sweetygirl90 · 7 months
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"Y durante el cortejo de los 100 días, Sora-Hime siempre llegaba con la misma propuesta a Souma-Kami, determinada a no ceder hasta obtener una respuesta."
Un dibujo de Mieko y Souma en el AU, porque aquí estos dos se casaron y tuvieron todo un drama de por medio(?)
En caso de que les dé flojera buscarse la imagen del alfabeto dragón, Mieko está diciendo "Cásate conmigo, Souma".
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avionvadion · 2 months
Trashahime Rewrite: Forest Deep version
When Towa is four and Airi is six, time portals leading to the modern era began to appear randomly and it swept them away.
(Potentially caused by Kirinmaru in the modern era by messing with the sacred tree) but he has an extreme makeover so he doesn’t look like the dollar store version of Takemaru of Setsuna.)
Seeing the sacred tree in the distance, the pair of sisters make their way to it, recognizing it, but are unable to find their way home and are instead taken in by Sota Higurashi- only to encounter their mother, Irene, like two years later when she is only nineteen years old and about to make her journey back to the Feudal Era after being gone for two and a half months. Despite her younger appearance, her scent is the same, and so is her gentleness and warmth, and Towa clings to that memory of young short-haired Irene for the next decade. Maria stays behind to help Sota and his wife look after them, as they are obviously her little sister's future children.
Maria soon encounters an older Koga, who had survived to the modern era by blending in, and is reunited with her precious wolf, Saun, who has grown old with age and has weary bones.
Back in the Feudal Era, six years after Towa and Airi disappear, a moth demoness, Mayonaka, awakens from her restorative slumber within her cocoon, having suffered terrible injuries over fifty years prior from a war that took place in her territory.
(Her name means "Midnight", and she is a relative of Gatenmaru and Garamaru, but unlike either of them she is a daiyokai)
She's been obsessed with Sesshomaru for over a century, and has always been frustrated that he never once looked her way, but upon awakening learns that not only has Sesshomaru has become a daiyokai... but he has also taken Irene, a mortal, for a wife.
Mayonaka is enraged, and sends her minions after Irene in hopes of getting rid of her, but this does little to deter the human, experienced in the ways of battle with her Shikigami, and having InuKag as neighbors and MirSan as friends. And, not to mention, anytime Sesshomaru discovered demons heading for the village with ill intent, he slaughtered them, as he visits fairly frequently to check on his wife and help look after their children- because he is a father who helps with raising his kids.
After two years of zero results, Mayonaka decides she has to take matters into her own hands and curses Irene.
It was a simple curse really, Mayonaka having some of her little moths spread some dust onto her kimonos while they were hanging out to dry, and it started off with just nightmares. It would make it difficult for Irene to sleep, each nightmare growing more and more horrific and taking a toll on her health, but as days to weeks to months go by she is getting noticeably worse, as the nightmares slowly begin leaking poison into her soul. Eventually, she becomes so ill from the curse that she begins spitting/coughing blood until she collapses, falling comatose.
Time continues to pass, but her body grows weaker and weaker. When the Shikigami spirits sense she’s on the brink of death, they combine their powers to cast a spell, placing her in stasis at thirty-five years of age so she would not take her final breath.
Her body is placed in a shrine within Mount Ryosozan, where Tatsunori, her dragon spirit, once lived as a highly respected Kami. The air there is very clean and pure, and will hide her scent. Sora, the eldest child, stands guard, protecting her mother’s resting body at only fifteen years old while Sesshomaru continues to search for who cursed his beloved.
For the next four years, Irene would remain asleep, and Mayonaka will be taking delight in sending Sesshomaru on a wild goosechase trying and failing to find her. All the while, demons have been going missing- swept away by the time portals into the modern era, and Maria, a much older Koga, Hakkaku, and Ginta, and the descendants of the Kururugi Shrine, work together to take care of these threats. They also train Towa in swordsmanship and martial arts, and Airi in the art of Shikigami and archery- as Airi's human blood and connection to spirits is much stronger than Towa's, who has a stronger connection to their demon side.
Shortly after Towa turns fourteen and Airi sixteen, shenanigans happen that get them sent into the Feudal Era. Potentially separated, with Towa being found by Rin and Kohaku (both of whom had viewed Irene as a mother figure, and have met Irene when she was short-haired and see Towa's resemblance to her) while Airi is found by Kin'u and Gyokuto, who note she has round eyes- much like a foreigner- and decide to take her to the village.
Later, after being reunited, it turns dark and Towa becomes human, as it is the fifth night of the month.
Towa resembles Irene the most in appearance, despite Airi having their mother’s eyes, and Kaede comments on this- especially when seeing Towa in human form. Towa asks why her biological parents aren't around if they're still alive, and Kaede informs her that her mother was cursed, and that her father is on a hell-mission trying to find the one who cursed her so he can kill them.
Towa: "She's cursed? So... does that mean she's nearby somewhere? Can we meet her?"
"That... is a question you need to take up with your sister."
"Sorano." *Kaede smiles* "One of your older sisters. She is protecting her. Ah, but I do not know where you can find her. Perhaps you should speak to one of your OTHER siblings to find out. Shion, being so young, was not given the knowledge of your mother's location- as she was even younger when sweet Irene was put to sleep. Your great demon father could not risk her being found by his enemies, you see... or by the one who cursed her."
Kaede is aware that Irene was cursed and put into stasis to save her life. She also knows that the eldest child, Sora, is protecting her. But she knows not where they are, only what is being done, and if they wish to meet their mother they must first find Sora- and to do that, they must find Hikaru or Akane, for they surely know of her whereabouts.
InuKag and MirSan know where Akane at least can be found, but state that she never leaves the village and is almost never seen by anyone except her parents, siblings, and spouse. As relatives, they might have a good chance of getting into the Kururugi Shrine to see her… but the villagers are very protective of Akane as they view her as a benevolent saintess/kami, due to when Sesshomaru and Inuyasha helped Irene defeat Anastasia.
Gyokuto, a demon slayer like her mother, brother, and uncle, finds out the girls want to find Akane, so she goes with them because she wants to see Hikaru and because she’s annoyed Hisui is getting all the fun of traveling without her. They discover him lounging about in the valley and he takes them to see Akane, though only Towa, Airi, Shion, and Hikaru himself are allowed inside the shrine where she stays.
Akane reluctantly tells them about Mount Ryosozan, but that it is dangerous to visit. Still, Towa and Airi want to see Irene. They have only one recent memory of her- of when they were children and had only been in the modern era for a short time before Irene, at 19 years old, appeared to try and go back to the Feudal Era. Towa wants to see her again.
Towa and Airi want to help the mother who they remember had looked after them so kindly and gently, even when she didn't know who they were. They hold on to that one day so strongly, and to the photo they were given of her, and to the storybook of the Celestial Prince and his Stolen Love that their Uncle Sota read to them so often when they were small, as it told the (albeit greatly twisted over the years) story of how their father once saved their mother from a human lord and his soon-to-be bride, and how Auntie Maria corrected all the flaws in the story and told them the truth of the tale.
They want to meet Irene, and they want to save her. They want to feel her warmth again.
So they go to the mountain.
It’s Towa’s human night when they get there, and Sora has to do a double take and look behind her into the shrine to see the sleeping Irene. Towa, as a human, has shoulder-length hair, and solely because of the connection to spirits her human blood gives her. (Irene's hair grew because of the Shikigami spirits, even when her body was frozen due to Anastasia's spell, the first time she traveled to the past) Hair is viewed as something that holds a connection to spirits, and when human Towa's connection to the spirits is much stronger, and the growing hair as a human represents that connection.
And Sora has known their mother with longer hair all her life.
Looking back at Towa, she gives her the MOST dumbfounded look. “Here I thought HIKARU took after our mother..."
And Hikaru rebuts with a, “I don’t want to hear that from the one who most looks like our father.”
"I think I resemble Mother quite a bit."
"Absolutely not! In what way!? You can be just as cold as Dad sometimes, you know!"
"Well, I wouldn't have to be if you'd just listen to your big sister..."
"I listen plenty! It's hard being the only son, you know!"
When morning rises, Towa is half-demon again.
She mentions she met their mother when she was little, but their mother was younger and hadn’t even had Sora yet. Towa confesses she based her haircut and style off of what she remembered her looking like back then, as a way to avoid forgetting her, and Airi takes out the photo Sota snapped before 19 year-old Irene left for the Feudal Era to show them.
Mayonaka wanted Sesshomaru to look at her, to have her on his mind at all times… and had sent minions to kill Irene at first to get her out of the way, but when that failed, she cursed her in hopes that he would finally glance her way. And it worked, kind of.
By cursing Irene to the point where she is on the brink of death, he is now obsessively searching for Mayonaka- to kill- and has been for four years.
But when Sesshomaru finally finds her, he doesn’t even humor Mayonaka in conversation. He just attacks. This infuriates her, and she realizes that he isn’t even looking at her, more as he is just seeing the “demon who cursed his wife”. He doesn’t even know her name. There’s not enough room in his heart to hate her when all he cares about is Irene.
So she decides to take some drastic measures. Mayonaka believes she has to fully get rid of Irene in order for there to be room in his heart for her, because if she can’t have him she WILL have his heart by scarring it so badly that the memory of her will be etched in his very soul- as the woman who killed his love. So she starts searching for Irene.
(Think a very twisted and obsessed Yandere. That's Mayonaka)
When she finally finds her, Sora is there and in the way- trying to stop her. Sora puts up a good fight, but Mayonaka has more experience and ends up killing her by targeting Irene, tricking Sora into sacrificing herself and taking the blow by shielding her mother’s body. As Sora is bleeding out, she collapses atop the sleeping Irene just as Sesshomaru appears, having tracked Mayonaka down.
Sora had bought just enough time for her father to find them, and passes away holding onto her mother.
Sesshomaru is pissed. He goes full dog mode. Mayonaka laughs with delight and goes full moth mode. Giant daiyokai battle ensues. The Inugang and Kiddos all show up at the mountain to see Sesshomaru and Mayonaka battling it out, and everyone is horrified upon seeing Sora collapsed and dead, her blood pooling at her feet.
The Inugang go to help Sesshomaru, but Mayonaka’s minions appear. Lesser demons who despise the fact that Sesshomaru took on a human wife. They end up battling it out while Hikaru, Airi, Towa, and Shion try to protect what’s left of the shrine with Irene and Sora’s bodies inside. Itsuki and Moroha are working with Hisui, Kin’Gyo, and Kohaku and Rin (she's a priestess) to fend off anymore new arrivals. Miasma is slowly killing the foliage that kept the shrine pure.
Sesshomaru ends up leaving Mayonaka a bloody mangled mess, and tosses her down from the sky and into the river below. With a splash, she’s back in her humanoid form, and she is cackling and laughing with delight, grinning as wide as could be. She’s so happy. Sesshomaru is finally looking at her, and she’ll be etched in his heart forever if he kills her.
But he doesn’t.
A familiar scent has reached the entrance, and with it the appearance of hot blue flames that swallow the area, enveloping the lesser demons and disintegrating them all. As it clears, everyone sees a figure walking calmly towards them, and as the figure draws close they realize… it’s Akane.
Akane in her mortal form. The final sibling, Hikaru’s twin sister, the one that could not blend in with society in her normal form, has finally arrived… and her gaze turns to meet the gaze of her father.
Sesshomaru will not kill Mayonaka. He will not give her the pleasure she so wishes to have of dying at his hands. Her body is already mangled, limbs barely hanging on as is. No, she’ll die at the hands of the daughter that most resembles his wife in terms of power and selflessness.
So he turns away. He starts walking towards the resting bodies of Sora and Irene.
Mayonaka is horrified. She starts screeching, screaming at him, that it HAS to be him to kill her. That she did all this FOR him, but… he pays her no heed. So she pulls herself together with what little remains of her strength and pulls out her moth wings, flying towards Sora and Irene. She is determined to kill the human woman.
But Sesshomaru doesn’t give her more than a glance over the shoulder before a massive spirit (Akane’s familiar) appears and swallows Mayonaka whole, sealing her away. She burns the talisman the demoness was sealed in with a vanquishing flame, and Mayonaka is effectively dead… and the curse on Irene broken.
As she starts to wake up, Sesshomaru uses tenseiga on Sora, and his daughter is very confused until she realizes what happened and watches as color returns to Irene’s face and the woman coughs, groaning and rolling onto her side as the spirits release their spell that had kept her in stasis.
Irene is shooketh, and mildly horrified she’s been asleep for so long that Sora is now 19, Hikaru and Akane 18, and that Airi and Towa have returned and are both 16 and 14 alongside Shion!????? Three of her children are young adults now, and two of her babies have returned and are so much older now, and wait, why is Sora covered in blood?
Irene cries, and Sora is laughing and hugging her, telling her it’s alright, and Irene is like NO, IT ISN’T, WHO CURSED ME, TELL ME THEIR NAME SO I CAN BURN THEM TO CRISPS, and they have to tell her that the demoness is already dead. Irene is pissed and upset and going through all the emotions, and ends up smothering all of her kiddos with affection because it's been four years and she missed so much and two of her babies are back but her other babies are four years older now and oh gods how could she have slept so long???
Unfortunately... there's still the case of the randomly appearing time portals and all the demons that are disappearing.
The modern era is an extreme danger now, as with all the demons from the Feudal Era being sent to modern times all the demons of the modern era that were in hiding and blending in have decided they were tired of hiding and reveal themselves, lashing out at the humans that had them hide away for so long.
Kirinmaru is the one leading it all.
Kagome, Inuyasha, Moroha and Itsuki, and Irene, Airi, Towa, Shion, and Kin'u and Kohaku all get zapped by one of the portals. They're reunited with Sota, Maria, and Koga, and they watch as the skies grow dark as hundreds to thousands of demons appear, while others are wrecking havoc in the towns.
In a panic, Kagome remembers something from years ago and reveals that inside Kururugi Shrine is a scroll. Hinami and Ren are there, and they know exactly which one she's talking about, and they send Irene to the shrine to unseal the demon and his allies that are with him- and have been for many centuries.
It is a scroll depicting the demon lord Sesshomaru... who had been sealed by his daughter, Akane, in an effort to save his life, many many years ago, and who lost her life sealing her siblings along with him.
To quote Hinami from my Forest Deep fanfic, "Demons existed once. They were in abundance, living in the wild and in their own forms of civilization. Yet when humanity's weaponry began to grow more advanced, their numbers began to decline. Demons started to lose their place in this world. Those who sought preservation hid themselves, while others were proud and died fighting. The few who could pass themselves off as humans did so, and their demonic bloodlines dwindled until nothing but traces of their powers within their descendants remained."
During the era of the Tokugawa Shogunate and the Sakoku Edict, demons began to be killed off. They either learned to blend in or died fighting. Sesshomaru, being as proud as he is, refused to blend in, and fought for years until he was gravely wounded. His half-demon, half-white children were being hunted.
Akane knew he wouldn't survive if he kept going. She knew her siblings would all be killed.
So, in a moment of extreme sacrifice, wanting to protect them all, Akane gives up her life sealing Sesshomaru and all of her siblings away. Her descendants, who lived in hiding within the Kururugi Village, acting as priestesses and priests, worshipping the "Great Kami" of their shrine, prayed to and protected the scroll for the next few hundred years, passing down the stories and legends to each generation.
Sesshomaru, trapped with three of his half-demon children and... potentially a grandchild, ponders over the next few centuries why Akane, the child who could not blend in with society, who lived in hiding, who was the one child he was harshest/most strict with to ensure she could survive, did what she did, and how she died doing so, knowing full well he could not revive her with tenseiga after being sealed away.
And as the years pass...
He gets to see her children, and her grandchildren, and her grandchildren's children and grandchildren. Some look just like her human self or just like Irene or just like him, and then it's Hinami and Ren who are IDENTICAL to Akane and Irene, and he's still TRAPPED with his other children while the ONE IS DEAD but her descendants are THERE, and then...
Kagome's finally come to collect the shard of the "shattered bird".
And Kagome sees the scroll and finally realizes why Hinami and Ren look so familiar, and why something always felt so off about them, because in the shrine she sees a little crescent glowing upon the brunette's forehead. With the jewel shard in her hand, Kagome approaches the scroll, the scroll that has what is so very obviously Sesshomaru painted on it, despite the older appearance and change of armor, and when she reaches out to touch the painting... the image changes so his likeness is looking RIGHT at her.
Kagome is, understandably, freaked out.
She books it out of there after listening to Hinami's story, and Sesshomaru is left waiting again. And again. And…
The doors to the shrine slams open.
She's younger, much younger than she was when she had died, and she's dressed in the purple kimono with the blue butterflies he gave her shortly before she originally left the Feudal Era, as an apology for having hurt her. She's... not as young as back then, but not as old as when she died. She's somewhere in between. He hasn't seen her in centuries.
And she's... as beautiful as the day he had lost her.
He watches from within the scroll as she rushes over, muttering to herself. He feels the warmth from her palm as she rests her hand against the scroll, gentle flames peeling away the seal.
And then he was freed, along with those who had been sealed with him.
Five hundred years, and he gets to hold her again.
He had missed her so much.
But it's only temporary, for after the battle she'll have to return to his younger self.
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xinfinityl0ve17 · 19 days
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Artist Q&A File63-MALICE MIZER || Translation in english
yu-ki (b)
Q1. Date of birth, blood type, height, weight, shoe size, vision?
August 8th, Type A, 175cm, 54kg, 26cm shoe size, both eyes 8.8.
Q2. Hobby?
Being alone in the dark.
Q3. Habit?
Staring off into the distance.
Q4. The CD you like the most right now?
(Answer not provided)
Q5. When you drink alcohol, what do you drink, how much, and with whom?
I don't drink much.
Q6. If you smoke, what do you smoke and how much?
GITANES (CAPORAL), two packs a day.
Q7. Favorite form of gambling?
Q8. The kind of present you'd be happy to receive?
Something suspicious.
Q9. Your ideal type of woman (if you had to compare her to a celebrity)?
Trish Goff.
Q10. Pickup line for women?
Words aren’t necessary.
Q11. Where do you mainly write lyrics or compose music?
In a dark room.
Q13. The most memorable song from your own music?
"Kioku to Sora" (Memory and Sky).
Q14. A mistake you’ve made during a live performance?
I often forget to turn off the bypass switch, so the sound doesn’t come out.
Q15. What type of women catch your eye during live shows?
Those who are enjoying themselves.
Q16. How do you decide what to wear on stage?
It depends on the concept at that time.
Q17. The last thing you do before a show starts?
Have a smoke.
Q18. The first thing you do after a show ends?
Have five smokes.
Q19. A song you'd like to play as an intro during a live show?
A song I composed myself.
Q20. The most memorable live performance you’ve had, where and when?
The last indie live at Shibuya Public Hall.
Q21. If you could collaborate with someone outside of the band, who would it be?
Lisa Gerrard from Dead Can Dance.
Q22. If one of your band's songs became a drama theme song, which would you choose?
It depends on the story…
Q23. If you had to describe the current state of the band with a color, what would it be?
Q24. Lastly, any message to the fans?
Please feel it.
Q1. Date of birth, blood type, height, weight, shoe size, vision?
February 1st, 199X, Type A, about 180cm, average weight, 25.0cm shoe size, left eye: gray 2.0 / right eye: purple 2.0.
Q2. Hobby?
Enjoying being alone.
Q3. Habit?
If I knew, I wouldn’t need to worry about it.
Q4. The CD you like the most right now?
There are too many…
Q5. When you drink alcohol, what do you drink, how much, and with whom?
Kalua milk.
Q6. If you smoke, what do you smoke and how much?
Just a puff of smoke each time.
Q7. Favorite form of gambling?
Q8. The kind of present you'd be happy to receive?
Cigarettes or CD vouchers.
Q9. Your ideal type of woman (if you had to compare her to a celebrity)?
Someone with piercing eyes and hair longer than mine. Like Maetel.
Q10. Pickup line for women?
You’re beautiful.
Q11. Where do you mainly write lyrics or compose music?
At home.
Q12. How do you compose—do melodies come to you first, or do you build from riffs and chords?
By humming.
Q13. The most memorable song from your own music?
"Bel air ~In the Moment of Blankness…" from MALICE MIZER
Q14. A mistake you’ve made during a live performance?
(Answer not provided)
Q15. What type of women catch your eye during live shows?
A little chubby and in cosplay, hahaha.
Q16. How do you decide what to wear on stage?
We have our own costumes, you know…
Q17. The last thing you do before a show starts?
Smoke a cigarette.
Q18. The first thing you do after a show ends?
Drink water.
Q19. A song you'd like to play as an intro during a live show?
We even compose our own SE (sound effects)...
Q20. The most memorable live performance you’ve had, where and when?
January 10th, at Nihon Seinenkan. I couldn’t stop crying.
Q21. If you could collaborate with someone outside of the band, who would it be?
There are many people.
Q22. If one of your band's songs became a drama theme song, which would you choose?
The song that fits the drama…
Q23. If you had to describe the current state of the band with a color, what would it be?
Five people, five colors.
Q24. Lastly, any message to the fans?
We will keep doing things beyond your imagination, so please grow with us and be able to keep up. Even mistakes are part of the performance!
The end!
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Ai no uta - Lyrics + Translation (愛の歌)
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English title: Love song / Song of love
Please do not repost/retranslate without permission.
【Ma】 かけがえのない存在だから帰ってきてほしい
恋しいと 愛していると
【Ma】 寂しいと凍えていないだろうか
【Ot】 暖かい布団を用意しているよ
【Ma】 君がいないベッド 君がいないテーブル
【Ot】 「どこにもいないのに そこにいるような気がするんだ」
【Ot】 埋められない時間だって
【Ma】 救いがあるなら 神にだって願うだろう
【Ot・Ma】 豊かさなんていらない 
【Ma】 ぽっかりとあいた心の穴を埋められるのは
【Ot】 海に落とした涙のように 
【Ot・Ma】 愛だけでも 届きますように
【Ot】 君が安らかに眠れるように
【Ma】 子守歌を歌い 背中を優しく叩く
【Ma】 Kakegae no nai sonzai dakara kaette kite hoshī
Machiwabite iru ka o shirasetara
Kaette kite kureru darou ka?
Koishī to aishite iru to
Dore dake kotoba o kasanete mo
Sora no ue ni wa todokanai no darou ka
【Ma】 Sabishī to kogoete inai darou ka
【Ot】 Atatakai futon o yōi shite iru yo
【Ma】 Kimi ga inai beddo kimi ga inai tēburu
【Ot】 “Doko ni mo inai no ni soko ni iru yō na ki ga suru nda”
【Ot】 Ume rarenai jikan datte
Ai ga areba norikoe rareru to omou kara
【Ma】 Sukui ga aru nara kami ni datte negau darou
【Ot・Ma】 Yutaka-sa nante iranai
Kimi e no ai dake de jūbun da
【Ma】 Pokkari to aita kokoro no ana o ume rareru no wa
Kimi dake shika inai
【Ot】 Umi ni otoshita namida no yō ni
Tokete kiete shimatta to shite mo
Sono shizuku o sukuiagetai
Kiseki o negatte
【Ot・Ma】 Ai dake demo todokimasu yō ni
【Ot】 Kimi ga yasuraka ni nemureru yō ni
【Ma】 Komori uta o utai senaka o yasashiku tataku
【Ma】 I want you to come back, for you are irreplaceable
If I let you know how anxiously I’m waiting for you,
Will you come back?
I wonder if no matter how many times I say
That I miss and love you,
Those words will never reach the sky
【Ma】 I wonder if you’re cold or feel lonely
【Ot】 I have prepared a warm futon for you
【Ma】 A bed without you, a table without you
【Ot】 “Even though you’re nowhere to be found, it feels like you’re there”
【Ot】 I believe that even the time we can’t make up for
Can be overcome with love
【Ma】 If there is salvation, I would even pray to God for it
【Ot・Ma】 I don’t need extravagant things 
My love for you is enough for me
【Ma】 You are the only one who can fill
The gaping hole in my heart
【Ot】 Even if it melts and disappears
Like tears shed into the sea,
I want to scoop up those drops,
Wishing for a miracle
【Ot・Ma】 Even if it’s my just love, I hope it will reach you
【Ot】 So that you may sleep in peace,
【Ma】 I’ll sing you a lullaby and gently pat your back
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Tentative List of Submissions
Until the list of submissions is finalized, I will be accepting appeals for/against any of the shows on this list. SEND YOUR APPEALS THROUGH THIS BLOG’S SUBMIT PAGE. Appeals left in the replies or sent to my asks/DM’s will now be ignored.
By the way, I don’t follow a set standard in determining whether a show is underrated or not. I may keep in mind MyAnimeList ratings, but ratings are not absolute.
Some shows may have low stats on MAL, yet have strong voting power on Tumblr. Some may be popular in their home country but are not so well-known in English fandoms. (Tumblr is a site where most users are USAmericans, so the voting power is mainly with them. I have to consider this.)
Red - at risk of being removed
Blue - formerly accepted, but changed to pending/rejected upon an appeal/further review
Violet - formerly under rejected/pending, but now accepted
Green - newly-added
Orange - Triggers not stated. If you’re the submitter, please edit your submission in the form. Alternatively, you can add them to the Triggers Sheet (non-submitters can also help). If the show has no triggers, please still edit the form/sheet and check the “None” option so that I’ll know that you didn’t just forget. Thank you!
Updated: Oct. 20, 2023 08:00pm EST
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86 (Eighty-Six)
91 Days
Acca-13 Territory Inspection Department
After the Rain
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime
Akiba Maid War
Akudama Drive
A Place Further than the Universe
Are You Ok (You Yao)
Asobi Asobase
Beryl and Sapphire
Birdie Wing: Golf Girls' Story
BNA: Brand New Animal
Do It Yourself!!
Flip Flappers
Flowering Heart
Fukigen na Mononokean
Gakuen Babysitters
Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet
Gatchaman Crowds
Girl's Last Tour (Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou)
God Troubles Me
Hakumei and Mikochi
Hanasaku Iroha: Blossoms for Tomorrow
Happy Sugar Life
Heike Monogatari
HitoriBocchi no MaruMaru Seikatsu
Hoshiai no Sora (Stars Align)
Iroduku: The World in Colors
Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?
Kageki Shoujo!!
Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko
Katana Maidens: Toji no Miko
Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!
Kemurikusa - Propaganda may contain spoilers (To submitter: the last part about Earth seems spoilery). Propaganda will be edited by admin.
Kyoukai no Rinne
Laughing under the clouds
Legend of Luo Xiaohei (series)
Link Click
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
Mawaru Penguindrum
Megalo Box
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!
No Doubt in Us
Non Non Biyori
Ping Pong the Animation
Plastic Memories - I won’t mark this as red because there is enough propaganda for it to be included. But I’m still waiting for someone to submit something more substantial about it. Also lacks triggers.
Please tell me! Galko-chan
Pretty Rhythm: Rainbow Live - Submitter might’ve shared too much about the drama in the show, spoiling it for others. Propaganda will be edited by admin.
Requiem of the Rose King
Rokuhoudou Yostuiro Boyori
Run with the Wind
Sangatsu no Lion
Senki Zesshou Symphogear
Shadows House
Shinsekai Yori
Silver Spoon
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle
Sonny Boy
Space Brothers (Uchuu Kyoudai)
Talentless Nana
Tamayura: Hitotose
The Executioner and Her Way of Life
The Royal Tutor
Tonari no Seki-kun
To Your Eternity
Urusei Yatsura
Usagi Drop
Vampire in the Garden
Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song
Wasteful Days of High School Girls
Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun
White Cat Legend 2020 (Dali si Rizhi/The Journal of Dali Court)
Wo Jia Dashixiong Naozi You Keng
Yurei Deco
Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero
Yuukoku no Moriarty
Zankyou no Terror
Zombieland Saga
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If no reason is stated, then that submission simply had insufficient/unconvincing propaganda. Those with a (???) next to the title are shows I’m not sure are considered underrated. Anybody may submit an appeal on whether or not I should keep it.
Propaganda that needs revision can be edited by the submitter on the GForm. Others may also make a new submission with their own propaganda for it to be accepted.
If, for some reason, the original submitter cannot edit the GForm, then the updated propaganda may be sent to me here via ask or DM.
All shows that didn’t remove their pending status before Oct. 20, 8pm EST have been moved to Rejected.
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If no reason is stated, then that show has been rejected simply because it’s not considered underrated.
Angel Beats
Assassination Classroom
Astra: Lost in Space - insufficient/unconvincing propaganda
Buddy Daddies - one of the popular recent anime. Also has 390k tag followers on Tumblr
Cap Kakumei Bottleman DX - Propaganda contains too many spoilers. Also lacks triggers
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card - Cardcaptor Sakura is one of the most popular shoujo. And since anime with multiple seasons are counted as one, the year the first season was released is what will be checked. Season 1 of CCS was released in 1998, so it’s disqualified from this tournament.
Death Parade
Delicious Party Precure - This show is apparently part of an extremely popular franchise. The propaganda for it was also not enough.
Dr. Stone - One of the recent mainstream anime. Ranked #54 on MAL for popularity with over 1 million members.
Inazuma Eleven GO
Kyoukai no Kanata - Has over a million members on MAL, rated by over 500k people, and is ranked #122 in terms of popularity. Also has 9.7k tag followers on Tumblr, which is very high compared to the other accepted shows
Kyousou Giga - insufficient/unconvincing propaganda and lacks triggers
Mekakucity Actors - the anime itself isn’t popular, but Kagerou Project, the Vocaloid music video series which it is based on, is extremely popular. #kagerou project has 14k tag followers.
Meganebu - insufficient/unconvincing propaganda and lacks triggers
Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun
Noragami - Ranked #47 in Tumblr’s Top AniManga Fandoms in 2021
Odd Taxi - won several awards during the 6th Crunchyroll Anime Awards as well as won against the iconic The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya in this poll with over 3k votes.
Planetarian - insufficient/unconvincing propaganda. Also lacks triggers.
Kekkai Sensen
Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai - Doesn’t have that many fics on AO3, but it ranks #52 on MAL in terms of popularity and has over 1M in both MAL users and members. Also has 1.4k tag followers on Tumblr—not a big number but still indicates an active fandom.
Shoujo☆Kageki Revue Starlight - Although it’s rated low on MAL, it’s apparently quite popular on Tumblr. It won against the very popular Sailor Moon in another poll tournament with over 9k votes.
Tai Chi Chasers - Submitter either made a mistake or outright lied about the year this show was released. They stated 2011, but the actual year is 2007. That’s before 2010, which disqualifies it from this tournament.
Tian Guan Ci Fu/Heaven Official’s Blessing - made it to Tumblr’s top AniManga fandoms. It was ranked #14 in 2021 and #16 in 2022.
Vatican Miracle Examiner - insufficient/unconvincing propaganda
Violet Evergarden
55 notes · View notes
rankarana · 2 years
Even as someone who loses their mind over even the concept of a soothing yet emotionally charged haircutting scene, the Kaleido Star movie/OVA/finale really and truly is a transcendental entry in that genre that clearly comes from a team who understand that after 51 episodes of making a show like this you might as well make what it's actually about transparent.
There's this utterly incredible line that more than just spells out the context of what this scene means, but also makes Layla's relearned vulnerability explicit-- and the way Sora takes hold of her here shows that she's tacitly understood how Layla's changed...
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Not to mention the extremely ah, we shouldn't be here reactions from the rest of the cast--
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And to the way we see Sora's hands trembling at the idea that she's leaving a mark on Layla -- not just becoming her rival, or her successor, or her pride, but also physically changing her... a step beyond even intimacy that becomes something else entirely...
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(of course, the best part is the full version of this scene goes on for another three minutes of sora cutting layla's hair as they think about their journey together to get to this point... pure kami anime.)
84 notes · View notes
saintgoths · 2 months
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇʟᴠᴇ
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WORDS - 5,056.
SUMMARY - as it is the first days of the chunin exams, suiren finds it upon herself to steal the sand stone from shinki.
feedback would be appreciated!
i also cross-post this fic on wattpad and ao3.
previous chapter - chapter eleven.
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The Chunin Exams had been today and both Suiren and Sarada had been woken up by their mother who had made breakfast for them while they were asleep, when Suiren pulled herself to sit up on her bed, she had remembered the name Kawaki, confused as her head had been in pain, Suiren couldn’t quite remember who the person Kawaki was supposed to be to her.
She had remembered that she had dreamed of Sora, remembered the argument she had shared with him along with the fact that he had told her that Shinki had been the one with the Sand Stone. With a sigh, the long-haired girl sat at the edge of her bed, both hands curved at the edge of the covered mattress as she had slowly gathered what she had to do.
Shinki was a kind boy, and she was unsure if she had wanted to go along with the plan to manipulate him, on the other hand, there was a side to her that reminded Suiren that this was a matter of life or death. She had needed the stone more than anything, and for the stone to be just with someone she was close with, had to be no coincidence, it was destiny.
“Suiren,” she heard a deep voice echo in her mind, shocked, the girl pressed her fingers against the bridge of her head as she noted that it had been Sora who was speaking to her.
She had been frustrated; she had disliked the fact that Sora could telepathically speak to her. “No! No! No!” Suiren dramatically whined. “Please don’t tell me you can telepathically speak to me…” it had been the day of the Chunin Exams, the last thing she had needed was a sneaky Dragon Sprit speaking to her, as she began to bang her forehead with the base of her palm, Suiren successfully blocked the Dragon out of her mind, as much as it had been crazy, she had gone towards the length of hitting herself, Suiren had been desperate.
With a deep sigh, the young girl reached beneath her pillowcase for the drugs she was given and examined it, she had taken none yet, and Suiren had been unsure if she was right to take it from that strange man. Nothing wrong had happened, no ringing noise, so perhaps it had been a short time occurrence.
Though, Suiren had thought she would use it if something did go wrong. Suiren had wanted to make sure she had a backup, so when she put the drug into one of her pockets, the girl yawned, she was sure her mother was annoyed that she hadn’t come out of her room yet, though Suiren was used to being the sibling that got into trouble.
As she looked at her palm, Suiren focused hard, she had been aware she had neglected her water powers, and focused too much onto manipulating her chakra into chaos. As she gently shuddered at the icy feeling that flowed through her veins once a random bubble of water formed above her palm, as much as she had been excited, Suiren had calmed herself, she had understood that if she put extra energy the bubble of water would pop.
She had watched it, it had looked like if someone manufactured a crystal into a ball, a crystal ball. She would’ve liked it if someone would teach her how to control the element more, but if she did, she’d have to inform them that she had gained the water powers from the water stone, hence her family mainly came from a plethora of fire and earth users.
With a smile, the door had opened which had commenced Suiren to drop the ball of water against her bed. Shocked, Sakura stood between the crack of the door, eyes wide, her hand was wrapped around the doorknob, her vision moved from the wet area on the bed and back to her daughter. “Did you wet yourself?”
Embarrassed, Suiren shook her head. “No!”
With an even wrong idea, Sakura placed her hand against her chest. “Gosh---Kami, I should’ve had the conversation with you,” Sakura remorsefully whispered fore she dragged her feet into Suiren’s bedroom and closed the door behind her. “I know you’re growing up and you want to explore---”
“Ahh!” Suiren screamed as she quickly closed her ears shut with her hands.
Surprised, Sakura stood up straight. Perplexed if it had not been any of her ideas she had spoken about, what could’ve the wet spot been?
“I promise you mama it’s just water,” Suiren explained and relieved, Sakura blew through her mouth.
“Just water,” Sakura repeated as assurance before she chuckled out a smile, a look of relief stained in her eyes. “Sarada’s eating breakfast, get ready, okay? I don’t want you late for the Exams.”
As the younger woman nodded, Suiren got to her feet. “I’ll get ready,” the girl reassured and when her mother winked at her, Sakura left her daughter’s bedroom and trailed herself back to the kitchen as she had waited.
When Suiren had finished, she had pulled tight onto her fingerless gloves as she walked down the corridor, the size of it becoming less narrow the further she stepped forward. Her long hair swayed within everyone step she had done and her nose happily twitched at the scent of food.
“Where’s dad?” Sarada questioned as she turned around to place the food down.
“Papa is training Boruto this morning,” Sakura replied and with a short eye roll, Suiren sat down on her seat. “Boruto wanted him as his sensei, thought papa was cooler than his dad, Naruto.”
Keen on the look Suiren did, Sakura anxiously tapped her thumb against the wooden table. “Anything wrong, Suiri?”
With a smile, Suiren began to eat. “No,” she popped. “Just wanted him here for breakfast, that’s all.”
⋆。‧₊°꧁ ༺𓆩❦︎𓆪༻ ꧂‧₊˚.⋆
The moment Suiren and Sarada step out of the apartment their mother grabbed their shoulders with both of her palms and turned them around, she had a big smile on her face, the type of grin she did before she embarrassed them. Suiren had been quick to cover her face with her hands as she dramatically sobbed for her mother to stop as she began to cheer them on.
“Make mama proud!” Sakura happily cheered and as Sarada sighed while she placed her hand on her hip, Suiren dragged her hands away from her face, humoured on how her children reacted; Sakura had laughed as she watched them turn their backs on her while sharing a knowing look with each other.
The Chunin Exams were about to start in an hour and a half, so they would meet with their mother later, hand in hand, Suiren and Sarada walked down the steps of the apartment complex and moved away from the building, talked with each other as they both admired the scenery, Konoha already had much villagers, but it had become more packed since the Chunin Exams were taking place here, Chunin Exams were able to take place in other villages, but because Konoha, was verily the safest option and had the most participating ninjas most of the time, it was normally held here.
Suiren had found it funny, that even if Konoha had its violent attacks, it was still the safest out of the main villages. When the twins saw their main group, the hurried towards them, met by Raiden and Akane, Akane who had been excited about the whole event had been quick and jumpy on her feet, hands clenched as her nails excitedly dug into her palms. Suiren and Raiden briefly shared looks with each other, both surprised that Akane had not behaved in her usual way, she had never mentioned what had happened in their previous training, especially with how many weeks came by, both Suiren and Raiden anticipated that Akane’s blabber mouth would bring up one thing.
“I hope the training was all worth it,” Sarada mentioned which had caused Akane to look at the both of them.
Curious, Akane furrowed her white eyebrow. “Have you two battled each other?”
Suiren made a noise before the two of them shook their head which had caused Akane to laugh in response. “You two are lying,” she breathed.
“We aren’t,” Sarada easily replied.
“I can’t imagine hurting Sarada,” Suiren blurted and with a quick look of hurt on Akane’s face which had caused Suiren to press her lips into a flat line, aware Akane might’ve felt like Suiren didn’t care about her.
“Oh,” Akane whispered as Raiden awkwardly scratched the back of his head.
With a reassuring squeeze Sarada had sent her sister’s way, Suiren glanced at Sarada, her sister’s mouth in a short smile, which had then been interrupted by a certain blonde, an Uzumaki blonde who had jumped into their conversation, boisterous. Curious, everyone turned to look at him to hear what he had wanted to say. “What is it?” Akane questioned and with a deep breath and a big smile, Boruto turned to where the gates of Konoha had been open.
“They’re here! People from the Sun Village, they’re here!”
Shocked, Suiren and the rest of the group paced to where they must’ve been. As the front person, Suiren had been the first person to see them---it had appeared like they knew who she was, the one in front of them had been a boy, he was striking with black hair and hazel eyes, he seemed about their age, or an age older. Wore his Village Headband around the upper side of his left arm, the symbol on the metal bar being a round circle with the rays of the Sun lined around it.
His other teammates were other women, there was a red-haired girl with white eyes, who was the shortest, and a brown-haired girl with black eyes, she was the tallest out of all of them, pretty, and had a knowing look on her face, specifically a smug. “Ryo Amari,” the boy introduced himself, he showed his hand to Suiren for her to shake, their sensei who was a woman, had stood behind them, she looked like Akane as they both had similar features, long silver hair with purple eyes, she was beautiful, and had looked at her students with approval the second she realised her students came to Suiren.
“This is my team mate Keiko Chisaka,” Ryo points to the red-haired girl, and he then moves the point to his thumb towards his last team mate. “My other team mate, Aina Tadashi,” he smiled. “We’re from the Sun Village.”
“Suiren Uchiha,” Suiren introduced herself, eyes bright, without the telepathic connection between her and Sora on, Suiren had known that Sora was excited, excited that the possibility of getting the Sun Stone was getting closer and closer.
“We recognise who you are,” their sensei said, her team immediately made space for her to walk between them. “Kana Akai,” the woman introduced herself, her voice was deep, but had sounded seductive, she was slim, but her arms were buff, she had reminded Suiren of those Anbu Blackcop with her mystery, as if her own face was a mask. “You’re the girl who was able to stop the Prism.”
Awkward, Suiren pulled some of her hair behind her ear, she had a side smile, flattered that she was known in places she thought hadn’t even existed. “I didn’t officially stop them, but they were quite the group.”
“They haven’t made any sound ever since what you did at the Prism Tower in the Land of Water,” Kana said. “I’m still impressed.”
Kana had then examined the rest of the people behind Suiren, their eyes in awe and in frozen shock, humoured, Kana’s purple eyes landed upon Sarada, Kana was aware she had to be Suiren’s twin. Her eyes were darker than Suiren’s, blacker, Suiren’s eyes were green, like a dark green that’ll remind you of a foggy forest. “I can’t wait to see what you show during the Chunin Exams,” Kana then said to Suiren who had thanked her, and with a gentle bow, the lady began to walk further down the village with her group.
⋆。‧₊°꧁ ༺𓆩❦︎𓆪༻ ꧂‧₊˚.⋆
Suiren could feel everyone’s excitement, the first round of the Chunin Exams was about to begin, everyone had been in the stadium, people off different ages, nations and villages had either sat down to be the viewers or had stood at the floor of the building to participate.
There had been two panels, the event hosted by Sai Yakumura, the father of Inojin; and Shikamaru Nara, the father of Shikadai. The two panels were coated by two black big sheets, the front of the sheet had the symbol of the Leaf Village in white and every student who had participated it in had stood in front of the large gaps that separated both coated panels.
“We will now begin the Chunin Selection Exam!” Shikamaru said. “I remind you all to freely demonstrate the fruits of your training!”
Sai had then pushed himself to speak. “For Round One!” He said as the sheets that covered the panels were dropped, revealing the symbols on both panels, one panel had a symbol of an “X’ and the other had the symbol of an “O”.
“You will answer a yes or no trivia question, you are to move as a team onto the side you believe is correct,” Sai explained and then he raised his hand up. “And the question is…”
Curious, Akane had shook in excitement as she impatiently anticipated what the man had to ask. A screen behind him appearing once he began to read out the question. “The Shinobi password that appear in volume five of the Shinobi Strategist Detective Story are, ‘Moon is Day, Mountain is River, and Flower is Nectar. Yes, or no?”
A series of confused hums echoed in the stadium. Perplexed, Akane and Suiren looked at each other. “I usually see Sarada reading the book, but I have not seen Sarada read volume five,” Suiren explained.
“So, which one do you think it is?” Akane asked.
Keen, Suiren looked at both panels before she said her answer. “I think it’s no,” Suiren replied, and as a team, Akane and Raiden followed the Uchiha girl to the no panel.
As they stood on the panel for no, Suiren watched how Sarada and her team directed themselves to the yes panel, and with a sigh, Suiren stretched her fingers. “Good choice,” she heard Keiko from behind say to her, and surprised, Team Thirteen turned to look at who had spoken, as they shared a few glances, Raiden smiled at the Sun Village Ninja.
“I see you’ve all decided,” Sai spoke again, his voice which had caught everyone’s attention once had Suiren have no time to speak to Keiko. “Those of you who are incorrect, that is, who…” he trailed before he uncomfortably coughed before he continued. “Those of you who are incorrect will turn black and will not be able to advance.”
Confused, Cho-Cho, who was the brown-skinned daughter of Choji Akimichi furrowed her eyebrows. “Turn black?” Her team-mate Inojin questioned and with a flat smile, Akane turned to look at Suiren to make sure what she had heard was correct.
“Isn’t that racist?” Akane inquired and with a certain look, Suiren nodded her eyebrows.
“It’s not a surprise that it was uncle Sai that said that,” Suiren said and as the two girls started to laugh, the floors of the panels they were standing on randomly disappeared and suddenly the arena was filled with surprised and confused screams.
With a gasp, Suiren had looked down and quickly identified the pool of black ink that some unfortunate students fell into and hastily she had comprehended what Instructor Sai had been talking about, and with quick thought, Suiren had used her chakra and warped it into chaotic matter to form a shield for her and her group to land on.
The shield was in a translucent shape of a lotus, and the skeleton of the flower had shone bright and caught the attention of other students taking part of the Exams, shocked, Raiden and Akane shared a look. The shield slightly flickered, but Suiren used her strength to carry them back to the surface, and when they returned back to where the main arena had been, Suiren had restfully breathed in the fresh air before she landed on her feet.
Tired, Suiren dropped to her knees as she caught her breath, she had been aware she had still needed to practice how to use her chaos without taking too much energy, though as she was solo-training with it as Sensei Ren looked down on what she was doing, it would take longer than normal.
“Take some of my energy,” Sora spoke through. “What you do consumes much energy and chakra from you, a pool of chakra you have not unlocked yet,” and annoyed, Suiren dragged herself to her feet. “If you continue doing that, it’ll kill you.”
“Fine,” Suiren clicked her tongue, and baffled, Akane and Raiden turned to each other again, puzzled to who she was speaking to, but they hadn’t spoken about it.
Suiren had then turned to look at them as her back was faced towards them, and when he thought it was right, Raiden spoke. “That was magnificent,” Raiden smiled. “It looked like a magical lotus flower,” he said and with a kind smile, Suiren placed her hands on her hips.
“Yeah, it is what I’ve been practising,” Suiren answered and as she cocked her head to the side, Akane spoke.
“With Sensei Ren?” Akane asked.
Uncomfortable, Suiren hastily rubbed her wrists together. “He backed out on it.”
“Precisely!” Instructor Sai called out. “Those who lacked courage simply accepted the impending pool of ink, you made the wrong choice, and allowed yourselves to fall in. you aren’t qualified to become Chunin!” He said with one hand on his hip. “The decision in this first round, is the split second one you make when cornered, do you give up, or not give up?”
Reminded of their time in the Prism Tower, Suiren and Raiden shortly glanced at each other, they didn’t speak but had been aware with what each other had been thinking about. “Those of you who didn’t fall int the ink pool is correct! And with that, round one of the Chunin Exam is concluded!”
Grateful, both Suiren and Akane high-fived each other before they released sounds of celebration. “The Chunin Exams easier than I thought,” Suiren said before she began to follow her team-mates out of the arena.
⋆。‧₊°꧁ ༺𓆩❦︎𓆪༻ ꧂‧₊˚.⋆
As they were caught up by their Sensei during their walk down one of the main towns in Konoha, they were all able to feel the annoyed look Sensei Ren ha don his face, confused, Raiden and Akane had glanced at each other, contemplative if the man had been angry enough to cause a scene in front of the busy area of the village, aware that he had been centred on Suiren, Akane moved her sight from their teacher and to the short girl who had crossed her arms ready to defend herself.
“What were you doing with your chakra?” Sensei Ren questioned and on spot, Suiren had felt like she was being questioned by one of her parents. “I can tell you’re tired, what you did was a big jump! Creating a plane to lift them back up through the black hole.”
“Well, we’re now able to go through Round Two of the Chunin Exams,” Suiren frowned.
Frustrated, Sensei Ren stood up straight. “What you did was dangerous---”
Irritated by his critique, Suiren unfolded both of her arms and placed them on her hips. “I don’t want to hear about it,” she said as she cut him off and entertained, Akane leaned towards Raiden with a humoured look on her face, this had been specifically the first time Suiren had gotten in trouble with Sensei Ren.
“The teacher’s pet is in trouble,” she said as she wiggled her eyebrows and dismissive, Suiren turned her back towards the adult.
“I have no time for this,” the Uchiha girl said.
“You don’t get to shut down this conversation, I demand respect from you.” He ordered and nosy, civilians who walked past them had turned around to see what had been going on and others had slowed down to hear what the two ninjas had been arguing about.
Uncomfortable, Suiren crossed her arms, aware that someone had walked towards them, a presence she had known, Shinki, she was able to see his figure from the side of her vision and had been relieved that he had been here. “To yell at your student in front of a public space is embarrassing for her and won’t make her give the respect you want from her,” he said, his voice had been calm and collected but there had been a pinch of superiority in his tone, one that had challenged the excellence of Team Thirteen’s Sensei.
Confused on his interference, Sensei Ren frowned as he took in Shinki’s disturbance. Raiden had been just as confused. “Suiren has the right to leave, and I’ll remove her from this situation if she still does not want to be here,” the younger man said, before he twisted his gaze to the shorter being who had stood behind him. “Do you still want to be here, Suiren?” He questioned as his protective black sand activated and with a quick thought, the Uchiha girl had shook her head.
“No,” she replied and as he grabbed her hand, Shinki pulled the girl away from the team, the girl who curved her head to the side to see the size of her team becoming smaller each step away, with her precise eye-sight, the girl had seen how all of them had looked baffled at Shinki’s intrusion, her grip around his hand tight as she had moved her sight to the back of his head and kept up with him.
As she had let out a big sigh, Shinki looked at her, his once strong stare soft at the sight of the distressed girl. “Are you okay?” He had asked and as she let go of his paw, she folded her arms beneath her chest.
“I’d like to think that I am,” she truthfully replied. “That was embarrassing, thank you for stepping in,” she said and as they both stopped walking in sync, Suiren curved her arms around his upper torso, caressed by his warmth and woody scent. He had been different than Raiden, even though Raiden had been just as warm, Raiden had smelt like cherries and reminded Suiren of the ocean at day, whereas Shinki was the ocean at night. A dark knight who had demanded respect without needing to say it, his presence was enough.
He had smiled and it caught Suiren off guard, her eyes were quite wide as she looked up at him. “You barely smile.”
“You have a way of making anyone smile,” Shinki said and as Suiren pulled away from him, she had been aware that the Sand Stone had not been on him, but as she briefly put that thought at the back of her head, she placed her right hand against her hip.
“Is it my charm?” Suiren comically questioned.
“Do you want me to spell it out for you?” Shinki joked and with a brief smile, the girl had shrugged as she then clasped her hands together. “Do you want to go back to where I’m staying?” Shinki kindly suggested, and hastily, the girl beckoned her head, aware that if the Sand Stone had not been with him, it had to be at the room he was staying in.
⋆。‧₊°꧁ ༺𓆩❦︎𓆪༻ ꧂‧₊˚.⋆
They had entered the hotel building Shinki’s team and family had been staying in, it was a five-star hotel and where the rich normally visited whenever they were passing by, Suiren had stood beside Shinki as she examined the area around her, the lobby was huge, enough to have multiple chairs and sofas for people to sit and talk with their close ones on, as she turned to look at Shinki, she gently nudged him. “How comes you’re not staying with your cousin Shikadai?”
“We visited them, but the Chunin Exams got everyone competitive,” Shinki explained and with an understanding nod, Suiren continued to accompany Shinki further down the lobby while the unique appearance of his adoptive father, Gaara had come into view.
“Kazekage-sama,” Suiren respectfully bowed and with an appreciative beckon of his head, Gaara turned to face his son.
His face was relaxed, but there was a curious glint he shared in both of his blue eyes. “I didn’t know the connection between the two of you was serious.”
“Are you kidding me?” Aarya, one of Shinki’s team mates spoke as she arrived to the scene, she had her hood over her head but her face was still clear enough to see the teasing look she had on her face. “He speaks about her all the time Kazekage-sama,” she said her interference had caused the three people to turn to look at her who avoided the piercing look Shinki had on his face.
Annoyed, Shinki clicked his tongue at his team-mate’s straightforwardness whereas Suiren couldn’t help but find the interaction cute. “I wish Yodo was here,” Aarya continued. “Because he would’ve brought up how obsessed he is with you Suiren.”
As he chuckled, Gaara placed one hand against Shinki’s shoulder, Shinki who had then looked away from everyone and focused on to other people who came from different villages walk by them. “I believe these two want time to themselves,” Gaara said and as Shinki quietly agreed, he thanked his father.
“I’ll take her to my room,” Shinki said and as kickback, Aarya clasped both of her hands together.
“To do what?” Aarya poked and with a short glare at Aarya, Shinki grabbed Suiren’s wrist and dragged her away from them, blocking out the wicked laugh Aarya cackled as she watched them leave.
Suiren had been quiet as she allowed Shinki to take her to his room, it had been a large space, so Suiren speculated that they had bought one of the expensive suites, there had been a balcony, television, a joint bathroom and a vast bed that Shinki guided her to sit on. He had been firm with the way he had held her, but there was still a touch of care with the way he moved her around, the type of firmness Raiden didn’t have, Raiden always held her as if she was made out of the most brittle glass.
On the other hand, Suiren had felt the small sensation she had felt must be the Sand Stone, and as she quickly scanned the room, she had felt Shinki stare at her before he spoke. “Is the bed comfortable for you?” Shinki questioned and with a brief nod, Suiren gently leaned backwards as she pressed her palms against the cot.
He sat down next to her, anxious about how Suiren had watched his every move, Suiren couldn’t help but gently press her leg against his. “I want to tease you about something, but I’m unsure if you’ll get mad.”
“I can never be mad at you,” Shinki truthfully replied and as she poked his cheek with her index finger, Suiren scrunched her nose.
“You’re adorable,” she said and with a tut, Shinki turned away from her, embarrassed. “If you have been speaking about me all the time.” Suiren continued as she moved closer to him. “There must be something you had always wanted to do.”
Surprised, Shinki ogled at her, his green eyes had slightly shaken at what had come out of her mouth, he had stared back at her, her eyes were almost as green as his but they were darker, as if he was looking into the night of a rain forest. He had felt enamoured, and had been the first one to move forward, to kiss her, their embrace sweet and timid, but as every second grew, Shinki found himself to grow passionate within the caress. 
Heated, Shinki breathed into her mouth, slipped his tongue as he could feel himself drive into a heated bliss, his magnetic sand had activated, the sand had rose behind him and had almost overtaken the situation, surprised, Shinki jumped backwards and backed away from Suiren as he had then wiped his mouth. “Sorry, my apologies Lady Suiren,” he respectfully atoned leaving no time for Suiren to react, the boy had left his hotel room.
With a frown, Suiren nibbled on her bottom lip, she had wondered if she had kissed him wrong, but the thought had quickly left her mind the second she had realised she could use his absence to search for the Sand Stone, thus, she had dragged herself to her feet and commenced to search the room but return everything to its original place so Shinki wouldn’t grow suspicious.
“Good girl,” Sora said and annoyed, Suiren scrunched her face.
“Fuck off, it’s for my own survival,” she snapped as she looked all over the room, feeling the power of the Sand Stone connect to her the closer as she walked towards one of the drawers in the connected bathroom, the more she stepped towards where it was hidden, the more she had felt soft tremors shake the floor.
She was quick with it, when she grabbed the object everything around her began to shake while she absorbed the power of the Sand Stone, with a gasp, Suiren had felt her feet lift off the ground as her hair spiked upwards, her eyes went bright and the tremor carried quicker and rougher. She had felt the powers channel through her body and veins, it had felt like fireworks, more intense than the night she absorbed the Water Stone, and once Suiren had fell back to her feet, the earth-quake had stopped, and Suiren returned the Sand Stone back to the drawer she had found it in and returned back to the hotel bedroom.
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theeternalfeverdream · 10 months
Character Spotlight: Niitsu Orimageru
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It's the shrine maiden of balance and tradition, Niitsu Orimageru!
She's the head priestess of a shrine that's secluded in a forest. This is the Orimageru Shrine, home to the kami of equilibrium, Kinkodo-no-gami. Typically, once a blood descendant of its kami turns 15, they'll be left alone to train, exterminate troublesome youkai, and fulfill their duties as the ambassador of Earth. Niitsu manages the shrine's upkeep, and keeps the surrounding forest's youkai under control. She wasn't supposed to be the head priestess; her older sister Nozomi was supposed to take over a few years ago, but she left the family to pursue a career that she actually wanted.
Niitsu herself is a bit of a lone wolf due to her training. She seems a little standoffish, but she has a headstrong and inviting personality that strong youkai gravitate towards. She's level-headed and a natural leader, though slightly self-conscious, and wonders whether or not she's really cut out to be the ambassador of Earth. Niitsu is amicable in regular conversation, but her insults can be biting and she has no problem matching an adversary's nastiness. She's well-liked by many, feared by some, and idolized by a few.
Her ability is inherited from the Kinkodo-no-gami. She can restore or disrupt the balance in anything physical and metaphorical, and trains through meditation and youkai extermination. This is more of a physical ability to make things equal, but she has demonstrated the ability to make her power equal to an opponent's, either by increasing her own energy or diminishing her opponent's strength. Overall, it's an incredibly broad ability that can be disastrous if in the wrong hands, but Niitsu makes no significant use of it.
The true center of her equilibrium powers is the go-shintai of Kinkodo-no-gami, the Kinkodo Spheres. They look like brass armillary spheres with a yin-yang sphere at their core. The spirit of the deity can be directly channelled through these spheres, including its powers. Niitsu is at her absolute strongest when using the Kinkodo Spheres, though she prefers to use omamori (protective charms) and danmaku (colorful bullets made of energy) as projectiles in a fight.
Her closest friend is Arui Mitasa. They encountered each other when Niitsu was sent by the Kinkodo-no-gami to exterminate Arui as part of her training. Although Niitsu didn't succeed in exterminating the oni, Arui was impressed by her determination, and decided she would stick around in the Orimageru Shrine, much to Niitsu's chagrin. Arui claims Niitsu is a "good friend", to which she usually denies coldly. Nonetheless, they get along well, and Niitsu has even let Arui join in on her visits to other realms.
The High Pharaoh of the Dream World is one of the "realm representatives" she's met. Niitsu thinks Dyzi is nice, but she can't stand the climate of Sarasaland (Dyzi's personal domain), so they will usually meet in Niitsu's dreams. Since meeting her, Niitsu has been noticing a peculiar woman with an umbrella standing just on the edge of the shrine grounds. She doesn't know this, but this woman is Dyzi, who stops by occasionally to leave donations and keep an eye on Niitsu and Arui.
The princess of Yomi is yet another realm official she's met, but this time they're much closer. Honoka Kamejo visits the shrine rarely, but is always a joy to have around. Niitsu brings out Honoka's gentler side, while Honoka brings out more of Niitsu's energy. They empathize with each other, and Honoka has convinced herself that it's her duty to be a bratty little sister to Niitsu.
Niitsu, by nature, doesn't have many enemies, but her biggest rival is none other than Sora Kumoriko. He's the de-facto leader of the Kamejo family's royal guard, and is usually the one stirring up trouble. These two are polar opposites in both looks and character, and always manage to find something to disagree on. Niitsu seriously wonders if Sora will ever get tired of starting incidents and settle down for once, or even open up to her, but...
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noviceaoiryusei · 5 months
HANDSOME ANTHEM - チーム・ハンサム! (Team Handsome!) lyrics [kanji/romaji]
言わずと知れた壁ドン王子 Iwazu to shireta kabedon ouji プラスに導いてく don't worry Purasu ni michibiiteku don't worry 料理だって お手のもん Ryouri datte otenomon 白馬で通過 大手の門 Hakuba de tsuuka oote no mon 把握してます カメラワーク Haakushitemasu kamera waaku 日々精進為せば成る Hibi shoujin nasebanaru 君への返事 笑顔同封 Kimi e no henji egao doufu まずはこいつだ水田航生 Mazu wa koitsu da Mizuta Kouki
役者魂 丸坊主 Yakusha tamashii marubouzu 見つけ出すハマる構図 Mitsukedasu hamaru kouzu どうする どう演じよう Dousuru dou enjiyou 学びに欠かせないペンにノート Manabi ni kakasenai pen ni noto かかせて大量の汗 Kakasete tairyou no ase 向かう未知なる最高の果て 空のかなた Mukau michinaru saikou no hate sora no kanata 繊細ドラマー早まる鼓動 Sensai dorama hayamaru kodou 恋愛ドラマ Renai dorama
おうちで戯れる (猫) Ouchi de tawamureru (neko) つんで片づける (レゴ) Tsunde katadzukeru (rego) 花開く優しい根っこ Hanahiraku yasashii nekko 前進中我が道 let go Zenshin chu wagamichi let go 笑う門福 in the house Waraukado fuku in the house ゆるくも芯がある良いバランス Yuruku mo shin ga aru yoi baransu ここで1回生存確認 Koko de ikkai seizon kakunin 元気ですか? 鳴ってる着信 Genki desu ka? natteru chakushin
自他共に認める(ソース顔) Jita tomoni mitomeru (sousu kao) 元々入っている (ノーズシャドウ) Motomoto haiteru (nozu shadou) ハイライト入れた憧れのストーリー Hairaito ireta akogare no sutorii ダイエット法なら試した幾通り Daietto hounara tameshita ikutouri
北の大地から登場純白の青年 Kita no daichi kara toujou junpaku no seinen 見せたい新たな表情 Misetai aratana hyoujou 聞こえてくる黄色い声援 Kikoete kuru kiiroi seien so fresh so clean かじりつく So fresh so clean kajiritsuku グリーンアップル Guriin Appuru 木陰に揺れてお茶を飲んで Kokage ni yurete ocha wo nonde 一息ついたらこの名を呼んで Hitoiki tsuitara kono na o yonde
(弓矢の矢!) 心揺らいだ (Yumiya no ya!) Kokoro yuraida 君の手を引く cause I'm your rider Kimi no te o hiku cause I'm your rider なびく髪起す wave Nabiku kami okosu wave 射抜くハートに灯すflame Inuku haato ni tomosu flame 握手交わそう カワウソ Akushu kawasou kawauso あと何分話そう Ato nanbu hanasou ため息の代わりに口付け Tameiki no kawari ni kuchidzuke お洒落にファッション Oshare ni fasshon お喋りバッション Oshaberi basshon
風を受けて走れ Kaze wo ukete hashire 続くこのレール辿って Tsudzuku kono reeru tadotte 描いた場所近づくほどにさざめく Egaita basho chikadzuku hodo ni sazameku さぁ旅に出よう find a way Saa tabi ni de you find a way 君からのエールも抱いて Kimi kara no eeru mo daite 繋いだバトン手を伸ばせ未来へと Tsunaida baton te wo nobase mirai e to
会場小さくないですか? Kaijou chiisakunai desu ka? 愛情足りなくないですか? Aijou tarinakunai desu ka? お願い こっちを向いてよハニー Onegai kocchi wo muite yo hanii 最年長でみんなの兄 Sainenchou de minna no ani 猪突猛進 ちょっとツボ押し Chototsumoushi chotto tsubo oshi 緊張ほぐしてます初通し Kinchou hogushitemasu hatsu toushi ピンチの時は抱きしめるだって Pinchi no toki wa dakishimeru datte 生まれた時から君だけのHERO Umareta toki kara kimi dake no hero
空気以上に台本を読んで Kuuki ijou ni daihon wo yonde 芝居仲間 相棒と飲んで Shibai nakama aibou to nonde 今日も稽古いったい今何場? Kyou mo keiko ittai ima nanba? ワンツーとんでお待ちかねサンバ Wantsuu tonde o machikane sanba 富や名声追いかけて挫くより Tomi ya meisei oikakete kujiku yori 手にするテクニック Te ni suru tekunikku 捉われない固定観念 Towararenai kotei kannen ワンツーとんで石の上三年 Wantsuu tonde ishi no uesannen
彗星の如く現れた(新世代!) Suisei no gotoku awareta (Shin sedai!) ジャンルの垣根越え ダンス Janru no kakine koe dansu 仲間を (タスケタイ!) Nakama wo (tasuketai!) 別にいいじゃん かまってちゃん Betsu ni iijan kamatte chan 今日も勢い余ってターン Kyou mo ikioi amatte taan 指でなぞったシルエット Yubi de nazotta shiruetto シェネパッセピルエット Sheine passe piruetto
SNSより記録を更新 SNS yori kiroku wo koushin メール代わりに魅力を送信 Meeru kawarini miryoku wo soushin ありのまま ごく自然体 Arinomama goku shizentai メリハリつけ目視全体 Meriharitsuke mokushi zentai 小さくまとまらない Chiisaku matomaranai 当てた1発じゃ止まらない Ateta ichipatsu ja tomaranai 涙の結晶 pay attention Namida no kessho pay attention 唯一無二 so so 1 Yuuitsu muni so so one
聴こえてる?リスナー Kikoeteru? risunaa 辛い時は無理すんな Tsurai toki wa murisunna のっけからポッケからキュン Nokke kara pokke kara kyun こう見えて至って単純 Kou miete itatte tanjun 振りカエル前に塗り替える Furi kaeru mae ni nurikaeru おニューのシャツがスタイルに映える O nyuu no shatsu ga sutairu ni haeru 疲れたら浸かる温泉 Tsukaretara tsukaru onsen キミノリズムママが挑戦 Kimi no rizumu mama ga chousen
出身 大阪 マイフッド Shushin Osaka mai fuddo 夢は大きくハリウッド Yume wa ookiku hariuddo いつかは披露したい英語 Itsuka wa hiroushitai eigo 走り続ける未来永劫 Hashiri tsudzukeru mirai eigo
受けたオーディション面接 Uketa oodishon mensetsu ここから始まる伝説 Koko kara hajimaru densetsu 画面をつけてかけるエンジン Gamen o tsukete kakeru enjin 仮面被っていざ変身 Kamen kabutte iza henshin
優しくて大きい志 Yasashikute ooki kokorozashi 寂しくて集うお友達 Sabishikute tsudou o tomodachi ライト浴びたい大舞台で Raito abitai dai butai de 日進月歩 体育会系 Nisshingeppo taiikukaikei
最年少(現状) Sainenshou kakko genjou (**note: he read the "parenthesis") かっ飛ばします ないよ天井 Kattobashimasu nai yo tenjou 西から東右から左 Nishi kara hidashi migi kara hidari 注目の的右肩上がり Chuumoku no teki migikata agari 音が鳴ればとめどねーぜ Oto ga nareba tomedone ne ze お腹鳴れば(ジェノベーゼ!) Onaka nareba (jenobeze!) 出番がくるこのあと緊張 Deban ga kuru kono ato kinchou 伸びてるフォロワーと身長 Nobiteru forowaa to shinchou
エンターテイナー(it's a show!) Entaateinaa (it's a show!) 一杯やってく? (いざしょー!) Ippai yatteku? (izasho!) つけ���じゃないよ (じまつげ!) Tsukema janai yo (jimatsuge) 陰で努力(一夜漬け!) Kage de doryoku (ichiyadzuke!) 真ん中より 愛されポジ Mannaka yori aisare poji 先輩してても時にはドジ Senpaishitetemo toki ni wa doji 直立不動 stay tuned Chokuritsu fudou stay tuned ちょっと只今ゲームプレイ中 Chotto tadaima geemu purei chu
100人に1人の(逸材!) Hyakuri ni hitori no (itsuzai!) 爆進中の(逸材!) Bakushinchu ni (itsuzai) あくまでアクター(ヘビー級!) Akumade akutaa (hebii kyu!) お外でお肉 (BBQ!) Oosotogari de oniku (bbq!) 画面に収まらないので引いて下さい Gamen ni atsumaranai no de hiite kudasai もっと大きくなっても引かないで下さい Motto ookikunatte mo hikanaidekudasai 栄養満点 前転バク転 Eiyou manten zenten bakuten 前人未到の(霊長ルイ!) Zenjinmitou no (reichou rui!)
圧倒的歌うま Attouteki utauma S Ky's the limit Super Star 高身長かつ強心臟 Koushinchou katsu tsuyo shinzou 美声を浴びればクラクラ Bisei wo abireba kurakura 時に天然かまします Toki ni tennen kamashimasu 眩しい光 放ちます Mabushii hikari hanachimasu あと何ステやりましょうか Ato nan sute yarimashou ka Show must go on
投げる愛はいつだって直球 Nageru ai wa itsudatte chokkyuu ベース弾いて スウィングして Besu hajiite suingushite 海を越え轟く Umi o koe todoroku
電光石火練ったネタオチ担当 Denkkosekka netta neta ochi tantou 無鉄砲滅多にないチャンス Muteppou mettaninai chansu 狙う 虎視眈々と Nerau koshitantan to 爪痕出来るだけ残したいこの会場に Tsumeato dekiru dake nokoshitai kono kaijou ni 最後尾まで想いよ届け All eyes on me Saigobi made omoi yo todoke all eyes on me
ステージ映像 全方位 Suteeji eizou zen houi 天使の笑みに全員フォーリン Tenshii no emi ni zennin fourin 奪う心恋は盲目 Ubau kokoro koi wa moumoku 誘う 次の扉 knock knock Izanau tsugi no tobira knock knock 夏季になったら履く短パン Kaki ni nattara haku tanpan 歌詞に出てくるほど食パン Kashi ni detekuru hodo shokupan 先輩後輩の真ん中 Senpai kouhai no mannaka 一点突破四番打者 Itten toppa yoban dasha
頭からマイク握りライミング Atama kara maiku nigiri raimingu 待ってろ君に会いに行く Mattero kimi ni ai ni iku 階段降りから段違い Kaidan furi kara dan chigai 聞かせて そばで感じたい Kikasete soba de kanjitai 作ってみた ミュージック 監視 Tsukuttemita myujikku kanshi piece of cake, スイーツ男子 Piece of cake, suiitsu danshi カウンターブロー 異次元で Kauntaaburo i jigen de dress up 華麗に七変化 Dress up karei ni shichihenge
風を受けて走れ Kaze wo ukete hashire 続くこのレール辿って Tsudzuku kono reru tadotte 描いた場所近づくほどにさざめく Egaita basho chikadzuku hodo ni sazameku さぁ旅に出よう find a way Saa tabi ni de you find a way 君からのエールも抱いて Kimi kara no eeru mo daite 繋いだバトン手を伸ばせ未来へと Tsunaida baton te wo nobase mirai e to
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hanamukes · 6 months
[Translation] Symbol I:△ - Ave Mujica
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Unformatted text dump version under the read more
絵画が燃える  騎士(ナイト)が消える
何がほざく  黙らぬ夢に
私はいる  あなたの視界の陰に革命を描くの
this is the way 背筋襲う光 浮き上がる火の竜と
into the realm やがて出逢うわ西の城壁で
焼けてくロザリオ  逆巻く炎  ilala, ilala,
この記憶 孤高の記憶  神の唯一の過ち
人は皆  完全なものを語れないわ
いつの時代(とき)も残酷さが美を創り 世界は悦んで蠢き出す
闇は報い  何が救い
軋む胸に刻めよ  弔えよ霊を  名もなき英雄を
this is the way 咽せ返る薔薇の楽園に臨めば
into the realm 決まるこの心  いざいま  ゆくだろう
煌めくロザリオ  導く者 ilala, ilala,
この記憶  孤高の記憶  誰も奪えはしないわ
刻は来た  世界が私だけを忘れてく
近づいたの  行き過ぎたの  でもいいわ  すべてを取り戻せるのなら
迎えに来たのね  さあ  私を連れてゆけ
赤く咲き誇る  この哀しい空に
焼けてくロザリオ  逆巻く炎  ilala, ilala,
この記憶  孤高の記憶  神の唯一の過ち
人は皆  完全なものを語れないわ
いつの時代(とき)も残酷さが美を創り 世界は悦んで蠢き出す
Kaiga ga moeru naito ga kieru
Nani ga hozaku damaranu yume ni
Watashi wa iru anata no shikai no kage ni kakumei o egaku no
this is the way sesuji osou hikari ukiagaru hi no ryuu to
into the realm yagate deau wa nishi no jouheki de
Yaketeku rozario sakamaku honoo ilala, ilala,
Kono kioku kokou no kioku kami no yuitsu no ayamachi
Hito wa mina kanzen na mono o katarenai wa
Itsu no toki mo zankoku sa ga bi o tsukuri sekai wa yorokonde ugomekidasu
Sagashiteiru wa
Yami wa mukui nani ga sukui
Rekishi no umi ni hansha suru hoshi yo
Kishimu mune ni kizame yo tomurae yo rei o namonaki eiyuu o
this is the way musekaeru bara no rakuen ni nozomeba
into the realm kimaru kono kokoro iza ima yukudarou
Kirameku rozario michibiku mono ilala, ilala
Kono kioku kokou no kioku dare mo ubae wa shinai wa
Toki wa kita sekai ga watashi dake o wasureteku
Chizazduita no ikisugita no demo ii wa subete o torimodoseru no nara
Mukae ni kita no ne saa watashi o tsureteyuke
Akaku sakihokoru kono kanashii sora ni
Yaketeku rozario sakamaku honoo ilala, ilala,
Kono kioku kokou no kioku kami no yuitsu no ayamachi
Hito wa mina kanzen na mono o katarenai wa
Itsu no toki mo zankoku sa ga bi o tsukuri sekai wa yorokonde ugomekidasu
Sagashiteiru wa
The knights disappear as the painting burns aflame
What is this prattling dream that refuses to pipe down?
Here I stand, hidden in your very sights (shadow) planning my revolution
this is the way, the light that assails my spine takes form as a dragon of fire
into the realm, we’ll meet before long, in the castle to the west
The rosary burns with its surging blazes, ilala, ilala
This recollection, this recollection of solidarity, it’s God’s one and only error
Never once did he claim he made humans to be perfect
Each era is ruthless but finds beauty in its own way; the world certainly enjoys squirming
I’ll seek it out
What salvation do you find in the retribution of the darkness?
O star which reflects the tides of history
Engrave it into your grated heart; mourn the souls of thy nameless heroes of past
this is the way, why not attend the Eden of roses which finds itself choked in tears?
into the realm, your heart has already decided; off you go
The rosary glistens, oh one who guides stray souls, ilala, ilala
This recollection, this recollection of solidarity, nobody can ever take it away from you
The time has come; I am the only one the world has forgotten
It approaches, it goes too far, but that’s fine, for everything shall return to its rightful place
You’ve come to find me, have you? Now, take me from this place
Take me from this sorrowful emptiness, which blooms a brilliant crimson
The rosary burns with its surging blazes, ilala, ilala
This recollection, this recollection of solidarity, it’s God’s one and only error
Never once did he claim he made humans to be perfect
Each era is ruthless but finds beauty in its own way; the world certainly enjoys squirming
I’ll seek it out
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sweetygirl90 · 1 year
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Mi novia se ganó este dibujo por adivinar (más o menos) la edad de mi señor padre(?)
En nuestro grupo amamos esta ship, así que debí haber adivinado que elegiría algo así xD
El original fue hecho en tradicional, solo le hice algunas correcciones.
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avionvadion · 1 month
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Mayonaka has finally been designed~! I also changed 35-year-old Irene's hair and kimono.
Six years after Towa and her older sister Airi disappear, a moth demoness, Mayonaka, awakens from her restorative slumber within her cocoon, having suffered terrible injuries over fifty years prior from a war that took place in her territory.
She's been obsessed with Sesshomaru for over a century, and has always been frustrated that he never once looked her way, but upon awakening learns that not only has Sesshomaru become a daiyokai... but he has also taken Irene, a mortal, for a wife.
Mayonaka is enraged, and sends her minions after Irene in hopes of getting rid of her, but this does little to deter the human, experienced in the ways of battle with her Shikigami, and having InuKag as neighbors and MirSan as friends. And, not to mention, anytime Sesshomaru discovered demons heading for the village with ill intent, he slaughtered them, as he visits fairly frequently to check on his wife and help look after their children- because he is a father who helps with raising his kids.
After two years of zero results, Mayonaka decides she has to take matters into her own hands and curses Irene.
It was a simple curse really, Mayonaka having some of her little moths spread some dust onto her kimonos while they were hanging out to dry, and it started off with just nightmares. It would make it difficult for Irene to sleep, each nightmare growing more and more horrific and taking a toll on her health, but as days to weeks to months go by she is getting noticeably worse, as the nightmares slowly begin leaking poison into her soul. Eventually, she becomes so ill from the curse that she begins spitting/coughing blood until she collapses, falling comatose.
Time continues to pass, but her body grows weaker and weaker. When the Shikigami spirits sense she’s on the brink of death, they combine their powers to cast a spell, placing her in stasis at thirty-five years of age so she would not take her final breath.
Her body is placed in a shrine within Mount Ryosozan, where Tatsunori, her dragon spirit, once lived as a highly respected Kami. The air there is very clean and pure, and will hide her scent. Sora, the eldest child, stands guard, protecting her mother’s resting body at only fifteen years old while Sesshomaru continues to search for who cursed his beloved.
For the next four years, Irene would remain asleep, and Mayonaka will be taking delight in sending Sesshomaru on a wild goosechase trying and failing to find her.
The rest of the plot here:
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charismaofobedience · 7 months
idk some of you would really benefit from doko ka de hoshi ga nagareta
sore wa tagura reru you ni
yoru no fuchi o nazotta
yakeochita tsurugi no hoshi de ousama ga
migigawa ga suishoou
hidarigawa ga sunano hoshi de sanzoku ga
hikarikata o wasureta sumikko no hoshi de kagakusha ga
futo onaji ryuusei o aoida
monogatari no kirehashi o noseta fune wa
mabataki no sukima o nutte tobi satta
yo no kuni wa horobita
hokorobita hadou e no tobira
tachi doku mi o naomo torimaku
shouen to haisen no nokori ga
kiseki no tourai nado o shinjita
higeki no moumai to tami wa itta
jiseki to koukai ni yaka re nagara
hoshi o owareru toubou-sha
monokuro na mado no mukou tounoku ouza
shi ni itaru moudoku to wa risou no shuchou ka
nareba koso hito o toku youda
kouka shi dasu kyuumei-tei
mishiranu hoshi ni mukeru Venez m’ aider
ikasa reta imi o meditate
saiken no hi o yumemite
saisei no Verse
ryuusei ni te o no basu
hajimari ga tsuranaru yunibaasu
tsunaide iku mirai with the ending in mind
yuruginai hitotsu no hoshi ga deep inside
nando datte kurikaesu
kidou ni sotte fumidasu
itsu made mo reincarnation
itsuwari no nai shooting star
aa… chuu ni mau “Stella by Starlight”
kiseki wa ibitsuna hou ga Luminous
myouni shareta nari no kyakujin da na konya wa
ochita saki ga koko ja tsuki mo ochita youda na
moto ousama ka nani ka shiranga touzoku ni wa touzoku no ryuugi ga aru to shire
kubi ga chuu ni mauto ikenee
sekai wa sadisuto na Priest tachi ga kaku jigusoo pazuru
riyuu mo naku hinpu no sa de shinu youna Hypnotize sa reta isutowaaru
naa nodo moto o haizuru kono taikutsu o koroshitai nda
ore mo ubai satte kure mesaia
saisei no Verse
ryuusei ni te o no basu
hajimari ga tsuranaru yunibaasu
tsunaide iku mirai with the ending in mind
yuruginai hitotsu no hoshi ga deep inside
nando datte kurikaesu
kidou ni sotte fumidasu
itsu made mo reincarnation
itsuwari no nai shooting star
aa… chuu ni mau “Stella by Starlight”
kiseki wa ibitsuna hou ga Luminous
harubaru gokurou na koto taisouna hanashi dane
kouri ni ouwa reta koto de seimei wa watashi dake
kenkyuu wa kigatsukeba hito no michi o hazureta
ta ga tame kamo wasureta kami kuzu no youna raburetaa
meikyuu no hate ni aru materiaru
eikyuu o kate ni saku shiroi kameria
shinri no mae ni wa rinri no sakebi nado kase ni naru
oi motometakute oi o tometa
koi kogareta inochi no kakera
subete wa hakuchuumu
mou osoi nda yo to doukoku suru Nocturne
hoshi no aima kara noizu
yozora o sarai
utsusemi no koraaju mitai na starlight
「naze watashi ni kamau nda」
「nite iru ki ga shita nda.」
「onajiana nomujina tteka.」
「negai ni torawarete iru.」
「naze wakaru?」
「me de wakaru sa. nanika o ushinatte garasutama no youda.」
「Kanau nara itsuka furusato ga mitai na.」
「Nara kimarida.」
「aru no kamo wakaranai.」
「koko ni ite mo kawaranai.」
「de wa utsurona kono fune ga doko e yuku no ka kakete minai ka.」
sora wa fusagari
tojiko motta kuragari
hoshi ga otosu usu akari
terashi dasu fushigina tsunagari
futatabi o negau kokoro dake ga jitto tsutawari
netsu o kuberu kagari
uka shite iku sanagi
tsumasaki wa mae ni mukete oku
tachidomatta tsugi no ippo me demo machigaenai you ni
tsumasaki wa mae ni mukete oku
tada ichizuna me de itsuka ayamachi sura medeyou
tsumasaki wa dekiru kagiri tooku fumikomu
furi kaeru toki jibun no kage ga oitsukenai you ni
tsumasaki wa mae ni mukete oku
akatsuki no hate ni tou
kore wa tsumazuki o kate ni tobu story
saisei no Verse
ryuusei ni te o no basu
hajimari ga tsuranaru yunibaasu
tsunaide iku mirai with the ending in mind
yuruginai hitotsu no hoshi ga deep inside
nando datte kurikaesu
kidou ni sotte fumidasu
itsu made mo reincarnation
itsuwari no nai shooting star
aa… chuu ni mau “Stella by Starlight”
kiseki wa ibitsuna hou ga Luminous
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supergenial · 1 year
(translation+lyrics) Atheism by Seraph
”wtf this isn’t the new Ariabl’eyeS album” I know. I’ll do that one in a while but ToTK and work are too distracting, I genuinely just felt like doing this for some reason while I was taking the meanest shit I’ve taken all year.
Anyway, this could easily be a 10/10 song but idk, it goes on for about two minutes more than it should. The intro vocals are definitely amazing though and always hype me up to hear the whole thing. Lyrics down below and see you all next time.
Composer: LifeRubato
Vocalist:  海紅
Tsumibukaki zange no hi Awaremi michibiku koe Kotowari wo tonaite Tada inori wo
On this sinful day of repentance A voice shall guide the regretful ones Chanting a single dogma It is simply praying
Yami ni ochiru sekai Nabiku ryougen no hi Daremo ga obiete Fusaida kuchi wo narabeteru
A world sunk into darkness Yielding to the wildfire As the mortals live in fear their sealed mouths line up
Tsurusareshi nie Sabaki no sanbi no ne Chi ni shita yurushimo Utau koe wa kikoenai
The hung sacrifices Tune a symphony of judgement The ground bearing proof of their atonement As this chanting voice goes unheard
Tatoe itsuwari no kubiki demo Kowasenu shinri de sae mo
The shackles of falsehood Remain unbroken even by the truth
Tsumibukaki rakuen he Torawareshi hito no yume Kotowari ga tozashita Sono noroi wo
Headed to a sinful heaven Are the ones trapped in a dream For the truth is concealed That is their curse
Nageku koe namida tokashite mo Todokanu sukui no ne wa Furikazashita kono chikai de Yuganda tsumi he to kae you
The tears of the mourning voices wont fade The tune of salvation won’t reach them Wielding this oath Let’s change these distorted sins.
Kono koe ga todoku nara Kami no ne ni kotau nara Yami wo terasu kagi to narite Michibikou atarashii sekai he
If this voice can reach you If you can correspond god’s melody And become the key that shines in the dark Then I will guide you to a new world
Megumi ni yowasare Utau boutoku no ne Kakushita namida mo Kabau koe wa kikoenai
Drunk in blessings Chanting a blasphemous tune Even these hidden tears and drowned out voice go unheard
Tatoe itsuwari no akashi demo Shinjita saisei no hi wo
Even if it was a falsehood Do believe in the day of revival
Tsumi wo shiri abakite Awaremishi hito yo Tomenaide tomenaide Sono inori wo
Know thine sins have been disclosed Those who repent Do not stop. Do not stop. Don’t stop your prayer
Aegu koe namida tokashite mo Todokanu sukui no hi wa Tokihanatta kono negai de Tsunaide asu he tamukeyou
Even if the tears of the gasping voices faded The day of salvation yet to come You shall be freed by this wish So offer yourselves for a tomorrow
Kono koe ga hibiku nara Kami no ne wo tadoru nara Hi wo moegaku kate to narite Kanade you atarashii sekai he
As long as this voice can be heard It will guide you on god’s path Let it be the encouragement that drives you Chanting towards a brand new world
Itsuka mita yume habataku sora Todokanu no naraba Semete mitomete hoshii
One day we’ll leap to that sky we dreamed of And if we can’t reach it At least it’ll acknowledge us
Shuuen no kane ga naru Saisei no koe ga naku Naraba sasagou kono negai mo Aisuru hi no kagari he to
The bell of demise can be heard The voice of the reincarnated cries So I’ll offer this wish unto you A bonfire for those I love
Nageku koe namida ga karetemo Nagareru gisei no chi wa Yagate hikaru shirushi to nari Kogareta asu he furisosogu
Even if the tears of the grieving voices fade The flowing blood of the sacrificed ones May serve as a beacon of light to them Pouring on to the desired tomorrow
Kono koe ga hatete nao Kami no ne ga kiete nao Nokoshi tsunagu kono omoide Daremo ga asu he saku Mirai wo
Even though this voice may fade Even though god’s tune may fade These feelings we’ve left behind Shall let you bloom onto tomorrow For the future
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best-underrated-anime · 11 months
Final List of Submissions
Submissions are closed, and below is the final list. Their names may appear differently from those in the tentative list. They are first listed by their English title, and enclosed in parentheses is their romanized source title as listed on MyAnimeList.
86 (Eighty-Six)
91 Days
A Place Further than the Universe (Sora yori mo Tooi Basho)
ACCA: 13th Territory Inspection Department (ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka)
After the Rain (Koi wa Ameagari no You ni)
Akiba Maid War (Akiba Meido Sensou)
Akudama Drive
Are You Ok (You Yao)
Asobi Asobase - workshop of fun -
Beryl and Sapphire (Xiaolü He Xiaolan)
Birdie Wing: Golf Girls’ Story
BNA: Brand New Animal
Bunny Drop (Usagi Drop)
By the Grace of the Gods (Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko)
Do It Yourself!!
Flip Flappers
Flowering Heart
From the New World (Shinsekai Yori)
Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet (Suisei no Galgantia)
Gatchaman Crowds
Girls’ Last Tour (Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou)
God Troubles Me (Hanhua Riji)
Hakumei and Mikochi
Hanasaku Iroha: Blossoms for Tomorrow
Happy Sugar Life
Hitori Bocchi’s ○○ Lifestyle (HitoriBocchi no MaruMaru Seikatsu)
Inuyashiki: Last Hero
Iroduku: The World in Colors
Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? (Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka)
Kageki Shoujo!!
Katana Maidens: Toji no Miko
Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! (Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na!)
Laughing Under the Clouds (Donten ni Warau)
Legend of Luo Xiaohei (series) (Luo Xiaohei Zhan Ji)
Link Click (Shiguang Dailiren)
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha ViVid
March Comes in Like a Lion (Sangatsu no Lion)
Mawaru Penguindrum
Megalo Box
Moriarty the Patriot (Yuukoku no Moriarty)
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! (Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta…)
No Doubt in Us (Liang Bu Yi)
No. 6
Non Non Biyori
Ping Pong the Animation
Plastic Memories
Please tell me! Galko-chan (Oshiete! Galko-chan)
Pretty Rhythm: Rainbow Live
Requiem of the Rose King (Baraou no Souretsu)
RIN-NE (Kyoukai no Rinne)
Rokuhou-dou Yotsuiro Biyori
Run with the Wind (Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru)
School Babysitters (Gakuen Babysitters)
School-Live! (Gakkougurashi!)
Shadows House
Silver Spoon (Gin no Saji)
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle (Maoujou de Oyasumi)
Snow White with the Red Hair (Akagami no Shirayuki-hime)
Sonny Boy
Space Brothers (Uchuu Kyoudai)
Stars Align (Hoshiai no Sora)
Symphogear (Senki Zesshou Symphogear)
Talentless Nana (Munou na Nana)
Tamayura: Hitotose
Terror in Resonance (Zankyou no Terror)
The Executioner and Her Way of Life (Shokei Shoujo no Virgin Road)
The Heike Story (Heike Monogatari)
The Morose Mononokean (Fukigen na Mononokean)
The Royal Tutor (Oushitsu Kyoushi Heine)
There’s a Pit in my Senior Martial Brother’s Brain (Wo Jia Dashixiong Naozi You Keng)
To Your Eternity (Fumetsu No Anata E)
Tonari no Seki-kun: The Master of Killing Time
Urusei Yatsura (2022)
Vampire in the Garden
Vivy: Fluorite Eye’s Song
Wasteful Days of High School Girls (Joshikousei no Mudazukai)
Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun (Marimashita! Iruma-kun)
White Cat Legend 2020 (Dali si Rizhi)
Yurei Deco
Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero (Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru)
Zombieland Saga
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goldenorchd · 8 months
Germany☆Jet Indonesian translation [KAN/ROM/IDN]
Song by: Germany (va:Hiroki Yasumoto)
「予定の出発時刻まであと1分だ! ここからの私語は一切認めん!気を引き締めろ!行くぞ!」 “Yotei no shuppatsu jikoku made ato ippun da! Koko kara no shigo wa issai mitomen! ki wo hikishimero! Iku zo!”
“Sisa satu menit sampai waktu keberangkatan yang dijadwalkan! Tidak akan ada obrolan mulai dari sekarang! Persiapkan dirimu! Ayo pergi!"
せいいっぱいの声で グーテンターク!ドイツだ! 地球(ほし)を飛び越え ジャーマン☆ジェット せいいっぱい進め ロス ゲーツ!ロス ゲーツ! 覚悟を決めて立ち向かうのさ ヘタリア Seiippai no koe de gu-tenta-ku! Doitsu da! Hoshi wo tobikoe Jaaman☆jetto Seiippai susume rosu ge-tsu! Rosu ge-tsu! Kakugo wo kimete tachimukau no sa Hetalia
Dengan suara terkeras, GUTEN TAG! Aku Jerman! Terbang melintasi langit German☆Jet Ayo maju dengan sekuat tenaga, LOS GEHT! LOS GEHT'S! Aku bertekad untuk menghadapinya, Hetalia
輝いた星屑を 慎重に通り抜け 余裕ができたら ヴルスト食べるぞ Kagayaita hoshikuzu wo Hinchou ni toorinuke Yoyuu ga dekitara Vurusuto taberu zo
Debu bintang berkilauan Terbang melewatinya dengan hati-hati Dan ketika ada waktu untuk bersantai Mari makan Wurst
新しい任務は ゼーア グート!ゼーア グート! セカイはひとつ ザ ワールド ティンクル ヘタリア Atarashii ninmu wa ze-a gu-to! Ze-a gu-to! Sekai wa hitotsu za warudo tinkuru Hetalia
Misi barunya SEHR GUT! SEHR GUT! Dunia menjadi satu THE WORLD TWINKLE HETALIA
時間はきっちり グーテンターク!ドイツだ! 宙(そら)を進行中 ジャーマン☆ジェット 警戒しながら ロス ゲーツ!ロス ゲーツ! ナビの設定も完璧だ ヘタリア Jikan wa kicchiri gu-tenta-ku! Doitsu da! Sora wo shinkouchuu Jaaman☆jetto Keikai shinagara rosu ge-tsu! Rosu ge-tsu! Nabi no settei mo kanpeki da Hetalia
Kita tiba tepat waktu, GUTEN TAG! Aku Jerman! Menjelajahi angkasa German☆Jet Sementara tetap waspada, LOS GEHT'S! LOS GEHT'S! Pengaturan sistem navigasi juga sempurna, Hetalia
宇宙船と遭遇だ!! あらかじめ読んだ 本の記載の通り 遂行するぞ! Uchuusen to souguu da!! Arakajime yonda Hon no kisai no toori Suikou suru zo!
Kita telah menemukan pesawat ruang angkasa! Sama seperti deskripsi dalam buku Yang sudah kubaca baik-baik Akan kulakukan!
「わ…ワレワレは…ち…地球人であります!」 “Wa… wareware wa… chi… chikyuujin de arimasu!”
"Ka... kami adalah... pe... penduduk bumi!"
言葉が違っても シュトレーヴェン!シュトレーヴェン! セカイはひとつ ザ ワールド ティンクル ヘタリア Kotoba ga chigattemo shutore-ven! Shutore-ven! Sekai wa hitotsu za warudo tinkuru Hetalia
Meski kita bicara bahasa yang berbeda, STREBEN! STREBEN! Dunia menjadi satu THE WORLD TWINKLE HETALIA
「うむ、どうやら…うまくいったようだな。」 “Umu, douyara… umaku itta youda na.”
"Hmm, sepertinya... itu berjalan dengan baik."
どんな状況下においても できないことはない ほら声を出すぞ Donna joukyouka ni oitemo Dekinai koto wa nai Hora koe wo dasu zo
Tidak peduli situasi apa yang sedang kita alami Tidak ada yang tidak bisa kita lakukan Ayo, mari perdengarkan suara kita!
声を合わせて グーテンターク!ドイツだ! 地球(ほし)が近づくぞ ジャーマン☆ジェット スピードを確認 ロス ゲーツ!ロス ゲーツ! このままいけば時刻通りだ ヘタリア 「協力、感謝する」 Koe wo awasete gu-tenta-ku! Doitsu da! Hoshi ga chikadzuku zo jaaman☆jetto Supi-do wo kakunin rosu ge-tsu! rosu ge-tsu! Kono mama ikeba jikoku doori da Hetalia “Kyouryoku, kansha suru”
Mari berkumpul bersama, GUTEN TAG  Aku Jerman! Bumi semakin dekat German☆Jet Verifikasi kecepatan, LOS GEHT'S! LOS GEHT'S! Lanjutkan pada tingkat ini dan kita akan sampai tepat waktu Hetalia "Terima kasih atas kerja samanya"
予定していた場所を たくさん周って 少々…不思議な 知り合いが増えた Yotei shiteita basho wo Takusan mawatte Shoushou… fushigi na Shiriai ga fueta
Kita bepergian ke banyak tempat Yang telah dijadwalkan untuk dikunjungi Dan membuat kenalan baru Yang sedikit... aneh
「ん?あのロケット…煙が出ているぞ?む?イタリアァァァァ!」 “N? Ano roketto… kemuri ga deteiru zo? Mu? Itariaaaaa!”
"Ng? Roketnya... mengeluarkan asap? Hah? ITALIAAAAA”
予想外の事態も ルーズン!ルーズン! セカイはひとつ ザ ワールド ティンクル ヘタリア Yosougai no jitai mo ru-zun! Ru-zun! Sekai wa hitotsu za warudo tinkuru Hetalia
Bahkan dalam situasi tidak terduga, LÖSEN! LÖSEN! Dunia menjadi satu THE WORLD TWINKLE HETALIA
Note: guten Tag: selamat siang Los geht's: ayo sehr gut: bagus sekali streben: berusaha Lösen: pecahkan(masalah)
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