sm1ling-dopp3lganger · 9 months
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Donnie and Leo r like the shining twins (not actually)
Anyways guyz turtle tots except I drew Mikey without his plushie bc- Raph is holding him
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sm1ling-dopp3lganger · 8 months
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Were-Mikey is officially donnnneeeeee! He’s all dressed and ready for his favorite holiday of the year where he can watch all his favorite creature features and dress like one too!-
I actually only started this series because I found a picture of 2012 Mikey in a werewolf costume and thought it was adorable, so everyone thank Mikey
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Fun fact!: S.Tmnt Mikey is a big horror movie fan! Especially with classic slasher films!
Next up!!: Count Raphula !
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sm1ling-dopp3lganger · 8 months
Next is our Romeo of the story that hasn’t been published yet, Donatellooooo
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Smooth Donatello if u will
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sm1ling-dopp3lganger · 9 months
I love angst guys I LOVE ANGST.
Also follow my TikTok that’s where I usually post this vid stuff (I’ll still post it here but yk not as often @/smiling_doppelganger)
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sm1ling-dopp3lganger · 10 months
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My Aus Mikey! This is his character sheet and other than him and my oc I actually have no one else done! So!
I was actually rlly lazy when it came to his plastron (idk how to render them I’m working on it.)
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sm1ling-dopp3lganger · 8 months
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Introducing costume number one on the S.TMNT Halloween series!!! Ta-daaaa!- The Mad Scientists Monster! (With Griff, Donnie and Jenny)
I made a few minor changes to Jenny’s appearance for this, mostly in her jar to make it resemble that gross punch with foam and gummy eyeballs in it for Halloween and those jelly stickers that either stay year round or come off the moment the touch glass.
Fun fact!: S.Tmnt Donnie’s(and Leo’s) birthday is on Halloween!
Next Up!: Were-Mikey!!
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sm1ling-dopp3lganger · 8 months
Telling YOU🫵🏼 abt my upcoming FanComic!-
(Introduction post!-)
The AU and series as a whole is called Sm1ling.TMNT or S.TMNT for short, like a file name. It is still in production but lemme tell you a little about it!-
It’s a TMNT fancomic set in the year 2023 except it’s a little different. The early 2000s and 2010s instead of the nostalgic era going out of style it basically stayed and is mixed with the modern day setting of this comic. Flip phones are still widely used, MySpace is still a thing, YouTube looks the way it was meant to before all the updates but with modern day functionality. They also have advanced technology that is waaaay farther into the future than what we today know. Just don’t tell them that their fav things went out of style years ago, they’ll have a crisis.
It’s a little confusing but trust me it’s cool!-
The comic is also set from two completely different perspectives. It’s also filled with bunch of angst, funny moments, gore(I’m a horror artist so obviously there’s gotta be some blood and guts), action, romance >:].. THE WHOLE SHABANG!- yk all written and drawn by yours truely! This comic also touches lightly on topics like racist, sexism, xenophobia, bigotry,the topic of beauty standards and much more but it’s not the main focus and most of the time characters that act out these issues they get…taken care of- if yk what I mean >:3
Fn let me introduce you to our main cast of characters! Well…the important ones (with pictures but I apologize they’re wildly unfinished, brace yourself this is gonna be a little long)
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Griffin B. Corduroy (Juliet >:])
Griffin! Griff is a jokingly egotistical character who seems to know her worth to others and has a “don’t give a fuck” attitude to compliment her girly girl appearance(peak feminism). In reality she’s extremely temperamental with bad anger issues along with has past of issues with trichotillomania, dealing with stress, and body confidence issues. She’s on her own healing journey but it seems she’s doing it her own way…..(she is an original character)
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April!! Our true detective and best big sister!(and older cousin to Griffin) a chilled out personality complimented by her caring attitude makes her like the mom of the group second to Leo despite being older than him. A little awkward in social situations (she is NOT a cool kid) can bring her to being slightly challenged with the turtles shenanigans as she’s prone to panicking but she’s working on it. Despite being an only child she did not grow up a lonely child, meeting both the turtles and her little cousin Griff at 9 which seemed not connected at the time later to be revealed like a butterfly effect as every event around it continues.
“Everything is always connected”
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Casey and CJ (New Yorks Vigilantes)
Cassandra! Cassandra(also known as ‘Cass’ or more commonly ‘Casey’ despite the nickname being her little brothers first name) is a stoic teenager with a soft side. She’s slightly soft spoken with a masculine appearance yet feminine tone and often gets confused by others with her gender when in reality it doesn’t matter what they interpret her as, as she’s gender-fluid! She seems most comfortable and commonly referred to with she/her pronouns but finds it extremely flattering when called ‘handsome’ or referred to in a masculine sense. She’s a hockey player by day and a badass rollerblading vigilante by night. She is a strong woman and role model hopefully for others as well as her baby brother CJ especially after she got them out of an abusive household.
Little Casey!- Casey (also known as CJ) is Cassandra’s partner in justice as well as her baby brother! He’s a big boy meaning he’s four years old and goin strong!- his biggest role model is his big sister and he’s happy about it. She’s his favorite superhero!- if you see Casey you’ll see CJ as they’re always together and Casey never lets him out of her sight. Not after what they had to go through. He’s a good mannered rambunctious kid with a lot of energy. He wants to be just like his big sister that’s why he has his ears pierced as he was tired of wearing sticker earrings and wanted real ones. Casey was a little nervous about this at first but he took it like a champ when she pierced his ears. CJ also likes to help around Casey’s job! He pretends to sweep the floors and wipe down counters when he’s with her at her job at the tattoo shop she works at as a piercer. Casey’s boss loves having him around.
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Sensei(Master) Splinter
Yoshi! Once a rat in a pet store being taken care of with the bare minimum only to be thrown to the garbage bin when they thought he was dead for sleeping for too long. Now a humble street rat getting chased by everything around it until a little boy at the name of Yoshi. He got a new name his name was splinter but one day it was changed…the day Yoshi left him was the day he was renamed “Hamato Yoshi” the same as his own that he once had to remember him by as he was dumped down a sewer. But that was years ago….. That year he was blessed with his four sons that made up their odd little family. He seen what Yoshi did for him before he left so he followed in the nurturing steps of the only father he’s ever known. Yoshi is still with him in spirit of course. They are interlinked through the name they share an their soul connection not only as owner and pet but father and son. Yoshi’s spirit began watching splinter raise the turtles when they became tots as that’s when he passed. He warned splinter of a terrible danger and that’s when Splinter began to learn the ways of the Hamato with the help of Yoshi’s spiritual guidance and then taught his sons as well. Past his sad and empowering backstory he’s a silly old man that loves his boys and paints in his free time (reason to why the boys have their names)
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Hamato Leonardo
Leonardo! Leo(also referred to as ‘Leon’, ‘Nardo’, ‘Lame-o-nardo’ etc) is the eldest of four siblings total and the eldest of him and his brother Donnie who are twins. Don’t be fooled by his serious older brother front he’s not like that at all!- He only wears his glasses at home and contacts everywhere else and he has braces! He’s not cool at all, He’s more of a nervous wreck that cracks bad jokes to cope. Being leader is very important to him because it means (to him) he is his little brothers main protectors! He takes his job very seriously but he’s very emotional and emotion driven. A bit of a crybaby when it comes down to it and not often angry but when he is…it can get a little out of control. It took him a while to get his Katanas, how do you think he got that scar! Pretty embarrassing story- there was also the incident…..Rip Raphs tail.
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Hamato Donatello(Romeo >;3)
Donatello! Donnie (second eldest of four and youngest of a set of twins) is the obvious brains of the operation but that doesn’t help with the fact he’s little pretentious. He can be very cocky about his inventions and knowledge on things since he obviously sees it as cool and interesting…others…yk not so much- He’s more of a listener than a talker and is mostly quiet when he wants to be so sometimes when he wants to get a word in he has to interrupt others for them to actually listen. He keeps to himself a lot and isn’t the most outgoing but if you get him talking about some form of science (specifically chemistry or technology) you’ll see him as a whole new turtle. He can often be sarcastic even when it’s unintentional he doesn’t do it to be rude he’s just grown up around idiots so he does it to make a point (he loves his brothers I promise) though he’s not traditionally boyish usually he definitely has stereotypical male interests (which goes against his personality in some of his other versions in media) one of which is him being a huge sports fan especially basketball. Him and his brothers often go out at night to some empty courts and play. He’s alike his brothers in the ways of personality especially table manners…there’s almost zero. Absolute pigs they are- despite being turtles
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Hamato Raphael (sorry he’s super unfinished)
Raphael! The rebellious middle child- Raph is nonchalant and confident in his fighting ability but since he’s very anger prone he’s not listened to as much when it comes to plans but that’s okay…since most of his plans are extremely bad(he’s not really good at organizing) despite his rugged and intimidating look(he’s built like a linebacker I’d be scared too bruh) and nature he’s not all that mean. He knows sometimes he can get a little too angry and needs to tone it back a bit he’s working on it. He’s more of a stereotypical asshole character more of a bully than anything but honestly it’s his way of affection most of the time. Unless it’s Mikey. Mikey pisses him off sometimes. (He still loves him tho-) he’s a tough lover but when it comes to animals or kids he’s a big softy. He’s also very patient with others it’s surprising. Especially Mikey since he’s disabled and needs some extra time on certain things. Raph is genuinely caring when it comes to his family.
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Hamato Michelangelo
Michelangelo!1!1! The party dude of the group of course!- (also known as ‘MC Mikey’ and ‘the triple threat’) hes the definition of annoying younger sibling but in a lovable way- he can be a bit rude when joking with but it’s natural seeing who he’s grown up with. He doesn’t mean any harm by it genuinely it’s in an endearing way. He’s super active and flexible since he’s hyper mobile but it depends on the day since he’s invisibly disabled! (Like me! We have the same condition) He has A.M.P.S [insert orange ribbon] and it stands for Amplified Musculoskeletal Pain Syndrome and it’s exactly how it sounds. It’s amplified and generalized chronic pain throughout the body without an actual source. It happens basically because the spine sends a pain signal to the brain like how it would when there’s tissue damage except there’s no cause for said pain single just causing intermediate or constant chronic pain anywhere in the body. He’s learned to live with his disability and for it not to get the better of him but he does hold back from running a lot like across buildings and just uses his rocket board Donnie has built for him. He also constantly does physical therapy throughout the week and takes some medication that Donnie gives to him throughout certain periods of the day so he stays out of constant pain. Past that he acts on impulse as any younger sibling would and usually gets saved by the scute of his shell by his older brothers. Despite this he can very well handle his own. He’s a strong fighter and an absolute tank! He’s a big dude and has an insanely high pain tolerance, reason to why he has the most tattoos despite being the youngest. despite him not being as strategic as his brothers or even his opponent his outside the box thinking is what makes him so good.
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Project Genocide. (Hamato Jennika)
Jennika. With a cog heart that ticks and barely beats on its own, it’s still made of gold…sort of
Project genocide was created as a gift for the Shredder by Baxter Stockman. A show of gratitude for his life being saved despite how he was trying to steal from the shredder. Though she was rushed and taken out of her test tube too early. Upon trying to breathe her lung immediately collapsed and filled with fluid, so she eventually died within a matter of minutes of being alive. She was then taken apart out of panic like some object and her organs got modified and individually preserved in a gelatin like substance that held them in place. Her head was put into a jar and a tube as her esophagus as she inhales the fluid in her jar that in which it’s the only thing she can safely breathe. She became this Frankenstein like creature but she could still feel and live like anyone else she just looked….different. She had her life support built into her and with the small flip of a switch she was alive again. She’d never be able to grow on her own or develop mentally forever stuck at age thirteen but she was alive. She is programmed to be a ruthless killing machine and follow orders..gaining her name Jennika stemming from her project name ‘Genocide’. Despite being a literal jarhead she’s swift and ruthless. She’s unmatched compared to some of the highest ranking foot soldiers she was perfect…so she was immediately marked by the foot..the branding hurt but it’s not like she hasn’t felt worse, right? She has built in Tekkō-kagi as a sort of homage to the shredder. They come from in between her knuckles. They were almost used to behead the youngest of the four she was modeled after and created to kill. But…what if she didn’t want to….?
Well maybe you’ll just have to read the comic when it comes out to answer your questions!!! EHEHEHHE 😈
Well that’s all!- if you have any general questions about this whole production just put it in my ask box and I’ll happily answer this is genuinely so fun for me!- I can’t wait for you all to read it ^_^
Also make sure to look out for all their finished character sheets if you wanna get a better look at them!- along with some pretty neat voice claims coming soon but you didn’t hear that from me >;3
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sm1ling-dopp3lganger · 8 months
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Afternoon wip post of ur favorite linebacker <333 (aka S.Tmnt Raph)
Halloween edition, yeah that’s all I got BAAAAAAIIIII LOOOVE UUUUU
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sm1ling-dopp3lganger · 9 months
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My OCs character sheet for my comic *spray bottle laugh* can u tell that I absolutely adore her? Bc I do
Get used to her honestly she’s not only an MC but a main antagonist …sort of- FIND OUT WHEN MY COMIC COMES OUT AND U TOTALLY READ IT
Everyone say Hi to Griffin (again)
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sm1ling-dopp3lganger · 9 months
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Erm guess who’s gonna make an appearance in my comic 😼‼️ (he’s actually gonna b an asshole in the beginning so no one is allowed to like him no matter HOW SILLY)
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sm1ling-dopp3lganger · 7 months
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S.TNNH ???….Teenage Normal Ninja Humans?-
How interesting!
Yeah there’s nothing to say abt this other than look at how adorbsable Jenny is
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sm1ling-dopp3lganger · 8 months
He needed a little dating advice
Wonder for whoooo….
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These r the little doodles I decided to take from this whole production
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sm1ling-dopp3lganger · 8 months
This is just Leo bullying his baby sister
There’s a new youngest sibling around these parts, she needs the full experience
Anyways raspberry lemonade duo :D! (Jenny and Leo)
They’re so silly
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sm1ling-dopp3lganger · 9 months
I have nothing new done (I’m just getting like unsick I’ve had covid for the past week) so I’m just gonna be posting like little peeks of unfinished character sheets for my comic starting with The Casey’s
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Casey(Cassandra) and her baby brother CJ
Aka New Yorks most reliable vigilante(s?)
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sm1ling-dopp3lganger · 8 months
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Totes can’t wait to show u what I have in store for October >;3
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sm1ling-dopp3lganger · 9 months
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I should probably post on here more
I just have no idea what I’m doing Xb
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