There's so many souls to play with
So little time, not long till I find you, run for your life
You're in my world now, you're joining your friend
I'm coming to take your soul in the end
The wounded bandit felt his heart sink as the beast lumber out of the foliage. Every bit of the moonlight shone down to reveal its hideous visage in full much to Gary's growing horror. A giant hulkish beast crossed between man and porcupine that dwarfs even the biggest horse.
Dark golden fur stained with so much blood that it was now blood orange, long gold mane that lead down a back covered in hundreds of sharp mustard yellow spine bigger than a grand oak sapling, long tail engulfed by those large deadly needles trail behind, large paw like hands that can encompass a man's skull and claws the size of knives.
Its eerily wolf-like muzzle smiled maliciously back with razor sharp bloodstained fangs, long ears narrow in fury as blue slitted humanlike eyes turn blood red at the sight of the bandit. Slightly thick fur outlining the powerful muscles that would put even the burliest of giants to shame. Gary let out another scream as the beast grabbed his bleeding ankle and ruthlessly pulled the spine out.
There's so many souls to play with
So little time, not long till I find you, run for your life
You're in my world now, you're joining your friend
I'm coming to take your soul in the end, you can't run
The bandit let out one final scream as he was pulled into the forest brush by his foot. His nails dug into the dirt leaning a trail of blood from how hard he held on. Last evidence that Gary even existed was the crimson that wouldn't be found once nature began to feed.
Later that night, a certain prickly beast would be washed clean of his deeds by a certain red haired girl. Both held in each other's loving embrace until morning where the beast would become a normal Hylian boy. And none shall ever learn the truth behind the Dark Moblins' gruesome demise.
And that's it. This is my WerePorcupine!Link specifically the OoT/MM iteration. Story takes place post Majora's Mask where he's living with Malon and Talon on Lon Lon Ranch. Ingo doesn't start working until a bit later than in canon.
In the Linked Universe, this Link is called Mask while the older iteration has the name of Time. These names make it easier to separate the Links especially if you have write the different iterations together.
That's all I have for now. Until next time folks, I'll see you back at Hyrule. Here's the song that not only Link was singing but also the fic's title, Play With Me by Longestsoloever.
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ryan-thomas · 2 years
The secret Project. The Portal Gun Part One
It was Day break on District Island. At least two hours after morning wake up and Oliver Greyhound paced down the cities decaying pavement. Briskly he walked rapidly darting around crowded pools of pedestrians. Normally he would’ve stopped making conversation with at least two per crowd, but he opted not to.  
Oliver had received a text from his brother, Lucas, who he had not seen in a long time. Lucas was the smart one in the family; he lived south of the slums in district island, but it didn’t matter Oliver was still going to walk all the way there. 
Lucas had invited Oliver to The Restaurant on the complete other side of the city, making Oliver’s walk at least four hours. Oliver walked so fast that he nearly tripped on several occasions having to slow down ever so slightly. 
He passed several companies, markets and dealers exchanging several items for sentimental objects. People could be seen exchanging expensive shoes and watches for simple things like food and water. 
Oliver turned into a darkened alleyway looking up to see the enormous broken skyscrapers Stretch into the turquoise sky. He walked down the thin alleyway, no one else could be seen. Olivers footfalls fell heavy on the concrete cobbles his torn shoes causing his big toe to pop out and rub on the floor below. 
Oliver took a turn under a low bearing overhang kneeling down into a small doorway. He waited there for a few seconds when he heard a knock come from the other side of the door. Oliver responded with his own knock. A few seconds passed, and a little slit opened in the top of the door.  
“Password,” the voice said. 
“The Spire is located on the northern ridge,” Oliver whispered. 
The slit closed with a snap; the door opened. Oliver knelt even further down extending his short body into the tunnel landing on all fours. The metal walls of the ventilation shaft hung tightly around Olivers body making him struggle to move forward, his knees and hard boots loudly attacking the metal bellow echoing throughout the ventilation. 
Oliver crawled for what had seemed to be hours until a glimpse caught his eye. A faint light caught his brown eye while he rapidly increased his crawling speed, not by much. He reached an opening in the shaft and knocked four times. 
The door opened and Oliver stepped out into a small area surrounded by buildings that once again stretched into the sky. There didn’t seem to be another way in or out of the area it was here he saw the entrance to the restaurant.  
‘District Restaurant. Those vents better have been worth it’ 
The building was surprisingly perfectly intact. The doorway was decorated by several lanterns giving off a vibrant violet light. Its church-like design enticed Oliver in. Oliver took a step into the restaurant seeing just how awful and simplistic it was, but he had expected this. 
The restaurant only had a select number of tables, one for a couple, one for four and one for six, that was it. Each table was bolted to the ground even though they were just plain wooden tables and could easily be sawed off. A sign at the entrance stated no weapons to be utilized in the restaurant so Oliver had to hide his dagger in his shoe. 
Oliver walked into the seating area seeing a dusty old table next to a pile of junk. Sat at it was a young woman dressed in a pink hoodie and blue jeans typing on her laptop. Oliver walked up to the desk seeing the payment machine and a used notebook containing incomplete orders from weeks ago. 
Oliver stood Infront of the desk looking down at the woman sat there. He let out an obnoxious cough in order to grab her attention. “Hi, I'm looking for a Lucas Greyhound,” he asked. 
“Does he have a booking,” she replied sounding incredibly bored. 
Oliver simply nodded. Her gaze had averted back to her laptop this time scrolling through some sort of database. “I've got a Greyhound booking at 11:25 Sun Time is that correct.” Oliver nodded again. The women turned to a page in her notebook and ripped out a piece of paper handing it to Oliver.  
She explained to him that the menus cannot be printed due to a lack of ink shipments from Plaza Island and briefly apologized to Oliver for the inconvenience. She then directed Oliver to a table for four only there was just one person sitting there.  
Oliver waltzes up to the table yanking out a chair sitting down rubbing his grazed knees. Pulling up his black jogging bottoms checking for blood, there is no blood. He peers over to the person opposite him also on a laptop loudly typing away as though to be in some sort of zone. The boys terrible posture supported his pale head his blonde hair stood up stiff probably due to the amount of hairspray in it. 
Oliver attempted to greet the person only to be ignored. He tried again, nothing. Oliver kept trying to grab his attention, still getting zero response whatsoever. He opted to shout at the person still somehow not getting his attention, but he was able to get everyone else's, several people staring at him, some even extending their middle finger, when he glanced over. 
Oliver grabbed the laptop and swung it around. “Hey," the person screamed, Oliver had got his attention finally. Oliver looked at the screen seeing tones of green zero’s and one’s fly from the top of the screen to the bottom in single lines leaving green trails behind on the black background. 
“Lucas. What the Fuck is this,” he exclaimed. Lucas simply looked at him as though Oliver had just said the dumbest thing ever, eventually explaining it as a secret project of his. Oliver took another glance at the screen, a confused look befalling his face once again as he tried to piece together the so-called project. 
Lucas quickly grabbed the laptop flipping it back around continuing his typing but this time more aware of Oliver’s existence. Oliver sat there in thought while Lucas typed away, the binary on his laptop speeding up as Lucas paid a bit more attention to his brother's existence this time. 
Oliver looked toward Lucas seeing his determined face still working on whatever this project was to be. Lucas noticed Oliver looking and tried not to look suspicious. “Lucas,” Oliver was getting dangerously close to Lucas’ true intention. 
“This better not be portal technology.” Lucas stopped typing his facial expression, freezing in place, his pupils dilating as Oliver stared into his cold eyes. Lucas was stuck in a form of block or dilemma. He was stuck deciding between whether to continue the project or explain it to his brother who deserved to know. 
Lucas knew full well if Oliver found out he was using ‘it’ then he would greatly disapprove especially since the law change seven years ago when the island split. Lucas’ parents' technology caused that, and it was their undoing, so it was outlawed. 
Lucas hid his head behind the laptop lid and continued to work. Oliver now fed up with his brother's tomfoolery pulled the laptop lid down and once again gave Lucas a death stare. Lucas nodded and Oliver spewed word after word from his mouth particularly how Lucas was being incredibly irresponsible especially after past events. 
Lucas stated outright that he knew how to stop the energy from going out of control and that his project was several thousand times less powerful than that of the great experiment. Oliver didn’t know if he should slap his brother or just leave. 
“Besides anything's better if it means escaping this shitshow,” Lucas whispered. At that moment the receptionist begrudgingly walked over notebook in hand. When she got to the two Greyhounds, she quickly reached up to her ear pulling out a multicolored pen declaring the two need to order something or they would have to leave. 
Lucas sat back in his chair quickly closing the laptop and ordered his food, his face filled with guilt. “Two waters as well love. Got to stay hydrated,” Oliver chimed. Lucas watched as she walked away, only opening the laptop once she had sat down. Oliver simply looked at his brother in disgust but also understood his predicament. “So, what's the plan?” 
Lucas looked at Oliver as he pulled up blueprints on his screen of several floors of some building. Lucas showed Oliver a route of a ventilation shaft leading from the outside of the security station to an empty service room with a one-way window to the station platform. 
“See we just use it to sneak into the station and onto the train when the new security batch comes in,” Lucas rambled. Oliver pointed out the complications of a plan like this, but Lucas just pared him off stating they can get to Plaza Island and gather the necessary information as well as using his safe technology to complete the portal network that was left unfinished. 
Another customer formally walked into the restaurant stopping by the desk sitting at a smaller table behind the two, this led Lucas to close the laptop altogether and converse with Oliver. The two better finalized the idea of escaping District Island only for Lucas’ phone to go off. 
“It’s John, he’s at the lake.” Lucas went to get up and leave feeling a hand grab his arm. Oliver looked at him shaking his head “he’s from the plaza you can’t be meeting him anymore.” Lucas shook his brother's hand off his arm and continued to leave, giving Oliver the laptop and asking him to take it back to the lab for later. 
Lucas walked out of the restaurant only to be stopped by the receptionist, he forgot about the food. Lucas politely asked the receptionist to leave it to his brother who would be staying for a while. Lucas then walked back to the desk and placed his watch on the reader paying for his order and briskly left the restaurant. 
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mearvindkumar-blog · 11 days
Roll Forming Machine Suppliers Who Supplies in India to USA, UK and UAE
Several Indian roll forming machine manufacturers who supply roll forming machines to the USA, UK, UAE and all Europian Countries. They offer a variety of products tailored for different industrial applications. Here are some notable companies and their offerings:
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Jugmug Roll Forming: Based in Punjab, Jugmug has a strong presence in the international market, supplying roll forming machines to over 15 countries, including the USA. They focus on customization and have received positive client feedback for their innovative solutions and after-sales support
Super Rollforming: Established in 1969, this company specializes in high-quality roll forming machines and has over 1,500 units operating globally. They provide solutions for various industries, including steel and construction, ensuring durability and precision in their machinery.
Dhruvanshi International: This manufacturer offers a range of automatic roll forming machines suitable for producing roofing sheets and other structural components. Their machines are designed for high efficiency and quality, making them a competitive choice for exports.
Jupiter Roll Forming: With over 15 years of experience, Jupiter manufactures and supplies roll forming lines, slitting lines, and cut-to-length lines. They emphasize quality and customer satisfaction, which has contributed to their steady growth in the market.
These manufacturers are well-equipped to meet the demands of the American market, providing advanced technology and reliable roll forming machinery for various applications.
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psatalk · 13 days
Labelexpo Americas 2024 features launches and live demos
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In a conversation with Packaging South Asia, Tasha Ventimiglia, group director - Labelexpo Americas 2024, spoke about the highlights of the ongoing show at Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, Chicago. FlexPack@Labelexpo is an inclusive feature with the show for flexible packaging and shrink sleeves, which will allow attendees entering this high-value market to see the latest equipment and materials from leading industry suppliers in the flex pack sector.
“Attendees and exhibitors are witnessing the latest innovations shaping the future of the label and package printing industry — including sustainable material solutions, short-run flexible packaging, workflow automation, and radio frequency identification (RFID) technology,” Ventimiglia said. “There are hundreds of live demonstrations showcasing the latest digital printing technologies and flexo press technology, finishing equipment, materials, inks, and preproduction systems.”
There is a Label Academy masterclass on flexible packaging and a workshop on RFID Technology for Label Converters, aligning with the key trends to be seen at the show. This series will provide attendees with expert guidance on entering or expanding their label production into new, lucrative markets, adding value, and streamlining their current operations.
She adds, “In addition, there was an expanded networking opportunity that included a converter leadership lunch taking place on 10 September. The lunch featured a high-level converter leadership panel discussion, followed by a delegate Q&A, alongside networking time with peer CEOs and thought leaders from major converting groups. A keynote breakfast on 11 September will include a high-level keynote session on automation and AI followed by an expert-led panel discussion, alongside an exclusive networking opportunity with industry leaders.”
At the Innovation Stage, exhibitors got the opportunity to showcase their latest technologies in a series of 20-minute presentations. Labelexpo Americas witnessed the introduction of two highly automated mid-web 26-inch flexo presses targeted at short-run flexible packaging, wraparound, in-mold, and shrink-sleeve labels.
Mark Andy launched the new P-Series S9 flexo press – available in both 22-inch and 26-inch versions - as well as digital and hybrid equipment and Nilpeter demonstrated a 26-inch FA-26 for the first time in the US. HP demonstrated its mid-web format 200k press for the first time at Labelexpo Americas with an add-on slitter to allow label converters to print PS labels and slit inline before finishing off-line. Other new launches include Canon’s prototype water-based inkjet press, the LabelStream SL2000, and the Durst Kjet hybrid press – both machines only seen before at drupa.
“There is more equipment on the show this year than we had in the past,” Ventimiglia says. “This includes new, wider flexo presses, hybrid technology including the new Durst KJet and Mark Andy IQR configured with a 2200 press frame and Domino N610i print engine. The new FlexPack@Labelexpo exhibition, co-located with Labelexpo Americas 2024 focussed on the complete production chain for flexible packaging from materials selection to laminating and pouch-making. This is also the first show to feature the RFID Experience. This is particularly well timed to show label converters how to meet the Walmart RFID mandate, as well as new retail applications from Amazon.”
She explained that the key challenges for label converters include increasing competition, increasing costs of materials, energy, and labor, the difficulty in finding skilled operators, and consolidation amongst end users (brand owners) and suppliers. She says, “The answer to most of these challenges is to automate the converting operation and reduce energy usage and waste – particularly the waste created during the changeover between jobs. At the same time, converters have the opportunity to diversify into higher value-added markets and applications including flexible packaging and RFID/smart labels. At Labelexpo Americas all these key challenges and opportunities will be addressed by exhibitors on the show floor and at educational and networking events.”
According to the group director, the labels industry continues to grow on average at two percentage points above GDP growth in all global markets. This is true for all label formats including pressure-sensitive and wet glue (glue applied) labels. In-mold labels are also growing, albeit at a slightly lower rate, and shrink sleeves remain the fastest-growing label category. New technology developments, including digital embellishment, wider presses, and hybrid machines open up new opportunities for label converters to add value to all these label formats, allowing them to escape from commodity label production where the most intense competition lies and increase profitability.
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donnacorless · 19 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: White House Black Market Blue Floral Pants 8 NWOT.
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amrutatbrc1 · 19 days
Roll Slitting Machine Market : Technology Advancements, Industry Insights, Trends And Forecast 2033
The Roll Slitting Machine Global Market Report 2024 by The Business Research Company provides market overview across 60+ geographies in the seven regions - Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, the Middle East, and Africa, encompassing 27 major global industries. The report presents a comprehensive analysis over a ten-year historic period (2010-2021) and extends its insights into a ten-year forecast period (2023-2033).
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Learn More On The Roll Slitting Machine Market: https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/report/roll-slitting-machine-global-market-report
According to The Business Research Company’s Roll Slitting Machine Global Market Report 2024, The roll slitting machine market size is expected to see strong growth in the next few years. It will grow to $2.95 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.1%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to expansion of the renewable energy sector, expansion of the printing and converting industry, growth in flexible packaging, and increased use of flexible packaging materials, development of e-commerce. Major trends in the forecast period include development of advanced automation and control systems, precision cutting technologies, development of energy-efficient and waste-reducing slitting technologies, customization and versatility, and digital control systems.
The growing e-commerce industry is expected to propel the growth of the roll-slitting machine market going forward. The e-commerce industry encompasses online platforms where goods and services are bought and sold electronically, facilitating transactions between businesses, consumers, and suppliers worldwide. The growth is supported by increased internet penetration, the convenience of online shopping, broader product availability, and evolving consumer preferences towards digital transactions. Roll slitting machines are required in the e-commerce industry for efficiently processing and packaging various materials, like packaging films and labels used in shipping and product packaging. For instance, in October 2021, according to a report published by the International Trade Administration, a US-based agency, it is anticipated that e-commerce for consumer goods will constitute approximately 22% of global retail sales in 2024, with a projected average annual growth rate exceeding 1%. Additionally, global retail e-commerce sales are expected to maintain a steady increase of 8% annually through 2024. Therefore, the growing e-commerce industry is driving the growth of the roll-slitting machine market.
Get A Free Sample Of The Report (Includes Graphs And Tables): https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/sample.aspx?id=17250&type=smp
The roll slitting machine market covered in this report is segmented –
1) By Type: Roll Or Log Slitters, Slitter Rewinders 2) By Material: Paper, Polymers, Foil, Other Materials 3) By Slitter Blade: Large Circular Blade, Fixed Band Blade 4) By Distribution Channel: Direct Sales (Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)), Indirect Sales 5) By Industry: Paper And Pulp, Textile, Packaging, Other Industries
Major companies operating in the roll slitting machine market are developing technologically advanced products, such as high-performance rewinder slitters, to better serve customers with advanced features. A high-performance rewinder slitter is a precision machine designed to efficiently slit and rewind various materials, such as paper, film, and foil, with exceptional speed and accuracy. It is often used in industrial manufacturing processes. For instance, in February 2022, Vemax, a Brazil-based machinery company, launched the Vemax VRXS STDH Rewinder Slitter. The distinctive feature of Vemax's high-performance equipment lies in its differential axles, tailored for heavy-duty operations with paper, plastic, or self-adhesive films, serving flexible packaging, labeling, and tag industries globally. These machines integrate an advanced control system, enabling direct communication via an internal network with the machine's PLC and all electronic components. This technology facilitates remote and online programming adjustments and repairs, emphasizing innovation, safety, and quality in flexible packaging machinery.
The roll slitting machine market report table of contents includes:
1. Executive Summary
2. Roll Slitting Machine Market Characteristics
3. Roll Slitting Machine Market Trends And Strategies
4. Roll Slitting Machine Market - Macro Economic Scenario
5. Global Roll Slitting Machine Market Size and Growth .............
32. Global Roll Slitting Machine Market Competitive Benchmarking
33. Global Roll Slitting Machine Market Competitive Dashboard
34. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Roll Slitting Machine Market
35. Roll Slitting Machine Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis
36. Appendix
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boxmakertech · 30 days
Boost Your Production with Advanced Corrugated Box Machinery
In the dynamic world of packaging, having the right equipment is crucial for efficiency and quality. At boxmaker.tech, we offer a range of state-of-the-art corrugated box making machines designed to meet your production needs. Our machines are engineered for precision, speed, and reliability, ensuring your business stays ahead of the competition.
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Corrugated Box Machinery Price: Affordable Excellence
Our corrugated box machinery is priced competitively to help you cut costs and increase profits. Despite the affordability, these machines do not compromise on quality or performance. The advanced features integrated into our equipment provide the highest efficiency and versatility in the market.
Innovative Box Making Machine for Short-Run and Serial Production
Our flagship box making machine, the BM2508-Plus, and the HMG200, are renowned for their simple yet robust designs. They are specialized for low to medium volume heavy-duty box production, handling everything from E flute to AAA flute with ease. With the ability to process sheets with thickness ranging from 2mm to 10mm, these machines cater to a wide array of packaging requirements.
Precision and Quality in Every Cut
Equipped with four cutting knives rotated by servo motors, our corrugated box machines ensure beautiful and flat sides on every box. The integrated slotting knife and creasing beam design enhance the precision of slotting and creasing, making your boxes not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. The slotting width ranges from 7mm to 16mm, delivering excellent cutting performance without any burrs. Check corrugated box machine features.
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Advanced Features for Optimal Performance
Our machines come with a continuous cardboard feeding system powered by a vacuum pump, ensuring accurate and consistent feeding. Additionally, the inline cold gluing auto application feature eliminates the need for an extra gluing machine, streamlining your production process.
Versatile and Efficient Box Maker Machine
The box maker machines at boxmaker.tech are compact yet powerful, integrating horizontal slotting and scoring, vertical slitting and creasing, and horizontal cutting all in one unit. They can produce specialized features such as hand holes, vent holes, and special-shaped rounded corners, catering to diverse packaging needs.
Reliable and Efficient Production
With two 500mm symmetrical slotting knives and four scoring/creasing wheels, our machines deliver the highest efficiency and versatility in box making. The cheap module and easy replacement features ensure minimal downtime and maximum productivity.
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Comprehensive Support and Fast Shipping
At boxmaker.tech, we handle all details of your order, providing fast shipping to ensure timely delivery. Our excellent R&D team allows you to market test your business ideas before making final decisions, helping you monitor and control your risks effectively.
Choosing the right corrugated box manufacturing machine can significantly impact your production efficiency and profitability. At boxmaker.tech, we offer top-of-the-line corrugated box making machines at competitive prices, equipped with advanced features to meet all your packaging needs. Explore our range today and take your production to the next level.
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tajaandco · 1 month
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nurselaurenatl · 2 months
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giresearch · 2 months
Aluminum Foil Slitting Machines Market Size, Analyzing Forecasted Outlook and Growth for 2024-2030
Global Info Research’s report on the Global Aluminum Foil Slitting Machines Market offers profound understanding of the market's structure, dynamics, and prevalent trends. This report offer a contemporary snapshot of the market's current size and its potential for growth in the future. The report pinpoints the key competitors within the market, their respective market shares, and the emerging opportunities they can capitalize on. Additionally, the report delves into the impact of technological advancements on the market and how these can be harnessed for competitive advantage.
Moreover, the report provides a comprehensive analysis of the significant drivers, challenges, and opportunities within the Aluminum Foil Slitting Machines Market. It takes into consideration the macroeconomic factors and regulatory frameworks prevailing in each region encompassed by the market. A thorough examination of the industry's supply chain is also conducted to identify key players and assess the influence of recent developments on their market positioning. The report offers a clear perspective on how to leverage the evolving market conditions for maximum gain.
The report on the Global Aluminum Foil Slitting Machines Market meticulously scrutinizes the competitive landscape, offering valuable insights for market participants. The report identifies and appraises the leading players, providing a holistic view of their market presence and strategies.
Through meticulous analysis, we identify market leaders, challengers, and niche players, evaluating them based on factors such as market share, product offerings, and recent developments. This comprehensive understanding enables businesses to gain a deeper insight into their competitive positioning within the industry.
To provide a comprehensive overview of the Global Aluminum Foil Slitting Machines Market, Global Info Research adopts a segmentation approach and also categorizes the market into distinct segments, considering various criteria like product types, geographical regions, and consumer demographics.
By closely examining each segment, we reveal specific trends, growth potential, and challenges. This segmented analysis allows businesses to tailor their strategies to meet the unique needs of different market segments, thereby enhancing their competitive edge. Our segmentation analysis serves as a strategic tool, guiding market participants in navigating the complexities of the Global Aluminum Foil Slitting Machines Market effectively.
The content of the study subjects, includes a total of 13 chapters: Chapter 1, to describe Aluminum Foil Slitting Machines product scope, market overview, market estimation caveats and base year. Chapter 2, to profile the top players of Aluminum Foil Slitting Machines, with revenue, gross margin and global market share of Aluminum Foil Slitting Machines from 2019 to 2024. Chapter 3, the Aluminum Foil Slitting Machines competitive situation, revenue and global market share of top players are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast. Chapter 4 and 5, to segment the market size by Type and application, with consumption value and growth rate by Type, application, from 2019 to 2030. Chapter 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, to break the market size data at the country level, with revenue and market share for key countries in the world, from 2019 to 2024.and Aluminum Foil Slitting Machines market forecast, by regions, type and sales channel, with consumption value, from 2025 to 2030. Chapter 11, market dynamics, drivers, restraints, trends and Porters Five Forces analysis. Chapter 12, the key raw materials and key suppliers, and industry chain of Aluminum Foil Slitting Machines. Chapter 13, to describe Aluminum Foil Slitting Machines research findings and conclusion.
Reasons for Acquiring This Report:
The conducted research offers valuable insights to top executives, policymakers, industry professionals, product developers, sales managers, and stakeholders within the Global Aluminum Foil Slitting Machinesmarket. The report presents a comprehensive analysis of the market, enabling companies to assess their market share, analyze projections, and identify new growth opportunities.
The report provides detailed revenue data for the Global Aluminum Foil Slitting Machinesmarket at the global, regional, and country levels. This comprehensive analysis covers the period up to 2030, allowing companies to make informed decisions based on market trends and projections.
The research divides the Global Aluminum Foil Slitting Machinesmarket into various segments based on type, application, technology, and end-use. This segmentation offers a clear understanding of each segment's growth potential, enabling leaders to plan their product development and financial strategies accordingly.
Investors can benefit from the Global Aluminum Foil Slitting Machinesmarket analysis by gaining insights into the market's scope, position, key drivers, challenges, restraints, expansion opportunities, and potential threats. This information helps investors make informed decisions when allocating funds.
The report provides a detailed analysis of competition within the Global Aluminum Foil Slitting Machinesmarket, including key strategies employed by competitors. This analysis helps businesses understand their competitors better, enabling them to plan their market positioning effectively.
6.The study evaluates business predictions for the Global Aluminum Foil Slitting Machines market based on region, key countries, and leading companies. This information assists investors in channeling their investments strategically, targeting areas with the highest growth potential.
Global Info Research is a company that digs deep into global industry information to support enterprises with market strategies and in-depth market development analysis reports. We provides market information consulting services in the global region to support enterprise strategic planning and official information reporting, and focuses on customized research, management consulting, IPO consulting, industry chain research, database and top industry services. At the same time, Global Info Research is also a report publisher, a customer and an interest-based suppliers, and is trusted by more than 30,000 companies around the world. We will always carry out all aspects of our business with excellent expertise and experience.
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robertemma27-blog · 3 months
Which Companies Specialize in Manufacturing of Battery Production Machines?
The global battery production machine market size is expected to grow from USD 7.3 billion in 2022 to USD 19.4 billion by 2027, at a CAGR of 21.5% from 2022 to 2027. 
Battery production machines are used to manufacture lithium-ion batteries. Lithium-ion batteries are made of three major components: cathode, anode, and electrolyte, and they are available in multiple variants, depending on the materials combined with lithium, such as cobalt, nickel, manganese, titanium, and iron. Various machine types, such as mixing machines, coating and drying machines, calendaring machines, slitting machines, electrode stacking machines, assembling and handling machines, and formation and testing machines, have been covered in the report’s scope.
Battery Production Machine companies include:
Hitachi, Ltd. (Japan),
Durr Group (Germany),
Wuxi Lead Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. (China),
Shenzhen Yinghe Technology Co., Ltd. (China), and
Schuler Group (Germany).
Download PDF Brochure:
Hitachi, Ltd. is a multinational conglomerate headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. The company operates through the Digital Systems & Services, Green Energy & Mobility, Connective Industries, Automotive Systems Business, Hitachi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd., Hitachi Metals, and Others segments. It offers lithium-ion battery production machines through its subsidiary Hitachi High-Tech Corporation. Hitachi High-Tech Corporation was established in 1947 and is listed on Tokyo Stock Exchange, operating independently in the Hitachi Group. In May 2020, the High-Tech Corporation was delisted and became a wholly owned subsidiary of Hitachi, Ltd. The subsidiary operates in four business categories: Nano-Technology Solutions, Analytical & Medical Solutions, Core Technology Solutions, and Value Chain Solutions.
Durr Group is one of the leading companies in the mechanical and plant engineering sectors. The company offers turnkey paint shops, final assembly systems, automation, and robot technology for the automotive industry. It continuously researches and develops digital technologies for different systems, machines, and processes. The company offers its products through five segments—Woodworking and Machinery Systems, Paint and Final Assembly Systems, Application Technology, Clean Technology Systems, and Measuring and Process Systems. Through the Clean Technology Systems segment, the company offers air pollution control, noise abatement systems, and coating systems for battery electrodes.
Wuxi Lead Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. is one of the leading manufacturers of new energy equipment. The company offers its products to seven industries: lithium-ion battery, photovoltaic, 3C, warehouse & logistics system, automotive, fuel cell, and laser. The company provides one-stop turnkey lithium-ion battery manufacturing solutions. It is engaged in R&D to make the manufacturing process intelligent and provides consulting, design, manufacture, installation, commissioning, training, and future upgrades to its customers. The company has partnered with leading battery manufacturers, including Panasonic Corporation, Sony, Samsung SDI, LG Chem, CATL, and BYD. The company exports its products to more than 20 countries, including the US, Germany, Japan, and India. Also, the company has five established subsidiaries globally, along with more than 50 service outlets.
Shenzhen Yinghe Technology Co., Ltd. is one the leading companies in the field of power battery intelligent automation and intelligent digital factory solutions for power batteries. The company has a dedicated research and development system to enhance its product portfolio with new and emerging technologies. The company has strong expertise in technical, manufacturing, and services related to the power battery manufacturing processes. The company offers its customers single-process machines and customized products with new technologies. It designs, draws, manufactures, and commissions customized products according to the customer’s needs.Schuler Group is one of the leading companies operating in the field of forming technology and engaged in the manufacturing of presses. The company offers various technologies, including automotive press, hydraulic press, and forging, used in different industries and sectors, including automotive, industrial, e-mobility, aerospace, and railway. The company is a subsidiary of an international technology group ANDRITZ. The company offers turnkey solutions such as machines, dies, and conveyor technology in the battery production sector.
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anarubtech · 3 months
Bow Banana Roller: Versatile Solutions for Industry Needs
We offer consist of Banana Roller. These are generally utilized as kink remover gadgets in different enterprises and are accessible in different measurements. Further, these are also supplied with gearbox and mounting brackets, either Foot Mounted or Wall Mounted. The Bow Banana Roller is a specially designed roll that can be used to use the power of the machine to straighten out a part that has been bowed because of being struck by a foreign object or from being bent. This Bow Roll should only be used as a backup to re-straightening a part that's become bowed and never should be used to operate a machine.
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Banana Roller is a compact and economical machine designed to keep the web unwrinkled and to reduce contamination. The shape of the roller is like a banana, and this shape can easily move into a tissue warp. Banana rollers run at high speeds and make excellent brakes to stop the incoming and winding rolls, while the winding speed is increased effectively by using Banana Rollers. Strong and lightened structure, gears, and worm wheels make low noise and high accuracy stable performance storage.
The most recent assortment of Rubber we have in store is:
-Rubber Expander Roller
-Vary Bow Expander Roller
-Metal Expander Roller
The presentation of our Rubber Expander Roller (Bow Rollers) relies on the accompanying focuses:
-Wrap angle
-Lead-in & Lead-out distance
-Position of the bow (Adjustable)
Our scope of Wrinkle remover gadgets serves to:
Remove wrinkles
Separate slit webs on winder
Eliminate baggy center
Control slack edges
Attempt to try and out horizontal strain across the web width
Banana Roller in Industries
They are a key component of various industries, including textile processing, plastic converting, paper mills, and other manufacturing, printing, and coating processes. They help to expand or spread material that would otherwise be difficult to feed through a machine. Bow rolls are also used for cleaning tables in the textile industry.
We export 90% of our products to Europe, America, Asia and other countries and regions. We can also design new items as per your samples or drawings. Our products have been selling well in the home and abroad markets for their reliable quality.
 Best Banana Roller by Us
The Bow Banana Roller manufactured by us is widely acclaimed for many qualitative features. The product, which has been designed to offer enhanced grip, is fabricated using premium-grade raw material.
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