#Sonny go along looks like a himbo
seroothincs · 1 year
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Am I the only one that is completely invested in these four characters so much so that I created personal headcanons for them and even build up backstories? Am I the only one?!
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anonymous-rendezvous · 8 months
💛 Luca Kaneshiro x GN!Reader
✦ — Written by Mod I ✨. Beta Read and Edited by Mod S 👿.
✧ — Contains: Established Relationship, fluff, spicy 🔞
✦ — Word count: 5.8k+ | Ao3
redamancy | pronunciation - ‘red-a-“man-sE(n.) the act of loving someone who loves you back; a love returned in full. — After a night out with friends, Luca can’t stop thinking about his relationship with you. You are his world and he wouldn’t trade it for anything. But he can’t help but wonder, would you want to take your relationship a step further?
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─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
“Wait–wait,” Mysta’s eyes blink repeatedly, eyes hazy with alcohol. “Wait. You’re telling me the two of you have been together almost a year and haven’t had sex yet?” From across the table, the mafia boss's hands twitch, eyes locked anywhere but on his friends. 
“Mysta.” Ike immediately chastises the detective, shooting him a disapproving look.
Said brunette nearly yells back, “What!? I’m just surprised! Yeah, they’ve been in a relationship for a year, but he’s had feelings for them long before that. Hell, he’s known them longer than most of us have!” Blue eyes lock back onto the large blonde. “To be clear, I’m not like judging or anything. Just curious. Have you ever asked or talked about it?”
The novelist shakes his head, sighing at the direction this conversation has taken. “There’s always the chance they’re on the ace spectrum, Mysta. You can’t just assume these things.” He raises his drink to his lips. “Or it could just be something neither of them is interested in. Not everyone is interested in sex.”
When Luca finally raises his eyes from the table, ears all red, he finds Shu silently watching him. “We can change the subject if you don’t want to talk about it.” He sends the sorcerer an awkward smile, raising both hands as he starts to speak.
“No, no! It’s, uh it’s fine! We’ve just…” His eyes dart back down to the table again, his face no doubt red as his flush refuses to go away. “We’ve never really talked about it. And I didn’t–.....” Luca paused as he reflected on of his next words. “I didn’t want to seem disrespectful, ya’know? So I figured if they ever wanted to discuss it, we would.”
The Brit across the table scoffed, waving his hand dismissively. “Oh please, you’re incapable of being disrespectful Luca.” He raises a hand to point a gloved finger at the blonde, lips curling into a teasing smirk. “Himbo.”
“What!... I’m not a himbo!” Luca immediately denies. “I’m mean and evil! A big scary mafia boss! I'm not a himbo...” He pouts, eyes looking off to the side as his last statement trails off. 
“I mean… you do check off all the credentials though…” Shu smirked into his glass, trying his best not to choke on a laugh as the blonde’s head turned quickly in his direction, shooting him a betrayed look. “Just saying!” Ike shakes his head with a laugh. Taking pity on his friend, decides to move the topic to the new series he was reading, making the aforementioned mafia boss extremely grateful as the topic finally shifts away from his sex life. Or rather lack, therefore of. Relaxing back into the faux leather of the booth seat, he cradles his drink between his hands, crossing one leg over the other as his eyes trail around the bar.
They had rented the place out for the evening so that they could relax and share a few drinks without having to worry about being recognized. No matter how casually they dressed, it was hard to miss the mystical creatures that the majority of girls were; being so easily recognizable and all. Currently, those same girls were scattered in groups around the bar. Some were tucked away in booths, while the majority were enjoying themselves on the dance floor. Luca can’t help but giggle as he watches Uki quite literally drag Fulgur and Sonny to join the girls dancing; both looking extremely awkward as they’re pulled along. Lilac eyes continue their trek across the room before finally, they come to a stop on you.
He watched as you stood with Vox in front of the sound system, arguing over music choices. “No. Nonono, Vox, you don’t understand–”
“I don’t understand!? You can't simply play ‘Party Rock Anthem’ this late into the night! We either all have to be completely sober or shit-faced to enjoy that song in its entirety!” The voice demon argues.
“And yet you wanna play a song by ‘Queen’? The perfect karaoke band? How is that any different!?”
Before Vox could speak another word, Nina appeared beside the duo. “Alright babies, since I've already collected the next round by myself and you still haven’t decided on a song, it’s mommy’s choice.”
Luca can’t help but laugh as the two of you comedically groan in unison, “But Moooom!”
“Sorry honeys~”
The pair retrieve the trays from the ex-goddess before shuffling their way back to the tables. Once you set your tray down, your hand affectionately reaches up to squeeze your boyfriend's arm. "Doing okay, love?" You wondered aloud, thumb running soothing circles over the fabric of his dress shirt. It's such a simple action, yet every time you do it his heart still skips a beat. He reaches up, clasping his hand over yours before taking your hand and intertwining your fingers together. He gives a soft 'mh-hmm' drawing your hand closer before pressing a light kiss to your knuckles.
His eyes flicker up to you, "How 'bout you? You okay? Hmm?" Your expression softens further, nodding your head with a smile. A disgruntled groan draws both of your attention back to the rest of the group.
"Wow, thanks for reminding the rest of us how painfully single we are." Mysta pouts as he slumps over the table, the only one that actually looks bothered by that fact. The sound of your laughter fills the air, causing an immediate grin to tug at the blonde's lips.
"Awww don't worry Mysta! You'll find the perfect person, eventually; you're an absolute catch after all, despite what you think." You finish with a wink in his direction, which causes the detective to jokingly sob before facing Luca.
"Dammit, man! Why’d you have to steal them away first? Unfair."
Luca can't help but smirk as he leans further back into the booth. "Of course, I had to steal them away. I'm the mean and evil Mafia boss, remember? But…" Lavender eyes trailed up to lock on yours, a flush creeping over his cheeks as he pulled your still-clasped hand back to his lips. “...they stole my heart first. So it's only fair that I pay them back by stealing theirs." Mysta groans again causing Shu and Ike to laugh, the sorcerer patting the detective's back while Nina and Vox coo at the two of you.
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
A couple of hours later, the pair of you stumble through the door of your shared home, hand distractedly waving the Lucub that was your Uber, goodbye. Your hand skims the wall in search of the switch as you try to catch your breath, laughter continuing to shake through you; struggling but being able to close the door with your other hand. Your boyfriend was in no better state.
"Can–can you believe it? I didn't think he would actually climb up and dance on the table!" Luca laughed, clutching at his sides.
"You literally told him he didn't have the balls to do it! You have got to stop being such an enabler!" Wheezing, you place a hand on your chest and try to slow your breathing. The blonde only laughed harder. "We're so lucky we'd rented the place out, we absolutely would have gotten kicked out!" After briefly catching your breath, you use your feet to fumble with your shoes but let out a startled sound when you're suddenly swept up in muscular arms. "Ah–Luca!"
Said man continued to laugh as he pulled you into the living room and out of the entryway, beginning to dance you around the furniture; humming a tune of his own. You struggled to keep up with his sudden movements, but not once did you attempt to stop the impromptu dance. His exaggerated movements eventually slowed before he pulls you closer to him, watching as the smile never left your face. He wraps an arm around your waist to draw you flush to his chest, the other clasping one of your hands in his. Your free hand slides up along his shoulder before resting at the nape of his neck. His face and ears are warm as he feels your fingers play with his hair softly. 
Luca continues to dance you around the room slowly before lowering you in a dip. The way you ease your body into it, trusting him fully not to drop you, sends butterflies fluttering in his stomach. For a moment he feels like he’s in a dream – the way moonlight peaks through the window, bathing your skin in a soft glow. Or maybe, he half thinks, it’s just the residuals of all the drinks he’s had. Yet he just can’t help the way he stares down at you, holding you suspended in that pose; this kind of feeling can’t only be explained away with alcohol. Only he gets to see you like this – completely comfortable in his arms. You are his, and his alone, and he couldn’t be happier with that thought. 
Your eyes flutter open, meeting his awed gaze. The enormous smile that’s been on you since he began this impromptu waltz grows gentle as you take in his expression hovering over you. That fluttering feeling intensifies as he watches the sheer open affection dance in your eyes, and he’s speaking before his brain can even properly process – his tone full of nothing but admiration, “You look amazing.”
Laughing with a hint of shyness, you parrot back at him, “You look amazing.” Your expression grows cheeky as you grip him tighter.
He lets out a little flustered laugh as he shakes his head. “No, really. You look amazing.”
His tone is so serious it catches you off guard, eyes widening for a split second before you pat his chest, letting out a small chuckle. “Okay, we’re both still tipsy.” You pull yourself up while gripping his shoulder; trying to stand up as you regain your footing. Luca quickly realizes and helps with a supporting hand on your back. Though once you’re standing properly, he gets a better look at your face – a chance to see how flustered you are by his words before you duck away, head downcast to hide your sudden rush of shyness.
“Maybe, but–” he slides his hand down your back, pulling you closer by your waist to be against him– “you really are so pretty.” His free hand reaches up to grasp your chin, leaving you no choice but to meet his eyes. There’s definitely alcohol still coursing through his system. He was rarely this bold without some of it in him. As his thumb brushes against your lower lip, his voice gets softer and deeper the longer he continues to speak. “So damn gorgeous...” He leans into you, your noses brushing as his lips ghost over yours; eyes remaining locked. “And you're mine.” His words have weight to them, and it doesn't take long for him to depict it, lips feverishly pressing against yours.
You’re barely able to let out even a sound as his lips mold to yours. Every time your lips part to catch your breath, the more his lips seem to seek yours out. Luca’s chasing yours with something toeing the line of desperation and need. Strong hands clutching at you in such a way that you knew could leave bruises if he so wished, yet his strength was something he was acutely aware of – even with his alcohol-addled mind.
His tongue brushes against your lips and there's not a second wasted before you open your mouth to him, allowing your tongues to brush against each other. You can still taste the drinks on his breath as your hands trail to tangle themselves in golden strands. Pulling out the golden clip, you can't help the content sigh, leaving you at the feeling of his soft hair falling against your fingers. Luca’s own hands began shifting, his hands sliding over your form; slipping their way under your shirt to grasp at your bare skin. The cold leather of his gloves causing you to shiver, his hold on you growing tighter. Yet you suddenly realize where the two of you have been heading, when the hand you have in his hair tugs, and a moan slips from his lips.
You attempt to pull away. However, Luca chases after your lips. “Wai–” You can’t help the noise that leaves you as Luca’s hands grope at your hips, attempting to pull you further against him. Your hands fall from his hair down to his shoulders and attempt to nudge him back. And although he makes another attempt to recapture your lips, he allows you the distance. Breathless from his kisses, you finally say, “Luca wait…” You have a feeling he’s not even aware of the whine he lets out as he finally allows you to take a full step back, his grip loosening but never fully retracting from you. “We’re still tipsy we shouldn’t–I don’t want–” You let out a frustrated breath, head foggy from both the alcohol still in your system and the intense make out you just had. “I don’t want to be tipsy the first time we’re together like that.”
Lavender eyes go from half-lidded to wide-eyed, blinking owlishly at you as the words sink in. You watch as his face shifts from surprise to an emotion you can’t quite depict, before finally settling on serious. With the firm nod he gives, you’d almost believe he was sober if you hadn't seen him down a few glasses at the bar with your own eyes; not including what you could taste on his lips. He tugs at the hem of your shirt lightly, silently asking if you’d move closer. Taking a step forward into his space, he leans in to press another kiss to your lips – much softer than the ones you shared seconds prior. This time, he doesn’t chase after you when you pull away, his eyes looking at you apologetically. 
His flush deepens as you chuckle, lips brushing against his cheek before stepping back once more, lightly patting his chest. “Okay, we should drink some water, maybe get some food in us too.” One of your hands raises to tug the collar of your shirt away from your body; almost having to peel it off your skin with how warm your body has gotten. “Definitely take a shower. I’m so sweaty after all the dancing tonight.” You say with a light laugh.
Luca smiles lazily as he watches you make your way to the kitchen. His head still feels like it’s buzzing; mind racing as he thinks about how your body felt in his hands. As he idles there, still in the middle of the room, his thoughts drift back to his earlier conversation with the boys. He can’t help the way he shifts in place, feeling a mixture of nervous excitement. The conversation wouldn’t be as hard or awkward to broach as he initially thought it could be; the previous minutes playing through his head. Luca’s eyes follow you as you amble back into the room and pass him a water bottle. A quick ‘Thank you.’ escapes his lips before he uncaps it, downing about half of it immediately. There are simultaneous ‘Ah's’ as you both finish drinking, causing the two of you to laugh.
Meeting his eyes, you tilt your head toward the staircase, eyes going between it and him. “Do you want to use the shower first? As sweaty as I feel, I don’t mind waiting.”
The mafia boss tipped his head in contemplation. His eyes mimicked yours by looking back towards the stairs before meeting yours again, mouth opening before closing in hesitation. He takes another gulp of his water before nervously stuttering out, “We–we could both take one, ya’know. Together. Bathe together, I mean.” You're not even given a second to respond before he seems to start backpedaling, shaking his head aggressively. “We don’t have to! I don’t want to make you uncomfortable! You can just take one fir–” His jaw shuts with an almost audible click as your hand rests lightly on his forearm.
“I wouldn’t mind, Luca.” You soothe, looking at him with adoring fondness. “Are you sure you’d be okay with that? I know we typically change in the same room together but…” Your sentence trails off, but he understands what you mean, anyway. He shifts his arm, positioning it so he can clasp your hand.
“I am,” He says with a firm nod, “I want to. I–you know–” He swallows as his voice starts to shake from embarrassment, pausing to collect his words. “I like taking care of you; want to care for you in that way, too.”
Now you can feel yourself growing flustered as well. Taking a deep breath, you nod your head. “Okay.” The smile you receive could rival the sun’s warmth. He pulls your hand that’s still clasped in his up to his mouth, pressing a kiss to your knuckles before the pair of you part ways. Luca heads up to prepare the bath, while you grab extra water bottles, making the mental note to grab clean clothes to sleep in.
You can hear the water running as you walk up to your shared bedroom, the door to your bathroom wide open. Setting the bottles on the dresser, you start digging out some comfortable night clothes for the pair of you before joining him in the adjoined bathroom. Luca already has towels set aside for both of you, along with lighting one of your essential oil candles, filling the room with the smell of eucalyptus and tea. He was currently kneeling beside the large tub, one glove removed, as his bare hand dipped into the water to test its warmth. You’ve noticed he tied his hair back, likely not wanting to get it wet before bed; remembering he took a shower before you left to meet with your friends. Setting the clothes on the counter as the blonde finally turns the faucet off and stands. Though he must have not heard you enter the room, as he nearly jumps when he turns to find you behind him. A tell of how lost in thought he is considering how acutely aware of his surroundings he normal is. 
“Oh, hi–umm…” You can practically feel the nervous energy radiating off of Luca. His hands fidget with the glove he’s still wearing before taking it off. His nervous eyes can only look at you for a few seconds before letting them settle back on the tub. He's out of his element here – unintentionally causing a standstill between the two of you. The awkward seconds you both are just standing there become increasingly long in his head as he tries to think of a way to break it. Should he just start undressing? Should he help you undress? He doesn’t get very far into the thought process before you approach him, hands gripping lightly on his blazer, deciding for him. 
“Need some help there, big guy?” He can practically feel his mind stop working, letting out a flustered noise.
“I–” He pauses, letting his brain process before continuing. “Yes? But shouldn’t I–”
Your hands help ease the white blazer off of his shoulders, letting it slip down his arms before turning and laying it nicely over the counter. When you turn to face him again, his lips are parted in surprise, brain trying to catch up with your actions. “Luca, you already do so much for me. Let me do this for you. Okay, hun?” He’s clearly still flustered, but nods his head in agreement, letting out a shaky breath as your fingers find the top button of his dress shirt. You refrain from making any comment, not wanting to cause your boyfriend to go on a tangent, but you can’t help but admire his pecs as they’re slowly exposed to you. Eyes tracing the lines of the tattoo you’ve seen a hundred times. Once it’s fully unbuttoned, Luca gives a small roll of his shoulders, helping the silky fabric slip down his arms. Before you can catch it, as it slips down to the floor, the blonde's hands move forward, lightly tugging at the bottom of your shirt. Without any preamble, you raise your arms to allow him to pull the fabric off of you.
The Mafia boss can’t help the way his eyes immediately trail down to your chest before coming to a stop at your hips. His hands subconsciously reach out and brush the tips of his fingers along them and he can feel the way your body shivers at the almost ticklish sensation before pulling his hands back as he realizes what he was doing. He’s so unsure of how to proceed, not used to being this intimate with someone. Yes, this is far from the first time he’s seen you in some state of undress. Except this was the first time he’s ever helped undress you. This is one of the very few situations where you are more experienced, Luca never having gotten this far in a relationship before. Hell, this is his first proper relationship. Though he didn't have the time to casually look for lovers when it came to his line of work. He's thankful because you even accept him for who he is, and what he does.
He’s jolted back to the present once more when he feels your fingers tug at the belt on his pants. “Can I take these off too, darling?” Luca lets out a heavy breath, not realizing he had been holding it.
“Yeah. Can I also–” He brings his hands up to thumb at the button of your pants. Giving your consent, you both undo the other pants. Once they were as far as you each could take them, you both stepped back to finish removing them until the two of you were left standing in your underwear. To speed this part up, you both removed them yourselves; placing them in the clothes hamper to clean later.
Once those were set aside, Luca offered his hand to help you inside the tub. Smiling, you thank him as you step in. A satisfied sigh leaves your lips as you sink into the warm water. Making yourself comfortable against the back of the tub, you reach your arms out – gesturing for Luca to join you in the tub. You can practically see the gears start turning inside his head, his mouth forming a small ‘o’ as he connects the dots. There’s a stutter to his movements. However, you can tell it’s from embarrassment rather than hesitation. He joins you in the bath, eyes so focused on the water it almost makes you laugh. Luca sinks into the water and makes himself comfortable between your bent knees; facing you. 
One of your hands rests on his upper arm as you ask, “Is it okay for me to wash you?” The tips of his ears are still a bright red as he gives a quick nod of approval. Picking up the small cup you keep here for baths, you fill it before pouring the cup over his shoulders. You can’t help but watch the way the water rolls over his skin, eyes tracing over his chest and tattoos. Once his skin is damp enough, you reach over to grab his body wash before pausing as an idea strikes you. “Luca, could you turn around for me? I think it’d be easier to start with your back.”
“Oh, uh, okay like–” He does his best to turn around without sloshing the water too much, making sure as well to not bump into you. Once his back is to you, he looks over his shoulder at you and asks, “Like this?”
“Mhm, perfect thank you.” Finally picking up the body wash, you pour a bit of it onto your hand. After you place the bottle aside, you lather the soap between your hands before reaching up to massage it into his shoulders. He grows a bit tense instinctively before relaxing into your touch, his eyes closing briefly in contentment. Working the soap into his skin, you ease the knots out of his shoulders. By the time you reach his lower back just above the water, he's completely relaxed under your touch. You rinse him off before placing your hands lightly on his shoulders, leaning your head forward to speak. “Lean against me, please?”
He looks at you again, a small crease between his brows. “Like against you?” When you nod, he continues. “But won’t I be too heavy?”
“No, it’ll be fine, I promise. Besides, I like it when you're against me.” Your hands gently urge him to lean back against you, rubbing small circles into his shoulders. It takes a moment before his toned back is resting flush against your chest. The warmth of his skin causing you to smile. Luca swallows, still red in the face, and if anything it grows darker. He can feel the way your heart beats against his back and it makes his own feel like it skips a beat. Not to mention the feel of your bare chest against him makes him glad that you couldn’t see his face, knowing there's no way you wouldn’t tease him relentlessly for it.
You pick up the body wash again, soaping up your hands before slowly bringing them to hover over his stomach. His breath hitches even as you just barely brush him before they fully settle against his warm skin; spread fingers dangerously close to his pelvis. When he doesn’t pull away, you allow your hands to start rubbing the soap into his skin. Your fingers edge towards his elevated thighs, swiping lightly over the place where his hips meet said skin. The effect it has on the blonde is instantaneous; letting out a shuddered breath before dropping his head back on your shoulder. His breath fans against the side of your face in quick pants as your hands massage down his thighs, digging your fingers into any soft skin they can reach. Turning your head allows you to press soft kisses against the side of his face; watching him sink into your soft touch.
Luca felt like he was melting, eyes becoming half-lidded as he relished in your touch. Between the warmth of the water, your chest pressed against his back, your mouth– your hands– you. All of you. He couldn’t help but crave more. One of his hands grasps your wrist lightly, resting there as his other hand reaches up to cup the side of your face, turning his so he can meet your lips. Feeling your smile grow against his mouth makes him kiss you deeper, hand moving to the back of your head as he takes in your lips. Luca could kiss you for hours, the taste of your lips intoxicating to him. He wanted to be engulfed in the feeling completely, drinking in the entirety of you, and only you. Of course, he’d be too embarrassed to ever tell you this to your face.
The water shifts as he turns his body towards you, the blonde’s heavy breaths fanning against your lips every time you separate from each other's mouths. He fully sits up, causing you to tilt your head up as he towers over you, your back remaining relaxed against the tub. When his kisses start to grow feverish once more, you break away with a light laugh, pressing your free hand to his chest and pulling back enough to look him in the eyes; voice hushed as you speak.
“Luca, I haven’t even finished washing you yet. Come on big guy,” Your smile widens at the quiet whine he lets out, watching him pout.
“Can I help you?” When your head tilts in question, he clarifies, “Wash you? I want to wash you too.”
“Sure let me–” Your words are cut off as Luca’s large hands grab your waist, lifting you out of the water enough to switch places with you. He settles back against the tub before setting you in his lap, facing him. You shake your head with a fond laugh. “You didn’t even let me finish.”
“I know, sorry, but,” He blinks, pausing to think for a moment. “This way you can finish washing me while I wash you, yeah?” His hands shift from your waist to rest lightly on the top of your thighs. “What do you think? Hmm?”
Instead of responding, you pick up the cup once more; filling it before tipping it over his chest. He takes the cup from you once you're done with it and repeats the process with you. Pouring more soap into your hands, you pass him that bottle as well before finally bringing your hands to his pecs. Although he knew it was coming, a gasp still left his lips as your hands cupped his chest. Part of yourself is slightly jealous of how soft and large his chest is – though that thought is all but overwhelmed by the content feeling of knowing that this man was yours. Your fingers dig more into the muscle, practically groping him at this point, drawing out a huff mixed with both exasperation and shyness from the blonde that's your in the midst of feeling up. “They’re not that big,” He grumbles.
“They totally are.” You snicker. He opens his mouth to protest, but you cut him off by swooping in for another kiss. It’s nothing more than a peck, yet you begin trailing these light kisses from his lips to his cheek, his chin, down his throat, before finally coming to a stop over his fast-beating heart. “I’m not complaining, though. Do you have any idea how beautiful you are? How damn attractive you are, physically and otherwise?” He gasps as your kiss turns into a nip, leaving a pink mark over the place where his heart rests. “I’m so lucky to call you mine.”
He’s unsure how to respond to your words immediately, feeling overwhelmed by his emotions. Biting his lip, he tries his best to return to his initial task; pouring some of the body wash into his hand before setting it aside and bringing his hands to your waist. They hesitate there for a moment before he starts to massage the soap into your skin. He flinches slightly when you cup the side of his face with one of your hands, your thumb forcing his teeth to release his now-swollen lip. His hands tighten their hold on your waist and the resulting groan that falls from your lips stokes the heat twisting in his stomach. 
“You’re so beautiful.” The words are out of his mouth before he can even think. Leaning into you, he buries his face in your neck, brushing his nose back and forth against your collarbone. “So damn gorgeous.” Leaving a trail of kisses, he makes his way to your shoulder. “So gorgeous.” He mutters again. His hands slip further down, gripping the plush of your thighs. Luca feels your hand trail to the back of his neck, playing with the few short strands that have slipped from his ponytail. “You're so sweet to me. Sometimes I really don’t know what’d I do if I didn’t have you. And even if I get embarrassed and don’t have the words to give back to you, you always know how to read me like a book…” He brushes his nose against your skin once more before pulling back to look into your eyes, his gaze glimmering with nothing but pure affection. “I love you…. so, so much.”
Leaning your forehead against his, you smile warmly, returning his gaze with just as much vigor. “I love you too.”
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
The two of you stay in the bath until the water starts to turn cold, wanting to get properly cleaned but also not wanting this new experience to end. After giving yourselves a proper wash, you both drain the water, reluctantly get out and dry off. Pulling on your sleep clothes, the pair of you fall into bed together, getting comfy under your big blanket. Luca takes up his usual position; lying partially on his side with you tucked into his chest, one arm wrapped around your waist while he runs the fingertips of his other hand along your back. One of your arms is tucked under your head while your free hand plays with the now loose strands of his hair.
“Would you really want to?” He suddenly asks; voice lowered into a whisper, believing if he spoke any louder, you'd somehow be overheard. You hum in question, giving him the sign to continue, “Y’know, want to be–” he stops for a moment, before looking down at you. “Do you want to be intimate with me?” 
You're silent for a moment, searching his eyes. He looks utterly serious about his question and, after a moment, as you throw his own words back at him, “Do you?”
“Y–yeah?” His immediate response is hesitant before responding again, firmer this time. “Yes.” He lets out a shuddering breath, focusing on the feel of his hand trailing over your back. “I’ve thought about it for a while, but I know I’m pretty inexperienced. I–” his eyes dart away from you as his expression grows hesitant. “I know it’s dumb since we’ve never really talked about it, but part of me was worried that it would…” His voice trails off, leaving his sentence unfinished. You, however, could pick up what he couldn’t say.
A frown tugs at your lips, wanting nothing more than to shoo those thoughts away. “Luca, please look at me.” His lips purse for a second before he meets your gaze. Leaning forward, you press a soft kiss against his lips. He returns it, sighing contentedly as the tension melts from him. He’s much calmer when you pull back. “I don't need sex to have or want to be with you, hun.” You press another kiss to his lips. “I didn’t fall in love with you with the thought that I’d eventually get sex out of you. That would have just been a bonus. If you had even wanted that, of course.” You say with an easy shrug.
He swallows, before nodding, a small smile finally returning to his face. There’s a quiet moment before he whispers once more, “I’ve never done it before.”
“And that’s alright.” You acknowledge as your hand brushes his bangs back. “That’s why I don’t want to rush into any of this. Or be potentially inebriated.” Snuggling deeper into his chest, you rest your ear against his heart. The consistent thump of his heartbeat is the perfect song to lure you into sleep. “We can talk more about it tomorrow, okay? I’ll answer questions you have.” He agrees with a short hum, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. “I love you, Luca.”
“I love you too.” He buries his face deeper into your hair. “More than anything.”
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
It might take a while, but there will eventually be a part 2. I'm just a very slow writer lol.
Likes are nice and we do appreciate them. However, comments/feedback is what really motivates us to continue writing. Even just a keyboard smash or emojis are a joy to see!
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4kiraa · 1 year
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nah cuz you can tell me itto nd his gf wouldn’t be total opposites…
cw!: fem!reader, talk of being emo☠️, reader just wears black and dresses kinda like those goths on pinterest that i be calling mommy, mentions of bullying really minor i swear, modern hs day au because i know absolutely nothing abt genshin LMAO. ALSO NAWT PROOF READ.
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No one could believe what they were currently seeing.
A 6’5, jock who was known for being the “himbo” of their school, walking hand in hand with the all black wearing girl who was an entire foot shorter than him and who’s looks could also kill. whispers filled the air as girls who had been crushing on your bf since the dawn of time glared at your warm smiling faces.
no one could believe what they were currently seeing
JOCK ITTO! who for the past 2 weeks has been enchanted by you, a girl he sees every two days in the library either reading a book or listening to music through your black sonny earphones decorated with tiny little skull stickers. he was originally sent there by his teachers because he had been failing in almost every single subject. it’s not like he was dumb!…well ok he kinda is, but it was mainly because of his sports. being a jock with countless games at different schools along with practice was very hard!!!
JOCK ITTO! who told his gang of jocks about you, the mysterious and very pretty girl but was shocked to hear their response.
“oh, you mean y/n?” one of his friends cackled. “she’s no good news arataki” he said as he patted itto on the back. “yeah!” one of his other friends chimed in “i remember trying to askin’ her out once, she’s a dark beauty alright but man is she cold! before i could even finish she walked away from me!. im tell’n you man, shes totally stuck up” “ itto was surprised to say the least, ‘was that all true?’ i mean, how would he know? he’s never even talked to you before, he’s just stared at you like a lil creep admiring the way you brushed you hair , or how you would apply your lip gloss, and how- “you know itto” one of his friends said while interjecting his thoughts. “ a girl is the last thing you should be worrying about, we’ve got a game soon and our best player isn’t with us because he’s too busy trying to complete his homework” he was right, itto thought. he should be focusing on sports, not some girl. but still for some reason, he just couldn’t get you off his mind…
JOCK ITTO! Who after thinking about you for days, decided to go and talk to you instead of hearing about you from his friend’s experiences. “hey! i’m arataki itto, what’s your name!” he said while running towards you in the library “i’ve seen you a couple times before and i just wanted to say that-“ “SHHHH” the librarian loudly shushed him as itto covered his mouth. “sorry! n’yways as i was- he froze solid as your pretty mascara covered eyes looked him up and down, your plump lips parting to respond. “i’m sorry, do you need something?” itto, still frozen, started sweating. 'is she mad at me? why does she sound mad? is that always how she sounds😨?’ mans was stressed ok, and it didn’t help that you were a criminally beautiful girl because we all know despite this man being one of the most popular guys in school and having girl all across the damn country thirsting over him, he still has L rizz.
JOCK ITTO! Who, for the first time, saw you crack a warm hearted smile at his awkwardness, creating little black butterflies in his stomach. “i’m just kidding” you say will playfully hitting his arm ‘i’m never going to shower after this🫡’ itto thought. “my name is y/n, i’ve seen you in the library for the past few weeks, you need any help?
JOCK ITTO! who you now help out with his homework, both of you learning new things about each other. for him, he learns about your style and ‘dark’ interests. And for him, you realize that’s he’s actually not so dumb. and as the two of you gradually grow closer, the more stares and whispers that you both gain.
“Nahh, is that y/n and itto? ain no way😨”
“shut up, she’ll hear you and sacrifice you, i heard that’s what then emos be doing bruh”
JOCK ITTO! who after 3 months, finally decided to ask you out, fumbling over his words and looking like a damn fool if i’m being honest.But no thing could prepare him for your answer. “so you like me huh?” you said in a sly tone. “sure, let’s go out itto, show me a good time” then bro fainted…
“um itto, itto… you alright?” dw about him he just fainted from joy 🤗
No one could believe what they were currently seeing.
A 6’5, jock who was known for being the “himbo” of their school, walking hand in hand with the all black wearing girl who was an entire foot shorter than him and who’s looks could also kill. whispers filled the air as girls who had been crushing on your bf since the dawn of time glared at your warm smiling faces. But you didn’t care, and neither did your boyfriend.
sorry ngl ts was ass at the end cuz this been in my drafts since 1987. also emorights ok bai:3 
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thewistlingbadger · 4 years
In the heights
Haha pun
Let's start with the boys
Sonny 4'11. So for some reason I couldn't find Robin de Jesús's height online so I'll have to guesstimate it. At first I thought maybe 4'7 but then I thought that was too mean. Sonny is a short king. I imagine that when usnavi and sonny hug usnavi naturally puts his head on Sunny's hair because of the height difference. Him being 4'11 results and Pete bending down to kiss him, getting thrown over somebody's shoulder when he's mad or just won't quit, being carried bridal style, Pete picking him up to kiss him, piggyback rides, and SPIN KISSES. Pete will grab him then spin him and then pin him against the wall and kiss him. It's adorable. If Sonny goes on his tippy-toes he still not as tall as Pete. Even when he JUMPS he still not quite there. He understands all of the short people struggles. Would wear heels just to feel taller.
Usnavi 5'2. Irl Lin is 5'9 but that's too tall for usnavi. He is short but not as short as sonny. Hispanic men are just short I don't get to make the rules. His size is probably why People get along with him easily. He's nice and he's small so he's not threatening on the surface. Vanessa and Benny both feel the need to protect him but they protect him in different ways. Vanessa makes sure nobody's trying to pull a stunt on him. Benny emotionally (and physically?) protects him. For example:
Vanessa and usnavi have to walk through a dark ally. Vanessa grabs his hand and picks up her pace so here heels make noise basically telling anybody nearby to "not fuck with them." "Come on Usnavi, keep up with me. We don't need to be here any longer than we have to." But she's also brave about it. "I'd like to see someone try to pull something." Usnavi thinks she's joking and just saying it to lighten up the mood, which it does, but she's not. She's dead serious. She'd take on anybody without hesitation if they dared touch her or Navi. Same situation but with benny. Benny really doesn't want to walk down the dark alley. He knows It can be dangerous. But alas, they have to. Before even thinking about stepping into the alley, he stares into the darkness for a long time trying to see if anybody was there. He whip's out a flashlight if he has one. "Stay behind me." He would say and walk in front of his Navi whilst also putting a hand on his chest to make sure he's still there. He would basically be a human shield and ready to protect him at any moment. He's very cautious and walks very slowly and analyzes anything. Whether it's water dripping from a nearby gutter or a cat making a small noise, he's alert.
Usnavi doesn't get why they at feel the need to protect him but Benny is like "he's a smol bean and if I have to die for him then so be it." Usnavi likes being on his tippy-toes. It makes him feel taller even though he knows he's not taller. He's a short dude.
Piragua guy 5'3.5. in my head piragua guy is taller than Navi but then I was thinking about it and I was like "should they be the same?" So I made him a lil taller than smol boi Navi. Like I said, Hispanic men are short. (But for the part not that short. But I said short representation) but nobody's worried about him like how they are about Navi. Why? Because He's a grown ass man and if he sees you looking at mr.softee he'll wait for you to go to bed and slit your throat.
GP 5'6. wow I never call him GP. I always call him Pete but most people call him GP or graffiti Pete. I imagine he's average male height but considering that the rest of the guys in the barrio are short, he tall. But the attractive kind of tall nothing extreme. The sexy kind of tall is how sonny puts it. Idk I could see him being taller like 5'6.5 or at max 5'7. He's tall but it doesn't stick out. Like while Usnavi is yelling at Pete to "stay away from his cuz." He doesn't even realize that Pete is taller than him. Like obviously Pete's taller than Navi it just doesn't feel like that. He low key tall. you know those people who are tall and when you're around them they're just like "woah there buddy." or "they're are literally towering over me." and they just make you feel really short? that's not Pete. Even though he is towering you and you are really short. He subtle and to him being tall is not a big deal. He's very chill about it and he's looking like "whatever." he thinks that arguing who's taller is stupid because why would you argue over something that you had no control over?
Kevin Rosario 5'8. He's on the taller side. That's probably why he's one of the most intimidating people in the barrio. Also just cuz he's a stickler and doesn't like Benny and Benny is the most chill person in the world. If he doesn't like benny, what makes you think he'll like you?
Benny 6'2. Benny in my mind is the tallest person in the barrio. I I think it just adds so much more to his character and makes him better. I feel like as kids (and even to this day) the people in the barrio would kind of pick on each other about how short they were or argue about who's taller and then Benny walks up and everybody shuts up because he's tallest of them all. It just adds more to his chillness and the fact that he's a himbo. I could just imagine everybody's smiling and laughing with Benny and dancing and overall having a great time. Whenever Sonny gets really riled up he'll just pick him up and sonny will squirm and try to get out of his arms but he can't move no matter how hard he tries. And benny doesn't even bat an eye. Unsavi will stand on Benny's feet sometimes and look up at him with a smile on his face and he can't help but smile back. Benny just loves to hold people. whether it's because they're crying or because they're asleep, whatever. he just loves the feeling of another breathing and living thing in his arms. He's going to love having kids. Just imagine the height difference between lin and C Jack.
I'm going to do the girls in a separate post because this one was really long.
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