#Something to fill the gap between pages rn
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A small illustration of Amy, being her best self and being as cute as she wants to be. ❤💖
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Hi! A while ago you made a post with some great Violyn recs, and I bookmarked and went through and loved all of them, but I didn’t do the same with some that were in progress, so could you link them again? And then also, do you have some new recs? :)) There’s so much stuff out there right now and it’s a bit hard to sift, so unbiased suggestion for something interesting and well written would be much appreciated. I don’t really care about the length as long as it’s good, in character and hopefully canon compliant? Or anything else that stands out, really. As for ratings everything is a go, just a big NO to abo (even if we put noncon issue aside, sorry but there’s only a limited amount of blowj*bs I can take in my basic lesbian p*rn, lol) or gross monster stuff unfortunately abundant these days. Also, nothing wrong with WIPs but preferably finished stories? And TYSM. For what you’re doing there, and for all the recs, past and present! <3
Hey there! :)
First of all, thank you for your kind words, and second - apologies for a relatively tardy reply (also, if you sent this message twice by mistake, the reply's to the greyface one - in case you wanted to retain anonymity, if that's okay?) since it took a bit to compile appropriate thoughts and words for a decent response. But since below the cut you'll be able to find not only links but also (unsolicited? :) reviews, I hope it'll at least give you enough of a fix - for a while?
Now, let's start with...
That post, that I think you can still find under 'fic recs' section on the main page, there were two WIPs there, if I recall? One of them is still a fun read (the unpretentious, fun AU one that I think I tagged as my 'guilty pleasure' at the time?) and the other, well - despite having a really intense beginning it got convoluted and overly watered down half-way, and lost me. (So, no more recommending WIPs, yes - check. Lol.) But to answer your other question - in the meantime I read, loved, and would wholeheartedly recommend... hmm. Ok, since you basically gave me free range apart from the omgaverse (for which - no worries, I don't care for it either, I've seen dozens of them passing over this page, but only one well-written, with an actual interesting plot and character dynamics - but a WIP, so we might go back to that one at some later point? ;) the ONLY criteria now I guess would be...
The works of some new and/or underrated authors? How's that, to fulfill the primary intent of this blog, which is to promote and/or send appreciation to those who really truly deserve it?
So, yeah. In no particular order, here are some of my recent faves:
Digging Like You Can Bury Something That Cannot Die series by shoutoutout
Canon compliant, a study on guilt, loss and acceptance. A truly gripping study, a recontextualization if you will (expanding the context span, filling in gaps) with emphasis on that residual emptiness that one never truly accepts, just learns how to live with. The way in which Vi is given facing, then coping with all of it in such a simply human, fight or flight way - is incredibly relatable. While the first part written from Cait's perspective gives a unique insight into her upbringing, her heritage, her relationship with her mother (which, perhaps it's just me - but I love seeing it explored beyond what we've seen onscreen, especially with that last scene, where it's evident that no matter how much she disagrees with her mum she still looks to her for comfort when she is despair) and then of course - grief flooded with regret. Really masterfully written.
Grenadier by antistar_e (kaikamahine)
Set post-finale, this is basically a character dynamics piece, written from Vi's perspective. It's a gentle, at times funny and yet gritty and profound exploration of regret, mourning and unhealthy coping mechanisms - on everyone's behalf, with developments between Vi, Cait and Jinx (yes, all three of them - but don't let this deter you just because Jinx has absolutely no boundaries ;) this is uniquely beautiful portrayal of sisterly relationship. The simple way Vi explains her love for Jinx will break your heart, because she loves her despite everything, the guilt, lack of remorse - it's the love that doesn't preclude justice or exempt her from consequences, but just grows, adapts, restitches its seams. It has elements of romantic developments (in different directions?) but the central part is the sisters, and to be completely frank it's the best fic I've ever read exploring these dynamics, post finale. Both characterisation as well as style wise.
Drink from the Cup of Fortune by xanthinriff
'Does happiness bloom from the soil of pain, or is pain a byproduct of happiness lost?' If you've ever read anything else written by this author, you'll know that their writing simply cannot be summarized, objectively or rationally. And this one is not an exception, it is post finale, post everything and beyond, and it gives us Vi's perspective on - grief, guilt, need to belong, the feeling of loss, helplessness, selfishness, mental self-flagellation... gosh, I've said it before and I'll say it again, xanthinriff has a uniquely, gut-wrenching writing style that packs a punch - undaunted to tackle even the most complex, or darkest of emotions so it's definitely not for those who want a sappy, trite emotional lemonade. But rather real raw human emotions, such as... well, those listed above?
Now, the author has deleted their A03 account for personal reasons, but this specific work is still available per request, exclusively here (author's prerogative, of course) so if what you read there got you intrigued - send us a DM and we shall deliver.
(This is also valid for some of their other work, previously referenced and recommended on this page)
sweet & bitter by garcondencre
Canon compliant. An exploration of what happened between the moment Caitlyn and Vi found themselves alone in Cait's bedroom and the moment they left each other in the rain. A beautifully heartfelt character study, a train of thought from Vi's perspective, if you will. Characterization is spot on, emotions are intense and tangible, and the inner conflict fleshed out so viscerally, painfully well.
The Power of a Name by kendricked
One of those 'five times' prompts, written from Caitlyn's perspective. A very interesting take on how she viewed things that happened, and then those that [spoiler]. It contains some missing bits, or interludes, if you will. They speaks volumes on Caitlyn herself, seamlessly showing that cross between that naivetee and genuine selflessness - and also how she saw, and sees Vi. Emotional intensification written and depicted at its best.
keep your head low by espressbian
Canon compliant. An amazing dive into Caitlyn's mind (ok, I guess Vi’s as well - in the second chapter?) showing us their respective perspectives on things that happened - through this very skillfully written inner dialogue, depicting the inner workings of both of their minds, but especially Caitlyn's... I found it gripping, touching and impressively intense all at the same time.
no powder but stardust by softnyx
(tumblr unknown - let us know, if you do?)
I think I already mentioned this one? It's a one-shot, but is contained of eight episodes with time gaps, featuring snippets of scenes from different, not-so-random periods. Starts with that beautiful childish pure innocence and veers off into... well, two diverse worlds, a canon divergence AU (star-crossed lovers of sorts, comes to mind) that grows close to the one of game canon-world? The characterisation is endearingly tangible and wholesome, and it is absolutely amazing what a skillful author can do in such little space and with so few words.
Wrap ya gun in giftwrap by Latenightsgunfights
This is quite a short piece, basically just smutty. Why on this list, you might wonder? Well, the way it shows Vi struggling between how she sees herself, the subtly shown conflict between the tough front and bravado and how she feels about herself in regards to Caitlyn, how it manifests in their physical connection - the implication how certain feelings can be put into submission... it's quite a lot (yeah, no one's immune to hot smutty ones, but I prefer them with some substance, alright? ;) for a short piece with barely 1k of a wordcount.
Chances by mira_blue
To be completely honest, this is not really CaitVi (they're just acknowledged in the passing) but rather a canon-compliant take on Vi's complicated relationship with her sister, post S1. (Yeah, I've been kinda leaning towards those, recently - can you tell? :) Pieces like this, exploring this kind of dynamics of theirs are quite rare, and this one may seem like just a drabble - but try to get into Jinx's fragmented stream of consciousness. It's uncomfortable, realistic and tangible, all at once. I've seen very few well-written ones and this one is my absolute favourite one.
Shadow of Nothing by UmbreonGurl
Quite sure you've read some of the other works of this author as well, but this one is a bit different from all of their other (AU? fluffy? comedy? romcom?) work, and a bit underrated in my opinion. In a span of a single chapter it covers literally everything, from the prison break till post finale - while at the same time being a character study of Cait. It's simple, unpretentious, with effective time lapses, and an interestingly different, more realistic view of Vi - as it makes more sense that she'd be more distrustful, standoffish and defensive to start with in the beginning. But it's a quite fresh and intimate take on Cait, and it's not that angsty (like the rest of the stuff from this list), so...
Dust Collected OnMy Pinned-Up Hair by tailoredjade
Ok, there are so many high-school AUs out there, but there's just that something about the pacing of this one. It covers a longer timespan, with smaller/larger gaps and ellipses, but the way it captures the yearning and pining is incredibly palpable. It's friends-to-lovers, but in a way also a compelling character piece that captures Cat's inner workings (exasperation? anxiety?) rather well. Quite interestingly written (in terms of sentence structure, or how it follows the character's thought-process) it's a fittingly positive one, for the end of this list?
Aaand - that'd be all.
As always, if you enjoy any of these (and even if they're not really new for you - and you already had, lol) go drop these lovely people out there a positive note, some appreciation and encouragement - and then let us know as well.
Cheers! 🌈💖
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relaxxattack · 3 years
(this is like 1.3k words btw probably should have mentioned that)(I haven't reread this in like two weeks so gl)
Sometimes it's wise to not open your mouth. That was the first thing Ran had learned while traveling to the other world.
A few half-seconds after that, he learned that humans were a danger, and violent. Seemingly flinging their sloppily made weapons at any being they didn’t immediately recognize. He had to learn a lot of things in those few moments he had spent on that green filled-plain. He can still relay them in his mind, every now and then he finds an odd obligation to.
“Do you think I make a good general?” Jackie asked his otherworldly friend, the small man’s eyes tracing horizon in front of them. The calm lavender of the setting sun being clouded out of view by blooming rose-bushes.
Rule 1 is a lesson Ran finds himself relaying quite a bit.
Reassurances began itching themselves in the back of his throat, the small compliments of leadership and respect laying uncomfortably on Ran’s teeth and bitterly against his tongue.
An empty and distant “How so?” was what left his mouth in their place.
“It’s just,” Jackie's steps slowed for a moment. “I’m not a warrior, or- or even a soldier really. I just miss,” the general paused, stopping himself “God, I shouldn't have won that duel-”
“What do you miss?” Ran interrupted
Jackie hitched his breath and bit the inside of his lip, a flicker of pain sparking in his eyes “it's complicated.”
Human emotions were, with lack of a better word, odd. A single twitch of the eye or the wrinkle of the nose could have hundreds of roads leading to it, each becoming less and less paved as it got closer to its destination.
What further complicated this was that different expressions meant different things for different people, something that was entirely alien to the enderman, and something that took a lot of readjusting to become common to.
It was excruciatingly difficult with Jackie however. Often there were universal mannerisms that showed emotion amongst everyone. Small certainties that made Ran’s job just a little bit easier.
All of these practices had been thrown out the window at the sight of the general. Ran had been required to evolve a keen eye for pointing out when his friend became distressed. Perhaps it was the tenseness of his jaw, or the way he forced his shoulders down from hiding away his neck.
They were small things, for often a hollow grin left a stain on the blonde man’s face.
Something ached in the back of Ran’s skull “do you just not want to tell me?”
Jackie allowed his head to sag.
“I don't want to tell anyone really,” the young man explained with a nervous laugh, view craning downwards towards the hoard of daffodils that had begun to blossom over the garden-path.
They were beautiful things, blooming in honey and sugar bells, their undersides being highlighted in a golden orange as the light split through the petals.
There was something mesmerizing about them, the stems pinching through the cracks in the pavement and the soft, enclosed buds flopping over the smaller strands of green that kept them connected to the rest of the plant.
The blond boy held a lonesome nostalgia for when he would pick them from the line of their roots, growing through the gravel path in his old back garden. How he and his sister would split the flimsy stems in half and taste their sour insides, the clear, sugary liquid stickying the tips of their fingers and flecks of green getting inside their fingernails.
“What are you looking at?” Ran questioned, peering over the short general who had seemed to stop in place.
“They really are beautiful,” the young man answered.
“The daffodils?”
“You do realize most gardeners consider them weeds?”
Jackie clenched his jaw and hit his friend on the arm a bit too roughly to seem playful “oh please, and you’re not a gardener now are you?” A forced, breathy chuckle came out of his mouth.
They were the small things.
That was yet another thing Ran had to figure out. But he’d get it eventually. He always does.
The smaller of the two quietly stormed away from his friend, kicking up granite and limestone off the ground as his feet trudged against the gravel, a small cloud of grey building up behind his heels.
The blond boy’s silhouette was outlined by a fractured golden rim as the sunlight filtered in through the gaps in between the rose-bush’s leaves, his shoulders seeming to quiver as they were strained down by his own mandatory will.
Ran paused, gazing at the lovely picture in front of him, the gorgeous oranges and reds lighting up the garden's foliage creating a pinkish purple reflection off the flora.
Something weighed down in the back of his chest. He wanted to see Jackie’s smile be genuine, at least for the rest of the night.
“They do look nice,” the tall one said, catching up to the small sunflower that had moved so quickly past him.
Jackie’s eyes softened and Ran felt something flutter behind his ears.
“You really think so?” He asked, looking upwards towards his friend.
“Definitely,” Ran answered.
The boy bit the inside of his lip, the corners of his mouth craning upwards into a grin “what do you like about them?”
Ran thought for a moment “,I enjoy how they grow in groups. No matter where they are, unless the rest were picked off obviously, you’ll never see one alone.”
“Do you have a favorite flower?” Jackie perched up on his tiptoes and poked his nose close to the enderman’s face.
“Um,” the creature said, flinching back slightly “I don’t, really, know any. Do you want to tell me some?”
“Well, continue then.”
Jackie lingered by his friend's emerald eyes for a moment longer, entranced by the way they seemed to be framed in sparkling jewels.
He had beautiful eyes, that was one of the things Jackie had learned.
The short boy pointed over to a field of purple flowers and began rambling about hybrids history and how they bloom. How they've evolved, how they’re perceived and what they mean. Another enderman creature came up briefly, something about bouquets and wedding venues although the conversation quickly changed pace towards the vines of ivy and grapevine that grew over the side of the building, the grape curling around frames with the ivy tracing the cracks between bricks.
They talked about flowers for the rest of the night, one going on tangents of pollination with the other humbly listening, wandering around the garden as ramblings of petals and pigment created a hum from the greenery.
It was a nice night, afterall Ran’s cheeks hurt from smiling for so long, and what night like that couldn't have been nice?
Just for tonight.
At least just for tonight.
It was important to keep logs of the day. Information discovered, things that should have gone unseen and private being filtered out through trails of citizens and roads leading to another realm.
The page with flowers sketched into the corners, however, was one that would be ripped out and hidden, stuffed into the back of a drawer neatly folded and left to read over later.
Of course there were a few pages torn at the seams. Ones that Ran knew neither he nor Jackie would have wanted to be discovered.
They were important, though. The self-doubt, a weak link that could be potentially valuable during war-time, not that Ran was 100% sure that the diplomat he had been newly assigned even knew they were fighting.
It felt like a quiver lined with something bitter, the archer firing arrow heads made of needle and flint with a bow string lit on fire.
The trickles of ink from quill to paper detailing strategies and lackluster qualities of the opposing side.
This is when he’d remind himself of Rule 2.
The most important point to be made.
I wrote this like 3 months ago so the pacing is a bit weird. but jackie is kinda out of character for a reason lol sleep deprivation and burnout will do that to you :]
its sweet though its so sweet im going all TwT rn.... awwwwwwweee
okay now i must return to my work prison (god its due soon and im doing just Horribly help hudvsjkmx)
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zmartiarty · 3 years
Ajdkdlapfo. Airhead me time. To add on to the end of my last ask, if you do want me to look at specific stuff, you don't have to wait until one of my asks. You can just post a link randomly, shout at me, then delete it when I've sent the ask! XD
I'm around pretty often and I've got notifs on for you so it shouldn't take me too long to get to!
Also, one final kinda general question. Is your lore thesis something you're gonna post (with spoilers blotted out XD) or something to keep to yourself? If you do post it, know that I'll read freakin all of it, no matter the length!
~ 💭
I'm planning for the Thesis/ Paper to be public, yes (subject to change). I'll post it somewhere. Hopefully, I finish it, since the outline alone is already hitting 10 pages and I haven't even finished the outline or filled anything out past section headers.. x-x
Also in relation to your last inbox, which I can't answer in its entirety lmao.
I would like to preface that my hc/au lore is supposed to run directly parallel to the cannon lore on the smp. It is supplementary in nature, only acting to fill in the gaps, explain things, and add another layer to the lore and world-building, as well as provide a probable ending to the smp/lore. I've only really focused on c!Dream/XD c!George/HD for the most part sadly. But the Paper explains a good chunk of other characters and the Pantheon in-depth.
But for the most everything that has happened as of rn in the offical lore is cannon to this hc/au.
Also, the final battle will be a showdown between all the members vs XD, but HD vs XD will be the true final battle.
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firebrands · 5 years
skkssjjaja OkAy so. Steve's stealth suit, Tony loves it alright? And they're in a relationship but it's the first time he's seen it ok and he's comPLETELY whipped because what the fuck his boyfriend just got hotter and... how is that even possible???? Also 'your fingerless gloves are doing so many things to me rn please keep them on while we have sex thanks' basically Tony just thirsting over Steve because we can never have enough of that now can we 👀
steve rogers/tony stark, explicit, 1.7k of pwp
fill for my marvel bingo card for “steve rogers/tony stark” 
i hope you like it, ash!! 
tony’s thirty pages into his merger when steve steps into their bedroom.
“did you just ‘harumph’?” tony teases, not looking up from his paperwork. he offers up his cheek for steve to kiss, eyes continuing to scan the page littered with legalese. steve harumphs again before pressing a quick kiss to tony’s cheek, then he sighs and sits down on tony’s desk. tony hums in response and pats steve’s knee. “gimme a second, i’m almost done,” he murmurs. it’s hard enough to get into the headspace to read contracts like this, so he’s doing his best to make the most of it.
steve makes a soft, plaintive noise, and rests his hand on top of tony’s as he waits.
tony notices the difference in texture and looks down at steve’s gloved hand, then gives his boyfriend a once over, his mouth going dry at the sight: steve’s hair is a bit mussed from the helmet he’s just taken off, his eyes are shut and eyelashes are dark against his cheeks, and his lips are parted open as he takes steadying breaths. but the suit–that’s what makes all the blood rush out of tony’s brain and down south. tony slides his hand up steve’s thigh, watching the way the material moves under his fingers. he sets the papers aside and slides his other hand up steve’s arm..
steve blinks at tony. “done reading?” he asks, smiling a little. tony’s head snaps up to meet steve’s eyes and tony melts into the deep blue of them.
“guh,” he says, eloquently.
steve cocks his head, and he raises a hand to gently cup tony’s jaw. the mix of leather and skin makes tony’s head spin. tony lets his gaze drift down from steve’s face and back onto the new suit. “you’re hot.”
steve chuckles softly. “thanks, tony.”
tony stands, but keeps his hands on steve’s thighs, spreading them open as he situates himself between them. he leans forward, hands sliding up to rest on steve’s hips, and presses a quick kiss to steve’s lips. tony peppers kisses against steve’s cheek, and slowly licks at the short strip of exposed skin of steve’s neck.
steve shivers against him, breath coming out quick and short.
“i want to suck you off while you’re wearing this,” tony whispers, before nipping on steve’s earlobe.
“yes, please,” steve moans.
tony sinks down onto the floor and steve shifts forward, barely even sitting on the desk at this point. tony palms steve’s thighs and presses his face against steve’s cock which is straining against the material of the suit. tony presses kisses up steve’s thighs, smiling at steve’s sharp intake of breath when tony gently cups steve’s balls through the suit.
“god, you’re so fucking hot,” tony says, letting his hands roam everywhere he can reach: steve’s legs, steve’s ass, steve’s stomach and chest. tony reaches for steve’s belt, fumbling only for a few seconds until he figures out the zippers and velcros of the suit. tony lets out a soft moan of appreciation when he finally gets steve’s cock out. “so fucking big,” he murmurs, taking steve’s cock in his hand and licking a stripe of spit up the length.
tony is momentarily distracted by the sound of something breaking.
steve raises his hand and dusts off flecks of wood from his suit. “sorry,” he mumbles, looking embarrassed.
tony looks at the hand-sized gap in his desk. “holy fuck,” he says, and takes steve’s cock in his mouth.
he never really expected himself to love sucking cock the way he does, but god, it feels heavenly to have steve’s cock heavy against his tongue like this, steve’s musk invading his senses, making him lightheaded with pleasure. he angles his head forward and continues to move until the tip of steve’s cock is pressed flush against his throat.
tony startles, but keeps his mouth on steve, when he hears the same sound of wood breaking, again. “christ, tony,” steve moans, voice low. “you’re so good at that.”
tony preens at the praise, and looks up at steve.
steve’s breath stutters when their eyes meet. “fuck,” he says.
tony closes his eyes again and continues to suck steve’s cock, reaching out blindly for steve’s hand and placing it on the base of his skull. he lets his tongue trace along the thick vein on the underside of steve’s cock as he slides up until he’s only sucking the tip of steve’s cock, letting his tongue run over the slit and tasting steve’s precum.
steve moans, breathy and deep, and tony smiles a little as he lets steve’s cock fall out of his mouth with a soft pop.
“pull my hair?” he asks, smiling sweetly, knowing full well how he looks–how his lips are swollen and glistening with a mix of his spit and steve’s precum.
steve nods jerkily, and tony presses a quick kiss to steve’s hip before taking steve’s cock back into his mouth.
tony takes all of steve into his mouth, taking him so deep that he has to hold his breath. steve’s fist tightens in his hair, and tony moans around steve’s cock. the world always gets quiet and small when tony’s sucking steve off like this, his focus honing in on steve’s breaths, steve’s pleasure.
steve tugs hard on tony’s hair, and tony knows what it means. he stands up on shaky knees and presses up against steve, kissing him messily.
steve’s hand trails down the front of tony’s suit, stopping at tony’s belt.
“let me,” tony whispers against steve’s lips, and pushes steve down onto the desk. he quickly shucks off his pants and underwear, searches around his drawer for some lube, and climbs onto the desk to straddle steve.
“didn’t expect this reaction when i came in,” steve says, laughing a little.
tony shakes his head. “you’re gorgeous,” he says, “but this suit… god, steve, who should i send a christmas basket to?”
steve laughs, loudly now, and pulls tony down for a searing kiss. steve makes quick work of tony’s tie and the unbuttons his shirt, pushing the clothes off tony’s shoulders and onto the floor. “that’s better,” steve says, letting his hands roam around tony’s naked chest.
tony shudders at the contact, surprised by the feeling of steve’s gloves, of skin, and leather, and heat.
steve reaches over and clicks open the bottle of lube, spreading some on his fingers. with his other hand, he pulls tony down for another kiss, his hand warm on tony’s nape.
tony moans into steve’s mouth when he slides two fingers into him, rocking back against steve’s fingers in anticipation. “more,” he begs, and steve obliges him, slipping in a third finger.
tony keens, breaking away from the kiss and throwing his head back with pleasure at the feeling of being stretched open, surprised by the sensation that steve’s gloves bring.
“like it?” steve whispers against tony’s skin, pressing open mouthed kisses against tony’s neck.
“y-yes,” tony stammers out, his mind blanking out and bursting into stars at every movement of steve’s fingers. “let me fuck you,” he grinds out, and it’s taking all of his concentration to say words and not just groan gutterally.
steve slides his fingers out of tony’s hole and tony whimpers softly at the loss. he takes a steadying breath, feeling overwhelmed in the best possible way. he lifts himself over steve’s hips, and slowly guides steve’s cock into his ass, hissing a little as steve’s thick cock stretches him open.
steve’s moan starts low, and soft, and he likely doesn’t even realize he’s making any sounds as tony’s sliding down onto his cock, which is probably one of tony’s favorite things about steve, and there are so many, and tony’s thoughts all stutter to a halt when finally, finally, finally, steve’s cock is fully inside him.
tony takes shallow breaths, pleasure zinging around him like a wild current. he rolls his hips forward slowly, and steve slams his head back onto the desk sending a loud bang reverberating through the room.
“you okay?” tony asks breathlessly.
steve is breathing hard. “fuck me,” he whispers.
tony smiles and moves forward to press a quick kiss on steve’s nose, before sliding back down on steve’s cock and rolling his forward more forcefully now.
steve’s hands snap to tony’s hips, aiding in the motion, and only then does tony realize that steve’s still fully clothed.
“you look so fucking good in this suit,” tony moans, hands braced on steve’s chest, grabbing uselessly at the fabric of the uniform.
steve nods, swallows, opens and closes his mouth, and moans.
tony can’t help but be proud of himself, getting steve to react this way. he snaps his hips against steve’s, shifting a little until he finds the right angle and - oh.
“oh, god, oh, yes,” tony groans, his mind nothing but sparks of pleasure as the head of steve’s cock rubs against his prostate.
steve tightens his grip on tony’s hips, fucking tony against him, and tony’s hands move uselessly from steve’s arms, steve’s shoulders, steve’s chest, not really thinking about why, only knowing that he needed to be holding on tight.
“right there, right there,” tony chants, his mouth just needing to move, pleasure requiring verbalization. beneath him, steve is breathing hard, small, soft moans spilling from his lips.
tony’s hands slip from steve’s shoulders to rest on either side of steve’s head. he raises his hips up as steve fucks him, and he can feel beads of sweat sliding down his back, down his forearms, down the tip of his nose. steve turns his head and sucks at the skin on the inside of tony’s wrist just as he wraps a hand around tony’s cock.
tony comes almost instantly, stuttering and shuddering against steve as the orgasm rocks through him. steve’s other hand, still on tony’s hip, continues to rock tony forward on steve’s still-hard cock.
tony takes a few seconds to catch his breath, feeling dazed, then he wipes the sweat off his brow and presses a quick kiss to steve’s lips.
“i want to make you come for me,” he says, as he straightens up, and begins to ride steve’s cock in earnest. he knows that steve’s close, which is why he’s confident in going hard, and true enough, steve comes after a few strokes, groaning tony’s name as he does.
tony rests against steve’s chest as he feels the last of steve’s orgasm pulse through him, humming a little as he feels steve go soft, and feels steve’s cum leaking out of him.
“tony,” steve says, sounding more lucid, now. he doesn’t have to say anything else.
tony smiles against steve’s chest. “welcome home, steve.”
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glf-thoughts · 5 years
entry #1 , 9/6/19 , 6:17am
in the time between making the account and creating a comfortable starting page (which was a little complicated considering the fact that i’m a compulsive perfectionist [trust me, i did not mean to use alliteration at all but the poet inside of me is restless], i’ve thought of half a million ways to start this first post but now i can’t really figure out a good way to fit in all my thoughts. and i do have a lot of thoughts.
anyway i kinda realized that shoving that much information about myself behind my opening post would just about be overkill. but i can’t help it , i seek to destroy with the boring details of my personal thoughts. but let me be straight with what’s going on here. this is a repertoire of my thoughts. or at least i hope it is. i’m trying to find the perfect word to describe what i really made my account for (jeez you know when it’s early in the morning and apple kinda just decides to brighten up your screen for you? yeah that just happened to me). pretty much i’m choosing words like memoir and repertoire because they sound like they belong with this kinda grouping. to be completely honest i’m not sure if there’s a connection in the fact that the words rhyme and i also might not even know what repertoire means lol. pretty much it’s a diary. it’s that simple. i don’t need to make it complicated. it’s a diary that i hope to one day tweak into a story and pitch as some kind of media or digital film or something. im a writer. or so i think. i used to love writing when i was more of a child than i am now
, sorry for the gap. i had to pause my thoughts cuz my sister opened her door to get ready for the day and nothing happened after and that kinda sent a random wave of anxiety my way. lol , literally what in the world do i need to be anxious about right now ? another one of those happened while i was binging the O.C. (ep 3.6) , and it was so strange and random i had to pause the episode to figure out why that was happening. ANYWAY, me stopping that episode was actually the reason i’m typing rn. cuz i posted my deep angsty thoughts on my finsta and that got me thinking about starting to write in a journal. y’all know taureans are lazy so here i am on tumblr, the ultimate refuge for angst filled teens to hide away from the troubles of the real world. it was also pretty convenient. at this point i’m running out of things to think about. this is honestly a super long first post and i’m kinda embarrassed that i didn’t cover any of the points that i actually wanted to but hey this is a pretty good start. we got lots of room for new thoughts. and this is just a rough draft, is it not ? a starting place. i’m gonna unpause my show, and smoke a bit more. withdraw those high thoughts, flush em out with sativa wax. maybe i’m sharing too much idk. either way i’ve finished my first memoir/repertoire/diary? entry.
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