#So almost Roz hi I stumbled upon them
fanficwriter284 · 2 years
So I wanted to write something for @twyz Roz's !Tiff Vamp AU! And I feel like I'm in the zone since I've been writing ALOT about my Kingdom AU hehehe....Sorry about writting about it so mcuh but I'm obsessed with it..... So here a little quick write
The moon was at it's apex gleaming down upon the lonesome village, where the dead oak trees rustled, and the crows squawked from their branches. There was home to Charles Lee Ray, a common man, with unusual hobbies he tended to in the dead of night, where he scored his low income. His only friend, Eddie Caputo, providing some sort of belonging to the run downtown, since Charles Lee Ray was a nobody...a lost soul.
The cool midnight winds blew through his brown locks, as stared to the castle that stood high and mighty in the distance. The structure seemed almost like it was out of a fairytale, however it posed much more intimidation in the cover of darkness. Legends say no one has ever returned, from that very castle. Rumors of a beast lurking within its walls guarding treasure.
The blue-eyed man jumped up startled, by Eddie.
"It's not worth it, you've heard the stories....no man has ever come back out...."
He remained silent, fiddling his thumbs. He was desperate, he could no longer continue the path he was on, barely making it through to the next day, it simply wasn't worth it, and the supposed treasure was his only chance.
"I'm going....there's nothing you can do to stop me"
Eddie retracted his hand from his friend's shoulder, knowing fully there was nothing he could do to change his mind. Eddie knew it was a suicide mission, but he couldn't leave his friend.
"I'm going with you then....well atleast to the front gate..."
Charles turned his head with a grin raising a brow.
"Thank you Ed"
The two stumbled through the dark forest, the trees seemed to stare down at them, almost warning them to turn back, the vines hanging down attempting to hold them back. They had been sliced down by Chucky with his blade.
They finally reached it... no turning back now.
"Well......this is were we part ways"
"Yeah....it is"
The two exchange a farewell glance, giving each other a nod of understanding.
Charles ventured inward, down the gaping hallway, full of statues, that looked to be glaring down at him. Tell him that he wasn't wanted in their domain. He felt his stomach tighten, twisting into sailor knots, and his heart thumping in his chest. He paused momentarily hearing some sort of wisping noise. He felt his blood run cold, however despite turning back he pressed on forward.
He turned to stone, seeing a faint glow coming from the stair well. He was unable to move frozen in fear. It was a woman, carrying candles, she wore a black silk like dress, that seemed to be laced with cobwebs giving it a faint shine. Her eyes like emerald, and her hair blonde and worn upward.
The two locked eyes, his ice burg crystal like ones, locking with her emerald ones. Before he could move, he was pinned against the wall. Before he could utter a phrase, he had a set of sharp fangs bared at him with hissing filling his red ears. He somehow managed to shove her off him, and he bolted.
"I love a good chase"
He once again was tackled by the fanged woman, and this time he stabbed her in the shoulder, with his blade, his attempt proved useless against her and only seeing to anger her.
He only received another hiss as a response. He once again shoved her off him, but this time stood his ground. Which caused the blonde to circle him, curious to see what his next move would be. She found his attempt to fend her off him rather amusing. She managed to get a bit of his blood on her index finger, which excited her.
"What the hell are you"
"Better question would be who"
"....fine who the hell are you"
"Tiffany, and you're in my castle."
He froze once he saw her, licked the crimson off her finger and moan in delight.
"You taste awfully sweet"
"Now who are you?"
"Charles......Charles Lee Ray"
"Hm Charles.....doesn't seem to suit you....."
After about an hour the two had gotten used to each other. Tiffany questioned him all about the village, and what led him to risk his life to invade her castle. Hearing his response, the sliver of humanity she had felt pity for him. Charles questioned her about her life, and was shocked to learn she knew nothing, not an ounce of her past.
"Can I ask you a question...."
"What is it"
"Why haven't you.....eatten me"
".....I find you amusing......you're not like the rest....you didn't cower away Charles Lee Ray"
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spearcast · 5 years
SO  i finally finished the Roz Rundown as i’ve been calling it, the general correct timeline and story lines of Roz as to where i’ve gotten here. i’m putting it under the cut. she LONG so if ya’ll read this i apologize
Born alongside her twin sister on Tatooine to mother Yvait Pabura. Roz is born with yellow eyes like her father. Both twins have their mother’s brown hair. Lyn, however, has regular brown eyes. Both have sharp canines.
THE DEFINING INCIDENT;  at the age of four, Roz kills a Zygerrian slaver with the Force in defense of her and her sister, and Force-chokes another in defense of her new adopted togruta mother, Roxxa Vela. Her birth mother killed the Zygerrian slaver with her slugthrower rifle and buried both of them in the sandy yard away from the farm.
When Roz turned eight, four years after said defining incident, Luke Skywalker showed up on their doorstep. Well- in reality, he had been showing up on the Pabura farm’s doorstep and talking with Yvait, and visiting the children. It was just that at eight, Yvait gave both Roz and Lyn the option to go with Luke and train at his Jedi temple on Dantooine. Lyn was unsure, and hesitant; ultimately, the “elder” twin declined and wished to stay with her mothers all year round. Roz, however, at the pushing of her best friend Jhoren and the encouragement from Luke himself, jumped at the chance to train with the legendary Skywalker.
Roz trains with Luke and the other padawans until she’s 12. Through these years she returns to Tatooine every other season so she can still keep close with her family. She’s transported by friends of the Harsh family (Yvait’s mother’s family), the Taaks- Nesota, T’seri, and their hybrid daughter Tabiit. This creates a bond between the Taaks and Roz, especially as Tabiit becomes sort of an older sister to the girl.
The year that Roz is 12 is the year Ben goes fucking crazy. “Canon” says he didn’t kill anyone, but in actuality he did. The transformation from Ben Organa-Solo into Kylo Ren is a bloody one, and Roz stumbles out of her hut to be greeted by the dead bodies of her fellow students, everything in flames, the Knights of Ren, the three or so remaining padawans at Ben’s side, and Ben- with his hands bloody and his lightsaber reddening, extending those bloody hands to her. He asks her to trust him and come with her, where she’ll be safe. And she almost takes his hand but after feeling the rush of cold come off of him and the others she turns and jumps into the ocean despite not knowing how to swim. She manages to survive despite being hurled against the rocks at the bottom of the cliff; she gets herself into an eroded alcove and only after she feels the lot of them leave, begins climbing the steep steps that lead her back up. Luke is distraught, sobbing, screaming at the bodies of all of the fallen- when he senses Roz, and goes to her, and the two embrace and cry and mourn and he promises her he’s going to get her to safety. He’s going to get her home. In his hidden escape ship he calls Leia and Han, he calls Yvait, he calls Nesota for back up just in case those who did this to his temple return.
They’re just leaving Dantooine’s atmosphere when his ship is attacked by Alrai Kal’eeb, Roz’s biological father, and his crew of pirates and slavers. The Order is offering big money to anyone who can find any force sensitive kids and bring them to Snoke (and his new pet). Luke will always define this as his final great failing- after failing all of the padawans at his temple, he feels he failed Roz by not saving her from her father’s clutches.
Alrai Kal’eeb being a stupid, ugly man doesn’t realize as he and his buds are jetting away from Luke’s damaged ship that the Amazon and the Taaks family are there to kick ass and take names. In the skirmish while the ships are connected, Tabiit finds Roz and rescues her and carries her back to the Amazon where they disconnect with Nesota and T’seri and flee to safety. (T’seri goes back for Luke in their personal ship and takes Luke to where Leia and Han are.) Roz, after going back to Tatooine to her family who is crying and so, so happy she’s safe, decides to fly with the Taaks for a little while and offer her service to them for saving her life. They agree, also because staying in one location would draw too much attention and they don’t want the Order to track her down. At fourteen, two years later, they return to Tatooine so Roz can go back to her family.
This is a mistake though! If only because that’s when Roz stumbles upon her farm under siege by the Order. Ren and Hux and Phasma are at the helm for the first times in their lives in the Order and they’ve got Roxxa and Yvait tied up and on their knees before Ren and Hux. Lyn is nowhere to be found. Hux ends up shooting both Roxxa and Yvait and Roz does the smart, terribly scarred thing to do and runs back to the Taaks.
Roz transforms. She is no longer Roz Nuun Pabura. She is now Roz Sunborne. The Taaks take care of her and Roz stays with Tabiit when she pairs up with an old friend, Corellian and Mandalorian bounty hunter and space pirate, Rhys Th’on. The trio bond and help each other. It’s within the next two years that Roz also is gifted the Taaks’ family heirloom connected to the Force- the lava crystal lightsaber belonging to their great grandmother Aremna Taaks, who was a Jedi but left the Order bc she wanted a FAMBILY. (Aremna Taaks may or may not be a technical sister or cousin of Ahsoka Tano.) The lightsaber calls to her and Roz /loves/ it. This is in addition to the one she built at Luke’s temple (the one with the krayt dragon pearl as the crystal which is a silvery-yellow color).
Roz needs a teacher! So she, Tabiit, and Rhys search out the vibes Roz is getting and they meet up with Ahsoka Tano, Sabine Wren, and Ezra Bridger. Roz has THREE teachers. Well, two technically, but Sabine loves her and teaches her what she can because fuck it. Fuck it. Roz gets to be trained by the coolest motherfuckers. Die mad about it if you’re mad about it. This info will most likely shift a little when the Ahsoka & Sabine Hunt Down Ezra show eventually comes out.
Roz is 17 when she starts hunting down Kylo. She’s still 17 when she decides to join the Order for a bit after dabbling with the Resistance also. She is technically a double agent via Leia’s orders but she still is doing it for selfish reasons.
It’s a stint of a year and a half with the Order before she gets hit with reality and accidentally kills Kosmik’s aunt and is only praised for it by Kylo. This disturbs her greatly! So deeply! It’s after this that the Siege of Quarzite happens and while at first Roz is like !!!! FUCK YEA it’s then revealed the Order wanted to essentially kidnap the Kage people because of their prowess as warriors and turn them into enslaved soldiers. Roz is like oh wow I fucked up!! In this time she starts getting really strong with the Force and almost rips some of the Knights of Ren apart during training the last time before she yeets out of the Order. Kylo is like… she’s just fucking mad it’s whatever. OG Ren Ren (aka original Ren?? I’ve only read a little about him but he seems interesting and weird I like him) is like… nah man she’s Different. (This would be the spot in the story where it’s starting to hint at Roz being the descendant of Revan.)
She kills her dad somewhere in that year and a half also. That story is really good and it’s when she’s found by Tabiit and Rhys before Kylo finds her and it’s. It’s good. Roz’s patricide is actually meaningful and not horrible and it’s a moving on point. It’s one of the reasons she starts becoming herself rather than living in Kylo’s shadow still. Baby’s growing up.
Roz leaves the Order! She’s so fucking lost! There’s a funny story in here somewhere where Hux actually assists in her escape because he a) hates her fucking guts and b) wants to see Ren suffer and c) is almost completely sure she has none of the Order’s information which is……. Wrong. But. She doesn’t have enough info to stop what happens in TLJ I guess. Might rewrite some stuff. But this is also where her story starts pulling away from the main line. Roz really doesn’t want to associate with Kylo ever again, she hates him a lot more than she could ever love him, and she just gets ANGRIER but she gets angrier with a PASSION and a FIRE and an UNDERSTANDING of how she feels. No more vague feelings and no more wanting to save him.
She’s like 19-20 when she gets a vision of her Aunt Cora (her dad’s sister, Kage warrior mama) and also of a woman who may or may not be Shmi Skywalker reminding her that Jhoren is on Tatooine and that he needs help breaking the slave trade once and for all. She calls in anyone she’s met within the past years- which, again, somewhere in there the Amazon gets her crew and is joined by Khorde Khell and his ships (the Tuskat Retribution, the Revenant Concordia, and the Zakkeg Bolide) as well as gathers the Teal Squadron and the like; somewhere in there she meets and loves up on Miss Badass Senator of Coruscant Lenore Baccre Moorheart and also somewhere in there dearest Lenore becomes a FORCE to be RECKONED WITH (Padme would be proud mama ILU so much).
The Crew Stage A Slave Revolt On Tatooine. They Kill A Lot Of Slavers. They Kill A Lot Of Hutts. Goodbye Hutts. Tatooine Belongs To The Sand People Now. And The Criminals. And The Slaves Most Of All Because They Are Not Slaves Anymore. Fuck You Star Wars Tatooine Has No More Slaves. There Was No Bargain Bitches!!!!!!
Uhhhh also Roz gets really fucked up when Luke dies. She feels it in her bones. She gets kinda confused when Kylo dies tho. She’s like…. Yay? But Also??? Screaming??
When Luke dies Roz has a meeting with his force ghost on Tatooine during a binary sunset because I’m emo. That’s Her Dad. Like Her Real Dad. Fuck that other guy. But also Roz is like wait have you blue hallucinations always been force ghosts??? And Luke is like ALWAYS?? Turns out Roz’s special connection to the Force is being able to talk really easily with the Force ghosts!! Fuck those 5 minutes Rey had with all of them- Roz even talks to ANAKIN even though she doesn’t realize who it is. She talks to him a lot, actually. (They’re very similar okay??? OKAY??? I know it’s super OP but let me live, she’s Special alright, she’s my Special Little Baby Who Talks To Ghosts And Kills Things)
So like… she helps the Resistance return the Kage to Quarzite where they create their own happy peaceful empire, she reunites with Lyn because Lyn doesn’t die in this one!! Haha retcon. We still kill their moms tho sadly. But like!! Yay the Galaxy is at Peace!! Oh ALSO Roz is the descendant of Ancient Sith Lord Darth Revan and Badass Bitch Bastila Shan. Roz is like IDK who those people are but cool cool I guess.
Then she returns to the Temple on Dantooine and discovers the ruins of the Jedi Enclave and finds a MASK and turns out Roz is haunted cause she gets fucked up by all of the Force Ghosts who tell her some SHIT is coming but she’s like ???? Why?????? Everything is PEACEFUL why can’t it STAY peaceful???
And then BAM Sith Lord Hyaljenasha “Yaljen” sith pureblood who has been frozen for thousands of years (was around when Revan was around, just not powerful then) and when he awakes he’s like….. That’s a Revanchist force signature singing if I’ve ever FELT one! And he’s like…. Obsessed with Roz a little but he wants to train her
He’s got novitiates which are like his apprentices but he’s so technically old (even tho physically he’s closer to Roz’s age, so like between 22 and 27) that he doesn’t believe in the rule of two lmfao. He’s got Nevtay Strake who’s an Umbaran force sensitive, she’s a snooty bitch who wants everything to burn. He’s got Johaale Garnak who’s Chiss and unfortunately not force sensitive, but they’re a boss ass motherfucker who knows how to fight with weapons especially a lightsaber. They’re cool. Like. Chaotic neutral. Not even evil wtf. He’s also got Carnhea Wellew, a twi’lek woman who is supposed to be a juxtaposition to Roz- they’re very similar, Carnhea has been through some shit and is angry because of it and she needed direction with her immense force abilities. Yaljen is that direction for all three of them! They Love Him a lot and are Way Too Attached to him and while he cares about them also he kinda becomes one-track-minded when Roz Revandescendant comes into play cause he’s like…. Whew…. Wipe me off the face of the GALAXY please. Lemme teach you. Please.
The reason they’ve gone undetected since Yaljen’s awakening is bc he was like…… WOW the force is fucked up now. It wasn’t this fucked up when I went under. We gotta lay low. Gotta literally keep the Force close to the chest here. So they fly under the radar! Amazingly enough!
This is where I’ve gotten. Roz and the crew are like….. HM….. Yaljen is very kinda scary and he has a hold on a lot of strings that we don’t know about but we can’t kill him outright bc he’s so powerful and has powerful darkside followers and also fuckin Johaale who’s a batshit talented motherfucker…
Roz is like. Teach? Him teach? I learn his secrets and destroy him? And everyone at first is like you just didn’t get to do that to Kylo so you want to do that to Yaljen but then they realize it’s probably for the best to wait it out until they can get like. HELP.
Roz has training stints with Yaljen. Yaljen sexy! Roz is like Hm. Yaljen adores Roz and is very patient with her and is very kind and reassuring and Roz is like HM.
Poe and Finn are also gay I’m making canon now. I say this because they appear sometimes! As the heads of the Resistance as it stands they interact quite a bit with all of the squad. Sometimes there are double dates with FinnPoe and Jhorhys (Rhys and Jhoren), sometimes triple dates including ChorZeebs. It’s cute!
IDK where to go from here so I’m just gonna…… leave this all here for now
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alittlestarling · 7 years
purely academic
A short one-shot I wrote months ago and recently edited. Featuring Rosalind and Solas having a bit of a disagreement about magic in the Hinterlands. Guest-starring @rhetoricalrogue ‘s sons, Vincent and Rolfe briefly.
“A circle mage is restricted from what I can see and learns from fear rather than fact.” There was something about Solas’s voice and how it grated on Rosalind’s nerves. Why she had agreed to trekking out towards this ancient artifact he had claimed to ‘sense’ was beyond her, but she was trying to be a team player. Vincent wasn’t far behind them, helping a few of their recruits make it back to the safety of camp, but Roz and Solas had elected to move ahead. Initially the fellow apostate had intrigued her, especially with his differing views of magic.
Now, however, she was regretting her choice.
Instead she found herself gritting her teeth against the arrogance and smugness that oozed from him as he spoke of things he did not understand. The midday sun and her need to snack on something soon didn’t exactly help matters either.
“I doubt you can be a good judge of the Circle when you’ve never experienced it,” Roz couldn’t help the bite behind her words or the sharp edge that laced her tone as she paused to pluck fresh elfroot from the ground.
“True, I have not experienced it,” Solas conceded a moment, but he didn’t stop there, “but that does not mean I’m wrong about it. The Circle fears what it does not understand and teaches that as the basis of their magic rather than control of understanding of the magic that lies just beyond the veil.”
That was also annoying. “And how would you suggest teaching mages, oh wise one?” Fine, she could have been a little less sarcastic, but her temper was seeing a steady rise as they paused, ducking behind a few rocks, watching as bandits patrolled past. It may not have been the best idea, strategically, to send two mages without backup into the field, but Roz would have preferred to fight the bandits rather than try to understand Solas.
To his credit, he didn’t miss the blatant sarcasm that dripped from her words, but he also didn’t rise to her baiting. “Perhaps if you and your Chantry taught that magic wasn’t meant to be feared,” He hissed under his breath, both of their eyes watching as the bandits paused and then continued on, allowing them to dart away and into cover again, “and learned to exist peacefully with magic. It’s not all demons and danger beyond the veil.”
“Pardon you, but have you never been tempted by one?” Roz argued softly, blowing a strand of red that had escaped her braid away from her face. “If you had ever gone through a Harrowing, you might say differently.” Her own had been particularly mild, all things considered: a desire demon had told her she might be beautiful, but Roz hadn’t taken the bait. Others hadn’t been so lucky when they were confronted with the spirits and demons that lay beyond the veil.
“No, but I know that demons are merely spirits whose intents have been twisted beyond their true purpose. There’s-” and he paused a moment with the briefest hint of hesitation, “-or well, there may be a way for all to exist peacefully together to prevent places like the Circle from existing.”
“You’re speaking theoretically,” Roz snorted derisively, “it’s purely academic that anything like that could be possible.”
“I have seen it-” Solas began but Roz cut him off at the pass.
“Where, the Fade?” She huffed, irritated with the typical response she heard from him. “I’ve seen quite a lot in the fade, and very little of it remains true.” Pausing to catch her breath before they tackled the next hill, she met his gaze steadily. “I get it, you look down on Circle mages, you don’t have to beat around the bush and come up with compelling arguments against my education.”
“I am merely pointing out a lapse in it, not a complete lack of it.” Solas replied, his own tone just as sharp as hers. Yet he did not raise his voice. “That does not imply that I look down on you or the Herald for your background.”
“How terribly kind of you,” Roz murmured dryly. “There’s still the fact that you have told me, for the last quarter mile I might add, just what I am missing from my own knowledge base, all of which you have never had or experienced yourself.” Her eyes narrowed slightly, starting her pace again. “Just where did you say you learned your magic?”
He didn’t reply, picking up speed as they neared their destination. “It’s close,” he mumbled, Roz barely catching herself as he stopped (and she nearly ran into his back). “We should wait for the Herald to catch up with the others. Who knows what might be beyond the cave entrance.”
“Fine,” It wasn’t any trouble for Roz as she plopped down on a log, grateful it didn’t sink beneath her weight. That had already happened once before and she knew she would hear Sera’s gleeful cackle for a long time because of it. She never meant it in an unkind way; Sera was simply young and also blessed with a lithe frame that Roz knew she’d never have. They were an odd bunch so far; not that Roz was complaining, but she still wasn’t sure how any of them fit into the organization as a whole.
“You don’t know much about how magic works within the Circle,” Roz began, filling the silence between them, “so let me be the first to tell you that you shouldn’t judge us so harshly. Do you know what happens to mages who can't control their powers or who don't learn to respect the things beyond your precious veil? They die, become tranquil, are cut from their lives. I've seen enough of it to know that to be certain."
“You lost someone?” He asked, an innocent question with heavy connotations.
“I’ve lost many people, Solas.” Some to the grip of the Circle, some to the temptations of the fade and still many more in search of their freedom that they only found with death.
They were silent for longer than Roz anticipated. Solas had this strange ability to go still, his body unmoving in a state of tranquility that Roz had never been able to master. Spirit magic, she thought, recognizing the faint hint of magic in the air, her gaze shifting from him to the expanse before her. Hills, trees, grass and more fighting than anyone wanted to see. Things were starting to calm down since both the renegade templars and more radical rebel mages had been stopped, but this land was still far too embroiled in turmoil for her liking.
So lost in her own thoughts, she almost missed the arrow as it came whistling through the air. There was a shout of her name and Roz glanced up in time to throw up a shimmering blue barrier. “Shit!” She snarled, standing as a small group of highwaymen stumbled upon her and Solas. “Shit, shit, shit!”
There was something to be said about battle magic that she had never quite learned until her months spent on the run among the rebels. A rhythm and flow that she had stumbled over and nearly gotten herself killed over. Compassion and kindness were tools she could employ when she was with the people more gravely affected by the war around them; as much as she wanted to see these men and women as human beings, first and foremost, she knew that if they were given the chance, she would be lying in a pool of her own blood.
So Roz learned to fight without mercy in the hills and along the trails. Staying alive in the heat of battle was far better than having the higher ground but dead because of it.
Her stave gripped in her hands, Roz called forth fire from within, channeling the magic that she knew best within the depths of her soul. Solas worked with ice as he frozen and zapped while she roared and scorched the earth around her.
Despite whatever disagreements they were having, Roz had to admit that he was skilled with his magic. Perhaps trained differently with a little more wild magic that coiled out from under his control, but powerful nonetheless. There wasn’t any time to pause and perhaps reevaluate her own tactics as she smelled the faint traces of smoke, not from her own scorching but unnatural and faintly medicinal.
Roz had yet to master turning quickly. The scent of soot and nightshade caught her off-guard as she stumbled away from the dual daggers that were thrust towards her. One of the blades sliced into her sleeve, though it didn’t draw blood as she retracted her hand quickly. She had her stave up, blocking what she could as she mustered up mana to hopefully send the assassin flying away.
She felt it first rather than spotted it. It was a familiar tension in the air, a bow strung taut as she took in a breath and recognized a spell coming her way. She knew this magic and snarled fire from her fingertips as lightning struck at her feet. The assassin sizzled and collapsed, leaving the last of the bandits dealt with.
“Talk about dramatic timing,” Roz teased Vincent, who was hurrying across the field towards her and Solas. “Has anyone told you that you could spare just a few moments before things get dire before you make a grand entrance?”
“Dramatic timing runs in the blood,” Rolfe Trevelyan drawled as Vincent snorted. Ignoring his half brother, the Herald reached out to grasp her arm.
“You’re not hurt? I saw him-” He attempted to lift the frayed sleeve up to check and Roz drew back quickly.
“I’m fine, promise, not a scratch on me,” She replied, perhaps a little too quickly. Her stomach knotted though at the thought of what he might discover, dizzy with the implications that lay there. “Well, except for nearly getting sizzled by lightning, but I think I’ll survive that one.”
Solas was watching her though, a strange look on his face as the group gathered to loot what they could off the dead. Roz adjusted her sleeve, attempting to keep her arms covered. Her heart was pounding in her ears as she bent to grasp another bunch of elfroot to add to her growing collection.
His hand was cool on her skin and Roz flinched. “It seems I’m not the only one experimenting in what many believe should be purely academic.” It was a statement of fact, not an accusation, but his gaze said it all without him needing to breathe a word.
“Don’t.” She steeled herself for any rebuttals he might have, a snarl on her lips. She had done what it took to survive; she wasn’t going to let him tell her otherwise. But, for one of the first times, he surprised her and took away the sharp edges for a moment.
Solas said nothing. Instead, he let go of her arm and stepped away. Straightening himself, he turned to Vincent. “The artifact is nearby. When you’re ready, I think moving to it will be our best course of action.”
Roz still didn’t like him. But at least she had a feeling that she wouldn’t get any trouble from him about this. The rest was left to be seen.
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forbiddenwords · 8 years
Strangers When We Meet (Chapter 3)
Written By: luvbowieluvr Rated M for Strong sex scenes Trigger Warnings: Gun references Fandom: Real Person Fiction
During a terrible storm, a unlikely friendship forms between Bowie and an amazed fan who stumbles upon the star in an unusual place. But something isn’t quite right….
Previous Chapters
As soon as she felt the sun warming her face, Rosalyn forgot about the little tavern and tilted her head to allow the cool breeze to run through her hair. She was still holding Bowie’s hand as they walked up the ramp and onto the street. It was a beautiful day, despite the storm’s obvious havoc of felled trees strewn about the area.
Stepping over a fallen branch, she leaned into the rock star and he put his arm around her shoulder. Rosalyn slid her arm around his waist and they walked like two lovers on their way to be married. They stopped just outside of an alley to allow a cleanup crew to drive by, there was a lot to do after such a storm.
“Hungry?” ventured Bowie.
“I could eat,” grinned Rosalyn. Bowie smiled back.
“I know this great place,” he said. Rosalyn nodded, of course he did.
“Lead the way,” she gestured to the now clear road in front of them. Bowie turned to cross it, but a sound made them both hesitate. It sounded like a woman sobbing. “Help me,” she could be heard, her voice trembling with terror. Rosalyn looked at Bowie, who had taken several steps back.
“We should make sure she’s okay,” said Rosalyn, “we can’t just go. She may need an ambulance.” But Bowie just looked more skittish than ever and turned away.
“Oh come on,” urged Rosalyn, “she’s calling for help, she’s not going to hurt us.” Bowie looked back at Rosalyn, he clearly did not want to go into the alley and his demeanor told her as much.
“Roz,” he started, “what if it’s not safe?”
“All the more reason to help the poor woman!,” Rosalyn insisted, “what if she has an ill baby? Suppose she’s pregnant?”
Bowie fidgeted with his cigarette lighter before nervously taking a few tentative steps forwards again. “Alright,” he relented, “but I really think this is a bad idea.”
Rosalyn started walking towards the sobbing sound, Bowie hung back for a moment or two more before catching up to her and taking the lead. Rosalyn didn’t mind, but he really didn’t have to be so brave - it was just a sobbing woman.
“I don’t mean to take you out of your comfort zone,” she apologized, “big star like you should never have to walk into a back alley… ” She looked at him as he glanced back to her, again she saw a brief expression of hurt in his eyes but he masked it so quickly.
“I think we’re getting close,” he said softly.
The sobbing woman gasped at the sound of his voice. “Who is there?” she cried out, almost frantic with panic, “please d-don’t hurt me!”
“We’re not going to hurt you,” Rosalyn called back, catching up to Bowie, who had stopped walking by then. She followed his gaze down to some trash cans, where a pile of rags suddenly turned into a bedraggled woman. She was filthy and her clothes were torn. She was bleeding from scratches all over her body and she was soaking wet.
“Oh my goodness!,” Rosalyn slowly walked towards her, “were you out in that storm last night?”
The woman nodded. “I was,” she shivered, still crouched into a ball, “but that’s n-not why I’m calling for help.”
“Then why..?” Rosalyn started to ask, but was interrupted by the snap of a twig. They all looked around and saw a man standing in the shadows, he had come out of hiding - and he had a gun. The sobbing woman screamed as the gunman stepped closer.
“What do you want?” demanded Rosalyn, trying to be bold but her voice was as shaky as her hands.
“Anything you got,” replied the man, calm and menacing, “money, jewellery… Bitch had nothin’ ” He gestured to the sobbing woman, who had apparently lost all her valuables in the storm. Rosalyn felt herself turn pale, she didn’t wear jewels and she certainly wasn’t carrying any money! The only thing of any value here was …
“David Bowie,” the man turned now to Bowie, “I know you.” A very sinister look came across his face. Bowie was looking quite like he was about to run for it, but he kept glancing at Rosalyn and her stomach sank as she realized he wouldn’t leave her to save himself.
“I could get loads for you,” the man went on, pointing his weapon at Bowie now, “never had a hostage before.” He seemed to be thinking about it, weighing his options. Rosalyn’s mind was racing almost as fast as her heart, how were they going to get out of this?
Almost as if on cue, the man started to lower his gun to the ground. His eyes stared past Bowie, to something unknown behind them. Rosalyn watched curiously as he placed the gun slowly onto the ground and started to back away, but what could have possibly made him do such a thing?
“Yo Bowie,” came a voice that made them both start, “y’alright dude?”
They turned at the same time, only to see another gunman - only his gun was a lot bigger. Rosalyn’s eyes grew big and Bowie swallowed a lump in his throat, nodding slowly with his gaze fixed on the gun.
“Good t’know,” said the latest arrival, keeping his sights aimed at the first gunman, “now git outta here.”
Rosalyn watched, stunned as the bedraggled woman stood up instantly and ran for her life, screaming hysterically. She snapped out of it and grabbed Bowie’s arm, pulling him along as she speed-walked to the street. Bowie stumbled at first, but soon matched her pace, not bothering to look back.
Quite a crowd had gathered by now, so Rosalyn had to do some pushing and squeezing through. At last they were walking again, side by side but not touching. Rosalyn felt so guilty, it was all her fault and she wouldn’t blame him if he ditched her right now. Or if he shouted at her, or anything at all.
“Are you really okay?” she repeated the question that had been asked before, but she searched his eyes for a more honest reply from Bowie, who had remained silent throughout the entire frightening ordeal.
“Nothing some new underwear won’t fix,” came his answer, but Rosalyn saw through the crooked smile to the sheer terror in his eyes.
“I am so, so sorry,” she apologized profusely, “I should never have made you come with me into that alley, it could’ve ended so much worse!”
“Roz,” Bowie stopped walking and turned to her, stopping her in her tracks, “we’re alive, you couldn’t have known that was going to happen… ” Rosalyn shook her head, the tears beginning to flow down her cheeks.
“But you did,” she whispered, “you didn’t want to go in there, you didn’t want to and I insisted!”
Bowie put his arms around her and drew her into his perfect embrace, Rosalyn felt so safe and warm in his arms and she knew she could have stayed there forever. She felt her shaking subside and realized that he was still shaking, how selfish had she been not to notice he was still terrified? Rosalyn drew back from him and looked into his eyes, she knew a good way to calm such fragile nerves.
She took him by the hand.
“Where can we be alone?” she asked him, giving his hand a comforting squeeze.
“We could go to Mike’s place,” Bowie suggested after a moment, “he’s never home.” Rosalyn nodded and let herself be led off to some tall apartment buildings. Once inside, Bowie took to the stairs and Rosalyn followed. “Who is Mike anyway?” she questioned him.
“A good friend,” replied Bowie, scanning the numbers on the doors as they walked along a hallway, “he won’t mind me coming here.”
“What about me?” asked Rosalyn, unable to stop herself from smiling as she watched him stand in front of a certain door and search his pockets for a key, “are you allowed to have a friend over?”
Bowie found the key, but it took him a few moments to get it into the lock - his hands were still trembling. Rosalyn felt another pang of guilt. The door opened and they stepped inside, locking it shut behind them.
“Of course,” replied Bowie, “don’t worry, he’s cool.“  He set the key down onto a glass coffee table and slowly sank into the large, plush sofa. Rosalyn settled down beside him, resting her head on his shoulder and rubbing his thigh with her hand.
Bowie sighed and leaned back into the sofa, his trembling seemed to have almost vanished now. Rosalyn watched as his eyes closed, her hand creeping up under his shirt and she started to draw little circles on his bare chest with her fingers. He didn’t resist, so she ventured a little more by starting to kiss his neck and shoulder softly.
“Hmm,” Bowie murmured, “that feels nice.”
Rosalyn could feel him relax, she knew all along that familiar surroundings would help him tremendously and although they had both had a very scary ordeal only an hour or two ago, she could feel the tension lifting almost instantly now. Suddenly, Bowie opened his eyes and pulled away from her.
“I have to shower,” he said shortly, standing up and rushing off into the bathroom. Rosalyn was a little puzzled, had she done something to upset him? She heard the water running and slowly stood up, making her way to the bathroom and stepping inside. Closing the door behind her, she turned and raked his naked body with her eyes as the hot water streamed over him.
A nice, hot shower was good for the nerves but she also figured he might feel a little unclean from their encounter this morning too. Rosalyn looked sadly at Bowie, he was leaning against the wall and some slight shuddering racked his body every now and then. She walked over to him and stepped into the shower, placing one hand around behind him and cupping his face with the other to draw him into a kiss.
Bowie responded and kissed her right back, they drew apart for a moment and gazed into one another’s eyes. He looked down and smiled, then he gave a little chuckle. Rosalyn grinned back, but was stumped.
“What?” she beamed, “what’s so funny?”
“Your clothes,” replied Bowie. Rosalyn looked down.
“Oh!,” she chuckled too, “oh no, they’re soaked!.”  She quickly took them off and tossed them into the laundry basket, then turned back to Bowie and slid the shower door closed. Rosalyn looked at Bowie as the hot water ran over them both and he was admiring her body, running his hand down her side and over her thighs.
She leaned back against the wall and parted her legs as he slipped his fingers down into her sensitive area. Her mouth opened and she moaned, half of it muffled by his kiss as he captured her tongue with his own. Her arms wrapped around him as he slid two fingers deep inside of her, deepening the kiss with more passion than before.
His thumb began to touch a very particular place, just on the very edge of her clit and she broke the kiss to moan and buck her hips in response. “Roz,” Bowie breathed huskily, kissing her neck and shoulder with open mouthed kisses.
“I want you,” Rosalyn almost whimpered, “oh… God, I need you!” She gasped as his fingers were replaced with his erection pressing into her, she relaxed her muscles as she had earlier and allowed him to slide deep inside of her slowly, inch by inch.
Bowie moaned a familiar way and she knew he was fully within her now, she hitched one leg around his waist and gripped onto him tightly, their bodies pressed together under the beating water of the shower. Their lips met once more in a fiery duel of their tongues, Bowie supported her with one arm wrapped around her and one hand under her backside.
As he glided his long, thick shaft in and out of her, she matched his movements and then broke the kiss to throw back her head and call his name. He responded by sucking at her throat, tonguing and kissing with heated desire for more of her moans.
Rosalyn felt a build up and her cries of pleasure grew slightly higher in pitch, then became more animalistic as she shook almost violently into orgasm. Her inner muscles clamped and massaged Bowie’s hard member as they pulsed, causing him to lose himself in his own orgasm shortly after hers.
“Roz,” he breathed, then gave a short gasp right before he came deep inside of her, “oh… uhn… ” His breathing was rapid and short, but he held onto her as Rosalyn rode his orgasm with her second one. Out of breath, they both leaned against the walls of the shower.
After a moment of catching their breath, Rosalyn looked at Bowie and just adored him so much more.
Bowie was looking at her as if he’d just done something wrong, but she knew what he was thinking.
“If you were using me,” she assured him, “I was using you too.” Bowie chewed his bottom lip and smiled at her sheepishly.
“Twice in one day,” he said to her, “I don’t want you to think I’m a horn-dog.” Rosalyn smiled at him.
“Is that why you ran off to shower?” she asked him. He nodded and averted his gaze from her.
“Oh sweetie,” Rosalyn touched his face and he looked back at her, “if you get turned on by a woman touching you like I was, that doesn’t make you a horn-dog. It makes you a healthy, normal guy!” The smile she was rewarded with just then made her heart nearly stop. David Bowie didn’t want to be called a rock star, he just wanted to be … normal.
“Problem,” Rosalyn said softly. Bowie looked at her and inclined his head, then he smirked.
“You’ll just have to walk around the apartment nude,” he told her, “until your clothes are dry again.”
Rosalyn hit him playfully. “What if Mike comes back?” she asked.
Bowie shrugged. “Mike’s blind,” he answered.
A few moments later they were both seated at the table, Bowie fully clothed and Rosalyn wrapped in a bath towel.
“You’re just loving this, aren’t you?” she teased him.
Bowie shook his head. “I’m loving you,” he corrected her, making her heart miss a beat.
“What?” Rosalyn whispered.
Bowie placed his hand over hers, looking quite unsure of her reaction but very certain in what he was saying.
“I love you” he repeated.
Next Chapters
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spearcast · 7 years
Are you writing any fanfics as of right now? I enjoy your writing very much and am interested if there's anything new coming!
aaaaaaaa thank you so much!!! i’ve worked on quite a few things since the last thing i posted, but i’ve become ever insecure about my writing so i haven’t posted anything. as of right now i have like... five wips of stuff, ranging from self-shipping nonsense to oc stuff. here, i’m brave enough today to give a snippet from each!!
“if i were a scot, you’d be akin to janet”
essentially a sweeney/renata (my american gods oc previously named rhiannon) fic based upon the ballad of tam lin (a scottish fairytale) and it’s. sorta sappy and cute. my fav lines from it are as follows:
“Sweeney felt his lips quirk up involuntarily at Renata’s comment. It made his face prickle with heat. 
‘Would you look at that?’ Wednesday grumbled mockingly, “The madman’s brain is in his dick.’
‘I dunno, Wednesday, maybe his heart’s in his dick this time,' Shadow adds.”
“atlas can’t last forever”
a semi-angsty miles fic that’s (spoiler alert) made well in the end with she and ria having a healthy conversation and exchanging sweet kisses and cuddles
“And when she woke, her hands still seemed stained red, her skin still burning. Ria didn’t shift from where she was, but Miles could feel her heart beating. It was unnerving in the same way a car accident is. You can’t shake it- the weight of it all on your back.”
“kiss of eos/ as the dawn rises”
a roz-centric fic detailing the relationships she has between her two single-most possible-to-romance bffs- lenore baccre and jhoren starbringer. the first blooms into something more while the latter becomes just a very hardened friend-bond that’s almost impossible to be broken.
“Lenore’s eyes followed the sun cresting over the Coruscant skyline, Roz could see that even in the transmission’s separation. She’d never seen anything more beautiful.
‘I thought this sunrise was breathtaking,’ the senator practically whispers, ‘but that was before I met you.’ Roz's heart almost stopped in her chest. Lenore glanced over at the transmission feed, then threw her head back and laughed. ‘Was that too much?’
No, Roz thought, watching Lenore laugh as her hair bounced in the slight breeze. It was just enough.”
“the hatchet in her hands”
part of my ongoing loveletter to shelby saint, one of my more beloved ocs! after they flee the desert wastes and make it to the sandy pine forest they come across a hatchet. there’s fun mythos and worldbuilding in here that i really adore. it’s... actually sorta good so far.
“And when the Goddess drew her shoulders back, the desert weeped with heat, and the seas wailed with boiling. The hatchet came down, the land split in two, and the God with the Red Hands threw gold into the sky as stars to sit beside the Goddess in the Sun. 
‘Praise the gods,’ Bhavika sighs, watching Saint chop wood. ‘I’d kiss you if you weren’t offended, my darling Saint.’
The girl raises a brow; the Goddess laughed and brought cooling rain to all the lands and to the land of the Red Hands specifically. The thought didn’t offend Saint in any way shape or form, but her hands were busy, so she couldn’t sign it to say it.”
“a scavenger’s bite”
a rhea rumley fic! revolving around she and her mentors running into team voltron and having to deal with not only the coolness of meeting them, but of a close encounter w/ lotor and his squad who are after both team voltron AND the scavenging crew. nothing special, kinda very self indulgent, stupid self insert is stupid.
“Rhea stands between Lance and Lotor, an Altean sword gleaming in her hands; it’s hard to tell who exactly is more startled, but as soon as she swings the blade she catches the prince in a back and forth duel. She looks to be easily defeated- until she snatches her staff from her back and hits Lotor in the center, knocking him off balance, and giving her a moment to kick his stomach. He stumbles back- and Mhyrii unleashes a barrage of laser blasts from her heavy artillery, scattering the half-Galra generals and their prince. 
It’s a small victory, but one needed for the paladins to return to their feet, and to prepare for a hard fight.”
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