#Smelly AF
astrrorat · 9 months
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YAAY egh dies goes back into my grave
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lover-of-skellies · 3 months
Realizing that Jane fell for the equivalent of a caveman is really something else, tbh
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pprincess-alexx · 10 months
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lieximhuman · 5 months
These stupid little anime quizzes >:C how could i possibly be Near???
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xixisin · 2 years
Kylar but he has a piss kink 😬... It just seems like it fits if I'm gonna be honest he's already incredibly sexually depraved he'd probably piss inside after cumming lol
Yeah about thht,,,
Holy shit im rolling with anything really, piss water shotguns, piss to each other, piss bath bomb, eughgh,,, but yk how unsanitary kylar is be bc dude literally have no healthy lifestyle and youre actually, yeah, its accurate but im conflicted w this one
Are you personally gonna enjoy it saint 🤨
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surrealsuriel · 2 years
writing this regency era elucien fic is fun but them being human does make me miss out on coming up with fun ways to describe each of their scents in very explicit detail.
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huevobuevo · 1 year
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
Showering the "biological spaceship" (body) is a high energy task of system maintenance.
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zxreael · 1 year
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Fyke Isle.
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rhenuvee · 9 months
Playing Animal Crossing New Horizons with Genshin Boys [Modern AU]
A/N: This is not important but I almost wrote sea bass with the characters
Treats it like Minecraft. Farms the heck out of your island for materials, and makes his own little "base" that's bordered by fences. Has enough wood, rocks, iron nuggets, etc to supply him for a year.
Razor, Bennett, Albedo, Alhaitham, Chongyun, Gorou, Kazuha, Mika, Thoma, Tighnari, Wanderer, Xiao
Chaotic. Attacks you with a net, sends you purposely cringey notes with a smelly sea bass attached, dresses like a hot dog after telling him to dress nice for a picture, probably decorates his house like a demon summoning ritual.
Childe, Cyno (does it to make you laugh), Itto, Kaeya, Lyney, Venti
Has sooo many bells... and from what?? He is your resident glucose father, always giving his bells to you to pay your debts. That 75,000 bell piano? It's yours. Really good with the Daisy Mae stonks, buys 100 turnips every time.
Alhaitham (asks you to catch a Coelacanth first), Ayato, Childe, Diluc, Kaeya
Broke. You’re the one with millions of bells. Takes so long for him to get out of the tent, and can't pay his home loans for days- but always has money for buying random things like a chair? Sometimes they have bells, but still ask you for some to annoy you. Also frequently gets scammed by Redd.
Bennett, Itto, Kaveh ("why does this feel oddly familiar..?"), Venti
Trash island. They are hoarders (honestly me). Your island's trees are still at the original random locations, along with weeds you have to pick every time, and some unknown "leaves" scattered everywhere. You say this is the reason Isabel gave your island a 2* rating but he denies it.
Bennett, Razor, Cyno, Itto, Venti
Clumsy. Always gets stung by wasps because he never takes out the net on time, falls for pitfall seed traps, and lots and lots of sea bass.
Bennett, Gorou, Itto, Kaveh
Treats it like Pokemon. Catches every single fish, bug and ocean species, completes the art gallery, every DIY. If you need something caught or made, he's your man.
Albedo, Bennett, Chongyun, Cyno, Freminet, Kazuha, Mika, Razor, Heizou, Thoma, Tighnari
Wholesome af. This one gifts you sweet letters with nice gifts, aw. Plants lots of flowers outside your houses. Always gives you things you need. Probably decorated a small little space your you two, and gives the villagers nice gifts too.
Ayato, Baizhu, Bennett, Freminet, Kaeya, Kaveh, Kazuha, Lyney, Mika, Thoma, Venti
Doesn't really play video games... but he knows you like it so he tries to understand it. He's like a tourist, following you around, occasionally getting sidetracked by random things such as villagers. He doesn't know about the mailing system (yet) so he drops off gifts for you in front of your house.
Alhaitham, Ayato, Baizhu, Diluc, Gorou, Kazuha, Mika, Razor, Thoma, Xiao, Zhongli
Villager drama enthusiast (but chaotic). You tell him about your island and the personalities of your villagers. He goes a step further by making up gossip like "_____ cannot be neighbours with _____ because he cheated on her with _____!"
Childe, Kaeya, Kaveh, Lyney, Heizou, Venti, Xingqiu
The artist. Takes Animal Crossing very seriously. Has only the best clothes and furniture, sometimes making his own custom designs. Terraformed and decorated your island to a T, and takes cute pictures with you in the museum's aquarium, fireworks festival, etc.
Kaveh, Kaeya, Kazuha, Lyney, Venti
The competitive one. Originally he thought Animal Crossing was just a cutesy game. Once you introduce him to it, it doesn't take long for him to complain about Tom Nook being a capitalist and struggling to pay his loans and complete the museum. You offer to help but he insists on doing it himself.
Itto, Tighnari, Wanderer, Kaveh
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lunatic-pudge · 5 months
TF2 Mercs Green Flags (except it's very biased)
I love my boys. Yes, this is biased and questionable. But this is meant to be cute and fun.
-Silly little goober, great person to be around when you need cheering up
-Golden retreiver boyfriend
-Can easily make you laugh without even trying
-Artsy fartsy
-Cutie patootie who makes the cutest drawings of you two together
-Owns an Easy Bake Oven
-Master at baking, never-ending supply of sweets for you to indulge in
-Your biggest supporter. Would literally cheer for you if you rob a bank
-Also your biggest supporter, will demand that other adore you as well
-Will let you own any pet you want no matter what the animal is
-Speeches of why you're the best thing to ever exist and how America is blessed to have such a beauty like you live there
-Will give you anything and everything you could ever want, like human ears. Definitely a good person to be if you like collecting weird stuff
-Precious baby boy is a major cuddle bug
-Def knows how to knit/crochet, will make you whatever you want
-Baby man likes learning about folklore/mythology
-He's essentially a big walking teddy bear. Perfect for cuddles, especially on a cold or rainy day
-Protective baby boy, big scary dog privleges
-Bookworm, can recommend a good book if you don't know what to read
-Perfect person to lay around and cuddle with, he can smother me any day. Dates at home are TOP TIER
-Smart boy, can make you stuff that helps with day to day activities which is helpful if you can't do certain things to having a disability or something
-Dad bod, dad bod, dad bod, dad bod, dad bod, can't get enough of it
-Voice of an angel, will sing for you if you'd like. Can def sing you to sleep
-NERD, he's an adorable nerd! Let him ramble about his hyperfixations!
-Def a good pet owner, would kill someone if they don't take proper care of their pets
-Would make sure you take care of yourself, he's kinda like a dad that cares
-He's such a maniac. I can see him just secretly being up to no good all the time. And he's also very girlypop
-Putting an extra for him cause I can: Medic boobs. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
-Sweet, precious baby boy who can do no wrong. He strikes me as someone who listens to EVERYTHING when it comes to music. He ain't genrephobic
-Also a collector of weird things. Likes making bone jewlery. Bone boy
-I just love the concept of him being feral? This is probably the weirdest thing on the list. Like there's the golden retreiver boyfriend (Scout), and then there's the feral boyfriend (Sniper). Literally acts like a cat, hiding away from people, hissing when people that aren't you tries to touch him, will demand attention/affection from you, ect. I need to make a more detailed idea of a feral boyfriend so work with me plz
-He would absolutely let you wear his clothes, thinking about how adorable you look. He'd do the same with your clothes if they're big enough for his lanky body. You two swap jackets in the winter time so you guys always have a piece of each other when you two are busy and aren't able to see each other
-I know a running joke is that Spy is a smelly French asshole, but I really do think that he wears some of the nicest smelling cologne out there. Expensive af colonge, but damn, it's addicting
-Smarty pants. Not just anyone can be a spy, it takes quite a bit of intellect for it. And not to mentions he knows multiple languages? Love it, even if I hate the French language with a burning passion
-Him having a good taste in fashion? He's gotta know what he's doing by wearing suits all the time. Not only does he look fresh af, but people always look so good in a suit, especially when it fits them. But please also picture him dressed in a more romantic goth aesthetic plz, okay I'll stop now
-Is good at paying attention to even the littlest of details about his partners. Even if you're trying to be cryptic or subtle about things, he'll always find out. He's def a protective type too
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pprincess-alexx · 1 year
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fairytsuk1 · 5 months
alexis would be so down bad and soft af when it comes to his girl ik it
we’ve covered this before however he IS the people’s boyfriend so we’re talking abt it again 😁😁
alex will literally spend so much money on you if you don’t rein him in LMFAOO like i just think he doesn’t splurge as much for himself but he would definitely be willing to buy you makeup, clothes, jewelry, anything!
“do you think this is cute?”
“absolutely,” he gives you a goofy grin, “you should get it!”
you have to bite your lip to prevent from letting a moan loose as a veiny hand flicks his black card at the cashier.
also he kindaaa spoils you, i think he’s open to doing things for you so you don’t have to do them.
“could you make me a cup off coffee,” you bat your eyelashes even though he needs no convincing, “please?”
“what, am i your servant?” he giggles.
minutes later, your hands are warmed by a steaming mug of Bustelo coffee. oh, and ofc he knows the exact amount of cream and sugar you want. it’s perfect.
also lets you steal his clothes YAYAYA also … am i the only one that likes the clothes that are a little smelly… like yesss it’s my lover’s smell it’s real they are amazing i love everything abt you
anyways he has sm merch he doesn’t even think twice when you throw on his black Las Nevadas shirt (that barely covers your bare ass, something he gratefully admires in a sleepy haze.) hoodies, whatever!
i think he’d also lowkey steal ur stuff too 😭 he’s like “can i try your hair conditioner? what about your body wash? how do you use this lip mask?” (it’s laneige, he bought it for you btw)
he is SOOO CUTE he srsly wants to do everything with you and support you. also sidenote BIG FAN of bathing with alex.
hot water steaming around you as you relax into his sturdy chest. his arms are comfortable around your waist as both of you savor the intimate skin to skin. god… i need it ..
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mushroommanstan · 1 year
Shigaraki is not the most….hygienic man. Can you do Fem! Reader luring him into some shower sex?
Aight so we all know Shigarakis a stanky boi.
Like not just from his room, he is covered in a cloud of musk if he has his ways. He doesn’t bother cleaning or anything after a battle unless you badger him about infections, and he only changes his clothes when they become so smelly they’re practically moist. Yes, this includes underwear.
Just to clarify though, he does still use toilet paper. He’s not that gross.
He also doesn’t normally clean himself up after sex. Especially if he’s in his subby mindset, after making love he passes right out. You better hold him while he does though, if he doesn’t feel your fingers carding through his sweaty hair or hear your soft praises he’ll sulk when he wakes up.
So, normally, it’s up to you to take charge of his personal hygiene. This means washing him with a damp washcloth after sex and picking out dead hero bits out of his hair as he sleeps. But if you want him to take a shower, that’s going to take some creativity.
This man is stubborn af, and finds stuff like bathing to be a waste of time, no matter how much you plead with him. That, and the hot water upsets his dry skin, but he won’t tell you that. No way he’ll admit he’s scared of a little water.
Anyways, if you want him to take a shower with you, you’re gonna have to confront him while he’s already in the bathroom. He’s just taking a piss when you barge in and lock the door. (This man keeps the door unlocked, he has neither shame nor knowledge of social boundaries)
He’ll jerk in surprise at the noise, maybe scold you for interrupting him, but in the end won’t give you much notice. Nothing of his you haven’t seen before anyways
You do, however, gain his attention when you begin undressing. Immediately his cheeks burn bright red, and you haven’t even taken your bra off. When you do, you hear an audible gasp even though he’s seen your breasts many times before.
You continue stripping until you’re naked, and just as he’s about to go feel you up, you get in the shower. With a wink and a suggestive tone, you ask him to strip and join you, and with the lust clouding his mind he accepts.
Nows the tricky part. If Shig realizes your intentions while you’re finally cleaning him, he’s not going to be too happy. Might once again sulk a little bit. So, you’re going to have to be creative.
Lather your hands in soap and begin groping his chest from behind, making a brief pit stop at his armpits. Stay there for too long and he’ll get suspicious, but a few good tweaks to the nipples will shut him right up.
Order that he eats you out in that demanding tone he likes, and while he lowers grab some shampoo and cover your hands in it, so when as you pull on his hair when his tongue enters your sensitive, pink hole, it’s getting washed.
He’ll get so in the zone while eating you out that you can finish up washing the other parts of his head and shoulders that need work, that is if you can do anything but whine and pull his head impossibly close as he gently nibbles on your clit just right. Suffocate him in your pussy as best you can, wriggle his head around so his tongue hits your sweet spots just right, and when you finally climax for the love of god rip his head out of your crotch because he will not stop.
Then, as he gazes up at you with your sweet nectar still dripping down his chin and a wide, dopey smile you love so much, get him back on his feet and insist on returning the favor.
Break out the soap once more, insisting that it makes a good makeshift lube. Lather his cock in bubbles and foam as you praise him for being such a good boy for you. Once it’s clean enough, lick at the tip a little bit if you don’t mind the taste of soap. If you do his legs will shake like a newborn deer and he’ll let out the softest mewls, just barely audible over the sound of rushing water.
Keep going down his shaft and he’ll begin to cry for you, pulling your head into his groin as close as he can just like you did and begging you to keep going. That he’ll be a good boy, your good boy forever if he could just cum down your throat. Make him cum, please, please.
If you decide to tease him, he will start crying, because in vulnerable situations like this he desperately wants, no, needs to feel good.
Then, as you feel his cock twitch against his tongue and his cries reach a crescendo, get the soap once last time and reach around to his tight entrance, gently but firmly rubbing against his clenching hole as the last of the sweat and grime washes away.
Press your finger into him just as he cums and he’ll practically pass out, legs quivering and head arched back from the intensity of his orgasm.
Finally, after you both catch your breath, the shower turned off and Shigaraki just barely managing to stay upright, give him a shoulder to lean on as you guide him to the toilet seat. Dry (and massage) his feet, all the way up to his hair as he snores softly, so tired that he fell asleep as soon as he sat down.
After this, he’ll never complain about showers again. He’ll beg you for a shower, and when you agree he’ll be in there ready to go before you even take your shirt off. Keeping this boy clean is a full time job, but boy is it worth it
Ngl I think this might be one of the best smuts I’ve written so far, Tysm for the ask! I hope you don’t mind I made it subby… whoopsies 😘
Anyways, have a good day and a happy holidays!
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nyctoaerah · 1 month
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⋆♱⋆SYPNOSIS You found yourself stripped of your immortality, a punishment for daring to flout the edicts laid down by your father. Your transgressions? Two-fold. First, the grave sin of disobedience, and Secondly, the cardinal offense of falling irrevocably in love with your Lady in waiting. In your father’s eyes, the sanctity of your divinity was tarnished by a same-gender relationship, a concept that he vehemently repudiated as aberrant and abhorrent. Such unforgivable love, he pontificated, dulled your goddess-like essence. Thus he used his powers and casted you adrift into a parallel universe suffused with curses and sorcerers whose love aren't really the healthy type of love, a punishment to show you that ‘Love’ isn’t all about sunshine and rainbows
⋆♱⋆WARNINGS Gore, Slow Burn Yandere, Love Percentage Au. Pseudo Incest on Choso’s Case. Confusing Bullshit. Toji is smelly af. Cannibalism (kinda), Cringe, Unedited. Mentions of torture.
⋆♱⋆PAIRINGS Yandere! Jjk x Isekai’d! Goddess! Reader
⋆♱⋆LOVE INTERESTS Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Shoko Ieri, Yuki Tsukumo, Kento Nanami, Utahime Iori, Choso, Toji Fushiguro, Sukuna Ryomen.
⋆♱⋆NOTE Also posted in wattpad & quotev. Hearts and Reblogs are greatly appreciated<3.
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EACH INHALE THROUGH YOUR nose pulled the stale, musty air into your lungs, therefore, you decided to breathe through your mouth, making a conscious effort to keep your nasal airways closed to avoid the unpleasant stench emanating from the man.
No matter how fervently you struggled to elude him, evading the man proved an insurmountable task. 
Your every fiber ached with the desperate want to revert to your true form and scram, or ideally, melt into the very earth beneath you.
Yet, the prospect of metamorphosing back into your human guise was filled with trepidation. The notion of him witnessing a repulsive, gargantuan worm contorting into a person would potentially trigger aggression, and you're not in the mood to fight.
After all, it would be double assault too.
The assault on your olfactory senses from his offensive stench is damaging you too, and it would be worse if he were to add the physical damaging too.
And you don't want to risk it.
Seriously, you groaned inwardly.
Doesn't this guy possess an aversion to basic hygiene? Was he really that oblivious to the existence of potassium alum or the simple efficacy of deodorant? While the information of human smells regulation eluded your understanding, you knew that there's this ‘deodorant’ concept of a substance applied to the underarms to stave off malodorous stenches.
Doesn't he use that?
You felt incredibly uneasy as you perched uncomfortably on his unwashed shoulders, already imagining the putrid green aura that signifies a strong and offensive body odor.
Putanginang kili-kili yan. You thought.
The man then suddenly opened his mouth and yawned. The yawn he released unleashed a putrid wave of odor that assaulted your senses like a physical blow, causing your stomach to churn in protest as you froze.
The fumes invaded your nostrils and your meticulously maintained standards of personal cleanliness recoiled in horror at this olfactory assault, your inner hygiene guardian screaming in protest. 
You wailed internally.
You sat there on his smelly shoulders, utterly stupefied.
That man that picked you up was sauntering by with a grotesque  behemoth of a worm sitting on his shoulders, A.K.A you,  without any shame.
He reeks, and his smell is enough to incapacitate even the hardiest of skunks. Yet, the people around seemed unfazed, their reactions ranging from mild wrinkling of noses and curling lips to indifference.
A wave of incredulity washed over you. Were their nostrils forged of iron?
Nevertheless, there was no denying the unsightly, repulsive sight of that gargantuan worm clinging to the man's shoulder. Who in their right mind could overlook such a monstrosity? The edge of your patience threatened to splinter.
What the fuck is wrong with these humans?
You've been briefed by your father on the supposed stupidity and repulsiveness of humans, yet experiencing it firsthand was a whole different level of shock.
Could it be deemed normal for them to accept a rotund man, drenched in a putrid stench, nonchalantly bearing a worm with an unsettling face atop his shoulder?
These humans are crazy. You thought, acting as if you're not crazy yourself.
You can feel the weight of regret crushing your spirit as you silently reprimanded yourself for even considering the transformation into such a loathsome form. Amidst the tumult of your inner turmoil, the surroundings begin to dim as the man strides purposefully through somewhere, then through a door.
The ceiling looms above, adorned with strange alien objects that defy recognition to you. The sterility of the environment would have been a welcome reprieve and a fresh breath of air, had it not been for the olfactory assault perpetuated by your uncouth carrier.
As he traverses, you two encountered a few passersby who recoil in visceral aversion at his noxious presence and a slight sense of relief washes over you. Finally witnessing the unbridled revulsion reflected in the reactions of these normal humans validates your own repugnant assessment of the situation.
Finally, normal humans. You mentally sighed in relief, then suddenly, you heard a voice speak.
“So you’re Zeni’n Toji, huh?” a voice utters in a language foreign to your understanding, the moment you saw the man's mouth move, you immediately close off your nasal passages in a desperate bid to shield yourself from the overpowering bad breath emanating from the man.
“Nope,” The black haired man shrugs.
“Not a zeni’n anymore.”
“It’s Fushiguro now, i took my wife’s last name,” The man said, his fingers roaming over the sinewy muscles of his neck. You winced as his touch grazed your slimy exoskeleton.
“Duly noted. So, Fushiguro, I presume you’re the one making these purchases then?”
Peering ahead, you spotted another man draped in a weird ensemble—a solid black garment adorned with five white crests, that is wrapped-front style featuring square sleeves and a rectangular body, with the left side crossing over the right. The peculiar attire perplexed you.
They started to talk, but you were oblivious to what they’re saying, for you are too distracted by the foreign language and the strange attires.
Do humans truly wear such strange attire?
You pondered, you don't really know how things in the other realms, cause your experiences was limited to the confines of your father's celestial castle high above the nebula, forbidden from venturing into the realms beyond.
Bound by the restrictions imposed on you, your existence had been confined to the splendors of the nebula realm—a domain reserved for supreme beings like Aionarch and yourself, alongside his twin sister and her progeny. The nebula is considered to be the most divine and beautiful place in existence in your world, and the highest of them all.
A place more Celestial and Ethereal than heaven itself.
Here, the very fabric of existence holds a unique resilience, swiftly restoring anything that dares to meet destruction. It's a celestial sanctuary where permanence is a fleeting concept, and the essence of eternal renewal is in the ethereal currents. In this sacred domain, nothing can succumb to irreparable harm without the sanction of aionarch.
Nebula is limitless, though, you have only heard of its magnificence from Aionarch, as you have never truly been able to explore it. The only time you did venture into the nebula was with Xeranthi, but even then, you and your mother were restricted in how far you could go, always under the watchful eye of Aionarch to ensure you ‘safety’ cause he was too afraid that his precious wife and only daughter might become lost or in danger. Thus, you were never allowed to venture too far and wasn't even allowed to go to other realms.
The second realm was heaven, where a plethora of deities resided, including Ataraxia. Though a paradise in its own right, it paled in comparison to the ethereal beauty of the nebula. 
Although you have never experienced the beauty of heaven firsthand because you are stucked on the nebula, or more like locked up in the nebula, you have heard descriptions of it from ataraxia. She believes heaven is visually stunning, but interestingly, she also believes that the nebula surpasses it in beauty and grandeur, and that the heaven is only the second most beautiful place in the realm.
Then the third realm, Shaxilu, housed the lower deities—a realm known for its inhabitants' disdain towards Aionarch, bottom feeders deities who yaps without knowing much.
A realm teeming with fauna and lesser beings, it boasted of beauty yet lacked the divine allure present in both nebula and heaven. Here, the deities grappled with their responsibilities, ensuring the demigods remained contained and restraining the meddling of their celestial kin amongst humans.
Then came forth rhe fourth realm, known to humans as Earth, Earth was beautiful, yet it was getting destroyed by the humans who call it home.
Beneath this realm, existing as the darkest abyss of existence, was the fifth realm known as Kolase. Nestled in the deepest depths, Kolase was a place that humans calls hell. Everywhere in Kolase,  cries of tortured souls and the shadows of demons and other eerie beings were palpable. Despite the horror that filled its every corner though, there was an undeniable beauty to Kolase, a charm that struggled to surface amidst the ceaseless chorus of tormented wails that echoed through its depths.
And by now? You felt as if you were on kolase again because of him.
The cloying stench emanating from him is suffocating, it was akin to an inferno raging in the depths of kolase itself. A shudder runs through you as you avert your gaze, the foul odor threatening to overpower your senses. 
You observe him through narrowed eyes, his words muffled by the foul miasma enveloping him. His voice cuts through the thick air, each syllable laden with a putrid undertone that makes your stomach churn. Clenching your jaw, you silently commend yourself for sealing off your nasal passages, sparing yourself the full assault of his repugnant breath and reeking armpit odor.
“How much does those things sell again?” The black haired man asks, green eyes lazily scanning the place.
You blinked, not understanding any of their words.
What did they meant by that?
“About 7 million yen, Fushiguro-san,” the man replied without hesitation, his eyes locking with the gaze of the green-eyed man before him.
Huh? What are they saying? Your lips pressed tightly together.
The black haired man's lips curved into a knowing smile.
“Mhm. So, all I have to do is auction off that things then, and i get the money.” he drawled lazily.
“Yup. Half of the proceeds shall be yours,” the man stated.
“Good,” the green eyed man murmured.
“Just make sure that those jujutsu high brats—No, that gojo satoru brat comes.”
“Rest assured, Fushiguro-san.”
“Is it settled then?” the man inquired, seeking confirmation. The smelly man merely nodded.
“Let us proceed, then.” the man beckoned, his steps purposeful as he began to walk away, a silent invitation for toji to follow in his wake. And follow he did.
Meanwhile, you were confirmed. the foreign words that they uttered left you bewildered, the cadence unfamiliar to your ears. Are humans speaking a different language? The thought nags at you, a stark reminder of the vast gulf separating your celestial realm from this alien world. Everything about them feels foreign—from their attire to their accents and the peculiar sounds that spill from their lips. 
Your irritation simmers beneath the surface, exacerbated by your inability to comprehend their discourse. Yet amidst the confusion, one word rings out with unmistakable frequency—“fushiguro.” Your gaze flickers to the man who had hoisted you up, connecting the sound to his assumed identity. Fushiguro, was a name that rolls off your tongue just fine, and it's pretty, just tarnished only by the off-putting odor clinging to him.
Beauty marred by filth. You noted.
You were having many thoughts and suspicion as Toji and the man strode down the shadowy corridor. The further they ventured, the more secluded the surroundings became. The door at the end of the corridor drew near, its surface adorned with an array of locks and pins, and you couldn't help but think that this is a bit shady. 
With a metallic creak, the door swung open, revealing a dimly lit room that can only be described as reminiscent of a clandestine laboratory.
The walls were lined with shelves stacked high with various glass vials, beakers, and jars containing unknown substances that glowed in shades of red, green, blue, and purple. Strange symbols and diagrams were etched into the walls, aswell some equations, like a cult. In the center of the laboratory, a large stainless-steel table dominated the space, its surface littered with an assortment of scientific equipment—test tubes, Bunsen burners, and many more.
You noticed a series of cages lining one wall, each containing a different creature. Some were familiar—a dark, sleek-furred cat with unnaturally sharp claws, a plumed bird with iridescent feathers that seemed to shimmer in the dim light.
On the adjacent container lay a grotesque being, a nightmarish amalgamation resembling a spider. Its elongated limbs flexed with unnatural dexterity, stained with crimson. The creature's pallid, almost translucent body contrasted starkly against the bloodied appendages, it lacked eyes, a nose, any semblance of face—save for the gaping maw  with serrated fangs.
You winced at the sight of the ugly creature. Shaking off your revulsion, your gaze refocused on the man passing two small containers to Toji.
The lower limb buds of the creature resembled paddles. Fingers were also visible, detailing the complexity of its anatomy. Furthermore, small swellings were starting to outline the future shell-shaped parts of its ears, while its eyes were visibly defined. The upper lip and nose were present, adding to the overall features of the creature. And it was all curled up.
You knew what the fuck those things are.
What they have is a fucking fetus, albeit a bit weird since it's color purple.
But still, why the hell do they have those? Did they ripped those out straight out of the mother's womb?
Your throat constricts.
Your heart raced as Toji suddenly forcibly pried open your deformed mouth.
Oh my fucking goodness, don't tell me that they're gonna feed that to me?
You tried to squirm away, trying to close your mouth, but Toji thrusts the containers in your mouth.
With a sickening squelch, your saliva coated the containers and you felt a surge of panic rise in you, the urge to gag overwhelming. The glass made a sharp contact with your Epiglottis, causing  discomfort before slowly gliding down your throat as you struggled to swallow it in one piece. A trail of saliva escaped from your lips and dripped down your mouth as you finally managed to swallow the glass completely. 
This is just a dream, it's not happening. You gaslighted yourself as you sobbed internally as you  you fought back the rising bile in your throat, your every muscle tense with discomfort. 
Tension filled your rigid body and your mind was filled with revulsion, your veins coursing with a vile concoction from the memory of that abhorrent act of swallowing a fetus in a glass jar. The sensation churned in your stomach, the urge to vomit it overwhelming.
Could the fetus metamorphose within you? Would it grow inside of your wormy stomach? Would it explode from the jar and live inside of your womb? What the fuck.
would you unwittingly become the surrogate mother to a baby and birthing it while being a worm?
The horrific scenarios played out in the theater of your mind, driving you to the brink of a mental collapse as you and Toji were on a bridge.
Toji on the other hand, strolled nonchalantly, one hand thrust into his pocket while the other had a gadget in his hand, it was glowing and from what you assumed, it looked like a mirror, he was talking but you paid no mind to him—not like you can understand what he was saying anyways.
You still loathed him for making you eat the poor fetus.
The mental image of a tiny human bursting forth from your body made your poor stomach churn, causing a nauseating wave to pirouette up your throat. As you allowed your thoughts to meander, a disquieting unease began to simmer within you. Toji's incomprehensible babbling faded into the background, as all you yearned for was to shed this fucking worm form and revert back to your true self, urgently and unequivocally. The urge to turn back into your true form and just kill toji so he doesn't have to see it surged through you.
After all, you would do the poor humans that is living in the earth a favor by killing a man that smells like the fart and smells like Thioacetone.
Surely, it's not a sin to kill such man right?
But then, was this the fabled retribution aionarch had told you about? It suddenly made sense why you were exiled to Earth, to make you suffer from the overwhelming pungent odor of the man—You are but a clean and hygiene freak after all.
Suddenly, Your gaze unexpectedly locked onto the  fluttering of a random butterfly that was on a top of a flower. In that fleeting moment, a profound realization struck you like a bolt of lightning as you got an idea of what's happening.
The Butterfly effect. 
Your throat constricts as you realized that you are actually experiencing it firsthand right now.
A minor pledge made in haste to ataraxia had unfurled loads of calamities. From the seething wrath of aionarch, getting tortured, to a harrowing plunge to the earthly realm, to your regeneration not working, to ugly creatures assailing you and to Metamorphosing into a worm, and then getting kidnapped by a reeking man, and now you have an fetus inside you?
please let this be a dream. you sniffed.
You shut your eyes, a thousand thoughts raging through your mind, silent sobs echoing internally as you prayed for this nightmare to cease.
Suddenly, a rumbling sound, like of a horse hooves in a frenzied gallop, rang in your ears.
What the fuck?
Your eyes opened, and when you saw that there's indeed a horse, your lungs seared as if the air had been forcibly expelled from them, a scream bubbling in your throat.
A literal horse was charging towards you and toji—looking like as if it was about to attack you.
Why is a horse coming our way?! You gawked.
THIS IS SO RANDOM! You wailed.
Panic gripped you, muscles coiling tight as you squirmed against Fushiguro's neck, a desperate attempt to make him aware of the impending danger.
“You with the big tits! Move! A random horse is literally coming our way—a fucking horse!”
You were practically screaming at him through your worm like mouth, but it was all distorted and can't be comprehended.
Thus, he remained oblivious.
However, he noticed the way you tightened around his neck—as if you wanted to strangle him.
“Hm? What’s up with you?” He asks dumbly, before looking forward, and gawking.
“The fuck is that?” He gawked.
“That’s so fuckin’ random.”
“Why the hell is a horse—” Toji didn’t even finished his sentence as the horse crashed with you two—Kicked you two. The world around you condensed into a singular point of terror as the wretched horse pushed you to the ground. A guttural shriek tore from your throat, the sound a mix of fear and confusion, as your being buckled under the strain.
Involuntarily, your body reacted on its own and your worm form began to change in your normal form.
Toji's strangled sound of “huh” was barely registered as the world spiraled. The wooden bridge that you two were in shattered and gravity claimed its due, and with a sickening plunge, you and Toji plummeted towards the churning water below.
Toji's mind reeled in disbelief at the surreal situation before him. The weight of water pressed against his body as he swam upwards.
“What the fuck did just happened?”
his fingers raked through his hair, pushing the wet strands out of his face as rivulets of water trickled down his skin.
“Did A literal horse just attacked me?” he exclaimed, his voice laced with incredulity. His eyes darted around, searching for answers in the murky depths of the water. The absurdity of the situation made him shake his head, a wry smile tugging at his lips despite the tension in his muscles.
“Fucking weird....” The memory of the horse's unexpected assault annoyed him. Toji swore that he will kill the horse.
“Ugh.. is this my punishment?”
Toji's hand absently reached up to massage the tense muscles at the base of his neck, a habitual gesture that offered little relief in the current circumstances. Frustration welled up inside him as he realized that his precious worm couldn't be found.
“Wait, Where are you?” he muttered, his brows furrowing as he scanned his surroundings. 
“Where are you?” he called out, the words muffled by the water surrounding him. His movements were sluggish in the aquatic environment, each motion hindered by the oppressive force of the water.
In the meantime, you would have been pleased that Toji had finally bathed, even though it was accidental and somewhat coerced due to being pushed by a horse. It was a positive development, however, leaving you feeling relieved. You would have been rejoicing in this achievement, had it not been for the fact that you're practically drowning.
The crushing weight of the water pressed on your body and the sharp impact of the rocks against your back was painful, it felt like as if it was scrapping your back, their jagged edges, almost enough to cut through your skin, leaving you momentarily paralyzed. You involuntarily inhaled a rush of frigid water, and your esophagus began to sear as the water made contact with it, your nose contracted in pain. 
You squirmed, desperately trying to tune out the pain gnawing at your back from the jagged rocks, you swore that you could see a crimson stream mingling with the rippling water below because of it. Frantically writhing, you sought to propel yourself upwards, but before you could swim upwards, a sudden impact crushed down on you, fragments of the fractured bridge fell down on you. 
Your ribs began to break from the force and a searing conflagration within your chest. Your vision was obscured by a watery haze, the burn of chlorine stung your eyes as you fought the drowning urge to gasp, your fingers clawing at your constricted throat, nails gouging into your flesh.
Unable to contain the burning flood, your body convulsed in a futile attempt to expel the deluge, lungs saturated as you swallowed more of the river's waters.
Transform. You tried to say, trying to force your body to transform into something that can breathe underwater.
Fucking do it—now. 
But your body wouldn't listen.
Your eyes struggled to focus as the world around you were in a murky haze, every breath was like a dagger of pain stabbing at your chest. The cold seeped into your bones, chilling you to the core. As clarity slowly crept back into view, you felt a firm grip clamping the tender flesh of your nose shut. 
Someone's lips was pressed down firmly upon yours, looking to aim for a perfect, airtight connection. With each exhale, you could feel the rush of air invade your lungs, and your brows furrowed.
They seemed to sense the stirring of consciousness within you and abruptly withdrew, leaving behind a glistening residue of saliva on their lips, likely remnants from the urgent CPR efforts.
A surge of bewilderment crashed over you as you sucked in a deep, shaky breath, your chest heaving as you greedily welcomed the life-giving oxygen into your deprived lungs.
A violent fit of coughing suddenly seized you, your chest heaving and convulsing as you tried to ciugh out the water that had invaded your airways, your throat was burning like liquid fire.
Each gasping breath felt like shards of glass scraping against your insides, and there was a sharp pain radiating through your body with each jagged inhalation.
A comforting hand pressed against your damp back, patting you, though you were too disoriented and drained to push it away.
“Can’t believe that this is happening... putanginang buhay to... pinaglihi ata ako sa kamalasan eh.” you grumbled through a hoarse rasp. Your fingers absently rubbed at the tender flesh of your neck.
The person withdrew, leaving you to slowly raise your gaze with wide, searching eyes.
There was a man with long, jet-black tresses tightly bound into two long black stringy hair tied into two high ponytails that jut upward and outward. He had purple eyes and across the bridge of his nose, a dark crimson mark stretched from one side of his face to the other.
Adorning his neck was a circular scarf and a purple vest adorned him. Beneath the vest, a loose, light tan robe cascaded down, enveloping his arms and legs.
Your chest heaved as you slowly lifted your gaze towards him. Was it his hands that had pulled you from the water? or was he merely a figment of your delirium?
Your face suddenly irked as you remembered the horse that attacked you, nonetheless, you thanked him for saving you.
“Thank you,” 
You managed to say before a crease formed between your eyebrows, a question ready to spill from your lips.
“Wait.. who.. who are you?” you inquired, though a sudden tension gripped your jaw as the realization dawned that he likely couldn't comprehend your words. After all, if Fushiguro doesn’t speak your language, this man probably does too.
“I’m your son.”  he stated bluntly.
You froze—You can understand what he’s saying somehow—unlike with fushiguro.
But then, what the fuck is he saying?
How could he claim such a title when logic insisted it was an impossibility? You never touched a man, let alone you're a virgin.
This seemed biologically impossible.
Tangina, anong pinagsasasabi neto?
“dude what.” you deadpanned incredulously, the weight of bewilderment settling on your features like a heavy cloak.
You’re plunged into a swirling abyss of bewilderment.
The very notion of him being your son is preposterous, absurdly impossible. You’ve guarded your body like a fortress, and you’ve never slept with anyone—not even with ataraxia.
But then, could it be that you unwittingly underwent Parthenogenesis? Some goddesses, like your mother had a children without having sex with a man after all.
But as you search the recesses of your bewildered mind, not a whisper of memory surfaces to confirmed that you had undergo through parthenogenesis.
Besides, Surely, such an aberration would never escape Aionarch’s eyes. Hell he even keeps an eye on your virginity and reminds you how important your chastity is.
So... How could he be your son?
After some moments of thinking about it, you finally spoke.
“I’m not your mother, no.”
You shook your head in utter disbelief, feeling the weight of confusion pressing down on your shoulders like a leaden cloak.
“Listen, whoever you are, I believe that you’re mistaken. I am not your mother,” you managed to utter through tightly clenched lips, a sense of exasperation tingling at the edges of your patience.
“You are mistaken,” the words escaped your lips, each syllable heavy with disbelief.
“There is no resemblance between us,” you murmured, noticing the flicker of irritation in his eyes at your assertion.
“Besides.. I’m a virgin, and... my lover is a woman.” Your jaw clenched, trying to wrap your mind around the bizarre revelation.
“And... And I never conceived you,” you stammered.
“You can’t be my son seriously.” You said shaking your head.
He clicks his tongue in annoyance at your assertions.
“If you're searching for clarity,’ he began, his steps deliberate as he closed the distance between you.
“My brother lies within your womb,” he said solemnly, his gaze locked with yours in an unflinching intensity that sent shivers down your spine.
What is he saying? What did he meant by his brother is in your womb? That's seriously creepy.
 “What?” you hissed, the word barely more than a whisper as your mind struggled to assimilate the incomprehensible stuff that he was saying.
“We share the same womb, we came from the same womb. Within you,” he stated.
“So... that would imply that you birthed us all,” 
“What the fuck kind of logic is that?” You snapped.
And with that, the two of you began to argue.
𝟎𝟎𝟏.Choso assumed that [Name] is his mother because [Name] swallowed his brother (literally) and now his brother is just resting on [Name]’s stomach.
𝟎𝟎𝟐.[Name] was actually glad when they fell on the river because the water finally touched Toji’s skin.
𝟎𝟎𝟑.Mahito is the one who gave the body to choso on the anime, but in this, i changed it, and someone else gave him his body, and that someone is important to the story:P
𝟎𝟎𝟒.So Toji was supposed to sell the death painting wombs, ik that they're hidden somewhere on jujutsu high, but, on this book, jujutsu high only have 6 death painting wombs on them since some of them (Choso, Eso, Kechizu) already have bodies and the other one is on [Name]’s stomach.
𝟎𝟎𝟓.Choso isn’t really [Name]’s son, it’s just that he believes that she’s her mother. From what i know, when they were given the bodies by mahito, they have no memories and doesn’t know their mother or something and only knows that they live for each other.
𝟎𝟎𝟔.And yes! There’s a language barrier between them! And only choso knows how to speak the language [Name] is speaking (You’ll know why he knows that language later)
𝟎𝟎𝟕.Basically, [Name] doesn’t understand any of the words Toji is saying.
𝟎𝟎𝟖.Toji was using a cellphone and talking to some of his clients, but [Name] sees it as a mirror bcs there’s no cellphone in her world
𝟎𝟎𝟗.[Name] and Choso argued after that, but Choso ended up winning the argument.
𝟎𝟎𝟏​​​​Putanginang kilikili yan means  “That fucking armpits/damn armpits”
𝟎𝟎𝟐.​Putanginang buhay to, pinaglihi ata ako sa kamalasan eh. It doesn’t really have a direct translation in English since pinaglihi doesn’t have its english counterpart, and the closest translation of this is “Fuck this life, i was probably conceived from misfortune”
𝟎𝟎𝟑.​Tangina anong pinagsasasabi neto means “The fuck is he saying”
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—𝐒atoru is fucking disappointed. How was he supposed to eat you now if you aren’t a mythical bird? Suguru and Shoko told him that you might be a shapeshifter after all. 
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╰┈➤ 𝟏𝟎% (𝐔𝐩 𝟓%)
—𝐒uguru found some parts of your hair and some parts of the destroyed necklace when he and Satoru went to the forrest (without permission). And guess what? There were little letter like engravings on every part of the broken necklace. He’s not sure on what language it is though.
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—𝐓oji is fucking pissed because his worm is missing. Where the fuck are you? He still needs to sell those death painting womb for some money.
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╰┈➤ 𝟒% (𝐔𝐩 𝟐%)
—𝐒hoko is trying to decipher all of the words found on the broken necklace, she noticed that some letters of it are different though, there's no kanji, katakana, hiragana, and not even a single letter in the alphabet.
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╰┈➤ 𝟐𝟎% (𝐔𝐩 𝟐𝟎%)
—𝐂hoso is confused. Aren’t you supposed to be his mother? Why are you acting like that? Why are you being so mean and snappish to him? He’s pretty sure that mothers aren’t supposed to act like that towards their sons... He literally saved you from drowning and this is how you repay him? He’s starting to feel annoyed at you for denying everything, seriously, why can’t you just admit that he’s your son? Your lips feels soft against his though.
I SWEAR, I'M SO FUCKING EMBARRASSED AT THIS CHAPTER 💀💀💀 it's so random and all😭😭 I'M GETTING A SECOND HAND EMBARRASSMENT THE FUCK??? And some of it are also confusing too. Like everything is so random 💀💀💀 (ig reels r getting onto me, the horse scene is from an ig reel that i have watched)
Anyways, Choso is not related to [Name], he just thinks that she's his mother or something. So, i also decided to just make [Name] speak tagalog because there's a language barrier yk? I don't wanna use some translator to make her speak other languages. Imma just make her speak my mother tongue.
Alsooo, more scenes w [Name]'s family and the jujutsu high students on the next chapter:33
The choso part got my lazy writing fr..
how i feel after hurting my mc every sngle chapter: 🥰🎀
Yeah, just don't mind me babbling...
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assiraphales · 1 year
not to be rude but u just know mandalorians have to be smelly af. walking around on desert planets in full body armor never taking their helmets off….gotta be swampy
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