#Sophie beckett fan fiction
silverhallow · 1 year
19-"Do you believe that?"
Tears fell down Sophie’s face, sitting in the middle of a field, staring out over a lake, her heart felt like it was broken into a million pieces.
Heartbreak, deception, it had been coming and she’d been foolish enough to think he was different, that he actually loved her.
If she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes she would not have believed it. She’d not believed Rosamund when she said she was going to steal him from her, that she was nothing, that she’d come from nothing, her parents weren’t married, she was a bastard. Rosamund spent the last 5 years telling her she was only part of the school because her father felt sorry for her.
First she’d lost her father 6 months ago and now she’d lost her boyfriend. The one person who had shown Sophie what she thought love was. The one person she had been so sure loved her…
But then she’d seen him pressed up against Rosamund’s locker, Rosamund’s lips attached to his…
She’d not even stopped when she heard his cries of her name, she’d ran out, she’d turned on her worn converse and ran as quickly as her little legs would carry her.
She was small, she was quick, she found running easy and so she’d just kept going. Out of the sixth form grounds, tears falling down her face, as her heart shattered, her world falling apart.
Everyone left her in the end. It was what Araminta had always told her and now it was coming true.
Her father had died and they were still trying to locate his Will so until it was found she was stuck with her step-mother.
Eventually her legs started to hurt, her lungs were burning and the need to sob hit her like a truck and she crumbled to the floor.
The soft grass cushioned her fall and she curled into a ball and pressed her head into her knees as she sobbed.
“Sophie…” came an out of breath sigh, about 10 minutes later.
Sophie didn’t even need to look up to know who it was, “go away Ben. I don’t want to talk to you” she replied, each word a heartbroken sob.
“No, you need to listen to me, it’s not what it looked like!” he pleaded, his voice getting closer. He’d placed his hands on his hips as he wheezed.
He was not a runner, he was a rower, he’d lost her for a bit but knowing the direction she was running, he knew where she was going.
This was their spot. He’d seen her crumble, and he felt horrible. He’d not been anticipating Rosamund pouncing on him.
He’d been walking down to meet her, with the news that his Uncle had found her father’s Will, he’d been almost giddy, he had no idea of the contents but the fact it had been found meant she’d be able to find out if she was stuck with Araminta or if she’d be free of her wicked step-mother once and for all.
But as he walked past Rosamund and her friends, she’d grabbed his arm, and before Benedict had a chance to do anything, before he’d even realised that Sophie was there, Rosamund had pulled her into him, he’d lost his balance and his hands fell either side of her locker as she’d wrapped herself so tightly around him he’d not been able to escape until he’d heard the scream, followed by the sob and he knew what was going on.
He’d shoved Rosamund hard, Kate had seen the entire thing happening and promised to take care of the bitch as he ran after his girlfriend.
It’d nearly broken him, he knew how much that would have hurt Sophie seeing that. Knowing her for as long as they had, being best friends before they’d taken the leap and given in to their feelings for one another, knowing her past…
He knew her better than any other soul alive and he knew… he knew how much this would have hurt her and it was why he’d gone running after her. Determined that he’d not let her run away, not let her shut him out. That he would explain.
Once he was there, he panted her name and the way she told him to go away nearly broke him, nearly caused him to break down in tears himself.
“It’s not what it looked like?!” she’d screeched at him, “it looked like you were kissing my step-sister! In front of the entire school, Ben!!!”
“I wasn’t kissing her! She grabbed me! She grabbed me as I was coming to meet you! I’d nipped into Art this morning, Kate and I went to hand in our project as we didn’t want to carry it around the school all morning! Kate will tell you! Rosamund grabbed me, i lost my balance and before I knew what was happening her lips were on mine and she’d wrapped me up so tight I was trying to wriggle free but it wasn’t happening… I didn’t want to kiss her, she’s literally the last person in the entire school I want to kiss” Benedict said passionately
Sophie shook her head “Rosa told me she was going to take you from me… that you’d go… that you were just using me to get to her…”
“Do you believe that?”
“I don’t know what to believe anymore! I never thought you’d cheat on me!” Sophie sobbed
“Sophie… I… I didn’t… she ambushed me. You are the one that I love, you are the one I want to be with, the only one that I want to be with… i’d rather cut my cock off than be with her. She’s jealous of you. She’s always been jealous of you. You’re beautiful, you’re kind and clever and she’s got to sleep with people to get her homework done, she tried to sleep with Professor Livingstone to get her english grades changed…”
“She… she…”
“Henry told me when he’d overheard it all, but Sophie… Please believe me, you are the only girl for me. You are the one who has my heart, you’ve only ever had my heart, from aged 13 you’ve been the one I wanted. You’re the one I want to build a life with. You’re the one I can’t wait to go to Uni with, getting our own place, growing older together, getting married, getting a dog, having babies. I want it all Soph and you’re the only one I want it with… not her.” he said
“But… i saw… she…”
“I know what you saw and I can’t take that away, I wish I could but I did not kiss her, I wedged my lips shut. Kate was going to kick her arse whilst I was coming after you… Rosamund has exploited your weakness, the things that upset you, your worst fears, her and her vile mother have done nothing but tried to make your life miserable and even more so since your father died… but I love you Sophie. They can’t change that. They’re never going to be able to change that. Even if you wish to never see me again, if you want me to go away and leave you alone, it won’t stop me loving you.” he said passionately.
“You… you really didn’t?”
“No. I swear down on my star wars collection that it was unwanted attention, I was coming to meet you, I was coming to see you so we could go to English together, as usual. If I hadn’t gone to Art with Kate none of this would have happened, it was just… bad timing and she’s obviously been waiting for a moment like this… but i promise… it was unwanted attention, the moment she heard you scream she let up and I was off her, and running after you… Kate promised to sort it out, she will back me up. I promise” he explained, begging her to understand and hoping beyond hope that she’d believe him.
Sophie sniffed and lifted her head and looked at him for the first time, her green eyes red and puffy. She looked at him, taking in his face, wanting to see if he was telling the truth, wanting to see the truth in his eyes, she knew his face and knew when he was lying, when he was telling the truth and as she looked into his blue eyes, she saw the truth, the hurt she could see, the pain that he was going through because of the pain she was going through, and she knew he was telling the truth “i… I believe you” she said softly.
Benedict let out a sigh and moved closer to her and wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly, “thank you. It won’t ever happen again. I promise, i’m going nowhere near that girl, English is the only class we share with her so you will be by my side, she’s a leech, and I promise I'm not going within 100 feet of her.”
Sophie sighed into him “that’s a bit excessive but if Kate’s been left to sort it… i’m sure Rosa won’t go anywhere near her but going home tonight is going to suck…”
“Come to mine, Mum will love to see you as will the girls, and Uncle George rang last night, he’s located your dad’s Will, you can see him tonight about it” Benedict said
“It’s been found?”
“It has, so come back to mine after school, and maybe we can find out that you can be rid of the witch once and for all” Benedict said hopefully.
“That would be nice” she replied as she rested her head on Benedict’s shoulders, letting herself enjoy his warmth and his touch. It had been an emotional morning, it would be an emotional evening but right now, she just wanted to feel safe in the arms of the man she loved.
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gimmiesophiebaek · 3 months
In honor of Benophie’s wedding anniversary…
Today is Benedict and Sophie’s wedding anniversary. In honor of that, here’s some fan fics to check out on AO3.
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ms-march · 3 years
I was tagged by @tallmadgeandtea to do my top 5 female characters and so uhm...I love to overshare so let go! These are in no specific order so yeah!
1. Sophie Beckett (Bridgerton)
So she has NOT yet been cast yet but I’ll use the popular fan cast of Lily James as her FC for now! She is my sweet queen who deserves the world and gets the bisexual hot mess that is Benedict Bridgerton instead. I adore her with my whole heart and “ An Offer From a Gentleman” supremacy.
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2. Catherine the Great (The Great)
(This should go without speaking by Adrienne Fairfax my one true love) anyways I love this character actually so much and Elle NEVER fails to disappoint, this series deserves so much love! Catherine is my sweet intelligent emotionally snarky and sly bitch and I love her so much. *insert John mulaney quote here*
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3. Verity Poldark Blamey (Poldark)
Your honor she’s never done anything wrong in her life ever. That’s it that’s all I have. Also that quilted travel outfit really won me over a LOT great job costume department. She is just so nice and homely and the only poldark woman with rights in this world.
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4. Amy March (Little Women)
I feel like this goes without saying.... but yeah if you can’t tell I love me some blondes. I would argue that Amy is probably the character I’m the most like and I just think there’s so much more to her than what is seen and that it should explored more often. I love her aesthetic and she literally ends up marrying the man who set my standards and type for all men ever so...
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5. Marie Antoinette (2006) or Leia Organa
So these two are tied because they are both equally impactful icons in my life especially as far as things like fashion go, mostly because I like to pull a lot from both of them so they have to share. They’re both amazing I literally cry over Leia all the time and I definitely think it’s between her or Amy march that I’m tied between for most like as far as fictional characters go.
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I tag @anahiranz and @critical-endangered! No pressure to do it and any of you can feel free to do it if I didn’t tag you, I will still be happy to read it!!
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gimmiesophiebaek · 3 months
More fan fics for Benophie Week
Here’s more to enjoy! 🥹 And all are completed!
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gimmiesophiebaek · 3 months
One more set of fics for Benophie Week
This time is SilverHallow’s collection of completed fics.
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gimmiesophiebaek · 2 months
The Bachelor
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Chapter 1: Selecting A Bachelor
“Are you serious?” A producer asked, aghast of what fellow producer Agatha Danbury was suggesting. “But we are in agreement that Friedrich should be this upcoming Bachelor.”
“Yes, he does have charm.” Agatha pointed out while pointing at the German born blonde runner-up of Daphne Bridgerton’s season over a year ago. “But he does not make great TV.”
“Neither did Simon if you take away his looks and his brooding demeanor.” Another producer rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms. “However, it seemed to work since he and Daphne are now married.”
“And what a lovely wedding it was.” Agatha grinned, knowing she was right. “But the real star of their wedding special was her brothers. Same goes during Daphne’s season, as well as when she brought Pete home for hometowns.”
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Agatha smirked at the memory of the event planner making the final four of Pete Davidson’s season. She was happy to introduce him to her family, but her three brothers made sure Pete would have a “good” time before getting their seal of approval for marrying their sister. Sadly, it proved a little too much for Pete and eliminated Daphne before the fantasy suite. 
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And while Daphne got a second chance by being The Bachelorette the following season, fans within Bachelor Nation couldn’t stop swooning over Daphne’s brothers:  dutiful Anthony, carefree Benedict, and adventurous Colin. However, by Daphne’s season, Anthony was already spoken for. It wasn’t long until Colin was no longer in the market, leaving Benedict available. 
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“Imagine Benedict being The Bachelor,” Agatha paused of a scene with Benedict being adorably drunk during Daphne and Simon’s wedding special. “Handsome. Comes from this big family yet makes himself in the world as an artist. The humor. The laugh. And most importantly, the right man who is ready to look for love. Let’s give the rejected men a break this season and bring someone fresh. Besides, those men can always try Paradise.”
“And what makes you think Daphne’s brother is ready to find his happily ever after?” One of the other producers, Araminta, asked with her signature sneer. “The man couldn’t stop being high or drunk during the wedding special.”
“This.” Agatha fast forwards to a conversation between Benedict and his sister Eloise after the ceremony. “Just watch and listen to him.”
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“It feels right now that the next thing I might learn may change me entirely.”
“You said that a couple of years ago before that trip.” 
“I know. But she vanished into thin air. It’s time to stop focusing on mirages and learn that real life is in front of you. What it is remains to be seen.”
“There.” Agatha pauses again to prove her point. “The man is ready. We just need to show him the way and leave it to chance. Plus, the hunt to find his muse will make amazing TV.”
“What a great tagline for his season.” Another producer suggests with a grin. “‘An artist needs his muse.’ Has a nice ring to it.”
“Then it’s settled.” Agatha laughed as she looked at the screen. “Welcome to Bachelor Nation, Benedict Bridgerton. May the Bachelor odds forever be in your favor. You’re gonna need it.” 
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gimmiesophiebaek · 4 months
Posting the fics on Tumblr
I figure I should promote it here for the first time.
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All Sides Now (Rated M) Post-AOFAG era Completed
All her life, Sophie Bridgerton was called a bastard. But her birthday approaches, a relic from the past indicates otherwise.
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Fairytale of New York (Rated T… for now) Modern Day WIP
Sophie Beckett left Australia for a fresh start. Benedict Bridgerton left England to launch the family business on Anthony’s behalf.
What could two souls be doing in a city such as New York?
I hope you enjoy them!
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gimmiesophiebaek · 13 days
Spirits Ch. 13
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Benophie fans, this is for you!!
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gimmiesophiebaek · 1 month
The Bachelor: Night One (Arrivals part 2)
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A small transformer airplane rolled from the limo and onto the ground, only reaching halfway towards Benedict. Tilley Arnold:  (from the limo, using an intercom) Good evening! This is Captain Tilley speaking for Bachelor Airlines. We are approaching landing so make sure your seat belts are buckled and your seats are upright. I promise we will not hit turbulence. (finally steps out of the limo, still holding the portable intercom) And welcome to the mansion. I hope you enjoy your stay. 
Benedict: Very clever. Sad for the little plane.
Tilley:  (turns off the intercom) It’ll survive. I’m Tilley and as you can tell, I’m a pilot. 
Benedict:  Did you actually fly here? 
Tilley:  I think in this case, I deserve a little break. And I hope to use this break to the max. 
Benedict: I do hope I can help you with that. 
With another hug and a laugh, Benedict felt a little relaxed for the next few ladies arriving from the limo. He couldn’t tell the difference between Catherine and Cathy despite sharing the same name. Both have blue eyes and dark hair. But that’s about it. Desmelza gave him a homemade recipe to give to his sister and bragged how the former Presidents Bush stopped by the inn she co-owns with her mother. Finally, Anne came and went. 
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Benedict yawned through his intros when he felt something approaching. He had a sudden surge in his body, begging him to stay awake and stay alert. Despite being a night owl, these past four introductions want him to find a cot to have a quick power nap.
One more person came out of the limo. 
More like a cat. A big silver tabby cat waddling towards him. 
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Benedict:  Are you okay there? Do you need help?
“That giant silver cat”:  Don’t worry. I can see. Plus, it’s quite comfortable. I’m Sophie and as you see, I’m a huge Pusheen the cat fan. In fact, I named the cats I care for after Pusheen and her siblings.
Benedict:  My little sister loves Pusheen. 
Sophie Baek:  That’s great. (she fell down and landed on his feet)Okay, maybe this is heavier than I thought. 
Benedict: Let me help you. (kneels to help her up, letting out a laugh) There. Now promise you don’t fall.. at least while you’re in costume. 
Sophie:  Promise! My nine lives will remain intact. But you have to admit, I do move faster than a sloth. 
Benedict: I’ll keep an eye on you so I won’t miss you. 
The two shared a hug before Sophie waddled to the house. When Sophie was out of sight, Benedict kept looking back to the house, wondering what just happened. As if he was truly reenergized spending time with the silver cat. He told the cameraman not to send in the next group so he can rush into the house to see if Sophie was there. 
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Instead, he was met with most of the ladies, enjoying drinks in the living room. He checked in with the ladies before rushing back outside. A little disappointed he didn’t see Sophie the cat with them. Maybe she was changing out of that costume and wearing something more appropriate to the cocktail party. 
He saw Jesse and gave him the nod to continue. 
The continuation of the chaos.
Marianne arrived on a horse and carriage, saying she is having a fairytale moment.
Meanwhile, Becky arrived on a tractor-pulled wagon with a sample of ghost pepper wings to try. Plus, she made sure everyone knew that she was a former Miss America contestant.
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Not long after dealing with horses and hay, a zamboni pulled in with contestant Delilah hoping off. As an ice girl, she wants to be sure the surface is smooth for Ben to walk on during his journey towards love. 
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As many of the others walked in and looked on, Sophie joined in wearing a black gown. She knew she shouldn’t make too much of an effort as she is expected to be gone. But she couldn’t help how sweet and familiar Benedict was when he caught her fall. It was like that man in New Orleans who caught her from slipping. She shook it off and saw “Zamboni Girl” give one last hug to Benedict before she went inside. 
Just when he saw it all, a hearse arrives at the driveway, carrying a coffin inside. The chauffeur got out and gently slid the coffin down, placing it on the ground. Benedict wasn’t too sure how he felt about it but approached it.
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Benedict:  I think you’re at the wrong house.
Genevieve Delacroix: (opens the coffin so she can breathe) No. I’m here, though I thought the mansion would be a fluffier version of heaven. 
Benedict: It is as close as you can get for now. (Helps her up and out) I’m Benedict.
Genevieve: Genevieve. Now I would’ve spoken about how I design wedding dresses but it’s been done in the series. So I figure this would be a little more ice breaking to arrive in a coffin. 
Benedict: Please tell me you did not spend the whole ride in there.
Genevieve: If I did, I'd definitely expect heaven… or some sort of afterlife… or just darkness. 
Benedict: I’m sure we can talk about it a little more inside.
Hugs were exchanged and Benedict’s final ladies made their way in from the final limo. Maggie spoke about how she and Benedict can start a duet with her harp.
Gamer Tess arrived hoping they can go beyond virtual reality and even revealed her naughty name: Hot Tits Mania. He didn’t know how to react and just nervously laughed.
Roanna arrived and he wondered if she was supposed to be on The Golden Bachelor instead of the main show. He isn’t opposed to dating older women. Most of his previous girlfriends were a couple of years older than him. But when her oldest child was as young as Hyacinth, he had to take a step back.
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Finally, Estella arrived looking so glamorous that he forgot the last three awkward intros. But as he was going to give her a hug, she just walked away. Maybe she’s one that likes to play hard to get. 
Jesse: How are you feeling? Thirty beautiful ladies vying for your love.
Benedict: Overwhelming. Some caught my attention. (pauses) But I’m sure once I’m inside, I can properly get to know them. 
Jesse: You’re in for a long night. But remember, it’s all about you. 
Benedict: Thank you for reminding me or else I’ll ask that hearse to take me away. 
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At the production van, Agatha smiled at the success of the arrivals and gave high fives to her crew. However, Araminta’s eyes narrowed on why Benedict would rush back to the mansion after Sophie’s arrival. Why would he be interested in anyone dressed as that ridiculous tubby cat? Or maybe he wanted another look of one of the other ladies. Maybe she should’ve convinced her to arrive in the hearse instead of the dress designer. Maybe she would’ve hoped Sophie was already dead in that coffin. 
“I got a few ladies I want Benedict to interact with.” Araminta suggests as she takes her headphones off. “Maybe a few of the ladies to… entice some drama.” 
“Agreed. And we’ll present him with the first impression rose at the right moment.” Agatha added with a smirk. “My money is on the pilot, Tilley.”
“The beauty queen, Becky, seems like a good choice. Beauty queens do well on the show. Remember Alabama Hannah?”
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“Do you think Benedict is the windmill kind of guy?” The two laughed as they asked the camera crew to follow Benedict into the mansion, letting the drama begin inside. 
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gimmiesophiebaek · 1 month
The Bachelor
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Chapter 2: Pre-Production Chaos
“Araminta, we have a problem!” Agatha rushed over to Araminta’s desk, feeling stressed. “We’re one short!”
“What do you mean? We have the list completed and all the ladies were notified.” Araminta scratched her head as she looked at the list. She made sure each of the ladies were available and ready to be on the show. “We’re four days away from Night One. Did someone drop out because of COVID? Someone died?”
“Worse!” Agatha pointed at the contestant’s name in annoyance. “Seems like her ex boyfriend convinced her to take him back before she was due to leave. Romantic but it leaves us with one contestant short.”
Araminta listened to Agatha’s plight and instantly got an idea. She found the perfect person to subject to humiliation. It’s long overdue, she thought. 
“I will take care of it.” She smirked. “You will get your final contestant by morning!”
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Later, Araminta swung open the door to her sleek El Segundo home, a triumphant smile plastered on her face as she stepped inside. The idea she had been perfecting for weeks had finally taken shape, and she couldn't wait to share it.
“Sophie!” she called out, her voice ringing through the spacious house. "Sophie, come here!”
From the kitchen, Sophie appeared, her expression weary. Her hands were still damp from washing dishes, a chore she had just completed after chauffeuring Araminta’s daughters Rosamund and Posy from school to their endless activities, feeding the ever-demanding but charming cats Pusheen, Stormy, and Pip, running errands, and ensuring the bathroom was spotless. And there was still more to do.
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“Finally! Sophie, pack your things,” Araminta announced, barely containing her excitement. “We’re heading to Malibu in a couple of days. You’re going to be on The Bachelor!”
“The Bachelor?” Sophie blinked, struggling to process the news. “Araminta, I don’t—”
“Oh, don’t worry, dear,” Araminta interrupted, waving a dismissive hand. “I’ve got it all figured out. You’ll just need to be there for the first episode. All you have to do is show up and let him eliminate you. Easy as pie! And I’ll make sure you’re paid handsomely for it.”
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“Okay?” Sophie’s brow furrowed in confusion and a touch of resentment. “But why me? I’ve got enough on my plate as it is. The last thing I need is to be on some ridiculous reality show, especially not one about—romance.”
“Because, Sophie,” Araminta’s eyes narrowed slightly, her voice taking on a sharper edge. “I’m the boss. And you’re my employee. What I say goes. Remember, it was my husband and I who took you and your mother in when you came here from China—”
“Korea !” Sophie corrects her with a sigh. “We left Korea before I was born.”
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“Same country.” Araminta rolled her eyes before narrowing her eyes at Sophie. “And when she passed from cancer, we took care of you. Richard always had a soft spot for you. When he died, I kept you around out of duty, to continue that care.”
“Care?” Sophie shot back, her voice tight with barely suppressed anger. “You mean like a slave?”
“Pack your things, Sophie.” Araminta’s gaze hardened. “You’ll be ready to leave in two days. That’s final. Now, sweep the foyer. It’s dusty.”
Sophie returned to her room after the curveball that was thrown at her. She dropped onto her full size bed and screamed into her pillow. She is always appreciative of the Gunningworths for giving a job to her mother and a roof over their heads after leaving Korea all those years ago. She looked up and glanced at the room, cramped and filled with second-hand furniture, a far cry from the luxury that surrounded the rest of the house. 
The thought of being paraded on national television as a contestant on The Bachelor filled her with dread. The whole idea felt absurd, like some twisted game Araminta had devised purely for her own amusement. Sophie wasn’t interested in finding love—especially not on a reality show. She had enough to worry about without being thrust into the spotlight.
She sighed at one memory that happened over two years ago. They had to film an episode of The Bachelorette in New Orleans and brought everyone along for a “family vacation”. Being that it was in the middle of Mardi Gras, she snuck out one night with a mask to take in the sights. 
And that’s when she met him. 
The entire time was no more than an hour, but it felt like it was packed into one lifetime. And the brief kiss they shared before she ran off remains in her mind since. 
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It was a fleeting memory, she thought. A small hint of romance to remain in her dreams. 
She got up and began folding her few belongings, her mind drifting to her mother. Sophie was several weeks away from being born when they came to America from Seoul. Her mother had worked tirelessly for the Gunningworth family, doing everything from cleaning to cooking, often working late into the night. Despite the grueling hours, she had always found time for Sophie, always reminding her to stay hopeful, that their sacrifices would lead to a better life.
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But when her mother passed when Sophie was 14, that hope had faded. Richard was kind to an extent and promised to pay for Sophie’s college education just like he provided funds for her mother’s cancer treatment. Sadly, he died before he could assure her tuition was saved when Sophie was 16. His widow Araminta had stepped in, claiming to continue her mother’s legacy of care, but it never felt like care to Sophie. It felt like an obligation—like ownership. The tasks had piled up, the expectations had grown, and the promised future never materialized.
Dreams of attending Berkeley or Stanford were pushed back by attending a local community college. Even after receiving enough scholarship money to transfer to cover her time at nearby Fullerton since USC and UCLA were “too expensive”, Araminta made sure that she will take Sophie out of school at any time, not allowing Sophie to enjoy her brief time of freedom. 
Dreams of pursuing a career needed to wait. Araminta made sure after graduation, Sophie will have no chance to or have a social life beyond catering to her and her daughters. 
And every time Sophie threatens to leave, Araminta would say she will contact the authorities and ship her back to Korea despite being born in Los Angeles, calling her an “anchor baby who don’t belong” and “Kim Jong Un sends his regards.”
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As Sophie packed, she glanced at the small framed photo of her mother on the bedside table. It was one of the few personal items she had kept all these years. 
"What would you do, Mom?" she whispered in Korean, her voice barely audible. But no answer came, just the oppressive silence of the room.
The next morning, Agatha received an email from Araminta with the final list. A smile came from her face, knowing this season promises to be a wild one. 
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From: Araminta Gunningworth >[email protected]< To: Agatha Danbury >[email protected]< Date: September 18, 2024
Subject: Benedict’s muses
We got our official lineup! Who will capture this artist’s heart? 
Anne Elliott, 30, Elderly Caregiver, Madison, WI
Annie Hartigan, 24, Grad Student, Gainesville, FL
Becky Sharpe, 24, Miss Texas 2023, Waco, TX
Catherine Morland, 24, Administrative Assistant, Littleton, CO
Cathy Earnshaw, 23, Stylist, Savannah, GA
Charlotte Heywood, 27, Teacher, Norfolk, VA
Conchita Closson, 24, Brand Ambassador, Las Vegas, NV
Cressida Cowper, 25, Influencer, Chicago, IL
Delilah Weston, 23, Ice Girl, Durham, NC
Demelza Carne, 28, Innkeeper, Kennebunkport, ME
Dolores Stowell, 22, Bachelor Superfan, Davenport, IA
Emma Kenworthy, 24, ER Nurse, Houston, TX
Emma Woodhouse, 27, Fashion Consultant, Laguna Beach, CA
Estella Havisham, 28, Psychologist, Dallas, TX
Fanny Price, 26, Librarian, Topeka, KS
Fantine Thibault, 24, Jeweler, Lafayette, LA
Genevieve Delacroix, 31, Wedding Dress Designer, Montreal, Canada
Jane Eyre, 26, Nanny, Ithaca, NY
Jo Ann Robinson, 30, Project Manager, Bronx, NY
Maggie Goring, 22, Harpist, Provo, UT
Marianne Dominguez, 23, Grad Student, Dorval, FL
Mary Bennett, 25, Pianist, Morristown, NJ
Nancy Sikes, 27, Bartender, Cranston, RI
Priya Eaton, 26, Hat Designer, Brampton, Canada
Roanna Wilson, 43, Realitor, Pasadena, CA
Sita Malhotra, 22, Voice Actress, Los Angeles, CA
Sophie Baek, 26, Cat Whisperer, El Segundo, CA
Tess Todd, 23, Gamer, Tuscaloosa, AL
Tessa Rupert, 28, Model, Atlanta, GA
Tilley Arnold, 34, Pilot, Seattle, WA
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gimmiesophiebaek · 3 months
Fairytale of New York
Enjoy this little tale of Ben and Sophie in this New York City-set love story. Rated M for adult content, TWs such as abuse and implied assault, and romantic smut.
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gimmiesophiebaek · 1 month
The Bachelor: Night One (Arrivals part 1)
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Silver Spring, MD, a few weeks ago 
Benedict finishes his morning jog and heads over to his mother’s home. He doesn’t live far away and figures it’ll be better to jog over before the rest of the family stop by for Sunday brunch at her yard. 
He figures he should break the news to his mother first before the rest finds out. He wonders how she’ll feel that her newly minted 31 year old son is the new star of The Bachelor. The family became minor celebrities in town when Daphne became The Bachelorette a couple of years ago. It worked out for her; Simon is a good guy for her. A little brooding at times, but they balance each other out. 
It seems the producers were more focused on him and his brothers when Daphne brought her potential suitors home. Yes, they are overprotective of their sister. With their dad gone, it was up to him, Anthony, and Colin to assure Daphne, their mother, and younger siblings were protected. 
So it was a surprise he received a call a couple of days ago, letting him know that he is going to be the new lead. Usually, the producers would go with the runner-up or someone who came close to winning. They felt that Benedict had the charisma and quality to be a memorable lead, giving some of the “rejects” a break this year. 
Ringing the doorbell, Benedict waits as he fans himself from the Maryland heat. The recent heat wave caused him to have his workouts earlier than usual. 
“Ben!” Violet smiled as she opened the door. “Come in.” When she was widening it, she noticed the camera crew behind him, causing the woman to blush. “You could’ve given me a little more notice instead of wearing only my jammies.”
“Couldn’t help to tell you first before anyone else catches on.” Benedict wrapped his arm around his mother as the cameras went around him to capture the shot. “I want you to be the first to know that I’m the new Bachelor.”
“No way!” Violet gasped, covering her mouth. She turned and gave him a hug. “Oh Benedict! After Daphne, Anthony, Colin, and Francesca, I have hopes for you. I can’t wait for you to find your person.”
Seconds later, Hyacinth comes down the stairs and rushes over to give her brother a hug. When he told her the news, she squealed like she scored VIP tickets to see Taylor Swift during her European tour. However, she needed to compose herself as the camera was rolling.
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“Hey, Ben’s future wife,” Hyacinth gets a little too close to the camera to make herself known. “I will hunt you down if you hurt him!”
“Hyacinth!” Violet and Benedict shouted as she pulled away. 
Present Day, Night One
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Jesse Palmer, host (voiceover): Get ready for the most dramatic season of The Bachelor! 
Benedict (voiceover): I know she is out there! My family believes in true love. And it’s time for me to be open to that abundance…
“Alrighty!” Agatha got her walkie ready with a smile. “Night One is here. Is Benedict on his way to the mansion? Are the ladies ready?”
“Oh the ladies are ready!” Araminta spoke from her walkie in the production van. A sinister grin crept on her face, knowing some of those intros will make great television. Almost a guaranteed elimination or meme moment. “Benedict should leave the hotel shortly!” 
“10-4!” Agatha grinned as she’s happy to be the main producer this season, hoping her advocating for someone different pays off. “And it all starts right now.” 
Jesse: Good evening, Bachelor Nation! Yes, I am back for another season full of romance and drama. But after 29 seasons, we know what to expect. Except this time, we have one unforgettable bachelor this season. Benedict Bridgerton. Protective big brother? Indeed. But Bachelor Nation saw more than just Daphne Bridgerton’s brother.
They saw the charm. The charisma. The longing of someone who hopes to find a love of his own. And it’s my duty as a former bachelor to help him find his way. After all, I got a few seasons under my belt now. So while he is on his way to the mansion, let’s take a moment to get to know this charming graphic designer. How seeing his sister find love made him change his own mind? And how his road to true love will be the most dramatic yet. Shall we?
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(Cues Benedict walking along Potomac Park in Washington DC)
Benedict:  Hiya! I’m Benedict! Come and join me on this journey as your new Bachelor! 
(More shots of him taking in the scenery before taking a few pictures with a smile)
Benedict: So Bachelor Nation begged and pleaded to have me as the new Bachelor despite never being a contestant on The Bachelorette. I won’t lie. I am quite surprised that they’ve taken a liking towards me despite having little screen time. 
(Shows a flashback of Daphne’s date with Friedrich with the family and Benedict was a little too silly at dinner, then shows another flashback with Anthony, Colin, and Daphne discussing about Simon’s intentions)
Benedict:  You have to admit, my brothers and I clearly have a better sense of judgment or else my sister would’ve ended up with that Nigel guy. 
(Cue a scene with Violet, Eloise, Gregory, Hyacinth, and Marcus at Violet’s home for brunch, talking about his upcoming season)
Benedict: My family has this notion that true love exists. My parents were married for over twenty years before my father passed away. Daphne found her match in Simon. My older brother Anthony is happy with his wife, Kate. My younger brother recently wed his childhood sweetheart… would Pen be considered a sweetheart when they got together as adults? But he’s taken, ladies. My younger sister Francesca got married to her college boyfriend last month. Even my mother found love again. 
If you would’ve asked me more than two years ago, I would’ve dismissed it as luck. But I know it exists because it happened to me once. 
All it takes is one moment and your life is changed forever. Sadly, that’s all it was: just one moment. But it made me determined to find that love and never let it go. 
(Cue to him looking at the river with a pensive look on his face including a flashback of his conversation with Eloise at Daphne’s wedding)
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I am done chasing mirages. I need something real, to feel inspiration again. So bring them on and I promise to not run away. 
Jesse: Many met their soulmates on this very spot at the mansion. And tonight, it is Benedict’s turn to add a piece of history to The Bachelor. But who are the ladies who are vying for his heart? Here’s a few of these ladies. 
(Cue intros for some of the following ladies and their journey to love: Marianne, Anne, Charlotte, Genevieve, Cressida, Emma W., Becky, and Fantine)
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Agatha asked Jesse to cut as they learn of the status of the ladies and Benedict’s limo to the mansion. Upon learning that his limo was approaching, she signaled Jesse to prepare to get back on camera to film Benedict’s arrival. 
“Jesse. Benny B’s limo is approaching. Prepare to welcome him.” Agatha said on her walkie before getting the green light to continue. 
Jesse: We have waited long enough. The limo is approaching the mansion. Here he is, our Bachelor: Benedict. 
(The limo pulled into the mansion’s driveway. The driver comes out and opens the door. Benedict comes out, looking debonair in a classic black tuxedo)
Benedict: Hiya!
Jesse: Benedict! Hello. Welcome to the Mansion.
Benedict: It looks bigger in person. 
Jesse: Excited?
Benedict: Yeah. Just need a moment to take this in. I promise myself to come here with an open mind and heart. Didn’t think it'd come so soon. 
Jesse: Just relax. It’ll come to you. 
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(Continue on AO3)
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silverhallow · 3 years
Twitter prompt from Benophie Prompts:
A very hot night in my cottage, Benedict suggests a swim in the Lake 👀
Regency era married life Smut
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silverhallow · 3 years
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Subita Parumper - Unexpected Moments by @hallownight89 and @fact-fictionx
Oxford University is a Bridgerton hub; for as long as they can remember, every Bridgerton went to Oxford. With Edmund and Violet's children beginning to grow up and settle into their future, join them as they follow in their parents footsteps and attempt to navigate family, friends, studying, and love.
Chapter 1 is now live and you can find it here
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silverhallow · 3 years
It’s got to be Benophie and “I don’t think I have ever felt safer than in your arms.” 🥺
It's now on Ao3....
Or you can read below the cut:
Towards Forever - A Benophie Story
The day of Sophie and Benedict’s wedding arrived. Benedict woke in the Summer House, his head just a little thick as he saw his younger brother lying on the chaise a blanket over him, Anthony and Simon had both gone back to the house to their wives and children.
Benedict had a few more drinks with his brother, thanking Colin for helping him get his head out of his arse and realise that his future was Sophie and he was giddy with excitement.
In a few short hours she would be legally his, yes in his heart she was his wife and he missed her down to his core, in his bones last night but to finally have her as Mrs Bridgerton, to have that ending that roared into existence a little over 2 years ago…
He’d considered sneaking back to the house but he knew his mother would be watching
from a small hint from Anthony as he left, as he saw that glint in Benedict’s eye. His older brother had said that maybe… Sophie wasn’t in his old room as he had expected and that Sophie was maybe in the room next to their mother’s suite and maybe their mother was leaving her window open to hear if he decided to try and climb the tree outside.
So he stayed put, he knew it would not do for mother of the Bridgergroom to commit murder on his wedding day. He had waited long enough. One more night he had reasoned and he never had to part from Sophie again.
He decided to get up and donned his jacket and for amusement, he kicked his brothers chaise chasing him to jerk awake in fright “yarghh!”
Colin yelled as he sat up “what the hell!” He blasphemed
“Get up! We need to go back to the house for breakfast before I get married!” Benedict bounced in his heels as Colin chuckled
“You’re more excited than Hyacinth is when it’s her birthday” Colin laughed as he pulled himself to his feet.
“I’ve waited two years to marry Sophie. I am allowed to be excitedable” Benedict said indignantly
Colin laughed “I’m teasing brother. I am aware of your impatience after last night” he teased.
Benedict rolled his eyes “am I ever going to live that down?”
Colin stood and clapped his brother on his back “nope! Come on then let’s go get you married” Colin smirked at his brother as he led him off.
Sophie Beckett could not believe the changes that had occurred in her life in the last 3 days…
Three days ago she was sitting in a jail cell expecting to be transported but here she was in a large warm fluffy bed, at Aubrey Hall… about to marry the love of her life. The man who stormed said jail cell and along with her step-sister had rescued her and saved her.
In a few short hours she would be a wife… she would belong to a family!
And not just any family…
She would be a Bridgerton.
As she stretched she let out a nervous giggle. She was getting married today. Today!
It was all very surreal.
It has been two days of shopping and running around. Violet had left for Aubrey Hall the morning after Sophie and Benedict got engaged, so the new Lady Bridgerton or Kate as she wanted to be called, had finished her shopping with her.
Sophie had been overwhelmed at it all, all the changes, all the gifts, the clothes. It was all a little much but Kate had understood and helped Sophie through it.
There was a knock on the door, “Sophie?” Violet's voice came from the door “Sophie, dear are you awake?”
Sophie climbed out of bed and threw on the new green robe that Sophie couldn’t help notice, matched Benedict’s and opened the door.
“Oh you, are awake, good. I’ve asked the maids to bring breakfast up for just the two of us and a bath is being drawn in my room for you. I thought you may like some peace away from everyone this morning” Violet beamed at her.
“Thank you Lady… sorry Violet” she blushed “I will get used to that eventually” she laughed softly
Violet took Sophie’s hands “I know you will. It’s been a strange few days for you I am sure” she smiled.
“It has but I could not be happier I assure you” Sophie smiled as she followed Violet next door into her suite.
It wasn’t a full breakfast but enough to see them through to the wedding reception in a few hours.
As Sophie sat down with Lady Bridgerton, Sophie remembered the last time the two of them were alone and instantly felt her cheeks redden as she swallowed “er.. V… Violet?”
“Yes dear?” She said as she poured their tea.
“I… I just wanted to apologise for my rather abrupt leaving… or attempt to leave…” Sophie said
“You need not apologise Sophie. It is quite alright”
Sophie shook her head “no. You had shown me nothing but kindness and accepted me into your family without a thought and it was very rude of me not to give notice. I may not have been brought up a servant originally but manners are manners and I should not have just… left”
Violet smiled at her “Sophie…” she reached out over the table taking Sophie’s hand “when Benedict first brought you home to me… I knew there was something between you, I had no real need for another ladies maid. I kept two out of habit but the girls could have managed, but I saw the two of you… talking or bickering and…”
Violet took a breath “you both reminded me so much of me and My Edmund… it took my breath away. I saw that look in Benedict’s eyes, the same one Anthony has when he looks at Kate… and I just knew… he’d found the right one”
Sophie felt tears in her eyes “really?”
Violet nodded and squeezed her hand “despite that rather hideous dress, I could see you were no maid, no servant… it’s why I brought up upstairs, I wanted to find out who you really were and get to know you… my son’s live charmed lives and I wasn’t sure if he would do something stupid… or Honorable…” Violet laughed
“ I suppose it was both in the end… but Sophie please do not be ashamed, I do not think less of you. I know how charming my sons can be…”
Sophie laughed and nodded, desperately trying to fight back tears.
“Thank you Violet…”
“You need not thank me I speak the truth”
Sophie shook her head “no it’s not just for your words... but for accepting me… not many women of the ton would but you’ve embraced me as one of your own even from day one… and you’ve embraced Posy as well without even a thought… and…” Sophie swallowed
“Thank you for Benedict. He truly is the best man I’ve ever known and a lot of that comes from you. He’s nothing like what he presents to the world and I can only hope to make him half as happy as he has made me… and I want you to know… I…” her voice broke with emotion “I love him so very much. I have from the moment I laid eyes on him and I regret he ever suffered because of me… but I vow to make it up to him”
Violet, usually so stoic, got up and hugged her future daughter in law “oh Sophie. I know you do. It’s evident every time you’re in the same room together. Every little glance you seemed to steal at each other when you thought no one was watching. I saw how he would look for you in the room when he came in…I think that is why I could bring myself to fire you… I had hoped that maybe… if we could uncover your past that it would not be so hopeless… and you could both be happy. You both deserved it… so certainly do” she said softly before adding,”
“ and I am sure they say absence makes the heart grow fonder…” she smiled at Sophie
“Any pain caused I am sure was reciprocated on your part Sophie and as I said that night, you are the sort of woman I would have liked for my Son… Benedict is not like his brothers. He hides it well but he needed some to see him”
Sophie smiled at the memory of that day in his living room… when she’d told him just that and nodded “I love Benedict for who he is… I adore your family but I love him. He could be penniless, he could be a nobody and I would still love him so fiercely”
Violet felt tears running down her face and hugged her soon to be daughter in law tightly “that is why I know you’re perfect for him and though I know you will be moving far away… I know you will be happy together. Benedict will finally be at peace. He hates London” she laughed
Sophie laughed and nodded “yes and you and any of the family are always welcome to come visit. You need not write. It will always be open” she said as she returned the hug, for the first time in her wondering if this was what it was like to have a mother…
An hour later Sophie was bathed and her hair was being styled and put up, rather than a ladies maid, Kate and Posy were assisting dress her. Kate, who had liked to do Edwina’s hair when they were younger, had woven Sophie’s hair into a plait. Sophie had confided in Kate that Benedict liked it when Sophie wore her hair in a plait and had wondered if it was possible to have it in set so that it would be easy for her, or Benedict, as was likely to be the case, to unpick it do it would then fall into the way he loved it best.
Kate had been thrilled to help. Posy was applying the light rouge to Sophie’s lips and cheeks as she was having the final finishing touches to her appearance before pulling on her wedding gown.
Sophie couldn’t believe it when she looked at her face in the mirror, she’d never thought she was ugly, she spent enough time avoiding men to know she was desirable but today, though she still looked like herself, she felt like she looked beautiful, she was almost glowing.
Posy pressed a kiss to Sophie’s cheek, she was to help Hyacinth with the flowers (and to stop Hyacinth punching or hitting Gregory as she had done at Kate’s), Posy had said it was probably more suitable for Kate to help Sophie dress rather than herself, seen as Kate was a married woman.
Kate and Violet had agreed.
Kate and Violet carried through the box that contained Sophie’s completed wedding gown, Sophie had not seen it yet, she suspected that Violet thought she might tell Benedict about it if she had seen it once completed.
As the box opened Sophie gasped, it was the most beautiful dress that she had ever seen, and it was entirely perfect for her and she knew it was entirely to Benedict’s taste.
Sophie wasn’t entirely surprised by that, as she knew of Benedict’s history with Madame Delacroix, he’d told her that they’d stopped seeing one another shortly before he had met Sophie, she’d never been his official mistress, just a “friend”.
The dress was simple, the white lace fell elegantly over the silk, the rose and tulip patterns of the lace covering the top half of the bodice only, then it was plain until the hem… which Sophie recognised instantly a Violet’s handy work, she’d seen Violet working on it many an evening in the few weeks she worked for them.
With tears in her eyes she turned to Violet and beamed “thank you” she said as she let her fingers roam over the hem.
“I told you my dear… from the moment I saw you… I had hope” she grinned “I made one for Kate and for Daphne… they also had tulips but in purple… but I thought red would be more appropriate for you…” Violet said looking at Sophie fondly
Sophie gave a watery smile “they mean true love if I remember?” Violet nodded and Kate grinned.
“Perfect then… and if I recall… they’re what arrived for you shortly after you arrived from Number 5 as well” Kate said happily.
Sophie nodded.
“Shall we get you in this?” Violet asked.
20 minutes later Sophie was in her dress, she had no chemise on so she had tried not to blush as she held onto the front of her dress so as not to reveal her breasts to her very soon to be mother and sister in law…
Once she was in, there was a light knock on the door.
“That better not be Benedict…” Violet said, staring at the door.
Kate laughed “I've already caught him twice trying to sneak up stairs, Anthony has been told to ensure his brother doesn’t try a third time or I was holding him personally responsible… so it is unlikely he will let Benedict back up” as she walked to the door, opening it a little way.
“Oh it’s Simon” Kate said, opening the door to let him in. Simon had offered to give Sophie away as Anthony was attending his brother and Sophie had no one. Sophie had been blown away by his offer and accepted with grace and humility, Simon had shared with her his past with disappointing parents so she felt like she had a kindred spirit in him.
“Oh Sophie you look beautiful” Simon said, as he walked into the room, holding a box. “I know I was meant to meet you downstairs but your future husband is pacing and requested I bring you part of his wedding present in the hope you will wear it” he said.
Sophie rolled her eyes “you are all spending far too much money on me” she said, as she took the box from him “how… how, is he?” she asked apprehensively, her own nerves just starting to take hold as she was now nearly ready.
“Excited, pacing around, Anthony has had to lock him in his study and give him a brandy. He said he can’t wait” Simon grinned, having learnt last night the full extent of what had previously passed between Sophie and Benedict before their engagement even took place, and what had happened in the few days between.
Sophie smiled brightly and turned as she opened the box and gasped.
In the box lay a delicate heirloom ruby, no bigger than Sophie’s little finger nail in the shape of a peardrop, and a small diamond on the top. Kate peered over her shoulder and gasped “oh my… that is beautiful” she sighed.
“It really is…”
Simon looked at the hem of Sophie’s dress “he must have known”
Violet smiled “that necklace belonged to my grandmama…it suits you perfectly my dear”
Kate and Sophie smiled at her and Sophie felt an overwhelming sense of serenity and happiness. She finally had her family…
Kate took the necklace and put it on Sophie “there… now you are perfect…”
Simon offered Sophie her arm “shall we?”
Violet and Kate headed down the stairs leaving Simon alone with Sophie for a few minutes before they would make their own way down.
“How are you feeling?” Simon asked,
“Excited, nervous, a little sick… it’s a strange well of things going on right now” She grinned.
“I can imagine, though I have a feeling I am about to win the bet I have with Benedict’s brother’s on how soon it will be before he tears up seeing you” Simon laughed.
“Really? What did you bet?” Sophie asked
“As soon as he sees you. Colin thinks as the vows, Anthony said he wouldn’t” Simon laughed.
“Let us see shall we?” Sophie said, a little more confidently than she felt but with a nod Simon led her out.
It felt like the longest few hours of Benedict’s life when he got back to the house, immediately he had tried to sneak upstairs to get a glimpse of his bride but had been caught by Kate and dragged, rather unceremoniously, into the breakfast room by his waistcoat and been scolded.
His mother was missing from breakfast, so he knew he would have been in trouble if he had even stepped foot near Sophie before she met him at the bottom of the aisle.
He picked at his food, managing some eggs but that was about it, he felt his stomach churning with nerves and Anthony chuckled at him, “are you really that nervous brother?”
Benedict shook his head “I am not nervous… anxious maybe but no nerves today… I’ve waited two years to marry Sophie… and knowing it’s only a few more hours, it seems all the more real” he smiled.
Anthony nodded as he took a drink of his own juice “understandable. Mother’s asked for a bath to be drawn for you so once you’re done eating, go bath and then come down to my study, i’ve got that item you requested…”
Benedict didn’t need telling twice, he put down his cup and practically ran from the dining room, ignoring the jibes from his siblings as he took the stairs two at a time.
He paused, Sophie would be in her bath now… “Benedict… if you so much as think about going further up the stairs and anywhere other than your room… I shall make Sophie a widower before she even marries” Kate’s voice floated up the stairs threatening him.
Benedict’s spine stiffened as he turned around and flashed her a grin before he went to bathe.
It was probably the quickest bath Benedict had ever taken, as he washed himself, he did feel a bit gross after being in the summer house last night, so he had washed carefully, they would be leaving for the beach cottage after a little while and some much needed and desired for time alone.
He dressed in his new tailored clothing, his mother had been insistent that he also got a new suit for his wedding and he found himself rather unwilling to argue.
Once dressed he tied his cravat himself, he wanted it easy to remove and it wasn’t always the case when the valet did it for him.
He ran down the stairs. He was practically reverberating with excitement as he made his way into Anthony’s study.
“That was quicker than I expected,” Anthony laughed at him.
“I find myself unable to sit still” Benedict said
“When have you ever…” Anthony laughed
“Point taken but did you get it?” Benedict grinned happily at his brother
“Yes. Mother told me where it was… it is rather stunning” Anthony said, handing his brother the box as he opened it.
“She was the one who suggested it for Sophie. I didn’t want something too flashy or over the top…” Benedict smiled at the box and the back at the door
“No! You’re not going up to give her it… you know it is supposedly bad luck to see the bride before she walks down the aisle and Kate will have my head if you try…” Anthony said pointing a finger warningly at his brother
“Not buts! Simon can take it up when he goes to collect her” he said, his tone brooking no argument and Benedict sighed.
“Fine… please tell her I can’t wait to see her” he said as he handed over the box and Anthony handed him a brandy.
“Drink that please so it calms you down as all your moving around is making me feel a little sick” Anthony said.
Simon left the room leaving the two brothers alone “so how are you feeling?” Anthony asked
“I can’t wait… but I meant what I said last night. In my heart she is already my wife, this is just making it legal before God and country.” Benedict said with a shrug.
“I am really pleased for you Benedict” Anthony said as he refilled his brothers glass “Sophie could not be a better fit for you if we had made her ourselves”
“You mean like Kate is for you?” Benedict teased
Anthony raised his glass “exactly”
Benedict smiled “I am truly very grateful for everything you’ve done for me Anthony… not just for me and Sophie but for being there for me and our siblings...it wasn’t easy for you and I never actually thanked you for it”
Anthony coughed to clear his throat and to hide the sudden swell of emotion from his brother's words “Benedict you don’t have to thank me. We are brothers. If roles had been reversed you would have done the same… hell you and Colin made me see sense about Kate in the end so…”
“Well you were the last one to know” Benedict laughed as he drained his drink.
“I do rather suppose I was” Anthony smiled and leaned over and grabbed the small Boutonniere made of red tulips “mother picked these this morning and sent them for us to wear”
Benedict looked and chuckled “the same ones I sent Sophie…”
“Indeed. Let’s go get you married shall we?” Anthony said with a grin. Benedict nodded with alacrity.
As they came out of the study, their mother and Kate were descending the stairs, both beaming happily. “Well don’t you look handsome” Kate smirked at Benedict as Anthony gave a kiss on the cheek and cleared his throat “as do you dear but it isn’t your wedding day” she rolled her eyes.
Violet smiled brightly at her second son “Oh Benedict I am so pleased you’re finally marrying… and for love, and Sophie is perfectly fine, she loved the necklace before you ask”
Benedict grinned and followed his family through the house to the private chapel on the side of their family estate.
He stood waiting anxiously near the altar, bouncing on his heels and balls of his feet.
“For heaven's sake Benedict, stand still… she will be here in a minute!” Anthony hissed at him as he could hear his family chuckling behind him.
Then the music started, and Benedict felt his heart beating faster as the music started and he heard the rest of the family stand.
He knew he was supposed to wait to turn, he knew he was supposed to wait until Anthony touched him but hearing his niece’s not so quiet whisper of “she looks like an angel!”
Benedict couldn’t wait… he turned and it was like the whole world dissolved and all he could see was her…
His Sophie.
An absolute vision in lace and silk, her green eyes sparkling with tears and happiness as she walked. He felt his own tears in his eyes, he’d never cried in public, but he did not care… he could hardly believe his luck. He could not believe that this beautiful woman, this beautiful kind hearted and good woman was his…
He could see the smirk on Simon’s face, as he saw Sophie walking closer and closer to him. Her smile radiated as she got closer and mouthed “hi” at him.
Sophie almost felt her heart beating out of her chest as she stood on the other side of the door, Hyacinth though now 14 still wanted to be a flower girl and Sophie loved the idea so let her.
The music started and Sophie was rather pleased, for Simon’s arm as she was sure she was going to pass out with her nerves, or she was sure she would fall and trip as she walked down the aisle to her future, into a family… to Benedict.
Hyacinth walked down in front of Posy and Kate and they set off a few steps later “ready?” Simon whispered to her as she nodded.
Her heart and stomach fluttered with each step she took closer to Benedict, she could see Anthony smiling at him, their two boys standing on the chairs to get a view of them and Edmund waved his hands happily at his new aunt. He had become rather attached to Sophie and was really rather pleased she was marrying his uncle and being her Aunt, he was only two, early 3 so hardly understood but it had warmed Sophie’s heart to know even the children accepted her.
She then heard Ameila, Daphne’s almost 4 year old daughter sigh “she looks like an angel!” Sophie's eyes felt the sparkle of tears as she saw Benedict move, his slow turn, she knew he was supposed to wait, but he obviously couldn’t and the moment her green eyes met his…
Sophie hardly remembered any other detail of the ceremony.
She remembered mouthing “Hi” to him as Simon placed her hands in Benedict’s.
She remembered him whispering “you look so beautiful” as he lifted her veil.
She remembered saying words back to the vicar, her eyes never leaving Benedict’s, his hand on hers, she could feel their pulses entwining and beating as one as he slid her glove off her arm, the move so seductive it remembered her of when he removed her stockings all those weeks ago…
She remembered the flush that crept on her cheeks as Benedict gave her the lopsided smirk that caused her stomach to churn and flop and her heart to almost skip a beat… a promise of what was to come.
She remembered the feel of the ring sliding into place on her left hand, binding her to him forever, as if they hadn’t already been bound to one another for the last two years. She remembered the squeeze of his hand as the ring nestled in place, its new home, never to leave her finger.
She remembered the words “I now pronounce you husband and wife… you may…” and then the feel of Benedict’s hand on her waist, pulling her closer to him and his lips on hers, a soft and loving kiss, if Sophie had her wits about her, she would have been embarrassed as it was in front of his family but she felt revered, she felt loved, she was home…
She heard the whistling and a cough from Anthony which caused them to part, Sophie saw as she looked up blushing that Kate was the one that was doing the raunchous whistling, completely undignified for a Viscountess, but Violet next to her looked amused as did two other women, who looked so like the Bridgerton siblings, all looked very amused, and all had tears in their eyes.
The reception was a blur, there weren't many people there, Violet had kept it strictly family and as they were at their country seat, there were not many people there. Daphne and Simon were to throw them a proper party in a few weeks after their honeymoon in London to present the world to the new Mr and Mrs Bridgerton.
Benedict did not let go of her hand throughout the festivities. He had led her over to his Aunt and Uncle, the Earl and Countess of Manston.
“Aunt Billie, Uncle George, can I present my wife, Sophie Bridgerton… Sophie this is my aunt and uncle, the Earl and Countess of Manston” Benedict had said proudly as Sophie curtiesed.
“It is wonderful to meet you,” Sophie said brightly.
Billie smiled warmly at Sophie “Was Violet correct in telling me that you punched Lady Penwood?”
Sophie went red but nodded “She was”
“Oh my dear, you will do very well… these boys need a firm hand” she said with an affectionate pat on Benedict’s cheek which caused Sophie to laugh
“Come off it Darling, it’s his wedding day, surely you can not tease the poor boy for one day” George said brightly.
“It’s okay Uncle George, this is not as bad as my brother’s have put me through today and yesterday”
“Yes we had heard about your lack of brains boy” Billie grinned at her nephew.
But Benedict was saved by answering by a loud cry of “AUNT SOPI!!!” and a small figure launching themselves onto Sophie’s skirts.
“Ned!” Kate yelled after her eldest son…
“Sorry about him!” Kate as she bustled over to the group.
George roared with laughter “Oh he is so much like his father…”
“If I recall he did the same at another wedding,” Billie laughed as the two turned and took their leave to deal with the clingy two year old
Sophie smiled and turned to Edmund “What is it Ned?” she asked softly as she leant down and picked the boy up and rested him on her hip.
Benedict’s eyes watched happily as she spoke softly to his nephew, his brain taking him in the future and her doing the same with their son or daughter.
“Papa said you and uncy Benni are going soon!!” he sniffled, his little bottom lip quivering as his eyes were full of tears.
Benedict smiled at his nephew. Edmund had become rather attached to Sophie in the last few days and it was amusing to watch him chase after her around the house, watching her play with him and reading to him.
“Ah… well yes… Me and your uncle Ben are going to go on a little trip but we will come back and see you very soon… and we will bring you a present and” she said tickling him lightly “i think we are going to come stay with you for a little while, do you think you would like that?”
He sniffled and wiped his snotty nose on his sleeve and nodded “what present?” he asked, his little eyes wide.
Kate laughed at her son “he is absolutely his father… priorities…”
“Where is he?” Benedict asked.
“Getting the carriages sorted, it is a bit of a drive so he assumed you would want to leave soon” Kate grinned at the newlyweds, who blushed.
“Well it will be a surprise but I promise it will be a very good present and we shall have story time when I come back, but you have to be a good boy for you mama do you understand…?” Sophie smiled
“And Papa?” he asked.
Sophie leaned in and whispered conspiritorially “only if your mama asks you to be a good boy for him”
Kate and Benedict heard and both snorted with laughter as Edmund beamed and Sophie put him down on the floor and he ran off after his cousins…
Benedict and Sophie spent the next hour taking their leave and then they were finally alone, in their carriage heading towards their honeymoon, and a week’s peace for just the two of them.
Once out of the gates and on the main roads, Benedict leaned in and kissed her softly “How are you feeling my darling wife?”
Sophie giggled “I am feeling… very happy” she smiled as Benedict’s hand cupped her face “very grateful and very much in love with my husband” she said leaning back in and kissing him.
“Well that is a stroke of good luck as I am feeling very much in love with my wife” he grinned “you look so beautiful in your dress… the necklace looks stunning with it” he said toying with it.
“You spoil me” she said,
“You’re my wife… you're mine to spoil if I should choose to do so” he grinned “and it’s a family heirloom, you are a Bridgerton now…so you should have family jewels” he smiled as he pulled her closer to him.
“I like the sound of that,” she said.
“Of what my love” he said, entwining her left hand with his and playing with her ring.
“Being yours” she sighed happily.
“You’re mine... “ he whispered pressing a kiss to her neck “you’re mine to love… mine to spoil… mine to have a family of our own with… and mine to cherish and protect”
Sophie felt herself shiver happily “Oh Benedict… I have never felt such love… such happiness and I don’t think I have ever felt safer than in your arms”
“Well my love…” he said, wrapping her closer into his arms “you will never not be in these arms… and never know anything but love and devotion from here on out… never have to worry about a thing ever again” he said, pressing a loving kiss into her brow, as the gentle rocking of the carriage lulled them into a light slumber as they headed towards their future… together.
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silverhallow · 3 years
Benedict Bridgerton craved an intimacy he had only known once in his life. was His Princess was gone forever?
Sophie Beckett wanted someone to treat her as a person, like someone, the perfect stranger had done, just that once.
it had been their perfect moment in time...
Could history be about to repeat and give them a second chance at their moment in time, to find each other again?
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