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Even in his dreams Asmo is a drama queen. Who wants to bet that Princess Asmo locked himself in that tower to get Solomon to rescue him?
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ruewrites · 3 years
Sky Full of Stars
Ship: Solomon/Asmo, Diavolo/Lucifer
Word Count: 2675
Warning: None
A/N: Happy Day 7 of Solodeus Week! I decided to combine both of the prompts Stars and Soulmates for today. I had a lot of fun participating and I hope that you all enjoyed! I loved seeing other people's work as well. I hope that this is something that continued to grow in the future! Comments are appreciated!
The posters had been hanging around RAD for months at this point. Tonight, shooting stars would fill the dark Devildom sky. All the students were buzzing about it and the rumor mill was running over time. Who asked out who? Did she really get rejected? Did he really think he had a chance? Did they make things official? Asmo made it his job to know all of the gossip. He had participated in his fair share when it came to rejections. It wasn’t his fault that he was beautiful and that people threw themselves at him because of it!
However, his rejections were coming a little harsher today than they had in days past. And that was due to the fact that the one person he actually wanted to ask him out hadn’t even made a move yet. He’d been pulling out all the stops too! He was spending extra time on his hair, did his make up extra special, and dropped a significant amount of grim on his nails. Yet Solomon seemed completely dense as to what Asmo was angling for.
Tonight was supposed to be a night of romance, the most romantic event of the century even! And he’d be damned if he was going to be left out of it all. What would people say if he, the Avatar of Lust himself, didn’t have a date to the star shower? It would be absolutely humiliating! But he didn’t want just anyone, he wanted Solomon.
Now here he was.
On the last day of classes before the big event.
And Solomon still hadn’t asked him.
Solomon had been locked away in the library, barely even responding to Asmo’s texts if at all. He hadn’t even bothered to have a decent conversation with him! But that wouldn’t stop him. It couldn’t stop him. He was going to spend the most romantic night of his life, with Solomon, alone at the star shower.
At least, that was the plan, until Lucifer gathered them all into the living room.
“What?” Asmo heard his own voice ring in chorus with his brothers.
Lucifer let out a sigh, “Lord Diavolo wants us all to meet so we can enjoy the stars together and before any of you can ask, no, you can’t get out of it. This is a mandatory event that we all will be attending together.”
Normally, Asmo would love attending one of Lord Diavolo’s little parties, but this wasn’t one of those normal times. So much for him having a romantic night alone with Solomon under the stars. Now he would be spending this wonderful night alone with his brothers.
To make matters worse, he had no doubt that Diavolo would be showering Lucifer with affection all night. Even if Lucifer was flustered and trying to change the subject, it would still be completely unfair. Asmo should be getting attention like that from Solomon. Instead he’d be watching Diavolo fawn over Lucifer all night and contemplating how he was going to explain that he hadn’t had a date.
He was a little more than crestfallen walking into the palace. He was more than prepared to wallow in his own pity the whole night until a familiar voice caressed his ear.
“-I mean, are you sure Barbatos?”
“Most certainly. I’d bet almost anything on it.”
Asmo’s head shot up. Solomon was deep in a conversation with Barbatos, the two didn’t seem to notice that the brothers had walked in yet. He would have gone over to him, but Asmo was completely caught off guard. By the time his mind had processed the situation before him, more figures were already greeting them.
“Oh, Simeon,” Lucifer said, “I didn’t realize you all would be here too.”
“Lord Diavolo thought it would be a wonderful idea if we all got together to enjoy the stars together. Luke was really excited to see them, and I thought it sounded like a marvelous idea.”
By the time Asmo looked back, both Solomon and Barbatos were gone.
So far, the night was going exactly how Asmo predicted it would. Lord Diavolo had whisked Lucifer away, not allowing him escape from whatever ministrations he had planned. Solomon should be paying attention to him like that now. He should be lavishing him in endless praise and adoration. Instead he was off who knows where with another one of their pact mates most likely. He slumped down into his seat, picking at whatever food was currently sitting in front of him. He wasn’t interested in eating. He wasn’t interested in doing too much of anything really.
“Asmodeus?” he hadn’t even realized Simeon sliding into the chair next to him, “Are you quite alright?”
Asmo looked at him for a moment before returning his attention to… whatever it was on his plate. “Oh just peachy. I love my partner ignoring me. All week. Not inviting me out to gaze at the beautiful stars falling from the sky. Like every other couple at RAD. It’s a wonderful feeling.”
Was he being passive aggressive?
Simeon cleared his throat and shifted in the seat next to him ever so slightly. He seemed a little taken aback by Asmo’s response. “Well, that uh… Certainly sounds like… Something,” how ironic it was that a writer was struggling to find his words, “In any case, would you like to accompany me?”
Asmodeus stopped playing with the food on his plate and slowly turned to Simeon with a raised eyebrow. “Accompany you?” he repeated, “Where?”
“Oh, you know… Around.”
This had to be one of the most painfully awkward conversations that he had ever had in his entire life if not the most painful. Simeon was still fidgeting in his seat and adjusting the high collar on his neck. He looked over to Lucifer’s blushing face as Diavolo rattled off yet another list of praises to him. Asmo couldn’t hear what he was saying, but he didn’t need to. His feelings would still be the same.
It was Solomon’s own fault that he wasn’t spending time with him.
“Alright then,” Asmo stood from his seat with a little more force than what was necessary, “Let’s go somewhere.”
Simeon led Asmo away from the crowd and down the long halls of the palace. Eventually they were in the palace gardens. And then they went deeper, and deeper, and deeper. If the castle hadn’t been so tall, Asmo surely would have lost sight of it. They walked for a little while longer in silence until they came to a wrought iron gate. To Asmo’s surprise, Barbatos was standing next to that gate.
“Good evening Asmodeus. Enjoying yourself so far?” he asked.
“Well, I- … No.”
“I see. Well I hope your night gets better,” he moved so that he was in front of the gate, and in one swift motion and a click of the lock it was open, “At this point we both will be leaving. Do enjoy yourself.”
Asmodeus was confused. Actually, confused may have been a severe understatement. But he still walked through, even as the door clicked shut behind him.
Beautiful flowers dotted the bushes on either side of him. The hedge walls twisted and turned leading him down the path under the light of the moon. Slowly, the trail widened leading him up a hill, and the scene certainly took him by surprise.
Solomon was there, a telescope behind him as he fidgeted with what Asmo assumed were last minute details. There was a blanket, a basket, and flowers in a vase in the center. At the sound of his footsteps, Solomon lifted his head and a smile spread across his face. Quickly he stood and made his way down to meet Asmo halfway. His arms were out wide for him but instead of running and embracing him, Asmo stopped right in front of him with his hands on his hips.
“Excuse me. Exactly what were you thinking?” Asmo asked.
Solomon stopped and blinked once, twice. “I- What?”
“You heard me,” Asmo huffed and leaned back, “You. Didn’t. Ask. Me. To. Come. Out. With. You. Tonight. I’d been waiting for you too since the posters came out Solomon! And you just never did! Do you have any idea how many people kept trying to get me to go with them? How many people I turned down? I just-” He let out a groan of frustration, throwing his hands onto his face. A small part of him was relieved, but he was also incredibly frustrated.
“Well, I mean, Diavolo was planning on asking all of us to come so,” Solomon gestured to the scene behind him, “I figured we’d both be here anyways.”
“I didn’t know that!” Asmo exclaimed, “Lucifer didn’t tell us! We were going until Friday! And he didn’t seem to know that all of you were even going to be here! I just-! Do you have any idea how much stress you caused me? If I get wrinkles I will hunt you down.”
Solomon laughed and put a hand on the small of Asmo’s back, leading him up to the blanket. “I apologize Asmodeus, I didn’t realize,” he stopped and took ahold of Asmo’s hands, kneeling on the ground and tugging him to follow, “I got so caught up in preparing all of this that the idea you might want me to ask slipped my mind. I figured it was a given we’d spend the night together.”
Oh. Oh Solomon was smooth with his tongue. Of course he was, he could be when he wanted to be. He could either be smooth and sexy or a complete fool who loved to make Asmo laugh. And what could he say? Whatever he was doing was absolutely working. He followed him down onto the blanket and folded his knees behind him.
“Look up,” Solomon said, pulling Asmo close and looking up at the sky, “You can see a couple, they just started not too long ago. You can see them from here, the telescope is just in case we want to get a closer look.”
Asmo nodded and snuggled closer to Solomon. He was quiet for a moment before speaking, “Did you really spend all your time planning this?”
“Well most of the time,” Solomon asked, “I did have to sleep at some point you know.”
Asmo snorted and elbowed his side. Solomon’s response was to bury his nose into Asmo’s hair.
The stars started to pick up in the sky. They started coming in twos, then threes, until the entire sky was lit up with their beauty. Neither one of them spoke, instead they stared up at the beauty above them and relished in each other's company.
“You know, I never really believed in the concept of soulmates,” Solomon said, his hand running up and down Asmo’s arm, “The idea never really seemed plausible to me. I mean one person being out there for everyone? Everyone in all three realms? It seemed far-fetched really. But then-”
“But then?”
“I met you,” Solomon’s voice was soft, adoring. It made Asmo feel warm, “And my perspective changed. I thought, perhaps it could be possible. I used to think of humans alone when I thought of soulmates. One human for one human. But perhaps, soulmates could be a human and a demon.”
Solomon kissed the top of his head and relaxed once again into his embrace. Asmo mulled over his words.
Did he believe in soulmates?
The idea was incredibly romantic, but what truly was a soulmate?
Asmo turned his attention away from the sky to stare at Solomon. He took in his features, his eyes, his cheek bones, his strong jawline, his nose. All of them were seared into Asmo’s mind, and when he thought about them, his heart fluttered. He knew the unconditional love that came with Solomon, and every little thing about him always brought him back to that fact. Every little moment they shared, every kiss, every breath was intertwined with a silent ‘I love you’, a silent promise.
What they had together was an unspoken promise, something that just was and always would be.
Under the starlight, Asmo moved to look up at Solomon. No words were spoken between them. They moved closer together.
Under the starlight they were one.
One body.
One mind.
One single soul adrift out at sea.
Every touch lit Asmo ablaze, every little movement struck him deep within his core, every kiss on his skin was a mark on a well memorized road map.
It wasn’t till long after the display had finished, that the two of them were making their way back to the castle still all too tangled up in eachother, but also trying to fix their clothes. Asmo knew that Lucifer knew as soon as he stepped inside. His brother took one look at both him and Solomon, taking note of their clothing and narrowed his eyes.
Oh Asmo could already hear the lecture that he'd brought upon himself, and he could only imagine what choice words Lucifer had in store for Solomon. Lucifer didn’t like the relationship, but he also didn’t know Solomon like Asmo did. He offered Lucifer a little wave before taking Solomon’s arm and walking off to a table together.
“Before I forget, I have one more thing for you,” Solomon said, pushing Asmo’s chair in, “I just-”
Asmo felt Solomon slip something into both of his ears, and when he sat down, he held up his D.D.D. so that Asmo could see. Two of the most gorgeous earrings Asmo had ever seen now rested gently in his ears. They sparkled and glittered down from the studs in his ears. And the studs… They had a moving image in them, a scene that looked oh so familiar.
“I had the telescope set up for another reason aside from getting a closer look at the stars.” Solomon started, “I wanted you to have that scene with you forever. I’d been working on a spell to capture it the moment I learned this was going to happen.”
“I love it,” Asmo breathed, gently touching the earrings as he admired them in Solomon’s camera. Solomon grabbed his hand once again and squeezed.
Maybe Asmo did believe in the word after all.
He didn’t care who was around them or who saw. Asmo leaned in and kissed Solomon’s lips. He could already see his cheeks and the tips of his ears turning red, Solomon didn’t pull away. Instead he ran his hands up and down Asmo’s arms, indulging his partner in the kiss.
Asmo had never been happier than when he’d been with Solomon.
Solomon always made his days.
He filled his skies full of stars.
It was hard not to see stars when he was with him.
The word continued to ring out in Asmo’s mind. Perhaps Solomon had been made for him. Perhaps this had been planned from the beginning. But he didn’t care, because either way, Solomon was his, and he was Solomon’s
When they pulled away from the kiss, Asmo swore he saw thousands of shooting stars in Solomon’s eyes. Thousands of his wishes were constantly being fulfilled by the man before him. He leaned into Solomon’s arms from his chair, resting his head on his chest and letting the gentle thump of his heartbeat lull him into a sense of security. Solomon’s hands roamed over his body, visiting places he had long visited before.
This human was his, and he would always be his.
If anyone from the newspaper club was here, they could take all the pictures that their little hearts could desire. Everyone he turned down should know the wonderful man that deserved him. They could all say what they wanted, but it didn’t matter, because Solomon held his heart and he held Solomon’s.
Solomon lit up his sky with stars, and in the end, that was all that mattered.
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hedonicghost · 3 years
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solodeus week day 7 is stars! took this one a bit differently than we anticipated, oops
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lumiklyde · 3 years
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Solodeus Week Day 5 - Vampires
Creature of the night
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solodeusweek · 3 years
As promised, here are the prompts for our first Solodeus Week!
Which ones are your favourite? ☆
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hydrangeahug · 3 years
Solodeus Week Day 5
Note: I'm so far behind </3 I can still do this though!!! (I say, like the liar that I am)
"Vampires." A word that was quite familiar to Solomon. He had never been able to find one himself, and usually didn't bother spending his energy to actually chase after one, but it was always something he was curious about.
He had countless of demons at his feet, yet he never managed to see something as simple as a vampire with his own two eyes. He knew that he could just send one of his demons to chase after one but that wouldn't be fun, would it? Solomon enjoyed the chase, it made finding one even more interesting.
It was now around 1000 years since he first got curious about them. There were countless 'sightings' reported here and there but none of them ended up actually being more than a normal human dressing up in weird clothes that they thought resembled what a vampire would wear. While Solomon wasn't one to hate jokes, he did not like being the one people made fun of and hearing lower ranked demons make a fool of him just made him all the more angry and willing to simply give up. But he wasn't one to give up, and he never was. If Solomon wanted something then he would get it, one way or another.
Eventually he heard another rumor of a Vampire residing at an old abandoned Villa, this time there were multiple people claiming to have seen something. Some talked about an unusual amount of bats in the area, others said they saw a beautiful man enter the Villa for years without ever seeing him age.
It might just be a Demon staying in the human realm, Solomon thought while standing in front of the Villa. He was sure that there was nothing about it, and bats were frequently found at old places, nothing about that was unusual. But one thing interested him, there were a few rumors talking about hearing horrifying screams coming from the place at night days after some of the villages women disappeared, which meant that whatever was residing there had been most likely feeding itself on the villagers.
On his way to the Villa he saw multiple flyers hanging on trees and walls with countless of faces on them but they all had one thing in common, they were all beautiful. Whatever lived inside had taste.
None of the people wanted to get near the place despite the abductions, they really did not seem to care much about those women if they were too afraid to get near an abandoned Villa due to a few rumors.
But solving mysteries wasn't Solomon's problem, they could deal with that on their own. Solomon was just there to feed his curiosity, that was all.
He knocked on the door once.
Nothing. Of course, what did he expect after all?
But to Solomon's surprise, the door opened slightly, enough for him to get inside. He peeked inside to make sure there weren't any traps and walked in. He didn't fear the resident in any way, if they decided to pester him then he could just get one of his demons to deal with him, after all.
A voice rang out from one of the upper floors of the seemingly three story building. "Who is the one to walk into my home without being invited?" But when Solomon moved his head up to see, there was no one except for a few bats that he seemed to have woken up with the light coming in from the entrance. The light blue light from the moon didn't do much for the otherwise pitch black area, the windows were all nailed shut with planks and the lights were all off, it was a curious place that much Solomon could tell.
"A man who is simply interested in the rumors of a Vampire living in this depressing place, nothing more." Solomon answered the voice, still trying to figure out where the person was standing.
"Oh? A Vampire you say?" The voice had a mocking tone to it. "What, did  the villagers finally send someone to see where their precious people went?~" 
"Did you bring your garlic, my love?~" The voice sounded as if it was right next to him, the hairs on his back stood while he could feel the breath in his neck. "Or did they forget that you need garlic to defeat a Vampire? Perhaps they just brought you here because they didn't like you, but don't worry, I'll take good care of you.~"
Solomon quickly turned around to find the person who dared talk down on him, but there was no one. The door closed right in front of Solomon's eyes with a quick click following right after. So he was now locked in with the person that seemed to be too scared to face him, huh? Good.
"I'm sure the villagers told you that I was kidnapping these poor souls, correct?" The voice now sounded far away again, Solomon turned around to face the big entrance hall once more, and there they stood, a shadow standing on the top of the second floor stairs. Solomon couldn't see much apart from the fact that the figure seemed to be quite small, definitely shorter than him. "Well, what if I told you that they sacrificed them to me? Would you believe me?~"
"I am not here to judge what you're doing and I, quite frankly, do not care about it. I came here to see you, that is all."
"Hmmm… is that so?" The shadow disappeared again.
And appeared right in front of him.
"Well then, here I am~" The person seemed to be a man, short, his face was quite pale with two sharp teeth showing behind his smile. His hair and clothes were well kept and he looked quite young. But something told Solomon that looks could be deceiving.
"Now, what did you really come here for? People don't just come here to bask in my beauty usually." His red eyes sparkled, Solomon did not trust him and he desperately wanted to look away from his eyes but he couldn't. It seemed near impossible.
"What do you mean by 'usually'?" Solomon wasn't trying to say anything but his mouth seemed to have found a mind on it's own. He said those words and only realised that he did after the unknown man looked at him in shock.
"You don't… know?" The figure started laughing at him, mocking him even more than before. "Honey, how can it be that you have no idea?~"
The shadow bowed before him and then looked right into Solomon's eyes. "I am a high ranked Vampire by the name of Asmodeus, I play with the ability to control minds and help people let their desires come true, for a price." He took Solomon's hand into his and asked "What might your deepest desire be? All I need to fulfill it is a sip of fresh blood, quite a good deal, no?~"
The man that Solomon now knew as Asmodeus came closer to him until his lips were right next to his right ear before he whispered, "I will give you whatever you desire, you just have to help my thirst first. Come on, it won't hurt, I pro~mise!"
Solomon couldn't move, he was stunned for a few minutes until suddenly he spoke up without realizing it once again. "Yes." Was all he could say before he felt a cold kiss against his neck and then a piercing sting that made him forget where he was.
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So I uh, didn’t have very many ideas for today soooooo… royalty AU? Kinda?
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Day 2 of Solodeus week! Road triiiiiiiiip!
(Click for quality!)
I choose to believe that Solomon’s old ass should not be allowed to drive. He should have his license revoked before Asmo dies of fright.
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The boys having a sleepover! I will forever headcanon that Asmo drools when he sleeps.
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hedonicghost · 3 years
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Welcome to day two! I’m such a sucker for roadtrip playlists...
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hedonicghost · 3 years
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Hi! Happy Solodeus week! We went with a bit of both of the prompts for today, with a study sleepover! Those all nighters really suck, huh...
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ruewrites · 3 years
Just a Taste
Ship: Solomon/Asmo
Word Count: 1643
Warnings: Blood
A/N: Happy Day 5 of Solodeus Week! I'm super happy with how this one turned out. I chose to use Vampire for my prompt. I have another idea with Vampire!Solomon that I might do at some point. But I hope you all enjoy this one!
Solomon has been chasing vampires for years. He can still remember the day he lost everything clear in his mind. He remembered the vampires raiding his village, he remembered hiding, the screams, the smoke, fire, the smell of death lingering in the air. But most of all, Solomon remembered the sense of shame he felt. As a grown man now, he knew that there was nothing he could do, but the guilt of his childhood still lingered. As he stared into the puddles of blood running down the street, he made a promise amongst the corpses: He would have his revenge.
He found himself within a hunters' coven and the rest was history.
Solomon was a successful hunter, a skilled hunter. He'd killed many and never let his target escape him. He'd never had a slip up.
Not until now that is.
"Hunter," the whine from the back of his cart dragged him out of sleep and back into the night. Could the beast not let him sleep? With a grumble he pulled back the curtain and walked into the back.
He was met with big, orange eyes staring up at him. Solomon had taken percasions. He was chained properly and Solomon had a blindfold on standby. He'd been good so far, he hadn't tried to hypnotize Solomon in a while now, so he rewarded the creature.
As long as he didn't pull any funny business.
This one hadn't been the one he was after, but Solomon figured if he had him, he'd be able to take him to his master.
"What?" Solomon asked, not bothering to hide any ounce of annoyance that lingered in his voice, "What do you want?"
The vampire pouted and shifted in an attempt to get more comfortable in his chains, "I'm hungry, and the chains you have me in are too tight. My donor hadn't fed me yet when you barged in."
So he hadn't always been one of those night beasties.
"You can't hunt for yourself then? What type of vampire are you?" Though, Solomon supposed he should be thankful for that. The more he stared at his little prisoner, the more he noticed how pampered he looked.
The vampire scoffed, “Hunting is for the lesser. I’m my donor’s prized jewel. He told me himself.”
“And yet he left you alone to get captured,” Solomon cut in. He ignored the growl that came from the vampire, “But I suppose I could be nice and go out. Maybe I’ll find you a nice rat or a rabbit-”
The gag interrupted his thoughts, “Really? That sounds disgusting! How could you even think of such a terrible thing?"
"Well, I guess you can starve then beastie."
"My name is Asmodeus, and couldn't I have just a little from you?"
Solomon shot him a look. Really? The creature wanted to drink from him? Did he honestly believe that Solomon would allow such a thing? Well, from the pout he was receiving, there was a very good chance that Asmodeus did believe that. Solomom had never met a vampire that was so…
"No," Solomon said, "No you cannot feed from me. I'm more surprised you even asked, ignoring the idea that you also thought I'd say yes."
"You won't have to say yes when my donor comes," Asmo scoffed, seeming surprised that Solomon even dared say no to him, "Because he'll give you to me and maybe more as a little apology for being late feeding me and coming home to me."
"He abandoned you," Solomon wasn't sure where it came from. The more he talked with the vampire, he realized that he wasn't the one that he'd been after. There was no way Asmodeus was the one terrorizing the town over when he didn't even hunt for himself.
"I was not abandoned."
"Really? Because the way I see it, he fled and left you to take the heat."
Solomon didn't even flinch when the vampire attempted to spring forward, the chains straining to hold him back, fangs bared. Solomon had struck a nerve. He knew he had.
"You'll see," he growled, "He's going to come back for me, and when he does you'll be sorry."
Solomon doubted that. And as he stared down at Asmodeus, he couldn't help but feel sorry for him. The vampire he’d been after left Asmo behind to take his place. Most likely he’d been hoping that Solomon wouldn’t take a second thought, that he wouldn’t notice that this vampire couldn’t fend for himself.
And as he watched Asmo thrash and scream from his chains, he could feel sympathy leaking into his heart.
Days passed by. Solomon should have been making Asmodeus' donor's job easy for him. He was still trying to track him down and in turn he was bringing Asmo closer to him, but the vampire kept slipping through his fingers. To his credit, Asmodeus had kept his confidence in his donor for the first week, but Solomon had watched doubt finally creep into his eyes. And as his doubts grew, so did his hunger.
Apparently Asmodeus hadn't been tempting enough as bait.
Solomon stepped into the back once more. He was dirty and tired. Collapsing onto the floor, he stared at Asmodeus who was curled up opposite to him. Wheels started turning in his head.
"You should just kill me now instead of letting me starve to death," his voice was weak, and Solomon swore he heard him sniffle, "You made your point. I wasn't as special to him as he said I was. I wasn't worth anything, even after I gave up everything."
Solomon moved closer, and Asmo didn't even attempt to get up.
"What are you waiting for Hunter? Aren't you going to finish me? Or do you wish to humiliate me further?"
Solomon didn't answer, instead his hands moved to the chains. Asmo didn't seem to notice they were being undone until they hit the ground with a thumb.
"No. But I do have a proposition for you," he said. Slowly Asmo propped himself up in order to listen, "Why don't you join me? You can't be on your own as you are, and I need to track down your donor."
Solomon could see the idea swirling around Asmo's mind. While the betrayal was sitting in Solomon didn't doubt that he still held some sort of feelings for his donor.
So, Solomon's fingers moved up and pulled down the collar of his shirt, "I'll let you feed."
Asmo's eyes widened and fixed on his neck, but he did stay in his spot.
"I'll feed you and take care of you in exchange for your help," Solomon continued, keeping his locked on Asmo, "But I'll need you to swear your loyalty to me."
For a moment, neither of them moved. Then, slowly, Asmo crawled over to him. He took his hand and looked up into Solomon's eyes, " I swear to you Hunter-"
"My name is Solomon."
Asmo nodded, "I swear to you Solomon that in exchange for my care and feeding that I will be and remain loyal to you, whatever it may be."
Solomon nodded and tugged down the collar of his shirt, "Good."
"Solomoooon!" Asmo tackled him as soon as he walked in the door.
"Hey hey! Careful Asmo, I'm not ready to feed you yet."
Living with a vampire had certainly been an adjustment, and Solomon couldn't tell any other vampire hunters about him.
He got used to the feeling of Asmo's fangs piercing his skin, but it still made a shudder run up his spine and a gasp escape his lips. That first night, Asmo had been quick to go for his neck, and Solomon wondered if he’d made a mistake as pain shot through him. Maybe Asmo would kill him right there, drain him of his blood. But he didn’t. He even licked the area after he was finished. At the time Solomon thought it was to catch anything he missed, but now he realized it was done to dull any remaining pain. Since then, Asmo tried to be more gentle. When they finished, Asmo would rest Solomon’s head in his lap, running his fingers through his hair and cooing gently to him. Sometimes he would even kiss Asmo’s forehead. He even started getting little snacks for Solomon for after. The more they went through their routine, the more Solomon found himself enjoying it. He felt closer to Asmo.
"I don't want to be fed, I want a kiss," Asmo pouted. Asmo usually asked for little affections, and Solomon did enjoy his reactions. They were sweet and made Solomon feel some sort of way.
"Remember we have work to do," Solomon murmured, leaning in close, "We're hot on the heels of the vampire who killed the duke."
Their lips met and Solomon relished in how Asmo held him and how his lips felt moving against his own, even as his fangs pierced him. When they pulled away, Asmo's tongue quickly darted out to lap up a little of the blood. But Solomon felt more running down the two pierce marks on his lips.
His cheeks went red as Asmo's index finger came up to wipe away some of the blood. Then he sucked on it.
"I know, it won't take me long to get ready," Asmo giggled, "I'll be back in just a second and ready for you." With that, he blew Solomon a kiss and disappeared.
Solomon covered his face and leaned against the wall.
What was he going to do with him?
Despite the thought, Solomon couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. Asmodeus had added something new into his life, something he enjoyed. His donor had made a mistake, he had lost a precious jewel. Solomon pushed himself off the wall and followed Asmo to where he’d disappeared.
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ruewrites · 3 years
Promise Me This
Ship: Solomon/Asmo
Word Count: 1058
Warnings: Mentions of Sex
A/N: I chose promises for Day 3. It's a lil' spicy, but also a lil' sad. I hope you all enjoy! Comments are appreciated <3
Slender arms made their way around Solomon's hips. He could feel Asmo's nose bury in between his shoulder blades as he pulled him closer. Asmo's chest rose and fell with his own. Even when Solomon sat up, Asmo's arms did no more than slide down to his waist. Solomon let out a low chuckle, his voice still gravely with sleep as he ran his fingers through Asmo's messy morning hair. Eventually, his beautiful eyes fluttered open and, just like every morning, Solomon fell in love all over again.
The blanket pooled around his hips and was the only thing keeping him from being naked as the day he was born. He thought for a moment, before slowly letting himself lay back down on his back, one arm coming to wrap around Asmo. He wasn’t in any hurry to go anywhere, and he was more than content to have Asmo cuddled up to him like this.
Asmo shifted so that his head rested just so near Solomon’s shoulder on the edge of his chest. That was when Solomon chose to look down. Perhaps he was still feeling the afterglow from the night before or maybe it was having Asmo’s warm body so close to his, but Solomon felt the dopiest smile spread across his face as he leaned down to kiss Asmo’s lips.
It was soft and sweet, one of those kisses that lingered days after you pulled away, one that haunted your dreams and consumed every waking thought.
He still couldn’t stop thinking about last night: Asmo cuddled up close to him, the movie playing in the background. The two of them had gone through his entire bottle of wine and Asmo’s cheeks had been tinted the rosiest shade of pink Solomon had ever seen. Their eyes had met, and the way Asmo looked at him… God. How could he even resist? He was only a man, and Asmodeus was beyond ethereal. All tongue and teeth, making out with Asmodeus was the closest Solomon would ever get to heaven. Asmo responded so beautifully to every touch, every little movement. And the way his hands tightened in his hair when he ground up into him-
Solomon was genuinely surprised they had made it back up into his bedroom.
The rest of the night had been filled with switching positions and roles to the point where his mind went numb.
All he could think of was the gorgeous demon beneath him, no, above him? He was all around him. Biting, licking, clawing. The world outside didn’t matter, it shrunk down to his bed and the small space between them. All that mattered was feeling good, making Asmo feel good.
Thinking about it all was making him stir again.
“Did you mean what you said last night?” Asmo asked, lips still close to Solomon’s.
He had to think. What had he said? While last night had been wonderful, a lot had been passed between the two of them, and Solomon knew he probably said a lot of things.
“Refresh my memory,” Solomon murmured, leaning in for another kiss, but Asmo pulled away. He looked concerned, scared even. For a moment Solomon was snapped out of his thoughts and rose up onto his elbow and gently gripped Asmo’s wrist. His thumbs ran along the veins on the inside. He wasn’t looking at Solomon.
“Asmodeus,” Solomon kept his voice soft, as if someone was listening in on the other side of his door, “Tell me.”
Asmo hesitated for a moment more before he looked back at Solomon with teary eyes, “You said you loved me, that you’d stay with me forever and ever, no matter what.”
Now he remembered.
He’d been riding Asmo when he said it. He was feeling good, they’d been at it for a while. Replaying the memory in his mind, he’d remembered Asmo’s breath hitching. At the time, he thought he’d just been close, but now he realized it may have been more.
“Did you mean it Solomon?”
Solomon let his mind catch up with him for him before he spoke, “While it may have been a bit in the moment, I promise you that I’d say the same things to you now.”
Asmo seemed skeptical.
It wasn’t like Solomon had never said he’d loved Asmo before, in fact he made a point to say it. But perhaps last night he had gotten a little more intense than what he’d been in the past.
“I’d like to stay with you, if you’d let me. I don’t intend on going anywhere ever,” Solomon murmured, moving to caress Asmo’s face. He wanted to offer some sort of comfort, show him that he meant what he said. He knew that things could slip out in the heat of the moment, that Asmo had broken promises made to him in the past. Broken promises that Solomon had heard about. Maybe he should have been more tactful with his timing, especially when it came to Asmo.
Asmo was affectionate, yes, but he was also wary. Solomon knew he had a hard time accepting some of Solomon’s words at the beginning of their blooming relationship, and Solomon couldn’t blame him.
“Then promise me this,” Asmo said, “Promise me you won’t leave me, no matter what, no matter what happens, I want you to stay with me forever. I-”
Solomon hushed him, bringing Asmo closer so that their bodies were flush together. “Asmodeus, I would never dream of abandoning you. I promise that no matter what happens, I will be here with you and for you.”
Even if higher powers fought to intervene, Solomon would fight back twice as hard to stay with him. Asmodeus was his breath, he was the beating of his heart.
He needed Asmodeus.
Asmodeus was his life, his everything.
He wasn’t sure who moved first, but the next thing Solomon knew, he was on top of Asmo between his legs. They were wrapped up in each other, lips moving as one. Where did he begin and where did Asmodeus end?
“I love you so much,” Asmo managed to murmur, fingers threading through Solomon’s hair as he moved down to add more marks onto his neck, “Never leave me, please.”
“I would never even dream of it.”
And just like that, Solomon was lost in his other half all over again.
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lumiklyde · 3 years
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Solodeus Week Day 2 - Cooking
Add two cups of vanilla
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Solodeus Week Day 6 - Role Swap
Demon and Sorcerer
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Solodeus Week Day 4 - Royalty AU
"His left arm is under my head, and his right arm embraces me."
Song of Solomon 2:6
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