zombiedeers · 2 years
Oh my god it's Devin and Dudley and.. THEY'RE HUMAN???? WOAHHHH
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I've fully designed them both (Devin belongs to my dear friend @pinky-the-polar-bear) as humans recently and couldn't help myself, I've wanted to use the reference I had (which was made by @snuffysbox) for quite a while and finally got to do so!
Do enjoy! I sure did do so while making it, I adore them!
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guinevere01 · 4 months
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ID: rough pixelart in two panels of Wilde, Zolf, and Hamid from Rusty Quill Gaming, very loosely based on the epilogues. In the first image Hamid is excitedly jumping up out of a box that Zolf just opened, his hands in the air in a sort of "tada" motion. Zolf holds the lid of the box and looks grumpy. Wilde is standing behind Zolf with his hands clasped and leaning forward with big loving eyes and an eager smile. In the second panel Zolf has wheeled forward and is shoving the lid back on the box, only Hamid's arm is sticking out with his hand distorted to a claw shape. Wilde is in the same position as before but he now looks away nervously.
Character description: Wilde is a white human with half long white hair and violet eyes wearing a red sweater over very dark brown trousers, as well as a white ruffled collar. Zolf is a white dwarf in a wheelchair with short white hair and a braided beard. He has pale blue eyes and wears a dark blue sweater. Hamid is an Egyptian halfling with short dark brown hair and a purple suit jacket over dark green trousers. End description.
Based on this post by @snuffysbox
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Some old art that ive been working on
The pose reference i used for the last one with kris and susie was by snufkinwashere on pinterest
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midnight--siren · 5 months
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Zuma's Christmas surprise didn't quite go as planned for poor Maribelle
Based off of @snuffysbox "Squad Bases" #SnufkinWasHere (tumblr.com)
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narcissusprime · 9 months
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maryluis · 4 years
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Right in front of my salad ale? 🍺 Thank you Iggysassou for your donation on ko-fi ❤
Inspired by snuffysbox comic ✨ :)
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tmt-sketch-a-day · 3 years
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Sketch a Day 1974- A Taste- 2/ 13/21
Yeah when I saw this I thought of Toph: https://snuffysbox.tumblr.com/post/190423178112/its-your-otp-being-gross-have-at-it-credit-and
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greenbetula · 4 years
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Base made by  https://snuffysbox.tumblr.com
 (this is my first time using a base)
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Stardew valley Imagine. Reader/ Sebastian (?)
-Before we start, oce again I remind you that English is not my main language, but I am doing my best.
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“I didn’t think you were so tired to the point of passing out in that sofa.” Sebastian says while taking a drag of his cigarette. “If I knew we would have come earlier.”
“Aw... I shouldn’t have drink that beer.” you say, feeling sick to your stomach.
“If you are going to throw up, please do it in some bush and not near me.”
You didn’t even bother answering him. Next thing you knew, you were kneeling down barfing behind a tree. You were not very used to drinking.
“Sorry.” you say when you can finally talk.
“What about?”
He shrugs and helps you stand up.
“You are... different.” he says.
“I know, I am weird.”
He laughs.
“You think you are weird? My best friend is the weirdest person I know. Being different in a town like this is not a bad thing you know?” he says.
You stare at him for a while too long, he blushes showing is uncomfort.
“You didn’t pass as a supportive type at first.” you say.  
“Don’t get used to it.” he says smirking at you.
When you arrive the farm you can see that the seeds you planted in the morning had turned into little saplings already. You shake your head, sure that it is a prank of your dizzy mind, but they are there.
“Sebastian, can you see those or am I really wasted?” you ask him, pointing at the saplings.
“I can see them, but I am also pretty sure you ARE wasted.” He mocks you.
“How can it be?! I planted them this morning!” you look at him completely astonished.
“So what?” he asks.
“They were not supposed to grow like this… I mean, this is crazy!”
“Oh really? I don’t understand much about farming.” he says while getting another cigarette from his pocket. “I will be going now, ok? Thanks for the game, I had fun. Destroying Sam every time was starting to get boring.
As he goes, you sit down on your porch staring at those little saplings.
You have a dream.
You are playing with your cousins by the mountain river. A younger Sam and a younger Sebastian are there too. Sebastian is ginger back then, but Sam’s hair still challenges gravity somehow. There is a third boy that is not from your family, he is brunette, very alethic and seems to like you a lot.
Sebastian challenges you all: who can go up a tree by the shore faster. You are the first to run there, before anyone even agrees to the bet. He doesn’t like it and runs as fast as he can, followed by the other boy and your cousins. Sam kind of gets left behind.
You start climbing the tree so fast, you didn’t even remember being so agile, you feel like a feral squirl. The other boy is right behind you, he even tries to hold your foot and tickle you, but you don’t give up. As you laugh together, Sebastian gets to pass you, but you quickly follow after him.
Somehow you manage to get to the top first, Sebastian is all sweaty and puffing. The other boy comes after and congratulates you on the win. He kisses you on the cheek and you get all red about it. Sebastian doesn’t like it, actually he seems really jealous. You think it is about you having won and start mocking on him.
You call him gingerbread man. He hates it and pushes you. Because of your weigh the branch you fall on cracks and you fall on the river. You can see both Sebastian and the other boy reaching towards you.
Your head hits a rock and you get unconscious. But actually, you just can't move, you still can see... everyone is jumping on the water after you, but you feel like you are nowhere to be found. Maybe that is it, your short life has come to an end.
You hear a funny sound and turn your head to the left. You see an apple.
The apple has two eyes and pink cheeks.  
There are others, they are all around you, making that funny sound and lifting you up from the bottom of the lake.
Next thing you see, a hand grabs your wrist, lifted by the little apple spirits. You are pulled out of the water by Sebastian, he has almost drowned too. He is crying and doesn’t stop apologizing, but you aren’t able to say anything to him, the words don’t come out.
You spend some days in the hospital, all your vitals are ok, but you keep seeing those little apple spirits around. The adults are afraid you had too bad of a concussion and no one believes in you... except for... grandpa?  
He says you were saved by the forest spirits, but your mother and father tell him not to incentive these kind of thoughts in you. Eventually, they stop taking you to Stardew valley.
The longer you are away, the more you forget about your time there.
When you wake up, the dream seems like a shadow, but you feel very different.
They were even bigger! From one night to the other, the saplings have grown as much as they should in a week.
“Am I going insane?” you ask yourself.
You water them and put some extra fertilizer, then you decide to go to the city and buy some food for the farm. When you arrive there, you see Mayor Lewis in front of a big old house behind the square.
“Oh, hi y/n!” he calls you, as you two seem to be the only people around. “Come here a second.”
You feel a little annoyed. Is it going to be like this now? Every day that amount of interaction in your life... how can you handle it?
“Good afternoon, Mr. Lewis.” you say.
“Call me Lewis.” he says with a gentle smile. “Do you remember this place?”
You take a look at it. Everything is so broken and old you can swear it is probably haunted. You can’t seem to remember anything like it.
“I see.” he says. “You were so young, but you, your cousins and your grandpa used to come here. This is the community center of Pelican town. Well... it used to be. Come on in.”
You follow him inside and it looks even worse than the outside.  Bindweed has taken over the walls, there isn’t a single piece of wood that is not broken or rotten and there is even a tree fully grown in the corner of the main hall, but even that tree seems to be decaying.
“This used to be the heart of the town, everyone in the community gathered here for parties, birthdays and even city events.” he says. “But as time went by... it seems like these kinds of things are not as important nowadays.”  
He starts a discourse about how people would rather watch TV instead of gathering with the community, but you can’t follow because... there is an apple jumping by the window.
“Y/n, what’s with you?” the mayor asks turning to the place you are looking.
It immediately disappears.
“It was...” you are about to tell him about the apple but, why bother? “I think I saw a mouse.”
“This place is probably infested by mice, it has been closed for so long.” He says and sighs. “It is sad to see it like this. But I think that is what happens to old things, see Paradise farm, for example. Good that now you are there to rebuild it. Too bad for this place, there aren’t people willing to do it.”
“Did you ask people?” you ask out of curiosity.
“Unfortunately, every time we set to rebuild everyone was busy with something else. Eventually, I think everyone just gave up.” the mayor let go a long sigh. “And since Joja Mart came to town, they keep making offers to buy it and turn it into a warehouse. I am thinking about selling it by the end of this year... the city could use the money.”
You look around once more. It does seem sad to let ANYTHING that once was good end up in Joja corporation’s hands. Wasn’t this what happened to you.  
You feel a strange connection to the place.
“Anyway, I must be going now. Have some mayor duties to accomplish. Thanks for giving an old man some time to be nostalgic.” he says and chuckles. “I will leave this place open if you want to take a look, maybe you can find some of you Paradise kid’s old toys in the crafts room.”
It is weird because you wouldn’t usually do something like that, but as the mayor went away, you started exploring the rooms and they seemed to bring you back some blurry memories. Maybe you played with your cousins in that corner. Maybe you attended someone’s birthday and ate cake by that old table. Maybe you sat with your grandpa in front of that big fish tank and he told you stories about fishing.
You hear a sound and it immediately makes you turn to the decaying tree in the corner of the main hall. Your heartbeat increases as you see not one, but many apple spirits jumping around and waving at you. They seem to be talking but you can’t quite understand.
“What the hell is going on with me?” you say, rubbing your eyes and shaking your head.
They are still there.  
One of them, a green one makes you a sign for you to follow it Still uncertain, you do, and it takes you to a golden scroll in the middle of the crafts room. You see there is something written there, but you can’t quite understand it.
“Junimos?” is the only thing you can discern.
The little apple starts jumping and making that funny sound as if it is agreeing to you.
“You are Junimos?”
It seems even more excited. The more it makes those funny sounds, the more it seems like it is saying your name.
“You know me, isn’t it?”
It seems to agree.
“You saved me that day.” you say. “So either everyone was wrong and I didn’t go crazy back then, or I am going crazy right now.”
“You are certainly not going crazy, my dear.”
You yell as you listen to a voice come from behind you and a figure comes from the shadows of the corner of the room. A purple bearded wizard dressed up in a fine robe walks towards you.
“Don’t be afraid. I am Rasmodius, the Wizard, keeper of the secrets of the forest, master of the elemental’s knowledge... you get the picture.”
“Where did you come from?!” you yell as you try to step back, but you end up tripping and falling.
“I have been paying close attention to you for the past couple of days. You are the one whose arrival was foreseen by the valley. The one connected to the forest powers, the one to change the valleys destiny... well you, my friend, are a hero to become.”
“What the fuck is going on here? Am I dreaming? Am I dead? Am I dreaming in a comma?” you star hyperventilating. “I have gone crazy, that is it. I finally lost it!”
“Please, calm down.” the wizard says as he can see you going pale.
“Oh my, what if I never left Zuzu city? I must still be in bed, I need to wake up to go to work, that is it! I am not crazy I am just sleeping...”
The little Junimo beside up jumps and slaps your face with his little stick hand and it hurts way more than it seems to be possible.
“What the...” you say, but it seems to take you away from your anxious thoughts.
“As I was saying...” the Wizard cleans his throat. “You were brought back to this valley to help it heal from the many hazards it has been imposed by both mankind and witchcraft. Also, I have seen, to change the destiny of the people who live here.”
“Me?” you screech with unbelief. “Man, I can’t barely fix my own life.”
The wizard chuckles.
“Well, sometimes to help another one is the best way of helping oneself.” he says.
“What the hell is going on?” you say rubbing your temples.
“You will understand when the time is right.” the wizard replies. “For now, drink this.”
He extended to you a cup filled with a green liquid.
“You are kidding right?” you say.
“No, you are supposed to drink. These are the ingredients from the forest, it will help you understand the language of the elementals.” he says.
“I am not drinking it.”  
The Junimo beside you starts jumping and puffing in a way to demonstrate impatience and he seems so angry that you take the cup from the wizard’s hand and, after taking a nauseated look at the content, you drink it.
You feel dizzy and things start moving a lot slower. You can see the memories of yourself as a kid running among trees, playing in the river, collecting and eating savage berries. You see yourself playing with animals, riding a horse, rolling in the mud with grandpa's pig.
You see the faces of some people from the town. You are beside them, helping them and doing nice things, things you had never thought you would do in your life. You feel happy to help, you feel like a part of something. And then... there is this someone you suddenly see yourself kiss.
“If you might ever need me... meet me in the towers west Cindersap forest.” you hear the Wizard’s voice.
As you open your eyes, you see the image of a man and a girl, both with glasses in front of you.
“Y/n? Are you ok?” you hear Maru’s voice coming from the distance. “Oh my Yoba, what a scare you gave me!”
“What? Where am I?” you say slowly sitting down and looking around.
“You are in the clinic. Maru found you passed out near the fountain. You have symptoms of an insulation, perhaps you have been working too hard in the farm.” the man says, adjusting his glasses. “I am doctor Harvey.”
“Insulation? Last thing I remember I was drinking that green thing from the wizard...”
Both Maru and the doctor stare at you, looking concerned.
“I mean, I probably had a bad dream while passed out. Thanks for bringing me Maru, sorry for the trouble.” you say.
“No problem, I am stronger than I look.” she says. “Now lay down, you are taking intravenous medicine, you seem to be very poorly nourished. Have you been skipping meals?”
She gently pushes you into laying down.
“I forget to eat sometimes.”
“That is very hazardous! Even more being a farmer and working a lot in the sun and with so much physical effort!” says Harvey, looking very angry.
He gives you a full lecture about the importance of eating healthy and says that he is going to give you some supplements. You are actually worried about how you are going to pay for the treatment.
Next part here:
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Credits for the pose reference: https://snuffysbox.tumblr.com/post/160658875287/have-another-angsty-draw-your-otp-%E1%95%95-3-%E1%95%97-please 
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novahdraws · 6 years
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Saw this Draw the Squad meme and obviously had to draw it with Ladybug and Chat Noir
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ellie-arts · 6 years
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A draw I did to my sister, soooo much love...
The pose I use from  #SnufkinWasHere. 
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mausketches · 7 years
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So @lunareth sent me this “draw the squad” pose suggested that I should draw Priya with her brother, Aaron with that xD I totally loved the idea, so here the au ra duo with a little animation. Priya is a mute from her birth (they travelled to Eorzea with the hope, that maybe somebody can heal Priya), she can only talk with sign language, BUT Aaron talks TOO MUCH. Pura Priya has to listen him x”D base pose by @snuffysbox Priya & Aaron by me
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d4sgl4s · 3 years
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ben: i’m not clingy
also ben:
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truegalacticprince · 7 years
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Why do I hurt the things I love? Also the base I used is from snuffysbox.tumblr.com #snufkinwashere #snuffysbox #myart #my_art #oc #originalcharacter #spacebabies #drawthesquad #otp #the_knul
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kristentackett · 7 years
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Was going to draw @therealjacksepticeye and @markiplier based off of this image but I was having issues with Mark so here’s a bored Jack instead. I’m also trying some new shading colors for skin and eyes.
Go check out Snuffy!
Please do not edit or repost.
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tacofae · 7 years
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Used snuffybox’s base because this is totally something Lucas does when I tease him and he does this to tease back
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